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Name : Hesty Wulandari

NIM : 20200420024

Class :G

 PT. Pertamina
It is a Pertamina Company. It’s head office is Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A, Jakarta 10110.
 Elzatta Hijab
It makes various kinds of Muslim fashion.It specializes in hijab fashion. It’s head office is Ruko
Istana Pasteur Regency CRA 47, Bandung, West Java ,Indonesia.It provides Elzatta Hijab, Dauky
Fashion Hijab, and Aira Wedding Hijab.
 BBK Electronics Corporation
It's head office is guangzhou, Tiongkok . It operates in electronics such as televisions, MP3
players, digital cameras and cell phones.
 Astra International
It specializes in operations with Honda motorcycle products. It has 187,300 employees in 238

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