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Name : Rizqy Alexander Pratama

Class : XII MIPA 4

How to play PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile is a Battle Royale genre game that was founded in March 2018. This game is
loved by all people because this game features realistic graphics and a fun playing sensation.
What’s more, rich people are also entertained by this game because this game has lots of
luxurious skins that can cost as much as a motorcycle. In accordance with the quality of this
game, PUBG Mobile requires more memory capacity. Thus, many prospective novice players
have difficulty being able to play this game. But over the times, cellphones have experienced
significant developments (including memory capacity, chipset and RAM). So, more and more
players are playing this game. The more players, the more novice players. Therefore, there
are steps in playing PUBG Mobile. Here are the steps for playing PUBG Mobile for
beginners :

Material :
1. Cellphones (Specification : RAM 6 GB, Internal Memory min. 128 GB, High Chipset
(Snapdragon 700+, Helio G70+, and anyelse))
2. Earphone/Headset/kind anyelse

Step by Step :
1. Make sure the PUBG Mobile game is installed on the device. If not, please download it
on the Play Store for Android or the App Store for Apple.
2. Enter the game. When in the game, you can immediately create a pubg mobile account
or you can try guest mode.
3. You need to plug in an earphone for better experience when playing the game
4. After creating an account or entering guest mode, the system will prompt you to write
your name, select a flag, and make a character traits in the game. The name that will be
used does not have to be the real name, nickname, and so on. You can make the name
in the game freely. Likewise in choosing a flag, you don’t have to use the original flag of
your country because it won’t affect who you meet in the game. The matters is when the
game server
5. If you choose to create an account, select the "Train" button. And after that, you will be
directed by the system how to play PUBG Mobile.
6. But, if you choose to entering guest mode, you will immediately be directed to the
7. After reach the lobby, you need to download the “Training Ground” for first download.
8. In Training Ground, you have to go to gun pick-up location. Choose the weapon you
want, but it is recommended to use AR weapons to learn how to shoot for beginners.
9. Don't forget, choose the attachment you want and the scope you will choose. It is
recommended to use a red dot scope or 2x scope. Holo scopes are also good, but less
effective due to unsatisfactory visuals for beginners.
10. Before you go to the fire zone, you can press the settings button to adjust the sensitivity
in playing. And you can also go to the Control menu to customize the buttons in the
game. There are 3 styles of fingers in play and you can choose according to your choice
11. After that, you can go to the fire zone. There are 2 types of training, namely standard
training and reaction training. You can choose one of them.
12. After you train your shoot, you can apply in classic mode to play original. In classic mode,
you will meet random people who are part of your team and you can communicate with
13. To go to classic mode, press the settings button. Then, exit the Training Ground. After
exiting, select Classic Mode. There are various maps that you can choose from, but it is
recommended to choose the Erangel map for beginners.
14. You will wait for 15-60 seconds to enter the game arena, and after that you will go down
in the game arena with your team.

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