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(1515-1572) AND O F O M E R TALON (m. 1510-1562)



1. T H E R A M I S T C O N T R O V E R S I E S : A D E S C R I P T I V E C A T A L O G U E






Walter J. Ong, S.J.

T h i s t i t a n toil b e g o t t h e R a m i s t
clan — no, rather
T h i s t i t a n toil b e g o t L o g i c a g a i n .

T a n t a e molis erat R a m e u m c o n d e r e
g e n t e m : imo,
T a n t a e molis e r a t L o g i c o r u m con-
dere gentem.
— F r e i g e , Lije of Ramus

Harvard University Press

Cambridge, Massachusetts
© Copyright, 1958, by the President and Fellows of H a r v a r d College

Distributed in G r e a t Britain by Oxford University Press, London

Publication of this book has been aided by a grant from the Ford Foundation

Library of Congress Catalog Card N u m b e r 58-10404

(1515-1572) AND OF OMER TALON (cc. 1510-1562)




Walter J. Ong, S.J.

This titan toil begot the Ramist

clan — no, rather
This titan toil begot Logic again.

T a n t a e molis erat R a m e u m condere

gentem: imo,
T a n t a e molis erat Logicorum con-
dere gentem.
— Freige, Life of Ramus


F O L C R O F T , PA.
First Published 1958

Reprinted 1969
(1515-1572) AND OF OMER TALON (ca. 1510-1562)




Walter J. Ong, S.J.

This titan toil begot the Ramist

clan — no, r a t h e r
This titan toil begot Logic again.

T a n t a e molis erat R a m e u m c o n d e r e
gentem: imo,
T a n t a e molis erat Logicorum con-
dere gentem.
— Freige, Life of Ramus

First Published 1958

Reprinted 1969

I. The Gouveia-Raraus Aristotelian Quarrel
II. The Perion Attack on Ramus' Anti-
Aristotelianism and Anti-Ciceronianism
III. The Ramus-Galland Curriculum Dispute,
with Commentary by Rabelais [1+96]
IV. The Charpentier-Ossat Controversy on Method [1+98]
V. The Ramus-Turn^be Controversy on Dialectic
and Fate [500]
VI. The Ramus-Charpentier Litigation over Mathe
matics and the "Prippelipique" Literature [500]
VII. The Riolan Critique of Ramus [501+]
VIII. The Ramus-Schegk Dispute on Dialectic and
Method [506]
IX. The Digby-Teraple-Piscator-Richard Harvey
Controversy on Method [506]
X. The Ramists, Anti-Ramists, and Syncretists
Whose Works Figure in the Ramist Contro-
versies and in Other Ramist Literature [510]



P. Rami . . . Dialecticae libri duo (1572)

[title-page of copy in Trinity College
Library, Dublin] Facing p. [192]

Rodolphi Agricolae . . . De inventione

dialectica libri tres [title-page
of Jean de Bomont's copy in the
Biblioth&que Nationale, Paris] Pacing p. [51+2]

The present book, while it forma an Integral

unit of its own, is published conjointly with the

author's Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue,

which in great part depends on this documentary

study, putting to further use the documentation here

provided and situating the items in the present work

in their larger historical context. I wish to ac-

knowledge for the present book the same debts of

gratitude which are noted in the Foreword to Ramus,

iiethod, and the Decay of Dialogue and which it would

be only tedious to repeat here, although my special

indebtedness to the staffs of many libraries, par-

ticularly in iiurope, and to the John Simon Guggenheim

Memorial Foundation, which made it possible for me to

visit all these libraries, is here rather spectacularly


Walter J. Ong, 3.J.

St. Louis University

September 1, 1956

I n t r o d u c t i o n

1. General Purpose

This Inventory I s t o provide elementary docu-

mentation f o r the study o f Ramism and i t s m i l i e u . It

furnishes a l i s t of a l l e d i t i o n s which I have been a b l e

t o discover o f works by P e t e r Ramus (1515-72) and h i s

l i t e r a r y a s s o c i a t e Omer Talon (the KLder, or Audomarus

Talaeus, l 5 l 0 ? - 6 2 ) , t o g e t h e r w i t h subsidary l i s t s of

m a t e r i a l s and authors i n v o l v e d in Ramism, and l o c a t e s

c o p i e s of e d i t i o n s . It i s organized, so f a r as p o s s i b l e ,

with a view to i t s being used by Henaissance scholars

and others i n t e r e s t e d in the h i s t o r y o f thought,

l i t e r a t u r e , and c u l t u r e who may be n e i t h e r Latin

s p e c i a l i s t s nor p r o f e s s i o n a l b i b l i o g r a p h e r s , although

i t i s hoped that L a t i n i s t s and b i b l i o g r a p h e r s , too,

w i l l find i t usable.

In 1855, Charles Waddington had provided a

catalogue of Ramus' writings as an appendix to his book

Ramus: sa vie, sea Scrita, et ses opinions, but, valuable

as this catalogue is as a pioneer work, it is not only

sketchy and inadequate, but also highly inaccurate (cross

references are impossibly garbled, for one thing), and

often positively misleading. Waddington lists, for

example, thirty editions of Ramus' Dialectic in Latin or

French. There are some 300 listed in the present Inven-

tory, all but a dozen or so of these being from before the

end of the seventeenth century. Waddington, and almost

everyone since his time, is apparently unaware of the fact

that the Rhetoric printed under the name of Omer Talon, ia

very likely even in its earliest beginning and certainly

in its later stages, in some sense Ramus' own work.

Waddington lists five editions of this Rhetoric, specify-

ing three of these as "principales 6ditions" for reasons

unascertainable. But he seems totally unaware of even

the capital French edition, an adaptation by Fouquelin,

one of the earliest French rhetorics. The present inven-

tory lists over 1$0 editions, any number of them more

"principales" than Waddington's three, one of which appar-

ently never really existed at all. Heretofore, studies

of Ramism—which at present fall largely within the ambit

o f E n g l i s h and American l i t e r a t u r e - - h a v e been unable even

t o begin to e s t a b l i s h the c o n d i t i o n of a t e x t . In h e r 19$0

e d i t i o n o f Abraham F r a u n c e ' s Arcadian R h e t o r l k e , Miss E t h e l

Seaton has e x p l a i n e d how she has had t o l i m i t h e r d i s c u s s i o n

o f the provenience o f t h i s a d a p t a t i o n o f t h e Talon R h e t o r i c

by f o c u s i n g upon some e d i t i o n s s e l e c t e d as d i p l o m a t i c a l l y as

p o s s i b l e in the absence o f a r e l i a b l e g u i d e . In an a r t i c l e ,

" H i l t o n , Ramus, and Edward P h i l l i p s , " Modern P h i l o l o g y , XLVII

( 1 9 ^ 9 ) , 6 3 - 8 9 , J . Milton French has c o n j e c t u r e d about the

immediate o r i g i n s o f John M i l t o n ' s Kamist L o g i c , but has had

t o c o n t e n t h i m s e l f with ei,-;ht e a r l i e r e d i t i o n s , chosen again

without a g u i d e . The date 1$67 has become c u r r e n t as the

p u b l i c a t i o n date f o r the Talon R h e t o r l c a , a s , among o t h e r

p l a c e s , in Miss Rosemond Tuve's E l i z a b e t h a n and Metaphysical

Imagery (1914-7)» P · 3 3 9 , n . 1 0 . The p r e s e n t Inventory makes

i t c l e a r t h a t t h e r e were over twenty e d i t i o n s b e f o r e 15&7·

Wilbur Samuel Howell's i n v a l u a b l e Logic and R h e t o r i c in

England, 1 5 0 0 - 1 7 0 0 l i s t s ( p . 2 0 8 ) two F r a n k f o r t e d i t i o n s of

Ramus' D i a l e c t i c with George Downham's commentary (an immediate

source f o r M i l t o n ' s L o g i c ) , whereas no l e s s than f i v e Frank-

f o r t e d i t i o n s appear h e r e .

Ramus' work c o n n e c t s d i r e c t l y b o t h w i t h s c h o l a s t i c i s m

and with the humanist t r a d i t i o n . His works thus have a spread

o f a s o r t which those o f many o f h i s c o n t e m p o r a r i e s , Erasmus

included, do not have. While his most important work is the

Dialectic, this /fork appears as one of a huge galaxy of works

which control one another's orbits and which are consequently-

all given here. There are few authors of the Renaissance

with as many works so often reprinted as Ramus' are, so that

an Inventory such as this should give an unusually full

picture of the total impact a Renaissance man could have

on his age, making it possible, it would seem, to improve

our assessment of a variety of phenomena in Western cultural

history. Here we find, for example, that in this post-

scholastic movement which nominally proclaims death to

Aristotle and to all that he stood for, the ratio of dialectic

or logic texts to rhetoric texts remains over three to two

In favor of dialectic or logic. Or again, the relation of

the vernacular to the Latin tradition is here documented

with a clarity hard to come by elsewhere and all the more

telling because of the fact that Ramiam was the vanguard

of the vernacular movement in northern Europe. The notes

with the editions of the Rhetorlca and the Dialectlea here

show in how many cases the first rhetorics and dialectics

or logics in English, French, Dutch, German, and even

Hungarian, were Ramist works, and the titles listed show

rather definitively the infinitesimal part of iormal

linguistic training which such vernacular works represent

as compared to Latin through even the late Renaissance.

Finally, there is the curious fact that editions of

classical works are much more limited by national bound-

aries than are books on the "arts"—not only dialectic and

rhetoric but also arithmetic. Teachers who conflated

their prelections or explanations of texts from sources

kept out of pupils' hands were likely to have printed for

the same pupils a standard manual of an art, perhaps with

slight adaptations of their own. One interesting corollary

of this fact is that the continuity of Renaissance culture

is, at its hard core, in some ways due more to the arts

than to the classics.

Various observations and generalizations drawn

from these and similar facts brought to light by this

Inventory are discussed in the body of the work which

this Inventory accompanies. They compel re-examination

of many of our notions of the Renaissance, showing how,

despite all the humanist fine talk in favor of eloquence,

dialectic, not rhetoric, tends to remain the dominant

factor in Renaissance linguistic, at least at the level

of conscious cultivation. The medieval dialectical em-

phasis thus well outweighs the classical rhetorical heri-

tage when the accounts are cast up in these basic terms.

The origins of modern encyclopedism and rational-

ism as the development, through Ramism, of medieval arts

course scholasticism i s another phenomenon which can be

traced in the t i t l e s here (see e s p e c i a l l y the Artes c o l -

lectae). Some origins of the post-Copernican notion that

there i s such a thing as a philosophical "system"—30

important both in the Kantian and in the anti-Kantian

camps—can likewise be traced through the t i t l e s here,

together with the incubation of this and similar notions

in Germany by German Ramists, art-of-memory experts (such

as A l s t e d ) , chemists (such as Andreas Libavius or Libau).

The Inventory likewise makes c l e a r t h a t , even in the

Spanish peninsula, the c o d i f y i n g of a l l theology and

philosophy in the Renaissance manuals—which are quite

d i f f e r e n t things from medieval summae—was preceded by

the work of the f i r s t evangelist of Ramism outside

France, Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (see under Dia-

l e c t i c a P. Rami et Rhetorica A. Talaei in the c o l l e c t e d

works h e r e ) . This raises i n t e r e s t i n g questions concern-

ing the impulses producing the most famous of a l l series

of Renaissance theology manuals in Spain and Portugal,

those by the professors at Alcalfl. de Henares (the Com-

plutensea) and those by the Coimbra professors (the

Conimbricenses), f o r Sanchez· case reminds us that the

Parisian influence, so strong in Spain toward the mid-

sixteenth century, could have a Ramist coloring deriving

either from Ramus himself or collaterally from Ramus'

source, Rudolph Agricola, to whom Melchior Cano's work on

the theological loci traces directly, and even sometimes

wor d-fο r-wo rd.

Sanchez de la Brozas had some brushes with the

Spanish Inquisition. Notes attached to a ftw editions

of the Rhetorlca and the early dialectical works here

(Inventory numbers 16, 20, 72, 103) throw some light on

the relations of the Inquisition and Ramism—relations

which may be characterized as usually precarious, but

seldom completely deteriorated.

2. Bibliographical Value

In addition to its value in the study of intel-

lectual and cultural history, it is hoped, of course, that

despite its inevitable limitations, this Inventory will

also be of primary and direct bibliographical value to

librarians and all those who have to deal with the tangle

of Ramist editions. Without attempting detailed biblio-

graphical description, the listings do pretend to exact-

ness and completeness in brief form. Where necessary,

entries are expanded beyond the ordinary brief form so as

to distinguish editions and issues which would otherwise

be confused.
The contents of every work can be ascertained

from the listings h e r e — a s mentioned elsewhere, when the

contents of a particular edition are not given or are not

clear from the title, they are to be found under an

earlier listing of the same title. Every work printed

in any edition listed under the Collected Works is cross-

referenced under the Individual Works, which are chrono-

logically arranged. Thus, by running the eye down the

listings under Dialectlea, one finds in temporal sequence

every edition of the Dialectic or Logic, including the

editions which did not appear separately but in collected

editions of one sort or another.

Indeed, the Inventory should go further than

merely aiding in the identification of editions. It

should serve, to a great extent, the purpose of a modern

edition of all Ramus' works as well as of Talon's. There

is one reasonably complete edition of Talon, but of it

I have been able to locate only eight copies. No complete

edition, and no reasonably complete selected edition, of

Ramus has ever appeared to serve as a point of reference

for his works. It is unlikely that one ever will. The

bulk of Ramus' published writing—not to mention a few

scattered unpublished letters—is overawing, the value of

the separate items extremely variable, and the fact that

they are in Latin discouraging. S t i l l , under one or
another aspect, Ramus' works, and Talon's as well, are
often of paramount importance in the history of ideas
and of culture. I t i s hoped that with individual copies
of each edition in the great European l i b r a r i e s and in
many American l i b r a r i e s here catalogued, modern micro-
filming f a c i l i t i e s or perhaps occasional i n t e r - l i b r a r y
loans will make the procuring of any desired i s s u e a
matter of simple correspondence.

3» Major New Discoveries

Regarding the canon of Ramus' and Talon's writ-

ings, the present Inventory presents, besides a d e f i n i -
t i v e b a s i s for studying the i n t e r r e l a t i o n of the various
editions and of the development of Ramist thought, a
number of major individual discoveries which are treated
in d e t a i l under the individual works in question but some
of which can be b r i e f l y l i s t e d here. Various f a l s e a t -
tributions are cleared up. The question of the autho-
ship of the Rhetorlca published under the name of Talon
i s here aired for the f i r s t time in centuries. The
hitherto unconfirmed report that an edition of Ramus' cele-
brated P l a l e c t l c a e partltlones appeared in 151^6 in Paris

under T a l o n ' s name i s h e r e v e r i f i e d by t h e d i s c o v e r y of
a c t u a l l y e x t a n t c o p i e s in Bologna and ( p r o b a b l y ) Munich.
One of t h e f i r s t French r h e t o r i c s — t h e 1555 e d i t i o n by
Antoine F b u q u e l i n — i s now i d e n t i f i e d c l e a r l y f o r what i t
is: not only on a d a p t a t i o n of t h e Talon R h e t o r i c a b u t a l s o
t h e h i g h l y important companion p i e c e t o Ramus' French
D i a l e c t i q u e of t h e same y e a r , and one of t h e f i r s t French
r h e t o r i c s in p r i n t .
By Waddington and o t h e r s , t h e Algebra had been
thought t o be a work p u b l i s h e d by Ramus only posthumously.
A 1560 anonymous e d i t i o n — t w e l v e y e a r s b e f o r e Ramus'
death—is here I d e n t i f i e d .
Ramus' i n f l u e n c e on t h e Moravian e d u c a t i o n a l
r e f o r m e r Comenaky o r Comenius (1592-1671) has been known
through Comensky's r e l a t i o n s w i t h Johann H e i n r i c h A i s t e d ,
h i s Ramist t e a c h e r in C e n t r a l Germany. The p r e s e n t Inven-
t o r y r e p o r t s a Rami3t Greek grammar which was p u b l i s h e d
a t Prague in 1602 under Moravian a u s p i c e s and which
h i n t s t h a t t h e Ramist i n f l u e n c e on Comensky was p r o b a b l y
n o t l i m i t e d t o , and perhaps a n t e r i o r t o , c o n t a c t with
In g e n e r a l , t h e r e l a t i o n of t h e D l a l e c t l c a — a n d
t h u s of Rarolst method—to t h e o t h e r works i n t h e Hamist
canon and t o t h e development of Ramism a f t e r Ramus1 d e a t h

is now clearly charted. The Inventory also makes possible
the study of the Ramist controversies referred to in so
many current works but hitherto entirely baffling regarding
the sequence of works involved. A further appendix,
"The Ramist Controversies," based on and supplementing
the Inventory, provides the much needed information on
this sequence.

ii.. Coverage of This Inventory

This Inventory lists all editions of Ramus' works

of which I have been able to find either copies or record.
It gives also the location of copies of each work of which
surviving copies could be found.
By far the richest collections of Rameana are in
European libraries. The European libraries listed below
and some few American libraries (those of Harvard, Yale,
and Columbia Universities, and the Boston and New York
Public Libraries) have been checked systematically for
works catalogued as by Ramus and Talon. However, not all
these libraries have been so exhaustively checked for the
manifold works of these men appropriated by others and
catalogued under, others' names by cataloguers unaware of
the state of affairs--for example, under the names of Alsted

or Butler or Dugard. An effort haa been made to find all

such works, and all the editions possible of such works,

but I have generally been content with listing a few copies

of each edition without running all these authors through

absolutely all the library catalogues. In American libraries

other than those just mentioned, only incidental copies

which have come to my attention are reported. For the few

volumes in this Inventory appearing from the late eighteenth

century on, no attempt is made in any case to record more

than a copy or two.

A work such as this can never hope to be absolutely

complete. Even at the very end of a long trek through more

than a hundred libraries, editions of Ramus of which I had

no record were still turning up, although with a relatively

low rate of frequency. The trail of editions becomes par-

ticularly elusive toward the end of the Ramist age when

minor schoolmasters take to putting out editions or adapta-

tions of Ramist works, especially the Dialectic, Rhetoric,

and Arithmetic, under their own names with no mention of

Ramus or Talon. It is in this area that most of the editions

missing in this list will be found. I feel quite certain,

for example, that I have not been able to run down all the

editions or adaptations of the Ramist Rhetoric issued in

iängland under Dugard·s own name or in Germany under Dietrich's

or of the Ramist Dialectic issued in the Netherlands under
Ivendelin's name, or of the Ramist Arithmetic issued in
Germany under Buscher's. A painstaking study of the huge
mass of extant writing of the Ramists and syncretists whose
names are listed toward the end of this volume would doubt-
less yield a sizable increment of further editions or
adaptations published without Ramus' or Talon's name. This
increment would be lese in England than elsewhere, since I
have been able to check my findings for England against
those of Wilbur Samuel Howell, in his Logic and Rhetoric in
England, 1500-1700 ( 1 9 5 6 ) . But even so welcome a work,
while making it possible to bring this tally of editions
to its present completeness, does not malte it possible to
perfect the tally. For, exhaustive as it is in its field,
Professor Howell's book covers rhetoric and logic only, and
that not beyond 1700 (there were several British editions
of Dugard's Ramist rhetoric after this date), and even of
the editions before 1700 Professor Howell does not mention
absolutely all (for example, the I673 seventh edition of
the Dugard rhetoric in the British Museum or the I679 and
1680 printings of the ninth edition in the University of
Illinois Library).

On the basis of the steadily diminishing returns

as this Inventory was terminated, one might hazard the guess

that in all the countries together where Ramism appears
there is perhaps a total of about two hundred further
printings which might qualify as editions or adaptations
of one or another of Ramus' and Talon's works and which are
not included here. But almost all these—except, I should
conjecture, a half-dozen or so—would have appeared with
no clear indication of the fact that they were basically
by Ramus or Talon and would, moreover, present Ramus' and
Talon's work more or less contaminated from non-Ramigt
sources. In this sense they are minor editions. No
doubt, of some of these editions there remain no copies
extant, although evidence of the edition may remain—for
example, one encounters title-pages reading "Sixteenth
Edition" when one is unable to find an extant copy of each
of the previous fifteen.
Nevertheless, despite these limitations, since
I have examined all works which I have found and which
sounded as though they might contain a Ramist text,
eliminating those which do not, when a work which might
be an edition or adaptation,of one of Ramus' or Talon's
works Is not listed here, there is some reason for
assuming that it does not contain Ramus' or Talon's
original work ——even if it does have the name of one or
the other on the title-page—but that it either simply

speaks about the work or, at most, comments on the work
systematically without reproducing it.
Where a title or an edition or adaptation is
given, but no copy is listed, search has failed to dis-
close a copy. In euch cases, the source of my informa-
tion concerning the existence of the edition is always
given. Similarly, when I have been unable to resolve a
doubt concerning one or another item, the doubtful mater-
ial is enclosed in square brackets and queried.

The entries from German libraries represent a

particular problem. In Germany, World War II left much
destroyed or unaccounted for, or stored away in cases
and in various stages of recataloguing. Much about the
post-war.condition of German libraries, even in Eastern
Germany, can be gathered from Georg Leyh, Die deutschen
wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken nach dem Krieg (Tübingen:
J. 0. B. Mohr and Paul 3iebeck, 191+7) > which I have found
extraordinarily reliable.
The libraries in Eastern Germany have been, of
course, closed to the Western world. Their pre-war
holdings are in part included here through such media as
the Abteilung Sammelkatalog in the Stadt- und Universitäts-
bibliothek at Frankfort-on-the-Main. The two large Berlin
libraries, the Universitätsbibliothek and the Oeffentliche

wissenschaftliche Bibliothek (formerly the Freussische

Staatsbibliothek) are a special problem. They are both in

the Ostsektor. A great number of the most valuable books

from the latter are at present in the deposit at the West-

deutsche Bibliothek In Marburg (Iahn), but the principal

catalogue for these books is in the Oeffentliche wissen-

schaftliche Bibliothek in Berlin. At the end of May,

1952, I visited these two Berlin libraries, where I was

told that I should be allowed to work. However, certain

grave difficulties presented themselves, with the result

that I did not work in these libraries after all. The

holdings of the Berlin Universitätsbibliothek and

Oeffentliche wissenschaftliche Bibliothek are therefore

not listed here. Moreover, the cards in the latter library

from which is being edited the huge S&mnelkatalog of German

libraries, so far In print only through the first letters

of the alphabet, have not been consulted. (However, other

union catalogues for German libraries have been consulted,

as the list of libraries below shows.) Similarly, the main

catalogue in Berlin for the deposit at Marburg has not been

oonaulted, but from scattered subject catalogues on hand

at Marburg a certain number of the Marburg volumes are


5. Abbreviations and Form o f Kntrles

In making a w o r k - l i s t such as the p r e s e n t , fea-

turing mostly Renaissance Latin t i t l e s and yet of i n t e r e s t
c h i e f l y to those who are not p r o f e s s i o n a l L a t i n i s t s , the
problem of c l a r i f i c a t i o n - - w h i c h f o r i n f l a t e d Renaissance
Latin t i t l e s includes abbreviation--must be f a c e d .

In the Table of Contents and a t the beginning o f

the e n t r i e s f o r each work, Latin t i t l e s are given English
In abbreviating the t i t l e s , the following pro-
cedure has been followed. L i s t i n g s have been kept t o the
t i t l e s proper, to the exclusion o f t i t l e - p a g e mottoes and
other i n c i d e n t a l m a t e r i a l . In the oase o f f i r s t editions,
or f o r other p a r t i c u l a r reasons, g r e a t e r f u l l n e s s has been
allowed where s p e c i a l i n t e r e s t a t t a c h e s to the wording, but
in repeated e n t r i e s o f the same t i t l e , a f t e r the f i r s t full
entry the subsequent e n t r i e s are in abridged form.

Ramus' name ( o r , in the Talon s e c t i o n o f the i n -

ventory, Talon's name), together with the cumbersome hon-
o r i f i c i d e n t i f i c a t i o n s often a t t a c h i n g to i t — P e t r i Rami
r e g l i eloquentlae e t phllosophlae p r o f e s s o r i s , etc.—has
been r e g u l a r l y omitted except f o r f i r s t editions or at
other times when some s p e c i a l s i g n i f i c a n c e or helpfulness

attaches to the name and/or title, or when the occurrence

of other proper names in the title makes the inclusion of

Ramus' name necessary for clarity. Except for first edi-

tions, the Petrus Ramus (or Petri Rami, as the case may

be) is regularly abbreviated to P. Ramus (P. Rami, etc.),

and the name of Audomarus Talaeus (or Audomari Talaei)

to A. Talaeus (or A. Talaei, etc.). Except in the case

of these abbreviations of Ramus' and Talon's (and of

Cicero's and Virgil's) first names, ellipses (. . .) are

used to indicate any omissions between the words of the

titles given here, but not for the omission of Ramus'

and Talon's names and honorific titles when these precede

the words of the title as given here.

Since such omission of Ramus' or Talon's name to

simplify title entries makes anonymous editions otherwise

unidentifiable, these are all marked with an asterisk,

which in the Ramus section of the Inventory means that the

connection with Ramus is not evident from the title-page,

and in the Talon section that the connection with Talon is

not thus evident. The "ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem,"

or "ad celeberrimam et illustrissimam Lutetiae Parisiorum

Academiam," etc., occurring as dedications after the title

proper are given the first time they occur in a series of

titles but after that are omitted and their place supplied

by elipses (. . .). With these exceptions, all proper

names on the title pages (including Talon's in the ttamus

section of the Inventory and Ramus' in the Talon section

of the Inventory) are always given—those of printers, etc.,

not excepted. Geographical cognomina which are not

really a part of a name—e.g., the "Cantabrigensis" when

William Temple is styled "Guilielmus Tempellus Canta-

brigensis"--are regularly omitted just as they commonly

are in library catalogues (ellipses supplied), except

for first occurrences in a series. Conversely, in Latin

titles, all abbreviations—which today only add to the

general mystification--are regularly expanded with the

aid of square brackets. However, Cicero's and Virgil's

full names, Marcus Tullius Cicero and Publius Virgiliua

Maro are regularly abbreviated to the forms Μ. T. Ciceronis

and P. Vlrgilii Maronis (in the genitive case in which

they usually occur), even when not so abbreviated in the

full original titles.

In anything less than a strictly technical and

complete bibliographical description which would follow

the title-page line for line and letter for letter and

which would be far too cumbersome for the present pur-

pose, it is impossible to maintain the use of capitals,

and hence the variant uses of "i," "J," "u," "ν," "I,"

"J," "U," "V" found on tit-le-pages. Here the spelling

of the original has, of course, always been adhered to,

but the use of these letters, of capitals, and of punctu-

ation—so necessary in cutting a path of intelligibility

through the undergrowth of verbiage—is conformed to

present-day practice for Latin. For the letters "i,"

"J»" "u," and "v" the practice of the Teubner Latin texts

is followed. The ampersand (&) in Latin titles, which

is, after all, only a ligature for e£, is regularly ,,

rendered et. Roman numerals in the titles proper are

expanded to their full Latin forms to facilitate citation

by clearing up ambiguities ("Lib. IX" could mean either

nine books or Book Nine; "Liber I," either one book or

Book the First). These expansions, and in general all

expansions of signs, are italicized (whereas square

brackets are used for supplied rather than expanded

material, as when the rest of a full name is supplied

after an initial). However, in the case of publication

dates, etc., when roman numerals are replaced by their

equivalent in arabic numerals, these are not italicized.

Information regarding publisher, place, and date

haa been kept to the shortest possible form, prepositions

or prepositional phrases (apud, ex offlcina, etc.) as

well as explicatory phrases, addresses, and thq like being

regularly omitted and only proper names given, except

where necessary to distinguish the relationship of two

or more persons. Printers' or publishers' names thus

appear, where possible, in the nominative case to facilitate

reference to them on the part of the growing nunto er of

scholars not entirely at home with Latin. This information

can be regarded as coming from the title-page, or, in de-

fault of that, from the colophon, unless it is bracketed,

in which case it is supplied from elsewhere in the book

(such as from a dated preface in the case of first editions)

or from some reliable outside source. In the interests of

brevity, the first names of the following well-known

Renaissance printers and publishers, of very frequent

occurrence here, have been regularly reduced to initials:

G. (Guilielmus) Antonius, I. (Ioannes) Aubrius, M. (Mat-

thaeus) David, i£. (.aUsebius) Episcopius, CI. (Claudius)

Marnius, and A. (Andreas) Wechelus or A. (Andr6) Wechel.

For other printers and publishers, of less frequent oc-

currence, the full form of the name has been retained or

even supplied (in square brackets) in order to facilitate

Identification of these often more obscure men. In the

information regarding publication, omissions are not indi-

cated by ellipses, but anything supplied is bracketed.

The names of all individuals given on the title-page or

in the colophon as having -to do with p u b l i c a t i o n a r e
r e g u l a r l y noted.
Although complete c o l l a t i o n of s i g n a t u r e s i s not
included in the scope of t h e p r e s e n t I n v e n t o r y , i t is
e s s e n t i a l t h a t the Inventory f u r n i s h some notion of the
s i z e and bulk of the volumes i t l i s t s . The format and
number of pages o r of leaves i s thus given, with f u l l
a p p r e c i a t i o n of t h e l i m i t a t i o n s of t h i s procedure from
the purely b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l p o i n t of view, but with Recog-
n i t i o n t h a t t h i s Inventory i s r a t h e r a p a r a - b i b l i o g r a p h i -
c a l document concerned d i r e c t l y r a t h e r with the h i s t o r y
of i d e a s . The i n d i c a t i o n of format (l^to, 6vo, e t c . )
r e f e r s to the s i z e and to the g a t h e r i n g s in t h e body of
the book--where a c o n f l i c t between t h e two has been
noted, i t i s i n d i c a t e d (1ft ο in 0>s, e t c . ) .
For m a t t e r here encountered in the d e s c r i p t i o n
of the contents of a work or an e d i t i o n , e s p e c i a l l y such
terms as " l o g i c a l a n a l y s i s , " "argument," "dialectical
sunina" or " d i a l e c t i c a l summary," and the l i k e , t h e r e a d e r
i s r e f e r r e d f o r explanation t o t h e p r e s e n t a u t h o r ' s
Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, which appears
c o n j o i n t l y with t h e present work.
Regarding t h e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of f i r s t editions,
i t should be noted t h a t many works of Hamus1 appearing

later than 1 5 5 7 c a r r y a r e f e r e n c e to a P r i v i l e g i u m , a

kind of copyright by royal e d i c t , d a t e d 3 Id. lun. 1557·

As Waddlngton n o t e s , p . 456» this is the date of the

g e n e r a l P r i v i l e g i u m given Ramus for a l l h i s w o r k s , even

those not y e t . p u b l i s h e d o r even w r i t t e n . This grant,

incidentally, shows Ramus as a man o f u n u s u a l l y powerful

influence at c o u r t , a fact w h i c h has been p l a y e d down by

Waddlngton and others in the effort to m a k e h i m a

romantic revolutionary.

The Collected Works are a r r a n g e d In g r o u p i n g s by

types o f s u b j e c t - m a t t e r , the I n d i v i d u a l Works in the

c h r o n o l o g i c a l order o f t h e i r first p r i n t e d e d i t i o n s . In

either c a s e , the editions g r o u p e d u n d e r e a c h collection

or w o r k are arranged in c h r o n o l o g i c a l order. In any one

year, the o r d e r is: 1) separate editions, 2) editions

w i t h other w o r k s . Within e a c h of these last two groupings,

the order is alphabetic by place of publication, Editions

of the same y e a r and same place are a r r a n g e d 1 ) those with

no editor; 2 ) those a n o n y m o u s l y edited; 3 ) those edited

or c o m m e n t e d on by a n o t h e r , a l p h a b e t i c a l l y b y editor or

c o m m e n t a t o r ; I4.) within any o f these last three classifica-

tions, a l p h a b e t i c a l l y by p u b l i s h e r o r printer.

In the C o l l e c t e d Works, the c o n t e n t s are always

given. A f t e r the c o n t e n t s are g i v e n the first time, they

remain the same for subsequent editions with the same

title unless otherwise noted. In the Individual Works,

contents of key editions or of other editions are given

when they aeem necessary or helpful.


Italicized entry numbers—e.g., 131«.— Indicate an edi-

tion In which Ramus' text is notably altered or

curtailed by another (such as, for example, one

finds when an editor amalgamates Ramus 1 Dialectic

with Melanchthon or Aristotle) or editions which are

otherwise radically adapted by editors, as when

Ramus' text is dichotomized in bracketed outlines.

When Ramus' text occurs with a commentary kept dis-

tinct from the text itself, the entry number is not

italicized. Because of the varying ways of entering

these amalgamations in library catalogues and because

of the unequal value or total absence of cross-

reference systems in the older library catalogues,

a complete check of copies of these amalgamations

or adaptations is not guaranteed here; mostly, only

strategically located copies are recorded.

Anonymous edition—i.e., Ramus 1 name (in the Ramus

section of the Inventory—Talon's name in the Talon

section of the Inventory) does not appear on the

title-page of the book, or in the case of collec-

tions by various authors, of the work by Ramus or

Talon Included in the book.

Italicized library symbols--e.g., Lbm, MH--indicate that

the copy in the library in question has been individu-

ally examined and that it is the copy, or one of the

copies, OD which the description is based.

? An ambiguous catalogue entry in cases where there is

only the catalogue entry to go on, at least for the

present· This condition obtains in many of the

German libraries, which are still being reconsti-

tuted after the ravages of World War II.

+ Erroneously entered in library catalogue; entry is

oorrect as given here.

( ) Defective copy. E.g., (Lbm).

t ] Copy which the library cannot locate or which is

temporarily unavailable (hence entry from catalogue

only). E.g., [Dm],

be Copy as recorded in Georglue Draudius, Blbllotheca

fclaasica. (Prancofurti ad Moenum: Balthasar
Ostern, 1625), pp. 1317-18, 131*1-1*4, Uj.ll» etc.
Listings in this remarkably oompendioua work are
not always reliable, but I include most editions
cited in it even when I find no traces of extant
copies because so many of the entries in this work
which I first regarded as suspect turned out to be
remarkably accurate.

be Copy as recorded in Georgius Draudius, Blbllotheca

exotica, a supplement to the Blbllotheca classica,

Just mentioned under "be," of which the present

supplement forms the final section, but with

separate pagination.

π Microfilm copy.

Edition or copy as recorded in Jean-Pierre Niceron,

M^molres pour servlr & l'hlatoire des hommea illus-

tres dans la rtpubllque dea lettres; avec un cata-

logue ralsonnfe de leurs ouvrages (Paris: Briasaon,

1729-^5)* XIII (1730), 259-304, and XX (1732), 64.

This work is quite inaccurate, but the number of

entries from it here unverified elsewhere is very


Photostat copy.

s Edition as listed in David Eugene Smith, Rara Arlth-

metlca (Boston: Ginn and Co., 1908). Many of

Smith's entries, but not all, were, aa of 190Ö,

in the library of George Arthur Plimpton of New

York, now incorporated in the library at Columbia

University, New York.

se Edition as recorded in Bernard Gotthelff .Struve,

Blbllothecae phllosophlcae Struvianae emendatae

. . . a Lud[ovico] Marco Kahlio . . . Tonus I .
Tomus II (Gottingen, 1740).

table Oils term means always a folding chart giving brack-

eted Ramist outlines of the art or subject in question.
These outlines are of extremely frequent occurrence
through Ramist works but are not specially noted
when they appear on the ordinary pages but only
when in these folding additions to the book (which
are often missing in individual copies).

w Edition aa recorded in Charles Waddington, Ramus: sa

vie, aesftcrlts,ses opinions (Paris: Charles
Meyrueis et Cie, 1Ö55), pp. l+lj.1-77· Note that in
Waddington the present BibliothSque Nationale in
Paris is referred to under its former title as the
Bibliotheque Imperiale.

Waddington References by this name are to this same work.

ζ Edition as recorded in Johann Heinrich Zedier, Uni-

versal-Lexicon, 50 vols, and supplementary vols.
(Leipzig and Halles Johann Heinrich Zedier, 1732-

The meaning of other abbreviations used should be

evident from the context.
Referenc θ Is made to the sources here given only

in cases where direct evidence for the existence of an

edition, in the form of an extant copy of the work in

question, has not been found.

If editions listed in any of the above works are

omitted from the Inventory, it is for some positive reason

arguing their non-existence (e.g., Waddington cites quite

a few editions as known to him only from catalogue entries

in the Bibliotheque Imperiale—now the Bibliothfcque Na-

tionale—which do not appear in the printed catalogue,

baeed on cataloguing corrections made since Waddington's


The presence of more than one copy of an edition

in any one library is indicated by repeating the library

symbol for each additional copy.

American libraries are designated by the standard

symbols used in the Union List of Serials. With two ex-

ceptions here (DFo and MHi), these American library sym-

bols terminate in capital letters. All other symbols

terminate in lower-case letters and are for Buropean


Some Cambridge and Oxford college libraries I

have consulted only through the union catalogues of early

editions in preparation at Trinity College, Cambridge,

under the direction of Mr. Η. M. Adams, and at the Bodleian

Library in Oxford under the direction of Mr. F. J. King.

Apart from this, unless otherwise indicated, entries
from European libraries are all from personal visits I
have made to the libraries in question, with the excep-
tion of those libraries whose names are accompanied in
the list of abbreviations by one or another of the follow-
ing symbols.

(cc) Entries from Centrale Catalogue, Koninklijke

Bibliotheek, The Hague.

(fsc) Entries from the Abteilung Sammelkatalog for

German libraries at the Stadt- und Universi-
tätsbibliothek, Frankfort-on-the-Main. Only
unique or rare copies from this catalogue are
noted here. Many of the copies, including, in
all likelihood, some noted here, were destroyed
in World War II.

(Pbn-o) Entries from the printed catalogues of provincial

French libraries in the catalogue room of the
Bibliothique Nationale, Paris. Most of these
catalogues are from the nineteenth century, and
they are not always accurate. There are rela-
tively few entries from them here.

(r) Entries from Repertoire des ouvrages pfedagogiques

du XVIe sl&cle: Blblloth&gues de Paris et des
Departements, preface signed by Ferdinand

Buisson (Paria: Imprimerie Nationale, 1ÖÖ6).

This work is frequently inaccurate, but the

entries from it here are negligible in number.

Ramist holdings in America, as mentioned above, can-

not compare with those in Europe, and the only American

libraries appearing here which I have personally checked

are those at Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton Uni-

versities, the Boston Public Library, the Boston Athenaeum,

the New York Public Library, and St. Louis University

Library. Other American library holdings—for the number

of scattered copies is great--have been listed when I have

come across them, as through the Library of Congress tracing

service, William Warner Bishop's Checklist of American Copies

of "Short-Title Catalogue" Books, 2d ed. (Ann Arbor, Michi-

gan: University of Michigan Press, 1950), and other re-

gional check lists.

ALI Altenburg, Germany, Landesbibliothek (fsc)

AMu Amsterdam, Universiteits Bibliotheek
ANr Ansbach, Germany, Regierungsbibliothek (fsc)
Au Aberdeen, University
AVc Avignon, Musle Calvet

Ba Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio

BAu Basel, Universitätsbibliothek
Berlin: see MBw
BEs Berne, Stadtbibliothek
BGv Bourg, Prance, BibliothSque de la ville (r)
Big Bielefeld, Germany, Gymnasium (fsc)
BM3 Bremen, Staatsbibliothek (fsc)
BRr Brussels, Bibliothfeque Royale
BSv Besanijon, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
Bu Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria
BUs Büdingen, Germany, Schlossbibliothek (fsc)

CAf Chantilly (Oise), Prance, sAninaire Missionnalre
Les Fontaines
CBv Cambrai, Bibllotheque de la ville (r)
Coc Cambridge, Corpus Christi College
Cch " · Christ's College
Ccl " , Clare College
Cd " , Downing College
Ce " , Emmanuel College
Cgc " , Gonville and Calus College
CHv Chaumont, Prance, Bibllotheque de la Tille (r)
Cj Cambridge, Jesus College
Ck " , King's College
Cm " , Magdalene College
Cmp " , Magdelene College, Pepys Library
Cpb " , Pembroke College
Cph " , Peterhouse
CPT Carpentrae, Prance, Bibllotheque de la Tille Cr)
Cq Cambridge, Queen's College
CRT Carcassonne, Bibllotheque de la Tille (r)
Csc Cambridge, St. Catharine's College
CsJ " , St. John's College
CSmH San Marino, California, Henry E. Huntington
Csa Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College
Ctc " , Trinity College
Cth " , Trinity Hall
CtHC Hartford, Connecticut, Case Memorial Library,
Hartford Seminary Foundation
CTv Chartree, Bibllotheque de la Tille (r)
CtY New Haren, Connecticut, Yale UnlTerslty
Cu Cambridge, UnlTerslty Library
DAI Dannstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbib-
DAU Washington, D.C., American UnlTerslty
DFo " " " , Folger Shakespeare Library
DLC " " " , Library of Congress
Dm Dublin, Marsh's Library
DR1 Dresden, Landesbibliothek (fsc)
Dt Dublin, Trinity College
EFs Erfurt, Stadtbibliothek (fsc)
Enc Edinburgh, New College
Eni Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland
Eu Edinburgh, UnlTerslty
Fl Frankfurt-am-Main, Stadtbaumelster Lucius Bib-
liothek (fsc) (this library was completely
destroyed in World War II)
Fsg Frankfurt-am-Main, Theologische Hochschule St.

GEpu Geneva, Bibliotheque Publique et Univeraitaire
GOu Göttingen, Niedersächsiche Staats- und Universi-
GRu Groningen, Universltelts Bibliotheek (oc)
Gu Glasgow, University
HAk The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek
HMm Hamburg, Mathematische Gesellschaft
HNg Hanau, Germany, Geschichtsverein (fsc)
Hu Heidelberg, Universitäts-bibliothek
HVv Le Havre, Bibliotheque de la ville (r)
Iaü Iowa City, Iowa, State University of Iowa
ICJ Chicago, Illinois, John Crerar Library
ICN Chicago, Illinois, Newberry Library
ICU Chicago, Illinois, University of Chicago
ISN Chicago, Illinois, Northwestern University
INp Innerpeffray, Perthshire, Scotland: Innerpeffray
IU Urbana, Illinois, University of Illinois
Ku Cologne (Köln), Universitäre- und Stadtbibliothek
LAb Lausanne, Bibliotheque Cantonale Vaudoise
LAt Lausanne, Bibliotheque de la Facultd de Theologie
de l'Eglise Evangelique
Lbm London, British Museum
LBs Lüneburg, Germany, Stadtbibliothek (fsc)
LEu Leyden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniverslteit
LGj Liegnitz, Germany, Gymnasium Johanneum (fsc)
Llac Lisbon, Biblioteca da Academla das Ciencias
LIbn Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional
LMv Le Hans, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
LPv Le Puy, Bibliotheque de la ville (r)
LRv La Rochelle, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
Lu London, University of London
LVb Louvain, Collegium Sanctl Joannis Berchmans
Lw London, Dr. Williams's Library
LYv Lyons, Bibliotheque de la ville
MAs Mainz, Stadtbibliothek
MB Boston, Massachusetts, Boston Public Library
MBA Boston, Massachusetts, Boston Athenaeum
Mbn Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional
MBu Marburg (Lahn), Germany, Universitätsbibliothek
MBw Marburg (Lahn), Germany, Westdeutsche Bibliothek
(a large deposit from the Preussische Staats-
bibliothek, called the Oeffentliche Wissenschaft-
liche Bibliothek, in Berlin, is stored in this
library but is still largely uncatalogued, the
original catalogue being in East Berlin)

MCr Manchester, England, John Rylands Library
(printed catalogue)
MCu Manchester, England, University Library
MdBJ Baltimore, Maryland, Johns Hopkins University
MDp Middelburg, Holland, Provinciale Bibllotheek (cc)
ΜβΒ Brunswick, Maine, Bovdoin College
ΜΗ Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University
MH1 Boston, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Historical
M1U Ann Arbor, Michigan, University of Michigan
ANS Northampton, Massachusetts, Smith College
MoSU St. Louis, Missouri, St· Louis University
MOv Montauban, France, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
MSM South Hadley, Massachusetts, Mount Holyoke College
MTv Montblllard, France, Bibliotheque de la vllle (r)
MUs Munich, Staatsbibliothek
MUu Munich, Universitätsbibliothek
WA Worcester, Massachusetts, American Antiquarian
MXv Meaux, Bibliotheque de la vllle
IhD Hanover, New Hampshire, Dartmouth College
IIC Ithaoa, New York, Cornell University
TO New York, New York Public Library
INC New York, New York, Columbia University
NNE New York, New York, Engineering Societies1 Library
NNTJT New York, New York, Ublon Ideological Seminary
HPV Poughkeepsie, New York, Vaesar College
NSchU Schuyler, New York, Union College
NoD Durham, North Carolina, Duke University
NJP Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University
Oaa Oxford, All Souls· College
Ob " , Bodleian Library
Obl " , Balliol College
Obn " , Brasenose College
Occh " , Christ Church College
000 " , Corpus Christi College
Ods , Divinity School
Oe " , Exeter College
Oh " , Hertford College
OJ " , Jesus College
Ok " , Keble College
01 " , Lincoln College
Om " , Magdalene College
Oac " , Manchester College
Omf " , Mansfield College
0»t " , Merton College
On " , New College
Oo " , oriel College
Opb " , Pembroke College

Oq Oxford, Queen'3 College
OrU Eugene, Oregon, University of Oregon
Ose Oxford, St. Edmund Hall
Osj " , St. John's College
Ot " » Trinity College
Ota " > Taylor Institute
Ou " , University College
Owa " , Wadham College
Owo " , Worcester College
Pa Paris, Bibliotheque de 1'Arsenal
PAv Pau, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
PBL Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Lehigh University
Pbn Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale
pbp " , Bibliotheque du Protestantieme Franyaise
Pi " , Bibliotheque de 1'Institut Franjais
Pm " , Bibliotheque Mazarine
pmp " , Mus^e P^dagogique
Ps " , Universite de Paris, a la Sorbonne
Psc " , Bibliotheque Victor Cousin{ a la Sorbonne
Psg " , Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve
PU Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, University of
Pv Paris, Bibliotheque de la ville
PVs Padua, Biblioteca del Seminario
PVu " , Biblioteca Universitaria
Rba Rome, Biblioteca Angelica
Rbc " , Biblioteca Casanatense
Rbn " , Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
Rbua " , Biblioteca Universitaria Allessandrina
Rbv " , Biblioteca Vallicelliana
RDv Rodez, Bibliotheque de la ville (r)
REv Rennes, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
RMv Rheims, Bibliotheque de la ville
RNv Rouen, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c)
ROg Rotterdam, Gemeente-Bibliotheek (cc)
RPB Providence, Rhode Island, Brown University
SAu St. Andrews, Scotland, University
STcw Strasbourg, Collegium wilhelmitanum
STnu Bibliotheque Nationale et Universitaire
Su Salamanca, Universidad
TUu Tübingen, Universitätsbibliothek (fsc)
Tv Troyes, France, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c[
Uu Utrecht, Bibliotheek der RiJksuniversiteit
Vbv Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
VDv Verdun, Bibliotheque de la ville (Pbn-c) (r)
Vim Vienna, Nationalbibliothek
VIu Vienna, Universitätsbibliothek
VZm Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Wh Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek (fsc—
and correspondence with the library)
Wit Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England, town library
W1 Weimar, Landesbibliothek (fsc)
WUu Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek (fsc)
Zp Zurich, Eidgenössisches Polytechnikum
Zz Zurich, Zentralbibliothek


with English equivalents supplied for the Latin

titles and with the dates of first editions



Dialecticae partitiones, The Structure of

later called Dialec- Dialectic, later
ticae institutiones called Training in
(1543) Dialectic 1
Aristotelicae animadver- Remarks on Aristotle,
siones, later called later called Lec-
Scholae dialecticae tures on Dialectic 18
Oratio de studiis mathe- Address on the Study
maticis (1544) of Mathematics 31
Euclides (1545) Euclid's Elements 34
Oratio in Gymnasio Address Delivered in
Praelleorum habita the College of
1545 (1546?) Pre sies in 1545 37
Audomari Talaei Insti- Training in Oratory
tutiones oratoriae by Omer Talon
(1545) 38
Ciceronis Somnium Sci- Cicero's Dream of
pionis explicatum Scipio, Explained 42
Oratio de studiis philo- Address on Combining
sophies et eloquentiae Philosophy and
coniungendis (1547) Eloquence 53
Brutinae quaestiones Brutus' Problems
(1547) 55
Audomari Talaei Rhetorica, The Rhetoric of
later called Audomari Omer Talon, later
Talaei Rhetoricae libri called Omer talon's
duo Petri Rami praelec- Rhetoric in Two
tionibus illustrati, or Books Elucidated
Audomari Talaei Rheto- with Explanations
rica e Petri Rami prae- by Peter Ramus, or
lectionibus observata, Omer Talon's Rhetoric
etc. (1548) Conformed to Peter
Ramus' Explanations,
etc., and by corres-
ponding titles In
various languages. 58
Rhetoricae Distinctiones Evaluation of Quin-
in Quintilianum (1549) tilian's Rhetoric 183

Piatonis Epistolae Latinae Plato's Letters Trans-
factae et expositae lated into Latin and
(15^9) Explained 188
Ciceronis De fato liber Cicero's Treatise on
expllcatus (1550) Pate Explained 190
Ciceronis Epistola nona Cicero's Ninth Letter
ad Publium Lentulum to Publius Lentulus
illustrate (1550) Elucidated 196
Pro philosophica Parisi- Plea for Philosophy at
ensis Academiae discip- the University of
line oratio (155D Paris 198
Oratio initio suae pro- Inaugural Address as
fessions habita (155D Regis Professor 201
Ciceronis Pro Caio Rabirio Cicero's Plea for
oratio illustrate (1551) Rabirius Elucidated 203
Ciceronis De lege agraria Cicero's Orations on
orationes illustrata the Farm Law
(1552) Elucidated 204
Ciceronis In Catilinem Cicero's Four Catl-
orationes illustratae linerien Oretions
(1554) Elucideted 206
üiceronis De legibus liber Cicero's First Book
primus illustretus (1554) on Lews Elucidated 210
Arithmetice (1555) Arithmetic 211
Dialectica, in French Dialectic, also called
Dlalectique, also called Dialectic in Two
Dialecticae libri duo, Books, with or
with or without the without the addition
addition Audomari Talaei Elucidated with Ex-
praelectionibus illus- planetions by Omer
tre ta (illustrati); also Talon; also called,
celled, after Ramus' after Ramus' death.7
death, Loglca; e t c ~ Logic, etc., and by
TT55F) corresponding titles
in various languages 237
Virgilii Bucolica expos- Virgil's Bucolics Laid
ita, una cum poetae vita Open, with a Life of
(1555) the Poet 473
Virgilii Georgica illus- Virgil's Georgics
trata, later Preelec- Elucideted, later
tions in yirgilll Explenetions of
Georgica U 5 5 o ) Virgil's Georgics 479
Audomari-Talaei [i.e., Omer Talon's [i.e.,
Petri Rami] Admonitio ad Peter Ramus'] Warn-
Turnebum (1556) ing to Turnebe 484
Ciceronis De optimo genera Cicero's Preface on
oratorum praefatio illus- the Best Kind of
trate (1557) Orator, Elucidated 486
Ciceronianus (1557) The Ciceronian 487

Oratio de legation®, In Address concerning the
French Harangue toucKant Deputation
ce qu'ont f a l e t l e s
deputez (1557) V?3
Quod s l t unlca doctrinae The One and Only
instituendeθ methodua Method f o r Setting
(1557) Forth A l l Subjects a f t e r 493
Llber de morlbus veterum The Customs of the
Gallorum, In French, Ancient Gauls
Tralcte des facons e t
coustumes des anciens
Galloya (1559) 500
Llber de Caesarls m l l l t l a , Caesar's M i l i t a r y
In French, Traictrf de Science
l ' a r t m l l l t a l r e , In
German. Julius Caesar
vom Kriegswegen 506
Grammatlca, or Grammatlca Grammar, or Latin
Latina (1557) Grammar 513
Rudlmenta grammatlcae, or Rudiments of Grammar,
Rudlmenta grammatlcae or Rudiments of
Latlnae (1559) Eatin Grammar A3
Scholae granmaticae, Lectures on Grammar,
Including Llbrl duo de including Correct
verls sonls (1559) Pronunciation in Two
Books 562
Algebra (1560) Algebra $
Grammatlca Graeca (1560) Greek Grammar
Llber de syntax! Graeca Greek Syntax
(1560) 576
Rudlmenta grammatlcae Rudiments of Greek
Graecae U560)
Gramere« or Grammalre,
or In Latin version,
French Grammar III
Grammatlca Latlno-
Franclca (1562)
Prooemlum refonnandae Kotes on the Reform
Farlslensls Academiae, of the University
In French Advertisse- of Paris
ments sur la reforma-
tion de 1'Universltd
de Paris (1562) 588
Oratio de professlone Address on the Regius
llberallum artlum, or Professorship of
Oratio de sua profes- Liberal Arts, or
slone (1563) Address on His~75wn
Professorship 591
Scholae physlcae (1565) Lectures on Physics 592
Scholae metaphyslcae Lectures on Metaphy-
(1566) sics 595

Actiones duae mathe- Two Pleas concerning
maticae (1566) the Regius Chair of
Mathematics 598
Preface sur l e Proeme Preface to the Intro-
des math^matiques, in duction to Mathe-
Latin Praefatio in matics, or Preface
t r e s primos l i b r o s to the F i r s t Three
[acholarum mathemati- Books [of Lectures
carum] (1566) on Mathematics] 600
Prooemium mathematicum Introduction to
(1567) Mathematics 603
Remonstrance au Conseil Protest to the Privy
priv^ ( 1 5 6 7 — i . e . , Council
1568) 60k
Academiae P a r i s i e n s l [Farewell L e t t e r ] to
[eplstola de decessu] the University of
(1568) Paris 609
Oratio de legatione Address concerning the
secunda (1369—bat Second Deputation a f t e r 609
delivered in l 5 6 l )
[Scholae arithmeticae] [Lectures on
(1569) Arithmetic] a f t e r 609
[Scholae geometriae] (1569) [Lectures on
Geometry] a f t e r 609
Geometria (1569) Ge ome t r y öl0
Petri Rami e t Iacobi Correspondence of
Sohecii epistolae (1569) Peter Ramus and
Jakob Schegk 620
Defensio pro A r i s t o t e l e Defense of A r i s t o t l e
adversus Iacobum against Jakob
Schecium (1571) Schegk 621
Basilea (1571) Basle 622
Testamentum (1576) Will 626
Conmentariorum de r e l i - Commentary on the
gione Christiana l i b r i Christian Religion
quatuor (1576) in Four Books 637
Ciceronis pro M. Claudio C i c e r o ' s Oration f o r
Marcello o r a t i o i l l u s - Marcus Claudius
t r a t a (before 1582?) Marcellus Elucidated 61jl
Aristotelis Politica Aristotle's Folitics
Latina f a c t a ( l 6 0 1 ) Translated into Latin 6lj2
[Epistolae v a r i a e ] [Various L e t t e r s ] 61|3


See also under Ramus: Individual Works,

Audomari Talael Institutlones oratorlae
and Audomari Talael Rhetorlca, and under
Talon: Individual '.Yorks, Dlalectlcae
praelectlones in Porphyrlum.
Pour un liart d'antidote
(1567) 6^7
Opticae libri quatuor ex Optics in Pour
voto Petri Rami conscripti Books Written at
(1606) the Wish of
Peter Ramus 648


See also under Individual Works» Brutlnae
quaestlones, Rhetorlcae dlstlnctlones, and
Commentarlorum de rellglone Christiana libri

Professio regia The Regius Profes-
sorship 651
[Artes collectae] [Collected Arts] 652
Dialectica Petri Rami The Dialectic of
et Rhetorica Audomari Peter Ramus and
Talae i the Rhetoric of
Omer Talon 668
Arithmetica, [algebra,] Arithmetic, [Alge-
geometria bra , ] and
Geometry 68I4.
Arithmetica et algebra Arithmetic and
Algebra 686
Arithmetica et geometria Arithmetic and
Geometry 691

Lectures on the Arts

Scholae in liberales artes Lectures on the
Liberal Arts 695
Scholae in tres primas Lectures on the
liberales artes First Three
liberal arts 697

Scholae rhetorlcae Lectures on Rhetoric 699
Dialecticae institu- Training in Dialectic
tion® 8 et Arlstote- and Remarks on
llcae animadversionss Aristotle 701
Scholae mathematlcae Lectures on Mathematics 703

The Ciceronian and Lectures on the Arts

Ciceronianus et The Ciceronian and
Brutinae quaestiones Brutus' Problems 707

Classical Commentarles
Praelectiones in Explanations of Some
Ciceronis oratlones of Cicero's Orations
et scripta nonnulla and Writings 710
In Vlrgilii Bucollca et Explanations of
Georglca praelectiones Virgil's Bucolics
and Georglcs 716

Shorter Pieces
Collectaneae praefatlo- Collected Prefaces«
nes, epistolae, ora- Letters» and Creations
tlones Petri Rami et of Peter Ramus and
Audomari Talaei Omer Talon 717
Eplstolae variae Various Letters 720

Excerpts, Etc.
Varia Varla 722


[Serres, Jean de.] The Three Parts of
Commentaries. . . of
the Clvlll Warree of
France 72If

[Ramus· Own Work in
Manuscript] 725
[Adaptations of Ramus'
Work by others in
Manuscript] 731


Oratio [de studiis rheto- Address [on the Study of
r i c i s ] (151*4) Rhetoric] a f t e r 733
Institutionen oratoriae Training in Oratory a f t e r 733
Dialecticae preelec- Dialectical Explana-
t i o n s in Porphyrium tions of Porphyry
(1547) 734
Academia (1547) The Academy a f t e r 737
In Academicum Cice- Explanation of the
roni s fragmentum Fragment of
explicatio (1547) Cicero's Academia a f t e r 737
Rhetorica, l a t e r Rhetoric» l a t e r
called Rhetoricae called Rhetoric in
l l b r i duo Petri Rami Two Books Elucidated
praelectionibus with Explanations by
I l l u s t r a t i v or Rhe- Peter Ramus, or
torica e Petri" Rami Rhetoric Conformed to
praelectionibus ob- Peter Ramus' Explana-
serve t a , e t c . (154®) tions, e t c . , and by
corresponding t i t l e s
in various languages. a f t e r 737
In Lucullum Ciceronis Conmentaries on
conmentarii (1550) Cicero's Lucullus a f t e r 737
In primum A r i s t o t e l i s Explanation of the
Ethicum explicatio or F i r s t Book of
praelectiones (1550T~ A r i s t o t l e ' s Ethics 738
Ciceronis Topica expli- Cicero's Topics Ex-
cate, or i l l u s t r a t a plained, or
(1550)— ElucidatecT" 739
Ciceronis Partitiones Cicero's Divisions of
oratoriae i l l u s t r a t a e , Oratory Explained
or Ciceronis De par-
^Ttione oratoria dia-
logue i l l u s t r a t a
(1551) 741
Ciceronis Paradoxa Cicero's Paradoxa
explicate (1551) Explained 743
Ciceronis De oratore C i c e r o ' s Three Dialogues
dialogl tres i l l u s - on the Orator Elucidated 7^5
trate (1553)
P e t r i Rami D i a l e c t i c a e Peter Ramus' D i a l e c t i c in
l i b r i duo, Audomari Two Books, Elucidated
Talaei p r a e l e c t i o n i - with Explanations by
bus i l l u s t r a t e , e t c . Omer Talon, e t c . a f t e r 7^5
(1556) —


Quinque orationes de Five Orations on the
laude regiae digni- Value of the Royal
t a t i s (15^8) Station 747
Quinque orationes de Five Orations on
morali philosophia A r i s t o t l e ' s Moral
A r i s t o t e l i e (1548) Philosophy 750


See under Talon: Individual Works, I n s t i t u -
t i o n s oratoriae and Rhetorica.


Opera Socraticae metho- Works Indisponsible f o r
dicaeque philosophise Those Desiring a
s t u d i o s i s pernecessaria S o c r a t i c and Metho-
d i c a l Philosophy 751
Praelectiones in Cicero- Explanations of Cicero,
nem, Porphyrium, A r i s - Porphyry, and A r i s t o t l e 752
Opera e l e g a n t i o r i s metho- Works Indisponsible f o r
dicae philosophiae Those Desiring an
s t u d i o s i s pernecessaria Elegant Methodical
Philosophy 753
Academia, In Academicum The Academy, on C i c e r o ' s
Ciceronis fragmentum, Academica Fragment
In Lucullum and Lucullus 755
Academia et In Academicum The Academy, and on
Ciceronis fragmentum Cicero's Academica
Fragment 757
Collectaneae praefationes, Collected Prefaces,
epistolae, orationes Letters, and Ora-
Petri Rami et Audomari tions of Peter Ramus
Talaei and Omer Talon after


See under Ramus: Individual Works, Audomari
Talaei Admonltlo ad Turnebum and Dlalectlcl
commentarll tres authore Au5omaro Talaeo
(under Dlalectica, 15^^).


This i s Ramus' f i r s t reconstruction of dialectic as

composed of three "parts." At f i r s t , these parts are
natura, doctrIna, and exercltatlo, but a f t e r a few
editions they become lnventio, dlsposltio, and exer-
cltatlo--the lnventio and dlsposltlo having o r i g i n a l l y
been matters f a l l i n g under doctrina. A f t e r a few more
editions, the work i s equipped with Talon's explanations
or praelectlones. Ramus' l a t e r two-part Dlalectioa
completely supersedes the present work, out of which i t
Is precipitated. The Dialectic was to be a curt and
dogmatic, i f not invariable, classroom manual; the
present work i s , on the other hand, highly oratorical,
often hectic in i t s coloring.

Probably the most primitive state of this work

is not that represented by the f i r s t printed edition
here but rather that of the Illuminated manuscript in
the BibliothSque Nationale, Paris, "Petri Rami Dialec-
ticae partition«β ad Franciacum Valeslum Christlanissl-
mum Gallorum regem," l i s t e d below in the Inventory under
the Supplement of Lost and Unedited Works.
See also Remarks on Aristotle and the Appendix,
"The Ramlst Controversies."
The t i t l e D l a l e c t i c a e p a r t i t i o n e s i s t r a c e d to
Strebaeus· misnomer f o r A r i s t o t l e ' s A n a l y t i c s by Ramus»
opponent Jean Riolan the e l d e r , in h i s Ad Dlalectlcam
Ρ [ e t r l 3 Rami una ex p r a e l e c t l o n l b u s ( P a r i s , 1 5 6 8 ) , fol.
7—copy In the Bibllotheque Nationale, Paris.
This work and the Remarks on A r i s t o t l e were
responsible f o r the decree issued by F r a n c i s I , March
1 0 , 1514.3 ( I . e . 15M|.) a t the i n s t i g a t i o n of Ramus' f e l l o w
t e a c h e r s , forbidding Ramus to teach philosophy.

P e t r i Rami Veromandui D l a l e c t i c a e p a r t i t i o n e s , ad
celeberrlmam e t i l l u s t r i s s l m a m L u t e t i a e Parislorum
Academiam. P a r i s i i s : Iacobus Bogardus, 1 5 ^ 3 · 8vo.
[243+85 11.

Notes: This I 3 the "prima e d i t i o " i n Jacques Charpen-

t l e r , Anlmadversiones In l l b r o s t r e s Dialecticarum
institutlonum P e t r i Rami ( P a r i s i i s : Thomas Richardus,
1 5 5 5 ) , f o l s . 19-20—copy In the Bibllotheque Nationale,
Paris. But c f . the immediately foregoing remarks on
the MS antedating t h i s e d i t i o n .
The volume i s not c l e a r l y divided i n t o sec-
t i o n s , f o r there are no headings a t a l l , but d i a l e c t i c
i s divided i n t o three p a r t s , natura, d o c t r i n a , and
exercltatlo. The t e x t does not include any examples

as in the following Dialecticae institutlones.

Petri Rami Veromandui Dialecticae institutlones, ad

celeberrimam et illustrisaimara Lutetiae Parisiorum

Academiam. Parisiis: Iacobus Bogardus, raense septembri

1543. θνο. 58 11. (fol. 13 misnumbered 31)·

Notes: This is Charpentier1s "secunda editio," and the

one cited in the condemnation of Ramus by Francis I»
March 10, 1543 (i.e., 151+4)· There is no division into
books in the text itself, but a dichotomized scheme of
dialectic appears on fol. 57—the first in an endless
chain of Ramist dichotomized tables. As compared with
Dialecticae partltlones (1543) preceding, the text is
altered and expanded, and the various classifications
("rules") of syllogisms, etc., are illustrated with
example s.

In Vbv, MS Ottobonianae Latinae 2172 is a hand-

written transcript of this work, obviously done from a
copy of a printed edition. The MS is written in a
beautiful, but not individually distinctive, late
sixteenth-century hand, the pages ruled off neatly with
large margins, and is bound in parchment from an old
MS; 28.5x19 cm: v+57 numbered leaves, but the text con-

eludes on f o l . 55 v . and the rest are blank; there are
catch-words at the bottom of each page, as in a printed
edition. A few scattered notes in a second hand mostly
take exception to Ramus' statements.

Copies: IU MH NNC® Pbn Pbp Psc Vbv—MS copy

(see note here)

Dialectlci commentarii tres authore Audomaro Talaeo
editi. Lutetiae: Ludovicus Grandinus» 15M>. 4t0·
112 pp.

Contents: see Notes.

Notes: This i s the " t e r t i a e d i t i o " which Charpentier

notes as published by Ramus under Talon's name while
Raiuus was s t i l l forbidden to teach or to write on
The rarest of a l l major editions of Ramus'
works, known to Waddington only through Charpentier's
reference, this i s also in many ways the most important
edition, since i t i s the f i r s t to give the Ramist dia-
l e c t i c i t s d e f i n i t i v e contours and the f i r s t to treat
method as such. There are no numbered chapters, but
f o r the f i r s t time centered headings—blocked-out
spatial organization within a Ramist book thus turns
up simultaneously with method—and three major divisions,

l a t e r styled "books" ( l i b r i ) , designated as follows:
Conmentarius primus de inventione P. 3
Conmentarius secundus de dispositione 56
Conmentarius t e r t i u s de e x e r c i t a t i o n e 92
Although Ramus s t i l l f o r g e t s to make allowance f o r
statement or enunciation among the operations of d i s -
course ( a l l he t r e a t s i s arguments or separate terms,
and syllogisms), the e s s e n t i a l s of the 1555 and 1556
D i a l e c t i c are here in the f i r s t two books. The t h i r d
book, on "use" or " e x e r c i s e , " which w i l l disappear in
1555« t r e a t s c h i e f l y 1) a n a l y s i s ; 2) obscurity and ambig-
u i t y and various f a l l a c i e s (despite Ramus' declared prin-
c i p l e of not t r e a t i n g e r r o r s , he s l i p s into the usual
pattern which had put A r i s t o t l e ' s S o p h i s t i c s a t the end
of the Organon and t r e a t s e r r o r s a f t e r a l l at the end
h e r e ) ; 3) maxims or d l g n l t a t e s or f i r s t p r i n c i p l e s , a
section which r e a l l y belongs to and i s l a t e r absorbed by
the section on method.
Despite Ramus' s t r i c t u r e s against ambiguity, h i s
present t i t l e i s an example of ambiguity unexcelled:
Three Commentaries on D i a l e c t i c Published under the
Authorship of Omer Talon. The p r i n t e r ' s motto on the
t i t l e - p a g e I s an i l l - c o n c e a l e d r e f l e c t i o n on F r a n c i s I's
condemnation of Ramus: " I n Domino p r a e s t a t , mellusque e s t
f i d e r e solo quam se principibus credere m i l l e v i r i s . "
There i s no introductory material a t a l l preceding the

Copies« Ba Mo SU1" Müs

Instltutionum dialecticarum libri tres, ad Carolum

Lotharingum Cardinalem Guisianum. Lutetiae: Ludovious

Grandinus, 1547» mense augustl. 8vo. [llj.]+173+[l ]


Contenta: see Notes.

Notea: This is Charpentier1s "quarta editio."

There are no numbered chapters, but many centered

headings, with the contents of the work divided as fol-
lows: Ramus' preface to Cardinal Guise
Liber I, [De inventione.]
Liber II, [De dispositione.]
Liber III, [De exercitatione.]
Noteworthy positions: "Dialectica virtus est

disserendi" (p. 1). The parts of dialectic are inventio

and dlsposltlo.

Copies: HVv Omt Ps£ Rbn RDv VIn

Dlalecticae institutiones ad celeberrimam et illustris-
simam Lutetiae Parisiorum Academiam. Lugduni: Theo-
baldus Paganus, 154-7· 8vo. 77 pp.

Copies: BEs BSv Pm Rbn

Dlalectlcae Instltutlones. Paris: 1548· refer-

ences to this supposed edition which I have seen trace

to Jacob Brucker (Bruckerus). Hlstorla crltlca phlloso-

phlae, Tom. IV, Para II (Leipzig, 1766), p. 573·

Instltutlonum dlalectlcarum llbri tres. · . .Postroma
edlto. Parlslls: Ioannes Rolgny, 1549(colophon reads,
excudebat Matthaeus David, 13 cal. febr. 1549)· 8vo.
188+[1] pp.

Notes: This and the next two editions correspond to

Charpentler's "quarta editto."

Copies: Ob

Instltutlonum dlalectlcarum librl tres. . . .Postrema

edltlo. Parlslls: M. David, 1549 (colophon reads,
excudebat Matthaeus David, 13 cal. feb. 1549). 8vo.
188+[1] pp.

Motes: See note with preceding edition.

Copies: BAu Pbn+

Inatitutionum dialecticarum libri tres. . . .Postrema

editio. Parisiis: M. David, 1550, 8 cal. dec. 8vo.

188+[1 ] pp.

Note3: See note with edition above, Parisiis: Roigny,


Copies: MUu? Pbn Rbn Zz

Inatitutionum dialecticarum libri tres, Audomari Talaei

praelectionibus illuatrati. . . .Parisiis: M. David,

1550. 8vo. 350+[1] pp.

Notes: This is doubtless the "quinta editio" supposed,

but not positively identified, by Charpentier.

Copies: Gu Ku MUu? NcD Rbn


Inatitutionum dialecticarum libri tres, Audomari Talaei

praelectionibus illuatrati. . . .Parisiis: M. David,

1552, non. ian. 8vo. 350 pp.

Notes: This and the following editions with Talon's

praelectlones before 1555 correspond to Charpentier»s
"sexta editio."

f53 ]
Copies: Dt LIbn Pa Rbn REv Tv


Inatitutionum dialeotioarum libri tres . . . A.

Talaei praelectionlbus lllustrati. Lugduni: Guliel-
mus Rovillius, 1553. Ivo. 381 pp. See note
with 1552 edition above.

Copies: Ba BEa Psg_ LRv Müs? MXv Pa

Inatitutionum dlalectlcarum libri tres* Omnia lam
recens sedulo recognlta et excuse. Lugduni: Theobaldue
Faganus, 1553· θνο. 151+[1] pp.

Copies: MUa? Ybv


Inetltutlonum dlalectlcarum libri tres, A. Talaei

praelectionlbus lllustrati. Castignatiua multo quam
antehac excusl. Coloniae Agrlpplnae: Gualtherus
Fabriolus, 1554* θνο. 381 pp. See note with
1552 edition above.
Copies: Eu Ku Müs Müs Pa

Institutionum dialecticarum l i b r i t r e s Parisiis:
L. Grandinus, 155J+· [8]+288 pp.

Notes; This i s Charpentler 1 3 "septima e d l t i o . "

Copies: Dt Ob Pa Pbn Rbc RMv STcw

Uu V2m

Institutionum dialecticarum l i b r i t r e s . . . A.
Talaei p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s i l l u s t r a t i . B a s i l e a e : Nicolaus
Episcopius j u n i o r , 1554· 8vo. 3 7 4 + Ι Ι β ] ΡΡ·

Notes: The Rby copy has Ramus' name blacked out every-
where i t occurs i n the b o o k — i . e . , on a l l title-pages,
in a l l running heads, e t c . See a l s o 2 0 , 7 2 , 1 0 3 .

Copies: BÜ (LIbn) MUs Rbv STnu VIn.


Institutionum dialecticarum l i b r i t r e s . . . .Lugduni:

Theobaldus Paganus, 1557. 8vo. I 5 l + [ 1 ] pp.
Copies: Pmp

In 701 ( 1 5 7 5 ) .

In 702 (1766).


This is a series of insistent, if captious,

lectures proposing a reconstltution of all philosophy

in ways contrary to the views of "Aristotelians."

Ramus' Latin is here at its voluble best, entertaining

and full of calculated histrionics and of a burlesque

springing from warm and well-merited indignation but

often based ultimately on nothing better than cold mis-

representation—Ramus was at a loss to find what was

really wrong. Enlarged, if not always clarified, in

later editions which attempt to justify earlier posi-

tions, the once brief work is, in these later editions,

thereupon divided into twenty separate books and has the

llbrl vlglntl added to its title. But even then, it

undergoes further revision, as in the 1569 edition.

Although they are taken as revisions here, these later

productions could be considered as separate works dis-

playing the same, or nearly the same, title as the 15^3


By the time this work gets to the twenty-book

stage, it is organized around the Organon of Aristotle

and the preliminary works, such as Porphyry's, which had

accrued to the Organon—organized, that is, like the

ordinary medieval or Renaissance logic course. But this

organization is adopted by Ramus so that he can attack

the course from every face it presented. See also Train-

ing In Dialectic and The One and Only Method.


Petri Rami Veromandui Aristotelicae animadversiones.

Parisiis: Iacobus Bogardus, mense septembri 15^3· 8vo.

81 11.

Notes: This is the edition which figures in Francis I's

condemnation of Ramus, March 10, 1543 (i.e., I5i|4)·

Copies: ICN IN j,IH NNC m Pa Pbn Psc



Aristotelicae animadversiones. Lugduni: Godofrldus et

Marcellus Bering!, 8vo. 128 pp. (some


Copies: Ob Bu Oj Pm Rbn Vbv


Aristotelicae animadversiones. Lugduni: Antonius Vin-

centius, 151|5 (colophon reads, Godefridus et Marcellus

Beringi, fratres, excudebant, 1545)· 8vo. 8 PP·

Notea: The Rbv copy has Ramus' name blacked out every-
where It occurs in the book—i.e., on all title-pages,
in all running heads, etc., and is also inscribed "Petri
Rami haeretici damnati." The blacking out probably
means that the book, in sixteenth century Rome suspect
because by a heretic, had been examined and Judged harm-
less after all—i.e., the fact that it was by Ramus did
not count, so his name was struck out. See also l6, 72,103·
Copies; Dt Rbv

Animadversionum Aristotelicarum libri vlglnti: ad Carolum
Lotharingum Cardinalem Guisianum. Lutetiae: Ioannes
Roigny, 15^8 (colophon reads, excudebat Matthaeus David
menae mail 15^8). 8vo. [l6]+lj.73+[3 ] pp.

Contents by books: --I. De prlmis dialecticae princi-

piis.—II. De terminis.--III. De praedicabilibua
Porphyrii.—IV. De praedicamentis.— V. De interpreta-
tione.—VI. De abundantla propositionum et de inventione
medii»—VII. In Posteriorum analyticorum I.—VIII. In
Posterioren analyticorum II.— IX-XVI. In Topica I-VIII»
— XVII. In Analyticorum priorarum I . — XVIII. In
Analyticorum priororum II.— XIX. De methodo.— XX. De

Copies: ICu) LIbn Müs? Pm Pbn Pbn

Pbp Psc Psc RI.1v

Anlmadversionum Aristotelicarum libri viginti . . . .

Lutetiae: Μ. David, 15J+8, mense mail. 8vo.

[l6]+473+[3] PP-

Copies: BAu BEa CHv MUs? Pa Ps£ Rbn


Anlmadversionum Aristotelicarum libri vlglntl . . . .

Ed. 2a. Lutetiae: Μ. David, 1549 (colophon reads, 2 cal.

mar. 1550). 8vo. 375 ΡΡ·

Notes: Same titles for the individual books as in the

15^8 Roigny Paris edition above.

Copies: CRv GU MH MUs Pa Pbn Rbn


Anlmadversionum Aristotelicarum libri vlglnti . . . .
Ed. 2a. Lutetiae: Ludovicus Grandinus, 1550 (colophon
reads, excudebat Matthaeus David, 2 cal. mar. 1550).

Copies: VZm

[59 3
Aristotelicarum anlmadversionum l i b e r nonus e t decimu3
in P o s t e r i o r e a n a l y t i c a : ad Caroluin Lotharingum Cardi-
nalem. P a r i a i i s : Carolus Stephanus, 1553· θνο.
246 pp. (some misnumbered).

Notes: These books do not correspond to the L i b . IX

and X of the foregoing e d i t i o n s but to L i b . IX and X
of the following 1556-1560 e d i t i o n , of which they are
an e a r l i e r redaction, revised somewhat in the 1556' and
1560 e d i t i o n s . The preface to the present work, to the
Cardinal of Lorraine, i s dated 1553 c a l . i a n . (i.e.,

Copies: Pa Pac Rbn

Anlmadversionum Aristotelicarum l l b r i v l g l n t l , nunc
denuim ab authore r e c o g n i t i e t a u c t l . . . .
P a r i s l i s : A. Wechelus, 1556. 8vo. [l6]+328+[8]+
271+11)1 + [ 3 ] pp.

Contents: (parts 2 , 3 , and ^ have separate title-

pages, a l l dated 1556, but parts 3 and J4. are continu-
ously paginated):
1) [ L l b r i I - V I I I , de C a t e g o r i i s , de I n t e r p r e t a t i o n ,
de Prioribus a n a l y t i c i s ] . - - 2 ) L i b r l IX e t X in Pos-
t e r i o r e a n a l y t i c a . — 3 ) L i b r i octo [XI-XVIII] in

totlvdem A r i s t o t e l i s Topica.—14.> L i b r i XIX e t XX

i n Elenchos [begins on p . 9l o f l a s t section].

Notes: The Pbn and Rbc c o p i e s — a s perhaps o t h e r s of

the c o p i e s not s t u d i e d i n d i v i d u a l l y ( i . e . , thoee not

italicized)—are d e f e c t i v e only i n t h i s s e n s e : f o r the

second p a r t ( L i b r i IX e t X) with i t s t i t l e - p a g e dated

1556 a s d e s c r i b e d h e r e , t h e r e i s s u b s t i t u t e d the 1560

P a r i s e d i t i o n o f the sane L i b r i IX e t X ( l i s t e d

separately below).

The P r i v i l e g i u m i s dated i d . s e p t . 1555·

This work i s n o t a mere r e o r d e r i n g of the

books i n the Roigny and David e d i t i o n s above, but a

r e w r i t t e n work.

Although the p r e f a c e to p a r t 3 ( L i b r i IX e t X)

i s the same and b e a r s the same date as t h a t o f the 1553

e d i t i o n of t h e s e books l i s t e d above, the t e x t o f the

books themselves i s here changed, r a t h e r s l i g h t l y : the

Greek phrases i n Ramus' commentary have been done away

with and troublesome p a s s a g e s , such as those on method,

altered. See 27 (1557).

Copies: Ba GOu Gu MoSU MUs Ob Pa

(Pbn) (Pbn) Pbp Pm (Rbc) Rbn Vbv

Animadversionum Aristotelicarum librl octo In totidem

Aristotells Toplea: ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem.

Parislis: A. Wechelus, 1556. 8vo. 80 pp.

Copies: Pao

Quod alt unica doctrlnae lnstituendae methodus: locua

β nono Animadversionum P. Rami ad Carolum Lotharingum

Cardinalem. Parislis: A. Wechelus, 1557· 8vo.

22 11.

Notes: See this title as separately listed below In

the Inventory (1557)·

This excerpt corresponds exactly to pp. 37-76
of Llbrl IX et X In Ramus' Animadversionum Aristote-
licarum llbrl vlglntl (1556) listed above, except for
the fact that It prefixes to Ramus' commentary the few
lines In Greek out of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics
which the comnentary deals with, namely, Book I, chap.
11, sec. 10 (71a 33 to 72a 5«ITpoi Lf<< · - · <*λλνη λοι 5,)·
It is a rewriting of the corresponding section in the
1553 Aristotelicarum animadversionum liber nonus et
declmus (q.v. above).

In t h i s work, one i s a t the dead c e n t e r of the
a x i s on which Ramism t u r n s , f o r Ramism i s dialectic,
d i a l e c t i c i s method, and t h i s i s the t h e o r e t i c a l under-
pinning of method. Ramue i s not f i n i s h e d a d j u s t i n g the
underpinning even here i n 1 5 5 7 · In the corresponding
passage i n the 1569 Sch. l i b , a r t . , he amputates most of
what he had w r i t t e n h e r e , r e f e r r i n g the r e a d e r to what
Talon had added on method i n h i s e x p l a n a t i o n of Ramus'
Dialectlca. Talon died i n 1 5 6 2 . The l a s t r e d a c t i o n
of the D i a l e c t i c b e f o r e t h i s date with T a l o n ' s p r e l e c -
t i o n s ( P a r i s , 1560) does not have t h i s m a t e r i a l a t a l l ,
but the 1 5 6 6 e d i t i o n , i n which T a l o n ' s p r e l e c t i o n s have
been r e w r i t t e n by Ramus himself a f t e r T a l o n ' s death does
have i t , pp. 3 9 ^ - 4 3 0 — r e v i s e d e x t e n s i v e l y as compared
with the present work. The 1569 B a s l e D i a l e c t i c revises
the m a t e r i a l s t i l l f u r t h e r , pp. ^66-563, i n p r e l e c t i o n s
s t i l l a t t r i b u t e d to Talon.
The complicated h i s t o r y of these r e v i s i o n s —
154.8, 1 5 5 3 , 1 5 5 7 , 1 5 6 6 , 1569— shows the uneasiness of
Ramus regarding h i s b a s i c t h e o r e t i c a l s t a n d . He f i n a l l y
s o l v e s the problem by an unusual manoeuvre—secret intel-
l e c t u a l s u i c i d e committed by proxy— throwing the r e -
s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r the l a t e s t explanation which he himself
has devised onto the shoulders of a f r i e n d , Talon, f o r
some time deceased.

Copies: Bu MoSU MUs Pbn Pm Pm Pm


Animadveralonum Aristotelicarum l i b r i nonus e t declmus

in Posteriora analytica: ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardi-

nalem. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1560. 8vo.

[163+271 pp.

Note a; The body of t h i s work, pp. 1-271, la e n t i r e l y

from the same setting of type as the correapondlng

second part of the 1556 Anlmadv. A r l a t . l i b « viglntl

above, ühe t i t l e - p a g e and preface, pp. [ l ] - [ l 6 ] , have

been r e s e t , but, apart from the correction of the

e r r a t a , the preface remains the same and haa, of courae,

the sane dating, 1553 c a l . Ian. [1·Θ·, l52|i|.]·

Copies: Pbn Pbn Psc Rbc

In 695 (1569).

Contents: See Notes.

Notes: The text I s revised In places as compared with

both the 1553 and the 1556 edltlona above. See 27.
The subject-matter by books I s as f o l l o w s : I.
History of Logic, I I . Nature of L o g i c . I I I . Porphy-
r l l Isagoge. I V . De praedlcamentls. V. De i n t e r p r e t s -

tione I . r VI. De i n t e r p r e t a t i o n I I . V I I . Analyti-
corum priorum I . V I I I . Analyticorum priorum I I .
IX-X. Analytioa posteriore. XI-XVIII. Topicorum
I-VIII. XIX. De elencho inventionis. XX. De elencho
d i s p o s i t i o n i s , with a corollary on the use of d i a l e c t i c .

In 701 (1575)

Notes: This i s c l e a r l y the edition which Waddington,

p. 1j45> notes he was unable to t r a c e .

In 696 (1578).


Scholarum dialecticarum seu Animadverslonum in Organum

Aristotelis l i b r i vlglntl. Recena emendati per Ioannem
Piscatorem . . . . Francofurti: A. Wechelus, 1581.
8vo. 5 9 7 + [ l ] + [ 1 7 J PP.
Copies: Ba CPv Ku MH NjP Ob pbn
Pm Rbn STnu STnu Zz

In 697 (1581).

I n 698 (1595)

In 702 (1766)


Ramus gave this address In his College de
l'Ave Maria at the opening of the school year follow-
ing the decree forbidding him to teach philosophy.
He acknowledges the allegiance which Talon and
Bartholomew Alexandre of Champagne have professed for
him and explains that In his teaching he adds to the
study of Talon's rhetoric and Alexander's Greek gramnar
something a little higher« mathematics« tne earliest
science, known even before grammar, rhetoric, and
philosophy were got up by the Creeks. In teaching
mathematics, Ramus adds, he will have regard for his
pupils' tender years.

Petri Rami Oratio de studils mathematicls. ] Fols. 9 - 1 6
In: Tres orationes a tribua liberaliuxn disciplinarum
professoribus, Petro Ramo, Audomaro Talaeo, Bartho-

loraaeo Aj-exandro, Lutetiae in Gymnaaio Mariano habitae,
e t ab eorum d i s c i p u l i s exceptae, anno aalutia 151^4»
pridie nonas novembria. [ P a r i a i i a : ] I . Bogardus,
[151+4]. l|.to. l 6 11.

Copiea: GOu Müs Ob Pbn Pac VIn

In 717 (1577).

In 718 (1599)·


P. Rami Oratio de atudiia mathematicia. Pp. 506-523 i n :

I u l i i Caeaaria S c a l i g e r i Epistolae e t orationea . . . .
aeoraum acceaaere Ioannia Thomas P r e i g i i orationea octo.
Hanoviae: Guilielmua Antonias, l 6 0 3 . 12mo. [43+523
Copiea: Cu Cu

P. Rami Oratio de atudiia mathematicia. Pp. 506-523 i n :
I u l i i Caeaaria S c a l i g e r i Epistolae e t orationea . . . .
aeoraum acceaaere Ioannia Thomae P r e i g i i orationes octo.
[Ed. by F. Dousa.] Hanoviae: l 6 l 2 . 12mo. [lj.]+523
pp. Table.
Copies: BAu Lu NNC

This Ramus' L a t i n r e n d i t i o n of Books I-XV of
E u c l i d ' s Greek Elements of geometry» was c a l c u l a t e d to
make the Elements more a c c e s s i b l e to school boys (and
their masters)·

[Euclides?] P a r i s i i s : Ludovicus Grandinus, 15^5·
8vo. 101). pp.

Hotee; In the Pbn copy, the only copy I have found,

the missing s i g n a t u r e s , a j - u , almost c e r t a i n l y c o n t a i n ,
with the t i t l e - p a g e , the same preface by Ramus as i n
the following 15l|9 edition—Waddington so i n d i c a t e s ,
b u t , l i k e l y enough, by conjecture only. In the pages
extant i n t h i s copy, there i s no a t t r i b u t i o n to Ramus,
but the t e x t corresponds e x a c t l y to t h a t i n the f o l -
lowing 1 ^ 9 e d i t i o n . See a l s o Charles Thomas-Stanford,
Early Editions of E u c l i d ' s Elements (London: B i b l i o -
graphical S o c i e t y , 1 9 2 6 ) , p. 3 5 ·

Copies: (Pbn)

Euclldes. P a r i s i i s : Thomas Richardus, 1549· 8v°«

55 1 1 .

Notes; Although Ramus' name does not occur on the

t i t l e - p a g e , the p r e f a c e , dated 5 c a l . f e b . 1544 i s

headed as from Petrus Ramus to Charles o f L o r r a i n e ,

Archbishop of Rheims.

Copies: Lbm NNC Pbn+ Pbn+


Euclides Elementorum l i b r i quindecim. Parisiis:

T. Richardus, 1558. 4to· 11.
Notes: Although Ramus' name does not occur on the
t i t l e - p a g e , i t occurs again as in the preceding 1549
i s s u e , the preface here being the same with the same
Copies: Lbm


This i s Ramus' inaugural address on h i s
i n s t a l l a t i o n as a c t i n g r e c t o r of the College de P r e s l e s ,
December 1 , 1545«

Oratio habita L u t e t i a e i n gymnasio Praelleorum, cal.
dec. 1545· P a r i s i i s : Iacobus Bogardus, 1545· 4to·

Notes: I do not f i n d t h i s e d i t i o n i n n, but Wadding-

ton's l i s t i n g , i f a s c r i b e d by e r r o r t o a wrong source,

I s perhaps r i g h t , f o r , by analogy with Ramus' o t h e r o r a -

t i o n s , t h i s one was quite probably p r i n t e d the y e a r It

was d e l i v e r e d , although I have found no r e c o r d of any copy.

Copies: w c i t i n g η (erroneously)

I n 717 ( 1 5 7 7 ) .

In 718 ( 1 5 9 9 ) .


For Ramus' p a r t i n t h i s work and f o r o t h e r I n -

formation see the remarks with the R h e t o r i c , the work

which grew out o f and superseded t h i s one.

As i s r e c a l l e d i n these l a t t e r remarks, the

symbol a f o r anonymous works i n d i c a t e s i n t h i s Ramus

Inventory that Ramus'—not T a l o n ' s — c o n n e c t i o n w i t h

the e d i t i o n i n question i s anonymous.

Waddington's mention ( p . l ^ ) of a 151(4 (15^5)

e d i t i o n o f the Rhetorlca of Talon i s doubtless meant

as a r e f e r e n o e to the f i r s t e d i t i o n o f t h i s p r e s e n t



Audomari T a l a e i Veromandui I n s t i t u t i o n e s o r a t o r i a e , ad

celeberrimam e t l l l u s t r l s s i m a m L u t e t i a e Parisiorum

Academiam. Parisiis: Iacobus Bogardus, 1545· 8vo.

84 pp.

Notes; Preface ( d a t e d 13 i a n . 1 5 4 4 — i · « . , 1545),

lnclplt et dealnlt: "Non aum n e s c i u s (doctrlnae parens

Academlae) . . . . ac b e a t a fruere."

Text, lnclplt: " E l o q u e n t i a a v i s e s t bene dlcendl

. . . . Hujus f a c u l t a t l s tres sunt gradus: Primus

naturae, secundus d o c t r l n a e , tertius, exercitatlonis,

quam p a r t l t i o n e m P l a t o n o b i s o s t e n d l t i n Phaedro"—p.

Copies: Cu Pbn


A. T a l a e i . . . Institutiones oratoriae . . . . Parisiis:

Iacobus Bogardus, 1547· 8vo. 40 H·

Motes: A page-for-page r e p r i n t o f the 1545 edition,

b u t from an e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t setting of type.

Copies: ICU Pbn Rbn RET


A. T a l a e i . . . Institutiones oratoriae . . . .

P a r i s i i s : M. D a v i d , 1 5 4 8 » mense i u n i i . 8vo.

93+11] pp.

Copies: Rbv


A. Talael . . . Institutiones oratoriae ....

Parisiis: Ioannes Rolgny, 15U-8· 0ν
°· 93+Γ1 ] PP·

Copies: Gu Ps


The text of the Dream of Sciplo, from Book VI
of Cicero's Republic is here published by Ramus, fitted
with his commentary. Ramus supplies subsidiary infor-
mation and feeds in allusionsi but he seldom identifies
trope or figure and he employs "analysis" rather less
than in others of his commentaries. In great part,
Cicero's work provides pegs on which to hang miscel-
laneous information from astronomy, but toward the end
there appear some "dialectical summaries" of Cicero's
text concerning immortality.

Sclpionis somnlum, ex sexto Μ. T. Ciceronis De repub-
lica libro, Petri Rami Veromandui praelectionibus ex-

plicatum: ad Carolum Lotharingum Rhemorum Archieplsco·

pum. P a r i s l i s : Iacobus Bogardus, 15M>· 8vo.

[i(.]+71 + [ l ] 11.

Copies: Cm Lbm Rbn


Scipionis somnium . . . P. Rami praelectionibus ex-

plicatum. 2a ed. P a r i s i i s : M. David, idibas

mail. i n 8 ' s . ?ί)- PP·

Copies: CU Müs Müs Occh Occh Occh

Pbn Pbn VIn

Scipionis somnium . . . P. Rami praelectionibus ex-

plicatum. 2a ed. P a r i s i i s : L . Grandinus, 1550

(colophon reads, excudebat Matthaeus David, idibus

mail, 1550). l^to in 8 » s . 7^ pp.

Copies: Ob

Μ. T. Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis . . . adnotationibus

Erasmi Roterod[ami], s c h o l i i s P e t r i O l i v a r i i , praelec-

tionibus P e t r i Rami, e t doctissimi ouiusdam v i r i com-

mentario explicatum. Lugdini: Theobaldus Paganus,

1556. Μ». 33 11.

Copies: w

Μ. Τ. Cloeronla Somnium Solplonla . . . adnotatlonlbas
Erasml Roterod[ami], scholiia P e t r i O l l v a r l l , praelec-
tionlbua P e t r i Rami, e t dootlaslml ouluadam v l r l com-
mentarlo explication. P a r l a l l a : Simon Calvarinua,
1556. 4to. 3 11.

Copies: Vbv

Μ. T. Ciceronis Somnium Sclpionis . . . adnotatlonlbaa
Erasml Roterod[aml], achollla P e t r i O l i v a r i i , praelec-
tlonlbua P e t r i Rami, e t doctiaalml culusdam v l r l com-
mentarlo explicatum. P a r i s i l a : Sebaatianua N l v e l l i u a ,
1556. 4 · 33 11· Thus, with separate t i t l e - p a g e
and pagination In: Μ. T. Clceronis De o f f l c i i e l i b [ r l ]
t r e s , cum . . . commentariis, V l t i Amerbachli conmen-
t a r i o l l s , annotationibus Erasml Roter[odaml], P h i l i p p i
Melantho[nia], et diaquiaitionibua aliquot C a e l i i Cal-
cagnini; eiusdem De senectute. De amicitia . . . Para-
doxa . . . e t Somnium Sclpionis cum annotationibus
Erasml, Bartholomaei Latomi, e t praelectionlbus P e t r i
Rami. P a r l s i i s : Sebastianua N i v e l l i u s , 1556* 4to·
[4]+180+46+33 +34+54 11.

Copies: • BRr


Μ. Τ. Ciceronis Somnium Sclpionis . . . adnotationlbua

Erasini Roterod[aml], scholiis Petri Ollvarll, praelec-

tlonlbus Petri Rami, et doctisslmi culusdam vlrl COTIW

mentarlo expllcatum. Parlalls: Odoenus Parvus, 1556. 33 11.

Copies: NIC Pbn

Μ. T. Ciceronis Somnium Sclpionis . · · adnotationlbua

Erasml Roterod[aml], scholiis Petri Ollvarii, praelec-

tlonlbus Petri Rami, et doctisslmi culusdam vlri com-

mentario expllcatum. Parisiis: Thomas Rlchardus,

1557. l^-to. 33? 11.

Copies: (Pbn)—missing the leaves after fol. 31.


Μ. T. Ciceronis Somnium Sclpionis . . . cum annotationl-

bus Erasml Roterodami, Petri Olivarii, Petri Rami, et

doctisslmi culusdam vlrl marglnl adiunctis . . . .

Parisiis: Simon Calvarinus, 1560. l^to. 7 11.

Notes: Comments very abbreviated. Few from Ramus.

Copies: Lbm

Η. Τ. Clceronis Somnium Scipionis . . . cum annotation-
ibua Eras[mi] Roterodfaml], Petri Olivarii, Petri Rami,
et doctiesimi cuiusdam virl margini adiunctis.
Parisila: Thomas Richardus, l56l. l^to. 7 11·

Copies: RNv

Μ. T. Clceronis Somnium Scipionis . . . cum annotationi-
bus Eras[mi] Roterod[aml], Petri Olivarii, Petri Rami,
et doctissimi cuiusdam virl margini adiunctis ....
Parisiis: Gabriel Buonlus, 1565. l^to. 6 11. (in
Gu copy interleaved with blanks).

Cople s: Gu

In n k (1580).

In 715 (1582).


Thia is Ramus' address of October 12, ISI4.6, at

the beginning of his second year'as head of the College

de Presles, setting down the central plank of his plat-

form, the introduction of eloquence into philosophy and

of philosophy into all discourse. Reviewing the history

of education, Ramus here condemns medieval specialization

in learning and proposes to revive ancient practice, that

of the Sophist Gorgias, Thrasymachus, Protagoras, Aris-

totle, and Cicero, in which philosophy and eloquence were

joined and often the same man taught philosophy in the

morning, rhetoric in the afternoon. Now Talon will

teach rhetoric mornings, Ramus himself afternoons in the

College de Presles. Barbaric Latin now yields to ornate,

and Greek and Hebrew also will be heard.

As the name of Gorgias more than hints, this is

really a plea for the revival of pre-Aristotelian, or

topical logic.

Petri Rami Oratio de studils philosophiae et eloquentiae
coniugendis Lutetiae habita anno 1546- Parisiis:
Iacobus Bogardus, 15^6. 4 · 7 H·

Copies: MH

In 55 (1547).

Oratio de etudile philoeophlae et eloquentlae conlun-
gendls. Lutetiae hablta anno 154&· Pariella: Martlnua
Juvanla, 1549· 4*°· θ 11.

Coplea; LRv Hüa Pbn

In 183 (1549)·

In 184 (1549).

In 723 (1575).

In 727 (1577).
0 728 (1599).
In 724 (1580).
This is Ramus' commentary on the eight books
of Cicero's Orator introduced as li long series of
objections against Cicero's positions placed in the
mouth of Brutus. Later combined with his Evaluation
of Qulntllian's Rhetoric to form the Lectures on
Rhetoric» like Ramus' other scholae this commentary is
"elenctic" or disputatious. It consists almost en-
tirely in taking violent issue with Cicero (and a
great many others) for being unscientific. Written
obviously with an eye mostly to the audience, the com-
mentary approaches its subject not over the more direct
academic routes but rather from the windier side of the
oratorical tradition» firing steady volleys of exclama-
tion—Sancte Juppltert or Bone Deusl—to intrigue the

Petri Rami Veromandui Brutinae quaestiones in Oratorem
Ciceronis, ad Henricum Valesium Galliarum Delphinum . .
. . Parisiis: Iacobus Bogardus, 154-7· l^to.
[6]+50 11.

Notes: With no mention on title-page, this edition

includes, fols. 44-50, Orat. de stud, phll. et eloq.
The Privilegium is dated 5 feb. 15^6.

Coplea: Ck Ιϋ ΜΗ - MUs MUa MUa (Jas
Psg Rbn Rbua STnu Tv

Brutinae quaestiones, ad Henricum Vale slum Franciae
regem. 2a ed. P a r i s i i a : M. David, I5k9· 8vo.
136 pp.

Copiea: BAu Cu Eu Ob Pbn Pbn Psc

Psc Rbn

Brutinae quaestiones in Oratorem Ciceronis, ad Henricum
Valesium Franciae regem. 3a ed. P a r i s i i s : M. David,
1552, i d . nov. 8vo. 126 pp.

Copies: Ba Bu BSv IU MH MUs MUs

MUs PAv Pbn Pbn Pbp Pi Psc Peg
RMv Tv Zz

In 695 (1569).

In 707 (15714-).

in 713 (1575).
In 708 (1576).

In 709 (1577).

In 696 (1578).

In 697 (1581).

In 699 (1581).

In 700 (1593).
In 698 (1595—1593).

The present work grows out of and supercedes
the Training In Oratory (Audomarl Talael Institutions
o r a t o r l a e ) and the two works, although l i s t e d s e p a r a t e l y ,
are consequently discussed here t o g e t h e r .
Ramus' part i n the l a t e r e d i t i o n s of the present
work i s evident enough when, a f t e r the death of Talon,
under the guise of conmenting on the work. Ramus r e -
writes I t (see the notes with the various e d i t i o n s
below). But there i s strong reason to b e l i e v e t h a t the
Hhetorloa was l a r g e l y Ramus' from the very beginning,
and that perhaps the work out of which i t grew, the
I n a t l t u t l o n e s o r a t o r l a e was also l a r g e l y h i s . Wadding-
ton, who (pp. lj.61)., If.75) waves aside the p o s s i b i l i t y of
Ramus' authorship o f the Rhetorlca on the strength of a
remark by J e a n - P i e r r e Nlceron, Memoires, X I I I (1730),
303, based on nothing more than a note to the reader i n
an unidentified e d i t i o n of the Rhetorlca, i s apparently
unaware of the evidence offered by Ramus' s e c r e t a r y and
biographer, Nicolas de Nancel, who had himself helped
in the writing of Ramus' grammars. Nancel was convinced
t h a t , "from i t s beginning," the work on r h e t o r i c was
more Ramus' than T a l o n ' s , Ramus having done most of the
work with the material and "reduced i t to an a r t , " and
Talon having only given I t h i s own s t y l e , which Nancel
accurately notes as more winning even than Ramus'—

Nancel, P e t r i Rami v i t a (1599), p . l+l. Nancel reminds
us that Ramus» preempting o f the work at T a l o n ' s death
so as t o submit i t t o one of the V e v i s i o n s he was always
g i v i n g h i s own works i s i t s e l f a strong h i n t regarding
h i s r e l a t i o n t o the o r i g i n a l t e x t . Ramus t r e a t s no
other work of Talon's t h i s way. Indeed, Nancel was so
sure that Ramus had a s u r r e p t i t i o u s hand in t h i s work
from the beginning that he was a f r a i d e v e r t o mention
the s u b j e c t in conversation f o r f e a r o f one o f Ramus'
t e r r i b l e outbreaks of temper ( i b i d . ) . On the other hand,
i t seems beyond a l l doubt t h a t Ramus was not the s o l e
author, and that Talon's claim to authorship was, in one
way or another, r e a l . In a s s i g n i n g the R h e t o r i c s in part
t o Ramus, whether Nancel was thinking of the work as
beginning w i t h the 151+5 I n s t l t u t l o n e s o r a t o r l a e or with
the 151+8 Rhetorica i s not c l e a r . P o s s i b l y he was thinking
of the 15ll5 work, although the r e f e r e n c e t o Ramus' having
reduced r h e t o r i c " t o an a r t " might conceivably r e f e r t o
the 151+8 transformation from the I n s t l t u t l o n e s oratorlae
i n t o the Rhetorica, f o r the l a t t e r i s In i t s e n t i r e t y an
"art" of rhetoric. Moreover, the December, 151+8, dating
of the f i r s t e d i t i o n of the Rhetoric c l o s e l y c o i n c i d e s
with Ramus' 151+9 Rhetorlcae d l s t l n c t l o n e s and the In-
t e r e s t in r h e t o r i c which t h i s e v i n c e s . On the other
hand, the I n s t l t u t l o n e s o r a t o r l a e a l s o contains an a r t
of r h e t o r i c as i t s c o r e , although the a r t i s bedded in

associated m a t e r i a l . Besides, Ramus' known i n t e r e s t in
r h e t o r i c long antedates 1548-49» and the 15^5 ° f the
I n s t i t u t i o n s o r a t o r i a e as w e l l , and he i s the o b j e c t of
Talon's eulogy in the 1545 work. Nancel's reference to
elegance of s t y l e seems to apply more n a t u r a l l y to the
I n s t i t u t l o n e s oratoriae than to the Rhetorlca. I t thus
i s reasonable to regard i t as probable, but not c e r t a i n ,
that Nancel's suspicions of Ramus' j o i n t authorship ex-
tended to the 15^5 work.

Talon's r e l a t i o n s to Ramus a l s o lend substance

to the l i k e l i h o o d o f Ramus' possible part i n the author-
ship, including that of the 1545 I n s t i t u t l o n e s o r a t o r -
iae. The f i r s t inkling we have of a work on r h e t o r i c
i s in 1543 when, in h i s D l a l e c t i c a e institutlones
( P a r i s , s e p t . , 1 5 4 3 ) , f o l s . 50-51» Ramus announces t h a t
Talon i s going to produce a work showing the r e l a t i o n
of r h e t o r i c to the Ramist d i a l e c t i c . By 1545> Talon
had only one printed work to h i s c r e d i t . This was the
i n s i g n i f i c a n t Oratio [de s t u d l l s r h e t o r i c a l published
in the year 1545 i t s e l f with a work by Ramus and another
by Bartholomew Alexander in a booklet which puts Ramus'
oration l a s t c l e a r l y by way o f climax, f o r i t f e a t u r e s
Ramus' name above the o t h e r s ' names on the t i t l e - p a g e .
This three-part booklet appears as obviously the work
of Ramus flanked by two compliant a s s i s t a n t s - - T a l o n and
Alexander—calculated to vindicate Ramus, r e c e n t l y f o r -

bidden to teach philosophy on the grounds o f incom-
petence, and to reassure h i s pupils and t h e i r parents
about the College de l'Ave Maria, which he continued to
direct. T a l o n ' s evident sycophancy here lends p l a u s i -
b i l i t y to the view that the I n s t i t u t i o n s o r a t o r l a e was
a part of the c o l l e g e r e h a b i l i t a t i o n program, r e a l l y
launched by Ramus but in the name o f Talon, who was the
professor o f r h e t o r i c at Ave Maria (Ramus a t the time
?/as professor of mathematics). The opening of the 1545
I n s t l t u t l o n e s o r a t o r l a e i s l a v i s h i n i t s adulation of
Ramus, and the 15^8 r e v i s i o n apologizes f o r not being as
yet quite completely i n l i n e with Ramus' i d e a s . It
should be added that two works c e r t a i n l y by Ramus a l o n e ,
the Warning to Turnebe and the 151|.6 e d i t i o n of the
Training in D i a l e c t i c , styled D l a l e c t l c a e coamentarll
t r e s , were published by Ramus under T a l o n ' s name.
In the English-speaking world, t h i s Ramlet
Rhetoric i s o f somewhat r a r e r occurrence than i t s com-
panion p i e c e , the D i a l e c t i c , both as regards e d i t i o n s
printed as as regards the number o f copies o f a l l
editions surviving. E i t h e r r h e t o r i c t e x t books were
used l e s s than d i a l e c t i c , or Ramlst r h e t o r i c was l e s s
used than Ramlst d i a l e c t i c .
As In the r e s t o f the Ramus s e c t i o n o f the I n -
ventory, the a s t e r i s k * i s used here to c a l l a t t e n t i o n

to editions in which Ramus 1 (not Talon's) name does
not occur on the t i t l e - p a g e . When Talon's name i s not
given, at l e a s t in the fonn of i n i t i a l s , i t does not
occur on the t i t l e - p a g e . Moreover, in the case of t h i s
vork. Ramus' name i s actually given, at l e a s t in the
form of i n i t i a l s , whenever i t occurs in the t i t l e , so
that the a i s only a reminder, retained f o r the sake
of uniformity with the l i s t i n g s of the other works.
In this welter of revisions, counter-revisions,
condensations, and expansions, the following can be
taken as key editions (see the inventory entries and
the text for more detailed descriptions):
1. Institutionss oratorlae, P a r i s , 151*5·—The
f i r s t edition in any form; discursive In treat-
ment, but not long-winded. Ramist eloquentla i s
presented as having three phases or moments:
natura, doctrlna, e x e r c l t a t l o , the second of
these,eloquentla as doctrlna, i s r h e t o r i c s .
2. Hhetorlca, Paris, 1548·— A radical revision,
more neatly clipped, of the 1545 material, with
the position in many matters reversed to conform
to the standardizing Ramist front. Here r e s t r i c -
ted to doctrlna, rhetoric has two p a r t s , elocutlo
and pronunclatlo.
3· Rhetorica, Petri Rami praelectionlbus i l l u s t r a t e .

Paris» 1567.—Ramus' own rewriting of the t e x t
following Talon's death. F i r s t division into the
two numbered books·
lj.. Rhetorlcae l l b r i duo, P e t r i Rami praelectionlbus
l l l u a t r a t i , Basle, 1569.--Coinciding with Ramus'
v i s i t to Switzerland, t h i s I s s t i l l more t i g h t l y
organized—the f i r s t edition with numbered chap-
t e r s , Lib. I with 30, L i b . I I with 11.
5. Rhetorlca e Petri Rami . . . praelectionlbus
obaervata, Paris, 1572.—The l a s t edition in
Ramus' l i f e t i m e . S l i g h t l y rearranged, the books
with 39 (mlsnumbered as 38) and 11 chapters
6. Rhetorlca, e P e t r i Rami . . . praelectionlbus
observata, cul praeflxa e s t eplatola « . . «
Frankfurt-am-Main, 1575—With Wechel's l e t t e r
announcing the imminent appearance of the com-
plete works of Ramus and Talon (the announcement
was never completely r e a l i z e d ) . The books here
have the same 39 and 11 chapters r e s p e c t i v e l y .
In addition to these, which show the various
stages of the Ramus-Talon text in the hands of i t s
original authors, the following editions may be sig-
nalized from among those prepared by others than Ramus
and Talon:

7. Adaptation without specification of the Talon-

Ramist source, in Franciscus Sanctius Brocensis,

De arte dlcendi liber una3 auctus et amendatus,

Salamanca, 1 5 5 8 . — T h e first appropriation of

Ramist rhetoric by another author into his own

codification of the arts of speech.

Q. In Professio regia, ed. by Preigius, Basle,

1 5 7 6 , — F i r s t appearance of the Ramist Rhetoric

as a part of a Ramist "encyclopedia."

9. Rhetorica, una cum . . . commentatlonibus per

Claudium Mlnoem . . . . Paris, 1 5 7 7 · — T h e first

edition with a protracted commentary, other than

Ramus', subjoined.

10. Rhetorica e Petri Rami . . . praelectlonlbus

obaervata, Speyer, 1595· So far as I have

found, the firet of the many condensed pocket

editions for schoolboys. See the remarks con-

cerning the similar editions ef the Dialectic


ühere are, so far as can be found, fewer

vernacular versions of the Talon Ramist Rhetoric than

of the Ramist Dialectic, even in proportion to the

lesser number of Latin editions of the R h e t o r i c a —

a fact suggesting that when attention was given the

vernaculars they were regarded as a vehicle for ex-

planation only and not as meriting attention in

themselves. Of the vernacular translations of the
Rhetorlca which I have located, most are in English,
versions by the following translators being published
in the following years: (1) Dudley Penner, 158]+ (2
issues), 1588, 1651, 1681, Ιβΐ+Ο— in the last three
printings the translation is erroneously ascribed to
Thomas Hobbes; (2) Abraham Eraunce, 1588, with a modern
edition in 1950* prepared by Mise Ethel Seaton; (3) J[ohn]
B[arton], I63I4.. To these might be added the translations
of parts of the Ramist Rhetorlca incorporated in three
basically non-Ramist works: (ij.) John Newton's An Intro-
duction to the Art of Rhefrorica (I67I); (5) the same
author's "Of Rhetorick" (a summary of the preceding work)
in his The English Academy (I677 and 1693); and (6) The
Ifrsterle of Rhetorique Unvail'd (1657; 1665; 1673; 5th.
ed., 1683; 1688; 1706; 1739; and at least three other un-
located eds.) by John Smith of Montague Close in Southwark
(see Howell, Logic and Rhetoric in England, 1500-1700,
pp. 276-79).
In French, there is a translation-adaptation
by Antoine Pouquelin or Ptoclin first printed in 1555
and reprinted in 1557. A Dutch translation with the
Latin on opposite pages appeared at Rotterdam in I705.
The number of rhetorical works which bear
traces of the Talon Ramist Rhetoric is probably in-
calculable. As Ray Nadeau has shown in his "Talaeus

versus Farnaby on Style," Speech Monographs, XXI (1954)»
59-63, this Rhetoric finally infiltrates the very works
devised to oppose it, such as the Index rhetorlcua
of Thomas Farnaby. The general principle in the
listings here has been to include as properly adapta-
tions of the Talon Rhetoric not all works showing the
influence of the Rhetoric or kinship with it, but only
works in which an avowed attempt is made to present
this Rhetoric as a whole or to amalgamate it as a
whole with other rhetorics (for example, with
Melanchthon's) or in which the over-all organization
is In fact fundamentally of the two-part Ramist sort.
The present inventory thus ordinarily excludes compila-
tions from various authors, even those which incorporate
bits of Ramlst material here and there, and even when
these bits are word-for-word, as Is the case in the
works just mentioned by John Newton and by John Smith
of Montague Close in Southwark. Similarly, the
rhetorics connected with the Dutch versions of Ramus'
Dialectic published In 1585, etc., and John Hoskyn's
Directions for Speech and Style, written about 1600
and lately edited by Hoyt H. Hudson, are excluded as
too loosely related to Ramism to be considered adapta-
tions here. Of course, the gradations between an in-
tegral adaptation and a work merely giving off Ramlst
echoes are so subtle and complicated that the line of
demarcation must be to some extent arbitrary.

Audomari •Talaei R h e t o r i c a , ad Carolum Lotharingum
Cardinalem Gulsianum. P a r i s Ü 3 : M. David, 15M3, 3
non. dec. 0vo. [i+J+lOl^. pp.

Contents; Preface to the Cardinal ( " S i quis tamen haec

. . . . digniore canere valeamus.'') . - - [ D e e l o c u t i o n e ] . —
[De pronunciatione].

Notes: There i s no division i n t o books or chapters as

such, only centered headings. Since the next e d i t i o n l o -
cated following t h i s i s a " t h i r d e d i t i o n , " i t may be that
t h i s f i r s t e d i t i o n o f the Khetorica was counted as the second
e d i t i o n ( r e v i s i o n ) o f the e a r l i e r I n s t l t u t i o n e s oratorlae.

Text, i n c i p l t : "Rhetorica e s t doctrina bene

dicendi, ut c o n s t a t ex o r i g i n e nominis . . . . Partes
eius duae sunt, E l o c u t i o et P r o n u n c i a t i o " - - p . 1.
Noteworthy statements: "ülocutio i g i t u r est
o r a t i o n i s e x o r n a t i o , cuius species duae sunt, Tropus et
Figura"—p. 2. "Tropi genera quatuor sunt, Metonymia,
I r o n i a , Metaphora, Synechdoche"—p. 3 .

Copies: Rbn

A. T a l a e i Rhetorica . . . . 3a e d i t i o ab authore recognita
et a u c t a . P a r i e i i s : H. David, 15^9. 4 t o in 8<s. 76 pp.

Notes: Contents and arrangement quite the same as in

the l5ij.ö Rhetorica.

Copies: BSv Ob^


A. Talael Rhetorica . . . . 3a ed. ab authore recog-

nita et aucta. Pariaiis: Ludovicua Grandinus, 154-9·

l^to in 8'a. . 76 pp.

Coplea: AVc MTv


A. Talaei Rhetorica . . . . Ιμι editio ab authore

recognita et aucta. Parisiia: M. David, 1$$0, in 8«s. 76 pp.

Copies: Ck Occh LEu LYv


A. Talaei Rhetorica . . . . Postrema aeditio ab

authore recognita et aucta. Parisiis: Ludovlcus
Grandinus, 1551· l)-to. 36 11.

Copies: Ob


A. Talaei Rhetorica, ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardi-

nalem Guisianum. 192J
5a · · · aed., ex . . .
authoris.recognitione. Lutetiae: Μ. David, 1552.

θνο. 96 ρρ·

Copies: Lbm ΡΑν


A. Talael Rhetorlca, ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem

[without the "Gulaianum"]· 5a · · · aed., ex

. . . authoris recognitione. Lutetiae: M. David,

1552. 8vo. 96 pp.

Copies: AVc


Α. Talael Rhetorlca . . . . Lugdunl: Theobaldus

Paganus, 1552- 8vo.

Copies: BSv


A. Talael Rhetorlca, ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem

Guisianum. ij.a ed. ab authore recognita et aucta.

Lugdunl: Theobaldus Paganus, 1553. 8vo. 72 pp.

Copies: VIn

A. Talaei Rhetorica, ad Carolum Lotharineum Cardlnalem.

5a et postrema aed., ex vera et recentiorl authoris

reoognltione. Lutetiae: Martinus Iuvenis, 1553·

8vo. 8I4. pp.

Copies: I»bm MUs


A. Talaei Rhetorica . . . . 5a aed. ab authore,

recognita et aucta. Parisiis: M. David, 1553·

72 pp.

Copies: Ob

A. Talaei Rhetorica . . . ; huic operi adiecimus
eiusdem Talaei Annotationes in Μ. T. Ciceronis Parti-
tiones oratories. [Ed. by Iacobus Artisanus.]
Rhemis: N. Bacquenoius, 1553· 4t0· λ|_7+ [1 ]+ll).+
[2]+{12] pp.

Notes: The last 12 pp. are dichotomized schemata entitled

"Tabulae breves in Audomari Talaei Rhetoricam."

Copies: Llac

A. Talaei Rhetorlca . . . . 155^·

Motes: With t h i s scant d e s c r i p t i o n , Waddington, p.

14.614., s t a t e s c o o l l y that t h i s i s one of the " t r o i s
[I s i c ] p r i n c i p a l e s Editions" of the Rhetorica. Other
than t h i s offhand reference in Waddington, I have d i s -
covered not the s l i g h t e s t i n d i c a t i o n that such an
e d i t i o n ever e x i s t e d .
Copies: w

La Rhetorique francoise d'Antoine Poclin de Chauny en
Vermandois, a t r e s i l l u s t r e princesse Madame Marie
Royne d'Ecosse. P a r i s : A. Wechel, 1555· [8]+138+[5J

Notes: This t r a n s l a t i o n by F o c l i n or Fouquelin,

s l i g h t l y accommodated in places to French, i s the
companion piece to Ramus' French Dlalectlque of 1555
and one o f the f i r s t r h e t o r i c s printed in the French
language. I t i s made from the Talon Rhetorlca in the
stage of the 15M* David e d i t i o n .
In the preface, Fouquelin s t a t e s that he hero
t r a n s l a t e s the "preceptes" of r h e t o r i c which Talon had
c o l l e c t e d out of the ancient Greek and Latin r h e t o r i -
c i a n s , accommodating them to French. Talon's Latin

examples are replaced by-examples In French, chiefly
from Ronsard and B a l f , the s e c t i o n on verse i s adapted
to French v e r s i f i c a t i o n , which i s t r e a t e d non-quantita-
t i v e l y by the number of s y l l a b l e s and said (p. 37) to
have i n f i n i t e forms· Rhyme i s discussed a t l e n g t h .
Otherwise, Talon's treatment i s hardly deviated from,
but h i s name i s not mentioned on the title-page.
This i s the e a r l i e s t Ramist r h e t o r i c i n any
vernacular, and i t proved thoroughly a b o r t i v e , going
through e x a c t l y one more e d i t i o n , that o f 1557 below.

Copies; Pbn


A. Talaei Rhetorica . . . . Lugduni: Theobaldus

Paganus, 1557· 8vo. 75 pp.
Notes: Title-page of Su copy i s i n s c r i b e d : "Autoris
damnati. Cum expurgationibus permissa. E s t a conforma
al expurgatorio de l6i).0 de l a commission del S t . Offo.
+Francisco Maldonado+." The copy i s marked as having
belonged to the J e s u i t College in Salamanca. See a l s o
16, 20, 103.

Copies: Su LAt

A. T a l a e i Rhetorica . . . . 5a e t postrema a e d i t i o ,
ex vera e t r e c e n t i o r i authoris re<cognltione. Tremo-
n i a e : Albertus S a r t o r i u s , 1557· 8vo. A-E (leaves

Copies: MPs

La Rhetorique f r a n c o l s e d'Antoine Fouquelln de Chauny
en Vermandols; a t r e s i l l u s t r e p r i n c e s s e Madame Marie
Royne d ' E c o s s e . Nouvellement revue e t augment^e.
P a r i s : A. Wechel, 1557. 8vo. 6l+[3] 11.

Notes: See a l s o 7 1 ·

Copies: Pbn Lbm

In 668 (1558)


A. T a l a e i Rhetorica . . . . P a r i s l i s : Thomas
Richardus, 1560. 37 1 1 .
Copies: Ku Müs

A. Talaei Rhetorics . . > . Ed. postrema.
P a r i a i i s : A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 2 . 8vo. l 6 7 + [ l ] pp.

Contents; P r i v i l e g i i sententia, 3 i d . ium. 1557«—

Audomarus Talaeus Carolo Lotharingo Cardinali C'Si
quia1 . . . . canere valeamus.").—De Rhetoricae
partibus et de elocutione.—De pronunciatione.

Notes: No numbered books or chapters as such; centered

headings. This i s the l a s t edition during Talon's

Copies: Pbn Pm

A. Talaei Rhetoricorum l i b r i duo. [ s . l . : ] 1567·
Α-Ε8 , Ρ'7 (Ργ ν blank; leaves unnumbered).

Notes: Printer's mark on t i t l e - p a g e ; Eve(?) walking,

nude, flower in l e f t hand, looking into what i s appar-
ently a mirror in her right hand.

Copies: Psc


A. Talaei Rhetorica, P. Rami praelectionibus i l l u s -

trata. Ed. postrema. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1567.

8vo. IS1+144 ΡΡ·

• •
P r i v i l e g i i sententia, 3^ i d . iun. 1557·—

Andreas Wechelus l e c t o r i ("Habes. ingenue l e c t o r . . . .

amantes ama."—Undated).—Liber I , De elocutione.—
Liber I I , De p r o n u n c i a t i o n .

Notes; There are no numbered chapters; centered

headings mark o f f the sections in each book·
Rhetoric i s defined as "ars bene dicendl."—
p. 1 .
Wichel's preface, of about 150 words, explains
that Talon was about to correct the two books of h i s
Rhetorlca when death overtook him. Whereupon Ramus,
as regius professor, delivered explanations (praelec-
tiones) on these "two l i t t l e books," expounding the
"precepts," providing examples, and bringing r h e t o r i c a l
ornamentation into i t s own. Thus, Wichel concludes,
as Talon's explanations (praelecttones) attached to
Ramus' Dialectic explain Ramus, so now Ramus' explana-
tions attached to Talon's [ ? ] Rhetoric explain Talon.
Despite these promising remarks, no prelections
by Ramus appear here as such s e t o f f from Talon's t e x t .
Waddington's note that this i s the f i r s t edition with
Ramus' "propres remarques" i s thus quite misleading,
f o r , instead of a text annoted with his "propres r e -
marques," Ramus here presents a completely rewritten

Talon. Weche11s preface» it rill be noted, studiously
falls short of saying that Talon himself had even begun
the revising—he died while he was thinking about it
(de correctione ipsa cogltantem). The unusual relation-
ship of Ramus' "commentary" to his "text" is caught in
the nuancing of the titles of some of the subsequent
editions: Talon's Rhetoric is "(e) Petri Rami praelec-
tionibus observata" (conformed to, or refabrioated out
of Peter Ramus' explanations). The year previous to
this, Ramus had also completely rewritten Talon's ex-
planations of his own Dlalectica, continuing to publish
them as Talon's (see the l£66 Paris edition of the
Dlalectlca below).

As compared with earlier editions, for example

those of 15^8 and 1^62, the present text provided by
Ramus is often altered toward greater dichotomization:
thus the earlier four genera of tropes are realined as
two and two, etc. But it is also enriched out of good
humanistic erudition. For example. Talon's sketchy
treatment of rhythm is enlarged by remarks on non-
classical and pre-classical rhythms.

For Ramus' part in the writing of even the

earlier editions of the Rhetoric of Omer Talon, see the
remarks at the beginning of this list of editions of the

It ia in his preface here that Wechel also

makes the remark that Ramus' works were bear c u b s —

they had to be licked into shape Tor a long time after

their first emergence into the world. Wechel says that

he himself was the midwife who presided not only at the

delivery, but through the subsequent process of licking

the first edition into all sorts of other s h a p e s — a

process which« Wechel laments, was distressing work for

a harassed publisher. But if Ramus' intellectual off-

spring are bear cubs, Wechel's tears here are those of

a crocodile, for, probably more than any other single

author, Ramus' multiform editions were responsible for

Wechel's quite evident prosperity. Pew publishers-

least of all Wechel—have ever balked at revisions of

school books which outmode all earlier editions and most

marvelously renew the market. Besides, Wechel's remarks

can leave a somewhat false impression. Oftener

not, the various qualifications—"revised," "augmented,"

"corrected," "enriched," "purged of errors"—tacked onto

Renaissance editions mean nothing at all. They are a

way of speaking which publishers permit themselves.

Copies: IAIv Mosu"1 MUs Tv Zz Professor

F. P. Wilson, Morton College, Oxford

A. Talaei Rhetoricae libri duo, P. Rami praelectionibus

Illustrati. B a s i l e a e : Β . Episcopius e t Nicolai fratris

haeredes, 1569· 8vo. [l6]+74 pp.

Notes: The f i r s t e d i t i o n with numbered chapters: L i b .

I , 30 chapters: L i b . I I , 11.

Copies: BAu Dt Ku MoStf11


A. Talaei Rhetorica . . . . Lugduni: Theob[aldua].

Paganus, 1569. 8vo. 78 pp.

Copies: Bu

In 669 (1569).


A. Talaei Rhetoricae l i b r i duo P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s

illustrati. Coloniae Agrippinae: Theodorus Baumius,
1572. 8vo. [lf]+66+[7] PP.

Copies: BRr EPs MUs


[A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s

observata?] 1102]
Dusseldorpii: Albertus Busius, 1572.
8vo. [4]+91+[6] pp.
Copies: (Ku)—title-page missing

A. Talael Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus
observata. Lutetiae: A. Wechelua, 1572. 8vo.
106+[3] pp.

Notea: With Ramus' preface, "Habe3 Lector . . . .

satisfaciunt. Vale." The l a s t edition in Ramus'
Lib. I i s numbered in 38 chapters, but with
two successive chapters« "De synechdoche i n t e g r i " and
"De synechdoche generis«" both numbered cap. x i . Sub-
sequent editions with 39 chapters simply make the
second of these two cap. x i i , the next cap. x i i i and so
on so as to come out with the 39 chapters which t h i s
edition actually contains. Lib. I I here has 11 num-
bered chapters.

Copies: BUs CtY Dt Fbn STnu Uu

A. Talaei Rhetoricae U b r i duo, P. Rami praelectionibus
illustrati. Basileae: E. Episcopius e t Nicolai
f r a t r i s haeredes, 1573. 8vo. [1j.]+67+[9] pp.

Copies: Hu Pbn Psc Rbn Rbv


In 670 ( 1 5 7 3 ) .


Α. Talaei Rhetorica, β P. Rami praelectionibua

observata. Postrema ed. post mortem a u t h o r i s .
L u t e t i a e : A. Wechelua, 157^· 8vo. 8 6 + [ 2 ] pp.
Notes: The date and place are noteworthy s i n c e ,
according to the Allgemeine deutsche Biographie,
Wechel had moved h i s p r i n t i n g establishment to Frank-
f u r t between August 21). and December 23, 1572.

Copies: Csc Mo SO"1


A. T a l a e i Rhetorica, quibusdam praelectionibua e t

tabulis i l l u s t r a t e . P a r i s i i s : Dionysius a P r a t o ,
157I4.. l^to. 30 1 1 .

Copies: Lbm Pm

A. T a l a e i Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata; cui praefixa e s t e p i s t o l a quae lectorem de
omnibus utriusque v i r i s c r i p t i s propediem edendis
commonefacit. P r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelua, 1575.
8vo. 109+133 pp.

Notes: This d i f f e r s from the 1572 Wechel e d i t i o n
above only In the c o r r e c t numbering o f the chapters
( I , 39; LL, 1 1 ) , and in the addition of Wechel's preface
to the reader ( l n c l p l t e t d e s i n i t ; "Ego a t omni o f f i c i o
. . . . fructum a l l a t u r a " ) , dated Ij. c a l . m a r . , 1575·
The complete works o f Ramus and Talon announced
in Wechel·s l e t t e r never completely appeared. Aa l a t e
as the 1636 London e d i t i o n , t h i s l e t t e r o f Wechel'β
announcing the Imminent appearance of the works i s still
f a i t h f u l l y r e p r i n t e d with the R h e t o r l c a .

Copies: Hu Müs VIn


A. T a l a e i Rhetorica . . . . Lugdinl: Ludovicus

Cloquemlnius e t Michael Stephanus, 1 5 7 6 . 12mo.
78 pp.

Copies: MTv

In 651 ( 1 5 7 6 ) .

A. T a l a e i Rhetorlca, e P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata. Ed. postrema, a mendls . . . perpurgata.
P a r i s i i s : Dionysius V a l l e n s i s , 1577. ifto.

79+133+118] pp.

Copies: Cu Müs?

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami praelectionibus
observeta; cui praefixa e s t e p i s t o l a , quae lectorem de
omnibus utriusque v i r i s c r i p t i s propediem edendis
comnonefacit. F r a n c o f u r t l : A. Wechelus, 1577·
8vo. 1 0 9 + [ 3 ] PP·

Copies: Bu OOu STnu


A. Talaei Rhetorica« una cum f a c i l l i m l s ad omnia

praecepta eiusdem a r t i s e t exempla i l l u s t r a n d a conmen-
tationibus per Claudium I.linoem . . . . Farisiis:
Aegidius Beys, 1577· lj-to. [12]+69+[ll] pp.
Notes: L i b . I has 39 chapters; L i b . I I , 1 1 . Mlgnault's
conmentary i s about twice as long as the Talon-Ramus
text. The folding table gives an o u t l i n e of the e n t i r e
work. Mignault's preface i s dated c a l . I a n . 1577«

Copies: Cu Hu MBu Müs Ob Occ Pbn

Pm Pm Rba RMv Vln

A. T a l a e i R h e t o r i c a , e P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata; cui p r a e f i x a e s t e p i s t p l a , quae leotorem de
omnibus utriusque v i r i s o r i p t o r i s propediem edendis
commonefacit. P r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelus, 1579·
8vo. 1 0 9 + [ 3 ] pp.

Copies: Hu Lbm LIbn MBu

A. T a l a e i R h e t o r i c a , e P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata, una cum . . . commentstionibus per Claudium
Minoem . . . . P r a n c o f u r t i : A. A'echelus, 1579·
8vo. 2 5 3 + t l ö ] pp.

Copies: Au BAu LIbn Owo Psc Zz

A. T a l a e i R h e t o r i c a , e P. Rami . . . . scholiis variisque

p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s e x p l i c a t a , e t primis rerum n o t i s b r e v i
t a b e l l a comprehensis adumbrata, per Ioan[nem] Bursetum
Ruthenum. P a r i s i i s : Dionysius a P r a t o , 1579· Ij-to.
2 8 + [ 1 ] pp.

Copies: CtY MHi

In 6 7 1 · ( . 5 7 9 ) .

A. Talaei Rhetorics, e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata; cui praefixa est epistola, quae lectorem de

omnibus utriusque viri scriptis propediem edendis

commonefacit. Francofurti: A. V.'echelus, 1581.

6vo. 86+[2] pp.

Copies: Lbm MoSU

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . scholis variisque

praelectionibus explicate et primis rerum notis brevi

tabella comprehensi3 adumbrata. Parisiis: Dionysius

a Prato, 1581. 29+[1] 11.

Copies; Lbm

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata; cui praefixa est epistola quae lectorem de

omnibus utriusque viri scriptis propediem edendis

commonefacit. Francofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli,

1582. 8vo. 90+[3] pp.

Copies: BAu

A. T a l a e i Rhetorica, β P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata; una cum . . · coramentationibus per Claudium
Minoem . . . . F r a n c o f u r t i : haeredes A. Wecheli,
1582. 8vo. 196+[18] pp.

Copies; MAs MUs Njp VIn

A. T a l a e i Rhetorlcaee P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observatae rudimenta; addita ad finem Ovidianae e l e -
giae a n a l y s i , e d [ i t o r e ] prederico Beurhusio.
Tremoniae: 1582.
According to Fsc, t h i s e d i t i o n was requested
of the Auskunfts-Baro in B e r l i n , but no copy was ever
l o c a t e d by the Büro. This i s the only record of t h i s
copy I f i n d .

In 652 ( 1 5 8 2 ) .

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata, una cum . . . coramentationibus per Claudium
Minoem . . . . F r a n c o f u i t i : haeredes A. Wecheli,
1583. 8vo. 196+[18] pp.

Copies: CtY Gu


A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rani praelectionibus

observeta; una cum · . . commentationibus per

Claudlum Minoem . . . . 3a ed. ab auctore recog-

nita et aucta. Francofurtl: haeredes A. V/echeli,

1564. 8vo. I95+H93 PP·

Copies: Au AVc CtY GOu

In 751 (1584).

In 672 (1584).

in 673 (15814-)·


A. Talael Rhetorica, β P. Rami . . . praolectionibus

observata . . . . Francofurtl: haeredes A. V.'echeli,

1586. 8vo. 86 pp.

Copies: Lbm [110]

In 674 (1587-88).


A. Talaei Rhetorica, θ P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata; cui praefixa est epistola, quae lectorem

de omnibus utriusque viri scrlptis propediem edendi

commonefaclt. Coloniae Agrippinae: Theodorus Baumius,

1588. 8vo. 80 pp.

Notes: In the Rbn copy, Ramus' nane is blacked out in

ink in the title and in the preface heading. See also

16, 20, 72.

Copies: Rbn


The Arcadian Rhetorike: or the Praecepts of Rhetorike

Made Plaine by Examples, Greeke, Latin, English,

Italian, French, Spanish, out of Honers Ilias, and

Odissea, Virgils AEglogs, Georgi.kes, and AEneis, Sir

Philip Sydneis Arcadia, Songs and Sonets, Torquato

Tasaoes Goffredo, Aminta, Torrisnondo, Salust his

Iudith, and both his Seraaines, noscan and Garcilassoes

Sonets and AEglogs. By Abraham Praunce. London:

Thomas Orv/in, [1588—most pro'-ably, since this book is

entered to Τ. Gubbin and Τ. Newman J a n . 1 1 , 1 5 8 6 ] .
A - I 8 , K^-C sJ copy; f o l . i s missing from
Ob copy (leaves unnumbered).

Note3: This e d i t i o n nowhere makes any mention of Talon

or Ramus, although the English t e x t follows the L a t i n
Rhetorlcae l l b r l duo almost e x a c t l y , the examples,
p l e n t i f u l indeed, being the only things genuinely new.
There are no Ramist t a b l e s or schemata i n e i t h e r
the Csj or the Ob copy, but the table supplied i n Miss
Seaton's 1950 e d i t i o n of t h i s work i s thoroughly i n the
Ramist t r a d i t i o n .
Ramist r h e t o r i c s are paired with d i a l e c t i c s or
logics. Fraunce has a companion piece matching the
present English work and c a l l e d The gheapheardes
Loglke, which remains in Us. See 731 and 733. This
i s l e s s specialized than h i s 1588 Lawlers Loglke
(under D l a l e c t l c a below).

Copies: Csj MHP (Ob)

In 653 ( 1 5 8 8 ) .

In 675 ( 1 5 8 8 ) .
A. T a l a e i Rhetorica β P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata; oui p r a e f l x a e s t e p i s t b l a quae lectorem de
omnibus utriusque v i r i s c r i p t i s propedlem edendis
comnonefacit. F r a n c o f u r t i : haeredes A. Wecheli,
1589. 8vo. [ij.]+73+[2] pp. (p. 73 misnumbered 5 7 ) .

Copies; Lbm VIn

A. T a l a e i Rhetorica e P. Rami p r a e l e c t l o n l b u a observata;
una cum · . · commentationibus per Claudium Minoem . .
. . Ija ed. F r a n c o f u r t i : he re de 3 A. '.Vecheli, C I .
Marnius e t I . Aubrlus, 1589. 8vo. 1 9 5 + H 7 ] PP·

Copies; Eu


A. T a l a e i Rhetorica e P. Rami p r a e l e c t l o n l b u a o b s e r v a t a ;
una cum . . . observationibus e t p l e n l o r e interpreta-
tione . . . Gulielmi Adolphi S c r l b o n i l . Baslleae:
Conradus Valdklrch, 1 5 8 9 · 8vo. l 6 l + [ 3 ] pp.
Notes; S c r l b o n i u s · E p l s t o l a d e d l c a t o r l a i s dated ll^.
nov. [15388.

Copies: LBn MAs Zz


In 654 ( 1 5 8 9 ) .

In 676 ( 1 5 8 9 ) .


Α. Talaei Rhetorica, β P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata. Recens in usum scholarum d i s t i n c t i u s excusa
e t s c h o l i i s I o a n n [ i s ] F l s c a t o r i s passim i l l u s t r a t e .
Francofurdi: heredes A. Wecheli, CI. Marnius e t I.
Aubrius, 1590. 8vo. More than 6if. pp. (SAu copy-
d e f e c t i v e , missing a l l pp. a f t e r p . 61j., which concludes
cap. x x v i i i , "De c o n c e s s i o n e " ) .
Notes: P i s c a t o r ' s notes are mostly marginal. In h i e
p r e f a c e , he says he doee not include Liber I I , "De pro-
nunciatione" ( d e l i v e r y ) , because s t y l e v a r i e s from
country to country and must be learned from observation·

Coplea: (SAu)


A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami praelectionibus obaervata.

P r a n c o f u r t i : Ioannis Wechelus, impensia Ioannis Albur-
g e n s i s , 1591· 8vo. 7 7 + [ 2 ] pp.
Copies: Big VIn


Ioannes B i l s t e n i l Rhetoricam ex P h i l i p [ p o ] Melanch-

thone, Audomaro Talaeo, e t Claudio Minoe s e l e c t a atque
exemplis . . . illustrate. Herbornae: Christopherus
Corvinus, 1591. 8vo. [26J+102 pp.

Copies: ANr GOu Lbm Pbn W1


A. T a l a e i Rhetorica β P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s lllus-

trata. Cantabriglae: 1592·
Notes: The only record I have on t h i s e d i t i o n I s an
entry in the Dm catalogue, where the copy i s recorded
as bound with Ramus' D l a l e c t l c a published a t Cambridge
t h i s same year (see 327) and where, I am Informed,
these copies have been missing since 17&2·

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata; cul p r a e f l x a e s t e p i s t o l a quae lectorem
de omnibus utrlusque v i r l s c r i p t i s propediem edendis

commonefacit. F r a n c o f u r t l : haeredea A. Wechell,

1593 . 8vo. [i(-]+73+[2] pp.

Copies: Cm


A. Talaei Rhetorlca, e P. Rami p r a e l e c t l o n l b u s

observetaj ana cum . . . commentationibus per Claudlum
Mlnoem . . . . 5® ed. F r a n c o f u r t l : heredes A·
Wechell, CI. Marnlus e t I . Aubrlus, 1594· övo.
195+[19] PP. Table.

Copies: STnu

In 677 ( I 5 9 l · ) ·


A. T a l a e l Rhetorlca β P. Rami . . . praelectlonlbus

observata; nunc primum hac manual1 forma e d l t a .
Splrae: L
Notes: Bernardus
i b . I has Alblnus, 1595« L i b . 12mo.
39 chapters; I I , 1 1 . 108 pp.
Copies: Müs Pbn

Rudolphi SneMi In Audomari Talaei Rhetoricam commen-
tatlones, cum . . . Rameae philosophiae observationibus
. . . collatae . . . . Francofurti: Ioannis Sauriua,
impensis heredum Petri Fischeri, 1596. 8vo. 1|J|? pp.

Note3: Complete text of Talon's Rhetorlca pp. 317-1*42·

Copies: Dt Ob Rba

In 655 (1596).

In 656 ([1596?])

Rameae rhetoricae llbrl duo, ab A. Talaei P. Rami
praelectlonibus primum observati, nunc vero ex legum
imperio reformata a Iohanne Bisterfeldio. slgenae
Nassovorum: Christopherus Corvinus, 1597. 8vo.
90+[3] pp. Table.

Copies: AMu BEs Dt

Rameae rhetoricae libri duo, in usum scholarum. [Ed.

by Charles Butler, who signs the preface.] Oxoniae:
Josephus Barneslus, 1597· 8vo. [8]+80 pp.

Notes: Butler's preface is dated May St 1593· See

note to 16lj2 Cambridge edition below. Talon and Ramus
are both mentioned In the prefatory material In this
edition of Butler's Ramist rhetoric. In the later
editions« which are variously revised but always Ramist
at the core and which are included here below, the
"Rameae" is dropped from the title. Butler supplements
his Rami at rhetoric with a separate work, his Oratorlae
llbri duo, which makes oratoria the "facultas formandi
orationem de quallbet quaestlone."

Copies: Lbm


Elocutionis rhetorlcae librl duo, quorum ille de

tropls, hie de figurls . . . opera et studio Marci Beum-
leri Tigurini. Tlguri: Ioann[es] Wolfius, 1598.
8vo. [20J+172 11.
Notes; As the title indicates, this work is an adap-
tation of the first part only (elocutlo) of (Talon's)

Copies: BAu Rba

Rhetoricae llbri duo . . . . [ed. by Charles Butler.]

Oxonlae: Iosephus Barnesius, 1598· 8vo.

[6] + [13U PP.

Copies: CSmH"1 Occ


A. Talael Rhetorica e P. Rami praelectionibua observata»

nunc lterum hac manual! forma edita. Spirae:

Bernardus Albinus, 1599· 12mo. 9^ + [2] pp.

Copies: Cu


A. Talael Rhetorica, e bene dlcendi usu ac consuetudlne

observata, et varlis praelectlonlbus brevlter explicate.

Parislla: Steph[anus] Prevosteau, 1599.

l{.to. 1|.6 pp.

Botes:: Lib. I has 31 chapters; Lib. II, 8.

Copies: Rbn


A. Talael Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . praelectlonlbus

observata; recens In usum scholarum dlstinctlus excusa

et scholiis Ioannfis] Plscatoris passim illustrate.

Francofurdl: heredes A. VYecheli, CI. Marniua e t I .

Aubrius, 1599· 8vo. 86 pp.

Copies; Vbv


A. Talaei Rhetorioae l l b r i duo, cum commentarlo

d u p l i c i : a l t e r o Lazarl Schonerl, contextum e x p l i c a n t e ;
Rodolphi Goclenil a l t e r o , quaestiones controveraaa
dlscutlente. Lichae; Nicolaua Erbenius, 1599·
8vo. [16J+223+77 ΡΡ·

Copies; Dt STnu


A. Talaei R h e t o r i c a . Hanovlae: Guillelmua Antonius,

l600. 12mo.
Copies; HNg

Rhetorlcae l i b r i duo, quorum p r i o r de tropla e t
f i g u r l a , p o s t e r i o r de voce e t gestu p r a e c i p l t , In uaum
echolarum accuratlua e d l t l . [Ed. by Charles B u t l e r . ]
Oxonlae; Iosephus Barnesius, l 6 0 0 . 8vo. [72] pp.

Copies; (Cu) Lbm

Rhetoricae tropologicae 1. praecepta ex A. Thalaeo
[sic] methodica, 2. expllcatio rotunda et perspicua,
3· usus in analysl et gene si . . . ij.. abusus in paralo-
glsmis, 5· collatio cum aliis tropologlcia · · · obser-
vata studio Othonls Casmanni . . . » Francofurti: e
Colleglo Musarum Paltheniano, l600. 8vo. [θ]+331+
[1] PP.

Notes: A text of the Talon Rhetoric with elaborations.

Copies; MBu Pbn

Rodolphi Snellli . . . Dialogismus rhetoricus, qui
commentarius sit in A. Talael Rhetoricam e praelectioni-
bus P. Rami observatam . . . iam primum edltus.
Lugduni Batavorum: officlna Plantiniana, apud Christo-
phorum Raphelengium, l600. 8vo. [l6]+397 pp.

Copies: Cu Ob

In 678 (1600).

A. Talael Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus
observata. Lubecae: Laurentius Albertus, l601.
8vo. 8I4.+ [3 ] pp.
Copies: GOu
A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami praelectionibua obeervata,
una cum . . . commentationibua per Claudium Minoem.
6a ed. Francofurti: typis Wechelianla apud CI.
Marnium e t I . Aubrium, l 6 0 1 . 8vo. 1 9 5 + [ l 8 ] pp.
(p. 195 misnumbered 175)· Table.

Notes: Mlgnault's conmentary la alightly revised as

compared with the 1577 Paria e d i t i o n .

Coplea: Cu Ob Oq RMv

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus
obeervata: recens in uaum acholarum Bernenaium cum
acholila Ioann[ia] Piacatoris d i s t l n c t i u s ezcuaa.
BernaeS Ioannis le Preux, l 6 0 1 . 6vo. Θ7 + [6] pp.

Coplea: BEa Vbv

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus
obeervata« recens in usum scholarum hac forma
diatlnctiua e t emendatiua excuaa. Geneva®: Petrua
Roveriua, l 6 0 2 . 12mo in 8 ' a . 121). pp.

Copiea: BGv Dm

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibua

o b a e r v a t a ; r e c e n a i n uauin a c h o l a r u m d l a t i n c t l u a excuaa

et scholiia Ioann[is] Piscatoris passim llluatrata.

Hanoviae: typia Wechelianis apud CI. Marnium et haeredea

I. Aubril, 1603. 8vo. 83+13] pp.

Copies: FVu


Rudimenta rhetorioae de t r o p i a e t f i g u r l a , e x libro

primo Rhetoricae Talaei excerpta In asum acbolae

Herbornenala; adlecta s u n t exerapla t r o p o r u m e sacrla

Uteris collecta per Iohann[em] Placatorem. Ed« 2a«

recognita et correcta . . . aucta. Herbornaes

Chriatophorua Corvinus, 1603. 12mo. 45+[l] ΡΡ·

Copies: BAu


A . Talael R h e t o r i c a e P. Rami . . . praelectlonibus

observata; recena In usum scholarum hac forma diatlnc-

tiua et emendatiua excuaa. Hanoviae: G. Antonius,

l6olj.. 12mo. 9I4. p p . (in G O u copy Interleaved with


Coplea: GOu MH MUu?

In 657 ( 1 6 0 7 ) .

Α. Talaei Rhetorica β P. Rami . . . praelectionibus
observata, · . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatlus excusa.
Hanoviae: G. Antonius, I 6 0 8 . 12rao. pp.

Coplea: BAU Dt NHC Ob STnu

In 679 ( l 6 0 8 ) .

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata; . . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius excusa.
Coburgi: Caspar B e r t s c h i u s , l 6 l 0 . 12mo. 135 ΡΡ·

Copies: Eu

Raae&e r h e t o r i c a e l i b r i duo ab A. T a l a e i e t P. Rami
praelectionibus . . . o b s e r v a t i , nunc . . . refonnati
a Iohanne B i s t e r f e l d i o . Ed. 2 a . Herbornae Nasso-
viorum, l 6 l 0 .

Copies: Ku (from catalogue only—copy l o s t or destroyed)


In 658 (I6l0).

In 659 ([ca. l6lO?J).

A. Talaei Rhetorica θ P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata, . · · distinctius et emendatius excusa.

Hanoviae: haeredes G. Antonii, l6ll· 12mo.

94 PP·

Copies: BAu Cu


A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata; . . . distinctiua et emendatius excusa» et

scholiis Ioan[nis] Piscatoris passim illustrata.

Hanoviae: typis Wechelianis apud haeredes I. Aubrii,

l6ll. 8vo. 83+13 3 PP· (GOu copy interleaved

with blanks).

Copies: GOu Pm

Rhetorica A. Talaei P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata. Lugdunl Batavorum: Thomas Basson, l6l2.

8vo. 65+[2] pp.

Copies: Mbn


Institutiones rhetoricae e probatissimls veterum ac

recentiorum oratorum interpretibus conscriptae variis-
que exemplis illustratae . . . a Cunrado Dieterico . .
. . Giessae Hessorum: Nicolaus Hampelius, l6l3« 8vo.
[6]+l68 pp.

Notes: Dieterich's preface is dated Burzbacl, aug. 25,

1613. Without mentioning Ramus' or Talon's name on the
title-page, this work praises Ramist rhetoric in the
dedicatory epistle, and it is basically Ramist: tvo
books, treating elocutlo and actio respectively, etc.
Like Butler and others, Dieterlch abets the Ramlst
rhetoric with a separate work on oratory, his Institu-
tiones oratorlae, oratorla being for him the facultas
bene, ornate et coplose dlcendl—a kind of whooped-up

Copies: QOu

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . praelectlonibus

observata; . . . excusa. Hanoviae: haeredes G.

Antonii, l 6 l 4 . 12mo. PP·

Notes; Corresponds page-for-page with the 9lj.-page l 6 l l

e d i t i o n above, bat i s from an e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t set-
ting of type.

Copies: Cu MB Vbv

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
observata« . . · d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius excusa.
Nyorti: Ioannes Moussat, l 6 l 5 · 12mo. [Ij.]+122 pp.

Copies: Dm


Ioannis Henrici A l s t e d i i R h e t o r i c a , quatuor l i b r i s

proponens universum ornate dicendi modum . . . .
Herbornae Nassoviorum: [Christophorus Corvinus,] l 6 l 6 .
8vo. l 6 + [ 6 4 l ] pp.
Contents: L i b . I , De t r o p i s . — L i b . I I , De f i g u r i s .
[These f i r s t two books correspond to T a l o n ' s Part I ,
E l o c u t i o . ] — L i b . I I I , De a c t i o n e . [Talon's Part II.]—
L i b . IV, De r h e t o r i c a s p e c i a l i . [Suggested by T a l o n ' s ,
F e n n e r ' s , and other Ramists· remarks on the need to

supplement Talon's Part II.]

Notes: Talon's name is listed among many sources on the

verso of the title-page, but the Talon rhetoric con-
trols this whole book.

Copies: Lbm Rba

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus
observata; recens in usum scholarum . . . excusa.
Bernae: ez typographia praepotentis Rei[publicae ]
excudebat Abrahamue Vverlinus, l6l6. 12mo. pp.

Copies: BAu

Institutiones rhetoricae, e probatissimis veterum ac
recentiorum interpretationibus conscriptae . . . a
Cunrado Dieterico . . . Ed. 3a correctior. Giessae
Hessorum: Nicolaus Hampelius, l6l6. 8vo. [8]+l68

Copies: DAI MPs

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata; . . · distinctius et emendatius excusa.

Hanoviae: Petrus Antonius, l6l7· 12mo. ΡΡ·

Copies: Oh

Rodolphl Snellii . . . Commentarius in Rhetoricam A.

Talaei Lugduni Batavorum: Ioannes Maire, l6l7· 8v

[l6]+397 PP.

Copies: Cu LBu

Rhetoricae libri duo . · . lam quarto editi. [Ed. by

Charles Butler.] Oxoniae: Iohannes Litchfield et

Iaeobus Short, l6l8. 8vo. [152] pp.

Copies: Ce Lbm


A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . praelectionlbus

observata; recens distinctius et emendatius excusa.

Bernae: Thomas Villerianus, impensis Mfagistri] Iohannis

Willii et Iohannis Benthemii, I 6 1 9 . 12mo. 96 pp.

Copies: AMu

A. Talaei Rhetorica, β P. Rami . . . praelectionlbus
obeervata; in gratlam studioeae iuventutis excuse; cul
praefixa e s t epiatola ad lectorem. Coloniae Agrip-
plnae: Conradus Butgenlus, 1 6 1 9 . 8ro. 80 pp·

Copies: BEa

Speculum r h e t o r i c l s A· Talaei . . . adornatum e t . . .
productum a Chtuirado Berstorpio . . . . Goslariae:
Ioannes Vogtius sumptlbus authoris, 1620. [32]+363+[l]

Notes: Preface dated c a l . f e b . 1620.

Copies: GOu

In 660 (1620).

A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rani . . . praelectionlbus
obeervata. Edlnburgi: Andreaa Hart« 1621.
79 PP·

Copies: DPo S i r R. L. Harmsworth (Short-Title

Rhetoricae l i b r i duo . . . iam quinto edltl. [Ed. by
Charles Butler.] Londlnl: Gullielmus Stansby, 1621.
12mo. *®f A-E 1 2 , P^ (pp. unnumbered).

Copies: Pbn

A. Talael Rhetorics, e P. Rami . . . praelectlonlbus
observata; . . . dlstlnctlus et emendatlus excusa·
[Erfurtl:] Impensls Iohannls Blrcknerl, 1021* 12mo.
9k pp. (some mlsnumbered).

Copies; STnu


In 66l (l62lj.).

In 680 (1625).

Ioannls-Henricl Alstedll Rhetorloa, quatuor llbrls
proponens universum ornatl dlcendl modum . . . .
Ed. 2a recognlta. Herbornae
[131] Nassovlorums Georgius
Corvlnus et Ioh[annes] Georglus Muderspachlus, 1626.
8vo. [l6]+639 ΡΡ·

Copies: BAu Mbn Pbn Psg

In 662 (1626).

I n 663 (1626).


Rhetorlcae l i b r i duo . . . [ e d . by C h a r l e s Butler],

q u l b u s r e c e n s a c c e s s e r u n t De o r a t o r i a l i b r i duo,

authore Carolo Butlero. Londinii: Iohannes Haviland

impensis a u o t h o r i s , 1629. l^to. [120] pp.

Copies: CSmH ICN IU (Lbm) NN Ob

I n 67k (1630).


A. Talael Rhetorica, θ P . Rami . . . praelectionibus

observata; cul praefixa e s t e p l s t o l a quae l e c t o r e m de

omnibus u t r i u s q u e v i r l s c r i p t i s propediem e d e n d i s

conmonefacit. Cantabrigiae: e x Academiae celeber-

rlmae typographeo, 1631.

Copies: Cu


The Art of Rhetorick Concisely and Compleatly Handled,

Exemplified out of holy Writ, and with a compendious

and perspicuous Comment, fitted to the capacities of

such as have had a smatch of learning, or are otherwise

ingenious. By J[ohn] B[arton] . . . . [London:]

Nicolas Alsop, 1631+. Hvo. [16]+50 pp.

Notes: Contains also (pp. 37-50) a Latin summary of

Ramist rhetoric separately entitled Rhetorices enchi-

ridion.—The only defect in the Lbm copy and the DFo m

copy made from it is the missing leaf [1], which was

probably blank.

Copies: (DFom) (Lbm)

Rhetorica A. Talaei P. Rami . . . praelectionibus obser-

vata. Sedani: Ioannes lannonus, 163i|. L|to. 27 pp.

Notes: Contains Lib. I only, in 33 chapters (cap.

xxxiii, "De concessione").

Copies: Pbn

A. Talaei Rhetorica, e P. Rami . . . praelectionibus ob-

servata; cui praefixa est epistola, quae lectorem de om-

nibus utrlusque viri scriptia propediera edendis commone-

facit. Cantabrigiae: ex Acaderaiae celeberrimae typo-

graphaeo, 1635. övo In 12 <s. [ö]+63+[l] pp.

Copies; Cu Eni


A. Talaei Rhetorlca, β P. Rami . . . praelectlonibus

observata; cui praefixa est epistola quae lectorem de

omnibus utrlusque viri scriptis propediem edendis com-

monefacit. Londini: [E. Purslowe,] impensis Socle-

tatis Stationariorum, 1636. 8vo. [8]+7lj.+[2] pp.

Copies: Cu


A. Talaei Rhetorlca, e F. Rami . . . praelectlonibus

observata; cui praefixa est epistola quae lectorem de

omnibus utrlusque viri scriptis propediem edendis com-

monefacit. Londini: excusum pro Societate Stationari

ο rum, [1636?]. 8vo. [1^]+73+12] pp.

Notes; Por the difference between this and 161, see W.

Howell, Logic and Rhetoric in England,. 1500-1700 (1956),

P. 273.
Copies: CSmH


Rhetoricae libri duo . . . in u s u m s c h o l a r u m p o s t r e m o

r e c o g n i t i [a Carolo B u t l e r o ] ; quibus recens accesserunt

De oratoria libri duo, a u c t o r e Carolo Butlero.

Londini: R. H . , 161*2. övo. 153 ΡΡ·

Copies: (Lbm)—the De oratoria m i s s i n g f r o m this c o p y


Rhetoricae libri duo . . . in u s u m s c h o l a r u m p o s t r e m o

recogniti. A u t o r e Carolo Butlero . . . . Canta-

brigiae: R. Daniel, 161+2. 12mo. [6]+160 p p .

Notes: In earlier editions (e.g., 1597» 161Ö, etc.,

a b o v e ) , B u t l e r h a d r e f r a i n e d f r o n s t y l i n g h i m s e l f the

author of the a d a p t e d Talon Rhetorlca. In later edi-

tions (e.g., 1629, 16I|2, etc., above) he is c l e a r l y

identified as the author of the De o r a t o r i a published

w i t h the Rhetoricae libri duo and, by a m b i g u o u s impli-

cation, as tbe author of this latter w o r k also. In

the present a n d subsequent e d i t i o n s , he is u n a m b i g u -

ously made out to be trie a u t h o r of the R h e t o r i c a e libri

d u o — t h e work w h i c h in 1597 h a d more straightforwardly

begun it3 career as Rameae r h e t o r i c a e libri duo.

Copies: DFo MH


rihetoricae libri duo . . . in u s u m s c h o l a r u m postremo

L13 5 J
recogniti. Autore Carolo B u t l e r o . Lugduni Bata-
vorum: T. D., 161+2. 12mo. [ 8 ] + l 6 0 pp.

Copies: Lbm

Rhetorlca A. Talaei P. Rami . . . p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s
obserrata. Amatelodaml: Ioannes Ianssonius, 1645·
övo. 60 pp. (In Uu copy interleaved with b l a n k a ) .

Coplea: Uu


Rhetorices elementa quaestionibus et reaponsionibua

e x p l i c a t a , quae i t a formantur u t , quaestionibus prorsus
omiesla, v e l n e g l e c t i s , responsiones solummodo integr&m
r h e t o r i c e s institutionera tironibus exhibeant. Per
Guil[ielmuni] Du-gard, in usum Scholae Mercatorum-
Scissorum. Londini: t y p i s a u t o r i s , veneunt apud
Thomam Slaterum, 161+b. 12rao. [ÖJ+47 pp.

Copies: London Guildhall


Institutiones rhetoricae . . . a Conrado D i e t e r i c o .

Marpurg, 16I+Ö.

Copies: GOu (entry from catalogue—copy missing since


Rhetoricae libri duo . . . in usum scholarum postremo

recogniti. Autore Carolo Butlero. Londini: Gulielmua

Bentley pro Iohanne Williams, 16^9. 12mo. [ÖJ+160 pp.

Copies: Lbm


in 665 (1649).


Rhetorices elementa, quaestionibus et responsionibus ex-

plicate . . . per Guil[ielmum] Du-gard. Ed. 2a.

Londini: typis autoris, veneunt apud Fr [anciscura]

Eglesfield, 1651. 8vo. 56pp. (in Cu copy pp. 1-6

and 55~56 not paginated).

Copies: Cu


Rhetoricae compendium, Latino-Anglice. Opera Thomae Horn,

A.M., Scholae Etonensis Archididascali. Londini: typis

Guil[ielmi] Du-gardi, veneunt apud i^ranctiscum] Eglesfield,

1651. övo (small). [2]+39 pp. (Latin text, pp. 1-22;

English, pp. 2 3 - 3 9 ) .

Copies: DPo


In 661 (1651).


I n s t i t u t i o n e s r h e t o r l c a e β probatissimis veterum ac
recentiorum oratorum i n t e r p r e t i b u s . . . conscriptae
varlisque exemplis . . . i l l u s t r a t a e a Cunrado
Dieterico. 2d. ultima r e v i s a , c a s t i g a t e , et
aucta. Giessae Hassorura: Iosephus Dietericus Ham-
p e l l u s , I65I4.. 8vo. [8]+136 pp.

Coplee: MBu


Compendium r h e t o r l c a e . . . a Marco Frederico Wen-

del ino. [1651;?]
Motes: This work i s mentioned without date in Christian
G o t t l i e b Jöcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexlcon (Leipzigs
1750-51)· The Allgemeine deutsche Biographie mentions
a Ramiat l o g i c ( d i a l e c t i c ) or Wendelin's but not a

Hamist r h e t o r i c .

Rhetoricae l i b r i duo . . . in usum scliolarum poatremo
recogniti. Auctore Carolo B u t l e r o . Londini:
Guilielmus Bentley pr-o Andrea Crook, 1655· lümo.
160 pp.

Copies: Dt Lbm

Ftols. C^ V -C 6 V i n : Ger|.hardi] I o [ a n n i s ] Vosaii Elementa
r h e t o r i c a ; a c c e s a i t Compendium doctrinae A. T a l a e i de
t r o p i s et f i g u r i s . Sdinburgi: Gedeon Lithf-,ο, 1657·
Q J.4
A , B ·, C (catch words show that no leaves are


Copies: Eni


Rhetorices elementa, quaestionibus et responsionibus

e x p l i c a t e . . . per Guil[ielmum] Du-Gard. Ed. 5 a .
Londini: t y p i s a u t o r i s , veneunt apud Pr[anciscum]
E f e l e s f i e l d , 1657. Övo. [6]+lj.7+l3] pp.
Copies: Cu


In 666 (l66l).


In 667 (1663).

Α. Talaei Rhetorica β Petri Rami . . . praelectlonibus
observata. Amstelaedami: Joannes Ravesteinius, 1666.
8vo. pp.

Copies: MBA

Institutions rhetoricae . . . lllustratae a Cunrado
Dieterico. Ed. . . . revisa.... Lipsiae: impenals
Thomas Schürerl haeredum et Matthiae Götzii, typis
Iohannls Bauerl, 1668.
Copies: Pbn 8vo. [8]+l52 pp.
A. Talaei Rhetorica e P. Rami praelectlonibus obser-
vata; . . . distinctlus et emendatius excuse.
Bernae: Georglus Sonnleitnerus, 1670. 8vo.
80+[22] pp.

Notes: Λ note penciled in the BEs copy suggests

Nikolaus Henzi as the possible editor.

Copies: BEs

Rhetorices elenenta, quaestionibus et responslonibus

explicate . . . per Guil[ielmurn] Du-Gard. Ed. 7a.

Londini: typis I. Redmayne, irnpensi3 Prancisci Egles-

field, 1673. 6vo. [6J+V7+U] PP.

Copies: Lbm

Rhetorices elenenta, quaestionibus et responsionibus

explicate . . . per Guil[ielmurn] Du-Gard. Ed. 9a.

Londini: typis J. Redmayne, impensis Francisci

Eclesfield, I679. ovo. [6]+i+7+[2] pp.

Copies: IU


Rhetorices elenenta, quaestionibus et responsionibus

explicata . . . per Guil [ ielmum] Du-Gard. Ed. 9a.

Londini: typis J. Redmayne, imrensis rirancisci

Eglesfield, 1680. 6vo. [6]+ι+7+[2] pp.

Copies: IU


The Art of Rhetorick Plainly Set Forth . . . . Pp. 137-

68 In the first part of Thomas Hobbes, The Art of

Rhetoric, with a Discourse of the Laws of England.

London: for William Crooke, 1681. övo. [3J+168+

208 pp.

Notes: In this reprint, Dudley Pinner's 1584 Englishing

of the Talon Rhetorica is first falsely attributed to

Thomas Hobbes. The separate title-page for The Art of

Rhetorlck Plainly Sot Forth in the present work repeats

the attribution already on the general title-page and

in the preface thus: "By Tho. Hobbes of Malmsbury"

[elc1. See Walter J. Ong, "Hobbes and Talon's rtamist

Rhetoric in English," Transactions of the Cambridge

Bibliographical Society. I (1951), 260-69.

Copies: CtY Cu Lhm MH Ob Pbn

Rhetoricae libri duo . . . . Authore Carolo Butlero.

Londini: sumptlbus R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, and

R. Chlswell, 1681*. 12mo. [8]+159 pp.

Coplea: MH

Epitome praeceptorum rhetoricae . . . ex Institutionibus

rhetoricis compendiose collecta a Cunrado Dieterico . .

. . Ed. ultima revisa. Giessae Hassorum: Henningus

Miilleri, 1688. 8vo. 31 pp. (in MBu copy inter-

leaved with blanks).

Copiea: MBu


Rhetorica A. Talaei, nec non forma oalendarii integri

ut et Compendium fabularum . . . De Redenrijkkonst van

Oudmaar Talaeus, als mede den Romeynschen Almanak in 't

Geheel, en een kort begrip der digtkundige fabelen . .

. . Rotterodami: Petrus vender Slaart, 170$: te

Rotterdam: Pieter vander Slaart, 1705. 8vo.

[93+110+17$ pp. (many unnumbered).

Notes: Latin and Dutch are given on opposite pages

throughout, including title-pages. The preface to the

Rhetorica is unsigned. Dedication of the Compendium

fabularum to Guilielmus Rabus is signed Margareta

Harwich Ripen, Bremensis, and dated Rotterodami, kal.

dec. 16914-.

Copies: LEu

Rhetorices elementa, quaestionlbus et responsionibus
explicate . . . per Gull[ ielmum] Dugard. fid. ll^a.
Londini: J. W. pro J. Philips, H. Rhodes, and J. Taylor,
1712. övo. 16]+30 pp.

Copies: PLC (Thomas Jefferson's personal copy)


Rhetorices elementa, quaestionibus et responsionibus

explicate . . . per Guil[ielmum] Du-Gard. Londini:
excudebat W, H. pro J. Philips, J. Taylor, et admi-
nistrat H. Rhodes, 1721. 8vo. [Ij.]+ij2 pp.

Copies: MH


D[amird?] Cunr[adi] Dieterici Institutiones rhetoricae e

probatissimis veterum ac recentiorum oratorum inter-
pretibus . . . conscriptae variisque exemplis . . .
illustratae. Ed. nova . . . purgata et indice aucta.
Marburgi: Phil[ippus] Casimir[ua] Muller, 1752. 8vo.
16^+12] pp.
Copies: MBu


In 682 (1765-66).

In 6Ö3 (1765-66).


Institutiones oratoriae collectae methodicws ex

inatitutionibua prioribus A. Talaei, auctore P. J.

Nunneaio. Pp. 1 - 2 6 , Pars III in: Gregorio May&ns y

Sisc&r, Organum rhetoricura et oratorium . . . .

Valentiae Edetanorum: Franciacua Burguete, 1774·

Notes; A loose amalgam of Aristotle and the early stage

of Talaeo-Ramist rhetoric represented by the In3tltu-

tione3 oratoriae (151+5» etc. ) above.

Copies: Lbm Ob


The Art of Rhetorick Plainly Set Forth . . . . Vol.

VI, pp. 511-36, in Thomas Hobbea, The ünglieh Works

of Thomas Hobbes, ed. by Sir William Molesworth.

London: John Bohn, 1839-45·

Notes: See remarks with the 16Ö1 edition above.

Copies: Lbm


The Arcadian Rhetorike. By Abraham Fraunce. Edited

from the edition of 15ÖÖ by Ethel Seaton. "Luttrell

Society Reprints," No. 9; Oxford: Basil Blackwell for

the Luttrell Society, [1950]. iv+136 pp. Table.

Notes: The table, not in the 15ÖÖ edition, is added


Copies: Lbm MH

This i s Ramus' commentary on the twelve books
of Q u i n t i l i a n ' s I n s t i t u t l o n e s o r a t o r l a e , l a t e r combined
with Brutus' Problems to form the Lectures on R h e t o r i c .
Perhaps s l i g h t l y l e s s captious than Brutus' Problems»
the present commentary i s designed f o r audience appeal
and proceeds c h i e f l y by berating Q u i n t i l i a n f o r being
u n s c i e n t i f i c or " i l l o g i c a l , " and f o r so confusing things
that t h i s work of h i s deserves to be c a l l e d Institutlones
grammadialectoricae ( L i b . XVI), or Training in Gramma-

P e t r i Rami Veromandui Rhetoricae d i s t i n c t i o n e s , ad Carolum
Lotharingum, cardinalem Guisianum; o r a t i o . . . de s t u d i i s
philosophiae e t eloquentiae coniungendis. P a r i s i i s : Μ.
David, 1549. 8γο. [θ]+119 pp.

Copies: Pbn Pbn


Rhetoricae d i s t i n c t i o n e s , ad Carolum Lotharingum, cardi-

nalem Guisianum; o r a t i o . . . de s t u d i i s philosophiae e t
eloquentiae coniungendis. P a r i s i i s : Ludovicus Grand-
inus, 1549· övo. [8]+119 PP·

Copies: PAv Pac

Rhetoricae distinctiones in Quintillanum, ad Carolum
Lotharingum oardinalem. Parisiis: M. David, 1550.
8vo. 128 pp.

Copies; Qcc Müs Müs Müs Müs Psc Pac


Pp. 346-^63 *·η: Marci Pabii Quintiliani . . . Declama-
tionee undevlgintl, qaibus accesserunt P. Rami ....
Rhetoricae distinctiones in Fablum Quintilianum.
Coloniae Agrippinae: Gualterus Fabricius, 1556·
8vo. 463 pp.

Copies: BEs LEU Llbn MH


Rhetoricae distinctiones in Quintillanum, ad Carolum

Lotharingum cardinalem. Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1559«
8vo. 128 pp.
Copies: Ba Ba Ba BRr BSv Gu MH NN
Pbn Pbp Rbn Vbv

L U + 8 ]

In 695 (1569).

In 696 (1578).

In 714 (1500).

In 697 (15Ö1).

In 699 (1581).

In 700 (1593).

In 698 (1595-1593).

This i s Ramus' t r a n s l a t i o n of the L e t t e r s which,
with h i s contemporaries, he a t t r i b u t e d to Plato (some
c o r r e c t l y , some f a l s e l y , some on grounds s t i l l uncertain),
together with the d i a l e c t i c a l reduction of the l e t t e r s .
This d i a l e c t i c a l reduction, which makes i t s first
printed appearance here in the Ramist t r a d i t i o n , consists
of two things. F i r s t , each e p i s t l e i s prefixed by i t s
argumentum, which in most cases has as i t s note a s y l l o -
gism drawn up in form and centered o f f from the r e s t of
the printed page. These syllogisms are the " d i a l e c t i c a l
summary of things" (summae d l a l e c t i c a e rerum). Thus, in
the 15^9 e d i t i o n here, p. 5» we read in L a t i n : "This i s
what t h i e [ f i r s t ] l e t t e r i s about . . . . The sum-total
in syllogism cones to t h i s ,

I t i s dangerous f o r kings to oust f a i t h f u l

f r i e n d s : King Dionysius ousted h i s f a i t h f u l
f r i e n d Dio: Therefore t h i s was dangerous f o r
Secondly, marginal notes provide subsidiary
d i a l e c t i c a l summaries by flushing from cover the p a r t s o f
syllogisms hidden by P l a t o ' s " c r y p t i c method"--but without
taking exception to t h i s method, f o r , in Ramist theory,
a l l writing (other than classroom explanation) was sup-
posed normally to proceed by such " c r y p t i c method,"
although Ramus' explanation makes such method l i t t l e more
than elaborate and d e l i b e r a t e m y s t i f i c a t i o n .


P i a t o n i s e p i s t o l a e a P e t r o Ramo l a t i n a e f a c t a e , et

d l a l e c t i c i s rerum summis b r e v i t e r expositae.

P a r i s i i s : M. David, 1 5 ^ 9 · 8vo. 96 pp.

Copies: BRr BSv CtY Cu MH Pbn


P i a t o n i s e p i s t o l a e a P e t r o Ramo . . . l a t i n a e factae,

e t d i a l e c t i c i s rerum summis b r e v i t e r expositae.

2a ed. P a r i s i i s : M. David, 1 5 5 2 . i n 3's.

96 pp.

Copies: Ba BSv CtY Ku Lbm Müs Pm


I n 713 (1575).

I n 71k (1580).


This c o n s i s t s o f C i c e r o ' s t e x t interspersed
with commentary. The commentary s u p p l i e s subsidiary

information more often than "analysis" of Cicero'3

logical procedure: no initial "arguments" are supplied,

and no dialectical summaries. The preface reviews

Cicero's arguments, says that he is a good orator, but

no good as a dialectician (ironically, this was the same

evaluation which acquaintances mostly applied to Ramus

himself). After stating here that the difficult question

of fate is a good test for the dialectic he himself is

promoting, since the whole difficulty is dialectical or

logical from start to finish, Ramus offers no detailed

positive discussion of future contingents but only snipes

wildly at everybody else's explanations. But however

wanting in adequate theory, Ramus holds tenaciously to

God's foreknowledge and human free will as separately

ascertainable facts. He notes that, while Cicero's own

text is incomplete and his position therefore uncertain,

the protagonists in Cicero's dialogue as we have it really

hold neither man's nor God's freedom.

In view of the Renaissance disputes on man's free

will and God's omniscience, this work is of capital impor-

tance as hinting that the issue was given shape in medieval

logic or arts course scholasticism rather than in medieval

theology. See the Warning to Turnebe below.

Μ. Τ. Ciceronia De fato liber, Petri Rami preelection!-

bua explicatus, ad Carolum Lotharingum cardinalem

Guisianum. Lutetiae: Vascoaanua, 1550. 27 11·

Notes: Without "Mecoenatem auum" (see following entry).

The Privilegium ia dated 5 cal. oct. 154-9·

Copies: Dt Pbn


Μ. T. Ciceronia De fato liber, P. Rami praelectionibus

explicatus, ad Carolum Lotharingum cardinalem, Mecoena-

tem suum. Lutetiae: Vascoaanua, 1550.

27 11.

Copies: Lbm Ob Pbn

Μ. T. Ciceronia De fato liber, P.Rand praelectionibus

explicatus, ad Carolum Lotharingum cardinalem.

Ed. 2a. Lutetiae: Vascoaanua, 1554· 4-to. 27 11.

Coplea: GEpu Ob Pac rmv


Μ. T. Ciceronia De fato liber, Ρ .Rami praelectionibua

explicatus. Parieiia: 1563. 8vo.

Coplea: η—Vol. X I I I , p. 297.

Μ. Τ. Clceronls De fato l i b e r , P. Rami . . . . praelectl-
onlbua explicatus. Parieiis: A. Wechelus, 1565. 4to.
32 1 1 . (fol. 32 mlsnumbered 28).

Coplea; MH

U. T. Clceronls De fato l i b e r , P. Rami . . . . praelectl-
onlbua explicatua. Francofurti: 1583· 8vo.

Coplea: n—Vol. X I I I , p. 297.

In 713 (1575).

In 7l!j. (1580).

In 715 (1582).

This consists of Cicero»s text interspersed
with commentary, including initial "arguments" and
dialectical summaries.

Μ. T. Ciceronis Epistola nona ad P. Lentulum dialec-
ticis rerum suurmis breviter illustrata. Lutetiae:
Vascosanus, 1550. I^to. l6 11·

Notes: The Privilegium is dated 5 cal. oct. 1549·

Ramus' name does not appear anywhere in this edition*

Copies: Occh


In: Μ. T. Ciceronis familiarium epistolarum libri

sedeclm cum singulis earum argumentis . . . annota-
tionibus, scholiis atque observationibus doctissimorum
amplius quatuor et viginti virorum . . . . [Ed. by
Ioannes Theodoricus Bellovacus.] Parisiis: apud A.
Parvum excudebat B. Prevotius, 1557. fol.
[l|4]+8<4+[ll|.] pp.
Notes: Verso of title-page adds: "Postrema hac edi-
tione adiecti sunt Vitus Amerpachius . . . Petrus

Copies: Lbm

In 715 (1582).


Ramus here pleads not for philosophy but for
himself at the new hearing given his case on or about
July 2 7 , 1551ι at the instigation of Charles, Cardinal
of Lorraine. He describes his course of studies at the
College de Preales and maintains that they are in
accord with University statutes. The close of this
plea is perhaps Ramus' most touching piece of writing,
quite personal and eloquent.

Petri Rami Veromandul Pro phllosophica Parisiensis
Academiae discipline oratio ad Carolum Lotharingum
Cardinalem. Parisiis: M. David, 1551« 8vo.
125+[11 PP.

Notes: One Ob copy is inscribed "Nicolaus Morlcius:

donum Ioannls Rainold!, Anno Domini 1575« Jan: 7 ° . n
This is almost certainly the Dr. John Rainolds (1549"

l607) whose Latin Euphuism was the forerunner of Lyly'e
English style and who was lecturing at Corpus Christi»
Oxford, from 1572 to 1578.

Copies; BSv Müs? Ob Ob Pm Pmp Pmp Psg


Pro phllosophica Parisiensis Academiae discipline
oratio . . . . Pariaiis: Ludovicus Grandinus, 1551
(colophon adds, excudebat Matthaeua David cal. martii,
1551). 8vo. 125+[1] PP.

Motes: The LAt copy contains MS notes by Josias Simler.

Copies: BAu Cu Eu HAk LAt Lbm MoSÜ

Müs? Müu Ob OJ Pbn Pbn Pv Zz

Pro philosophica Parisiensis Academiae disciplina
oratio. Ed. 2a. Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1557.
8vo. 52 11.

Copies: Ba Ba BSv Cu GOu MCr MH

Müs Müs MUa Oas_ Pbn Pbp Pbp Pbp
Vbv VIn Zz

In 695 (1569).

In 717 (1577)

in 696 (1578).

in 718 (1599).


In this address delivered August 25» 1551»
Ramus proclaims his program as reglus professor of
eloquence and philosophy. The royal and papal
statutes of the University of Paris w i l l govern h i s
teaching, especially In that h i s lectures «rill be
given in a free-flowing» discursive fashion, and w i l l
not be dry point-by-point explanations. In h i s pre-
face to Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, Ramus s t a t e s
that two thousand persons heard t h i s oration of h i s ·


Petri Rami, r e g i l eloquentiae philosophiaeque pro-

f e s s o r i s , Oratio i n i t i o suae professionis hablta,

anno 1551» 8 cal. sept.; ad Carolum Lotharingum

cardinalera. Parislis: Matthaeus David, 1551» 5 cal.

sept. 8vo. 35 PP·

Copies: Cu Ob MoSU Müs Müs Müs MUs

ΡΑτ Pm Ps Psg Pv Zz


Oratio Initio suae professlonls hablta . . . .

Parislis: A. Wechelus, 1557· 8vo. 16 11.

Copies: Ba BSv CU Lbm MCr MH MUs

MUs MUs Oas Pbn Pbp Pbp Peg Ζi

In 713 (1575).

In 717 (1577).

In 71/). (1580).

In 718 (1599).

This work presents C i c e r o ' s text interspersed
with a commentary which provides both d i a l e c t i c a l and
rhetorical " a n a l y s i s , " that i s , a running d e s c r i p t i o n
of the d i a l e c t i c a l and r h e t o r i c a l movement of C i c e r o ' s
discourse, and supplements the a n a l y s i s with e r u d i t i o n
from h i s t o r y , physics, and elsewhere. Analysis rather
predominates over e r u d i t i o n . The "argument" of the
whole oration i s s e t down at the s t a r t , dialectical
summaries are s c a t t e r e d through the commentary, and
f i n a l l y separate summaries of the d i a l e c t i c a l and
rhetorical analyses themselves are drawn up. (Cf. the
work here f o l l o w i n g . )
Ramus' preface to the reader explains that
these—his f i r s t explanations of an o r a t i o n - - a r e c a l -
culated to show that d i a l e c t i c i s as a l l - p e r v a s i v e and
as uninterrupted (perpetua) in oratory a s grammar i t -
self i s . He observes that i f much of A r i s t o t l e ' s science
of d i a l e c t i c i s not found in t h i s oration, so much the
worse f o r A r i s t o t l e .

Μ. T. Ciceronis Pro Caio Rabirio p e r d u e l l i o n i s reo
o r a t i o , Petri Rami, r e g i i eloquentiae e t philosophtae
p r o f e s s o r i s , praelectionibus i l l u s t r a t e . Lutetiae:
Μ. David, 1551 · 8vo. in 8 ' s .

lp.+[l] pp.

Copies: RMt

In 60 (1553).

In 711 (155k).

In 713 (1575).

In 71-4. (1580).

In 715 (1582).


This consists of Cicero's text interspersed
with Conane ntary. The argument of all three orations
together is given at the beginning» and there are par-
tial dialectical summaries. To each of the three

orations, there i s appended a summary of rhetorical
and d i a l e c t i c a l analysis—not separate rhetorical and
d i a l e c t i c a l sumaae as f o r Cicero's Plea f o r Rabirius

M. T u l l i i Ciceronis De lege agraria contra P[ubllum]
Servilium Rullam tribunum plebis orationes t r e e , P e t r i
Rami, eloquentiae e t philosophiae professoris r e g i i ,
praelectionibus i l l u s t r a t a e . Lutetiae: Ludovicus
Grandinus, 1552. ifto. [ l 6 ] + 1 3 1 + [ l ] pp.

Copies: Psc

In 710 (1553).

In 711 (1551).)·


Μ. T. Ciceronis D· lege agraria contra P[ublium]

ServilioB Rullum . . . orationes t r e e . P. Baal . . . .
praeleotionlbus i l l u s t r a t a e . P a r i s l i s : Andreas
Weohelus, 1561. [18]+131+[1] pp. (pp. 1 - 2
do not oocur» the numbering beginning with 3 ) .
Copies: Ba Ku Ob RMv

In 713 (1575)·

In 714 (1580).

In 715 (1582).


Cicero 1 a text interspersed with comnentary got
up In the same fashion as for the preceding work.

H. T u l l l i Clceronis In L[ucium] Catilinam orationes
quatuor, Petri Rami, eloquentiae e t philosophiae pro-
f e s s o r i s r e g i i , praelectionibus i l l u s t r a t a e ; ad Carolum
Lotharingum Cardinalem. Lutetiae: Ludovicus Grandi-
nus, 1553· 4to. 11+1+[2] pp.

Notes: Ramus' preface i s undated.

Copies: Psc

Μ. Τ* Ciceronis In L. Catilinam oration©s quatuor,
P. Rami..«, praelectlonlbus lllustratae . . . .
Lutetiae: Carolua Stephanus, 1553· l^to. 11+1+[2]

Copies: BSv Ha RMv

In 710 (1553).

In: Μ. T. Ciceronie In L. Catilinam Invectlvae
quatuor» cum annotatlonibus S y l v i i Curionis, Rami«
lncertlque culusdam authorls margini adacrlptls . . . .
Parlslls: Thomas Brumenius, 1566. l).to. 1|3 1 1 .

Copies: Qu

In: Η. T. Cioeronis In Catilinam oratio prima» cum
notls S y l v i i , Curionis, Rami· Parlslls: Dionysius
a Prato, 1572.

Copies: LYv—copy cannot be located, entry from

In 713 (1575).

In 714 (1580).

In 715 (1582).


Cicero's text is here presented interspersed
with commentary more or less as in the preceding works»
with dialectical summaries, but with no argument for
the whole work provided at the beginning·
The preface compares Cicero's Republic and
Plato's Republic»

Μ· T. Ciceronis De legibus liber primus, Petri Rami,
eloqiientiae atque philosophise professoris regii,
praelectionibus illustratus. Lutetiae: Michael
Vascosanus, 1554· 1+3 11.

Copies: Dt RMv

In 71if ( 1 5 8 0 ) .

In 715 ( 1 5 0 2 ) .

This i s an elementary arithmetic t e x t - b o o k .
The editions divide n e a t l y into an e a r l y three-book and
a l a t e r two-book s t a g e .
In the l a t t e r stage, the squared and cubed
numbers which had made up the t h i r d book are dropped.
Called i n L a t i n numerl f l g u r a t l — " f i g u r e d " or geomet-
r i c a l numbers—from t h e i r r e l a t i o n s h i p to planes and
solids« these numbers were a great embarrassment in the
Ramlst program to segregate each " a r t " or " s c i e n c e "
from every o t h e r . Did they belong to arithmetic or to
geometry? They had to belong to one or the other, for
Ramus decrees that "only arithmetic and geometry are
included under the name mathematics"—Sch. phys. I I , ii,
in Sch. l i b , a r t . (1569)» c o l . 668—and in the preface
to the f i r s t e d i t i o n of the Arithmetic h e r e , f o l . [aJf],
I n s i s t s that arithmetic and geometry are a b s o l u t e l y and
t o t a l l y d i s t i n c t and that t h e i r " r u l e s " must never over-

In this situation, the very existence of squared

and cubed numbers meant unbearable epistemological--or,

better, technological—agony, and thus these numbers

find themselves soon banished from Ramist arithmetic,

and geometry as well. The banishment has the added

advantage of leaving arithmetic in two books, dicho-

tomized as every science should be. In his 1599 edi-

tion of Ramus' Arithmetic, Lazarus Schoner restores

the banished numbers in a special book of his own, but

he is careful to explain (p. 139) that "figured" is

metaphorical. Metaphor had likewise been baniehed by

Ramus from logic, and thus Schoner actually hands over

to rhetoric the ground where Descartes was soon to

develop analytic geometryl


P[etri] Rami, eloquentiae et philosophiae professoris

regii Arithmeticae libri tres ad Carolum Lotharingum

cardinalem. Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1555. l^to.

[l6]+110+[2] pp.

Contents: Lib. I, De numeris absolutis [i.e., addi-

tion, subtraction, multiplication, and division],--

Lib. II, De numeris comparatis [i.e., proportions,

fractions, arithmetical and geometrical series].

Lib. III, De numeris figuratis [i.e., squared and
cubed numbers].

Notes: The Privilegium i s dated id. s e p t . 1555· The
books are not divided into chapters, but centered head-
ings mark t h e i r principal p a r t s .
Ramus' preface f i r s t soundly berates A r i s t o t l e
f o r h i s lack of method in h i s l o g i c a l conmentaries and
then modulates into a diatribe against Euclid f o r his
lack of method in the Elements. Ramus here i n s i s t s that
arithmetic and geometry be kept separate.
After being given in L a t i n , each " r u l e " is
restated in Greek with a reference, where a v a i l a b l e , to
Euclid. Ramus1 d e f i n i t i o n of arithmetic (ars bene
numerandl) i s so r e s t a t e d , but, of course, no reference
to Euclid appears.

Copies; BAu etc Llac Libη MBw MUs MUu

Ob Osj NNC Pbn Pbn VIn

Arithmeticae l i b r i t r e s . . . . Ed. 2a. Parisiis:
A. Wechelus, 1557. 8vo. [l6]+lij.O+[4] pp.

Contents: the three books of 285 each s u b s t a n t i a l l y the

same but divided into numbered chapters (11, 15, and 10
chapters r e s p e c t i v e l y ) .

Copies: BRr Ce Eu Lu Müs Müs Ob

Pbn Pm Vbv

ί 168]
Arlthmeticae. P a r l s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 2 . 8νο.

98 pp. ( p . 98 misnumbered 7 0 ) .

Motes: Misled by the erroneous numbering, Waddington

mistakenly l i s t s t h i s as two works, one o f 98 and the

other of 70 pp.

Copies: Lbn MBw Pbn


Arlthmeticae l l b r i t r e s . Basel, 1567·

Copies: s


Ein sehr n u t z l i c h e unnd kunstreiche Arithmeticke oder

Rechenkunst aus warem Grund durch Petrum Ramum der

Hohenschül zu Paryss Königlichen P r o f e s s o r n inn L a t e i n

beschrlben, jetzund aber auss des Authoris bevelch a l l e r

mathematischer Künsten Liebhabern zu glitem v e r d e u t s c h t

durch M. Christianum Wurstisium der U n i v e r s i t e t zu Basel

Mathematician. Desgleichen vormals in Teutscher Sprach

nie ausgangen. B a s e l : Samuel A p i a r l u s , 1 5 6 9 . 4to.

7 ^ + [ 1 ] PP.

Copies: BAu


In 691 ( 1 5 6 9 ) .

In 651 ( 1 5 7 6 ) .


Arithmeticae l l b r i duo. P a r l s i l s : Dionysius V a l l e n s i e ,

1577. 8vo. 96+[2] pp. Table.

Copies: Ha LEu NN NNC (Rbn)

In 692 ( 1 5 8 0 ) .
Arithmeticae l l b r i duo, a Ioanne stadlo . . . r e c o g n i t i
et l l l u s t r a t i . P a r l s i l s : J . de Puys, 1581. 8vo.
9 5 PP·

Copies: BRr Eu Lbm MA a MUa? NN NNC

Pbn Pbn

Arithmeticae l l b r i duo, a Io[anne] Stadlo . . .
recogniti et i l l u s t r a t l . P a r l s i l s : Dionysius du Val,
1581. 8vo. 95 pp.

Copies: LIbn MBw MUu? NN NNC Pbn
Pbn Pbn

Arithmeticae l l b r i duo, a Ioanne Stadio r e c o g n i t i e t
lllustrati. Lugduni Batavorura: Christopherus Plan-
t i n u s , l581j.. 8vo. 95 pp. Table.

Notes: The Oas copy i s Inscribed on the t i t l e - p a g e :

" . . . f o r Edward N e v i l l s c o l l e r in Eaton C o l l e g . "

Copies: Oas Occh LEu MCr+


Arithmeticae l i b r i t r e s . P a r i s , 158i^.

Copies: s


Arithmeticae l i b r i duo. Prancofurti, 1586. 8vo.

Copies: MUs—copy not a v a i l a b l e .

In 686 (1586).


Arithmeticae l i b r i duo, l o g i c a methodo conforraati e t

c o n s c r i p t i opera e t studio M [ a g i s t r i ] Heizonis Buscheri
. . . . Helmstadii: Iacobus Lucius, 159°· 8vo.

(51+28 11.

Notes: Buscher's preface is dated Hannovers«, id. mart.

1590· It credits Ramus with restoring the arts to their

pristine splendor but does not advertize the fact that

this is simply a revised edition of Ramus—largely because

for Buscher the Ramistarrangement seemed to be due not to

the French professor but simply to the nature of things.

Copies: GOu

Arithmeticae libri duo, quaestionum forma propositi in
usum scholarum et illustrati a M[agistro] Toblia] stegero
. . . . Prancofurti: I[oannes] Wechelus, 1591· 8vo.

Copies: b e — p . 1317.

In 693 (1591).

The Art of Arithmeticke in Whole Numbers and Fractions .
. . . v/ritten in Latin by P. Ramus and translated into
English by William Kempe. London: R. Field for R.
Dexter, 1592. 8vo. 83 pp. Black letter.

In 37 (1592).

In P. Rami Arithmeticam Rudolph! S n e l l i i expligationes

l e c t i s s i m a e , Lazarl Schoner!, Berhn[ardi] S a l i g n a c i , et

C h r i s t o p h o r i V r s t i s i i commentationibus passim l o c u p l e t a t a e

Francofurti: I o a n n i s Saurius impensis P e t r i F i s c h e r ! , 159&

8vo. 157 ΡΡ·

Notes: Ramus' t e x t i s not reproduced completely h e r e .

Copies: AMu BAu NNC Ob


Arithmeticae l o g i c a methodo i n uaum scholarum trivialium

s u c c i n c t e c o n s c r i p t a e l i b r i duo, auctore Heizone Buschero

. . . . Ed. 2 a . Hamburg!: B i n d e r , 1597· 8vo.

Copies: LBs

I n 681+. ( 1 5 9 9 ) .

Arithmeticae logica methodo . . . conacriptae libri
duo, auctore M[agistro] Heizone Buschero. Ed. 3a.
Francofurti: e Paltheniano typographaeo, l600. 8vo.
ij.6 pp.

Copies; Lbm

In 688 (160l|).


Arithmetlca logica methodo conformata, authore Heizone

Buschero. Wittenberg, l607.

Copies: HMm


Arithneticae logica methodo . . . conacriptae libri duo,

auctore M[agistro] Heizone Buschero. ed. /μι.
46 pp. e Paltheniano typographaeo, I608. 8vo.

Copies: Lbm

In 689 (l6ll).

In 69!+. ( 1 6 1 1 ) .


A r i t h m e t i c a e l i b r i duo, a Iosepho Martino Rameo Mathe-

mat[icarum ] Artium P r o f e s s o r s r e c o g n i t i e t . . . illus-

t r a t i , eiusdem a c t i o t e r t i a pro Cathedra Rami . . . ;

compendium I o [ a n n i s ] S t a d i i Ramei olim P r o f e s s o r i s De

a a s e , de p a r t i b u s e i u s , e t de numero s e x a g e n a r i o . Post

omnes e d i t i o n e s a u c t i o r e t l o c u p l e t i o r . Parisiis:

Franciscus Gueffier, l 6 l 2 . 8vo. 1 9 0 + [ 3 ] + 2 7 pp.


Copies; Pbn Pm


A r i t h m e t i c a e l i b r i duo, cum c o m n e n t a r i i s W i l e b r o r d i

S n e l l i i , R[udolphi] f f r a t r i s ] . Lugduni Batavorum:

o f f i c i n a Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1613. 8vo.

[ U + 1 0 6 PP·

Copies: BAU Cu GEpu HAk LEu MCr MH

NNC Omt Pa Pbn Psc Pvu


Arithmetici vulgaris l i b r i duo, primum a M [ a g i s t r o ]

Heizone Buschero b r e v i t e r c o l l e c t i , nunc . . . illustrati

s t u d i o . . . Iohannis B o t v i d i . Rostockii: tjrpis

Botvidi, l 6 l 3 . Övo. 79 PP·

Copies: Pbn

I n 690 ( 1 6 1 7 ) .

In 685 ( 1 6 2 7 ) ·


Heizonis Bus che r i A r i t h m e t i c s . Ed. J|a r e c o g n i t a .

I n : C h r i s t o p h S c h e i b l e r , P h i l o s o p h i a compendiosa . . . ;

a d d i t a e s t etiam H l e i z o n i s ] B u s c h e r i A r i t h m e t i c a . . .

Oxoniae: G. Turner, impensis T . Huggins e t H. C u r t e i n e ,

1 6o2p8i .e s :
C 8vo.

Heinzonis B u s c h e r i A r i t h m e t i c a . Ed. recognita . .

. . In: Christoph S c h e i b l e r , P h i l o s o p h i a compendiosa

• . . ; a d d i t a e s t etiara H e i z o n i s B u s c h e r i A r i t h m e t i c a

. . . . Oxoniae: G u i l i e l m u s Turner, impensis H e n r i c i

Curteine, 1 6 3 1 . 8vo.

Arithmetica o f t e Reecken-Konat, e e r t i j t s i n ' t L a t i j n
beschreven door . . . Petrua Ramus . . . ende nu lnde
Nederduytsche Tale obergeset ende met veel schoone
exempelen v e r k l a e r t door Bernard Lampe, Μ. D. . . .
t ' Amstelredam: Ian Evertsz Cloppenburgh (colophon adds:
gedruckt by Ioannes I a q u e t ) , 1636. 8vo. [8]+278 pp.

Copies: LEu


Arithmetlcae l o g l c a methodo . . . conscriptae l l b r i duo,

auctore M [ a g i s t r o ] Helzone Buschero . . . . Ed. 6 a .
Marpurgi: impensis Sebald! Köhlees, 1 6 5 7 . 8vo. 56
Notes: The preface I s s t i l l t h a t of the o r i g i n a l 1590
e d i t i o n , dated i d . mar. 1 5 9 0 .

Copie s : MoSU


See also Training in Dialectic above.

This most important of all Ramus' works

appears in a variety of forms, none of which notably

change its bearing but many of which represent extremely

interesting developments. In editions prepared by

Ramus' disciples, great masses of commentaries are

added to clarify the text, and then taken away for the

same reason.

Commentaries which appear here are those only

which include the text of Ramus * Dialectic in some form

or another. There are many other conmentaries which do

not, and this whole agglomerate of editions and commen-

taries is suspended in a network of printed controversy

which spreads everywhere through the sixteenth and

seventeenth centuries and which is not even mentioned

here. Similarly, I have not included here editions of

dialectic or logic books which are not reproductions or

adaptations of Ramus' text but only show traces of Ramist

influence—such, for instance, as the logics of Pranconus

Burgersdicius or Burgersdijk, of Adrian Heereboord, of A.

Kunnaeus, of the Port-Royal Loglque, or John Wesley's

Logic. Naturally, the line between an adaptation an

an echo is not easy to draw or to defend, and is in

some degree arbitrary.

In the text of this work, several principal

stages can be conveniently distinguished. These stages

overlap, since the appearance of a revision does not

mean that the earlier form ceases to be printed, and

they form only the principal nodes in the dismaying

criss-cross of interrelations which result from the

accumulation of commentary and adaptations. (See also

"The Ramist Controversies" below.) With this reminder,

these principal stages are given here (see the respec-

tive Inventory entries for further particulars on each


1. The Dialecticae partitlones of 15^3 and later,

listed above, which represent the Ramist dialec-

tic in its primitive three-phase stage (natura,

doctrina or ars, and «exercltatlo). This work has

various forms, q.v. above, but especially:

2. Dlalectlcl commentarii tres Audomaro Talaeo edltl

[without Ramus' name at all], Paris, 15l+.6.--The

first business-like codification of the Ramist

dialectic and the first treatment of method as

such. Much of the 1555 work is lifted out of

this work, which, with the third of the Commen-

taries (i.e., books) dropped, constitutes the

first Ramist manual or art of dialectic.

3. Dialectlque, Paris, 1555·—This work in French

first definitively eliminates "exercise" and

leaves the dialectic a two-part "art" made up of
i'nventio and judicium, and here presented in a
leisurely, discursive form, without the grouping
of the parts even into books and chapters.
Dlalecticae llbrl duo, Audomari Talael praelectlon-
lbus lllustrati, Paris, 1556.—The Latin adaptation
of the French, divided into two books but without
numbered chapters, equipped from the first with
Talon's explanations, which were certainly got up
at least under Ramus' surveillance.

De arte dlcendl liber unus denuo auctu3 et emendatus

by Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (Sanctius
Brocensis), Salamanca, 1558«—The first publication
I know of in which someone other than Ramus or Talon
promulgates in print the reorganized Ramist dialec-
tic (and rhetoric).

Dlalecticae librl duo, Audomari Talael praelectlon-

ibus lllustrati, Paris, 1566.—A further Latin
revision with Talon's praelectiones quietly rewrit-
ten, after Talon's death, by Ramus himself. The
revisions include notahly the passage on method,
pp. 394-^3°» borrowed by Ramus from his 1556-60
Arlstotellcae anlmadverslones. Two books, but no
numbered chapters as yet.

7. D i a l e c t l c a Audomari T a l a e i praelectionibus

lllustrata, Basle, 1 5 6 9 . — S t i l l further revisions,

with the two books divided f o r the f i r s t time into

33 and 19 c h a p t e r s r e s p e c t i v e l y . The commentary

i s even l o n g e r than b e f o r e . Because o f the b r e v i t y

o f the f o l l o w i n g 1572 e d i t i o n , the p r e s e n t i s the

d e f i n i t i v e complete e d i t i o n during Ramus' lifetime.

8. D l a l e c t i c a e l l b r l duo, L u t e t i a e , 1572. The first

L a t i n t e x t without p r a e l e c t l o n e a , and the last

e d i t i o n i n Ramus' l i f e t i m e , incorporating signifi-

cant r e v i s i o n s , p a r t i c u l a r l y concerning judgment

and method.

9. D l a l e c t i c a e l i b r l duo, L u t e t i a e , 1572.—A still

further revision, somewhat shortened ( c a . 15»000

words}, the former c a p . i o f L i b . I I divided i n t o

two c h a p t e r s to give the books 33 and 20 c h a p t e r s


10. La D l a l e c t l q u e de Μ. P i e r r e de l a Ram^e . . . en

deux l l v r e s , Paris, 1 5 7 6 . - - I n part a reproduction

o f the 1555 D l a l e c t l q u e and i n p a r t a r e a l i g n m e n t

o f the t e x t with l a t e r L a t i n r e v i s i o n s , t h i s work

comes to about 2 5 , 0 0 0 words. The two books have

r e s p e c t i v e l y 31 and 17 numbered c h a p t e r s , p l u s a

p e r o r a t i o n f o r each book.

In g e n e r a l , the v a r i o u s r e v i s i o n s progress

toward g r e a t e r d l c h o t o m i z a t i o n and s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n .

E.g., the f o u r causes i n the 1556 e d i t i o n are regrouped

as two and two i n the 1572 e d i t i o n , etc.

In a d d i t i o n to the f o r e g o i n g , l i s t e d as c a r d i n a l

m o d i f i c a t i o n s o f the b a s i c t e x t , the f o l l o w i n g editions

can be s i g n a l i z e d f o r o t h e r r e a s o n s :

1. Dlalectlque, Paris, 1 5 5 5 · — L i s t e d with the f o r e -

going e d i t i o n s , t h i s work i s a l s o Important a s

apparently the f i r s t p r i n t e d d i a l e c t i c in French.

2. The Loglke o f . . . P [ e t e r ] Ramus, t r a n s l a t e d by

Rolland M'Kilwein, London. l 5 7 4 - " T h e first

E n g l i s h - l a n g u a g e v e r s i o n o f Ramus' dialectic.

3· Dlalectlca, i n Ramus, P r o f e s s l o r e g i a , e d . i n

1576 by Pre i g e . — T h e f i r s t o f a long l i n e of

e d i t i o n s i n which the t e x t i s strung on b r a c k -

e t e d dichotomized t a b l e s , which had occurred i n

rudimentary form i n l5ij.3, a s well as e a r l i e r in


I o a n n i s Thomae F r e l g i l , Paedagogus, 1582.—In

t h i s work, the Ramiat D l a l e c t l c a i s not o n l y

reproduced but invades the whole f i e l d o f liberal

a r t 3 and begins to spread out i n t o o t h e r a r e a s

o f knowledge even more widely than i t had under

Ramus' own a u s p i c e s .

loannis Henrici Alstedi, Systerna mnemonicum duplex,

l6l0.--The Ramist Dlalectlca set within this work

ΰ-jtoi^iiius the organization of the entire work,

becoming a starting point for modern encycloped-

Ruygh-bewerp vande Redenkaveling, Leyden,

The first Dutch translation and the first dialectic

printed in the Dutch language.

Dialectica verdeutscht, Erfurt, 1587.--The first

German translation. See the note with the I58ij.

Frankfort Loglca edited by Wasserleider, below.

Dlalecticae lib[ri] duo, Spirae, 1595---The first

edition I have found of the mai^· schoolboys' vest-

pocket issues which are now frequently met with in

German, Dutch, English, and American libraries and

which provided the schoolboy the key to the uni-

verse, almost literally in a nutshell. The Ramlst

Grammatlca Latlna, Rhetorica, Arlthmetica (including

Algebra) and C-eometrla occur in parallel vest-

pocket schoolboy editions. For all these editions,

the greatest publishing center was the exile Hugu-

enot community at Hanau, where the first edition

seems to have appeared in 1598·

Dialectlcae llbrl duo . . . Ungarico idlomate et

usu . . . resoluti et lllustratl, Ultraiecti,

l658.—An edition in Latin but with Hungarian

equivalents for some terms.

There seem to be more English translations of

Ramus' Dialectlca than translations in any other language.

Versions by the following translators were published in

the following years: 1) Roland ri'Kilwein (Rollandus

Makylmenaeus), 1574» 1581; 2) Dudley Penner, ΙζΒΙ± (2

issues), 1588» 3) Abraham Fraunce, 1588 (3 issues);

4) Thomas Granger, 1620; 5) Samuel Wotton (published by

Anthony Wotton), 1626; 6) Thomas Spencer, 1628, 1656;

7) Robert Fage, 1632, 1635» 1636, 1651, 1658, 1685, 1699

(the last three edited by John Milton's nephew, Edward

Phillips); 8) Allan H. Gilbert, 1931-38 (a translation

of Milton's Latin adaptation). This gives a total of 19

editions or issues before 1700. Alexander Richardson's

work, The Logician's Schoolmaster, or, A Comment upon

Ramus' Loglck (London, 1029» etc.) does not include Ramus'

text itself.

The twelve editions of versions in languages

other than English in this Inventory are the following.

Ramus' own French text appeared in 1555 and 1556; a

French adaptation by another's hand in 1576 and 1577·

Dutch translations appeared in 1585, l6li^, l61+4> ca.

1649» and 1649» mostly under the patronage of blue-

stocking literary societies. German translations appeared

in 1587 and 1590 (the title-pages of Wasserleider's 158^

and 1587 editions are misleading, for these works, at

least in the copies I have seen, contain no German

translation). The partly Hungarian edition appeared in

I65O. Several editions printed in Germany (as Beuriiusiu

i539 edition) :.ive occasional German synonyms for Latin

terms, but such have not been here reckoned as German



Dialectique de Pierre de la Ramee a Charles de Lorraine

cardinal, son ilecene. Paris: A. Wechal, 1555· kto

[l6]+lij.O pp.

Kotes: The privilege du Roi is dated 13 sept. 1555·

There is no division into books or chapters, but these

later divisions are adumbrated in the centered headings.

The examples herein fron: classical authors

(Virgil, Horace, Martial, Ovid, Tibullus, Catullus,

Parmenides) are translated for Ramus mostly by Ronsard,

but also by Joachim du Beilay, Remi Belleau, Guy de

Brues, "le Comte d'Alsinois" (Nicolas Denisot), Louis

Desmasures (des Mazures), Clement Marot, Etienne Pasquie

and Jacques Pelletier (Peletier du Mans). Ronsard 1 s

translations for Ramus have been reprinted from the

Dialectique in Pierre de Nolhac, Ronsard et l'Humanisme

(Paris: Champion, 1921), p. 1 6 8 ; see this work also for

the other authors here, especially G. de Brues.

The text of this French work is much fuller

than Ramus' Latin text of the editions of 1556 and

after, the greater length of the latter works being

due to Talon's explanations.

Copies: Lbm Müs MUu Pbn Pbp Psc


Dialectique de Pierre de la Ramee a Charles de Lorraine

cardinal, son Mecene. Avignon: Barthelemy BonhOmme,

1556. 8vo. llj.7 pp.

Copies: Pm

Petri Rami, regii eloquentiae et philosophiae profes-

soris, Dialecticae libri duo, Audomari Talaei praelec-

tionibue illu3trati; ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem.

Parisiis: A. VVechelus, 1556. 8vo. [8]+203 + [l] pp.

Notes: The Privilegium is dated 7 cal. oct. 1556, but

in the Occ copy the Privilegium is without date.

Ramus' preface to the Cardinal of Lorraine

lnclplt, "non ignores (Mecoenas) . . . ."; deslnlt,

". . . . donarii vota concludam: Horat. I Carm.

•metabula . . . / / / . . . Deo."

The t e x t i s divided i n t o two books, but t h e r e

are no numbered c h a p t e r s , only c e n t e r e d h e a d i n g s . In

Talon's explanations, there are a l s o c e n t e r e d headings

i n the form of q u e s t i o n s i n t r o d u c i n g d i s c u s s i o n s of

A r i s t o t l e ' s views. T a l o n ' s e x p l a n a t i o n s are about

two or three times as long as Ramus' t e x t , totaling

about 0 0 , 0 0 0 words.

Of d i a l e c t l c a , Ramus' t e x t says t h a t i t is

" a r s bene d i s s e r e n d i , eodemque sensu l o g i c a nominatur'I

(p. 1 ) . T a l o n ' s f i r s t b i t of p r a e l e c t l o b e g i n s , "Dial-

ectlca ] Studium nostrum . . . ."

Copies: CBv Mbn

In 668 (1558).


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, A. T a l a e i praelectionibus

illustrati; ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem.

P a r i s i i s : A. VVechelus, i 5 6 0 . 8vo. 2ij.l + [ l ] pp.

Notes: The P r i v i l e g i u m i s dated 3 i d . j u n . 1 5 5 7 ; see
the 1559 P a r i s e d i t i o n o f L i b e r de C a e s a r i a militia,
Copies: BEs BRr Dm LAt Lbm MUs Pa
Pbn Psc Rbn Vbv


Dialecticae libri duo, A . T a l a e i praelectionibus

illustrati. . . . Coloniae: Wernerus Richwinus, 1561.

8vo. 269 p p .

Copies: HAk

2 42

Dialecticae l i b e r primus, de i n v e n t i o n e . Parisiis:

A. W e c h e l u s , 1565. ktc>· k1 1 1 · (fol. after fol.

25 i s blank, t h e n e x t numbered 2 5 a g a i n , the n e x t 26,

and so on).

Notes: Despite the title, t h e whole o f the Dlalectlca

is included here, the s e c o n d book b e g i n n i n g on t h e

second f o l . 25·

Copies: Ob


Dialecticae libri duo, A. T a l a e l praelectionibus

illustrati. Parisiis: A. W e c h e l u s , 1566. 8vo.

[81+450+U8] pp.

Contents: Privilegii sententia (3 i d . jun. 1557)

P r a e f a t i o ad Carolum L o t h a r i n g u m Cardinalem

("Quintum a b h i n c . . . . audiatur.")

Liber I. De inventione.

Liber II. De judicio.

[Concluding note: ] "Habes (lector) . . . . ' / . . ·/

. . . sui/' . . . finis."

Notes: There are no numbered chapters, but centered

headings. In this new, undated preface to the

Cardinal of Lorraine, Ramus says that, during his

enforced retirement, he has revised his Dialectic,

making it more "elegant" and serviceable. As a matter

of fact, Ramus has here rewritten not only his own

text, but Talon's praelectiones as well. In the con-

cluding note, Ramus owns this latter fact so dis-

creetly that only the reader otherwise alerted would

know what he is talking about, or, indeed be aware

that he was really saying anything at all: "Habes

(lector) Audomari Talaei praelectiones in Dialecticam

extrema ipsius velut oloris voce ita modulatas, ut e

multiplicibus suavis et acuti ingenii monument!s,

facile hoc unum suavltate et acumine prir.ceps habeatur.

Sic nempe 'Dulcia defecta modulatur carmina lingui/

cantator cygnus funeris ipse sui.'" Unlike Talon's

original, this "swan song" adaptation by Ramus refers

constantly to Ramus by name--eignt times in the first

two and one-half pages. Ramus works into his revision

of Talon's text here material from others of his own

works—see Ramus' Quod sit unlca doctrlnae institu-

endae methodus (1557)» listed under Arlst. anim.


Copies; Ba BRr Cgc Cth GEpu GOu

HAk LYv Pa Pbn Pm Psc Psg Tv

Dialecticae libri duo, A. Talaei praelectionibus

illustrati . . . . Coloniae Agrippinae: Matthias

Iacobi, 1566. 269+[l8] pp.

Copies: Müs

Dialectica Λ. Talaei praelectionibus illustrate.

Basileae: E. Episcopius et Nicolae fratris haeredes,

1569. 8vo. [32]+589+[3] pp.

Contents: [Ramus' preface:J "Archimedes (lector)

• . . . tabula concludatur."
Liber I. [33 numbered chapters]
Liber II. [19 numbered chapters. Cap. xix is
entitled "De crypticis methodi."]

[Concluding n o t e , as i n 1 5 6 6 P a r i s e d i t i o n above:]

"Haben ( l e c t o r ) . . .

Notes: T h i s e d i t i o n was the r e s u l t o f Ramus' visit

t o B a s l e around 1 5 6 9 · As compared w i t h Dlalecticae

librl duo . . . ( P a r i s i i s : A . ' " e c h e l u s , 1566), Ramus'

t e x t h e r e a s w e l l a s the commentary undergo q u i t e a

few c h a n g e s and a r e d i v i d e d h e r e f o r the f i r s t time

i n t o numbered b o o k s . Ramus' t e x t here a l s o differs

somewhat from t h a t i n the D i a l e c t i c a e librl duo

( L u t e t i a e : A. Wechelus, 1572).

S i n c e the 1 5 7 2 P a r i s e d i t i o n b e l o w does n o t

have the Talon p r a s l e c t l o n e s , as f a r as these praelec-

t l o n e 3 go, t h i s i s the d e f i n i t i v e e d i t i o n o f the

Dlalectlca d u r i n g Ramus' l i f e t i m e ( f o r e x p l a n a t i o n of

method, e t c . ) See n o t e t o Quod s i t unlca . . . «

methodua ( 1 5 5 7 ) l i s t e d under A r l s t . anim. above.

Copies: BAu CAf Ku MoSUm MUu

In 669 ( 1 5 6 9 ) .


D i a l e c t i c a A. T a l a e i p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s illuatrata.

B a s i l e a e : E. S p i s c o p i u s e t N i c o l a i f r a t r i s haeredes,

1572. θνο. [ J 2 J+63i+.+ [ 6 ] pp. Portrait of

Hamas, " a e t a . LV."

Notes: The p r a e l e e t l o n e s are the same as i n the 15&9

Basle e d i t i o n , with a few i n s i g n i f i c a n t omissions.

Copies; MUs Pbn Rbv Tv

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo. L u t e t i a e : A. Wechelus,
1572. θνο. 95 PP.

Notes: This i s the l a s t e d i t i o n put out by Ramus

himself. I t includes s i g n i f i c a n t r e v i s i o n s , especially
concorning judgment and method, consequent, i t would
seem, on Jakob S c h e g k ' s 15&9 a t t a c k s . L i b e r I has 33
numbered c h a p t e r s , L i b e r I I , 20 (the former c a p . i o f
L i b . I I i s divided i n t o two c h a p t e r s ) .

Since there are no p r e l e c t i o n s ( t h i s i s the

f i r s t L a t i n e d i t i o n without them) and s i n c e t h i s e d i -
t i o n appeared the y e a r of Ramus' death, the q u e s t i o n
must be asked as to whether the e d i t i o n was perhaps
put i n t o p r i n t only a f t e r Ramus' death, f o r i f i t were,
one would be u n c e r t a i n as to whether the critical
r e v i s i o n s here a r e e n t i r e l y h i s . Fortunately, a
d e f i n i t i v e answer i s forthcoming from the Dt copy, for
t h i s was a personal g i f t from Ramus h i m s e l f t o William

ρ, R A M I R E ·
Gl I P R O F E S S O -
RIS DI A L t C T I C i E
^ »?<./;·. p <m
L I Β R I D V Ο. I
UmIh'Ihio Kclic».

· ϊ 17
T'Xr^-, jfi
• i,*

l ν τ ε τ ι At,
A pud Andrcam Wcchelum.
ι j 7 χ.
Cum privilcgioRcgi?.
Fulke (l538-89)> the Puritan anti-surplice agitator

(who, we know from elsewhere, went to Paris shortly

after May 19, 1572--D.N.B.). The title-page bears

the inscription, partly trimmed off with the right-

hand margin: "Lutetiae Parisi[orum] Guilielmo Fulconi

Petrus Ramus dedit pro xenio Anno do." [l572--no

other date being possible since Ramus was killed in

August, 1572]. The hand is sixteenth-century, but not

Ramus' own. See the accompanying illustration.

Copies: BEs CtY Dt Occ Psc STnu Uu



Dialectica A. Talaei praelectionibus illustrate.

Coloniae Agrippinae: Theodorus Baumius, 1573. 8vo.

[24]+453+[1] pp.

Notes: The same text and commentary as the 1572

Basle edition.

Copies: Fsg Lbm Lu PAv Pbn Rbn


Dialectica A. Talaei praelec. .cnibus illustrata.

Coloniae Agrippinae: Theodorus C-raminaeus, 15,'3.

8vo. t24]+453+[l] pp.

Copies: BRr


In 670 ( 1 5 7 3 ) .

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, ex v a r i i s i p s i u s disputation!-
bus e t m u l t i s A. T a l a e i commentariis b r e v i t e r ex-
p l i c a t i a Gulielmo Rodingo Marpurgensi.
F r a n c o f u r t i : typographia A. Wecheli, l57ij.· 8vo.
100 pp.

Note3: Wechel's name on both t i t l e - p a g e and c o l o -

phon. The t i t l e - p a g e p r i n t e r ' s mark i s Wechel's
usual Pegasus over cornucopiae and caduceus i n
clasped hands.

See a l s o the note with 2 5 6 .

Copies: DAI Hu

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, ex v a r i i s i p s i u s d i s p u t a -
t i o n l b u s e t m u l t i s A. T a l a e i commentationibus
b r e v i t e r e x p l l c a t i a Guillelmo Rodingo Marpurgensi.
F r a n c o f u r t i ad Moenum: A. Hechel, 157^· 8vo.
100 pp.

Notes: '.Vechel's name occurs only in the colophon,

and in the form "Wechel." The title-page printer's

mark is not Wechel's usual one, but a winged female

figure sounding a trumpet.

See also the note with 256·

Copies: BAu Owo VIn


Dialecticae libri duo, exemplis omnium artium et

scientiarum illustrati, non solum dialecticis, sed

etiam mysticis, mathematicis, physicis, medicis,

iuridicis, poeticis, et oratoriis, per Rolandum

Makilmenaeum Scotum. Londini: Thomas Vautrol-

lerius, 1^7k' 8ν°· 1^9+[2] pp.

Notes: The preface is addressed "Sdmundo Docurae

de Chamberhouse, Anglo."

Copies: Cmp Pm

The Logike of the Moste Excellent Philosopher P.

Ramus Martyr, newly translated and in divers places

corrected after the rnynde of the author per

M[agistrum] Roll[andum] Makylmenaeum Scotum rogatu

viri honestissimi M[agistri] Aegidii Hamlini.

London: Thomas Vautrollier, 157^· 9vo. [2]+102

pp. Portrait of Ramus inscribed "Petrus R[a]m[u]a


Notes: The first English version, from Ramus' text

in the stage of the 1569 Basle edition, but with some

chapters combined, giving Books I and II respectively

32 and 18 chapters.

Copies: Lbm Mo St/"

Dialecticae libri duo. Postrema ed. post mortem

auctoris. Lutetiae: A. Wechelus, 157^. θ^ο.

79 ΡΡ·
Notes: The text is exactly the same as in the 1572
edition by this same publisher.

Copies: Csc Dt Lbm MoSU"1 MHi NjP

Dialecticae libri duo. Ex postrema omnium
editione. Dusseldorpii: Albertus Busius, [lf>]76.
8vo. 96 pp. (in Ku copy interleaved with blanks).

Copies: Ku

D l a l e c t l c a e l i b [ r i ] duo, ex . . . i p s i u s d i s p u t a t i o n i -
bus e t . . . A . Talaei commentariis denuo b r e v i t e r
e x p l i c a t i a Guilielmo Rodlngo Hasso. Prancofurti:
A. Wechelus, 1576. 8vo. 171+E3] pp. Table.

Notes; Roding's new preface here i s dated 3 i d . ian.

1576» from Heidelberg. This Roding i s , o f course, the
same man as the Roding o f the 157^ F r a n k f o r t e d i t i o n s ,
Marburg (Lahn) being i n Hesse.

Copies: GOu MAs VIn

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, exemplis . . . i l l u s t r a t i . .
• per Rolandum Makilmenaeum. Londini: Thomas
V a u t r o l l e r i u s , 1576. 8vo. 11^9 pp.

Copies: Eu NN"1 Ob

La d i a l e c t i q u e de Μ. P i e r r e de l a Ram^e, p r o f e s s e u r
du Roy, comprise en deux l l v r e s selon l a derniere
^ d i t i on, augment^e d'un p e t i t t r a i c t e de l ' e x e r c i c e
e t practlque non-seulement de l a l o g i q u e , mais des

autres arts et sciences, pour en tirer le vray fruict

et utility. Paris: Guillaume Auvray, 1576. 8vo.

71 11. (fol. 71 mislumbered 57)· Table.

Notes: The Privilegium is dated 17 oct. 1576.

This work is in part a reproduction of the

text of the 1555 Dialectique and in part an adjust-

ment of this text to that of the Latin editions sub-

sequent to 1555· The 1555 Dialectique text is often

reproduced with errors and all, as when fol. 65

prints the 1555 erroneous "Plasson," correcting the

form at its next occurrence, fol. 67· to "Passon,"

exactly as the 1555 text does. The present work runs

to about 25,000 words. There are two books, divided

into 31 and 17 numbered chapters respectively, plus a

peroration for each book after the manner of the 1555

Dialectique. The first part of the "petit traict^ de

l'exercice et practique" is simply the last five-sixths

of Ramus' "Peroration de la me'thode" in the 1555

Dialectique, sliced off from the rest.

The Lbm copy has two portraits of Ramus

pasted in.

Copies: Lbm Pm Ps Psc Tv

In 651 (1576).

D i a l e c t i c a , A. T a l a e i p r a e l e c t i o n l b u s illustrate.

B a s i l e a e : E. Eplscopius e t Nicolai f r a t r i s haeredes,

1577. 8vo. [32]+592 PP· P o r t r a i t o f Ramus.

Copies: Pbn+ Psc


Dialectica, A. T a l a e i p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s illustrate.

Coloniae A g r i p p i n a e : Theodorus Baumius, 1577»

8vo. t22]+lj.50+[5] pp.

Notes: A note t o the r e a d e r added to t h i s edition

i s signed " G e r a r d [ u s ] G u l i e l m i P [ r a t r i s ] Pastor

Antonianus, Coloniae Agrippinae, 1577."

Copies: MNS Occh


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b [ r i ] duo, ex . . . i p s i u s diaputa-

tionibus et . . . A. T a l a e i commentariis denuo . . .

e x p l i c a t i a Guilielmo Rodingo . . . . Francofurti

A. Weche1us, 1577· 8vo. 171+Γ3] pp.

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, ex . . . i p e i u s disputa-
tionibus e t . . . A. Talaei commentariis denao . . .
e x p l i c a t i a Guilielmo Rodingo . . . . Lugduni:
Ludovicus Cloquemin e t Stephanus Michael, 1577«
8vo. 171+[3] pp. Table.

Copies: Pm

La d l a l e c t i q u e de Μ. Pierre de l a Ram^e . . · aug-
m e n t s d'un p e t i t traictrf de l ' e x e r c i c e e t practique
. . . P a r i s : Guillaume Auvray, 1577« 8vo.
[i^]+71 11. ( f o l . 71 misnumbered 5 7 ) . Table.

Notes: The Lbm copy i s inscribed on the t i t l e - p a g e ,

"Gui. Drtπ^lraond.,l

Copies: Lbm NjP™ Omt Pbn Psc

D i a l e c t i c s , A. Talaei p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s illustrate.
Coloniae Agrippinae: Theodorus Baumius, 1578.
8vo. [2ίί.]+450+[5] PP.

Copies; Ob Psc


Dialecticae libri duo, exemplis . . . illustratl

. . . per Rolandum Makilmenseum . . . .

Francofurti: A. Wechelus, 1579· 8vo. li;9+[2]


Copies: DAI MUs Owo

Dialecticae libri duo, ex . . . ipsius disputation-

ibus et . . . A . Talael commentariis denuo . . .

explicati a Gullielmo Rodingo . . . . Francofurti:

A. Wechelus, 1579· 8vo. 170+[5] pp. Table.

Copies: Cu LIbn MBu Pbn+ Zz


In 671 (1579)·

Dialecticae libri duo, exemplis . . . illustratl . .

. per Rolandum Makilmenaeum . . . . Francofurti:

A. Wechelus, 1 5 8 Ο . 8vo. 127 pp.

Copies; [Au] DAI GOu Müs MUu? STna


In P. Rami Dlalectlcam animadversiones I[oannis]

Piscatoris Argentinensis, exemplis sacrarum literarum

passim illustratae. Francofurti: A. wechelus, 1580.

8vo. 155+153 PP·

Notes: This is simply Ramus' text with a commentary.

Copies; BAu Eu Müs Müs MUu?

Dialecticae llbfri] duo, ex . . . ipsius disputation-

ibus et . . . A . Talaei commentariis denuo . . .

explicati a Gullielmo Rodingo . . . . Prancofurti:

A. Wechelus, 1580. 8vo. 170+[5] pp.

Copies: MUs MUu? UCL VIn


Dialecticae libri duo cum scholiis Ioannis Piscatoris.

Prancofurti: Ioannes Wechelus, 1581. 8vo.

Copies: bc--p. 13ί{.1

In P. Rami Eialecticae libros duos Lutetiae anno

[15]72 sine praelectionibus aeditos, explicationum

quaestiones: quae Paedagogiae logicae de docenda

dlscendaque dialectica pars prima. Auctore Fred-

erico Beurhusio. Londini: Henricus Bynneman, 1581.

θνο. [8]+207+[12] pp.

Copies: Lbm MH Pm


The Logike of . . . . p . Ramus . . . newly translated

and . . . corrected . . . per . . . Roll[andum] Maky-

lmenaeum . . . rogatu . . . Aegidii Hamlini.

London: Thomas Vautrollier, 1581. 8vo. ζΐ 11.

Copies: CSmH Cu NN"1 SAU

In p. Rami Dialecticam animadversiones Ioan[nis]

Piscatoris . . . . Londini: Henricus Bynneman,

1581. 8vo. 155+[ζ] pp.

Copies: Lbm

P. Rani. . . Dialecticae omnium postremo editae libri

duo . . . quaestionibus illustrati: quae Paedagogiae

logicae pars prima qua artis intelligentia comparatur.

Auctore Frederico Beurhusio . . . . Ed. 2a.

Tremoniae: Alb[ertus] Sart., 1581· 8vo. ij.85+[10]


Copies: BBs GOu

De P. Rami Dialectica praecipuis oapitibus disputa-

tiones scholasticae, et cum iisdem variorum logicorum

comparationes: quae Paedagogiae logicae para secunda

qua artis Veritas exquiritur. Auctore Frederico

Beurhusio . . . . Tremoniae: Albertus Sart. et Arnold.

W e s t , 1581. 8vo. [l6]+1021 pp. (with some

interleaved pp. separately numbered).

Notes: Beurhaus' preface is dated cal. apr. 1581.

This work compares Ramus' with other dialectics, in-

cluding Titelmannus1 and Sturm's, and Peter of Spain's

Summulae loglcales, in parallel columns--pp. 94 ff·

Other than this, little of Ramus' text appears.

Copies: GOu MBu Zz

I [ o a n n i s ] Tfhomae] F r e i g i i De logica iureconsultorum

l i b r l duo. Basileae: Sebastianus Henricpetri, 15Ö2.

8vo. [8]+190+[2] pp.

Notes: Apparently the e a r l i e s t of the adaptations of

Ramus' Dlalectlca f o r law students.

Copies: Cu Lbm


I o a n [ n l s ] Thomai F r e i g i i . . . De l o g i c a iureconsultorum
l i b r l duo. Ed. postrema. Basileae: Sebastianus
Henricpetri, [ n . d . — F r e i g i u s ' preface i s dated c a l .
sept. 1582]. 8vo. [l6]+190 pp.

Copies: BAu Zz


Animadver3iones I o a n [ n i s ] P i s c a t o r i s . . . in Dialec-
ticam P. Rami . . . Ed. 2 a . . . correcta . . .
locupletata . . . Francofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli,
1582, 8vo. 215+(9] pp.
Copies: BAu DAI Gu MUs? Pa Rbn

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b [ r i ] duo, ex . . . i p s i u s disputation-
ibus e t . . . A. T a l a e i commentariis denuo . . .

e x p l i c a t i a Guilielmo Rodingo . . . . Francofurti:

haeredes A. Wecheli, 1 5 8 2 . Övo. l l | 2 + [ 2 ] pp.


Copies; DAI VIn


De P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a e p r a e c i p u i s c a p i t i b u s disputa-

t i o n e s . . . e t . . . comparationes: . . . Paeda-

gogiae l o g i c a e p a r s secunda . . . . Auctore F r e d e r -

i c o Beurhusio. Ed. 2 a . L o n d i n i : Henricus

Bynneman, 1 5 8 2 . 8vo. [24J+61|1 pp.

Copies: Cu MH Pm

In 652 (1582).


[Triumphans Logicae Rameae . . . . a u c t o r e Gulielrao

Adolpho S c r i b o n i o . ] [1583 or e a r l i e r ? ] - - t h e only

h i n t I have o f t h i s work i s the f a c t t h a t the 1583

e d i t i o n of t h i s same t i[206]
t l e below reads on the title-
page "Ed. 2 a ." See also the 1587 edition below. It

is possible that the title-page of one or the other

of these editions is misdated, so that the "1587"

edition below is the first edition implied by the

"1583" title-page.

Ad P. Rami Dialecticam variorum exemplorum inductio

quae paedagogiae logicae pars tertia . . . . Auctore

Prederico Beurhusio . . . . Coloniae: Maternus

Cholinus, 1583. 8vo. [lj.8]+771 pp.

Kotes: Ramus' text accompanied by commentary and

usus or examples of logic in practice.

Copies: DAI Pm Rbc


Dialecticae libri duo A. Talaei praelectlonibus

illustrati . . . erienrtati per Iohannen Piscatorem

• · · · Francofurti: haeredes A. Y.'echeli, 1583.

8vo. [8]+4l6+[18] pp.

Copies: Csj Cu GOu Gu MAs fTdBJ

Rbn VIu Zz

Animadversiones I o a n [ n i s ] P i s c a t o r i s . . . In D i a l e c -

ticam P. Rami . . . Ed. 2 a . . . c o r r e c t a . . .

locupletata. Londini: H. Middletonus pro Ioh[anne]

Harrisono e t G e o r [ g i o ] Bishop, 1 5 8 3 . 8vo. 215+[9]


Copies: Lbm Ob


Triumphans Logicae Rameae, ubi tum i n i p s a p r a e c e p t a

P. Rami a d d i t a , tum i n universos e i u s i n t e r p r e t e s et

animadversores animadversiones observationesque pluri-

mae proponuntur a Guilhelmo Adolpho S c r i b o n i o .

Ed. 2 a . L o n d i n i : Thomas V a u t r o l l e r i u s , impensis G.

Bishop, 1 5 8 3 . 8vo. [ 1 2 ] + 1 5 5 ΡΡ·

Copies: Lbm


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo . . . . Kagdeburgi: Francus,

[ c a . 15814-?]. 8vo. 128 pp.

Notes: The d a t e , which does not occur i n the DAu

catalogue e n t r y , i s suggested s o l e l y on the b a s i s o f
the publishing a c t i v i t y during the 1580-90 decade.

ippies: [ DAu ]


Rami D i a l e c t i c a e l l b r i duo 3 c h o l i i s Guilielmi

rempelli C a n t a b r i g i e n s i s i l l u s t r a t i ; quibus accesait

sodem a u c t o r e [I.e., TempelloJ De P o r p h y r i a n i s praedica-

bilibus diaputatio; i t e m , E p i s t o l a e de P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a

c o n t r a I o a n n i s P i s c a t o r i s responsionum d e f e n s i o [ab eodem

Guilielmo Tempello s c r i p t a J . . . . Cantabrigiae: Thomas

Thomaciu3, 1581+. övo. [8J+34J4. pp.

Notes; One o f the e a r l i e s t b o o k s , i f not the very first,

p r i n t e d a t Cambridge by a bona f i d e U n i v e r s i t y p r i n t e r » - -

see S . C. R o b e r t s , A H i s t o r y o f the Cambridge U n i v e r s i t y

P r e s s (Cambridge: U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s , 1 9 2 1 ) , pp. 22, 152-

Copies; CSmH Csj C11 Lbm NN™ Oq


Logica ad P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a m conformata, brevibus

s c h o l i i s e x p l i c a t e , e t exemplis omnibus sacrarum liter-

arum i l l u s t r a t a , a u c t o r e Goswino W a s s e r l e i d e r f'ulhemio;

eaden ab eodem Germanice r e d d i t a . Francofurti:

haeredes A. V e c h e l i , 158I4.. 8vo. [2l^]+219+[12 ] pp.

Notes: Substantially, t h i s i s simply Ramus' text

with commentary. Despite the t i t l e , t h e r e i s no sign

of any German i n t h i s book, but see 3 1 7 ·

Copies: CtY GOu Ob Pm


Institutiones dialecticae sive i n t r o d u c t i o n e s in

artem logicam l i b r i duo: ex P h [ i l i p p i ] Melanchthonis

e t P. Rami D i a l e c t l c i s p r a e c e p t i o n i b u s . . . descripti

. . . authore Michaele Sonleutero [sic], scholae Amber-

gae c o l l e g a . Noribergae: o f f i c i n a typographica

Catharinae G e r l a c h e r i a e , 1581).. 8vo. [8]+9θ + [1 ]


Notes: S o n l e u t n o r ' s e p i s t l e i s dated 15 c a l . sept.

1581)-» and signed Michael Sonleutner [ sic ].

Copies: HAk MTJs

In 672 (15'8i(.) ·

In 673 (1581).).

Dialectica, A. Talaei praelectionibus illustrate.
Basileae: E. Episcopius et Nicolai fratris haeredes,
1585. 8vo. [32]+57^+tl] pp.

Copies: BAu MBw Opb


Dialecticae libri duo. [Ed. by Gulllelmus Rodingus.]

Ed. ίμβ. 1585. [Roding's preface dated from Cassel,
1 nov. 1585· ]
Copies: w

Ruygh-bewerp vande Redenkaveling ofte Nederduytsche
Dialectike [door H. Lz. Spieghel et al.] . . .
uytghegheven by de Kamer In Liefd Bloeyende t'Amstel-
redam. Leyden: Christoffel Plantyn, 1585· 8vo.
182+[1] pp. Tables.

Botes: This is the first Dutch language dialectic

ever publlshed--Bibliotheca belglca, ed. by librarians
of the University of Ghent (Ghent and The Hague, I88O-
90), Vol. XXII (pp. unnumbered). Despite the sorting
of the material into five books, this work remains

basically the Ramist dialectic, as can best be seen

by studying the folding tables. The HAk copy is

catalogued under Ramus. Other books in this series-

Kort Begrlp das Redenkavelings, Rhederi jk-kun3t in

Rljm opt kor3t vervat, etc.—although strongly

influenced by Hamism, depart so far from Ramus' own

work that they are not listed in this Inventory.

Copies; HAk


Dialecticae libri duo, cum scholiis Iohannis

Piacatoris. Francofurti: Zacharias Palthenius,


Copies: bc--p. 131+1

Animadversiones Ioan[nis] Piscatoris . . . in Dial-

ecticam P. Rami . . . Ed. 3 ... ultra superiorem

. . . aucta . . . . Prancofurdi: heredes A. Wechell,

1586. 8vo. 223'+[9] PP.

Copies: AVc Lbm VIu


Dialecticae libri duo explicati a Guilielmo Rodingo.

Francofurti: Wachel, 1£86. 8vo.

Copies: LBs

P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, e t h i s e regione
comparati P h i l i p p i Melanthlonis] D i a l e c t i c a e libri
quatuor cum explicationum e t collationum n o t i s , ad
utramque conformationem uno labore addiscendam,
auctore Frederico Beurhusio. ' i u l h u s i i : haeredes
Georgii Hantzsch, impensis Otthonis ä Riswick, 1586. [312] pp.

Notes: Description from IU catalogue c a r d .

Copies: IU Müs

Triumphans l o g i c a e Rameae a Guil[helmo] Adolfo
Scribonio philosopho e t medico t e r t i a t i o n e actus.
B a s l l e a e : ex o f f l c i n a Pern©a> 1087· övo·
[22]+20S pp.

Notes: See the remarks with the h y p o t h e t i c a l e d i t i o n

of 1583 o r e a r l i e r above. There i s no mention o f the
e d i t i o n on t h i s title-page.

Copies: Zz


D i a l e c t i c a e P. Rami . . . omnium postremo e d i t a e libri

duo . . . q u a e s t i o n i b u s i l l u s t r a t i : quae Paedagogiae

l o g i c a e pars prima . . . . Auctore F r i d e r i c o Beurhusio .

. . . Ed. 3 3 · C o l o n i a e : Maternus Cholinus, 1587·

8vo. λμ70+ [9 ] pp.

Notes: Ramus' t e x t i s i n t a c t and e x a c t l y the same as

in the d e f i n i t i v e 1572 e d i t i o n ( L u t e t i a e : A. Wechelus),

except t h a t in cap. 1 0 - l 6 , inclusively, of L i b . I I , which

t r e a t of s y l l o g i s m , Ramus' 1572 examples and the related

t e x t have been v a r i e d and compared with o t h e r a r r a n g e -

ments of h i s and with A r i s t o t l e ' s classification.

Copies: Ce Cu Ku MAs MBu MoSL Ob

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, cum a d d i t a e r e g i o n e comparetione
D i a l e c t i c a e P h i l i p p i Melanchthonis, e t e x p l i c a t i o n u m
ac collocationura n o t i s per Pridericum Beurhusium.
S r f o r d i : Conradus Henricus P r e u s e r u s , 1587.

Copies: b c - - p . 131^2.

P. Rami D i a l e c t i c s verdeutscht und mehrers t e i l s mit
b i b l i s c h e n Exempeln wie auch mit e t l i c h e n Anzeigungen
e r k l e r e t . . . durch Fridericum Beurhusium Menertz-
hagensem der dortmundischen Schulen Rectorn.
E r f f o r d t : Conrad Heinrich Preuser i n Verlegung Otto
von Riswick, 1 5 8 7 · 8vo. S i g s . A-T (unnumbered).

Motes: Text i n German, with some marginal notes i n

Latin. A few dichotomized c h a r t s occur i n the t e x t .
Beurhaus 1 p r e f a c e i s dated 1587«

Copies: GOu STnu

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, cum s c h o l i i s Ioannis Piscatoris.
F r a n c o f u r t i : Wechelus, 1 5 8 7 .

Copies; be—p. 13I4-I ·


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo s c h o l i i s f G u i l i e l m i Tempelli]
i l l u s t r a t i ; quibus a c c e s s i t eiusdem De Porphyrianis
praedicabilibus disputatio. Francofurti: 1587.

Kotes: The name of William Temple, not i n the MUu

catalogue e n t r y , i s supplied from the 158ί^ Cambridge

edition above, e t c .

Copies: [MUu]

Logica ad Rami Dialecticam conformata . . . . Auctore
Goswino Wasserleider . . . ; eadem ab eodem Germanica
reddita. Francofurdi: heredes A. Wecheli, 1587·
8vo. I2ii.j+219+[12] pp.

Notes: Despite the t i t l e , t h i s work contains nothing

in German.

Copies: Dt Ob

I n s t i t u t i o n i s d i a l e c t i c a e sive I n t r o d u c t i o n s i n
artem logicam pars p r i o r , ex P h i l [ i p p i ] Melanchthonie
e t P. Rami d i a l e c t i c i s praeceptionibus . . . l i b r l s
duobus d e s c r i p t a : quorum usum in a n a l y s i e t genesi
pars a l t e r a o s t e n d i t . Altera e d i t i o . . . correctior
e t . . . aucta. AutKore Michaele Sonleutnero [sic].
Noribergae: [no publisher given], 1587· 8vo.
[8]+98+[8] 1 1 .

Notes: Sonleutner's preface to the reader i s dated

18 martii 1587» h i s dedicatory e p i s t l e 15 c a l . sept.

The Para altera referred to In this title is

not included in this Inventory, for it is the praxis

or application of Ramus' Dlalectlca> not an edition

of Ramus' work itself.

Copies: BAu+ Pm STnu

In 674. (1587-88).

De P. Rami Dialectica praecipuis capitibus disputa-
tiones . . . et . . . comparationes: » · · paedagogiae
logicae pars secunda . . . . Auctore Frederico
Beurhusio. Editio locupletior et emendatior.
Coloniae: Maternus Cholinus, 158Θ. θνο.
[l6]+982+[25] pp. (many misnumbered).

Copies: Ob

P. Rami Dlalecticae libri duo, et his . . . comparati
Philippi Melanchthonis Dlalecticae libri quatuor, cum
. . . notis . . . auctore Priderico Beurhusio . . . .
Francofurti: Ioannes Wechelus, 1588. 8vo. 232 pp.

Copies: Cu DAI MBu MUu Pm

307 .
P. Rami Dialecticae libri duo, cum . . . abservatlon-

ibus ex Ramo ipso et Phllippo Melanchthone desumptls

a M[agistro] Ioanne Rlgero Northusano. Francofurti:

haeredes A. Wechell, CI. Marnius et I. Aubrius, 1508.

8vo. L23+219+[12] pp.

Copies: Dt VIu


Tabulae generales In Dialectlcam P. Rami, qulbus ex

altera facie opponuntur tabulae ex praescriptls

Dlomini] Philippi Melanchthonis confectae. Studio

et Industrie M[agistri] Ruperti Erytroplli . . . .

Lemgovlae: Conradus Grothenus, 1588. fol. A-lA

(leaves unnumbered).

Notes: A solid mat of dichotomized tables.

Copies: [GOu] HAk TUu

The Lawiers Logike, exemplifying the Praecepts of
Logike by the Practice of the Common Law·. By

Abraham F r a u n c e . London: William How, 1 5 8 8 .

1+to. [10]+l5l 11. Table.

Note3: A f r e e a d a p t a t i o n r e t a i n i n g Ramus' g e n e r a l

d e f i n i t i o n s and s t r u c t u r e and applying Ramist

" l o g i c a l a n a l y s e s " to law c a s e s . See note to

P r a u n c e ' s Arcadian Rhetorike ( l f ? 8 l ) under A. T a l a e l

R h e t o r l c a above.

Copies: Lbm S i r R. L . Harmsworth (S.T.C.)


The Lawiers Logike . . . . By Abraham F r a u n c e .

London: William How f o r Thoraas Gubbin and T.

Newman, 1 5 8 8 . l^to. [10]+l5l 11. Table.

Notes: A r e i s s u e o f the f o r e g o i n g , with a new


Copies: CSmH Cu Lbm Lbm Lbm MoSu"1


The Lawiers Logike . . . . By Abraham F r a u n c e .

London: W. How f o r T. Newman and T. Gubbin, 1588. [10]+151 1 1 . Table.

N o t e s : A r e i s s u e of t h e f o r e g o i n g , w i t h a new


Cople3: Chapin L i b r a r y , W i l l i a m s t o w n , Mass.

(S.T.C.) Bernard Q u a r i t c h , L t d . , London



I.'ichseiis Eonleutneri I n s t i t u t i o n i a dialecticae

libri duo, e* M e l a n c h t h o n i s e t P. Rami dialecticis
praeceptionibub d e s c r i p t i . NorLnbergas: 15^5.

Copleg : bc--p. 1344·

I n 653 (1562).

I n 575 ( 1 5 0 8 ) .


D i a l e c t i c a e ] i b r i duo, p e r Rclandum Makilmenaeum

. . . a u c t o r i s j u s s u i n quibusdajr. l o c i s eraendati.

F r a n c o f a r t i : he r e d e s A. w e c h e l i , C I . Marnius e t I.

ί 220]
Aubrius, 1589· 8vo. 78 pp.

Copies; Psc+

Dialecticae llbri dio; defensio eiuodem dialecticae
. . . authore Friderico Beurhusio . . . . Londini:
G. Bishop, 1509. Övo. [li;]+286 pp.

Notes: German synonyms for Ramist Latin terms are

provided here and there.

Copies: CU Ob Psc

Petri Martini viri doctissimi et philosophiae profes-
sorie Rupellae In P. Rami . . . Logicam commen-
tarius . · . · Spirae: Bernardus Albinus, 1589·
8vo. [16]+171 pp.

Copies: Ck Dt

Dialecticae libri duo, cum conmentariis Guilielmi
Rodingi . . . . Prancofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli,
1589. 8vo.

Copies: b e — p . 13^1


In 654. ( 1 5 8 9 ) .

In 676 ( 1 5 8 9 ) .

Logica, das i s t , Vernunfftkunst, nach der
Hochberhümbten P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a erstlich
L a t e i n i s c h unnd folgende a u f f Teutsch zugericht
und v e r f e r t i g t k ü r t z l i c h aussgelegt und mit v i e l e n
Exempeln aus der S c h r i f f t e r k l ä r e t beides durch Gos-
wlnum W a s s e r l e i t e r , Mulhemium. E r f f o r d : in V e r l e -
gung Ottonis von Risswick [colophon: gedruckt durch
Esaiam Wechlern], 1590. 8vo. [8J+219 1 1 .

Notes: See also 288.

Copies: Rbc

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo; defensio eiusdem d i a l e c t i c a e
. . . authore Prederico Beurhusio . . . .
Francofurdi: A. Wecheli heredes, C l . Marnius e t I.
Aubrius, 1590. 8vo. [123+4.58 pp.

Copies: BEs MAs STnu Vbv

Pauli Frisii Laubanensis Comparationum dialecticarum

libri tres, quibus Philippi Melanohthonis et P. Rami

praecepta dialectics . . . . conferuntur. Prancofurti:

A. Wecheli heredes, CI. Marnius et I. Aubrius, 1590.

8vo. Ill pp.

Copies: BAu Osj


Logica ad usum rudiorum In epitomen redacta. Per

Ioannem Thoraam Preigium. [Noribergae?]: typis
Gerlachlanis, 1590. 8vo. Blank 2 , G-K 0 , iA
(pp. unnumbered).

Notes: A catechetical adaptation of Ramus, with a

section, "De usu logicae," treating of sophisms,
tacked on.

Copies: Cu


Amandi Polanl . . . Logicae libri duo. Herbornae,


[22 3]
Copies: ANr

Dialectics« lib(rl] duo, nunc In gratiam atudlosae
iuventutis absque conmentariia In lucem edlti.
Francofurdi: Ioannea Wechelua, itopensia Ioannia
Alburgensla, 1591. 8vo. [8j+7l|. pp. (InGOu
copy Interleaved throughout with blanks).

Copies: GOu VIn

P. Rami Dlalectloae libri duo, et hla . . . comparati
Fhilippi Melanchthonis Dialecticae libri quatuor, cum
. . . notis . . . auotore Frederico Beurhuslo ....
Ed. 2*. Francofurti: Ioannea Wechelua et Petrua
Fiacherus, 1591. βτο. 232 pp.

Copiea: BAu GOu Pbn STcw

Tabulae plane novae, auecinctae ae conapicuae, in
nobilem illam dlsaerendi artem, P. Rami Dialecticae
libroa duos . . . cum exemplia, ut plurimian theologicia,
atque acholiia tarn textum quam tabulaa has elucidanti-
bua. . . ed(itae] a M[agiatro] Conrado Heandre Bergenai.

F r a n c o f u r t i : A. wechell haeredes, 1591·
251). pp. (many misnumbered). Tables.

Notes: This i s an e d i t i o n in dichotomized t a b l e s .

The s e c t i o n on method i s very f u l l and d e t a i l e d .
Copies: Cu Dt Ob


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo ex . . . i p s i u s d i s p u t a t i o n i -
bus . . . e x p l i c a t i a Guilielmo Rodingo. Ed. 5 a ·
F r a n c o f u r t i : Wechelus, 1591· 0 v°· 139 PP·

Copies: [DAI]

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, s c h o l i i s G u i l i e l m i TempoHi
i l l u s t r a t i ; quibus a c c e s s i t eodem auctore [i.e.
Tempello] De Porphyrianis p r a e d i c a b i l i b u s disputatio;
item, E p i s t o l a e d · P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a contra Iohannia
P i s c a t o r i s responsionem defensio [ab eodem Guilielmo
Tempello s c r i p t a ] . . . . F r a n c o f u r t i : Ioannes
Wechelus e t Petrus F i s c h e r u s , 1591· Ed. 2 a . 8vo.
[6J+152+[2J+108 pp.

Copies: GOu MUs Pbn

Dialectica. Cantabrigiae, 1592. l6mo.

Notes; See note with 111.


Ioannis B i l a t e n i l D i a l e c t i c a , in qua P. Rami e t

F h i l i p p i Melanchthonis praeoepta l o g i c a conjunguntur
e t s y l l o g i s m ! ex t h e o l o g i a , philosophia, ac i u r i a p r u -
dentia passim adduntur. Hanoviae: 1592· 8vo.

Copies: be—p. 131^3

Rudolpbi S n e l l i i Veteraquinatis Connie n t a r i us d o c t i s -
simue in Dialecticam P. Rami foiroa d i a l o g i conscriptus
. . . , textu Rameo recens per singula c a p i t a p r a e f i x o ;
huic a c c e s s i t T r a c t a t i o de praxi l o g i c a . . . ; item»
Commonefactlones e t regulae Rudolpbi Goclenii de
ratione disputandi; a d i e c t a e s t . . . Rud[olpbi]
S n e l l i i Etbica mathodo Ramea c o n s c r i p t a . Herbornae:
Christophorus Corvinus, 1592. 8vo. [8]+353+[l]+50
pp. (the Ethica with separate t i t l e - p a g e and pagina-
tion a f t e r p. [354])·

Copies: GOu


Animadversiones Ioan[nis] Piscatoris . . . In Dialec-

ticam P. Rami . . . Ed. 4 . . . ultra superioram

. . . aucta; epistolae duae . . . altera Guilielmi

Tempelll, altera Ioan[nis] Piscatoris. Francofurti:

haeredes A. Wecheli, 1593· 8vo.

Copies: Tv


Amandi Polani . . . Logicae llbri duo, luxta naturalis

methodl leges confoimata . . . ; accessit brevls

acfconitio de usu logieae et de vera facllique imitatione

autorum. Ed. 2 a . . . accuratior et auctior . . . .

Herbornae Nassovlorum: Christopherus Corvinus» 1593·

8vo. L52]+371+[13] PP.

Notes: The preface notes that the treatment here

follows Ramus, William Temple (for method), and others.

Ramus' text is given here only in scraps. The book

closes in twelve pages of serried dichotomies.

Copies: Pm

Rudimente Dialectices Rami b r e v i t e r c o l l e c t a et
exemplis potisslmum s a c r i s i l l u s t r a t a per Hieronymum
Treutierum. Herbornae: 1593· 8vo.

Copies: be—p. 13^1

Dfcctorisj Andreae L i b a v i i C o l l a t i o d i a l e c t i c e s P h i l i p p i
Melancbthonis et P. Rami. Noribergae: 1593« 8vo.

Copies: [Fl] be—p. 13lt4

Dlalecticae l i b r l duo» exemplia . . . i l l u s t r a t l . . *
per Rolandum Makilmenaeum . . . . Francofurdi:
heredes A. Wecheli, C I . Marnius et I . Aubrius, 1594·
8vo. ll)-9+[2] pp.

Copies: Vbv

Dlalecticae P. Rami et Uelanchthonis c o l l a t i o
l n s t i t u t a ab Otbone Casmanno. Hannov[eriae?]:
1594. 8vo.

Copies: ALI

Ioannle Bllstenil . . . Dialectica, in qua P.
Rami et Philippl Melanchthonis praecepta loglca
coniunguntur, et syllogism! ex theologia, philosophia,
ac iurisprudentla passim adduntur; cum praefatione,
in qua dialectica divinls testimoniie ex saora scriptura
desumptis adversus logicae hostes commendatur.
Hanoviae: G. Antonius« 1594· 8vo. [l6]+390 pp.

Notes: As i s usual in these Philippo-Ramist works«

Ramism takes the upper hand: there are two books here«
Lib. I , "De inventions," Lib. I I , "De dispositions."

Copies: GOu Pbn Zz

In 677 (1594)·

Fridericl Beurhusii Dialectica Rami et Melanch-
thonls β regions posita comparetio. Francofurtl:
Petrus Fischerus, 1595· 8vo.
Copies: bc--p. 13lj3

D i a l e c t l c a e emendatae l i b r l duo . . . ex . . .
praecipue A r i s t o t e l i s , P. Rami, e t P h f i l i p p o ] Melanch-
thonis s e n t e n t i i s . . . ; adiectum e s t t r i p l e x contro-
versiarum logicarum iudicium . . . studio Andreae
Libavii. F r a n c o f u r t i : Ioannis S a u r i u s , impensis
Petri K o p f f i i , 1595· 8vo. 5M)- PP·

Notes: Ramus' D i a l e c t i c governs the b a s i c economy

of t h i s p r o f e s s e d amalgam.

Copies: Ob Pm Zz

Dialogus l o g i c u s secundus; continens declarationem
d i a l e c t i c a e P. Rami f a c i l e m e t expeditam, a d h i b i t i s
una p r a e c e p t i s e t r e g u l i s D[omini] P h i l i p p i Melanch-
thonis . . . concinnatus . . ab Andrea L i b a v i o .
F r a n c o f u r t i : Ioannes Saurius impenaie P e t r i K o p f f i i ,
1595. 8vo. 294 pp.

Kote3: Ramus' t e x t i s h a l f buried i n t h i s d i a l o g u e ,

but i t i s s t i l l p r e s e n t , and by no means d e f u n c t .

Copies: BAu DAI Dt Pm

D I a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, e o h o l i i s Guilielmi Tempelli
. . . illustratl; quibua a c c e a s i t , eodem auctore
l i . e . , TempelloJ, De Porphyriania p r a e d i c a b i l i b u s
d i s p u t a t i o ; Item, E p i s t o l a e de P. Rami D i a l e c t l c a
contra Ioannis P i s o a t o r i s responsionem defenaio [ab
eodem Guilieimo Tempello s c r i p t a ] . . . * Ed. ·
Prancofordiae: o f f i c i n a Paltheniana aumptlbue P e t r i
F i s c h e r i , 1595. 8vo. [6]+l52+[4]+108 pp.

Copies; BAu Ku

In P. Rami D i a l e c t i c e s l i b r o s duos, Ioannis P i s c a -
toria . . . acholia. Nunc primum in lucem e d i t a .
Hanoviae: G. Antonius, 1595· βνο. ?ί|Ω pp.

Note 3ϊ Ramus1 t e x t i n f u l l Interspersed with. comneQ*

tary. P i s c a t o r ' s preface i s dated Sigenae, 10 dec.


Copies: ALI MBA VIu

3 k2
Rudolphi S n e l l i i . . . Commentarius . . . in D i a l e c -
ticam P. Rami . . . , textu Rameo . . . p r a e f i x o ;
a c c e a s i t . . . Rud[olphi] S n e l l i i Ethica . . . .

Herbornae: Chriatophorus Corvinue, 1595· 8vo.
[8]+288+[2]*50 pp. (Ethica with aeparate t i t l e -
page and pagination).

Copies: GOu Yin

Harmonlae loglcae Phllipporameae l l b r l duo, nunc
prlmum . . . in lueem e d i t l opera e t studio Heizonis
Buscherl, Hannoveranl patriae scholae Reetoriβ.
Lemgoviae: Magnus Holsten, 1595· 8vo. [16^348+
110] pp.

Notes: The two-book Ramlst arrangement of material

usual in these amalgams i s found here. Ramus' text i s
given only in p a r t . Occasional German synonyms f o r
Latin terms are provided.

Copies; Cu MBu Ob

Dialeotlcae l i b [ r i ] duo, nunc prlmum hac manual1
foraa e d l t i . Spirae: Berahardus Alblnua, 1595·
12mo. 107 pp.

Kotes: Ίΐιβ f i r s t of the vest-pocket schoolboy edi-

tions, l a t e r so often published at Frankfurt,
Cambridge, e t c .

Copies: MUs MUu

Ad P. Rami Dialectlcae praxin generalis introductio
. . . quae paedagogiae logicae pars t e r t i a . . . .
Iam postrema recognita e t accuratius i n s t r u c t s .
Auctore Frederico Beurhusio . . . . Coloniae:
Gosvinus Cholinus, 1596. 8yo. [l6]+81t4+[2J pp.

Notes: Ramus' text i s here snowed over with d r i f t s

of commentary.

Copies: BEs Cu Ku

P. Rami Dialectica ad paucissima praecepta redacta.
Auctore H[agistro] Carolo Bumanno, rectore acholae
Catharinianae Brunovicensium. Francofurti: haeredes
A. Wecheli, CI. Marnius e t I . Aubrius, 1596. 8vo.
131 pp.

Copies: Ccl

Pauli F r i s i i Comparationum dialecticarum l i b r i t r e a ,
quibua Philippi Melanchthonis e t P. Rami praecepta

dialectica . . . conferuntur. Ab auctore recognlti

et aucti. Francofurti: heredes A. Wecheli, CI.

Marnius et I. Aubrlus, 1596. 8vo. pp.

Copies: Dt Pm


Dlalectlcae llbri duo ex . . . Ipslus dlsputationibus

et . · . A . Talael commentarils denuo . . . explicati

a Gullielmo Rodingo . . . . Ed. 5®. Francofurti:

heredes A. Wecheli, Cl. Marnius et I. Aubrlus, 1596.

8vo. 139+Ilj·] PP·

Copies: [DAI ] Pm

Rudolphl Snellll In Dlalectlcam P. Rami praelection-
es, cum lectlsslmls . . . observatlonlbus et casti-
gatlonlbue collatae; ad calcem adlecta est succlncta
et accurate Dlalectlcae summl vlrl Phllippi Melanch-
thonls et allorum ad P. Rami logicam collatio.
Francofurti: Ioannis Saurlus, impensis haeredum Petri
Fischeri, 1596. 8vo. 7θ8+[1] pp.

Notes: Contains Ramus' text only in snatches.

Copies: Ku Vbv

In P. Rami D i a l e c t i c e s l i b r o s duos Ioannis P l s c a -
toris . . . scholia. Nunc primum in lucem e d i t a .
Hanoviae: G. Antonius, 1596. θνο. 2l±0 pp.

Notea: Ramus' f u l l t e x t , i n t e r s p e r s e d with


Copies: BAu LIbn Pmp

P e t r i Martini . . . In P. Rami . . . Logicam com-

mentarius . . . . 3 a ed. ab authore r e c o g n i t a .
S p i r a e : Bernardus Albinus, 1596. 8vo. 206 pp.

Cople s : Ob 0j

In 655 ( 1 5 9 6 ) .

In 656 ( [ 1 5 9 6 ? ] )

Hypomnemata l o g i c a , ex summia philosophis g r a e c i s e t
l a t i n i s . . . deducta . . . a M [ a g i s t r o ] Carolo

Bumanno; qulbus accessit Dlalecticae artis repetltio
. . . . Francofurti: A. Wechell herede a, CI· Marnius
et I. Aubrius, 1597· 8vo. pp.

No tea: Although it begins In grand eclectic style,

this work celebrates Ramus' achievement in the dedica-
tory material» adopts the Ramist two-book logic of
lnventlo and judicium, soon drifts deeper and deeper
into Ramism, and comes eventually to reproduce chunks
of Ramus' text verbatim.

Copies: Pbn

Harmonlae loglcae Phillppo Rameae libri duo . . .
opera et studio M[aglstri] Heizonis Buscheri.
Lemgovlae: Magnus Holsten, 1597. 8vo.

[12]+380+[8] pp.

Copies: GOu Ob

Rameae dlalecticae libri duo, propositi noviter et
expositl a Iohanne Bisterfeldio. Sigenae Nasso-
viorum: Christopherus Corvlnus, 1597. 8vo.
127+11] pp.

Notes: B i s t e r f e l d 1 a p r e f a c e i s dated Sigenae

Nassoviorum, 4 a p r . 1 5 9 7 ·

Copies: Dt

Rudolphi S n e l l i i Commentarius . . . in Dialecticam

P. Rami . . . . ; a c c e d i t eiusdem Rudolphi Snellii

Ethica . . . . Sigenae Nassoviorum: Christopherus

Corvinus, 1 5 9 7 . övo. [83+288+50 p p .

Copies: BAu Ob

Amandi P o l a n i Logicae l i b r i duo i u x t a n a t u r a l i s

methodi l e g e s c o n f o r r a a t i . Ed. 3&. Basileae:

Conradus W a l d k i r c h i u s , 1598. 8vo. [llf]+23lj.+ [ 2 ]


Copies: Occh

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i dio, in gratiam studiosae inven-
t u t i s absque commentariis i n lucem e d i t i .
Hanoviae: G. A n t o n i u s , 1598. 12mo. 99 p p .

Notes: The f i r s t of the many vest-pocket schoolboy-

editions to be published at Hanau, near Frankfurt-

am-Main. The commentaries, once added to c l a r i f y

Ramus' t e x t , are here taken away f o r the same reason.

Copies: Pbn


MfagistriJ Heizonis Buscheri Harmonlae l o g i c a e

Philipporameae l i b r l duo. Lemgoviae: 1598·

Copies: bc--p. 1343

M l a g i s t r i ] Heizonis Buscheri Harrooniae l o g i c a e

Philipporameae l i b r i duo. F r a n c o f u r t i : Zacharias

Palthenius, 1 5 9 9 · 8vo.

Copies: be—p. 13^3


Otthonis Casmanni P. Rami Dialecticae e t Melanch-

thonianae c o l l a t i o , i n s t i t u t e ac proposita l e c t i o n -

ibus p r i v a t i s . Hanoviae: 1 5 9 9 · 8vo.

Notes: See the 1604. e d i t i o n by Casmann below.

Copies: be—p. 13lj.3


Rudimenta d i a l e c t i c a e P. Rami b r e v i t e r c o l l e c t s e t
exemplis s e l e c t i s , s a c r i s potissimum, l l l u s t r a t a per
Hieronymura Treutlerum Silesium in asum Scholae
Herbornensis. Ed. 2 a c o r r e c t i o r . Herbornae:
Christopherus Corvinus, 1599· 8vo. lj.5 pp.

Notes: T r e u t l e r ' s preface i s dated 10 c a l . mail


Copies: BAu GOu

D i a l e c t i c e s l i b r i duo; h i s adiuncta e s t eiusdem
e p i s t o l a ad Georgium Rheticum de conformanda l o g i c i s
legibus a s t r o l o g i a . [Lugduni Batavorum:] o f f i c i n a
Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium, 1599.
8vo. 6ij. pp.

Notes: Ramus' l e t t e r to Rheticus, pp. 60-61^., i s

dated from the College de P r e s l e s , 8 c a l . sept. 1563.

Copies: Mbn

Dialecticae llbri duo, nunc iterum hac manuali forma

editi. Spirae: Bernardus Alblnus, 1599· 12mo.

91+15J PP·

Copies: Cu MUu

Libri duo harmonlae loglcae Philipporameae . . . «

Ed. . . . aucta et emendata, opera et studio

M[agistri] Helzonis Buacheri . . . . [Wlttebergae:]

Andreas Hoffmannus, 1S99· 8vo. [ θ ] + 3 5 7 + [ 7 ] ΡΡ·

Copies: Pac


De dlalectlca Aristotellca Industrie Pthlllppl]

Melanchthonis et P. Rami philosophorura selecta et
declarata Andreae Llbavll . . . dialogue secundue.
Prancofurtl: Ioannls Saurius lmpensls Petri Kopffll,
l600. 8vo. 29i+. pp.

Hotes: The companion Dlalogus primus does not

reproduce Ramus' text and hence is not listed here.

Copies: Pbn Pm Psc

D i a l e c t l c a e l i b r i duo, per Rolandum Makilmenaeum . . .
a u c t o r i s iussu in quibusdam l o c i s emendati.
F r a n o o f u r t i : haeredes A. Wecheli, C I . Marniu3 e t I.
Aubrius, ΐ6υθ. 8vo. 77+13] pp.

Copies: Cu

Hera[anni] Nicephori Άγο<.λυτι<η l o g i c a e Philippo-
Rameae ippr]\icic* , qua p r a e c e p t i s e t exemplis d i s t i n c t e
e t b r e v i t e r e x p l i c a t i s , a r t i s natura e t usus r u d i o r i -
bus exponitur. F r a n o o f u r t i : Zacharias P a l t h e n i u s ,
1600. 8vo.

Copies: be—p. 131+4

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, recens in usum scholarum hac
forma d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius excusa
Hanoviae: G. Antonius, l 6 0 0 . 12mo. 95 pp.

Copies: Lbm STnu


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo. Magdeburgi: apud F r a n c . ,

l600. 12mo.

Copies: bc--13li-l·

G. Otthonis Gual[t]perii Comparatio logica

utriusque familiae logicae Rameae et Aristoteli-

cae, thesibus comprehensa. Rostochil: l600.


Copies: b e — p . 13^4-3


P. Rami Dialectica cum praeceptorum explicationi-

bus, disquisitionibus, et praxi, nee non eollatione

cum Peripateticis ex Zabarellae, Schegkii, Matth[aei]

Flacc[i] Illyrici, Rodfolphi] Goclenii, Frfederici]

Beurhusil, Ioan[nis] Piscatorii [sic, not Piscator-

is], et Rudolph[i] Snellii commentariis ...

collecta a Mtagistro] Christophoro Cramero ...

et . . . edita a Rodolpho Goclenio. Urseiiis:

Cornelius Sutoriua sumptibus Iohnae Rhodii, l600.

8vo. [l6]+701 + [lj.O] pp.

Copies: MBu Ob

In 678 (l600).

Commentaril in P. Rami . . . Dialecticam, quibus ex

c l a s a i c i s quibusque auctoribus praeceptorum Ramaeorum

p e r f e c t i o demonatratur, sensua e x p l i c a t u r , usus

exponitur. Auctore Georgio Dounamo. Francofurti:

impensis Nicolae Bassaei typia Ioannia S a u r l i , l601.

8vo. 794+f3] PP.

Notes: Apparently the f i r s t of the Downham e d i t i o n s

and commentaries.

Copies: Cu LIbn

'Αναλυτική l o g i c a e Phlllppo-Rameae έρ,αην/ε ι<*, qua

praeceptia e t exemplis d i a t i n c t e e t b r e v i t e r explicatia,

a r t i a natura e t uaua rudioribua exponitur. Auctore

Hermanno Nicephoro. F r a n c o f u r t i : o f f i c i n a Chalco-

graphica P a l t h e n i i , l601. 8vo. [lijJ+271 pp.

Copies: DAI Ob

M [ a g i a t r i ] Haloini Gothofredi Logicae A r i a t o t e l i c a e
e t Rameae aynopsia. Herbornae: l602.

Copies: be—p. 13^3

P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i s duobus e t P h i l i p p i
Melan[chthonis] D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i s quatuor descriptae
comparatio, t e s t i b u s β regione oppositis» e t e x p l i c a -
tionum collationumque analysis i l l u s t r a t i s . . .
auctore Prederico Beurhusio . . . . Ed. ij. a , sed
haec sola recognita e t s o p h i s t l c a e , s i m i l i t e r coin-
para t a , appendice aucta. Francofordi: Nicolaus
Hofmannus imperials haeredum P e t r i F i s c h e r i , l603.
8vo. [243+343 pp.

Copies: Vbv

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r l duo . . . d l s t i n c t i u s e t emenda-
t i u s excusa. Hanoviae: G. Antonius» l6olj.·
12mo. 81j. pp. ( i n GOu copy Interleaved with b l a n k s ) .

Copies; GOu HNg MAs MH [MUu]

Logicae Raraeae e t Melanchthonianae c o l l a t l o e t
exegesis ab Othone Casmanno . . . allquando d i c t a t a ;
iam vero a g n l t a , r e c o g n i t a , emaculata, e t . . . aucta - ·
. . Hanoviae: G. Antonius, 1604. 8vo. 40I4. pp.

Notes: See the 1599 e d i t i o n by Casmann above.

Copies: BEa

Amandi Polani ä Polanadorf Syntagma logicum A r i s t o -
telico-Ram man, ad usum imprimis theologicum accom-
modation . . . . B a s i l e a e : Conradus Waldkirchus,
1605. 8vo. [52]+608+[l4] pp.

Copies: Oas Ob

Commentarii i n P. Rami . . . Dialecticam . . . .
Auetore Georgio Dounamo. F r a n c o f u r t i : Wolfgangua
R i c h t e r u s impensis Nicolae B a s s a e i , 1605. 8vo.
794+13] pp. [p. 794 misnumbered 7 ^ 9 ) .

Copies: Cu

D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, per Rolandum Makilmenaeum . . .
a u c t o r i s i u s s u i n quibusdam l o c i s emendate.
Hanoviae: t y p i s Wechelianis apud C I . Marnium e t
haeredes I o a n n [ i s ] A u b r i i , I 6 0 5 . 8vo. 78 pp.

Copies: PVu STnu


Commentarii i n P. Rami . . . D i a l e c t i c a m . . . .

Auctore Georgio Doanamo. Francofurti: Wolfgangus

R i c h t e r u s impensis Nicolae B a s s a e i , I 6 0 6 . 8vo.

7 9 ^ + 1 3 ] PP· ( p · 79J+ misnumbered 7i»-9) -

Copies: Cu


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo, s c h o l i i s G u i l i e l m i Tempellii
. . . illustrati; quibus a c c e s s i t eodem a u c t o r e
[i.e., Tempello] De P o r p h y r i a n i s praedicabilibU3
disputatio; item E p i s t o l a e de P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a
c o n t r a I o a n n i s P i s c a t o r i s responsionem d e f e n s i o [ab
eodem Guilielmo Tempello s c r i p t a ] . . . . Ed. ij. a .
Prancofurti: t y p i s Nicolae Hoffmanni, sumptibus Ioanae
Rhodii, I606. 8vo. [ 6 ] + 1 5 2 + [ 4 ] + 1 0 β pp.

Copies: Vbv

Commentarius i n Rami D i a l e c t i c a m tarn t h e o r i c u s quam
p r a c t i c u s e x p r i n c i p i b u s P e r i p a t e t l c a e e t Rameae
philoeophiae i n t e r p r e t l b u s . . . o b s e r v a t u s e t lam
demum repurgatus a Guilielmo U r s i n o , Gymnasii S a i a e -
pontani' r e c t o r e ; a c c e s s e r u n t eiusdem Supplemente

l o g l c a e t D i s p u t a t i o n s s t r e s ad o b s c u r i o r e s n o n n u l l o s

invention!s locos penitus i l l u s t r a n d o s . Francofurti:

t y p i s Samuelis H a m p e l i i , sumptibus Ionae R h o d i i , 1607.

8vo. [ 3 2 J + 7 1 7 + I 4 0 ] pp.

Copies: Ob


S e v e r i n i S l u t e r i Anatomia l o g i c a e Rameae.

Hamburg: 1 6 0 7 . 8vo.
Copies: z — V o l . XXXVIII, p . 6ij.

H i p p o l y t i Hubmeieri D i s p u t a t i o n e s l o g i c a e Arls-
totelico-Rameae. Ienae: t y p i s Steinmanni, 1607.

Notes: Contains Ramus' text?

Copies: b e — p . 13I4J4.

In 657 (I607)

S e v e r i n i S l u t e r i Anatome l o g i c a e Rameae, qua i p s a

p r a e c e p t a primum d i s s e c a n t u r deinde singula

membratim in utramque partem disputantor.

Francofurtl: Zacharias Palthenius, I608. 8vo.

[l+0]+395 PP.

Copies: GOu Ku Ob VIu

Dialecticae libri duo . . . distinctius et
erasndatlus excusa. Hanoviae: G . Antonius»

Copies; BAu Dt NNC Ob

In 679 (1608).


Institutiones dialecticae [ex Aristotelis et Rami

interpretibus . . . conscriptae . . .] a Conrado
Dieterico. Glessen: 1609.

Notes: See Note to 395·

Copies: Listed in Allgemeine deutsche Biographie


Commentarii in P. Rami . . . Dlalecticam . . . .
Auctore Georgio Dounamo. Francofurtl: Wolfgangius
Richterus impensis omnium haeredum Nicolae Bassel,
l6l0. 8vo. 794+13] pp.

Copies; (MH) Ob

Rameae dialectlcae llbri duo, propositi noviter et
expositi a Johanne Bisterfeldio. Ed. 2 a .
Herbornae Nassoviorum: [Georgius Corvinus,J l6l0.
8vo. 127+[1] pp. Table.

Copies: HAk Ku

M[agistri] Andreae Grotheinil Compendium dialectlcae
Fhllippo-Rameae. Lubecae: heredes Laurentii
Alberti, l6l0. 8vo.

Copies: be—p. 13l|3

In 658 (l6l0).


In 659 ( l e a . 1 6 1 0 ] ) .


Amandi Polani . . . Syntagma logicum A r l s t o t e l i c o -

Ramaeum . . . nunc poatrema authoris cura locupletatum
. . . . B a s i l e a e : Conradus Waldkirch, l 6 l l . 8vo.
[52]+686+[15] pp.
Copies: Dt Pbn

Anatomia l o g i c a e Rameae . . . nunc a mendis v i n d i c a t e
e t aucta . . . opera e t studio M [ a g i s t r i ] S e v e r i n !
S l u t e r i Westphali . . . . P r a n c o f u r t i : Zacharias
Palthenius, l 6 l l . 8vo. [32J+880 pp.

Copies: Osj Zz


Ioannis B l l s t e n i i . . . D i a l e c t i c a , in qua P. Rami

e t P h i l i p p i Melanchthonis praecepta l o g i c a coniun-
guntur . . . . Hanoviae: G. Antonius, l6ll.
8vo. [l6]+316 pp.
Copies: Pbn

I n s t i t u t i o n s a d i a l e c t i c a e ex p r o b a t i s s i m i s Ari3-

t o t e l i s e t Rami i n t e r p r e t i b u s studioee conscriptae

v a r i i s q u e exemplis . . . i l l u s t r a t a e a Cunrado

Theodorico . . . . Ed. 2 a . Gosolariae: Iohannes

V o g e l i u s sumptibus H e n r i c i W i t t e n , l6l2.

Notes: The p r e f a c e i s undated. The "Theodoricus"

here i s a v a r i a n t o f " D i e t e r i c u s " (for Dieterich or

Dietrich), the l a t t e r of the L a t i n forms being o f

more f r e q u e n t occurrence i n e d i t i o n s by t h i s same


This work i s i n two books, t r e a t i n g "inventio"

and "iudicium" r e s p e c t i v e l y ; but i t i n c l u d e s treatment

of c a t e g o r i e s , etc.

Copies: GOu


D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo . . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius
excusi. Hanoviae: haeredes G. A n t o n i i , l6l2.
12mo. 84 pp.

Copies: Cu Cu (MB)

Marci Rutlmeteri Examen D l a l e c t i c a e Rameae.
Bremae: 1613· 8vo.

Notes: Contains Ramus' t e x t ?

Copies: be—p. 13^4


P. Rami D l a l e c t i c a cum . . . e x p l l c a t l o n l b a s . . .
nec non c o l l a t i o n s cum P e r i p a t e t i c l s ex Z a b a r e l l a e ,
Schegkll, Matthlael ] F l a c c [ l ] I l l y r l c l , Rodfolphl]
G o c l e n i l , F r l e d e r l c l ] Beurhusii» I o a n [ n l s ] P l s c a t o r l l
[ s i c , not P l s c a t o r l s ] , e t Rodolph[l] S n e l l l l commen-
tariis . . . c o l l e c t a a M[aglstro] Chrlstophoro
Cramero . . . e t . . . edlta a Rodolpho Goclenlo.
F r a n c o f u r t l : Ioannes Brlngerus sumptlbus I a c o b i
F i s c h e r 1, l 6 l 3 · 8vo. [l6]+701 + [lj.0] pp.

Copies: Vbv


Ruygh-bewerp van de Redenkavellng, o f t e Nederduytsche

Dlalectlke [door H. Lz. Spieghel e t a l . ] . . . uyt-
ghegheven by de Kamer I n Liefd Bloevende t'Amstel-
redam. Amstelredam: Hendrick Barentsz, l6llj..

8vo. Pagination: 3 unnumbered pp. followed by pp.
96-237; pp. 1-92 contain another t r a c t , Twe-spraack
vande Nederduitsche l e t t e r k u n s t . . . (Amstelredam:
Hendrick Barentsz, l6l/j.). Table.

Notes: See a l s o 292.

Copies: GRu ROg Uu

Systeme logicum Aristotelico-Ramaeum i u x t a methodum
Ramaeum . . . a Christiano Matthia conscriptum.
Argentorati: l6llj..

Copies: ζ


Logicae systema harmonicum in quo universus bene

d i s s e r e n d i modus ex authoribus P e r i p a t e t i c i s iuxta e t
Rameis t r a d i t u r . . . authore Iohanne-Henrico A l s t e d i o .
Herbornae Nassoviorum: [Georgius Corvinus, ] 1614.
9vo. [28]+821+[15] PP.
Note s : In ten books. The diagrams throughout show
how f a r t h i s "system" i s a p r o j e c t i o n of Ramus'
D l a l e c t l c a , although i t departs from Ramus, too, a t

Copies: BAu Dt ΜΗ Pbn


Iaeobi Martini . . . Logicae P e r i p a t e t i c a e per

dichotomias i n gratiam Ramistarum r e s o l u t a e libri
duo. Quarto e d i t i . . . auctius. Wittebergae:
o f f i c i n a Henkeliana, sumptibus Zachariae Schureri,
16124.· 12mo. 192 pp.

Notes: The i n i t i a l dichotomy i n t o which l o g i c is

here divided i s pars communis and pars propria ( p . 15
— L i b . I , cap. I I ) . The Ramist D i a l e c t i c i s here
badly c r i p p l e d , but i t hobbles along to the end.

Copies: BAu


Commentarius i n P. Rami D i a l e c t l c a m . . . ex p r i n c i -
pibus P e r i p a t e t i c a e e t Rameae philosophiae interpreti-
bus . . . observatus e t iam demum . . . repurgatus a
Guilielmo Ursino . . . ; a c c e s s e r u n t eiusdem Supple-
menta l o g i c a e t Disputationes t r e s . . . Franco-
furti: t y p i s Nicolae Hoffmanni, sumptibus viduae
I a e o b i F l s c h e r i , l6l5· 8vo. [ l 6 ] + 7 1 7 + [ 3 1 j pp.
Copies: Dt

Compendium l o g i c a e harmonicae e x h i b e n s aniversum

bene d i s s e r e n d i modum i u x t a p r i n c i p l e Peripateti-

corum e t Rameorum . . . . Authore I o h a n [ n e ] Henrico

Alstedio. Herbornae Nassoviorum: [Christopherus

Corvinus,] l6l5. 12mo. 198+[1] pp.

Copies: BAu DAI

Dialecticae l i b r i duo . . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t eaiendatius

excusi. B e r n a e : ex t y p o g r a p h i a p r a e p o t c n t i s Reip-

[ u b l i c a e ] e x c u d e b a t Abrahamus V v e r l i r i u s , l6l6.

12mo. 8ij. p p .

Copies: BAu


Commentarii i n P. Rami . . . Dialectica-n . . . .

Auetore Georgio Dounamo. Francofurti: Erasmus

Kampfferus, impensis M [ a g i s t r o J L e o n h a r d ! Burkii,

1616. 8vo. 7 9 4 + 1 3 ] pp.

Copies: Dm

I n s t i t u t i o n s d i a l e c t i c a e ex . . . A r i s t o t e l i a e t
Rami interpretibus . . . conacriptae variiaque
exemplls . . . i l l u a t r a t a e a Cunrado D i e t e r i c o . . . .
Ed. 5a, reviaa e t . . . imprimis . . . f a l l a c i a r u m
doctrina aucta. Giessae V/essorum: Nicolaus Hampe-
lius, l6l6. 8vo. [l6]+^06+[2] pp.

Copies; GOu


Idea methodica, seu analysis l o g i c a g e n e r a l i s e t

s p e c i a l i s praeceptorum e t exemplorum D i a l e c t i c a e P.
Rami perpetuis t a b u l i s s y n o p t i c i s ; textuque e region«
respondentibus adornata, studio Marci Rutimeieri· .
. ; a c c e s s i t eiusdem Oratio panegyrica continens
Soholarum Soholarumque fundatorum e t conservatorum
encomium. Bernae: Abrahamus Weerlinus, l6l7·
l^-to. [8]+184+[l6] pp.
Motes: Rutimeier's introductory e p i s t o l a i s dated
k sept. l6l7· This i s a work in uninterrupted
dichotomies, i n t e r e s t i n g p a r t i c u l a r l y f o r the headings
(idea, typua, a n a l y s i s , methodua, synopsis, d e l i n e -
a t i o , e t c . , a l l taken as synonyms) put on the various
dichotomized o u t l i n e s or charts of each chapter.

Copies: BEs Zz_

Logica P. Rami perpetuis t a b u l i s M [ a g i s t r i J
Samuelis S a b a t e c i i d e l i n e a t e e t succincte commen-
t a r i o Ioannis Henrici A l s t e d i i i l l u s t r a t a . . .
F r a n c o f u r t i : typis Iohannis B r i n g e r i , impensis
Godefridi Tampachii, l 6 l 7 · l^to. [ 8 ] + l 8 8 pp.

Note3: Pp. 1-138 give Ramus' work strung on

uninterrupted bracketed o u t l i n e s ; pp. 139-88 give
Ramus' t e x t a l l over again, with A l s t e d ' s commen-

Copies: Vbv


Idea methodica, seu a n a l y s i s l o g i c a g e n e r a l i s e t

s p e c i a l i s praeceptorum e t exemplorum d i a l e c t i c a e ,
t a b e l l i s s y n o p t i c i s adornata, studio Harci R u t i -
m e i e r i ; a c c e s s i t eiusdem o r a t i o panegyrica . . . .
Bernae: Abrahamua Weerlinus, l 6 l 8 . l^to.
[ 8 ] + l 8 i ^ + [ l 6 ] pp.

Copies: Ob

Dialectlcae libri duo . . . distinctlus et emenda-
tiu3 excusa. Erphordiae: Iohannis Rohbockii,
Impensia Iohannis Birchnerl, l6l8. 12mo. Il6 pp.

Copies: STnu

Instltutiones dlalecticae ex . . . Aristotelis et

Rami lnterpretlbus . . . conscriptae varilsque
exemplls . . . illuetratae a Cunrado Dieterico.
Ed. 6 a , revisa et . . . imprimis . . . fallaciarum
doctrina aucta. C-iessae Hessorum: Nicolaua
Hampelius, l6l8. 8vo. [16]+31j.7+13] pp.

Copies: [DAI] MA3


Dialectlcae libri duo. Bremae: Thornae Villeriani

[colophon adds impensis M(agistri] Iohannis Willii
et Iohannis Benthemll], 1 6 1 9 . 12mo. 93+[3] pp.
Copies: AMu

Dialecticae librl duo . . . distinctius et

emendatius excusi. Hanoviae: Petrus Antonius,

1619. 12mo. 81μ pp.

Copies: Oh

Syntagma logicum, or The Divine Logike, Serving

Especially for the Use of Divines in the Practice of

Preaching, and for the Further Help of Judicious

Hearers and Generally for All. By Thomas C-ranger,

preacher of God's Word. London: William Jones for

Arthur Johnson, 1020. 8vo. [8]+387 pp.

Notes: A free adaptation of Ramus, whom Granger

says is too brief, while the Ramist commentators

are too long. This adaptation is to be "not too

foggie, nor too leane, too strait, nor too lavish."

Granger's Ramiatn is remarkably and pleasantly urbane.

Copies: Cu Lbm


Logica Philippo-Ramea . . . . Auctore Conrado

Deckhero. Oppenheimii: Hieronymus Gallerus, 1620.

8vo. [32]+306+[l] pp.

i 259]
Copies: Ob


In 660 ( 1 6 2 0 ) .


I n s t i t u t i o n e a d i a l e c t l c a e ex . . . A r i s t o t e l i s et
Rami I n t e r p r e t i b u s . . · c o n s c r i p t a e . . . a Cunrado
Dieterico. Ed. u l t i m a . G l e s s a e : Hampelius, 1 6 2 3 ·
Copies: 3^7 PP·

lg 8»
Compendium l o g i c a e hannonicae, exhibens unlversum
bene d i s s e r e n d l modum l u x t a p r i n c l p i a Peripatetlcorum
e t Rameorum . . . authore Iohan[ne] Henrico A l s t e d i o ;
a c c e d i t Nucleus l o g i c a e . Ed. 2 a . Herbornaθ
Nassoviorura: [Georglua C o r v l n u s , ] 1623» 12mo.
201+[3]+71 ΡΡ· (Nucleus l o g i c a e with separate pagina-
t i o n — t h e l a s t 71 PP« here—and separate tltle-page).

Copies: Pbn

Iacobi Martini . . . Discussionum Ramisticarum libri

duo, quibus praecepta logioae P. Rami rite proponun-

tur . . . . [witebergae:] impensis Zachariae

Schureri, typis Iobi Wilhelmi Pincelii, 1623. 8vo.

[lj.8]+l 03^+^9] ΡΡ·

Copies: Ob


in 661 (1624).


M[agistri] Ioannis Hesselbeinil Theoria logica, in

qua obscuritatea aliquot cum Aristotelicae tum Raaieae

philosophiae illustrantur; disputatio item theologico-

philosophica e scala praedicamentali petita.

Francofurti: Porsiua, 1625· 8vo.

Notes: Contains Ramus' text?

Copies: bc--p. 13ij.3

In 680 (1625).

The A r t o f L o g i c k , G a t h e r e d Out o f A r i s t o t l e , and S e t

i n Due Forme, A c c o r d i n g t o H i s I n s t r u c t i o n s , by Peter

Ramus, P r o f e s s o r o f P h i l o s o p h y and R h e t o r i c k i n Paris,

and t h e r e m a r t y r e d f o r t h e G o s p e l l o f t h e L o r d Jesus;

w i t h a S h o r t E x p o s i t i o n o f t h e P r e c e p t s by w h i c h any

one o f i n d i f f e r e n t c a p a c i t i e may w i t h a l i t t l e paines

attaine to some competent knowledge and use o f that

noble and n e c e s s a r y science. [ T r a n s , from L a t i n into

E n g l i s h by Samuel W o t t o n — s e e D. Ν. B . ] . Published

f o r the i n s t r u c t i o n o f the u n l e a r n e d b y Anthony

Wotton. London: J . D[awson] f o r N. Bourne, 1626.

8vo. [8]+[2]+l89 pp.

Copies: DLC [(Eu)] Lbm NhDm Ob Opb

In 662 (1626).

In 663 (1626).


L o g i c a e systema harmonicum, i n quo bene disserendi

modus e x a u t h o r i b u s P e[262]
ripateticis iuxta et Rameis
traditur . . . . Authore Iohanne-Henrico Alstedio.

Ed. 2 a , limata et aucta. Herbornae Nassovicrun:

[Georgius Corvinus,] 1628. 8vo. [28J+828+[15] PP·

Kotes: The same ten books, etc., as in the l6lif

edition above.

Copies: Mbn

The Art of Logick, Delivered in the Precepts of

Aristotle and Ramus; wherein 1. the agreement of both

authors is declared, 2. the defects in Ramus are

supplyed and his superfluities pared off by the pre-

cepts of Aristotle, 3· the precepts of both are

expounded and applyed to use by the assistance of the

best schoolemen. By Thomas Spencer. London: John

Dawson for Nicholas Bourne, 1 6 2 8 . 8vo.

[8]+311 pp.

Copies: Lbm NjP

In 661). (1630).

In P. Rami . · . Dialecticam commentarli . . . .

auctore Georgio Doanamo. Prancofurti: typia

Wolfgangi Hofmanni, impensis Mtaglstrl] Leonhardi

Burckii, 1631. 8vo. 756+13] pp.

Copies: MH MoSU NNC


Instltutiones dialectlcae ex . . . Aristotelie et

Rami interpretibus . . . conscriptae varlisque

exempli3 . . . illustratae a Cunrado Dieterlco . . .

cum hermete logico. Ed. nova, revise, oastigata,

et aucta. Marpurgi Cattorum: aumptibus Nicolae

Hampelli, 1631. 8vo. [l6]+ij.02+[3 ] pp.

Kotes: See the 1655 edition with this same title

Copleaj. MA 3


Guilielmi Arnesi1 . . . Demonstratio loglcae verae.

Leyden, 1632. 12mo.
Kotea: Mentioned in Dictionary of Katlonal Biography
article on Ames.


P e t e r Ramus o f Vermandois, the Kings Professor,

His D i a l e c t i c s i n Two B o o k s : n o t o n l y translated

i n t o E n g l i s h , but a l s o d i g e s t e d i n t o questions

and answers f o r the more f a c i l i t i e of understanding

by R [ o b e r t J F f a g e ] , G e n t . London: V7. J [ o n e s , ]

1632. 8v0. [ 2 0 ] + 1 2 7 PP.

Kotes: See n o t e s w i t h 6 8 1 . T h i s translation

r e p r e s e n t s Ramus' t e x t i n t h e s t a g e o f Ramus' last

r e v i s i o n D l a l e c t l c a e l l b r l duo ( L u t e t i a e : A.

'.Vechelus, 1572).

Copies: Lbm MoSlf Mostf" NcDP


P e t e r Ramus · . . H i s D i a l e c t i c a i n Two B o o k e s :

not only t r a n s l a t e d into English but also digested

i n t o q u e s t i o n s and answeres . . . by R t o b e r t ]

Ρ [age]. London: IV. J o n e s f o r A. Kembe, 1635·

Copies: Copy s o l d O c t o b e r , 1 9 5 0 , by P e r c y D o b e l l

and Son, Tunbridge W e l l s , K e n t , t o a p r i v a t e

b u y e r — e n t r y from D o b e l l catalogue.

Peter Ramus . . . His Logick In Two Books: not only

truely translated into English but also digested into

questions and answers . . . by R[obert] F[age], Gent.

London: [W. Jones] for Nicholas Vavasour, 1 6 3 6 .

8vo. 20+[107] PP.

Copies: Ob

Edinburgi: haeredes Andreae
Dialecticae libri duo.
81+[2] pp. A - C 1 2 (A^ mis-
Hart, 1637. 12mo.

numbered 0^), D^.

Copies: Eni


Dialecticae libri duo . . . distinctius et emendatius

excusi. Cantabrigiae: Rogerus Daniel, l6ij.0.

12mo. [5]+86+[9] pp. Tables.

Copies: Cpb Ctc Cu DPo ICU IU

Demonstratio l o g l c a e v e r a e . Pp. 1 4 3 - 9 1 i n :

G u i l i e l m i Araesii . . . Phllosophemata.

Lugduni Batavorim: I u s t u s L i v l u s , 16Ιμ3 . 12mo.

[12 ] +231 PP.

Copies: HAK Lbm MoSU1" Pbn Pbn


Redenkavelings Konst van P e t r u s Ramus, Koninck-

l l j c k Professor in ' t L a t i j n g e s t e l t ; ende nu

door een L i e f - h e b b e r i n ' t Nederduytsch vertaelt.

Amsteldam: Iacob L e s c a i l l e voor Ian R i e u w e r t s z ,

l61|4« 12mo. 1^0+ [ 1 ] pp.

Copies: AMu

Demonstratio l o g i c a e v e r a e . Pp. 1 - 5 8 i n :

G u i l i e l m i Ameaii . . . Phllosophemata . . . .

C a n t a b r i g i a e : Rogerus D a n i e l , 16^6. 12mo.

[6]+62+58+53 pp.

Copies: Cu Dt_ MB MBA

[ I n s t i t u t l o n e s logicae tyronum adolescentium captui
. . . accomodatae . . . a Marco Prederico Wendelino?
c a . 1614.8? ]

Notes: This e d i t i o n i s suggested by the dating of

Wendelin's dedication in h i s 1651). and other e d i t i o n s
of t h i s same work, which remains b a s i c a l l y Ramist in
o r i e n t a t i o n but departs f a r from Ramus' D i a l e c t l c a in
several p a r t i c u l a r s , e . g . , in i t s three-book arrange-
ment (simple terms, the proposition, and argumentation
or dlscursua r e s p e c t i v e l y ) .

Ruygh-bewerp vande Redenkaveling, o f t e Nederduytsche
D i a l e c t i k e [door H. Lz. Spieghel e t a l . ]; uytghegheven
by de Kamer In Liefd Bloeyende t'Amstelredam.
Amsterdam: G e r r i t Willemez, [ c a . 1614.9]. 8vo.
182 pp. Tables.

Copies: HAk

Ruygh-bewerp van de Reedenkaveling, o f t e Nederduytsche

Dialectlke Idoor H. L z . Spieghel e t a l . ] j uytghegheven

by de Kamer In L i e f d Bloeyende t'Amstelredam.

Wormer-Veer: W. S. Boogaart, 161^9. 8vo.

Copies: I.IDp ROg


In 665 (1.61+9) -


Logicae lnatitutiones tironum adolescentum captui . . .

accommodatae . . . autore Marco P r i d e r l c o Wendelino,
gymnasii Anhaltini rectore . . . . Ed. novissima.
Amsterodami: Ioannes Ianssonius, 1650. 12mo.
[36]+358 CAf
Copies: pp. Eu Wh

Demonstratio logicae verae. Pp. 119-58 i n :
Guilielmi Amesil . . . Philosophemata. Amstelodami:
Ioannes Ianssonius, l 6 5 l . 12mo. [8]+192 pp.

Copies: AMu LEu MH Pbn Pbn


In 681 (1651).


t,oglcae i n s t l t u t i o n e s tlronum adolescentium

c a p t u i accommodatae . . . a Marco P r e d e r i c o

Wendellno. Ed. n o v i s s i m a . Amstelrodaml:

Ioannes I a n s o n l u s , 1 6 5 ^ · 12rao. [22]+358 pp.

C o p i e s : ANr Lbm MB MH Ob

I n s t l t u t l o n e s d l a l e c t l c a e ex . . . A r i s t o t e l i s et

Rami i n t e r p r e t i b u s . . . c o n s c r i p t a e varilsque

exemplis . . . l l l u s t r a t a e a Cunrado D i e t e r l c o . . .

ctun hermetlco l o g l c o M f a g l s t r l j I o h [ a n n i s ] P h l l l p p i

Ebelil. Ed. nova . . . et aucta. Glssae

Hassorum: Ioseph D l e t r i c u s Hampellus, 1 6 5 5 · 8vo.

l 6 + 3 6 2 + [ 6 ] + l 4 6 + [ 2 ] pp.

Notes: E b e l l i u s 1 work I s a commentary on D i e t e r i c h ' s


Copies: Lbm Pbn

Logicke Unfolded: or, The Body of Logicke in

Englishe Made Plaine to the Meanest Capacity . . .

By Τ[homas j Stpencer], Gent. London: W. H. for

Nicolas Bourne, 1 6 5 6 . 8vo. [8]+311 pp.

Notes: This is Ramus' text adapted.

Cople s: Lbm

Institutions logicae tironura adolescentium

captui . . . accormnodatae . . . a Marco Frederico

V/endelino. Ed. novissima. Rintelii: typis

viduae Petri Lucii, impensis Iohannis Schutzii

bibliopolae Cassellani cum consensu haereduai

D[omi]n[i] authoris, 1657· 12mo. [ίμθ] +Ιμ32 pp.

Copies: Zz


Iohannis Henrici Bisterfeldii . . . Elementorum

logicorum libri tres: ad praxin exercendaai apprime

utiles . . . ; accedit eiusdem . . . Phosphorus

catholicus seu Artis meditandi epitome, cui subi-

unctum est consilium de studiis feliciter insti-

tuendis. Lugduni Batavorum: Henricus Verbiest,

1657. 12mo. [ 1 2 j + 8 9 + [ 7 ] + 3 8 p p . , the l a s t 38

c h a o t i c a l l y numbered.

Notes; T h i s A r i s t o t e l o - R a m l s t amalgam m e n t i o n s

Ramus' name I n the p r e f a c e and I s d o m i n a n t l y R a m l s t .

The t h i r d book added to Ramus' two t r e a t s o f u s u s o r


Cople s : Pbn

G u i l l e l m i Ames11 . . . . Demonstratio logicae

verae. I n V o l . V of G u i l l e l m i Amesll . . . opera

quae L a t l n e s c r i p s ! t omnia . . . . Amstelodaml:

I . I a n s s o n i u s , 1658. 12mo. 5 vols.

Copies: CtY Lbm MH

The Art of Reason In the Art of Logick: rendred so

plain and easle by questions and answers, that the

meanest capacity may In a short time attain to the

perfect ways of arguing or disputing. pp. 222-88

In: Mysteries of Love and Eloquence. Ed. by

Ε[dwardJ P[hlllips]. London: N. Brooks, 1658.

8vo. [22]+288+70+[12J+[lij.] pp.

Notes: Phillips, John Milton's nephew and pupil,

here publishes, unidentified and with slight varia-

tions, the catechetical adaptation of Ramus by-

Robert Fage which first appeared in 1632. See also

k5Q, 461.

Copies: Lbm


Dialecticae libri duo, perpetuis eroteraatibus,

objectionibus, exemplis, Ungarico idiomate et usu

ita resoluti et illustrati, ut tyro qui magnum

ilium artium Magi strum Petrcun Ramum in dialectica

imitandum sibi proposuit, brevi citra longam

alterius Ktipo^iC^iAvy dialecticus fieri queat.

Studio Georgii T. Martonfalvi Transylvani.

Ultraiecti: Wilhelmus Wier, 1 6 5 Θ . 12mo.

ll2J+50ij. pp.

Notes: Ramus' text is given in Latin, in a semi-

catechetical adaptation, with occasional Hungarian

equivalents of a word or a phrase. The prefatory

letter to Martonfalvi is by Adrianus Heereboord;

other prefatory material is by Hungarians—Iohannes

Nadanyi, Caspar R. Enyedi, Nicolaus I. Tetsi.

The t i t l e - p a g e b e a r s the m o t t o : "Amicus

P l a t o , amicus A r i s t o t e l i s , amicus e t Ramus, sed

magis arnica V e r i t a s . " Cf. 733·

Copies: Eu

Logica. Pp. l-l(.5l i n : B i s t e r f e l d u s Redivivus,

seu Operum I o h [ a n n i s j H e n r i c i B i s t e r f e l d i i . . .

poethumorum tomus secundus. Hagae Comitum:

Adrianus V l a c q , l 6 6 l . 12mo. [ί|·]+^51+[53 ΡΡ·

Notes: B a s i c a l l y the same as the 1657 Bisterfeld

e d i t i o n above, t h i s n e v e r t h e l e s s departs slightly
more from Ramus.

Copies: Pbn


In 686 (l66l).

In 687 (1663).


Dialectices libri duo, cum notis variorum quas

colligit . . . I. van Aelhuysen. Tylae

Batavorum: Gooswynus k Duyn, I66I4.. 8vo.

[21+ ] +179 pp. (in Au copy interleaved with blanks).

Notes: The frontispiece is of interest. Crudely drawn,

it pictures a puzzled female staring at an open

book labeled Dlalectlca while she stands, like the

famous ass between the hty stacks, flanked by two

scholars, one of whom is crying, "Aristotle,' the

other, "Ramus." The champion of Aristotle wears a

cap and dark robe, the Ramist is in a light robe

and hatless. The significance of ttfts garb, if any,

I do not know.

Copies: AMu Au


Logica [Logicae institutionss . . .?] auctore Marco

Friderico Wendelini. Marburg, 1666.

Copies: BUs

B i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo . . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius
e x c u s l , cum consnentariis Georgii Dounami a n n e x i s .
London: ex o f f l c i n a Iohannis Redmayne e t veneunt per
Robertum Nicholson e t Henricum Dickinson, Canta-
b r i g i a e b i b l i o p o l e a , 1669. 8vo. xii+54+i2]+505
ΡΡ· (p· 505 misnumbered and much other mla-

Copies: Eu IEN Lw MBA WdBJ MeΒ ΜΗ


Dialectica . . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius e x c u s a .
Bernae: Relpublicae Bernensis typographus Georgius
Sonnleitnerusi 1 6 7 0 . 8vo. 7 7 + [ 1 β ] pp.

Notes: A note penciled i n the BEs copy a s s i g n s

N[ikolaus] Henzi as the e d i t o r of t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n .

Copies: BEs

I n s t l t u t i o n e s l o g l c a e tironum adolescentlum captul
. . . accommodatae . . . a Marco Frederico
Wendelino. T l g u r l : typographeus Bodmerlanus,
I67O. 12mo.

Copies: Zz

Dialecticae libri duo, quibus loco coimnentaril
perpetui post certa capita subiicitur Guilielmi
Amesii demonstratio logicae vera® ....
Cantabrigiae: Ioannes Hayes, impensis G. Morden,
1672. 8vo. [12]+99 PP· Tables.

Copies; Cm CSmH CtY Cu Gu IU Lw


Ioannls Mlltoni Angli Artls logicae plenior

institutio ad P. Rami methodum concinnata;
adjecta est Praxis annalytica [sic] et P. Rami
vita, libria duobus. Londlni: impensis Spencer
Hickman, Societatls Regalis typographi, 1 6 7 2 .
12mo. [I6)f228 pp. (p. 228 misnumbered 223, and
other pages variously misnumbered)*

Notes: The "Praxis annalytica" Is taken from George

Downham's conmentary listed here above, l601, etc.
The life of Ramus is headed: Petri Haml Vita ex
Ioanne Thoma Frelglo reclsls dlgresslonlbus» des-

For M i l t o n ' s d r a s t i c changes i n Ramus'

loitic, see P. A l b e r t Duhamel, " M i l t o n ' s A l l e g e d

Ramism," PMLA, LXVII ( 1 9 5 2 ) , 1035"53.

Copies: Bu Eu Lbm Lbm Lw+ MoSt/" NjP


loannis Wiltoni . · . Artis logicae plenior

i n s t i t u t i o ad P. Rami methodum ctncinnata; adiecta

e s t Praxis annalytica [ s i c ] e t P. Rami v i t a , libris

duobus. L o n d i n i : impensis S . H[ickman] p r o s t a n t

pro R. Boulter, 1673. 12mo. [ l 6 ] + 2 2 8 pp.

(same miεnumbering as i n the 1072 e d i t i o n ) .

Notes: This i s e x a c t l y the same p r i n t i n g as the

1672 e d i t i o n of the same t i t l e with the original
t i t l e - p a g e r e p l a c e d by a nev; one.

Copies: Lw MH MoSUm SAu

I n a t i t u t i o n u m logicarum [Marci F r e d e r i c ! ] Wendelini
synopsis, s i v e Rudimenta l o g i c a , opera M f a g i s t r i ]
H e n r i c i G e i s s e l e r i . F r a n c o f u r t i ad Moenum: Hermannus
V e l s t e i n b i b l . Marpurgensis, 1 6 7 5 . 12mo.

ί|.6θ pp.

Copies: Wh

The Art of Reason in the Art of Logick . . . .

Pp. 252-318 in: Mysteries of Love and Eloquence.

Ed. by Ε[dward] p[hillips]. London: James

Rawlins for Obediah Blagrave, 1685· 8vo.

[22]+3l8+70+[12]+[12] pp.

Notes: See also ij.6l.

Copies: Lbm

Marci Friderici Wendelini Logicae institutiones

. . . . Amsterodami: I69O.

Copies: [Ps]


[Ioannis Miltoni] Artis logicae plenior insti-

tutio ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. [Vol.

Ill,] Opera omnia Latina, pp. 239-320 in A Complete

Collection of the Historical, Political and Miscel-

laneous Works of John Milton. 3 vols.

Amstelodami [London], 1698. fol.

Copies: Cu Lbm


The Art of Reason in the Art of Logick . . . . P p .

252-318 in: The Beau'3 Academy. Ed. by E[dward]

Pfhillips], London: printed for 0. D. and sold by

John Sprint, 1699. övo. [22]+31β+70+[12] pp.

Notes: The Beau's Academy is simply a new title

for the collection Mysteries of Love and Eloquence,

ljlj.6 and 8 above.

Copies: CtY Lbm

[Ioannis Miltoni] Artis logicae plenior institutio

ad P. Rami methodum concinnata, Vol. II, pp. 483-

56ij., in A Complete Collection of the Historical,

Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton,

2 vols. London: A. Millar, 1738. fol.

Copies: Lbm


[Ioannis Miltoni] Artis logicae plenior institutio

ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. Vol. II, pp. 6llj.-

710, in The Works of John Milton, 2 vols. London:

A. Millar, W. Innys, and others, 1753· Ij-t®.

Copies: Cu Lbm


In 682 (1765-66).


In 683 (1765-66).


[Ioannis Miltonl] Artls logloae plenior lnstitutlo

ad P. Rami methodum conclnnata. Vol. VI, pp.
195-360, In The Prose Works of John Milton. 7 vols.
London: J. Johnson, and others, I806. 8vo.

Copies; Cu CLC Lbm

[Ioannls Miltonl] Artls loglcae plenior instltutio
ad P. Rami methodum conclnnata. Pp. 861-918 In
The Prose Works of John Milton, London: Westley and
Davis, 1833·
Copies: Lbm l;to.
[Ioannis i.'iltoni] Artis logicae plenior institutio

ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. Pp. 861-918 in

The Prose Works of John Milton. London: Westley

and Davis, X83/4.. i|.to.

Copies; DLC

[Ioannis Miltoni] Artis logicae plenior institutio

ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. Pp. 86l-9lS in

The Prose Works of John Milton. London: William

Bail, 1838. l(.to.

Copies: Cu


[Ioannis Miltoni] Artis logicae plenior institutio

ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. In the Works of

John Milton. 2 vols. Philadelphia: H. Hooker,


Copies: DLC

tloannis M i l t o n i ] A r t i s l o g i c a e p l e n i o r i n s t i t u t i o
ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. Vol. I , pp. 1 -
185, i n : The Works of John Milton. Ed. by J .
Mitford. 8 vols. London: W. P i c k e r i n g , 1851.

Copies: Lbm

[Ioannis M i l t o n i J A r t i a l o g i c a e p l e n i o r i n s t i t u t i o
ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. V o l . I , pp. 1 -
1 8 5 , i n : The Works of John Milton. Ed. by J .
Mitford. 8 vols. London: W. P i c k e r i n g , 1 8 6 3 .

Copies: Eu

[Ioannis M i l t o n i ] A r t i s l o g i c a e p l e n i o r institutio
ad P. Rami methodum concinnata. Pp. 861-918 i n :
The Complete Works, Prose and P o e t i c a l , of John
Milton. Ed. by Robert F l e t c h e r . London:
Chatto and Windus, 1875.

Copies: MH


Artia loglcae plenior institutio ad P. Rami

methodum concinnata. With parallel English
translation by Allan H. Gilbert. Vol. XI (1935)
in: The Works of John Milton. Ed. by Prank Allen
Patterson and others. New York: Columbia

University Press, 1931-38.

Copies: MH


This consists of Virgil's Bucolics inter-
spersed with Ramus' annotations, to "open" the text.
Ramus considered Virgil's Bucolics, with his
Georglcs, a part of physics. The annotations con-
tain mostly explanatory matter or subsidiary infor-
mation, with little that pretends to be "analysis"
and argumenta for the individual books, these things
being supplied first in the 15&1 publication edited
by Frisius. There are no dialectical summaries.

The life of Virgil included in this work is

also by Ramus.

P. V i r g i l i l Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami, eloquentiae
et philosophiae professoris r e g i t , praelectionibus
exposita: quibus poetae vita praeposita e s t .
P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1555· 8vo. [1(3*82 11.

Copies: BRr LEu MoSÜ Pbn Psc RMv VIn

P. V i r g i l i i Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami . . .

praelectionibus exposita: . . . poetae v i t a . . . .
Ed. 2 a . P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1558. 8vo.
184 pp.

Copies: AMu Ba Bu CtY Cu MCr MH

MUs Müs Pbn Pi Psc Psg Tv Vbv

In 716 (1561).


P. V i r g i l i i Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami . . .

praelectionibus exposita: . . . poetae vita . . . .
3d. 3 a . Lutetiae: A. Wechelus, 1572. 8vo.
l81j. pp.
Copies: BSv CAf Cu NjP Pbn Pbp Pm



P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami . . .

praelectionibus exposita: . . . poetae vita . . . .

Ed. Prancofurti: A. Wechelus, 1582.

8vo. l68+[6j pp.

Copies: Au BEs CAf Cu Dt Lbm Müs



P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami . . .

praelectionibus exposita: . . . poetae vita . . . .

Ed. 5 · Prancofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli, Cl.

Marnius et I. Aubrius, 159°· 8vo. 168+[6] pp.

Copies: Cu Lbm LEu Ob Pbn VIn


P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, P. Rami . . .

praelectionibus exposita: . . . poetae vita . . . .

Ed. 6 a .

Hanoviae: typis Wechelianis haeredes I.

Aubrii, l6l3. 8vo. l68+[6] pp.

Copies: HAk


Virgil's text is here presented interspersed

with commentary. The argument is supplied before

each book of the Georgics, which, with the Bucolics,

Ramus regarded as belonging to physics, but there

are no dialectical summaries.

P. Virgilli Maronis Georgica, P. Rimi, eloquentiae

et philosophiae professoris regii, praelectionibus

illustrate. Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1556. 8vo.

367+[1] PP« (the title-page is p. [9]» the preface

begins on p. 11, pp. 1-8 being entirely missing,

but the work evidently quite complete; this curious

pagination is repeated in subsequent editions).

Copies: AMu Bu Eu HAk MCr MoSU NjP

Pbn Pm Psc Psg RIvIv Vbv VIn

In 716 (1561).


P. Virgilii Maronis Georgica, P. Rami . . .

praelectionibus illustrate. Parisiis: A.

Wechelus, 156I4.. l^to. 367 pp. (same faulty

pagination as in the 1556 ed.).

Copies: BSv CtY Cu MH NcD NJP Pbn

Pi Pec Psg Pag

In 651 (1576).


Praelectiones in P. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum

libros quatuor, diligenti rocognitione multis in

locia emendatae. Francofurti: A* Wechelus, 1578.

8vo. 368 pp. (same faulty pagination as in the

1556 ed.).

Kotes: The changed title signalizes no real change

from the 1556 edition, where division according to

Virgil's four books is already implicit.

Copies: Ce Cu Dt GOu Ku HCr MiU MQv

Ob Owo Pbn Pbp Psc

4 82
P r a e l e c t i o n e s in P. V i r g l l i i Maronis Georgicorum
l i b r o s quatuor . . . emendatae. Francofurti:
haeredes Α.. Wecheli, 158J4.. 8vo. 3 6 6 + [ 2 ] pp.
(same f a u l t y p a g i n a t i o n as i n the 1556 e d . ) .

Copies: AMu BEs CAf Cu Csc Eu Eu

IU Lbm MB MOv MUa Ob Ooo Occh Psg

STnu VIn VIu Zz

P r a e l e c t i o n e s i n P. V i r g i l i i Maronis Georgicorum
l i b r o s quatuor . . . emendatae. Francofurti:
t y p i s Wechelianis, C I . Marnius e t haeredes I.
Aubrii, 1606. 8vo. 368 pp. (same f a u l t y
p a g i n a t i o n as i n the 1556 e d . ) .

Copies: Ccc Eu HAk Lbm LEu Ob Rbn


This i s Ramus' r e j o i n d e r to Adrien Turnebe'e
D i s p u t a t i o n on C i c e r o ' s Book on Fate a g a i n s t an
Individual Who Wants Not Only To Be A L o g i c i a n But
Also To Be Taken f o r a D i a l e c t i c i a n ( D l s p u t a t l o ad

librum Ciceronis De f a t o . . lS$k> or perhaps

earlier). Waddington, p. \\5St c i t e s Kancel's f i r s t -

hand and circumstantial testimony that Ramus wrote

this defense of himself and published i t under

Talon's name.

Turnebe's Dlsputatlo, which does not mention

Ramus by name, had taken issue with Ramus' tendency

to reduce the whole question of f a t e , together with

the much-agitated question of predestination and

future contingents, to a matter of l o g i c or d i a l e c -

t i c , exclusive of moral philosophy. Turnebe i s also

i r r i t a t e d , as most of Ramus' f e l l o w professors were,

by Ramus' i n c l i n a t i o n to quarrel with every t e x t he

comments on rather than to approach i t sympathetically

with a view to understanding. While i t employs r e l a -

t i v e l y mild i n v e c t i v e , the Dlaputatio i s l a r g e l y

concerned with the vindication of certain of Turnebe's

interpretations of Cicero and i s not a d i r e c t attack

on Ramus. By comparison, Ramus' Admonltio i s more

personal i n v e c t i v e which by-passes the questions of

i n t e r p r e t a t i o n raised by Turnebe in order to f r e t

f o r page a f t e r page over the word l o g i c u a . In need-

l i n g the p r a c t i t i o n e r s of l o g i c and d i a l e c t i c , the

great c l a s s i c a l scholar had pricked Ramus to the


Turnebe's very brief rejoinder appeared in

1556, like Ramus' Admonitlo under the pseudonym of

a friend, in Turnebe's case Le'ger Duchesne (Leode-

garus a Quercu): Leodegarl a Quercu Responsio ad

Audomarl Talaei Admonitionem. This rejoinder is

rather more calm and circumstantial than Ramus'


I,ike most of hia performances, Ramus' re-

duction of the problem of future contingents (and

thus of divine foreknowledge) to logic or dialectic

follows closely the Nominalist tradition in which

he was trained at Paris. See, for example, Anthonius

Coronel, Prima pars rosaril maglstrl Anthonll

Coronel in qua de propositlone multa notanda, de

materlls propoaltionum, de contradlctorlis in

obliquis, de condltlonatis et conversionlbus ex

llbro conditionstarum elusdem assumptis, de modali-

bus, de propositlonlbus de futuro contingent!, et

de modo arguendl ab afflrmativa ad negativam, omnia

. » . castlgata • . . (Parisiis: Oliverus Senant

[ca. 1512]). In this strictly logical work, the

subject of future contingents occupies all of

Quaestio VII, and is approached through the

ampllatio and supposltlo kept current for two cen-

turies and more by Peter of Spain's Summulae

loglcale s and derivative or ΓΘΙated works·

The sequence of items in the Ramus-Turnebe
dispute i s as follows ( a l l these f i r s t editions
were published at Paris; the Turnebe works can also
be found in Turnebe, Opera, Argentorati, l 6 0 0 ) .
1550. Ramus, Clceroni3 de Fato l i b e r e x p l l c a t u s .

13'5l · Ramus, Clceronia Pro C. Rablrio oratio


1552. Turnebe, Μ. T. Ciceronis De f a t o , in

eundem commcntarlu3, Adrlano Turnebo
auctore (copy in Pbn).

1552» Ramus, De lege a g r a r i a oratlones l l l u s -


1553· Turnebe (using L^ger Duchesne's name as a

pseudonym) or possibly Duchesne himself,
Leodegari a Quercu Anlmadverslones In
Rulllanos Petri Rami commentarlos (copy
in Pbn).—The reference in t h i s t i t l e
i s to Publius S e r v i l i u s Rullius, who had
been Cicero's adversary in the De lege
a g r a r i a orations, so that Turnebe here
pictures Ramus' conmentary on Cicero
as r e a l l y a commentary against Cicero.

1553. Turnebe, Μ. T. Ciceronis Pro C. Rabirio

• . . oratio in eandem conmentarlua,
Adriano Turnebo auctore, (copy in Pbn).

The preface a t a t e a t h a t FVanciacue S y l v i u a ·
and Ramus' commentaries on t h i s work are already
published, but does not j o i n issue with e i t h e r .

155I4-? (Waddington's d a t e , p. 103. I know o f no issue

b e f o r e 1556—copy in Pbn.) Turnibe's Dis-
putatlo ad l i b r u m C l c e r o n i a De fato adversus

quendam qui non solum logicua ease Termnetiam

d i a l e c t i c u a haberi vult.—The p r e f a c e speaks
o f the controversy as already under way.

1556. Ramus (using T a l o n ' s name as a pseudonym),

Audomari T a l a e l Admonltio ad Turnebum.

1556. Turnibe (using L4ger Duchesne's name as a pseudo-

nym), Leodegarl a Quercu Reaponalo ad Audomari
T a l a e l Admonitionem. Copiea in Lbm and Pbn.

1557. Ramus and Turnftbe serve t o g e t h e r on the Univer-

s i t y commission to Henry I I . — S e e Ramus' Oratio
de l e g a t l o n e below. Nancel, P e t r i Rami v i t a
(1599), pp. 66-67, notes that Turnibe and
Ramus had made up with one another before
Turn&be1s death in 1565.

By 1565. Turnibe, De methodo l l b e l l u s ( f i r s t published

posthumously in 1 6 0 0 ) . — F o r t h i s work, which
q u i e t l y renews Turnibe's h o s t i l i t y to Ramus, see
the Charpentier-Ossat Controversy on Method in
"The Ramiat Controversies" below.

Audomari Talaei Adnonitio ad Adrianuin Turnebum,

regium graecae linguae professorem. Parisiis:

A. Wechelus, 1556. 8vo. 22 11.

Copies: Ba Bu Ccl Ha Mbn MoSU Pbn

Pbn Pm RSv


A. Talaei Admonitio ad Adrianum Turnebum . . . .

2ö. 2 a ab authore recognita et aucta. Pariaiia

A. Wechelus, 1556. 8vo. 11.

Notes: The Lbm copy was destroyed by bombardment

in World War II.

Copies: CtY Müs MUs Ob Pbn Pbn VIn


In 717 (1577).


In 752 (1583).

In 751 (1584).
In 718 (1599)·


This Is Cicero's text with commentary
interspersed. No initial argument is given, but a
few dialectical sumnaries are included.

Μ. T. Ciceronis De optimo genere oratoruni praefatio
in contrarias Aeschinis et Demosthenis orationes,
P. Ffemi, regii eloquentiae et philoaophiae profes-
soris, praelectionibus illustrata. Parisiis: A.
We che 1 us» 1557· J+to. 19+[1] 11.

Notes: The Privilegium is dated id. sept. 1556.

Copies: Ba Ob Pbn Pbn

In 713 (1575)·

In 711*. ( 1 5 8 0 ) .

In 715 ( 1 5 8 2 ) .

Ramus here gives h i s observations on the
aims and methods of education, based on an account
of C i c e r o ' s t r a i n i n g and achievements. The imi-
t a t i o n of C i c e r o ' s style here favored by Ramus i s
moderate· l i k e Erasmus' r a t h e r than l i k e Bembo's.
This work i s a source f o r Gabriel Harvey's Cicero-
manu«. See H. S. Wilson, Gabriel Harvey's Cicero-
nlanus (Lincoln: University o f Nebraska, 1945)»

P e t r i Rami, r e g i i eloquentiae e t philosophise profes-
s o r i s , Ciceronianus, ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardi-
nalem. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1557. 8vo.
[4]+256+[6] pp. (some misnumbering at end).

Notes: Ramus' preface i s dated 8 i d . dec. 1556;
the Privilegium» c a l . dec. 1556.

Copies: BAu Gu Lbm Lbm (Lbm) LRv MCr

MH Müs Müs Müs Müs Müu Owo Pbp Pbp
Pbp Pmp Psc Psg Ra Ra Rbn RNv RPB
STnu Uu Vbv, VIu Zz


Ciceronianus. Basileae: 1557· 8vo.

Copies: η—Vol. X I I I , p. 294·

Ciceronianus. [Ed. by Ioannes Thomas F r e i g i u s . ]
Basileae: Petrus Perna, 1573· 8vo. [243+263 pp.

Notes: Freigius 1 preface i s dated 1573· His dicho-

tomized chart, "Σκελιτ^ν Ciceronian!," i s prefixed
to the text*

Copies: MBu Müs? Osj Zz

Ciceronianus. [Ed. by Ioannes Thomas F r e i g i u s . ]
Basileae: Petrus Perna, li>73. 8vo. [16J+262+
[7] pp.

Copies: BAu GOu ICÜ IU Mbη MUs? NN
Pbn Pm (Psg) STnu

In 707 (157^)·

In 651 (1576).

In 708 (1576).

I n 709 (1577).


Ciceronianus. E d i t i o postrema. [Ed. by

Ioannes Thomas F r e i g i u s . ] F r a n c o f u r t i : A.
Weohelus, 1580. 8vo. [i^.j+263 p p .
Copies: AMu BAu Cm Eu GOu Lbm LEu
MBu MUs MUu? Pa Pbn VIn
Petrus Ramus [de imitatione] in Ciceroniano.
Pp. 170-97 in: Deaiderii Erasni Roterodami Dialogus
cui titulus Ciceronianus sive De optimo genere
dicendi, cui honorarii arbitri adiuncti Petrus
Ramus, Ioach[imJ Camerarius, Ioanfnesj Sturmius De
imitatione. Edente et notis illustrante Meliore
Adamo Silesio. Neapoli Nemetum: Henricus Starck-
ius, sumptibus Ioann[is] Caroli Unckellii, 1517

[sic for 1617]. 8vo. [l6]+271+[l5] pp.

Copies: BRr Eni MBu Ob Pm Pbn


This is Ramus' report to the Faculty of
Arts, the governing body of the University of
Paris, on the results of the appeal to Henry II
made by a commission of which he was a member.
The appeal concerned the royal edict which had
visited the University with severe reprisals because
of the armed rioting by University students against
the ncnks of Saint-Germain-des-Pr^s.
See also the Address concerning the Second
Deputation below.


P. .iami, r e g i i eloquentiae e t philoaophiae pro-

f e s s o r i s , Oratio de l e g a t i o n e . P a r l s i i s : A.
Wechelus, 1557· 8vo In ij.'s. 27 1 1 .

Notes; Although the Pbn printed catalogue l i s t s

the following e d i t i o n as the f i r s t e d i t i o n , this
present e d i t i o n i s rather the f i r s t . The e r r a t a
given in f o l . 27 V of the present e d i t i o n include
not merely typographical e r r o r s but textual emen-
dations) and these emendations are made in the t e x t
of the following work. Ramus' preface to Charles,
Cardinal of Lorraine, i s dated 10 c a l . iun. 1557«

Copies: BSv Cu MCr MUs? Pbn Psg

Oratio de l e g a t i o n e . P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus,
1557. 8vo in V s . 15 1 1 .

Copies: Au CU MH Müs? Oas Pbn Pbn

Pbn Pbp Pbp Pi Pm Vbv Zz

Harangue de Pierre de la Ramee, touchant ce qu'ont

faict les deputez de 1'University de Paris envers

le Roy. Mise de latin en fran^ois. Paris:

Andr^ Wechel, 1557· 8vo in JjJs. 32 11.

Copies: Dt GOu MUu Ob Pbn Psc Psg


Harangue touchant ce qu'ont faict les deputes de

1'University de Paris envers le Roi. Composee

premiereraent en latin par Pierre de la Ramee et

mise en fran^ois par un de sea amys. A Monseig-

neur le Reverendiasime Cardinal Charles de Lor-

raine. Paris: A. Wechel, 1557· 8vo in lj.»s.

32 11.
Notes: The Pbn catalogue lists this and the two

following entries as separate issues, and I follow

this listing. The setting of type is exactly the

same, the only variant I can find being a shift in

the spacing of lines on the title-page and a slight

spreading of the type on the last page.

Copies: ctY pbn


harangue · · · 1557· I See note tc preceding

entry. ]

Copie s: Pbn


:iarar»-i:e . . . 1557· [See note to the entry

before the last.]

Copie s: Pbn

Harangue de Pierre de la Ranee, touchant ce qu'ont

faict le,'3 deputez de l'Universit^ de Paris envers

le Roy. 1566. 8vo.

C n--Vol. XIII, p. 295·

in 695 (1569).

In 717 (1577).

I n 696 ( 1 5 7 8 ) .

In 718 (1599)·



An e x c e r p t , separately published in 1557»

from L i b e r IX of one of the r e v i s i o n s of Ramus'

Remarks on A r i s t o t l e , t h i s work i s l i s t e d under

the l a t t e r work.


The way of l i f e of the a n c i e n t Gauls is

here c o n s i d e r e d i n terms of the f o u r c a r d i n a l

virtues, temperance, f o r t i t u d e , prudence, and

j u s t i c e , which a r e r e f e r r e d to P l a t o ' s philosophy.

The Germans are t r e a t e d i n c i d e n t a l l y but a t some

l e n g t h , and hence Ramus' e d i t o r F r e i g i u s adds " e t

Gerr.anorusi" tc the s u b - t i t l e when he i n c l u d e s this

i 303]
book under " E t h i c a " i n the Regius P r o f e s s o r s h i p
(1576) above. Each new s u b j e c t i s i n t r o d u c e d by
a q u e s t i o n : e . g . , "How a b o u t t h e i r s t r e n g t h in
battle?" (Quid p r a e l l o r u m v i r t u s ? ) .

P. Rami, r e g i i e l o q u e n t i a e e t p h i l o s o p h i a e p r o f e s -
s o r i s , L i b e r de Moribus veterum Gallorum, ad
Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem. P a r i s i i s : A.
Wechelus, 1559· 8vo. [2]+7ij.+ [ l ] 1 1 .

Copies: BRr Ccc Cd Dt Eni Iaü Ku

Lbm MAs Mbn MH MOv TOs Müs Müs
MUu NjP Pbn Pbn Pbp Pbp Pm Ps Ps
Ρ sc Psg Rbn Vbv VIn VIu

T r a i c t e des ίβςοηβ e t coustumes des a n c i e n s
G a l l o y s , t r a d u i t du l a t i n de P. de l a Ramie, p a r
Michel de C a s t e l n a u . P a r i s : Andri Wichel,
1559. 8vo. 101 1 1 .

Notes: The Lbm copy was d e s t r o y e d i n World War I I

bombardments. Waddington n o t e s t h a t t h i s transla-
t i o n h a s been a t t r i b u t e d t o Ramus h i m s e l f by Antoine
T e i s s i e r , who a p p a r e n t l y was unaware of t h i s f u l l

title-page. T e i s s i e r likewise f a l s e l y attributed
to Ramus the French version of the L i b e r de C a e s a r i s
m i l i t i a ( 1 5 8 3 ) , below.

Copies: BAu Cu HAk LEu MOv Njpm Pbn


L i b e r de moribus veterum Gallorum . . . .
P a r i s l i s : A. Wechelus, 1562. 8vo. ll)-9+[l] pp.

Copies: AMu Ba BAu BAu CtHC Dt GOu

HAk Hu IU MBu ΜΗ Müs MUu NNC Pbn
Pbp Pi Pm Ps Rbn Zz

L i b e r de moribus veterum Gallorum. Cum prae-
f a t i o n e Ioannis Thomae P r e i g i i . Basileae:
Sebastianus H e n r i c p e t r i , [ n . d . , p r a e f . dated ο a l .
ian. 157^]. 8vo. [ l 6 ] + l 4 3 + [ l ] pp.

Copies: Ba BAu CAf DLC Eu HAk LAb

Lbm LEu LVb MAs MiU MUa 0b+ Oas+
STnu Uu VIn

η 651 (1576).

'Iraitte des meurs et facons des anciens Gauloys,

traduit de latin de Μ. Pierre de la Ramie, par

Bichel de Castelnau, chevalier de l'ordre du Roy,

conseiller en son conseil priv^ . . . et ambas-

aadeur pour Sa Majestrf en Angleterre. Paris:

Denys du Val, 1581. 8vo. 101 11.

Copies: Dm Lbm Pbn Psg VIn


Liber de moribus veterum Gallorum. Prancofurti

haeredea A. Wecheli, 1581j.. 8vo. 1^-2 +[2 ] pp.

Copies: AMu Cu Gu ICU Ku Lbm Liiu

Lliv tioSU ITUs IffiC Ob Occh 0s j Pa

Pbn Pbp Psg VIn

ί 306]



This is not a commentary, but a treatise on

Caesar's military science, rich in erudition.

P. Rami, regii eloquentiae et philosophiae profes-

soris, Liber de Caesaris militia, ad Carolum

Lotharingum Cardinalem. Parisiis: A. VVechelus,

1559. 8vo. [ίμ]+1ΐί(. 11. (fol. II4. misnumbered


Notes: The Privilegium is dated 3 id. iun. 1557,

but, as IVaddington points out, p. if.58, this is the

date of the general Privilegium which Ramus re-

ceived for all his works, even those he had not yet

published or even written. Thus the occurrence of

this 1557 date in a work does not of itself argue

that there was an edition of the work as early as

1557. Ramus' preface to the present work is dated

5 apr. 1559.

Copies: Ba Ba BAu BAu BRr BRr Ccc

CtHC Cu GOu HAk IU Ku Lbm LVb Mb η

ΜΗ Mi U Müs Müs MUu NNC Ob Oq Pbn

Pbn Pbp Pbp Pm Ps Rbn Tv Vbv Via

L i b e r de m i l i t i a C. I u l i i C a e s a r i s . Cum p r a e -

f a t i o n e I o a n n i s Thomae F r e i g i i . Basileae:

Sebastianus Henricpetri, [ n . d . , p r a e f . dated i; c a l .

feb. 157k)· 8vo. [163+224 pp.

Copies: BRr CAf Cm Eu Eil (Gu) MUs

MUs Müs Om Pbn Pbn Pm Pac Pvu Uu


T r a i c t e de l ' a r t m i l i t a i r e , ou usance de g u e r r e de
J u l e s C ^ s a r , t r a d u i t en f r a n p o i s du l a t i n de M.
P i e r r e de l a Ramee - . . par m a i s t r e P i e r r e Poisson,
s i e u r de l a B o d i n i e r e . . . . P a r i s : Robert l e
T.Iangnier, 1 5 8 3 . 8vo. [7j+198+[7] 11.

Copies: Ba Dt LMv Müs Omt Pbn Pm

Liber de m i l i t i a C. I u l i i C a e s a r i s . Cum prae-
f a t i o n e Ioannis Thomae P r e i g i i . Prancofurti:
haeredes A. Wecheli, 1 5 % · 8vo. 222 + [ 2 ] pp.

Copies: AMu Au BEs Ctc Cu Dm Eni Gu

Hu IaU ICJ ICÜ Ku Lbm LEu MTJa Müs

NjP NNC Ob Occ Occh 0j Omt On Osj

Psg PÜ VIn

J u l i u s Caesar vom Kriegswegen in eine gewise Ord-
nung und unterschiedliche Hauptstück zusanmen
gezogen . . . durch eine Hohesstands Person . . .
auss dem L a t e i n in das Hochdeutsch übergesetzt . ·
. . Amberg: Johann Schönfeld, i6lij.. 8vo.
[12J+371 + [ l ] pp. (p. 371 misnumbered 7 1 3 ) .

Notes: Neither Ramus' nor the t r a n s l a t o r ' s name

appears. To Ramus' t e x t are added, pp. 3 6 6 - ? l ,
supplementary notes by Hottomannus ( F r a n c i s Hotman).

Copies: Cu Müs


"Ol. y, cols. 1^J2-1623> in: Ioannes 'Jeori_,lus

iraevius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum.

Ad khenum, Franciscus Hairaa, et Lugduni Batavorum,

Petrus van der Aa, 16'94--99·

Copies: Ck CtY Lbm MB MBAt ΜΗ NN

Ob Pbn


Vol. X, cois. J-532 ff., in: Ioannes Georgius Graevius,

Thesaurus antiquitatum Romanarum. Venetiis:

3artholomaeua Iavarina, 1732-37·

Copies: PI


In this business-like Latin grammar by

Ramus, his secretary Nicolas de Nancel seems to

have had a minor hand. Nancel, in his P. Rami Vita

(1600), pp. 37-38, says that he collaborated with

Ramus in his grammars, except for the Greek grammar,

Ramus doing the "skeletons" but he, Hancel, filling

in details and seeing to the publication.

As e d i t i o n f o l l o w s e d i t i o n , the m a t e r i a l in

the p r e s e n t work i s never g r e a t l y r e a r r a n g e d , but

i t does y i e l d more and more to Ramist dichotomiza-

t i o n , as when/ a f t e r Ramus' death, the f o u r - b o o k

arrangement i s remade i n t o a two-book frame.

.Yhether or not Nancel had a hand i n t h i s posthumous,

but c o n s i s t e n t , development, I do not know, but it

i s u n l i k e l y , a s Nancel had l e f t P a r i s f o r Tours and

a t r y a t medical p r a c t i c e about 1569·

The p r i n c i p l e o f d i c h o t o m i z a t i o n here re-

veals i t s non-functional, almost p u r e l y quantita-

tive bent. Thus, i n the g e n e r a l p a t t e r n common to

a l l editions, the whole of grammar i s divided i n t o

etymology (words taken s i n g l y ) and syntax (words

taken c o n j o i n t l y ) - - a n i n i t i a l d i v i s i o n based on a

q u a n t i t a t i v e norm. 3y taking a f u r t h e r quantitative

norm, etymology i s divided i n t o words with number

("nouns" or nomina, s u b s t a n t i v e and a d j e c t i v e , and

v e r b e ) and words without number ( a l l o t h e r p a r t s o f

speech). These words without number aro thereupon

divided i n t o those which are themselves coupled t o

another word (thus c o n s t i t u t i n g a two-piece quanti-

t a t i v e u n i t ) and those which j o i n o t h e r words to

each o t h e r (a t h r e e - p i e c e q u a n t i t a t i v e u n i t ) . The

l a t t e r are conjunctions, the former a d v e r b s . In

the interests of systematization, prepositions and
interjections are included among adverbs, and all
these "adverbs," interjections not excepted, are
regarded as having rection (as if, by way of exact
analogy, in the English "oh welll" the "oh" governs
the "well").

The division of grammar into etymology and

syntax is based directly on Ramus' preference for
two-part divisions, not on any particular insight
at all. Ramus himself says that the ancients
ordinarily assign three parts to grammar, such as
Varro's etymologla, analogia (proper formation of
derivatives and cognates, etc.), and syntax, or
other grammarians' etymologla, prosodla, and ortho-
graphla. He attributes the two-part division to
no one but himself—Sch. gram., I, in Sch. lib« art.
(1569), cols. 3, 7·

Ramus' own early grammar teaching had been

from Despauterius (von Pautern), a standard work.—
Ramus, Orat. inlt. suae prof. (1551)» P· 20.
The well-known English grammar in Latin,
Grammatlca angllcana, praeclpue quatenus a Latina
dlffert ad unlearn P. Rami methodum conclnnata. . .
(Cambridge, 1594» Vienna and Leipzig, 1938), is, of
course, not by Ramus, its author, "P. G.," being

e i t h e r Paul Greaves or P. Greenwood.

P. Rami, r e g i i eloquentiae e t philosophiae p r o f e s -

aoris, Grammaticae l i b r l quatuor, ad Carolum Loth-

aringum Cardinalem. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1559·

8vo. [ 8 ] + l 6 l pp.+ [!<.] pp. between pp. [753 and


Notes: The Privilegium I s dated 3 i d . iun. 1557;

Ramus' p r e f a c e — i n c l p l t , "Disputavi (Mecoenas) . .

. — i s dated 3 i d . mail 1559· See note above

with 1559 ed. of L i b e r de Caesaris m i l i t i a .

The unnumbered l e a f immediately preceding

p. 76 bears a separate t i t l e : P. Rami . . . Gram-

maticae l i b r l t e r t l u a e t quartus de syntax!.

P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1559· Grammar, the " a r s

bene loquendi, id autem e s t , L a t i n ! s l a t i n e , " is

said, at the opening of the t e x t , to have two p a r t e ,

etymologla and syntax!a. The four books, which

are given numbers but not t i t l e s , are apportioned

two to each p a r t , as f o l l o w s :

Lib. I . [De U t e r i s , s y l l a b i s , e t nominorum etymo-

logla. ]

Lib. I I . [De etymologia verborum e t aliarum


Lib. I i i . [De s y n t a x i nominorum e t verborurw]

L i b . IV. [De syntaxi a l i a r u n vocura.]

Copie s : KUs Fsg

Grairunaticae L a t i n a e l i b r i quatuor. Avenione:

1559. 8vo.

Copie s : w

Crammaticae l i b r i quatuor. Ed. 3 a . Parisiis:

A. V.'echelus, 1 5 6 0 . 8vo. 167 pp.

Copies; Ba Blir Cu Lbin LMv LMv f.lAs

Mb η Pbn Pbn Pbn Fi


Crammatica. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 k . 8vo.

63 11.

Kotes: Still i n four books.

Copies: NNC Pbn Pm Ρsc

Grammaticae libri quatuor. Basileae: E. Episco-

pius et Nicolai fratris haeredes, 1569· 8vo.

Ill pp.

Copies: RAu (Pmp)


Grammatica. Parisiis: A . U'echelus, 1572.

8vo. 119 pp.

Notes: Still in four books. The Lbin catalogue

remarks that this is quite a different work from

the 1560 Grammaticae libri quatuor; but the differ-

ence seem entirely insigificant.

Copies: AMu BEa Csc Csj Hu Lbm MH

Pbn STnu Uu


Grammatica, aliquot in locis aucta et emendata.

Prancofurti: A. Wechelus, 1576. 8vo. 119 pp.

Motes: Still in four books.

Copies: MAs


In 651 (1576).


Grammatica, ab βο [i.e., Petro Ramo] demum recog-

nita, et ex varils ipsius scholia ac praelectioni-

bus oreviter explicata. Parisiis: Emmanuel

Richardus, 1578. 8vo. 127+[1] PP·

Notes: In two books: Lib. I, "De etymologia";

Lib. II, "De syntaxi." "P. Ramus lectori s."

("Si requiris Lector . . . tibi tradidimus. Vale.")

is a different preface from that in the 1559 and

1560 Paris editions above, and is undated.

Copies: CtHC Müs? Pbn


Grammatica, aliquot in locls aucta et emendata.

Francofurti: A. Wechelus, 1578. 8vo. 120 pp.
Notes: In four books.

Copies: GOu Müs? Ρsc Rbn STnu VIn

Grammatica, ab βο li.e., Petro Ramo] demum recog-

nita, et variis ipsius scholia et praolectionibus

breviter explicata. Ed. postrema, a superioribus

longe dlversa. Francofurti: A. Wechelus·, 1580.

8vo. 131+15] PP·

Notes; In two books.

Copies; BA 11 Eu MAs P3 VIn


Grammatica, ex postrema editlone aliquot In locls

aucta et emendata. Prancofurti: A. Wechelus,

1580. 8vo. 118+17] PP.

Notes: In four books.

Copies: CtY


Grammatica, ex postrema editione . . . aucta et

emendata. Lugduni Batavorum: Christophorus

Plantinus, 158^. 8vo. 129+[6] pp.

Copies; Cu LEu

Grainmatica, ab eo . . . recognita, et . . .

exr-licata. i'd. postrema . . . . Francofurdi:

heredes A. Wecheli, 1585. 8vo. 131+15] PP·

Copies: MUs

The Latine Grammar of P. Ramus, translated Into

English. London: Robert Walde-grave, 1585«

8vo. 11^.8 pp.

Notes: The arms of Queen Elizabeth are incorporated

in the printing on the title-page. Except for

slight differences at the beginning, this is the

same translation as the 1585 Cambridge edition.

Copies; Cu DPo Gu

The Latine Grammar of P. Ramus, translated into
English; whereunto is joyned, for the more easie
understanding, of the rules herein conteyned, a
Grammatical Analysis upon an Epistle of Tullie.
Imprinted by Thomas Thomas, printer to the üniver-
sitie of Cambridge, 1585. 8vo. [^]+l86 pp.

Copies: Cu Dt CSmH

Grammatica. Bupellae: [Marinus Villepoux],

[1588?]. 8vo. 119 PP·

Copies: (Dm)


Grammatica. London: ex aed. T. Orwini impr.

T. Man et Τ. Gubbin, 1589· 8vo.

Copies: C. K. Ogden, London (as reported to me

by Mr. P. S. Ferguson).

C-rairanatica, ab eo . . . recognita, et . . .

explioata. Ed. postrema . . . . Francofurdi:

heredes A. Wecheli, CI. Marnius et I. Aubrius,

1590. 8vo. 131+15] pp.

Copies: Cu Pm


Grammatica latina Philippo-Rainea . . . duobus

libris distlncta . . . ; additae sunt ...

tabulae . . . ex quibus methodus cognosci potest.

Herbornae: Christopherus Corvinus, 1591· 8το.
[lj.J+172 pp.

Notes: A Latin gramnar corresponding to the

Philippo-Ramist d i a l e c t i c s . The honors are easy:
Ramus' two-book d i v i s i o n , not Melanchthon's four
book, i s followed, but Kelanchthon's eight p a r t s of
speech replace the Ramist f o u r . Ramus' t e x t i s
l a r g e l y reproduced. The preface i s unsigned.

Copies: MBu

Gramnatica, ex postrema editione . . . aucta e t
eraendata. P r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wecheli haeredes, C I .
Marnius e t I . Aubrius, 1595. 8vo. l l 8 + [ 7 ] pp.

Notes: The Rbn copy i s marked as from the main

l i b r a r y of the Roman College of the Society of

Copies: Ob Pm Rbn

Grammatieae l a t i n a e l i b r i duo. Spirae, 1597.

Copies: [MUu]

Grammatica. Hanoviae: 1599· 12mo.

Copies: b e — p . 1390

Grammatica Latina Phllippo-Ramea . . . duobus
libris distincta . . . ; additae sunt tabulae
. . ex qulbus methodus cognoscl potest.
Herbornae Nassoviorum: Christopherus Corvlnus,
1602. 8vo. [i).]+171 + [l] pp.

Copies: Ob

Grammatica. Magdeburgl: Francus, ΐ6ϋ^.

Copies: b e — p . 1390

Grammatlcae Latinae librl duo. Magdeburg:
[n.d.J. 12mo.

Copies: LGJ

53 Ö
Grammatica, r e c e n s i n usum scholarum hac forma

d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius e x c u s a . Hanoviae:

Guilielmus Antonius, l60ij.. 12mo. 178 pp.

Kotes: This i s one o f the v e s t - p o c k e t s e r i e s o f

t e x t books with corresponding e d i t i o n s o f the

Dlalectlca> e t c . See remarks a t the beginning of

the D l a l e c t i c a e n t r i e s i n t h i s I n v e n t o r y .

Copies: BAu ΓΛΗ NNc

Grammatica, ab eodem r e c o g n i t a , l i b r i duo.
Ed. postroma. Hanoviae: l 6 0 ? . 8vo.

Copies: LGj

Grammatica . . . d i s t i n c t i u s e t emendatius
excusa. Hanoviae: haeredes G u i l i e l m i A n t o n i i ,
1612. 12mo. 178 pp.

Copies: AMu BAu Cu MB Oh Opb

Compendium srammaticae Latinae Mauritio-Philippo-
Raineae, harmonice conformatae, e t succincta
methodo comprehensae, recensente Johan-Henrico
Alstedio. Herbornae Nassoviorum: [no p r i n t e r
g i v e n , ] 1613. 12mo. l 6 3 pp. Table.

Notes: The "Mauritio-" r e f e r e to the Landgrave

Maurice of Hesse, to whom the dedicatory e p i s t l e ,
dated c a l . i a n . l 6 l 0 , i s addressed.

Copies: BAu


Grammatica. Leide l i . e . , LeydenJ: 1694. 8vo.

Copies: LRv


This i s Ramus' b r i e f of h i s L a t i n Grammar,
o r i g i n a l l y i n c a t e c h e t i c a l dialogue form, but l a t e r ,
a f t e r Ramus' death, redone by Nicolas Bergeron
(Bergeronus or Bergeronius) in a c a t e c h e t i c a l but
non-Dialogue form which could be considered a v a r i a n t

as w e l l οΓ Ramus' L a t i n Grammar a s o f the present


F o r N a n c e l ' 3 p a r t i n t h i s work, see re-

marks w i t h t h e L a t i n Grammar.

T h i s work u s u a l l y a p p e a r s I n editions

m a t c h i n g e d i t i o n s o f t h e L a t i n Grammar.

Rudimenta g r a m m a t i c a e . P a r i s i i s : A. Weche1us.

1559· 8vo. 4 5 + [ 1 3 PP.

Notes; E n t i r e l y anonymous, b u t the date o f the

Privilegium, 3 id. iun. 1557, i s t h a t o f Ramus'

g e n e r a l P r i v i l e g i u m ( s e e remarks above w i t h 1 5 5 9

P a r i s e d i t i o n o f L i b e r de C a e s a r l s militia).

Three b o o k s : I and I I on e t y m o l o g y ; III,

syntax. Catechetical dialogue form.

Copies: Pa Pbn

Rudimenta grammaticae L a t i n a e . Parisiis: A.

Wechelus, 1560. 8vo. 4 5 pp.

Notes: No l o n g e r anonymous, b u t s t i l l in three

books; c a t e c h e t i c a l dialogue form.

Copies: Ba Cu Ii/tv MAs MUs MUu PI

Kudimenta grammaticae l a t i n a e . P a r i s i i s : A.
Wechelus, 1565· 8vo. 46 pp.

Notes: In four books, eyntax having two books

instead o f one. S t i l l catechetical dialogue.

Copies: Csj MH Pbn Psc Uu

Rudimente granmaticae l a t i n a e . Basileae: E.

Episcopius e t Nicolai f r a t r i s haeredos, 1569·
8vo. 4-3 pp.

Notes: In four booke, c a t e c h e t i c a l dialogue.

Copies: BAu Pmp

54 7
Rudimenta grammaticae L a t i n a e , a l i q u o t i n l o c i s
aucta e t emendata. P r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelus,
1576. 8vo. 4.6 PP«

Note3: In four books, c a t e c h e t i c a l dialogue.

Copies: Ma

Hudimenta cr^ramatics·;, sx P . Rami . · · p o s t r o m a
jr'imnatica o r e v i t e r c o l l e c t a | a IJicolao S e r g e r o n o ]
P a r i s i i s : Emmanuel I ; i o h a r d u s , 1578· 8vo.
50+[2] pp.

Nota3: I n two b o o k s , c o r r e s p o n d i i v ; t o 1573 P a r i s

e d i t i o n of t h e Orammatlca a b o v e . In catechetical
f o r - i , b u t w i t h no p r e t e n s e a t d i a l o g u e . Bergeron
s l ^ n s the n o t i c e t o the r e a d e r on p p . [ζΐ ]-[ζ2.].

Copies: CtH MBu MUs MUs Pbn

Rudimenta g r a m m a t i c a e L a t i n a e . . . aucta et
emendata. F r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelus, 1578.
8vo. I4.6 p p .

Cople s : Ce GOu Rbn STnu VIn

Rudimenta g r a i n m a t i c a e , ex P . Ra:ni . . . p o s t r e m a
grammatlca b r e v i t e r c o l l e c t a [a N i c o l a e Bergerono]
Ed. p o s t r e m a , a s u p e r i o r i b u s l o n g e diversa.
P r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelus, 158Ο. 8vo. J4.8 p p .

Notes: I n two b o o k s , e t c . , j u s t l i k e t h e 1573

Paris edition above.

Copies: BAu Eu Ps VIn

Rudimenta grammaticae L a t i n a e , ex postrema
editione a l i q u o t in l o c i s ementata. Francofurti:
A. Wechelus, 1580. 8vo. lj.6 pp.

Notes: The four-book, c a t e c h e t i c a l dialogue a g a i n .

Copies: (CtY) Psc

Rudimenta linguae l a t i n a e tyronibus proponenda.
Rupellae: Marinus Villepoux, 1583· 8vo.
[more than 131 11« (some leaves a t the end of Dm
copy m i s s i n g ) .

Notes: A condensed, and apparently incomplete,

anonymous summary of Ramus' work; supplemented by
the 1587 work here below.

Copies: (Dm)

Rudimenta grammaticae L a t i n a e , ex postrema editione
. . . emendata. Lugduni Batavorum: Christophorus
Plantinus, 1581;. 8vo. 51; pp.

Copies: Cu Dt LEu

Rudlraenta graramaticae L a t i n a e ex P. Rami . . .

postrema gramnatica . . . c o l l e c t a [a Nicolao

Bergerono]. Ed. poatrema . . . .

F r a n c o f u r d i : heredes A. Wecheli, 1585· 8vo.

I4.8 pp.

Copies: MUs

The Rudiments o f P. Ramus h i s L a t i n e Grammar.

Englished and newly c o r r e c t e d . London: Robert

Waldegrave, 1585· 8vo. 60 pp.

Note 3: The four-book form.

The Eu copy i s from the l i b r a r y of William
Drummond o f Hawthornden.

Copies: Cu DFo Eu

P. Rami Nominum e t verborum d e c l i n a t i o n e s ·
R u p e l l a e : Marinus V i l l e p o u x , 1587· 8vo.
[1*6] 1 1 .

Notes: An incomplete b r i e f o f Ramus' work. See

note with 1583 e d i t i o n above.

Copies: Dm

Rudimenta grammaticae Latinae, nunc demum β
novissima authoris editione reoognlta e t aucta.
Rupellae: Marinus Vlllepoux, 1588. 8vo.
45 PP·

Copies: Dm

[Donatus Phllipporameus, seu Rudimenta granmatlces
Latinae.] [Opera Iohannls B l l s t e n l i In lucem
edita.] [Marpurg (Lahn)?]: [1588?] 8vo.
[6] pp. ( s i g s . &2> b 3» but with no leaves
missing between these signatures) +pp. numbered
33-lll· 0 · (The text of the gramnar begins on p. 33»
which bears the t i t l e here supplied In brackets
for t h i s book. P. lij.0 concludes with a F i n i s . )

Kotes: B i l s t e i n 1 s preface i s dated 11 c a l . iun.


Copies: (Zz)

Rudimenta grammaticae, ex P . Rami . . . postrema

grammatica c o l l e c t a [a N i c o i a o B e r g e r o n o ] . Ed.

postrema . . . . F r a n c o f u r d i : h a e r e d e s A . Wecheli,

159Ο. 8vo. lj.8 pp.

Copies: Cu Pm


Rudimenta granmaticae l a t i n a e , ex postrema editione

. . . einendata. F r a n c o f u r t i : h a e r e d e s A. W e c h e l i ,

C I . Marnius e t I . A u b r i u s , 1 5 9 5 · 8vo. I4.6 p p .

Notes: The Rbn copy i s marked a s from the main

l i b r a r y of the ( f o r m e r ) Roman C o l l e g e of the S o c i e t y

of Jesus.

Copies: Ob Pm Rbn


Rudimenta grammaticae ex eiusdem Grammatica breviter

c o l l e c t a : L i b r i duo. Ed. p o s t r e m a . Hanoviae:

1607. 8vo.

Copies: LGj



These are Ramus' l e c t u r e s on the content of

h i s own L a t i n Grammar, i n twenty books i n t h e i r

complete form.


P. Rami Scholae grammaticae. Parislis: A.

'»Vechelus, 1559 · 8vo. 3i|-2+[2] pp.

Notes: Ramus' preface to Charles, Cardinal of

L o r r a i n e , i s dated c a l . aug. 1559> the Privilegium,

3 i d . iun. 1557 (see remarks above with f i r s t edi-

t i o n of Liber de Caesaris m i l i t i a ) .

Copies: Ba BRr BSv CtY Cu LMv LRv

?tts MUs Pa Pbn Ps


P. Rami L i b r i duo de v e r i s sonis l i t t e r a r u m e t

syllabarum, e Schölls grammaticia p r i m i , ab authore

recogniti et locupletati. P a r i s i i s : A. IVechelus,

15614.. 8vo. [ l ] + 5 3 + [ l ] 11.

Notes: The f i r s t two of the twenty books o n l y .

These are the books i n which Ramus sustains the

newer pronunciation of £u (as kw) of h ( a s p i r a t e d )

a g a i n s t the older French pronunciation of Latin
(qu as k, h as ch or k ) , taking a p o s i t i o n which
was not new, but which earned him some f u r t h e r
a t t e n t i o n (see Waddington, pp. 85 f f . ) ·

Copies: Ba Ba Bu NNC Ob Pm Psc Rbn

In 695 (1569).

In 696 (1578).

In 697 (1581).

In 698 (1595).


This short, two-book (in the first edition

two-part) algebra, was thought by Niceron and

Waddington and all who have followed them into

print to have been published only posthumously.

However, as the note with the first edition here

shows, it appeared anonymously twelve years before s' de a th.

Ir. the Rani at methodization of the sciences,

algebra is a source of permanent embarrassment. The

first edition of this work 1ε very loosely organized

but suggests that algebra is a part cf arithmetic.

But what sort of a part? The answer is provided

after Ramus' death by Lazarus Schcner in his 1586

edition of Ramus' arithmetic ar.d algebra. Here

Schoner's commentary cn the first chapter of the

Algebra explains that algebra is what the Greeks

call the "analytic" part cf arithmetic, as against

arithmetic proper, which they styled "synthetic"--

this touting ci analytic and synthetic is, of course,

Ramist» not Greek. Schöner goes on to say that, like

arithmetic (one might say, like everything for a

Ramist), algebra has two parts: simple (single

numbers) ani comparative algebra (combined numbers).

Schöner's "analytic" and "synthetic" is a

real tour de force, but the preoccupation with

relating the sciences with one another, to which he

bears witness, is undoubtedly the harbinger of

Descartes' analytical geometry. Raraists, however,

on principle, were committed to a program of sever-

ing the sciences one from another in their theoret-

ical treatment, not of uniting them, and they tended

to eliminate matter which did not meet their speci-

fications. Thus, before Schöner, the redoubtable

Iohann Thomas Freige had excluded algebra from his

1576 edition of Ramus' arts, the Professio regia.

As the opening words of the 1560 edition cited

below show, the uneasy position of algebra in the

Ramist canon is connected with the uneasy position

of squared and cubed numbers (numeri figurati)--see

the introductory note to the Arithmetic in this In-

ventory above. Involved in the Ramist mind with

geometrical figures (figurae), these subjects seemed

thereby to be connected with geometry as well as

with arithmetic, and the whole principle of total

distinction, on which Ramism was built, was thereby

impugned. Schöner·s l6l5 edition listed here below

associates algebra with squared and cubed numbers as

special problems for Ramists even more closely than

[ 33J+]
h i 3 o t h e r e d i t i o n s o f the A l g e b r a .

Algebra. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 0 . 4to.

18 11.

Notes: This anonymous work i s c e r t a i n l y Ramus',

as comparison with the 1592 or o t h e r e d i t i o n s below

shows. In the Occh copy, "P. Rami" i s l e t t e r e d care-

f u l l y on the t i t l e - p a g e i n ink so as to look l i k e

printing. The Ku c a t a l o g u e a s c r i b e s the work to


The t e x t b e g i n s , "Algebra e s t p a r s A r i t h -

m e t i c a e , quae e f i g u r a t i s continue proportionalibus

numerationem quandam propriam i n s t i t u i t . " The two

p a r t s o f a l g e b r a are " s i m p l e x figuratorum numeratio"

and "comparata figuratorum n u m e r a t i o . " There is

nothing about the r e l a t i o n o f a n a l y s i s and s y n t h e s i s

to a l g e b r a or to arithmetic.

The work i s divided not i n t o l i b r i as such,

but i n t o two p a r t e s . There are no c h a p t e r s , but

some c e n t e r e d heads divide the f i r s t p a r t i n t o addi-

tion, subtraction, multiplication, e t c . , and the

second p a r t i n t o two e q u a t i o n s and three canons.

The f a c t t h a t t h i s f i r s t , tentative edition

i s anonymous suggests how Ramus' d e s i r e f o r fa:ne as

a mathematician was tempered by foreboding con-

cerning his initial qualifications.

Copies: Ku NNC Occh MBw Müs?

In 686 (1586).

In 687 (1592).

in 681j. (1599).

In 688 (l60ij.).

In 689 (I6II).


P. Rami Algebrae libri duo; quibus praepositus

est libellus Lazari Schoneri De numeris figuratis.
Pariaiis: Ioannes de Bouc, i6l5· 8vo in i^'s.
13 pp.
Notes: This is the only edition printed separately

from the Geometry which I find with Ramus' name on

the title-page.

Copies: Psg

In 690 (I617).

In 685 (1627).


This is a concise, practical, very ele-

mentary Greek grammar. The early editions treat

only the Ramiats1 first part of grammar, etymology,

the second part being separately printed under the

title Greek Syntax (Liber de syntaxl Graeca). The

Privilegium printed with the 1562 edition of this

latter work refers to it only as Liber de syntaxl

C-raeca, and hence, to minimize confusion, so long

as it continues to appear under this separate title,

it is listed in this Inventory as a separate work.

In 1567 and thereafter, the syntax is thrown in

under the title Grainmatica Graeca.

The q u a l i f i c a t i o n added to the t i t l e " i n so
f a r as i t d i f f e r s from L a t i n " (quatenus a Latlna
d i f f e r t ) r e f l e c t s not only the general p r a c t i c e in
teaching C-reek to boys who already knew some L a t i n ,
but a l s o the Ramist p r i n c i p l e t h a t no a r t should
overlap any o t h e r . Soon, however, t h i s p r i n c i p l e
y i e l d s ground a l i t t l e , and the t i t l e i s emended to
" c h i e f l y in so f a r as i t d i f f e r s from L a t i n " (1577
ed.; 1562 ed. of L i b e r de s y n t a x i G r a e c a ) .

A s t i l l useful f e a t u r e o f t h i s grammar i s
the g l o s s a r y of the mystifying l i g a t u r e s used i n
Renaissance Greek t e x t s .

P. Rami Crammatica Graeca, quantenus a Latina
differt. P a r i s i i s : A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 0 . θνο.
168 pp.

Kotes: T r e a t s the f i r s t h a l f of grammar, etymology,

only. Ramus' preface to Charles, Cardinal of
L o r r a i n e , i s dated 7 i d . i u l . 1560.

Copies: BRr MUs (Pmp)

Gramnatica Graeca, quatenus a Latina differt.

Farisiis: A. Wechelus, 1562. 8vo. l68 pp.

Kotes: The Privilegium is dated 3 id. iun. 1557

(see remarks above with first ed. of Liber de

Caesarls militia). Treats etymology only.

Copies: IU Lbm LMv LVb OTIC Ob Pbn

Pbn Pi Pm Ps Psc Vbv

C-rammatica Graeca, quatenus a Latina differt.

Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1567. 8vo. 2l|0 pp.

Notes: Adda the Ramist second half of grammar,

syntax, pp. l6l-2ij.O.

Copies: Csc GOu Hu MUu NcD Pbp Pmp

Psc STnu


Grammatica Graeca, quatenus a Latina differt.


Notes: Waddington notes that in his letter to

Freige of August l6, 1572, Ramus mentions a revision

his Grammatica Graeca newly published. Cf. the

1577 ed. belov;.

Copies: w—citing Ramus

In 651 ( 1 5 7 6 ) .

Grammatica C-raeca, praecipue quatenus a Latina
d i f f e r t , in l i b r o s quatuor d i g e s t a , ante obitum
auctoris de novo compilata, aucta, e t e l u c i d a t a .
F r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelus, 1577· 8vo.
Ij22+[1] pp. (p. Ip22 misnumbered 7 2 2 ) .

Copies; Dm Lbm MUs Occ Ps Rbn VIn

Grammatica Graeca, praecipue quatenus a Latina
d i f f e r t . . . ante obitum a u c t o r i s de novo com-
p i l a t a . . . nunc . . . emendata notisque . . .
illustrate. F r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wechelus, 1581.
8vo. If.32 pp.

Copies: BSv Ck Csj Css Cii Eu GOu

11WA Ps STnu VIu

Grammatica Graeca, praecipue quatenus a Latina
differt . . . ante obitum a u c t o r i s de novo compilata

. . . nunc . . . emendate notisque . . . illus-

trate. Francofurti: heredes A. «Vecheli, li>ü6.

8vo. lj-32 pp.

Copies; BEs Cm Enc LRv MUs Ob Psc

Rbn STnu

[Grammaticae Graecae typus.] [Ed. by Iohannes

Opsimathes. ] [Prague:] Ioannes Tornaeaius, l602,
leal. mart. [6] 11. (22.ipc3^.8 cm.), without
numbers or signatures and a huge folding table
(lj.6.2x65.8 cm.).

Notes: There is no mention of Ramus' name in this

work, but the folding table displays all of Greek
grammar in the familiar Ramist divisions, arranged
in dichotomized chart form. There is no title-
page, at least in the VIn copy, and the entry here
is from the VIn catalogue and from the folding
table, which bears this heading: "Amplissimis
viris . . . Dn. Georgio Punkio ab Olivero, s. R. C.
M., consiliario et secretario regiae camerae Bohe-
micae fidelissimo; Dn. Iohanni Cocino a Cocineto,
Pragae minoris syndico dignissimo; et Dn. Iohanni
Kechelio ab Hollenstein, Dominus ac Patronis suis
benignissimus, hunc Grammaticae Graecae typum,
debitae observantiae TUuijoiOV grato animo offert

dedicatque Iohannos Opsimathes Moravus." The

table concludes: "Typum hunc suis typus excudebat

Ioannes Tornaesius typographus regius anno CIO.

CII. Kal. Mart."

In the light of the Ramist training which

the famous Moravian educator John Amos Comensky

(13'92-l671) received at the hands of Johann Hein-

rich Alsted in Herborn, this indication of earlier

Ramist influence in and around Moravia is particular-

ly interesting. Comensky may have gone to Herborn

in quest of Ramism.

Copies: VIn


Grammatica Graeca, praecipue quatenus a Latina

differt · . . ante obitum auctoris de novo compil-

ata . . . nunc . . . emendata, notisque . . .

illustrata. Hanoviae: typis Wechelianis apud

CI. Marnium et haeredes I. A u b r ü , I605. 8vo.

k32 pp.

Copies: MA3 MH NjP Ob SAu

Grammatica Graeca . . . emendata n o t i s q u e

illustrate. Parisiis: l6o5· 8vo.

Copies: n — V o l . X I I I , p . 29fc.


See the note with the Greek Grammar,

immediately p r e c e d i n g .


P. Rami L i b e r de s y n t a x ! Graeca quatenus a

Latina d i f f e r t . Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1560.
i^to. 28 pp.

Notes: There i s no p r e f a t o r y m a t e r i a l .

Copies: BRr HUs VIn

L i b e r de s y n t a x i Graeca, praecipue quatenus a
Latina d i f f e r t . Parisiis: A. .'Vechelus, 1562.
8vo. [|_8 pp.

L 3i+33
Notes: The Privilegium I s dated the same as In
the corresponding Grammatlca Graeca, q. v .

Copies: Lbm LMv LVb NNC Ob Pbn Pi

Pm Psc Vbv


This I s Ramus' summary treatment of the
f i r s t h a l f of h i s Greek grammar, to which a summary
of the second h a l f i s added a f t e r h i s death. Unlike
the Rudiments of L a t i n Grammar, t h i s i s not in
c a t e c h e t i c a l or dialogue form, b u t , l i k e the
Rudiments of L a t i n Grammar, i t i s redone a f t e r
Ramus' death. Based on the r e v i s i o n of Ramus'
Greek Grammar, the posthumous redaction could as
well be considered a variant of t h i s l a t t e r work,
although i t i s l i s t e d f o r convenience h e r e .

Rudimente grammaticae graecae. P a r i s i i s : A.
Wechelus, 1560. 8vo. 26 1 1 .

Notes: The anonymity of t h i s work corresponds to

that of the companion e d i t i o n of the Grammatlca
Graeca, and to that of the Rudlmenta granriatlcae

Latinae, There is no division into books, centered

headings marking the various sections, and no

treatment of syntax.

Copies: Pbn Pi Vbv

Rudimente grammaticae graecae. Parisiis: A.

Wechelus, 1565· 8vo. 27 11.

Notes: With Ramus' name on title-page, but other-

wise the same as the 1560 edition.

Copies: Pbn


Rudimenta Graeca- a P. Rami Grammaticis praecipue

collecta a Bernardo Salignaoo Burdegalensi.

Francofurti: Λ. Wechelus, 1580. 8vo. [6]+l85+

[1J PP.

Notes: Liber I, 30 capita (on etymology); Liber II,

14 capita (on syntax).

Copies: Lbm

RudLmenta Graeca a P. Rami Grammaticia praecipae

c o l l e c t a a Bernardo S a l i g n a c o . . . . Londinii:

Henricus Binneman, 8vo. [6 J +70+[13 PP·


Notes: Despite the r e d u c t i o n in the number o f

pages, q u i t e the same work as the 1580 F r a n k f u r t

e d i t i o n , only in much s m a l l e r type.

Copies: Lbm MHi MoSU NN01


This French grammar f e a t u r e s i n i t s first,

and anonymous, e d i t i o n Ramus' much touted reformed

spelling. Apart from the orthography, the o t h e r

e d i t i o n s do not d i f f e r g r e a t l y from the first.

Ramus' i n n o v a t i o n s and t h e i r value have

been exaggerated by p a r t i s a n s c h o l a r s h i p of the

p a s t century which i s s t i l l c o n t r o l l i n g attitudes

toward Ramus--as i n Howard G. Barnard, The French

T r a d i t i o n In Education (Cambridge, U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s ,

1 9 2 2 ) , pp. 3/4.-J7· As a g a i n s t B a r n a r d ' s p o s i t i o n ,

Brunot p o i n t s out t h a t Ramus' reformed orthography

f o l l o w s t h a t of Louis M e i g r e t , who began h i s long

campaign f o r reformed s p e l l i n g i n h i s Tralt^

touchant l e commun usage de l ' e s c r l t u r e franpolse

( P a r i s , 1 5 4 2 ) - - F e r d i n a n d Brunot, H i s t o i r e de l a

langue f r a n ^ a i s e , II ( P a r i s : Armand C o l i n , 1922),

111-19, 150-55. To t h i s i t might be added t h a t

C h r e s t i e n Wechel, the p r e d e c e s s o r o f Andre' Wechel,

published many, i f not a l l , of M e i g r e t ' s reformed

o r t h o g r a p h i c a l works, and t h a t i t i s c l e a r that

Ramus' Gramere a t l e a s t a v a i l s i t s e l f of type c u t

f o r M e i g r e t , i f i t does n o t owe i t s whole inspira-

t i o n p r a c t i c a l l y to the e x i s t e n c e o f t h i s type.

This r a i s e s once a g a i n the i n t r i g u i n g q u e s t i o n as

to J u s t how much o f Ramus' a c t i v i t y i n a l l depart-

ments was the r e s u l t of encouragement from the Wechel

publishing f i r m . The i n f l u e n c e o f p r i n t i n g on

Renaissance humanism and philosophy was p s y c h o l o g i c a l l y

very deep and o f t e n s u r p r i s i n g l y direct—Erasmus·

g r e a t tombstone a t Basle was e r e c t e d by h i s g r a t e f u l


Ramus' reform o f orthography, t o g e t h e r with

M e i g r e t ' s , was doomed when Ronsard, a t f i r s t i n f a v o r
of i t , threw i t o v e r - . - ( B r u n o t , l o c . c l t . ) , and Ramus
h i m s e l f seems never to have used i t o u t s i d e the
As Brunot likewise points out, Ramus'
French grammar i s undistinguished, one among many,
but Ramus seams to have been the f i r s t to divide
grammar into etymology and syntax (see notes with
h i s Latin Grammar above).
For Nancel's possible part i n t h i s work,
see the remarks above with the Latin Grammar.

Gramer^. P a r i s : A. Wechel, 1$62. 8vo.
126+[1J pp.

Copies: Lbm Lbm MH NjP Pbn Pm Pmp

Ps RMv STnu

Grammaire de Pierre de l a Ramie, l e c t e u r du roy en
l ' U n i v e r s i t i de P a r i s . P a r i s : 1567. 8vo.

Copies: n—Vol. X I I I , p. 298.

Grammaire de P. de l a Ramee . . . a l a royne mere
du roy. P a r i s : A. Wichel, 1572. 8vo.
[18]+211 pp.

Notes: This edition begins with ordinary ortho-
graphy, but chaps, v i i i f f . are in doable columns,
one in ordinary and the other in phonetic spelling.

Copies: BSv Ctc Gu Ku Lbm Lbm Lbm MB

MH MUs Ob Pa Pbn Pbn Pm Pmp Psg
RMv Tv

In 651 (1576).

Grammaire de Pierre de la Ram^e . . . revue e t
enrichie en plusieurs endroits. Paris: Denys du
Val, 1587· 8vo. 223 pp.

Copies: BSv LAb Lbm Pbn Pi Pm Psc


Grammatica Latino-Francica, a Petro Ramo Francice
scripta, Latina vero facta annotationibusque i l l u s -
trate per Pantaleontem Theveninum . . . .
Francofurti ad Moenum: I[oannes] Wechel, 1583·
8vo. [l6]+137+[43 PP.

Copies: MUs Pbn

Graramatica Latino-Francica, a Petro Ramo Francioe

scripta, Latina vere facta annotationibusque

illustrate per Pantaleontem Theveninum . . . .

Ed. 2 . Francofurti: Ioannes I'/echel, 1590·

8vo. [l6]+137 + [<y PP.

Cople s: Pbn


This is Ramus' anonymous memorandum to

Charles IX and his mother, the Queen Regent

Catherine de Medici. For the reform of the Univer-

sity of Paris, Ramus recommends reducing the

number of lecturers and paying those retained out of

state funds, and urges, in what was by this time

humanist cant, that the "nugatory barbarism" of

such authors as Alexander a Villa Dei be replaced

with Cicero and other classical authors, and that

theological dispute be replaced by commentary on the

Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament.

This work is a primary source for details concerning

university life and practice.

Prooemium reformandae P a r i s i e n s i s academiae, ad

regem. 1562. 8vo. 82 pp. Italic type.

Notea: The most anonymous o f the two 1562 e d i t i o n s —

no a u t h o r , p u b l i s h e r , or p l a c e - - t h i s i s probably the


Copies: BAu CtY MH MUu Pbn Psc

Advertissements sur l a r e f o r m a t i o n de l ' U n i v e r s i t e
de P a r i s , au r o y . [ P a r i e r ] Andr«i Wechel, 1562.
8vo. 100 pp.

Copies; CtY NN Pbn Pbn Pm Pv

In 695 ( 1 5 6 9 ) .

In 717 (1577).

In 696 (1578).


In 718 (1599)·

S^rie Ι Γ Θ , Vol. V, pp. 115-63. in: Louis Cimber
[pseud, of Louis Lafalst] and F^lix Danjou, Archives
ourleuses de l'histoire de Prance (Paris: Beauvais,


Copies: CtY Lbm NjP Ob Pbn Pmp


This is Ramus' oration concerning his regius
professorship in eloquence and philosophy when he
resumed his chair In 15&3 after his exile from Paris
from July, 1562, to March, 1563, during the first of
the '.Vars of Religion. Ramus hero reviews his notions
on the various arts and how they should be taught.

P. Rami, regii professoris, Oratio de professione
liberalium artium, habita Lutetiae in Schola Praelea
8 cal. sept. 1 5 6 3 . Parislis: A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 3 .
8vo. 20 11.

Copies: MCr MUs Ob Pbn Pbn Pbp Pm
Psc RMv Vbv

in 695 (1569).

In 717 ( 1 5 7 7 ) .

In 696 ( 1 5 7 8 ) .

In 718 ( 1 5 9 9 ) .

Ramus here comments on the eight books of
A r i s t o t l e ' s Physics. Like the other l e c t u r e s of
Ramus, rather than a commentary, t h i s Is r e a l l y a
running f i g h t with the t e x t c a r r i e d on over " l o g i -
c a l " and s y l l o g i s t i c . g r o u n d s . In Ramus' scheme» the
r e a l physics was V i r g i l ' s Bucolics and Georgies
(see 1 above).

F. Rami, regii professoris, Scholarum physioarum

libri octo, in totidem acroamaticos libros Aris-

totelis. Parisiis: A. Wechelus, 1565·

8vo. [8]+171+[12] 11.

Notes: The Privilegium is dated 3 id. iun. 1557:

see remarks above with the first edition of Liber

de Caesaris militia.

Copies: BAu Cu Dt LVb MH MUs MUs

I.IUu Pa Pbn Pi Ps Vbv VIn

In 695 (1569).

In 696 (1578).


Scholarum physicarum librl octo, in totidem acro-

amaticos libros Aristotelis. Recens emendati per

Ioannem Piscatorem . . . . Prancofurti: haeredes

A. Vecheli, 1583. 8vo. [l6]+213+[l5] pp.

Copies: BAu BEs Cm GOu MBu MH MUs MUs

MUu NN Ob Ob Occ Oj Vbv VIu Zz

Scholarum physicarum l i b r i o c t o , i n totidem a c r o -

amaticos l i b r o s A r i s t o t e l i s . Recene emendati p e r

Ioannem P i s c a t o r e m . . . . Francofurti: typis

W e c h e l i a n i s C I . Marnius e t h a e r e d e s I . Aubrii,

l606. 8vo. [l6]+213+tl5] PP.

Copies: BEs Eu Ku Lbm MH Ob Occh

Pbn Rbn


Ramus here comments on—or r a t h e r , against--

the f o u r t e e n books of A r i s t o t l e ' s Metaphysics«

A g a i n , Ramus s t a g e 3 a running and r e p e t i t i o u s fight

w i t h the t e x t f o r i t s l a c k of "method."

P. Rami, r e g i i p r o f e s s o r i s , Scholarum metaphysicarum

l i b r i quatuordecim, i n t o t i d e m m e t a p h y s i c o s libros

Aristotelis. P a r i s i i s : Andreas Wechelus, 1566.

8vo. [7J+139+[l43 1 1 · ( f o l . 1 3 9 misnumbered 1 3 7 ) .

Copies: LVb MB MH Müs MUs Pa Ps Psc

VIn Zz

In 695 ( 1 5 6 9 ) ·

In 696 ( 1 5 7 8 ) .

Scholarum metaphysicarum l i b r l quatuordecim, in
totidem metaphyaicos l i b r o s A r i s t o t e l i s .
Recens emendati per Ioannem Piseatorem . . · ·
F r a n c o f u r t i : haeredes A. Wecheli, 1583· 8vo.
183+[17] PP.

Coplea: Au BAu BEs CAf GOa Ku MBu

MH Müs Müs NN Ob Oco Oj Pbn Pre
Rbn Zz

Scholarum metaphysicarum l i b r i quatuordecim, in
totidem metaphyaicos l i b r o s A r i s t o t e l i s . Recens
emendati per Ioannem Piscatorem . . . . Hanoviae:
t y p i s Wechelianis apud haeredes I . Aubrii, l6l0.
8vo. 183+[17] pp.

Copies; Cm ICJ Lbm (Lbm) MAu MH Ob

Occh Pbn

These are Ramus' protests against Charpen-
tier' s occupying the regius chair of mathematics (as
one of the professors in the group later to be
styled the College de France) on the grounds that
Charpentier knew neither mathematics nor the Greek
necessary to cope with Euclid. Ramus' accusation
of incompetence against Charpentier and Charpentier's
predecessor, Dampestre Cosel, is interesting in view
of the fact that incompetence was one of the grounds
on which Ramus himself, twenty-two years before, had
been suspended from teaching philosophy. The first
of these suits was brought before the Senate at
Paris by Ramus on March 11, 1566, the second on
March 13, 1566. See also Ramus' Protest to the Privy
Council below and the Sectiön on the Ramist contro-
versies below.

P. Rami Actiones duae habitae in senatu, pro regia
mathematicae professionis cathedra. Parislls: A*
Wechelus, 1566. 8vo. 1^.0 pp.

Notes: The Privilegium is dated 3 id. iun. 1557:

see remarks above with the first edition of Liber de
Caesarls militia.

Copies: NN Ob Pbn ibn Pbn Pbn Pbp

STnu Vbv Zz

Actiones duae habitae in Senatu, pro regia mathe-

maticae professionis cathedra. Ed. 2 a .

Parioiis: A. Wechelus, 1566. l±0 pp.

8vo in ij.' s.

Copies: Eni Eu LVb Müs Pbn Pbn Pm

P3C Via

In 695 (1569).

In 717 (1577).

In 696 (1578).

In 718 (1599).

This i s Ramus' plea to Catherine de
Medici, the queen regent, to provide a building
f o r the regiu3 p r o f e s s o r s , who c o n s t i t u t e d what
was l a t e r c a l l e d the College de France, so t h a t
they would not have to l e c t u r e in the back a l l e y s
of P a r i s , and to house there her Fountainebleau
l i b r a r y , a f t e r the example of her r e l a t i v e s and
other I t a l i a n patrons of l e a r n i n g , who placed t h e i r
books in the c e n t e r s of l e a r n i n g , not i n the pro-

The L a t i n versions are s l i g h t l y revised

from the o r i g i n a l French.

Preface sur l e Proeme des mathematiques.
P a r i s : A. '.Vechel, 1 5 6 6 . 8vo.

Notes: This entry in be i s most probably an e r r o r ,

probably f o r the next entry h e r e .

Copies: be—p. 154·


L e t t r e s patentes du roy, touchant 1 1 i n s t i t u t i o n de

ses l e c t e u r s en l ' U n i v e r s i t ^ de P a r i s , avec l a

Preface de Pierre de l a Ramrfe sur l e Proeme des
math^matiques. P a r i s : A. Wechel, 1567·
8vo in ίμ·s. 32 pp.

Notes: Ramus' Preface makes up most of t h i s bro-

chure (pp. 9 - 3 2 ) · The L e t t r e s patentes» dated March
7, 1566, are signed by Delaubespine (and Du T i l l e t )
and announce that the King agrees with Dean Ramus'
charge that the recent encumbent [the S i c i l i a n
Dampestre Cosel] in the regius c h a i r of mathematics
was a disgrace to scholarship and hereby orders t h a t
henceforth vacancies in the Royal College be not
f i l l e d t i l l they have been announced i n " a l l the
famous u n i v e r s i t i e s " so that the best man from
everywhere may apply.

Copies: NN Ob Pbn Pi Pm Psg (Psg)


In 70J ( 1 5 6 9 ) .

In 705 ( 1 5 9 9 ) .

In 706 (1627).

Extrait d'une preface de Pierre de la Ram^e Φ ·
Vol. Ill, pp. 700 ff. in: Dom Michel F^libien,
Histoire de la ville de Paria. Paris: G. Desprez,


Copies: Lbm Pbn

Ramus here gives a history of mathematics
and mathematicians, together with a eulogy of
mathematics and a manifesto on how to teach the
According to r, the Bibliotheque de la
Ville at Chartres had a copy of a 1561 Paris edi-
tion of this work. Nearly all the books at this
library were destroyed by fire during World War II
bombing, but there is no record left of any such
book. This is doubtless merely one more of the
countless erroneous entries in r, but it is noted
here specially because there is question of a first

edition. A 1 5 6 1 dating would be i m p o s s i b l e in

terms of Ramus' own i n t e r e s t s and c a r e e r and of

the Diploma In the 15&7 e d i t i o n h e r e .

Waddington n o t e s , p . t h a t Ramus men-

t i o n s the p r e s e n t work In h i s P r o t e s t to the P r i v y

Council ( q . v . ) , thus showing t h a t I t i s a n t e r i o r to

the l a t t e r , d e s p i t e N i c e r o n ' s having r e v e r s e d this



P. Rami, p r o f e s s o r l s r e g l l , Prooemlum mathematicum,

ad Catharinam Medicaeam reginam, matrem r e g i s .
P a r i s i l s : A. Wechelus, 1 5 6 7 . 8vo. [2ijJt-501+[1 ]

Copies; Cu Gu Lbm LEu MH MUs MUu Ob

Pa Pbn Pbn Pi Pm Psg Pvu VIb

In 703 (1569).

In 705 ( 1 5 9 9 ) ·

ι Γ 706 ( 1 6 2 7 ) .

T h i s p r o t e s t r e p r e s e n t s a c o n t i n u a t i o n of
Ramus' campaign to o u s t C h a r p e n t i e r from the r e g i u s
p r o f e s s o r s h i p of m a t h e m a t i c s . Ramus c e n s u r e s
C h a r p e n t i e r f o r h a v i n g had the c h a i r , o r i g i n a l l y a
c h a i r of m a t h e m a t i c s , d e c l a r e d a c h a i r of p h i l o s -
ophy and m a t h e m a t i c s , so a s t o be j u s t i f i e d i n
n e g l e c t i n g mathematics to l e c t u r e s o l e l y on p h i l o s -
ophy. Besides challenging C h a r p e n t i e r ' s fitness,
Ramus r e v i e w s h i s own a c h i e v e m e n t s , p a r t i c u l a r l y in
d i a l e c t i c , even working i n t o h i s r e v i e w some of t h e
d e f i n i t i o n s of the v a r i o u s sc1°nc?,« ( a r i t h m e t i c is
"pour bien nombrer," e t c . ) . Ramus a l s o criticizes
Charpentier s charging f e e s f o r h i s l e c t u r e s , alleg-
i n g t h a t the o t h e r r e g i u s p r o f e s s o r s had n e v e r done
30, a l t h o u g h t h e i r s t i p e n d s were f o u r y e a r s in
arrears. He f u r t h e r a c c u s e s C h a r p e n t i e r of h a v i n g
bought the c h a i r of m a t h e m a t i c s from h i s p r e d e c e s s o r
Dampestre. Ramus wants t h e r e g i u s p r o f e s s o r s h i p s to
be competed f o r by s c h o l a r s from a l l o v e r the w o r l d .
See a l s o Ramus' Two P l e a s Concerning t h e Regius
C h a i r of Mathematics above and t h e S e c t i o n on t h e
Ramist c o n t r o v e r s i e s b e l o w .

La Remonstrance de P i e r r e de l a Ram^e, f a l t e au

Conseil p r l v ^ , en l a chambre du Roy au Louvre, le

1 8 de I a n v i e r 1 5 6 7 , touchant l a p r o f e s s i o n royalle

en mathematique. P a r i s : A. Wechel, 1 5 6 7 · 8vo

In I ^ ' s · 51 PP·

Copies: Ob Pbn Psg

A copy, apparently from the same p r i n t i n g , as the

1567 P a r i s e d i t i o n , with the date a l t e r e d , in title

and Imprint, to 1568.

Copies: NN--*KB 1 5 6 8 .


A copy, from e x a c t l y the same p r i n t i n g as the 1567

P a r i s e d i t i o n , but with the date 1567 (twice on
t i t l e - p a g e and once on page 3 ) c a r e f u l l y a l t e r e d to
1571 by e r a s u r e and r e p r i n t i n g , a p p a r e n t l y , from

Copies: Psg—Q. 8 ° . 5 1 · » the t i t l e - p a g e inscribed

"Ex l i b . Stae Genovefae 1 7 3 5 · Paris."

E x t r a i t s de l a Remonstrance f a i t e par P i e r r e de
l a Rame'e . . . . V o l . I l l , pp. 695 f f . in:
Michel F e l i b i e n , H i s t o i r e de l a v i l l e de P a r i s .
P a r i s : G. Desprez, 1725·

Copies: Lbm Pbn

[ E x t r a i t s de l a Remonstrance au Conaeil p r i W . ]
Pp. 1+11-17 in Charles Waddington, Ramus. Paris:
Ch. Meyrueis e t C l e , 1855.

Copies: MH MoSU


This i s Ramus' adieu to the University of
Paris on the occasion of h i s 1568 leave of absence
to v i s i t c e n t e r s o f learning in Germany and Switzer-

Petrus Ramus r e c t o r i e t Academiae P a r i s i e n s i
s[alutem]. ^to—broadside, no date, but the
l e t t e r p e r t a i n s to the month of August, 1 5 6 8 .

Kotes: '7a<:cin,.ton, p. notes o f t h i s letter:

"j·;» l ' a i vue i i a p r i n ^ e a p a r t s u r une f e u i l l e volants»

ίη-ί;0, sans uato ("ibliotheque imperiale 'now

nationale], I.'anuscrits, Recueil de L o i s e l , t. I,

in-f°, N. D . , 2 0 3 ) . H e s t probable que Ramus

distribua quelques e x e n p l a i r e s de c e t t e lettre au

moment de p a r t i r pour 1 ' A l l e m a g n e . " On t h e basis

c i my own e x a m i n a t i o n o f t h e b r o a d s i d e , I quite

acrree w i t h Vvaddinaton's conjecture.

Copies: ?bn--Dept. o f Mf-.S, Fonds L a t i n 1 7 1 7 9 , p. 1^9.

I n 717 (1577).

In 718 (1599)·


Ramus h e r e r e p o r t s to the U n i v e r s i t y con-

cerning h i s 1561 mission to Charles IX and

C a t h e r i n e de M e d i c i , on b e h a l f of the University

for the renewal o f i t s privileges following Charles'

accession, w i t h C a t h e r i n e a s Oueen R e g e n t , on

December 5 , 1560.

This appears never to have been published

except In collected works of Ramus, but, since it

parallels the other orations of Ramus which were

published separately, it is treated as they are and

given a separate listing here. Its place here in

the Inventory is due to the fact that it was first

published, apparently, in 1569» and not the year of

its delivery.

See also the Address concerning the Depu-

tation above .

[Petri Rami] Oratio de legatione secunda, dicta in

comitio Maturiensl pridie id. apr. 1561.

In IfS (1569).

In 717 (1577).

In 696 (1576).

In 718 (1599).


Never p u b l i s h e d s e p a r a t e l y and never even

equipped with the t i t l e here s u p p l i e d , Ramus'

L e c t u r e s on A r i t h m e t i c a r e n e v e r t h e l e s s conceived

of by him a s a s e p a r a t e and i n t e g r a l p a r t of h i s

r e f o r m of the l i b e r a l a r t s — t h e complement to h i s

A r i t h m e t i c , a s h i s L e c t u r e s on D i a l e c t i c a r e to

his Dialectic, etc. Hence, although they appear

always a s L i b r i IV and V of h i s Scholae mathe-

m a t l c a e , they a r e here l i s t e d among h i s individual

works with a s u p p l i e d t i t l e . See a l s o the remarks

with the L e c t u r e s on Mathematics a b o v e .

In 703 (1569).

In 705 (1599).

In 706 (1627).

Like the Lecturcs on Arithmetic» these
l e c t u r e s were never published s e p a r a t e l y nor g i v e n
a separate t i t l e but appear always as part of the
Scholae mathematlcae, c o n s t i t u t i n g L i b r i VI-XXXI of
that work. They are l i s t e d s e p a r a t e l y here f o r the
same reason that the L e c t u r e s on Arithmetic a r e .
See the remarks with that work and with the
Lectures on Mathematics.

In 703 (1569).

In 705 ( 1 5 9 9 ) ·

In 706 ( 1 6 2 7 ) .

A t e x t - b o o k , t h i s work of Ramus», i n
many e d i t i o n s , (such as those of 1569 and 1 5 7 6 )
is excellently illustrated. It specializes In

nr>.c t L •-.·?; i a p p l i c a t i o n s — e . g . , m e t h o d s ef calculating

·.·•!.:;tar :e.- b j ' r i a n g u l a t i o n , such a s one associates

w i t h «oy Scout m a n u a l s t o d a y . Raaus i s p e r h a p s at

h i e b e s t i n p r o d u c i n g t h i s s o r t of school-book.

I n 691 (1569).

I n 631 (1576).


Geometrie. P a r i s i i s : 1577· l6mo.

Copies: n--Vol. XIII, p. 301.

In 692 (l'.-30).


The E l e m e n t s of Geometry; w r i t t e n i n L a t i n by

t h a t e x c e l l e n t s c h o l l e r P . Ramus, P r o f e s s o r of the

" a t h e m a t i c a l l S c i e n c e s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Paris:

and f a i t h f u l l y t r a n s l a t e d by Tho. Hood . . . .

I.ondon: John '.vindet f o r Thomas Hood, 1590.

;. n .

ί 370]
Copies: I,bm

In 693 (1591)·


Geometria; in hanc Rudolph! Snellii praelectiones

cum Lazari Schoneri et Ioannis Thomae Freigii

explicationibus. Hanoviae: 1596. 8vo.

Copies: bc--p. 1376

Rudolph! Snellii In P. Rami Geometriam praelectiones,

cum . . . Lazari Schoeneri et Ioannis Thomae Preigii

explicationibus . . . illustratae. Francofurti:

Ioannes Saurius impensis haeredum Petri Fischeri,

1596. 8vo. 361 pp.

Notes: Ramus' text is reproduced only in snippets.

Copies: BAu VIn

In 66J+ (1599).

Elementorum geometricorum libelli duo e P. Rami

Geometrie excerpti et . . . editi. Lemgoviae:

Μ[agister] Hermannus Vastelabus, l601. 8vo.

31 pp.

Notea: This edition consists entirely of defini-

tions and "rules," without proofs or diagrams of

any sort.

Copies: GOu Ms

Geometriae libri Septem et viginti, ad clarl3slmum

Adrianum Romanum mathematicorum ocellum.

Hanoviae: G. Antonius, I6OI4.. 12mo. 69 pp.

(in MoSU copy interleaved with blanks)

Copies: Cu Dt MH MoSU (NNC)

In 694 (1611).


Geometriae libri Septem et viginti, ad clarlsalmum

Adrianum Romanum mathematicorum ocellum.

Hanoviae: haeredes G. Antonii, 1612. 12mo.

69 pp. (in BAu copy Interleaved with blanks).

Copies: AMu BAu BAu Cm GOu MB Oh
Op Pa

P e t r i Rami Meetkonst in XXVII boecken vervat wt
het L a t i j n i n ' t Neerduyts overgheset op Dirck
Hendricxz, Houtman. Oversien, v e r r i j c k t , en
v e r k l a e r t door D. Willebrordom Snellium . . . .
t'Amstelredam: W i l l e m Iansz Blaeuw, 1622.
l^to. [20 ]+221+[5] PP.

Copies: AMu BRr CtY HAk LEu Uu Zp

In 662 (1626).

In 685 (1627).

Via r e g i a ad geometriami The Way to Geometry,
Eeing Necessary and U s e f u l l , f o r Astronomers,
Geographers, Land-meaters, Sea-men, Engineree,
Architecks, Carpenters, Paynters, Carvers, &c.
Written in Latine by Peter Ramus and now t r a n s l a t e d

and much enlarged by the learned Mr. William

iiedwell. [iv.l. by John G i e r k e . ] London:

Thomas Cotes for Michael S p a r k e , 1036. ijvo.

ill] 11.+299 p p . + 1 1 ] P.

Copies: Cty Cu CSmH DLC Dm Gu Lbm




Geometriae liber I - X X V I I . Pp. 65-91 in: P.

Marinus M e r s e n n u s , Universae geometriae mixtaeque

mathematicae synopsis. Parisiis: Antonius

B e r t i e r , 161^. l|to. [32]+5'ö9 p p .

Copies: Dt Lbm MB 0b_


This exchange ο Γ letters took place between

Rfimus and the p h y s i c i a n and p h i l o s o p h e r Jakob Degen,

commonly called Jakob .ichegk (Iacobus Schegkius,

S c h e c i u s , etc.). The c o r r e s p o n d e n c e is initiated

by Ramus, ostensibly on the occasion of a projected

visit to Schegk at Tübingen. Waddington observes that

the dates of these letters are difficult to r e c o n c i l e

with one a n o t h e r . They run (1) Ramus to dchegk,

Id. oct. 1569; (2) Ramus to Schegk, Id. sept. 15^9?
(3) Schegk to Ramus, 15 martil (no year given);
(4) Ramus to Schegk, 10 cal. apr. 1569 (1570);
(5) Ramus to Schegk, cal. apr. 1569 (1570). The
letters make tolerable sense in the order in which
they stand, and one can suspect a misdating for the
first and last.

In his first letter, Ramus' overtures to

Schegk in connection with his proposed visit are
only a thin pretext for what is a protracted defense
of himself, occasioned by Schegk's work on the con-
stitution of scientific knowledge, De_demonstratione
llbrl XV (Baslleae: Ioannie Oporinus et Episcopii
fratres, 1561).). Schegk is told that his dismissal
of Ramus' division of logic is not only anti-Ramist,
but anti-Aristotelian, anti-Galen, and anti-all the
Greek, Latin, and Arabian commentators. Ramus adds
that Schegk blows both hot and cold on the Aristo-
telian i ssue, and that he, Ramus, is more Aristo-
telian than Schegk, since Schegk departs from
Aristotle at times, whereas he himself never does--
except where Aristotle is inconsistent (a nobis
omnibus locls probatur, ubi leges suas obtemperat,
Improbatur ubl repugnat).

No answer was forthcoming, and Ramus

replies to the silence in a two-thousand-word

m a n i f e s t o , which begins ominously, " I sent two

separate c o p i e s of a l e t t e r to you . . . . and you

have not answered . . . In t h i s l e t t e r , Ramus

says he i s not so sure any more t h a t he i s coming

to Tübingen. He t a k e s Schegk to t a s k f u r t h e r f o r

r e j e c t i n g the Ramist dichotomization of l o g i c and

Ramist method, which f o l l o w s A r i s t o t l e ' s three

laws, η^^το κ"cC- 1 η ϋ r f , κ·.χ ό No J

ΤΤΟώταν. Schegk, r e p l y i n g t h a t he had, as a m a t t e r

o f f a c t , not r e c e i v e d e i t h e r o f the f i r s t two

c o p i e s of Ramus' e a r l i e r l e t t e r , then launches one

of the most outspoken r e p l i e s Ramus ever elicited,

one a t which even Waddington w i n c e s . Ramus should

not be s u r p r i z e d , he s a y s , to f i n d him a l i t t l e

a c i d a f t e r the way i n which Ramus made cheap s p o r t

of h i s commentary on the Physics and e f f e c t i v e l y

stopped i t s s a l e i n F r a n c e . Ramus' A r i s t o t e l l c a e

anlmadveralones i s a standing d i s g r a c e to scholar-

s h i p , and i t i s too bad t h a t i t i s out i n p r i n t to

misinform persons who are not capable of reading

A r i s t o t l e - - n o f e a r t h a t those competent enough to

read him w i l l take such a performance seriously.

I t would be b e t t e r i f Ramus were i n t e r e s t e d i n the

t r u t h r a t h e r than i n e s t a b l i s h i n g a r e p u t a t i o n f o r

himself. I t would a l s o be b e t t e r to understand an

author before you publish a book of "remarks" about
him. The charge Ramus makes against others i s the
one he himself i s open t o : censoriousness or super-
c i l i o u s intellectual dictatorship. Schegk goes on
to c r i t i c i z e Ramus' method in d e t a i l .
Ramus' next l e t t e r is in an even more in-
sulting vein, beginning with the remark that until
he came to Germany, he had never heard of Schegk,
and that even in Germany he had not heard much of
him. He remembers the moths perching on Schegk'β
books in a Strasbourg l i b r a r y · Ramus then proceeds
to a further defense of his position, quoting in-
In his next and l a s t l e t t e r , Ramus begins
by stating that he has just had time to glance over
Schegk1a l e t t e r and that he can only dash o f f his
reply because "the horses are waiting." The horses
had their patience imposed on until Ramus had dashed
o f f three thousand words, in the course of which,
observing that Schegk had "spewed out his vomit in
vain," Ramus again returns to the question—if,
indeed, he had ever departed from i t — a s to whether
logic has two parts or no. This closes the printed
correspondence, from which i t would seem some of
Schegk' s contributions, at least» are omitted·

Ramus did not go to Tubingen.

Schegk's reply to Ramus' publication of

these letters is his Defender of the Answer to Peter

Ramus' Four Letters--Hyperaspistes responsl ad

quatuor epistolas P. Rami contra se editas (Tiibingen,

157Ο) — copy in Pbn. Ramus countered with his

Defensio pro Aristotele adversua Iacobum Schecium


P. Rami et Iacobl Schecii epistolae, in quibus de

logicae artis institutione agitur. [Basileae?:]

1569. 8vo. 22 1 1 .

Notes: As the place of publication, Waddington

suggests Basle, where Ramus was both visiting and

publishing other works this same year.

Copies: GEpu Gu Psc Zz

In 717 (1577)--only Ramus' letters.

In 718 (1599)--only Ramus' letters.


This work Is a sequel to Petri Rami et

Iacobi Schecii epistolae, just listed. Concerned

largely with axiomatics (Ramus1 three laws of

method) and topical classification, it shows Ramus

smarting under Schegk1s attacks, which actually-

forced the new Dialectic of 1572, in which Ramus

introduces significant revisions, particularly in

his account of method. "I have become an Aris-

totelian just to be different from Schegk," he

writes savagely to Zwinger in a letter dated "Non.

ian. 1572" (see 720 below). Ramus does not, of

course, really become an "Aristotelian" in the

present work or elsewhere. Schegk had seriously

embarrassed him by showing some of his inconsis-

tencies and by showing that these were largely due

to gross misreading of Aristotle. Unable to defend

his views or to force Schegk to accept them on theor-

etical grounds, Ramus here resorts to a flanking

movement. Identifying his own views with the true

reading of Aristotle, he can at once discredit

Schegk's competence as an interpreter of Aristotle

and make him appear inconsistent for not being a

Rami st.


P e t r i Rami Defensio pro A r i s t o t e l e adversus Iacobum

Schecium. Lausannae: Ioannes Probus, 1571· 12? PP· ( f u l l of m i s p r i n t s ) .

Copies: AMu BAu Cgc Dm Lbm MUs? NNC

Ob Ob Occ Opb Oq Pbn Ps Psc Vbv

In 718 ( 1 5 9 9 ) ·


Ramus d e l i v e r e d a t B a s l e t h i s eulogy o f the

c i t y and i t s famous men ( t h e r e i e a s l i g h t play on

the Greek analogue o f the t i t l e , Bo(<~T\A £

meaning " r o y a l t y " ) . The men from B a s l e e u l o g i z e d

run from Aeneus S y l v i u s Piccolomini (Pius II)

to Ramus' old pupil Theodor Zuinger, h i s e n t h u s i a s -

t i c d i s c i p l e and e d i t o r Johann Thomas F r e i g e , and

Oecolampadius. Despite the f a c t t h a t the B a s l e

worthy who heads h i s l i s t was a Pope, Ramus says

t h a t B a s l e was p r a c t i c a l l y devoid o f c u l t u r e

( " c u l t u r e . . . f e r e c a r u l t " ) u n t i l the advent o f

the ( R e f o r m e r s ' ) Gospel.

Thl3 i s apparently an oration o f thanks on
Ramus" departure from the c i t y (see the c l o s i n g
remarks) in about 1570. Ramus« movements at t h i s
time are uncertain—see Waddington, p. 232 and n . —
but the great number o f h i s works begin to pour
from the Basle p r i n t i n g p r e s s e s in 1569, as a
glance through t h i s Inventory shows. Like most
humanists, Ramus was an event in a p u b l i s h e r ' s life
g r a t e f u l l y remembered unto the t h i r d and f o u r t h
generation ( p r i n t i n g r i g h t s being handed on from
f a t h e r to son or other h e i r s ) . I t was a t Basle
that the huge plaque had been e r e c t e d on Erasmus'
tomb a f t e r h i s death in 1536 by h i s g r a t e f u l pub-
l i s h e r f r i e n d s , and one can be sure t h a t the s a t i s -
f a c t i o n with h i s v i s i t to Basle which Ramus here
expressed was shared by the humanist-printers who
bulked large in h i s audience.

P e t r i Rami B a s i l e a ad senatum populumque B a s i l i e n -
som. [Lausannae: Ioannes Probus], 1571.
Jj-to. 35 pp.

Notes: Waddlngton suggests the p l a c e and p u b l i s h e r

on the b a s i s o f comparison with the 1571 e d i t i o n o f
the Defenslo pro A r i s t o t e l e contra Iacobum Scheclum
above, and, having made the same comparison, I agree

with Waddlnpjton. The NjP c a t a l o g u e suggests

Basle, a p p a r e n t l y on no grounds e x c e p t the subject

and p l a c e of delivery.

Copies: AMu BAu BAu BEs Dt Lbm Lbm

LEu MBu MUu (NjP) Ob Ob Osj Pbn

Psc Psg STnu Zz

In 713 (1575)·

In 71k (1580).

B a s i l e a ad senatum populumque B a s i l i e n s e m , scripta
sub d l s c e s s u m P. Rami: cum i s L u t e t i a e Parisiorum
repeteret; p a u l o p o s t tempore i n l a n i e n a Bartholo-
maeana cum a l i i s E v a n g e l i i C h r i s t i martyribus,
m i s e r e ac n e f a r i e t r u c i d a t u s , anno 1 5 7 2 . [Pref.
by L u d o v i c u s L u c i u s . ] [Arnberg?]: ΐ 6 θ 6 . 8vo.

[1;]+52 PP.

Kote3: Lucius' dedicatory e p i s t l e i s addressed to

Iacobus Zwingeras, Ioan[nes]-Iacobus Feschius,
Ioannes-Frid[eri]cus Rhynerus.

Copies: BAu HAk Lbm MoSÜ Müs Pbp Zz

In 7 1 8 (1599).

Pols. in: Epistolarum selectissimarum

centuria . . . addita est . . . P. Rami Basilea et

I[usti] Lipsi Institutio epistolaris. [Pref. by

Iohannes Rustius B.] [S.l.:] Iohannes le Preux,

l6ll. 8vo.

Motes: The dedication on fol. is to Nicolaus

ab Erlach. The dichotomized table of Lipsius'

Institutio epistolaris included in this work is a

token of Ramist influence.
Copies: Hu

Basileae: Eine Rede an die Stadt Basel aus dem

Jahre 1570. Latein und deutsch. Uebergesetzt

und eingelegt von Hans Pleig. Basel: Basilisk-

Verlag, 19ΐ|1μ 8vo.

Copies: BAU


This Is Ramus' own will, dated August 1,

1568, at Paris, to which, in some editions, sub-

sidiary documents are appended. The will v&s

first printed in conjunction with the announcement

of the vacancy in the Ramus Chair of Mathematics,

endowed by Ramus himself in this will. Ramus had

been a rather wealthy man, and the Ramus Profes-

sorship carried an annual income of 500 pounds


Citing a printed l57i|- reference to the

will, Waddington notes that the will was well known

before the first 1576 printing. It would, of

course, have had to be, since its terms were pub-

licly in effect regarding the Ramus professorship.

But whether it was actually printed before 1576 is

another question. The directive of Parlement

printed with the will in 1576 and calling for the

executor's announcement--!.e., for the printing it-

s e l f — i s dated idibus lulii 1576· Hence, there can

be no question that the 1576 and subsequent print-

ings represent at least a completely new point of

departure in the publication. Whether immediately

after Ramus' death in 1572 the will was printed

perhaps as a broadside or pamphlet, like »Vaddington,

I myself have been unable to discover.

Testamentum Petri Rami, cum senatus consulto e t
promulgatlone professionis i n s t l t u t a e ab ipso
testatore. P a r l s i i s : Ioannes Richerius, 1576.
Avec prevllege [ s i c ] du Roy. 8vo in I4.'s.
l 6 pp. P o r t r a i t of Ramus, with s c r o l l s on
border bearing the legend, "Labor omnia v i n c i t .
Petrus Ramus a e t a . suae LVTIII."

Contents: (1) A Latin copy of Ramus' w i l l con-

taining the conditions of the professorship.--
(2) A French copy of the E x t r a l c t des Registree
de Parlament adjudicating that Frederic Reisner
(or Risner) had not f u l f i l l e d the conditions l a i d
down in the w i l l and that the chair founded by
Ramus was consequently vacant.— (3) A Latin
announcement Issued at the direction of Parlament
and signed by Ramus' executors, Nicolas Bergeronus
(Bergeron) and Antonius Oiselus (Loisel) under date
of i d . i u l . 1576, which s t a t e s the f a c t of the
vacancy with the general terms of the professorship,
referring the reader to the will i t s e l f f o r further
d e t a i l s . — (4) A publisher's note explaining that

this pamphlet appears by way of public announcement.

Motes: Waddington's entry for this work, which

he notes as from the Csc copy, is incorrect in some

details. Waddington styles the age of Ramus on

the portrait "tr£s inexacte," and so it seems to be

at first blush. But it can be accounted for without

great difficulty. If Ramus was born, as Waddington

shows is all but certain, in 1515 # he would have

been in the fifty-eighth year of his age in 1572

(a person is in the first year of his age immed-

iately upon his birth, in the second beginning with

his first birthday, etc.). This would make the

reckoning "in the fifty-ninth year of his age"

only one year off—certainly not "tres inexacte,"

since It is the very minimum of error. But there

conceivably could be not even this minimum inexact-

ness. If Ramus was born, as he may have been,

before Easter, 1515» the date of his birth, by the

current reckoning which took Easter Monday as the be-

ginning of the New Year, would have been calculated as

151)).. He therefore should have entered on the fifty-

ninth year of his age in 1 5 7 2 — l a t e r , it is true, than

his death in August of that year, but nevertheless in

that year. Thus he could have been alive in the

calendar year in which he should have entered upon

the f i f t y - n i n t h year of h i s a g e . That i s enough

f o r h i s t o r i o g r n p h e r s t o c a l l him f i f t y - n i n e , for

the common p r a c t i c e in c a l c u l a t i n g ages i s to take

the y e a r of a man's death a s a u n i t , f i g u r i n g it

as though h i s birthday f o r t h a t y e a r had o c c u r r e d ,

whether i t a c t u a l l y had or n o t . Thus the engraver

had r a t h e r f a i r warrant f o r h i s f i g u r e .

Copies; Au Lbm Psc (Psg)


Testamentum P. Rami cum senatusconsulto e t promul-

g a t i o n s p r o f e s s i o n i s mathematicae ab ipso insti-

tutae. {No p l a c e , p u b l i s h e r , or d a t e , but the

date i d . i u l . 1576 o c c u r s i n the document on p. 153«

8vo in ij.' 3 . l 6 pp.

Cople s : Pm

In 637 (1576).

In 638 (1577).

In 639 (1583).

Testamentum P. Rami, cum primo senatusconsulto,

et promulgatione p r o f e s s i o n i s matheraaticae a

testator® ipso i n s t i t u t a e . Parlsiis: Ioannes

Richerius, 1584· 8v0 in 4's· PP·


Cople.a: Pbp Library o f the Duke of Devonshire,

Chatsworth, Derbyshire.

In 6^0 (1594).


Pp. 80-85 i n : Nicolas de Nancel, Declamationum

l i b e r . . . addita est P. Rami . . . v i t a . . . .
P a r i s i i s : Claudius Morellus, l600. (The Vita has
separate pagination and a separate title-page:
P a r i s i i s : Claudius Morellus, 1599·)·
Copies: Au Dm Ob Pbn Pbn Pbn

In 718 (1599)·

Testamentum P. Rami cum promulgation professionls
mathematicae a testa tore ipso institutae.
Parisiis: Ioannes Bessin, 1625* 8vo. 12 ρρ·

Copies: Pbn—Dept. of MSS Pm

Testamentum P. Rami cum promulgation« professionls
mathematicae a testatore ipso institutae.
Parisiis: Ioann[es] Libert, 1634* 8το V··
θ pp.

Copies; Pm Psc Peg

Vol. Ill, Preuves, p. 226, Henri Sauval, Histolre
et Rechercbes des antiquities de la Tille de Paris.
Paris: C. Uoette, 172lj..

Copies: Pbn


(With conclusion omitted), pp. 79-80 in : Claude-

Pierre Goujet, Memoire historique et littlraire
sur le College royal de Prance. Paris: A. M.
Lottin, 1758. 4to.

Copies: Pbn

In French t r a n s l a t i o n , pp. 3 2 6 - 2 8 i n Charles
'.'/addington, Ramus. P a r i s : Ch. Meyrueis e t

C i e , 1855.

Copies: MH MoSU

Pp. 11/4.-19 i n Charles Desmaze, P. Ramus . . . .

P a r i s : L i b r a i r i e J . C h e r b u l i e z , 1861+.

Copies: MoSU

Te3tamentum de feu Me P i e r r e de l a Ramrfe, l e c t e u r

du Roy. V o l . V I I , pp. 3i).-37 i n : R e g i s t r e s des

d e l i b e r a t i o n s du Bureau de l a V i l l e de P a r i s .

Ed. by Franpois Bonnardot and o t h e r s . "Histoire

g^n^rale de P a r i s . " Paris: Imprimerie n a t i o n a l e ,


Motes: The t e x t o f Ramus' Testamentum i n type,

with a f a c s i m i l e o f the e n t i r e o r i g i n a l MS.

Copies: Pbn

Ramus here attempts to methodize Christian
doctrine in four books: 1 ) f a i t h , 2) law, 3) prayer,
I4.) sacraments. However, the machinery of the Ramist
dichotomizing analysis f a i l s to engage dogma or prac-
t i c e e f f e c t i v e l y , and the Protestant Angst quite eludes
i t s clutches. Ramus produces only a r e l i g i o u s l y un-
eventful compendium of Zwinglian theology—extremely
interesting, however, in i t s l o g i c a l and humanistic
Implications. See Paul Lobstein, Petrus Ramus a l s
Theologe (Strassburg, Ι Θ 7 Θ ) .
The l i f e of Ramus by Th6ophlle de Banos
(Theophllus Banosius), dated c a l . Ian. 1576» and with
i t , apparently, Ramus' work i t s e l f , published f o r the
f i r s t time with the l i f e and under Banosius' direction,
i s dedicated by Banosius to S i r Philip Sidney.
Ramus' authorship of the present posthumous
work was seriously challenged in the mid-seventeenth
century, largely f o r highly personal and partisan rea-
sons, end, in the event, i n e f f e c t u a l l y . See Walter J .
Ong, "PSre Cossart, Du Monstier, and Ramus' Protestantism
in the Light of a New Manuscript," Archlvum hlstorlcum
Socletatls Iesu (Rome), XXIV (1955), 11*0-64.
A series of l e t t e r s , four in Latin and four in
French, from Banos to Sidney in part concerned with this

work of Ramus are to be found in the British Museum

(Add. MSS 15915,ff. 21, 2 7 , 28; 17520, f. 6; 18675,

ff. I4., 6, 7, 8). These letters and their author

are discussed to some extent in John Buxton, Sir Philip

Sidney and the English Renaissance (London and New York,

1954), PP· 1+6—1+7« Buxton notes that, in promising

Sidney that he would revise his remarks about Sidney's

family so as to pay greater compliment to its nobility,

Banoslus remarks that he cannot revise the remarks in

all the copies because two thousand copies of this work

were already off the press—a valuable indication of

the size of a press run in the late sixteenth century,

and that for 12» publishing house (Andr6 Wichel) most

active in bringing out Ramist works. Later Banosius

sends Sidney the corrected page. In the letter dated

15 [5?J de Janvier 1576 (Add. MS 18675, f. 6), Banosius

mentions that he has received "la plupart des livres

dudlt sleur Ramus desquels ie fay mention sur la fin

de sa vie et espere que le surplus qui est Sgare se

recouvrera avec le temps." At the end of his Petri

Rami . . . vita (1599), Ramus· former secretary Nicolas

de Nancel, without any reference to Banosius, records

that all trace has been lost of countless manuscripts

by Ramus and himself ond of countless printed books

pillaged from Ramus« valuable library after his murder.

P e t r i Rami Veromandui, philosophiae eloquentiae
r e g i i professoris celeberrimi, Commentariorum de
religione Christiana l i b r i quatuor, nunquam antea
e d i t i ; eiusdem V i t a , a Theophilo Banosio descripta.
Francofurti: A. Wechelus, 1576. 8vo.
[Iffl]+34S+[1J pp.

Notes: The Vita includes Ramus' Testamentum.

Copies; Ce Ce CJ Cph Cu GOu MBu MH

MDs Ob Oce Oj Pbn Psg Uu Vln Zz

Comnentariorum de religione Christiana l i b r i
quatuor; eiusdem Vita, a Theophilo Banosio des-
cripta. Francofurti: A. Wechelus, 1577.
8vo. [l|.8]+31j.8+[i(.] pp.

Notes: The Vita includes Ramus' Testamentua.

Copies: BAu CsJ Ctc Cu Cu ICU Ku

Lbm MB MBA MBu Me Β ΜΗ Ob Ota Pbn
Pm Ps Psc Zz

Commentariorum de religione Christiana libri
quatuor; eiusdem Vita, a Theophilo Banosio des-
oripta. Francofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli, 1583.
8vo. [41 j + [7]+3lj.8 pp.

Notes: The Vita includes Ramus' Testamentum.

Copies: Ce Cm Cpb Eu Gu Gu (Lbm)

Ou Pbn Pbp STnu Zz

Commentariorum de religione Christiana libri
quatuor; eiusdem Vita, a Theophilo Banosio des-
cripta. Francofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli, 159^·
8vo. [32]+[b]+348 pp.

Motes: The Vita includes Ramus' Testamentum. The

Vita is set in much smaller type than in the 1583
edition. Hence the fewer pages. Otherwise, this
work corresponds page for page with the 1583 edi-
tion, but it is from an entirely different setting
of type.
The Ob copy has manuscript notes by the
Ramist Rudolph Snell (Snellius).

Copies: BE 3 BRr Eu HAk LEu MBA MWA
Ob Om Ps Rba STnu



As Waddington points out, the editor of
715 above, Ioannes Obsopoeus, in his epistle to the
reader, refers to an edition of this oration
printed by the Ramist Guilielmus Rodingus (obviously
before 1582)· Waddington states that he had never
geen a copy of this edition. Neither have I*

[Marci Tullii Ciceronis Pro M. Claudio Marcello
oratio, P. Rami praelectionibus illustrate.]
[Ed. by Guilielmus Rodingus. Before 1 5 8 2 .
(See note immediately above).]

In 715 (1582).

This t r a n s l a t i o n , done by Ramus probably In
connection with h i s work on e t h i c s « was published
only posthumously·

Api<r r c r / N c i b ITCXITIKUJV τ k fupicTKo^iW;
A r l a t o t e l l s P o l i t i c a , a Petro Ramo regio professore
Latlna facta« e t d l a l e c t i c l s rerum summls b r e v i t e r
exposita e t i l l u s t r a t a . . . . Francofurti:
t y p i s Wechelianis apud C I . Marnium e t heredes I .
Aubrii, 1601. 8vo. 537+195] ΡΡ· (double
column« with L a t i n and Greek i n p a r a l l e l ) .

Copies: CAf Cu Dt GOu Gu Gu Lb» MH

MH MoSP Pbn Psc

C o l l e c t i o n s o f Ramus' l e t t e r s are to be
found in717-721 above. Only l e t t e r s printed elsewhere
are given h e r e . When Ramus' l e t t e r s appear here as
incidental material i n works by persons other than
Ramus, only the e a r l i e s t e d i t i o n found of the work
in question i s c i t e d . There may be other e d i t i o n s .

The order la chronological by the dates of the

letters.--See also 725-730.

Georgio Ioachlmo Rhaetlco, 8 cal. sept. 1563·--
In this letter to the scholar who had persuaded
Copernicus to publish his astronomical work, Ramus
speaks in favor of an astronomy without "hypo-
thesestt and encourages further astronomical Inves-
tigation. Waddlngton, who, p. 1)71» cites this
letter (as dated 25 oct.—erroneously, for aug.-··
1563), seemingly does not know the historlo&l or
philosophical context of the term "hypothetical,"
and his remarks on this letter are not only, as
usual, tendenclous, but silly.

Printed In: (1) 1 ( 1 5 7 6 ) — ( 2 ) 3 6 ? Dlalectlces

llbri duo . . . . [Lugdunl Batavorum:] offlcina
Plantlnlana, 1599· See this above.—(3) "Ufce
lettre de Ramus a Ioachlm Rhetlcus" [1563]. Latin
with French trans, by Marie Delcourt. Bulletin de
1'Association Oulllaume Bud< (Paris, 1934)·

Rogero Aschamo, c a l . mart. 6 . 1 5 6 4 · — I n c i p i t , "Cum
salutem nobis . . . . " A r e p l y to g r e e t i n g s re-

ceived through " a c e r t a i n E n g l i s h nobleman."

Mentions a Thomas Smith.

Printed i n : ( 1 ) Pp. 4 5 8 - 5 9 i n : D i s s e r t i s s i m i viri

Rogeri Aschami . . . Epistolarum l i b r i tres . . . .

Londini: Ar. H a r f i e l d pro F r a n c i s c o Coldocko, 1590.


Copies: Cu Lbm Ob CSmH

( 2 ) Pp. 4 1 3 - 1 4 i n : Rogeri Aschami

Epistolarum l i b r i quatuor; a c c e s s i t I o a n n i s Sturmii,

aliorum ad Aschamum Anglosque a l i o s e r u d i t o s e p i s -

tolarum l i b e r unus. Ed. n o v i s s i m a , prioribus

auctior. Oxoniae: t y p i s L i c h f i e l d i a n i s , prostant

v e n a l e s apud H. Clements, 1 7 0 3 . 8vo.

Copies: Lbm Pbn

Notes: Waddington, p . 472» c i t e s t h i s l a t t e r work

but m i s d a t e s the l e t t e r as A p r i l , 1566.

Ioanni Sturmio, 6 nov. 1 5 6 9 .

Printed in: ( 1 ) V o l . I l l , pp. 2 4 5 - 4 6 i n : Amoeni-

tates literariae. Ed. by Johann Georg Schelhora
(or Schellhorn). P r a n c o f u r t i e t L i p s i a e : D.

Bartholomaei et f i l i u s , 1725.

Copies; Lbm MBAt MH Pbn

(2) In: Philippe-Louis Joly,

Remarques critiques sur l e Diotionnaire de Bayle.
Paris: H. Gudrln, I7I4.8. A r t i c l e , "Ramus."

Copies: Lbm Pbn


Immanuel! Tremellio, Lausannae, 5 c a l . sept*

1570, and Heidelbergae, 9 mar. 1571·
Printed in: "Deux l e t t r e s de Ramus a Tremellius,"
ed. by A. Stern. Revue critique d'histoire et de
l i t e r a t u r e , Nouveüe s^rie, X I I I (Paris, 1882),
pp. 295-96·

Copies: Lbm


This anonymous pamphlet against Jacques
Charpentler and his entourage figures in the
Ramus-Charpentier feud (see below in "The Ramist

Pour un l i a r t d'antidote contre l e f r i p p e l i p i q u e
du Bavart 1 'estourdy. 1567· 8vo In l ^ ' s .
14 pp.

Notes; This work appears without the name of

author, place or publisher. Ίΐιβ Pbn catalogue
a t t r i b u t e s the work to Ramus on the b a s i s of t h i s
MS note in a perhaps seventeenth-century hand on
the t i t l e - p a g e : " f a u t e scavoir q u ' i l parust ung
l i b e l l e diffamatoire de l a f a c t i o n de Charpentier
Intitulrf philippica I ? e quatuordecim in
Imprimrf 1567 chez Thorn. Brumennius in clauso
Brunello sub signo o l i v a e , contre l a q u e l l e e s t e c r j
par P. de l a Ramee ou Ramus."
Apart from t h i s note« which, a f t e r a l l , is
a l i t t l e ambiguous (What " e s t e c r j par P. de l a
Ramee"?), I know of no evidence t h a t Ramus wrote
t h i s work. Waddington, pp. 182-83, mentions the
work b r i e f l y (adding to the t i t l e words which are
not there) without considering even the p o s s i b i l i t y
that Ramus wrote i t . Hie work i s a counterattack
on those attacking Ramus, but I see nothing much in
the way of evidence i n t e r n a l to the work to show
that Ramus wrote i t or that he did n o t .

The work I t s e l f , p p . 3-7» i d e n t i f i e s
"dippy Bavart" or " t h e dizzy b a b b l e r " of the title
as Jean Picard and says he was the a u t h o r of the
anonymous P h l l l p p l c a prima (1567). the " f r l p p e l i -
pique" a t t a c k i n g Ramus·
The sequence of works among which t h i s
pamphlet f i n d s place w i l l be found i n the section
"The Ramist C o n t r o v e r s i e s " below.

Copies: Pbn


In i t s f i n a l form, t h i s work comes from
the hand of Risner or Reisner» n o t of Ramus. See
the p r e f a c e t o R l s n e r l Optica cum a n n o t a t i o n l b u s
W l l l e b r o r d l S n e l l l l , e d . by J . A. V o l l g r a f f
(Ghent: Plantin« 1918). Waddlngton, p p . lj.75
and c i t e s Ramus' own r e f e r e n c e a y e a r or so
b e f o r e h i s death to h i s own Optica» of which t h i s
may be a d e r i v a t i v e . But i t seems a t p r e s e n t
impossible to say whether or how f a r the p r e s e n t
work may r e p r e s e n t Ramus' own composition. The

wording o f the title, with i t s "per Fridericum

Risnerum" r a t h e r t h a n the somewhat more usual

"a Friderico Risnero," suggests that Risner's was

n o t the p r i m a r y r o l e i n the work.


Opticae l i b r i quatuor, ex voto P e t r i Rami novis-

simo, p e r P r i d e r i c u m Risnerum, eiusdem i n mathe-

maticis adiutorem, olim c o n s c r i p t ! , nuno demum . .

. i n usum e t lucem p u b l i c a n p r o d u c t i . [Ed. by

Nicolaus Crugius.] Cassellis: Wilholmo Wesselius,

1606. l2ij.]+259 p p .

Copies: BAu Ku LEu Lu Lw MBw Pbn

Pbn RNv


Opticae libri quatuor ex voto P . Rami novissimo,

p e r F r i d e r i c u m Risnerum . . . conscript!, nunc

decium a u s p i c i i s . . . Mauritii Hassiae Landgravii

• . . i n usum e t lucem p u b l i c a m p r o d u c t i . Ed.

iterata. [Dedic. signed Nicolaus Crugius.]

Cassellis: Wilhelmo W e s s e l i o , l6l5. i^to.

[20]+259 PP.

Copies: AMu LEu Pbn Wit

L i b . I only i n : R i s n e r i Opticam cum annotationibus
Willebrordi Snellii. Ed. by J . A. V o l l g r a f f .
Ghent: P l a n t i n , 1918. 8vo.

Cople3: LEu


Ramus' v a r i o u s " a r t s , " together with h i s
t r e a t i s e The Ciceronian, are here arranged i n
dichotomies i n bracketed o u t l i n e form by Johann
Thomas F r i e g e . The comnentaries which go with
these a r t s are the v a r i o u s Scholae or Lectures
by Ramus.

P e t r i Rami P r o f e s s i o r e g i a , hoc e a t septem a r t e s
l i b e r a l e s i n r e g i a cathedra per ipsum a p o d i c t l c o
docendi genere p r o p o s i t a e , e t per Ioannem Thomam
Freigium in tabulas p e r p e t u a s , ceu στρ^οαΛΤ^
quaedam r e l a t a e . B a s i l e a e : Sebastianus Henric-
p e t r i , 1 5 7 6 , mense m a r t i o . fol. [ 1 2 ]+236+[/<.]
Contents: [ L e t t e r s by Freigius and o t h e r s ; curricu-
lum of Ramist philosophy l a i d out in dichotomized
schemata by years, days, and hours; dedicatory
poems—the only thing here by Ramus being the l e t t e r
to Georgius Joachim Rhaetlcus, 8 c a l . s e p t . 1 5 6 3 . ] —
Ciceronianus.—Granmatica latina.—Grammatica
graeca.—Granmaire francoyse.—A. Talaei Rhetorica,
e P. Rami praelectionibus observata.—Dialectica.—
Arithmetica.--Geometria.—Physica [i.e., Virgilii
Georgica i l l u s t r a t e , plus some preliminary addi-
t i o n s ] . — E t h i c a [ i . e . , Libei· de moribus veterum

Notes: The table of contents published in t h i s

volume i t s e l f and the l i s t of contents given by
Waddington are both i n a c c u r a t e . The l e t t e r to
Rhaeticus i s the " l o s t " l e t t e r c i t e d by Waddington,
p. If71, from Lenz, as comparison with Lenz's ex-
cerpts shows; Waddington has the date of the l e t t e r
incorrectly, too. The same l e t t e r i s a l s o pub-
lished i n Ramus' D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo . . .
([Lugduni Batavorum:] 1 5 9 9 ) ; se® the entry f o r
t h i s below.

Copies: Ba BAu Bu Ce Cph Css Cts Eu

GOu Gu Lbm MAs MH MUs MUs MUu Ob

OsJ Owa (PAv) Pbn Pm Psg PVu Rba
Rbc Rbn STnu STnu Vbv VIn VI u Wit

These are collections by various savants
which contain material mostly not by Ramus, but
which have at their core the Ramist d i a l e c t i c ,
associated with Ramist rhetoric and usually with
various other Ramist arts—these a l l being more
or less blended with b i t s of Melanchthon or other
"methodizers" but in such a way that the Ramist
f l a v o r remains dominant. To the group of two or
more "arts" by Ramus which find their way into and
preside over these collections and thus warrant
the inclusion of the collections here, many of
these volumes assimilate innumerable other " a r t s "
which Ramus never got around to treating—digests
of everything from Hebrew grammar and medicine
through star-gazing and music, to mention only a
few of the items--all boiled down according to
Ramist principles of "method," with what is more
"general" f i r s t and with generous sprinklings of
dichotomized schemata. As these collections
assume their plenary form, particularly in the
works of Alsted here, they show Ramism as one of

the starting points of the modern encyclopedia--

based on "analysis" rather than on "etymologies"—

the history of which, according to the Encyclopedia

Brltannlca article on encyclopedias, really begins

with the Ramist Alsted.

The listings here are restricted to works

which include what may be properly called an edi-

tion or adaptation of one or more of Ramus' arts—

usually the Dialectic and Rhetoric. Encyclopedic

n'orks or similar works which merely show Ramist

influence, however strong, or which are discussions

cf Ramisn rather than editions or adaptations—for

example, Alsted's famous Panacea philosophies

(Herborn, l6l0)—are not listed here. Moreover,

ordinarily only the Dialectic and the Rhetoric

from the works here listed are cross-referenced

among the single works in the Inventory, for the

Ramist outlines of the other subjects become too

confused as Ramism here ie redissolved in the more

general tradition of learning out of which it was


In many of these works, beginning with the

1582 Paedagogus, an art of poetry (De poetlca) is

detached as a separate art from the Rhetoric.

I o a n [ n i s ] Thomae F r e i g i i . . . Paedagogus, hoc
e s t , L i b e l l u s ostendens qua r a t i o n e prima artium
i n i t i a puerls quam f a c i l l i m e t r a d l p o s s i n t .
B a s i l e a e : Seba8tiariU3 H e n r i c p e t r i , mense septembri,
1582. θνο. [l6]+366+[2] pp.

Notes: An i n t e r e s t i n g f e a t u r e i s an o u t l i n e in
bracketed dichotomies of the plague (pp. 3 6 5 - 6 6 ) - -
of which Pre i g e , by some f a t e f u l i r o n y , died the
year a f t e r he published t h i s dichotomization. On
p . 5 3 , there i s a l s o a dichotomization of the
Hebrew alphabet. V o l t a i r e was quite r i g h t i n r e -
marking that Pre i g e ' s works are not without i n t e r e s t
f o r the c u r i o u s .

Copies: BAu Lbm MH MoSU Pbn TUu WUu


Syntagma Philippo-Ramaeum artium l i b e r a l i u m , methodo

b r e v i ac perspicua concinnatum per Ioan[nem] B i l -
stenium . . . ; i n gratiam tyronum partim d l f f i c i l i -
bus vocibus Germanica a d i e c t a e s t e x p l i c a t i o .
B a s i l e a e : Conr[adus] Waldkirch, 1 5 8 8 . 8vo.
[l6]+586+[6] pp.

Copies: BAu Pm Vbv+ Wh

Ioannis Bilstenii Syntagma Philippo-Ramaeum.

Basileae: Conradus Waldkirch, 1589·

Copies; bc-p. 134-3


Syntagma Philippo-Ramaeum artium überallurn . . .

concinnatum per Ioan[nem] Bllstenlum ....

Basileae: Con[radus] Waldkirch, 1596· θνο.

[16]+586+[3] PP.

Copies: LGJ NNC Ob Pbn Psc Wh


Ioannis Biletenll Syntagma Philippo-Ramaeum

artium llberalium. Francofurti: Wecheliani,
[1596?]. 8vo.

Copies: bc-p. 13lj3


Syntagma Philippo-Ramaeum artium liberallum . . .

concinnatum per Ioanfnem] Bilstenium . . . .

Basileae: Conrfadus] Waldkirch, ΐ6θ7· 8vo.
[l6]+586+[4] pp.

Copies; BAu Vbv

Ioantnis] Henricl Alstedi Systema mnemonicum

duplex: I» minus, succincto praeceptorum ordine
adornatum; I I , malus, plenior praeceptorum methodo
et commentariis · . · adornatum . . . .
Francofurti: o f f i c i n a Palthenlana, l 6 l 0 . 8vo.
[l6]+630+[21+731 pp. 2 v o l s , under one t i t l e -

Copies; Mb η Rba Rbn TUu (Vbv)·*· Wh

Artium liberalium ac facultatum omnium systema
mnemonicum de modo discendi . . . ab auctore . . ·
Ioanne-Henrico Alstedio . . . cum encyclopaediae,
a r t i s Lullianae e t Cabbalisticae perfectissima
expllcatione . . . . Francofurti: o f f i c i n a
Paltheniana, [ca. l 6 l 0 ? ] . 8vo. 32+[2l4.]+830
pp., the l a s t aeries of pp. beginning with p. 4.9,
with pp. 1-1+.Θ non-existent.

Copies: Rba Vbv


Septem a r t e s l i b e r a l e s , quae c o n s t i t u u n t tertium

Encyclopaeaiae philosophiae tomum, c o n e c r i p t a e a
loh lärme] H e n r i i c o j A l s t e d i o . . . . Herborriae
Nassoviorum: 1 0 2 0 . I(.to. 812 pp.

Motes: This work seems to be a c o n t i n u a t i o n of

the following work, which breaks o f f a t p . 3073
before the d i a l e c t i c and r h e t o r i c and the r e s t of
the "Septem a r t e s philosophiae p o e t i c a e , " announced
on i t s p . 2 , put in t h e i r appearance: Curaus p h i l o -
s o p h i c ! encyclopaedia l l b r i s Septem e t viginti,
complectens unlversae philosophiae methodum s e r i e
praeceptorum, regularum, e t commentarlorum p e r -
petua . . . . opera ac studio Iohannis-Henricl
Alstedii. Herbornae Nassoviorum: 1 6 2 0 .
4 t o in 8 ' s . 3073 pp.+index. (Copies: BAu MB
Vbv Wh.)

Copies: Wh

1410 ]

G e o r g [ i i ] Andreae F a b r i c i i . . . Thesaurus philo3ophi-

c u s , s i v e t a b u l a e t o t l u s p h l l o s o p h i a e systema p r a e c e p -

t i a et exemplis artium tarn generalium quam s p e c i a l l u m

cum generalium p r a x i e t h l s t o r i c a i n s t i t u t i o n e coraplec-

tentes. Brunsvigae: Andreas Dunckerus, 162U· i'ol.

[ 2 0 ] + l j . 0 2 + [ l ] pp.

Notes: This book i s a s o l i d mat o f dichotomized t a b l e s

from cover to c o v e r , without one unbracketed s e n t e n c e or

word a f t e r the b r i e f p r e f a t o r y m a t e r i a l . Ramus h i m s e l f

i s hung up on a dichotomy in t h e dichotomized h i s t o r y

o f philosophy on p . 6 , where philosophy i s divided

evenly between Ramists and A r i s t o t e l i a n s .

Copies: Lbm [Ps] TUu Wh


I o h a n n i s - H e n r i c i A l s t e d i i Compendium philosophicum . .

. . Herbornae Nassoviorum: Georgius Corvinus e t Iohan-

nes Georgius Muderspachius, 1 6 2 6 . övo. 1776 pp.

Notes: With o t h e r p a r t s o f t h i s work only anonymously

connected with Ramus, pp. 604-34- a r e headed P e t r i Rami

Geometrlae l l b r l XXVII . . . s t u d i o W l l l e b r o r d i Snellli.

Copies: BAu Mbn NNC Pbn TUu


Compendium l e x i c l p h i l o s o p h i c l , ea methodo con-

foraiatam ut una e t eadem opera termini liberalium
artium, ipsaeque res» quantum ad locorum communium
summa c a p i t a , f a c i l e possunt memoria comprehendi,
studio Iohannis-Henrici A l s t e d i i . Herbornae:
Georgius Corvinus e t Iohannes Mudersprachius, 1626.
8vo. [2]+pages beginning with 1777 and ending
with 339k'

Notes: A compendium-like p r o t r a c t i o n of the f o r e -

going work» which was already a compendium. The
two works have no common t i t l e - p a g e , despite t h e i r
continuous pagination.

Copies: BAu Mbn TUu


Ioannis Henrici A l s t e d i i Encyclopaedia septem

tomis d i s t i n c t a . . . . Herbornae Nassovlorum:
[Georgius Corvinus], 1630. 7 v o l s , in 2 .
fol. [12]+2ij.0ij. pp.+index (the two volumes con-
tinuously paginated).

Copies: CtY DRl EP3 Lbm MB MH NNC
NjP Pbn Pa FVs TUu Vbv Vzm Wh

Ioannis Henricl Alstedii Encyclopaedia unlversa
In quatuor tomls dlvlsa [thus half-title; fuller
title-page which follows In each volume reads:
Sclentlarum omnium encyclopaedlae tomus I (II»
III» IV)]. Lugdunl: Ioannis Antonius Huguetan
flllus et Marcus Antonius Ravaud, I6I4.9.
4 vols. fol. [32]+567+[2lj.]+61(.0+[20]+7l6+[10]
+i|30 pp.+lndex.

Notes; The Jean-Antolne Huguetan [l61j.7-ca. 1750)

of the Nouvelle blographle grfndrale (1Θ61) is
evidently not this Jean-Antolne unless his dates
are wrongly given. This "Lugduntun" Is not Leyden,
but Lyons, where other books In I6I44, 1656, etc.
bear Jean-Antolne Huguetan's Imprint.—See M. P.
Delalaln, Inventalre des marques d'lmprlmeura et
de llbralrles, 2® ed. (Paris, 1882), p. lOlj..

Copies: AVc Ba BMs Bu Lbm MB Mbn

MH MXv NJP Pbn Pbn Rbc Rbn Rbv Su
Su Vbv Vzm


M[agistri] Georg[ii] Andreae P a b r i c i i . . .

Thesaurus philosophicus, sive tabulae totlns
philosophine systems praeceptis et exemplis
artium tam generalium quam specialium :um gener-
alium praxi et historica institutione complec-
tentea. Brunsvigae: surnptibus auctoris, 1661.
fol. [21j.J+l4.(;l+[2] pp.

Notes: In tables ο*" iichotomies from cover to

cover, just as 661.

Copies: Pbn


Encyclopediae philosophicae Alstedianae compendium:

cum notis . . . P. Meuderlini . . . [et a l . ]
Stuttgardiae: typis Iohannis Wyrichii R ö s s l i n i ,
1663. övo. [i|]+372 pp.
Copies: Lbm


The Dialectic and Rhetoric are often

printed as companion volumes. Listed under

the present heading are only those editions

or adaptations presenting the two works, with-

out any other "arts," under a common title-



Prancisci Sanctii Brocensis . . . De arte

dicendi liber unus denuo auctus et emendatus;

cui accessit, In artem poeticam Horatii per

eundem auctorem brevis elucidatio.

Salmantlcae: Mathias Gastlus, 1558· 8vo.

67+11] PP.

Notes: Although the Ramist definitions are here

often reconditioned, sind the influence of Rudolph
Agricola may be direct as well as mediated through
Ramus to all Sanchez' works, this is basically a
revision of the Ramist dialectic and rhetoric.

As p r o f e s s o r of r h e t o r i c a t Salamanca» Sanchez
was d i s s a t i s f i e d with the Ramist way of a s s i g n i n g
to r h e t o r i c only the skimpy l e a v i n g s of dialectic.
S t a r t i n g from the Ramist d e f i n i t i o n of r h e t o r i c a s
bene dicendl_ s c l e n t l a , he p u l l s i n under t h i s de-
f i n i t i o n (1) invention and (2) d i s p o s i t i o n , which
Melanchthon had included under r h e t o r i c but which
together c o n s t i t u t e d the Ramist d i a l e c t i c . With
these two, Sanchez groups h i s t h i r d and purportedly
f i n a l p a r t of h i s r h e t o r i c , (3) e l o c u t i o n . But to
t h i s t h i r d p a r t , he tacks on, unannounced, (Ij.) a
s e c t i o n on pronunciation. By smuggling i n t h i s l a s t
p a r t , he has simply r e c o n s t i t u t e d the two-part
Ramist r h e t o r i c a s p a r t s (3) and (Ij.) of h i s more
conq>rehensive f o u r - p a r t s c i e n c e , and he proceeds
to make the r e c o n s t i t u t i o n p e r f e c t by dividing
e l o c u t i o n Into t r o p e s and f i g u r e s , pronunciation
into voice and g e s t u r e , and so on in the old f a m i l -
i a r Ramist p a t t e r n . This work i s a thorough r e -
v i s i o n of Sanchez' e a r l i e r De a r t e dlcendl l i b e r
unus (Salmanticae: Andreas a P o r t O n a r i i s , 1556),
which i s hardly Ramist.

Copies: Mbη Mbn Pbn

F r a n c l a c i S a n c t l i Brocenala . . . De a r t e

dloendi l i b e r unus denuo auctua e t emendatus;

oui a c c e a a l t , I n artem poetioam H o r a t i i p e r

eundem p a r a p h r a a l a , e t b r e v l a eluoidatio.

S a l m a n t i c a e : Mathlua [ a l e ] G a e t i u e , 1569·

8yo. 55+[1] 11·

Coplea: Mbn


F r a n c l s e l S a n c t l i Brocenala . . . De a r t e

d l c e n d i l i b e r unua denuo auctua e t emendatua;

cul a c c e a a l t , I n artem poeticam H o r a t i i p e r

eundem p a r a p h r a a l a e t b r e v l a dllucidatlo.

S a l m a n t l c a e : P e t r u s Laaaua, 1 5 7 3 · βνο.

64 1 1 .

Coplea: Mbn


Organum d l a l e c t l c u m e t r h e t o r l c u m c u n c t i a

d l a c i p l i n i a u t l l i a a i m u m ac neceaaarium. Per

Franclacum Sanctlum Brocenaem. . . . Lugduni:

Antonlua Gryphiua, 1 5 7 9 · 8vo. [ l 6 ] + l l < J pp.

Notes: A more openly Ramist arrangement of De
arte dicendi (1558) above, dialectic being assigned
the two parts lnventlo and dlsposltio, and rhetoric
the two elocutio and actio.

Copies: Mbn


The Artes of Logike and Rethorike [sic] Plainlie

Set Foorth in the Englishe Tounge, Easie to Be
Learned and Practised: Togeather with Examples for
the Practise of the Same, for Methode in the
Government of the Familie, Prescribed in the Wörde
of God: and for the Whole in the Resolution or
Opening of Certaine Partes of Scripture according
to the Same. [Compiled by Dudley Fenner.]
[Middelburg: R. Schilders,] 15814-. Pp.
unnumbered: A-E^ (E^ blank), Α-ΐΛ.
Notes: This Englishing of the Ramist Rhetoric is
the one later falsely attributed to Hobbes.--See
Walter J. Ong, "Hobbes and Talon's Ramist Rhetoric
in English," Transactions of the Cambridge Biblio-
graphical Society, I (1951), 260-69; and Wilbur
Samuel Howell, "Ramus and English Rhetoric: 1574-

1 6 8 1 , " Quarterly Journal of Speech, XXXVII

(1951), 308-10.

Copies: CSmH"1 Cu-Bb*.12.133.(F). ICU™

IU1" Lbm MB MB MoSü"1 Nif1 Txlf 1

The Arte3 of Loglke and Rethorike [ s i c 3 P l a l n l l e
Set Foorth in the Engllshe Tounge, Easie to Be
Learned and P r a c t i s e d : Togeather with Examples f o r
the P r a c t i e e o f the Same, f o r Methode i n the
Government of the F a m i l i e , Prescribed i n the Wörde
of God: and f o r the Whole i n the Resolution or
Opening of Certaine Partes of Soripture according
to the Same. [Compiled by Dudley F e n n e r . ]
[Middelburg: R. S c h i l d e r s , J 1581*.. I^to.
Pp. unnumbered: A-B^, IC^ missing, J D-E^" (E^

Notes: T i t l e - p a g e from the same s e t t i n g o f type

as the foregoing i s s u e , but some other pages from
a different setting.

Copies: (Cu—Ven. 7 . 58. 1 . ) DFo

Organum dialecticum et rhetoricum cunctis dis-
ciplinia utilissimum ac necessarium. Per
Pranciscum Sanctium Brocensem . . φ .
Salmanticae: Michael Serranus de Vargas, sumptibus
Claudii Curiet Sabaudiensis, 1588 (colophon:
1587). 8vo. [ΐ6]+1ί|3+[1 J pp.

Notes: The connection with Curlet "of Savoy" is

interesting because of the general Huguenot
flavoring of Ramlsm as a movement.

Copies: Mbη Pbn

The Artes of Logike and Rethorike [sic ] Plainly-
Set Forth in the English Tongue, Easie to be
Learned and Practised: Together with Examples for
the Practise of the Same, for Methode in the
Government of the Familie, Prescribed in the
Yl'oorde of God, and for the Whole in the Resolution
or Opening of Certaine Parts of Scripture accord-
ing to the Same. Written by M. Dudley Fenner ·
. . . Newly imprinted. [Middelburg:J R. Schil-
ders, [1588]. 8vo. Pp. unnumbered: A-G .

Copies; Ct/1 Cu DFom Lbm

P a r t i t i o n e s logicae et r h e t o r i c a e , ad verae
methodi Rameae leges, i n p u r i o r i s l o g i c e s s t u d l -
osorun gratiam conformatae. Auetore Davide
Schramo. Francofurdi: Ioannes Wechelus, 15Ö9·
θνο. 109 ΡΡ·

Copies: Ob

D l a l e c t i c a , e x p l i c a t e ex sententla et connentarils
praestantissimorum n o e t r i s e c u l l logicorum
Dtomini] P h i l i p p i Melanchthfonis] et Ρ· Rami . .
. . Opera Andreae L i b a v l l . Noribergae:
G e r l a c h i a n i , 159^· 8vo. 14.91+ [20] pp.

Notes: With no reference to the f a c t i n the

t i t l e , contains the Rhetorlca a l s o (pp. 4 1 9 - 9 0 ) .

Copies: Zz

P. Rami D l a l e c t i c a e l i b I r l ] duo, cum A. T h a l a e i
[ s i c ] Rhetorica e P. Rami . . . praelectionibue

oi,> serva t a , nunc . . . absque commentarils . . .

edlta. Francofurti: Zacharias Palthenius, l600.

8vo. [ 6 ] + 5 0 + 1 0 3 + [ 2 ] pp.

Kotes: The R h e t o r i c a has i t s own a d d i t i o n a l

separate title-page.

Copie s: Pbn

D i a l e c t i c a Philippo-Raraaea, ex d e s c r i p t i o n i b u s et

commentariis P h i l i p p i Melanchthonis e t P . Rami

aliorumque logicorum . . . c o l l e c t a . . . et exposita

ab Andrea L i b a v i o ; a d d i t a e s t f i h e t o r i c a descriptionis

ALudomari] T h a l a e i [ s i c ] e t c . exemplis . · . illus-

t r a t e , itidemque M e l a n c h t h o n i a n i s O r a t o r i a e prae-

ceptis aucta. F r a n c o f u r t i ad Moenum: typis

N i c o l a i Hoffmanni, sumptibus P e t r i K o p f i i , I608.

8vo. [ 1 6 J + 6 6 7 + [ 1 ] pp.

Copies: BAu BRr Lbm Pbn


P. Rami D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i duo e t A . T a l a e i Rhet-

o r i c a β P . Rami p r a e l e c t i o n i b u s observata.
Bremae: V i l l e r i a n i , impensis M [ a g i s t r i j Ioharmis

w i l l i l e t Georgii Hoisraanni, 1625· 12mo.
1?6+[1] p p . , i n t e r l e a v e d with blanks—GOu copy.

Copies: GOu INp


A Compendium of the Art of Logick and Rhetorlck

In the English Tongue, Containing All t h a t P.
Ramus, A r i s t o t l e , and Others Have Writ Thereon . .
. . By R [ o b e r t ] Ρ [ a g e ] , J r . London: Thomas
Maxey, 1651. 12mo. [12]+323 p p .
Notes: For the h i s t o r y of the v a r i o u s p a r t s of
t h i s work, see Walter J . Ong, "Hobbes and T a i o n ' s
Ramist Rhetoric i n E n g l i s h , " T r a n s a c t i o n s of the
Cambridge B i b l i o g r a p h i c a l S o c i e t y , I (1951), 260-
69. The Rhetorlck i s F e n n e r ' s 158i(. Englishing
of the Talon Ramist R h e t o r l c a ; The Loglck i s
Robert F a g e ' s 1632 E n g l i s h i n g of Ramus' D l a l e c t l c a .

Copies: Cu Cu MCu Ob

Pranciaci Sanctli Brocensia . . . De arte dicendi
liber unus denuo auctus & emendatua; iuxta exemplar
Salmant[icenae] anni 1573· Genevae: 1765·
With this aeparately dated title-page, pp. 297-378
in: Pranciaci Sanctii Brocenais . . . Opera
omnia, I. Genevae: Fratrea de Tournee, 1766.

Coplea: Su


Organum dialecticum et rhetoricum cunctia diaci-

plinis utilisaimum ac neceaaarium. Per Pranciacum
Sanctium Brocenaem . . . iuxta exemplar Salmanti-
cenee anni 1588. Genevae: 1765. With thla
aeparately dated title-page, pp. 379-1+1+4 and 342-
68 in: Pranciaci Sanctii Brocenaia . . . Opera
omnia, I. Genevae: Fratrea de Tournea, 1 7 6 6 .

Coplea: Mbn Pbn Su

The title of this volume mentions only
two of the three works which it contains. See
the note with the Algebra.

Petri Rami Arithmeticae libri duo, geometriae
septem et viginti, a Lazaro Sohonero recogniti et
aucti. Francofurti: A. Wecheli heredes CI.
Marnius et I. Aubrius, 1599·
[ΐ6]+2^0+178+[5] PP. Table.

Contents: Praefatium.—Petri Rami Arithmeticae

libri duo.—De numeris figuratis [i.e., squared and
cubed numbers] Lazari Schoneri liber.--Petri Rami
Algebrae libri duo a Lazaro Schonero emendati·—
Lazari Schoneri de Logistica eexagenaria [i.e.« on
reckoning b jr sixties, as for latitude and longi-
tude 1 liber·—Petri Rami Geometriae libri septem et
viginti.—Errata arithmetica.

Notes: The preface, dated Lemgoviae, is the source

of the erroneous listing of this as a Lemgo edi-
tion in Ps and in Waddington.
One Eu copy belonged to William Drummond
of Hawthornden.

Copies: ERr Ce Cq Ctc DAU DLC Eu

Eu GOu Gu Gu Ku (Llac) LIbn Lbm

Lu MB Mb η MBu (MBw) MiU Müs NNC

Pbn (Ps)+ SAu STnu Vbv VIu

A r i t h m e t i c a e l i b r i duo e t georaetriae septem e t

v i g i n t i , dudum quiden a L a z a r o Schonero r e c o g -

n i t i e t a u c t i , nunc . . . i n poatrema hac e d i -

t i o n e emendati e t l o o u p l e t a t i . F r a n c o f u r t i ad

Moenum: t y p i a e t sumptibuo Wechellanorum apud

Danielem e t Davidem Aubrios e t dementem S c h l e i -

chium, 1 6 2 7 . k-to. [l6]+2l).0+178+[4] p p .


Notes: One Pbn copy w i t h Kenelm D i g b y ' s arms

and c y p h e r .

Copies: Bu CtY DLC Eu MB MBw MUu

MWA NN Ob Occh OrU Owa Pbn Pbn
Pm Pvu Tv Uu VIn VIu


For Ramus' Arithmetic and Algebra, see

these separate titles.


P. Rami Arithmetices libri duo et algebrae

totidem, a Lazaro Schonero emendati et explicati;

eiusdem Schoneri Librl duo, alter de numeris

figuratis, alter de logistlca sexagenaria.

Prancofurdi: haeredes A. Wechell, 1586. 8vo.

[16]+406 pp.

Contents: Petri Rami Arithmeticae [sic] libri

duo a Lazaro Schonero emendati.—De numeris

figuratis Lazari Schoneri liber.—Petri Rami

Algebrae libri duo a Lazaro Schonero emendati

[here Ramus' text Is separate from Schöner'e

commentary.]—Lazarl Schoneri De logistica

sexagenaria liber.

Copies: LAb MBu MBw NNC Ob Oq Pm

Pmp Rbn RNv

Arithmeticae l i b r i duo e t a l g e b r a e t i t i d e m , a

Lazaro Schonero emendati e t e x p l i c a t i ; eiusdem

Schoneri l i b r i duo, a l t e r de numeris figuratis,

a l t e r de l o g i s t i c a s e x a g e n a r i a . Prancofurti:

heredes A. Wecheli, C I . Marnius e t I . Aubrius,

1592. 8vo· [ΐ6]+1μ)6 pp.

Copies: BEs Csj GOu Gu ICJ LEu MB

MUu NNC Occh (Pa)

Arithmeticae l i b r i duo; nunc primum hac manuali
forma . . . e d l t i . Hanoviae: G. Antonius,
ΐ6θΙμ. 12mo. 8 l p p . , i n t e r l e a v e d with blanks
i n the BAu, but not i n the MAs copy.

Contents: Same f o u r t i t l e s as i n 686 above, but

each work epitomized.

Copies: BAu Dt MAs NNC


A r i t h m e t l c e s l i b r i duo; nunc primum hac manuali

forma . . . editi. Hanoviae: haeredes G.
Antonil, l 6 l l . 12mo. 8 l pp.

Copies; AMu BAu Cu MB Oh Opb Pa

A r i t h m e t i c e s l i b r i duo; nunc primum hac manuali

forma . · . e d i t i . Bernae: A. Wei i n n s , l6l7·

12mo. 81 pp.

Copies: Eu


See a l s o Arithmetic» [ A l g e b r a , ] Geometry

P. Rami Arlthmeticae l i b r i duo, geometriae septem
et viglntl. B a s i l e a e : E. Episcopius e t Nicolai
f r a t r i s haeredes, 1569. l+to. [8]+48+190 pp.
(with e r r o r s i n p a g i n a t i o n ) .

Copies: BAu BEs Dt GOu Ku Lu Lu MAs

Om Pm Pi Psc PVu Rbn STnu STnu VIn

Arithmeticae litri auo, geometriae scptem et

viginti. Pasileae: E. Kplscopius et Nicolai

fratris haeredes, 1580. i^to. [8]+52+192 pp.

Notes: The title-page of GEpu reads "M.D.LX X,"

the second of the X'3 being missing because of an

erasure or defect in the paper.

Copies: Au (GEpu)+ GOu (Lbra) LEu Lu

i.'B MH NNC Oq 5Au Uu


Arithmeticae libri duo, geometriae septem et

viginti; ed. Stegerus. Frankfurt, 1591·


Coples: s--p. 330

Arithmeticae libri duo, geometriae septen et

viginti. Iianoviae: l6ll. 12mo.

Copie s: w


These l e c t u r e s comprise Ramus' commen-

t a r i e s on the v a r i o u s " l i b e r a l a r t s , " together

w i t h v a r i o u s academic o r a t i o n s of h i s , m o s t l y on

teaching p o l i c i e s . His L e c t u r e s o r scholae,

Ramus s a y s a t the opening of h i s Prooemlum mathe-

matician ( 1 5 6 7 ) , a r e d e f e n s i v e o r "elenchtic"

supplements to the v a r i o u s a r t e s o r " a r t s , " de-

f e n d i n g the v e r i t a s - - t h e " t r u t h , " o r , a s we should

s a y , the content—which makes up each a r t , against

the v a i n o b j e c t i o n s of a d v e r s a r i e s . With the

L e c t u r e s i n Mathematics t h i s c o l l e c t i o n thus f o m s

a companion p i e c e to the c o l l e c t i o n of "arts"

p u b l i s h e d a s The Regius P r o f e s s o r s h i p .

Waddington e r r o n e o u s l y l i s t s a s an e d i t i o n

of these l e c t u r e s Andreas K r a g i u s ' Rameae s c h o l a e ,

which a r e r a t h e r L e c t u r e s of a R a m l s t .

P. Rami Scholae i n l i b e r a l e s a r t e s . . . .
Basileae: E. Episcopius et Nicolai f r a t r i s haeredes,
1 5 6 9 , mense a u g u s t o . fol. [ 1 6 ] pp.+39^+1166
c o l s . + [ l 6 ] pp.+unnumbered o n e - c o l . pages p r e f a c t o r y
to the i n d i v i d u a l parts.

Contents: Praefatio [mentions Ramus i n the t h i r d

person; perhaps by E p i s c o p i u s ] . - - S c h o l a r u m gram-

maticarum l i b r i XX.—Scholarum r h e t o r i c a r u m l i b r i

XX [the e i g h t - b o o k Brutlnae q u a e s t i o n e s plus the

twelve-book Rhetorlcae distlnctlonesJ.—Scholarum

d i a l a c t i c a r u m l i b r i XX [ i . e . , the A r i s t o t e l i c a e

anlmadverslones].--Scholarum physicarum l i b r i VIII.—

Scholarum metaphysicarum l i b r i XIV.—Orationes:

1) Pro p h i l o s o p h i c a P a r i s i e n s i s Academiae d i s c i p l i n a

o r a t i o ; 2 ) Prooemium reformandae Parisiensis

Academiae; 3) De sua p r o f e s s i o n e o r a t i o ; ij.) A c t i o n e s

duae h a b i t a e i n senatu pro r e g i a mathematica pro-

f e s s i o n i s c a t h e d r a ; 5) Oratio de l e g a t i o n e ;

6) Oratio de l e g a t i o n e secunda.

Notes: The Scholae mathematicae, l i s t e d i n the

t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s i n t h i s volume as appearing i n a
separate volume, do so appear, but never under the
general t i t l e o f the p r e s e n t work.

Waddington l i s t s these c o n t e n t s inaccur-

ately. Erroneously, the p r e f a c e , i n which mention
i s made of Ramus' debt to Rudolph A g r i c o l a and
Sturm, has been taken by Waddington, p . 3 8 5 , and
many o t h e r s f o l l o w i n g him, to be by Ramus.

Copies: BAU BRr Ce Cj Cs Cu Dm Eu
MUu Oas On Oq PA ν Pbn+ Pm Ps Psc
Rbc Rbn STnu VIu Zz

Scholae in l i b e r a l e s a r t e s . . . » Basileae:
E. Episcoplus e t Nicolae f r a t r i s haeredes, 1578.
fol. [ 6 ] pp.+1182 c o l . + [ 1 1 ] pp.+unnumbered one-
c o l . pages p r e f a t o r y to the individual p a r t s .

Copies: Cu Eu GOu Gu Gu Lbm LRv

MB MH Ob Ob Occ Occh Osj Ou Owa
Pbn+ Pi Ps Psg STnu Tv


See the remarks with Lectures on the
L i b e r a l Arts above.

P. Rami Scholae i n t r e s primaa l i b e r a l e s a r t e s . .
• Recens emendati per Ioannem Piscatorem . . . .
F r a n c o f u r t i : Λ. Hechelus, 1 5 8 1 . 8vo.

25ö+[20>l56+[10]+597 pp. Tables.

Contents: Scholarum grammaticarum H b r i X X . —

Scholae rhetoricae [the eight-book Brutlnae

quae3tlones plus the twelve-book Rhetoricae

dlstinctlones).--Scholae dialectlcae [i.e., Aris-

totelicae animadversiones].

Notes: The defective copies are missing either

the Scholae dialectlcae or both that and the

Scholae rhetoricae.

Copies: Au MA3 (MBu) MUs Müs NNC

(Ob) (Pra) (Pm) (Psc) (Rbn) STna Vbv

Scholae in tres primas liberales arte3 . . . .
Recens e?iendatae per Ioannem Piscatorera ....

Francofurti: A. Wecheli heredes, CI. Marnius & I.

Aubrius, 1595 [thus the general title-page;

separate title-pages for the Schol. rhet. and the

Schol. dial. 8.2?© däted respectively &nd.

l59J|j. 8vo. 258+[20]+l66+[10]+60i|.+ [17] pp.

Note s: The defective copies are missing one or

another of the three artes.

Copies: (BAu) BEs Caf (Cm) (Cm) Ku

(Lbm) (Lbm) (MBu) (MoSU) (MUs) Ob (Ob)

Occh (Occh) (Opb) Pbn Pinp (VIn)


Despite the subtitle, the eight-book

Brutus' Problems are only part of this compound

work, the last twelve books being the Evaluation

of Qulntillan's Rhetoric.

P. Rami Scholarum rhetoricarum seu Quaestionum

Brutinarum in Oratorem Ciceronis libri vlglnti:

ad Henricum Franciae Regem. Recens emendati per

Ioannem Piscatorem . . . . Francofurti: A.

Wechelus, 1581. 8vo. l66+[9] pp.

Copies: MH Pbn Pm Stnu Stnu


Scholarum rhetoricarum seu Quaestionum Brutinarum

in Oratorem Ciceronis libri vlglnti. Recens

emendati per Ioannem Piscatorem . . . .

Francofurti: A. Wecheli haeredes, CI. Marnius

et I. Aubrlus, 1593· 8vo. 166+[10] pp.

Copies: Ce Cm Dm Lbm Occh


See remarks on these separate works.


Petri Rami Dialecticae inatitutiones . . . item

Aristotelicae animadversiones a prima editione

nuspiam hac methodo visae . . . pristino nitori

restltutae . . . opera Ioanntnis] Thomae Freigii.

Baslleae: S. Henricpetri, 1575» mense martio.

8vo. [l6]+238+[l] pp.

Copies: BAu GOu LIbn MÜ3 Pbn STnu



Dialecticae institution s, pp. 720-1j.8, et Aris-

cotelieae animadversionea, pp. 749-64» Antonii

Goveani Opera iuridica, philologlca, philosophica

. . . edidit Iacobus van Vaassen. Roterodami:

Henricus Beman, 1 7 6 6 . fol. LXIX+[13+Θ33 PP·

Copies; CtY I£m MoSP NJP NNC Pbn


See the remarks with Lectures on tha

Liberal Arts. Although the Lectures or

Scholae are purportedly to refute adversaries,

in elementary mathematics Ramus has a hard time

manufacturing causes for dispute—often, but not

always—and thus finds himself descending for long

stretches to positive explanation.


P. Rami Scholarum mathematicarum libri unus et

triginta. Basileae: E. Episcopius et Nicolai

fratris haeredes, 1569. ί|Λ°· [l6]+3l4+[6]


Contents: Praefatio in tres primos libros [a

Latin adaptation of the earlier Ρreface sur le

proerne des mathematiques].--Lib. I-III [the

Prooemium mathematician]. Lib. IV-V [Ramus' com-

mentary on his own two-book Arithmetlca ]. Lib.

VI-XXXI [Ramus' commentary on the fourteen books

of fiuclid's Elementa> which Ramus elsewhere trans-

late s ].

Notes: The commentaries on the Arithmetlca and

Euclid were never published separately.

Copies: Au BAu Ce Ce Caj Ct CtY Cu

Cu DLC Dt Eu GEpu GOu LEu LIbn Lu

MB (MH) MSM MUs Müs MUu NNC Ob Occ

On Pbn Rbn SAu STnu STnu VIn Zz

Scholarum mathematicarum libri onus et triglnta.
3asileae: 1578.

Notes: Very probably, Waddington simply deduced

this edition into hypothetical existence from the

157Q Scholae In liberales arte3. Because its

existence is so doubtful, its contents are not

listed above among the Individual v/orks.

Copies: w

Scholarum mathematicarum l i b r i unus e t triginta,
a Lazaro Schonero r e c o g n i t i e t emendati.
F r a n c o f u r t i : A. Wecheli h a e r e d e s , C I . Marnius e t

I . Aubrius, 1 5 9 9 · ij-to. [l6]+31J++[4] PP·

Copies: Au Bu Cu Dm GEpu GOu Lbm

Lu MBu MUu Ob 0m Oq Pbn Rbn SAu


Scholarum mathematicarum l i b r i unus e t triginta,
dudum quidem a Lazaro Schonero r e c o g n i t i e t aucti,
nunc vero in poatrema hac e d i t i o n e . . . emendati
et locupletati. F r a n c o f u r t i ad Moenum: t y p i s e t
sumptibus Wechelianorum, apud Danielem e t Davidem
Aubrios e t dementem Schleichium, 1027 . l^to.
[ l 6 ] + 3 1 i f + [ 6 ] pp.

Notes: The t i t l e - p a g e i d e n t i f i e s t h i s work as

t h a t o f "P. Rami, eloquentiae e t mathematiciae
disciplinarum p r o f e s s o r i s r e g i l , " a t i t l e to which
Ramus, when l i v i n g , seems never to have l a i d
claim. '.Vhen he turned to l e c t u r i n g on mathematics,

he c a l l e d h i m s e l f simply " r e g i u s p r o f e s s o r , " a s on

the t i t l e - p a g e of the 1 5 6 3 e d i t i o n of h i s O r a t i o

de p r o f e s s i o n e l l b e r a l l u m a r t i u m . I n the p a r l a n c e

of the day, the " p h i l o s o p h y " of h i s e a r l i e r title,

r e g i u s p r o f e s s o r of eloquence and p h i l o s o p h y , would

have been i n t e r p r e t a b l e a s i n c l u d i n g mathematics


Copies: CtY OLC Dt r> Ou MiU i!Us Os.1

Owa Pbn Ps Ps


Ramus' m a n i f e s t o on e d u c a t i o n a l aims is
here combined with h i s l e c t u r e s criticizing
C i c e r o ' s n o t i o n s on r h e t o r i c and on e d u c a t i o n i n

C i t i n g be, Waddington l i s t s an e d i t i o n
of these works dated " F r a n c o f u r t i : Iohannes
Rosa, 1 6 1 9 . " There i s no such edition—Waddington
copied the p l a c e , p u b l i s h e r , and date from the
preceding e n t r y i n b e .

P. Rami C i c e r o n i a n u s e t B r u t l n a e quaestiones.
Basileae: 1574·

Copies: bc-p. 1328


Ciceronianus et Brutlnae quaestiones.

Basileae: Petrus Perna, 1576. 8vo. i|l8 pp.

Copies: w

Ciceronianus et Brutlnae quaestiones.

[Ed. by Iohannes Thomas Freiglus.] Basileae:

Petrus Perna, 1577· 8vo. [l6]+i;l8+[22] pp.

Copies: BAu BEs BSv Ce Cgc Cu Eni

Lbm Lbm MUu Occ Pbn Vbv


Here are listed the various collections of

Ramus' works on Cicero, with or without similar

works by other authore, or one or another additional

work by Ramus himself. Ramus' original prefaces

to these works are ordinarily replaced in these

collected editions by briefer introductory notes.

Nancel, Petri Rami vita (1599)» P· 21» notes that

Ramus' commentaries on some ten of Cicero's other

orations remained unpublished.


In omnes Μ. T. Ciceronis orationes . . . doctis-

simorum virorum enarrationes . . . partim etiam

antea, partim nunc primum, in lucem editae.

[Pref. by Iohannes Oporinus.] Basileae: Ioannes

Oporinus, 1553» mense martio. fol. 2 vols.

I: 2036 pp. II: IOOI4.+ [36] pp.

Contents: Commentaries by some I4.0 different

authors, including Johann Sturm, Antonio do

Gouveia, and Melanchthon, and the following com-

mentaries by Ramus: In orationem pro C. Rabirio .

. . commentarius (Vol. I, p. 739)» I n de


agraria . . . orationes tres praelectiones (II,

891), In Μ. T. Ciceronis in L. Catilinam orationes

quatuor praelectiones (II, 957)·

Copies: BAu

In omnes Μ. Τ. C i c e r o n i s o r a t i o n e s . . . d o c t i s -
simorum virorum e n a r r a t i o n o s . . . . [Pref.
by Iohannes O p o r i n u s . ] Lugduni: Ioannes Tornae-
sius et Guilielmus Gazaeius, 155^· fol.
[lj.8] pp.+2896 c o l s . 2 v o l s . , c o l s , numbered

Contents: commentaries by Bartnolomaeus Latomus,

C a e l i u s Secundus C u r i o , Ioachlmus Camerarius,
P h i l i p Tvtelanchthon, V i t a s Amerpachius, L^ger
Duchesne, Johann Sturm, and o t h e r s , and the fol-
lowing p r a e l e c t i o n e s of Ramus: In . . . Pro Caio
R a b i r i o orationem, In . . . De l e g e a g r a r i a . . .
orationes tres.

Copies: Eu REv

P e t r i Rami P r a e l e c t i o n e s i n C i c e r o n i s orationes
octo c o n s u l a r e s , una cum i p s i u s [P. Rami] V i t a
per Ioannem Thomam Freigium c o l l e c t a . Basileae:
I . Perna, 60+5^8 pp.

Copies: w l i s t s t h i s as i n P s c , but i t i s not i n

the Psc catalogue, and its existence is so

doubtful that its contents are not listed among

the Individual Works.

Praelectiones in Ciceronis orationis octo consul-
ares una cum ipsius [P. Rani] Vita per Ioannem
Thomarn Freigiun collecta; reliqua sequens pagina
dabit. Basileae: Petrus Perna, 1575· Vto.
6θ+5ίμ1 + [2] pp.+20 pp. numbered 1-20 between i|)|)|
and ijij.9 (pp. l|45-ij-8 are non-existent, and pagina-
tion is otherwise chaotic throughout the book).

Contents: In addition to Preige's Vita Rami,

Robertus Britannus' De optlmo statu reipublicae
dlalogus, and the Tabulae breves et expedltae in
praeceptlones rhetoricae Georgll Cassandrl, the
following works of Ramus': Basileae.—Oratio de
studiis philosophiae et eloquentiae coniungendis.—
Oratio linitio suae professionis] habita.--". T.
Ciceronis In L. Catilinam orationes quatuor, P. Rami
praelectionibus illustratae.--Μ. T. Ciceronis De
lege agraria . . . orationes tres, P. Rami prae-
lectionibus illustratae.--Μ. T. Ciceronis Pro C.
Rabirio . . . oratio . . . P. Rami praelectioni-

bus i l l u s t r a t e . — Κ . Τ. Ciceronis De f a t o l i b e r ,

Rami praelectionibus e x p l i c a t u s . - - M . T. Ciceronis

De optimo genere oratorum p r a e f a t i o . . . P. Rami

praelectionibus i l l u s t r a t e . - - P i a t o n i s e p i s t o l a e a

Petro Ramo l a t i n a e factae e t d i a l e c t i c i s rerum

summis b r e v i t e r expositae.—Brutinae quaestiones.

Notes: The Ce copy i s autographed "Georgius


Copies: AMu BAu Ce Cgc Eni Eu Eu

GOu Lbm LEu MH MUs Müs NcD NPV

Oas Occ Occh Omt Owo Pbn Psc VIu



Praelectione s i n Ciceronis oration©s octo con—

sulares, una cum ipsius Vita per Ioannem Thomam

Freigium c o l l e c t a . B a s i l e a e : Petrus Perna,

1560. l^to. 6θ+6θ6+[ΐΙμ] pp. (much erroneous

numbering throughout).

Contents: In addition to P r e i g e ' s Vita Rami, the

f o l l o w i n g works of Ramus': B a s i l e a . - - O r a t i o de

s t u d i i s philosophise e t eloquentiae coniungendis.

Oratio [ i n i t i o suae p r o f e s s i o n i s ] habita.--M. T.

Ciceronis In L. Catilinam oratione3 quatuor,

P. Rami praelectionibus illu3tratae.--Κ. T.

Ciceronis De lege agraria . . . orationes tres,

P. Rami praelectionibus illuatratae.--Μ. T.

Ciceronis Pro C. Rabirio . . . oratio . . . P.

Rami praelectionibus illustrate.—Μ. T. Ciceronis

De legibus liber primus, P. Rami . . . praelec-

tionibua illustratus.—Μ. T. Ciceronis De fato,

P. Rami praelectionibus explicatus.--Scipionis

somnium ex sexto Μ. T. Ciceronis De republica

libro, P. Rami praelectionibus explicatum.--M. T.

Ciceronis De optimo genere oratorum praefatio . .

. P. Rami praelectionibus illustrata.--Rhetoricae

distinctiones in Quintilianum.--Platonis epistolae

a Petro Ramo latinae factae et dialecticis rerum

summia breviter expoaitae.

Coplea: BAu Ccc Ce Caj GOu Gu IU

ICu Lbm Lw MBu Ob Occh Pa Pbn Pm
(SAu) STnu Vbv VIn

In Ciceronis orationea et scripta nonnulla omnes
quae hactenus haberi potuerunt praelectiones . .
• · Recena [a Ioanne Obsopoeo] in unum volumen
ordine congesta et accurate emendatae. Pranco-

furti: haeredes A. Wecheli, 1582. 8vo.

[8]+709+[22] pp.


Μ. T. Ciceronis Pro C. Rabirio . . . oratio . . .

P. Rami praelectionibus illustrata.—Μ. - Τ. Ciceroni3

De lege agraria . . . orationes tres» P. Rami

praelectionibus illuatratae.—Κ. T. Ciceronis In

L. Catilinam orationes quatuor, P. Rami praelec-

tionibus illuatratae.—Μ. T. Ciceronis pro M. CI.

Marcello oratio P. Rami praelectionibus illustrati.--

Μ. T. Ciceronis Epistola nona ad P. Lentulem P. Rami

praelectionibus illustrata.—Μ. T. Ciceronis De fato

liber, P. Rami praelectionibus explicatus.—Somnium

Scipionis ex sexto Μ. T. Ciceronis De republica

libro, P. Rami praelectionibus explicatum.--M. T.

Ciceronis De legibus liber primus, P. Rami praelec-

tionibus explicatus.—Μ. T. Ciceronis De optimo

genere oratorum praefatio . . . P. Rami praelec-

tionibus illustrata.

Copies: AMu BAu Ce Csj CtY Cu Eu

GOu Gu Lbm+ LEu Lw MAS MoSU Müs

NjP Ob Occ Occh Owa Owo Pbn Pm
Psc Tv Zz


See the two separate works of Ramus' .


Publii Virgilli Maronls poemata . . . adiectis . ·

. doctissimorum virorum . . . scholiis. [Ed. by

I. Frisius.] Zurich: G. Froschover, 1561. 8vo.

[16J+720 pp.

Notes: The annotations to the Bucolics and Georgics

are an amalgam, but the prefatory letter states

that they are chiefly from Ramus.

Copies: (Lbm)


This Is a miscellany of short pieces by
Ramus and his literary lieutenant Omer Talon.

Petri Rami, professoris regli, et Audomari Talaei
Collectaneae praefationes, eplstolae, orationes ·
. . . [Ed. by Nicolaus Bergeronus.] Paris-
iis: Dionysius Vallensls, 1577. 8vo.

[ 8 ] + 6 i 2 + [ 3 ] PP.

Contents: Nicolaus Bergeronus l e c t o r i . » - D i o n y -

sius V a l l e n s i s amico lectori.—1^2 p r a e f a t i o n e s :
Grauriaticae p r a e f a t i o n e e Rami quinque; Rhetoricae
p r a e f a t i o n e s Rami e t Talaei sex; Rhetoricae
p r a e f a t i o n e s Rami octo [the eighth i s r e a l l y by
Talon]; Physicae p r a e f a t i o n e s Rami t r e e ; Moralis
philosophiae Rami e t T a l a e i p r a e f a t i o n e s tres;
Oratoriae e t philosophiae p r a e f a t i o n e s Rami e t
T a l a e i tredecim [including, T a l a e i Academia];
Mathematicae p r a e f a t i o n e s Rami q u a t u o r . — l 6 e p i s -
t o l a e Rami: 1) Senatui Bononienai; 2) Ad Papium
Bononiensem responsio; 3) I u l i o Monlucio Valen-
tinorum episcopo, lif. c a l . i a n . 1565«" 4 ) Iacobo
Acontio Tridentino, 11; c a l . i a n . 1565; 5) Ioanni
Dio Londinensi, llf c a l . i a n . 1565; 6) R e c t o r i e t
Academiae P a r i s i e n s i [1568]; 7) Iacobo S c h e c i o ,
i d . o c t . 1569; 8) Iacobo Schecio, i d . s e p t . 1569;

9) Iacobus Schecius P e t r i Ramo, 15 mar. 1 5 6 9 ;

10) Iacobo Schecio, 10 c a l . a p r . 1569; 11) Iacobo
Schecio, c a l . apr. 1569; 12) T[heodoroj B [ e z a e ]
V [ e z e l i o ] , 5 c a l . s e p t . 1569; 13) Ioanni Thomae
P r e i g i o , [4. i u l . 1570; 1 4 ) Ioanni Thomae F r e i g i o ,
16 aug. 1572; 1 5 ) Carolo Lotharingo c a r d i n a l ! ;

16) Carolo Lotharingo c a r d i n a l i , 11 c a l . nov.

157Ο. — iij. orationes: 1 - 3 ) Tres orationes a tribus

iiberalium disciplinarum professorlbus . . .

habltae . . . 1544 pridie nonas novembris, i ) A.

Talaei Oratio [de studiis r h e t o r i c i s ] ; i i ) Barth-

olomaei Alexandri Oratio [de studiis grammaticis];

iii) P. Rami Oratio [De studiis mathematicis];

4 ) Oratio i n Gymnasio Praelorum habita 154-5»

5) Oratio [de s t u d i i s philosophiae e t eloquentiae

eoniungendis ] ; 6) Pro philosophica [Parisiensis

Academiae] d i s c i p l i n e o r a t i o ; 7) I n i t i o p r o f e s -

s i o n s suae; 8) Oratio de l e g a t i o n e ; 9) Oratio de

l e g a t i o n e secunda; 10) Prooemium reformandae

academiae P a r i s i e n s i s ; 11) Oratio de sua p r o f e s -

sione; 12-13) Actiones duae mathematicae;

li).) Audomari T a l a e i Ihere a pseudonym used by

Ramus] Admonitio ad Turnebum.

Notes; Waddington l i s t s these contents inaccur-


Copies: Au BAu BRr Bu Ce Csj Dt

Eni Eu Hu (Lbm) LEu MH Müs MWA

NhD Ob Ob Pbn pbp Pbp Pi Pm Pmp

Ps Psc Psg Rba Rbn RMv STnu Uu



P. Rani . . . et A. Talaei Collectaneae prae-

fationes, epistolae, orationes: quibus adiunctae

sunt P. Rami Vita cum Testamento; eiusdem Basilea;

pro Aristotele adversus Iacobum Seheckium'compare-

tio [sic for defensio], Ioannis Penae et Friderici

Reisneri [sie] orationes . . . [Sd. by Ioannes

Hartmann.] Marpurgi: Paulus Egenolphus, 1599·

8vo. [8]+625+l5J PP.

Contents: Same as the preceding work, plus:

Rami Praefatio in Virgilio Georgica.--Ioannis

Penae De usu optices praefatio.—Frederic! Risneri

[sicJ In Alhazeni Opticam praefatio.—Frederici

Risneri [sic] In Vitellionis Opticam praefatio.—

Vita Rami a Ioanne Thoma Freigio scripta.—Testa-

mentum Rami.—Rami Basilea.—Rami Defensio pro

Aristotele adversus Iacobum Schecium.

Copies: BEs Cm Cm Cm Cej Ctc DLC

GOu MAs MBu MiU Oj NjP Pm STnu Vbv

P. Rami . . . e t A. T a l a e i Collectaneae p r a e f a t l o n e s ,
epistolae, orationes. llarpurgi: 1609. 8vo.

Notes: For the l e t t e r to Rheticus which Waddington,

p . 4 7 1 , speculated may be found i n t h i s e d i t i o n ,
see note to I r o f e s s l o r e g i a (1576) above.
Since the contents of t h i s e d i t i o n are
d o u b t f u l , i f i t even exists—which i s j u s t as
doubtful—no attempt i s made to include i t s hypo-
t h e t i c a l p a r t s in the l i s t i n g s of i n d i v i d u a l works

Copies: s e - p . III4..

Here i s l i s t e d i n c i d e n t a l correspondence,
mostly unpublished before the nineteenth century.
The more recent works here a r e , of course, avail-
able in any number of l i b r a r i e s , and the l o c a t i o n
of only one or two copies i s g i v e n .
For other l e t t e r s , see 6 5 1 , 7 1 7 - 7 9 . D l a l e c -
t l c e s l l b r l duo . . . ([Lugduni Batavorum:] 1 5 9 9 ) ;
a l s o Unedited and Lost works below.

"Lettres incites." Pp. Zj.21-Z{.0 in Charles
Waddington, Ramus (Paris: Charles Meyrueis et
Companie, 1855)· 8vo.

Contents: Dedication to Francis I, 15*1-3·—

Ioannl Hervagio, adolescenti, Lutetiae, 7 cal. ian.
1551.—Theodoro Zuingero, Heidelbergae, 3 cal. nov.
1569.—Theodoro Zuingero, Heidelbergae, 10 cal.
feb. 1570.—Theodoro Zuingero, Francofurti, 10 cal.
apr. 157Ο.—Theodoro Zuingero, Genevae, 11 iun.
1570.—Theodoro Zuingero, GenevHO, !). non. lul.
1570.—Theodoro Zuingero, 12 cal. aug. 1570.—
Theodoro Zuingero, 5 cal. sept. 1570.—S. Grynaeo,
Lausannae, 5 cal. sept. 1570.—Theodoro Zuingero,
Lutetiae, mar. 1571«—Ioanni Sturmio, Lutetiae
[ca. 6 mar. 1571]·--Β. Aretio, Lutetiae, cal. aug.
1571.—Henrico Bullingero, Lutetiae, cal. sept.
1571.—Theodoro Zuingero, Lutetiae, 3 non. sept.
1571.—Theodoro Zuingero, Lutetiae, non. dec.

1571.—Theodoro Zuingero, Lutetiae, non. ian.

1572.—Henrico Bullingero, Lutetiae, 3 mar. 1572.—
Henrico Bullingero, Lutetiae, 1 9 mar. 1572.—Decano
Facultatis artium Heidelbergensis academiae, 10
nov. 1569.

Cooles: Lbm Pbn

"Lettre de Ramus ä Rod[olphe] C-walter et Louis

Lavater a Zurich." Basileae, ii (or 11) cal. aug.

1569. [Ed. by Augustin Bernus.] Soci^td de

!.'histoire du Prote3tantieme fran^ais, Bulletin

historique et litt^raire, XXXIX ( 1 8 9 0 ) , 30.

Notes: This acrimonious letter--it charges "fox-

like hypocrisy" (vulpina hypocrisls), etc.—pro-

tests againet the voces amblguas of Sulzer or

Sulcerus regarding the Lord's Supper.

Copies: Pbn Pbp


For theee incidental recently published

items, only the first edition of the work which
contains them is mentioned. Since these works are
of course available in many libraries, the loca-
tion of not more than one or two copies is here

A few snippets, mostly from Ramus' Dialectlque

(Paris: 1555)» are given on pp. 101^-111 in:

Souquet, Paul (ed.) Les Ecrivalns p^dagogiques

du XVI6 siecle. Paris: C. Delagrave, 1880.


Copies: Lbm Pbn


A brief extract in Vol. XVIII, p. 4.51: Warner,

Charles Dudley (ed.). Warner's Library of the

World's Best Literature. New York: J. A. Hill

and Co., 1 8 9 6 . vols.

Copies: MH


V/addington, pp. ^7^-76, gives a list of

eleven works at one time or another falsely

attributed to Ramus. From a quite full knowledge

of library catalogues, I can state with certainty

that there is no inclination today to attribute

any of these works to Ramus, with the possible

exception of the Optlos In Four Books l i s t e d here
above under Doubtful Works. Expressing my general
agreement with Waddington's conclusions, I there-
fore r e f r a i n from repeating h i s l i s t . But I do give
here the one work which i s s t i l l occasionally
f a l s e l y a t t r i b u t e d to Ramus and which Waddington
does not mention.

[Serres, Jean d e . ] The Three Partes of Commen-
taries . . . of the C i v i l l Warres of Fr*"ince.
Translated out of Latine into English by Thomas
Tiiime . . . . London: P. Coldocke, I57lj..

Notes; In h i s dedicatory e p i s t l e , Timme errone-

ously a t t r i b u t e s h i s o r i g i n a l to Ramus. Today
almost a l l l i b r a r y catalogues have the c o r r e c t
a t t r i b u t i o n to S e r r e s . See Tinme i n D. Ν. B.
The Fourth Parte . . . , o f t e n bound with the
present Three Partes, i s not a t t r i b u t e d to Ramus,
since i t covers the period 1571-7^, including
Ramus' own t r a g i c death.

Cop Lbm

Waddington, pp. IJ.72-74» l i s t s from various
sources the following works of Ramus' which once
e x i s t e d in manuscript but which seem a l l to have
perished: 1) Commentarii i n C i c e r o n i s o r a t i o n e s
pro P. Quinctio, pro S . Roscio Americo, pro Q.
Hoscio comoedo, e t Verrinas ordine septem.
2) Xenophontea quaedam. 3) Comparatio P i a t o n i s e t
Aristotelis. ij.) E t h i c a . 5) L i b e r de c o m i t i i s
Romanorum. 6) Physica, Optica, Musica, Astronomica.

7) Matheraaticorum Graecorum corpus Latinum factum

(under Ramus' d i r e c t i o n i f not i n p a r t by h i m ) .
8) E p i s t o l a e v a r i a e . 9) Scripta v a r i a .
Ramus and Ramism are c h i e f l y of i n t e r e s t
i n terms o f the works of Ramus which achieved t h e i r
tremendous c i r c u l a t i o n and i n f l u e n c e i n p r i n t , and
the present Inventory i s concerned d i r e c t l y only
with such works. However, I add here such i n f o r -
mation as I have come upon concerning unpublished
e x t a n t manuscripts.

B a s l e , U n i v e r s i t ä t s b i b l i o t h e k . - - T h i s l i b r a r y has a
c o l l e c t i o n of some t h i r t y l e t t e r s i n manuscript,
dated from 1550 to 1572, the g r e a t e r part to
Theodor Zwinger between 1570 and 1572. Some o f
these l e t t e r s are published i n Waddington, but
most remain unedited.—There are probably other
manuscripts by d i s c i p l e s of Ramus to be found h e r · »
taken down perhaps as d i c t a t i o n from Ramus' 1569-70
l e c t u r e s in B a s l e ·

P a r i s , Bibliotheque du Protestant!sme fran^ais.—
MS 730 contains copies of the following unpublished
l e t t e r s the o r i g i n a l of which are i n the S t a d t b i b -
liothek, i . e . , the Z e n t r a l b i b l i o t h e k , a t Zurich:
1) Ludovico Lavatero, [ B a s i l e a e , p r i d i e c a l . dec.
1568]. 2) [Rudolpho] Gualthero, Lausannae, non.
s e p t . I57O. 3) Gualthero, L u t e t i a e , 10 c a l . aug.
1571. Gualthero, L u t e t i a e , c a l . i u l . 1572.
5) Gualthero, Lutetiae 17 i u l . 1572. The MSS
include other items r e l a t i n g to Ramus but not by
him, e . g . , a l e t t e r to him from Heinrich B u l l i n g e r ,
Tiguri (Zurich), 10 aug. 1572.

Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale.--MS Fonds Latin

6659. Entitled "Petri Rami Dialecticae parti-

t i o n s ad Franciscum Valesium Christianisslmum

Gallorum regem," this beautifully done manuscript

was, as Waddington (p. 37) suggests, undoubtedly

a presentation copy to the king. On vellum, illu-

minated in gold. 15.9x22.5 cm. [2J+39+U1 H ·

The text (i.e., of the preface) begins on fol.

l r , and all after fol. 3 9 Γ Is blank. Pol. 39**

concludes (in gold): "Finis .1543·" Pages ruled

in red. Nowhere in the MS is there any title other

than the one Just given here. Binding with arms of

Francis I.

This MS represents probably the earliest

extant condition of the text of Ramus' Dialecticae

partltlonea, which in print are dedicated to the

University of Paris, not to the King. Waddington

assumes that the text of this MS is the same as

that of the printed version. It is, in fact, much

the same, but there are differences which are signi-

ficant and which indicate, moreover, that this text

is anterior to the texts In print. For example,

the term particularls affirmatlo of the present MS

( f o l . l 6 r ) i s , in the second printed edition
(Dlalectlcae l n s t i t u t l o n e s , 154-3» men3e septembria,
f o l . 23 Γ ) rendered by a f f l r m a t i o s i n g u l a r ! 3 . But
in the f i r s t printed edition (Dlalectlcae p a r t i -
tiones, 1543, f o l . l 6 ), the t e x t , otherwise word-
for-word that of the present MS, has likewise
a l t e r e d p a r t l c u l a r l s to s l n g u l a r l s . Such changes
seem to Indicate that the f i r s t printed edition i s
from a text l a t e r than the present MS.
In the preface, rather more than the f i r s t
two pages mentioned by Waddington d i f f e r from the
printed preface, but for the most p a r t , the d i f f e r -
ences consist simply in the f a c t that the eulogies
In the MS are made to r e f e r to the King, those in
the printed e d i t i o n to the University. In p l a c e s ,
apart from the word r e f e r r i n g to one or the other
of these dedicatees, the eulogies are i d e n t i c a l ,
word-for-word: the conventional v i r t u e s celebrated
form a matrix with a replaceable center, where king,
university, or anything e l s e requiring eulogy can
be f i t t e d .


Strasbourg, Archives du Chapitre de St-Thomas.--

These archives possess the MS of a l e t t e r from
Ramus to Johann Sturm dated 1572 (without further
dating). This i s probably the l e t t e r IVaddington
prints on p. 432.

Vatican City« Biblioteoa Apostolica Vaticana. See
note to Dialecticae p a r t i t l o n e s (mense septembris
15^3) among Individual Works above·

Zurich, Zentralbibliothek.—There i s a s e r i e s of
MS l e t t e r s of Ramus' in t h i s l i b r a i y , many, i f not
a l l , unprinted.


Only a few p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t e r e s t i n g early

manuscripts are given h e r e . Classroom transcrip-

t i o n s o f Ramist d i a l e c t i c or r h e t o r i c by s t u d e n t s

must e x i s t i n hundreds o f s c a t t e r e d m a n u s c r i p t s .

Some o f these are mentioned i n Perry M i l l e r , The

New England Mind (1939)» PP· 1 2 0 - 2 2 .

London, B r i t i s h Museum.—Addit. MS J/4.361: [Fraunce,
Abraham?] The Sheapeardes L o g i k e : conteyning the
p r a e c e p t s o f t h a t a r t put downe by Ramus; examples
f e t owt o f the Sheapeards Kalender, Notes and e x -
p o s i t i o n s c o l l e c t e d owt of Beurhusius, Piscator,
and C h a t t e r t o n , and d i v e r s o t h e r s . Together with
twooe g e n e r a l d i s c o u r s e s , the one touching the
p r a i s e and ryghte use o f Logike: the o t h e r con-
cernynge the comparison o f Ramus h i s Logike with
t h a t of A r i s t o t l e . To the Ryght worshypful Master
Edwarde Dyer. fol. 36 1 1 .

This MS i n c l u d e s , i n s u b s t a n c e , the text

of Ramus' D i a l e c t i c . I t i s very l i k e l y an e x e r -
c i s e by Fraunce done while studying or p o s s i b l y
t u t o r i n g , and hence would date probably somewhere

around 1580·
On fol. [32], there begins "A bryef and

general comparison of Ramus his Logike with that

of Aristotle, to . . · Master Philip Sydney."

London, British Museum.—MS Harleian 6796 art.
17, fols. 81-15^: Annotationes in Rami Geome-
triam; subiectitur praeffatio] mathematics ad
Cantabrigienses habita anno 1588.

This anonymous MS is bound with several

others in Thomas Hobbes1 own handwriting.

Oxford, Bodleian Library.—Rawlinson MS D. 3^5»
entitled Emblemata varia. Pols. 1-16 contain:
Fraunce, Abraham. [Tractatus de usu dialec-
tices. ]

Dating probably from before 1588 and

obviously a youthful piece of work, rather prec-
ious and taut, this unedited tract is shot through
with Ramus' Dialectic. It is dedicated to Sir
Philip Sidney and bears on the title-page the
motto: "Platonem admiror, amo Aristotelem, Ramum
ubique non reprehendo." Cf. above Dlalectlcae
llbrl duo . . • . (Ultraiecti, 1658), note;
also Praunce's editions of the Ramist Dialectlca
(1588) and Rhetorlca (1588, 1 9 5 0 ) . This motto
of Praunce'e Is obviously connected with the
title-page motto of the Ramist William Ames which
is related to the Harvard seal in Samuel Eliot
Morison, The Founding of Harvard College (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1 9 3 5 ) , pp. 3 3 0 - 3 1 .


In this oration at the opening of the
school year following the injunction laid on Ramus
to discontinue teaching philosophy, Talon pro-
tests that he devotes his time "to the lighter
studies of the arts" rather than to the "more
serious studies of medicine or law or theology"

[ 1*61*1
because of his friendship f o r Peter Ramus and
Bartholomew Alexander and because of the importance
of rhetoric itself.

Audomari Talaei Oratio [de studiis r h e t o r i c i s ] .

In 31([151Λ1).

In 717 (1577).

In 718 (1599)·

Same as 38 (1545) — 4l (1548).


Porphyry's Isagoge or Introduction to
A r i s t o t l e ' s l o g i c a l treatises i s here translated

from the Greek in "plain style" Latin by Talon
(see his-preface to Sabellus) and interspersed
with commentary about the length of the Isagoge
itself. The introductory "De libris Organi dialec-
tici" questions the authenticity of the books of
the Organon«

This is an attempted annihilation of

Porphyry complementing Ramus' attack on Aristotle
in the Remarks on Aristotle. Published with
Talon's name on the title-page, this work is pre-
sumably by Talon, but it is practically certain
that Ramus, on whom Talon elsewhere avows his
dependence, had some hand in it. There are even
good grounds for suspecting—but not for proving--
Uiat Ramus is the author of the work (apart per-
haps from the translation proper of Porphyry):
1) Ramus was still forbidden to publish philoso-
phical works, so he should have had to use a
pseudonym; 2) he published an edition of his Train-
ing in Dialectic, slightly doctored, this same year
using Talon's name as a pseudonym; 3) Talon pub-
lished no other such logical work save the commen-
tary on Ramus' own Dialectic, which commentary
Ramus considered somewhat his own private property,

subject to alteration at his own pleasure. If

Ramus wrote this present work, Talon may well have

given it, in substance, as his own class lectures

anyhow, since it consists, of course, of printed

class lectures.

Audomari Talaei Dialecticae praelectiones in

Porphyrium ad Ioannem Sabellum Canonicum Carnoten-

sem. Parislis: M. David, 15^7« 8vo. 72 pp.

Notes: The preface to Sabellus closes "Lutetiae

a gymnaaio Praeleorum nonis Augusti" without year.

Copies: Ob Pa+ Psc Su VIn

Dialecticae praelectiones in Porphyrium . . . .

Paris lis: Ioannes Roigny, 154-7 · 8vo. 72 pp.

Copies: Gu

Dialecticae praelectiones in Porphyrium . . . .
Parisiis: M. David, 1550, prid. cal. mail. 8vo.

78 pp.

Copies: BEs Rbc Tv


D i a l e c t i c a e p r a e l e c t l o n e s In Porphyrlum . . . .
Lugdunl: Theobaldus Paganus, 1553· 8vo.
77 PP.

Copies: VIn

In 752 (1583).

In 751 (1584)·

In t h i s l e c t u r e , Talon defends Ramus and
Plato as true Academicians against A r i s t o t l e and
the A r i s t o t e l i a n s as P e r i p a t e t i c s .

In 757 (15^7).

m 755 (1550)

in 756 (1550)

In 753 (1575)

In 75k (1576)

In 717 (1577)

In 752 (1583)
In 718 (1599)
In 751 (1584)
This I s t h e f r a g m e n t of C i c e r o ' s revision
of the f i r s t p a r t of h i s Academlca interspersed
w i t h commentary more t h a n twice the l e n g t h of t h e
text i t s e l f . There i s no i n i t i a l argument g i v e n ,
b u t d i a l e c t i c a l summaries a r e o c c a s i o n a l l y p r o -

In 757 ( I S i t f ) .

I n 755 ( 1 5 5 0 ) .

I n 756 ( 1 5 5 0 ) .

I n 753 ( 1 5 7 5 ) .

I n 754 ( 1 5 7 6 ) .

I n 752 ( 1 5 8 3 ) .

in 751 (1584).


Same as 58 (15^8) — 182 (1950).


This consists of Cicero's text, which is

a continuation of the first part of his Academlca

called the fragmentum in the preceding work here,

interspersed with comnentary about the same length

as the text. There is no initial argument given,

but dialectical summaries, labeled as such, are


In 755 (1550).

In 756 (1550).

In 753 (1575)·

in 75k (1576).

In 752 (1583).

In 751 (15614.).


This consists of Aristotle's text from the
Mlcomachean Ethics Interspersed with commentary half
again as long as the text. The commentary attacks
Aristotle as unchristian and given to inept and
false distinctions and to unwise distribution of ends.

Audomari Talaei In primum Arlstotells Ethicum llbrum
explicatlo ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem Gulsi-

anum. P a r i s i i s : Μ. David, 1550· Ifto in 8 ' s .
80 pp.

Notes: The preface to the Cardinal of Guise i s


Copies: BSv BSv Eni GEpu MH Ob Ob

Occh Opb PVu Su Tv

In 753 (1575).

In 754 (1576).

In 752 (1583).

In 751 (158/j.).


This c o n s i s t s o f C i c e r o ' s t e x t inter-

spersed with commentary three times as l o n g . The

argumentum f o r the whole a t the beginning o f the

1583 e d i t i o n i s i n the 1 5 5 0 e d i t i o n c a l l e d


M. Tul [ H i ] C i c e r o n i s ad C[aiumj Trebatium iuris-

consultum T o p i c a , Audomari T a l a e i praelectionibus

explicata, ad Carolum Borbonium Cardinalem Vin-

docinum. P a r i s i i s : M. David, 1550» non. nov.

4to in 8 ' s . 74 PP· Table ( i n Occh c o p y ) .

Notes: T a l o n ' s p r e f a c e i s dated 6 c a l . nov. 1 5 5 0 .

The t a b l e i s a f u l l y dichotomized d i s p l a y o f the

The Oas copy belonged to G a b r i e l Harvey,

who notes on p. 74 t h a t he went through the work
i n I57O and a g a i n , much more c a r e f u l l y , i n 1579
when, a t long l a s t , he got down to the study of
c i v i l law: " G a b r i e l Harveius Calendis F e b r u a r i .
157Ο. Multo etiam d i l i g e n t i u s , 1579· Tantum
aliquando i u r i s c i v i l i s incumbens." The margins
of t h i s copy, bound with T a l o n ' s Acad., In Acad.

C i e . , In Luc. (David, 1550), are black with notes
by Harvey unknown to G. C. Moore Smith in h i s edi-
tion Gabriel Harvey's Marginalia (Stratford-upon-
Avon, 1 9 1 3 ) .

Copies: Oaa Occh Ku

In 753 ( 1 5 7 5 ) .

In 754 ( 1 5 7 6 ) .


Μ. T. Ciceronis . . . Toplca, cum argumentis

T a l a e i e t annotatlonibus doctissimorura virorum
margini a d s c r i p t i s . 18 1 1 .
Notea: T a l o n ' s argumentum i s given i n f u l l . The
marginal notes from the other "very learned men"
are only Lbm
Copies: t i n y snippets.

In 752 (1583).

In 751 (15Ö4)·


In Its complete form, this work consists
of the text of Cicero interspersed with commentary
totaling about a third of the text. Talon pro-
vides no initial argument and no dialectical sum-

In M. Tullii Ciceronis Partitiones oratoriae
annotationes collectae ex praelectionibus Audomari
Talaei. Lutetiae: Μ. David, 1551 · i(.to.
19 pp.

Notes: Talon's cosnentary in fulls Cicero's text

is omitted except for the lnclplt of each section
conmented on.

Copies: Cu Lbm Mbn Ob

I n 69 ( 1 5 5 3 ) .

Pp. 258-66 I n : Μ. Τ . C i c e r o n i s P a r t i t l o n e s orato-
rlae . . . cam commentariis I[acobua] Strebaeus,
3artholomael Latomi, Chrlstophorl Hegendorphini,
Ioannia Fossanl, A d r i a n ! Turnebl (qui adhuc l n -
acrlptua est conmentarlus i n c e r t l a u t h o r i s ) , poa-
tremo a d i e c t i s praelectlonlbua Audomarl T a l a e l ,
denlque S p e c l l e g l a Leodegarll a Quercu reoognlta .
• . · P a r i a l l a : G a b r i e l Buonlus, 1566. l^to.
[ 1 2 ] + 2 6 6 + [ l l ] pp. (p. 266 misnumbered 2 1 9 ) .

Copies: Cu Gu

I n 752 ( 1 5 8 3 ) .

I n 751 (1584).


C i c e r o ' s t e x t i s i n t e r s p e r s e d here with

commentary much longer than the t e x t itself.

Talon s u p p l i e s no argumentum f o r the work as a

whole, but does supply many d i a l e c t i c a l summaries,

each l a b e l e d as such.

Μ. T u l l i i C i c e r o n i s Paradoxa, ad Marcum Brutun,

Audomari T a l a e i commentationibus e x p l i c a t a ad

Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem. Lutetiae:

Carolus Stephanus, 1551» 13 c a l . i a n . [=1552]·

l|to. 52 pp.

Copies: CtY NjP Pag

7 lih

Μ. T . C i c e r o n i s Paradoxa ad Marcum Brutum, cum

annotationibus F r [ a n c i s c i J Sylvii, Xysti Betuleii,

i n c e r t l cuiusdam a u c t o r i s , B [ a r t h o l o m a e i ] Latomi,

e t Audomari T a l a e i margin! a d i u n c t i s . Parisiis:

G a b r i e l Buon, 157If. i^to. Χλμ 1 1 .

Notas: T a l o n ' s commentary interwoven with t h a t
of the o t h e r s and the whole c l i p p e d to s h o r t

marginal glosses.

Copies: Lbm

I n 753 (1575)·

i n 751* ( 1 5 7 6 ) .

In 752 (1583).

I n 751 (1581*).


C i c e r o ' s t e x t i s here i n t e r s p e r s e d with

commentary about equaling i t i n l e n g t h . The initial

argumentum» a s i t i s c a l l e d i n the 1583 e d i t i o n ,

f o r a l l t h r e e books was e a r l i e r , a s i n the 1575

edition, styled expllcatlone3. Dialectical sum-

maries are provided throughout, being l a b e l e d a s


Μ. Tullil Clceronls De orator© ad Qulntum fratrem

dialogi tree, Audoraarl Talael expllcatlonlbus

illustrati. Parisiis: Carolua Stephanus, 1553·

4to. 106+[2]+135+[l]+91 PP. (each dlalogua

paginated separately).

Notes: The Occh copy la Inscribed "Ioh. Gerardus


Copies: Au Lbm MoSD Occh Pbn

In 753 (1575)·

In 754 (1576).


A. Talael In Μ. T. Ciceronis De oratore llbros

I-III comraentarlus. Vol. II, pp. [vll]-[xll],
1-165» in: Μ. T. Cicero Mannucclorum conmentarlls
lllustratas antiquaeque lectlonl restitutus.
10 vols. Venetlls: apud Aldum lex typographla
G. Angelerll], 1578-83.

Copies: CtY Lbm

In 752 (1583).

In 751 (1581f) ·


Same as 239 d 5 5 6 ) — lj.72 ( 1 9 3 5 ) . w i t h the

exception of those editions which do not include

Talon's praelectlones.


These are orations purportedly got up and
delivered by pupils of Talon under his supervision.
The "scholae Francorum" where they were delivered
were apparently lecture halls belonging to the
French "Nation" at P a r i s — c f . the similar "scholae
Picardorum" of the Picard Nation In the following
Quinque o r a t i o n e s de laude r e g i a e d i g n i t a t i s , a

quinque d i s c i p u l i s Audomari T a l a e i h a b i t a e Parisiis

i n a c h o l i s Francorum quinto c a l e n d . decemb. 15^-8.

Parisiis: M. David, 154-8. l+to. 22 p p .

Contents: The f o l l o w i n g o r a t i o n s p r e s e n t e d a s b y ,

or a t l e a s t d e l i v e r e d by, these students of Talon's:

I o a n n i s G u e r i n u s , Quod prima regum o r i g o f u e r i t a

virtute; Claudius D u b r e l l i u s , Quod u t i l i u s s i t rem-

publioara a rege g u b e r n a r i quam a populo v e l ab

optimatibus; Arturus S c a l l a i u s , Quid i n t e r s i t inter

regem e t tyrannum; F r a n c i s c u s B a l l e r i u s , Quod r e x

s u b d i t u s s i t l e g i b u s ; Antonius Aguinus, Quod r e x

p a s t o r appellandus sit.

Copies: Pbn


Quinque o r a t i o n e s de laude r e g i a e d i g n i t a t i s . .

. . Pp. 2 9 5 - 3 2 0 i n : Iohannes Thomas P r e i g i u s .

Q u a e s t i o n e s oeconoraicae e t p o l i t i c a e ; cum a l i i s

quibusdam . . . doctorum virorum c o m m e n t a t i o n i b u s .

Basileae: Sebastianus Henricpetri, 1 5 7 8 , mense

martio. 8vo.

Cocies: Cu Cu Cu Pbn+

Quinque orationes de laude r e g i a e d i g n i t a t i s . ·
. . Pp. 295-320 i n : Iohannes Thomas F r e i g i u s .
Quaestiones oeconomicae e t p o l i t i o a e ; cum a l i i s
quibusdam . . . doctorum virorum commentationibus.
B a s i l e a e : Sebastianus H e n r i c p e t r i , 1591» mense
martio. 8vo.

Copies: Pbn+


These are more o r a t i o n s l i k e those o f the
preceding e n t r y .

Quinque orationes de morali philosophia A r i s t o t e l i s
a quinque d i s c i p u l l s Audomari T a l a e i habitae
P a r i s i i s in s c h o l i s Picardorum quinto calend.
decemb. 1 5 4 8 · P a r i s i i s : M. David, 1548.
30 pp.

Contents: The following oratione presented as b y ,
or a t l e a s t d e l i v e r e d by, these students of Talon'β:
Petrus Masparautlus, Quod f e l i c i t a 3 ab A r l s t o t e l e
r e c t e d e f l n i a t u r ; Pranclscus Sevinus, Quod A r i s -
t o t e l e s non r e c t e f e l i c i t a t e m d e f i n i a t ; Ambrosius
B a l l e r i u s , Quod A r i s t o t e l i s doctrina de v i r t u t e
s i t l e g i t i m e e t v e r a ; Antonius Fouquelinus, Quod
A r i s t o t e l i s doctrina de v i r t u t e nec l e g i t i m e nec
vera s i t ; Claudius Dambraneus, Quails s i t A r i s t o -
t e l i s doctrina de moribus.

Kotes: Antonius Fouquelinus i s , of c o u r s e , Antoine

Fouquelin or F o e l i n , whose adaptation of the
Talon Rhetorica to French was published i n 1 5 5 5 a s
the companion piece to the f i r s t e d i t i o n of Ramus'
Dlalectlque. See 71, 74.

Copies: Pa Pbn


This i s the n e a r l y complete e d i t i o n of
Talon, not to be confused with the next two t i t l e s ,
of which t h i s t i t l e i s a kind of c o n f l a t i o n . This

c o l l e c t i o n omits only Talon's Address [on the
Study of Rhetoric] and h i s praelectlonea to
Ramus' D i a l e c t i c published with t h i s l a t t e r work.
The t i t l e of t h i s "portable Talon," like
that of the Opera e l e g . meth. p h l l . stud, pern,
below, seems to be an e f f o r t to echo the t i t l e of
Albert of Saxony's famous F e r u t l l l s l o g l c a .

Audomari Talaei quem Petri Rami Theseum dicere
iure poasis Opera Socraticae methodicaeque philo-
sophiae s t u d i o s i s pernecessaria . . . .
Basileae: ex o f f i c i n a Pernae per Conr[adum]
Vvaldkirch, 158J4.. 4to. [8]+6l4+I36] pp.

Contents: [Preliminary matter: preface signed

"Christiana« philosophiae studiosus"; dedicatory
verses].—Ciceronia De oratore . . . d i a l o g i tree
i l l u e t r a t i . — C i c e r o n i s Topica . . . i l l u s t r a t e . - -
Ciceronis De p a r t i t i o n e oratoria dialogue i l l u s -
tratus.--Academia.—In Academicum Ciceronis f r a g -
mentum e x p l i c a t i o . — In Lucullum Ciceronis.—
Ciceronis Paradoxa [ i l l u s t r a t e ] . — P r a e l e c t i o n e s in
Porphyrium.—Praelectiones i n primum A r i s t o t e l i s
Ethicum librum.—Rhetorica [with Ramus' preface

beginning "Habes, - Lector . . . .»" but without

Ramus' praelectlones].--Admonltio ad Turnebum

[really by Ramus].--Index.

Copies: Bu Cu Owo Pbn Psg STnu Vbv



See remarks with the preceding work.

Audomarl Talaei Praelectlones in Ciceronem, Por-

phyrii Isagogen, et Aristotelis primum librum

Ethicum . . . nunc dernum in usum Socraticae

phllosophlae studiosorum . . . editae [a Ioanne

Obsopoeo]. Francofurti: haeredes A. Wecheli,

1583. 8vo. [8]+1124+[IJ.6] pp.

Contents: After the preliminary matter {"Ioannes

Obsopoeus studioso lectori," and "Ad lectorem
Ioannes Martinus Oltingerus"), the same as in
751 except that the Rhetorica is omitted. The
works occur in a different order and with slightly
variant titles.

Copies: Bu Ku Lbm MA 3 Ob Opb Pbn

Su VIn Zz


This i s a more l i m i t e d s e l e c t i o n than the
foregoing c o l l e c t i o n s , q.v«

Audomarl T a l a e i quem P e t r i Rami Theseum d i c e r e
lure p o s s l s Opera e l e g a n t i o r l s methodicae p h i l o -
sophlae s t u d i o s i s p e r n e c e s s a r i a . [Ed. by Ioannes
Thomas F r e i g i u s . ] B a s l l e a e : Petrus Perna, 1 5 7 5 *
l|.to. [8]+706 pp. Table.

Contents; [Preliminary matter: " F r e i g l i P r a e f a t i o " ;

"Typographus l e c t o r i " ; dedicatory v e r s e s ] . —
Academia.—In Academlcum C l c e r o n i s fragmentum ex-
p l l c a t l o . — I n Lucullum Clceronis commentaril.—
C l c e r o n i s De oratore . . . d i a l o g i t r e s , A. T a l a e i
e x p l i c a t i o n i b u s i l l u s t r a t i . - - C l c e r o n i s . . . Toplca,
A. T a l a e i p r a e l e c t l o n i b u s explicata.—Clceronis
Paradoxa . . . A. T a l a e i comnentationlbus e x p l i c a t a . —

In primum A r i s t o t e l i s Ethicum librum.

Notes: Despite the s l i g h t l y varying t i t l e s , these

works are quite the same as the corresponding
items in 751-

Copies: Ba Bu Cu Dm Eu Hu Lbm
LVb MUs Ob Ob Occ Owa Pbn Pm Rbc
Rbn SAu Vbv

Opera e l e g a n t i o r i s methodicae philosophlae
studiosis pernecessaria. [Ed. by Ioannes Thomas
Freigiue.] B a s i l e a e : Petrus Perna, 157&· [8J+706 pp.

Copies: BAu Cu Cu GOu Gu HAk Ku

MAs Ob Oo Oq


Talon's defence of the Ramist philosophical
program i s here combined with h i s explanation of
C i c e r o ' s discussion o f philosophical schools. See

these separate works above.

Audomari Talaei Academia ; eiusdem In Academicum

Ciceronis fragmentum explicatio; item In Lucullum

comnentarii . . . . Parisiis: M. David, 1550»

id. mail. in 8«s. 74+[2]+122+[10] pp.

Notes: In Luc, coram, has a separate title-page

(Pari3iis: M. David, 1550) and separate pagination

(pp. [1]-122), but the index which follows, pp.

[1]+[10] includes all three parts.

Copies: BEs (Bu—In Luc, only) Cch

(Ck—In Luc, only) Eni (Lbm—Acad, and In Acad,

only) MoSlI Müs? Oas Ob Ob Occh Occh

Pbn Psc PVu Rbn Vln Zz_

Academia; eiusdem in Academicum Ciceronis frag-

mentum explicatio ; item in Lucullum commentarii

. . . . Parisiis: Ludovicus C-randinus, 1550. in 8's. 74+[2]+122+[10] pp.

Notes; The same separate title-page, etc., as in

the 1550 David issue above.

Copies: Müs? Ob


See the preceding entry.


Audomarl T a l a e i Academia; eiusdem I n Academicum

C l c e r o n i s fragmentum e x p l i c a t i o . L u t e t i a e : Μ.

David, 151+.7. 8vo. 47+tl]+87+[l] PP·

Copies: Müs Ob Pa Pm Psc Rba



P e t r i Rami . . . e t Audomari T a l a e i Collectaneae

praefationea, epistolae, orationes . . . . - -

Same as 717 ( 1 5 7 7 ) .


P. Rami . . . et A. Talaei Collectaneae prae-

fationes, epistolae, orationes . . . . —

Same as 718 (1599)·

P. Rami . . . et Α. Talaei Collectaneae prae-

fationes, epistolae, orationes. —

Same as 719 (I609).

Motes: As noted in the Ramus section of the

Inventory, the existence of this edition is

doubtful. No attempt is made to include its

hypothetical parts in the listings of the indivi-

dual works above.


Out of the works in the foregoing Inventory,

there grow the Ramist controversies which divided
Cambridge University and many continental universities
against themselves and which are referred to in Perry
Miller, The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century,
ill Miss Tuve's Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery,
in Miss Seaton's edition of Abraham Fraunce's Arcadian
Rhetorike, in Peter Munz, Hooker in the History of
Thought, and in countless works on Edmund Spenser, John
Milton, and other Elizabethans and Jacobeans, not to
mention the Parnassus plays, works of Marlowe and Jonson,
and unnumbered contemporary sources· Most of these con-
troversies have never really been studied, and the very
sequence of the attacks and counter-attacks involved has
remained baffling, even to the authors of the recent
studies just cited.

The controversies proliferate endlessly and con-

tinue to echo, particularly out of the German Ramist
milieu and through Kant, into our own day. I do not
pretend to Include all the Ramist disputes here, but
only to indicate the sequence of the various works in the
initial controversies and to locate copies of each work
(except those by Ramus himself, already located in the
foregoing Inventory). These initial controversies form

rather tidy units and hence invite further study by those
interested in the formation of the modern mind and sensi-
bility. Countless individual attacks on Ramus or de-
fences of his stands, such as Jean Dorat's or William
Ames's, invite no special listing in series with other
worke and are so numerous that they cannot possibly be
attended to here· Many works of such a sort are touched
on in Waddington or in my own work, Ramus, Method and the
Decay of Dialogue which this Inventory supplements.

The presence of an unusually large number of the

works here listed in the library of Trinity College,
Dublin, is itself a relic of the Ramist controversies,
being due to the Ramist controversialist Sir William
Temple (the elder, 1555-1627), Sir Philip Sidney's secre-
tary, who served as fourth provost of Trinity College.
The controversies to which attention is called
are, then, the following, in the order in which they de-
veloped (all the works were first published at Paria
unlese otherwise indicated).


The attack on Ramus by another Paris teacher of
logic (later jurist) whose logical works had pre-
ceded Ramus· own reform. There are a good many
recent Portuguese studies of Antonio de Gouveia,
traceable through the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon.

ca. 1540· Antonio de Gouveia publishes various

logical works, including his De conclusionlbus llbellus,

which he later lists among the worke that he maintains
Ramus drew on for his 15^3 attacks on Aristotle—see
Gouveia, Pro Arlstotele responslo (l543)t fol. 2. In his
introductory life of Gouveia in Gouveia's Opera lurldlca,
phllologlca, phllosophlca (Roterodami, 1766), which does
not include the De conclusionlbus llbellus, Jacob van
Vaassen cites (p. 29) two editions of this latter work:
Paris, Morellus, 15^0 (already the third edition), and
Paris, Guillielmus Le Bret, 1545· I cannot say where
copies are located. There are none of any edition in the
British Museum or in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris.

5^-3 Ramus, Dlaleotlcae partltlones (later
called Dlalectlcae instltutlones) and Arlstotellcae
animadverslones, which draw on Gouveia, the latter main-
tains .

Gouveia, Pro Aristotele responslo adversus

P. Rami calumnlas . • • Copies in Lbm, Pbn, Pm. This
precipitates the suit of the University against Ramus, in
which Gouveia served as one of the anti-Ramus members of
the commission. This work is reprinted in Gouveia, Opera
lurldica, phllologlca, phllosophlca (Roterodami, 1 7 6 6 ) ,
pp. 785-815--copies in CtY, Lbm, MoSU, Pbn; and, in fac-
simile from the 15^3 edition with a not too satisfactory

Portuguese t r a n s l a t i o n and introduction by the n o v e l i s t
Aquilino R i b e i r o , as Antonio de Gouveia, Em p r o ! de
A r i s t d t e l e s (Lisbon: L i v r a r i a Bertrand, 1 9 ^ 0 ) . For a
c r i t i q u e of the t r a n s l a t i o n , see A. Soarez P i n h e i r o , "0
l i v r a 'Responsio' de Antonio de Gouveia, traduzido por
Aquilino R i b e i r o , B r o t ^ r l a (Lisbon), XXXII (1941)»


ANTI-CICERONIANISM (1543 AND 1547).—Joachim de
Perion, Benedictine doctor of theology, extreme
H e l l e n i s t , and propounder of not a few f a l s e
etymologies, defends the ancients against Ramus.
Less s o l i d l y learned than Gouveia, he i s a more
florid orator.

1543· Ramus, D l a l e c t l c a e p a r t i t lone a ( D l a l e c -

t i c a e i n s t l t u t i o n e s ) and A r l s t o t e l l c a e anlmadversiones.

1543· Perion, Pro A r l s t o t e l e i n Petrum Ramum

oratlones I I ; elusdem De d l a l e c t l c a l i b e r I . Copies in
Pbn and Pm, but the Pbn copy contains only the f i r s t
oration against A r i s t o t l e and nothing more. The f i r s t
and second o r a t i o n s can both be found i n Perion, De
d l a l e c t l c a l i b r i I I I ; elusdem Oratlones duae pro A r l s -
t o t e l e . . . in Petrum Ramum; C a e l l i Secundi Curlonis in

eosdem P e r i o n l l De d l a l e c t i c a l l b r o s . . . . 15^-9

B a s l e e d i t i o n i n Cu; [ 1 5 5 4 J B a s l e E d i t i o n i n Pbn. The

Pbn copy of P e r i o n , Oratio i n Iacobum Ludolcum Strebaeum

. . . elusdem Oratlonea I I pro A r l s t o t e l e In Petrum Ramum

( 1 5 5 1 ) does not c o n t a i n e i t h e r of the two o r a t i o n s

a g a i n s t Ramus which i t s t i t l e mentions.

15^7· Ramus, B r u t l n a e q u a e s t l o n e s in Oratorem


1547· P e r i o n , Pro C i c e r o n i s Oratore c o n t r a

Petrum Ramum o r a t i o . Copies i n Pbn and MoSU.


TARY BY RABELAIS (1551» with some p r e p a r a t i o n
e a r l i e r ) . — T h i s d i s p u t e shows how f a r Ramus'
a t t a c k s were f e l t not i n terms of philosophical
i s s u e s but i n terms of curriculum d e s i g n . It is
only h e r e , a s an a d m i n i s t r a t i v e q u a r r e l , t h a t the
Ramist l s e u e s c a t c h the eye of R a b e l a i s . Nancel,
P e t r i Rami v i t a (1599), pp. 66-67, n o t e s t h a t
Galland and Ramus had made up with one another
b e f o r e Ramus' d e a t h .

15^2· As r e c t o r of the U n i v e r s i t y of Paris,

P i e r r e G a l l a n d goes on r e c o r d as opposing the s h o r t e n i n g
of the philosophy c o u r s e . See Du B o u l a y , H i s t o r l a Unl-

v e r s i t a t l s P a r l s l e n a l s ( 1 6 6 5 - 7 3 ) . V I , 381.

15^3. Galland p u b l i s h e s , with commentary, an

e d i t i o n of Q j i l n t i l i a n , Oratorlorum lnatltutlonum l l b r l
XII . . . . Copy in Cu. Often r e p r i n t e d .

151^9. Ramus, Rhetorlcae d l a t i n c t l o n e s In Quln-

tlllanum. An a t t a c k on Q u i n t l l i a n , with no d i r e c t r e f e r -
ence to contemporary coimnentators, but with many remarks
on how to design a curriculum.

1551· Ramus, Pro phllosophlca Parlslensla

Adacemlae d l a c l p l l n a o r a t i o , n i l s work favors shortening
the a r t s course and making I t p o s s i b l e to o b t a i n the M.A.
around the age o f fourteen or f i f t e e n ·

1551· Galland, Contra novam academlam P e t r i

Rami o r a t i o . . . . Copy In Pbn. This e d i t i o n was
followed the same year by an θνο e d i t i o n , a l s o published
a t P a r i s , which i s quite the same but with the a l t e r e d
t i t l e , Pro schola P a r l s l e n s l contra novam academlam P e t r i
Rami o r a t i o . . . . and the t i t l e - p a g e motto added,
"Aperit Ramum qui v e s t e l a t e b a t . " Copies I n CtY, Cu,
Lbm, MoSU, Ob, Pbn, Pv. In t h i s defense o f the u n i v e r s i t y
curriculum, Galland remarlcs In passing ( f o l . 9) t h a t
Ramus' books should be read f o r amusement " a s the vernac-
u l a r books of the r i d i c u l o u s Pantagruel."

1552. R a b e l a i s , in h i s new prologue to Book IV
of Pantagruel, eludes i d e n t i f i c a t i o n with e i t h e r s i d e ,
pokes fun at the two P i e r r e s , and proposes as the only
p o s s i b l e solution to the quarrel the t o t a l " p e t r i f a c t i o n "
of both of them.


AND 1564-67.—This controversy i s intimately t i e d
in with the development of Ramus' own stands and
with h i s r e v i s i o n s of some of h i s works. See a l s o
The Ramus-Charpentier l i t i g a t i o n over mathematics
here below.

1543-47· Ramus, D l a l e c t l c a e p a r t l t i o n e s (Dlalectlcae

l n s t l t u t l o n e s ) and A r l s t o t e l i c a e animadversiones, the
former, a f t e r two other r e v i s i o n s , appearing in 1547 ( t h i s
time under Talon's name) as Institutlonum dialectlcarum
libri tres. See in Ramus s e c t i o n of the Inventory.

1554· Jacques Charpentier (Carpentarius),

Animadversiones in l l b r o s tre3 dialectlcarum institutlonum
Petri Rami. In t h i s work, in order to point out Ramus'
i n c o n s i s t e n c i e s , Charpentier r e f e r s by number to seven
d i f f e r e n t e d i t i o n s of Ramus' work, c i t i n g some of Ramus'
d i v i s i o n s of h i s material from most of these e d i t i o n s and
thus making i t easy to I d e n t i f y them today. Copy in Pm.
Pbn (microfilm in NNC) and Dt have copies of a 1555

edition, like the present 1554 c °Py a of
printed by Thomas Richardus at Paris--perhaps a reissue.

1555. Ramus, Dlalectlque, further revising

Ramus' earlier stands. See in the Ramus and Talon sec-

tion of the Inventory.

1556. Ramus, Dlalecticae librl duo, Audomarl

Talael praelectlonibus llluatratl, embodying still fur-

ther revisions which are explained at length by the

praelectlones. See in the Ramus section of the Inventory·

1557. Ramus, Quod sit unlc^foctrlna lnetltu-

endae methodus. The appearance of this monograph excerpt

is a tacit avowal that the whole Ramist issue is one of

method. More than that, it is the most explicit indica-

tion we have that the Renaissance attacks on scholastic

method are themselves in great part the direct result of

the central tradition of arts course scholasticism. See

this work in the Ramus section of the Inventory.

156I4.. Charpentier, Disputatio de methodo, quod

unica non alt, contra Thessalum Academiae Pariaiensls

methodlcum • . . selecta ex elusdem commentarlls in

Alclnol Institutionen! ad doctrlnam Platonls. Copies in

Dt and Pbn. Thessalus, whose case is detailed in Galen,

De methodo medendi i 2, was one of the founders of the

medical sect of "Methodists" (methodlcl). He maintained

that medicine surpassed all the other arts and that he
surpassed all other physicians. The Theasalus of
this title is Raraus (fols. 4 ff·» and preface).

156I4.. Arnaud (later Cardinal) d'Ossat, Expoaitlo

In Dlaputatlonem Iacobl Carpentarll de methodo. Copies In
MoSU and Pbn. A defence of Ramus, often reprinted.

1561).. Charpentier, Ad Expositionem Disputa-

tlonls contra Thessalum Ossatum Academlae Parlsiensla
methodlcum responaio. Copiea in Pbn. Charpentier
here extenda the epithet Theaaalua to Oasat aa well.

1561).. Oasat, Addltio ad Exposltlonem de methodo.

Copies in Pbn.

By 1565. Adrien TurnSbe (d. 1565), De metnodo

llbellus, first publiahed posthumously in 1600 in Paris.

In this work, the by-product of the Ramus-Charpentier-Ossat

controversies, TurnSbe, after expressing ironically his ad-

miration for Ramus, goes on to attack circumstantially

Ramus 1 position that there is only one method of teaching.

Copies in Lbm, MoSU®, and Pbn. This work has been trans-

lated into English, with parallel Latin text, by Frederick

E. Brenk, S.J., in an unpublished Master's thesis, Department

of Classical Languages, St. Louis University, 1956.


1550-51+. See the Ramus section of the Inventory,

Audomarl Talaei Admonltlo ad Turnebum.


THE "FRIPPELIPI^UE" LITERATURE (1566-60).-- A sequel

to the Charpentier-Ossat controversy on method, i n
which the philosophical i s s u e s are occluded by per-
sonal recriminations terminating i n f i n e scurrility.
Nancel, P e t r i Rami v i t a (1599)» P · 63, notes t h a t
Charpentier was j a i l e d once f o r p u b l i c l y c a l l i n g
Ramus a Theodorus or Diagorus (the i m p l i c a t i o n being
" a t h e i s t " i n the s i x t e e n t h - c e n t u r y meaning o f t h i s
Only the c e n t r a l works published by Ramus and
Charpentier, or more or l e s s in t h e i r names, are
given h e r e . For a s s o c i a t e d documents, see Waddington,
pp. l 6 8 f f , and Abel L e f r a n c , H l s t o l r e du College de
France ( P a r i s , 1 8 9 3 ) , ΡΡ· 2 l 6 f f .
This l i t i g a t i o n opens when Ramus, dean o f the
regius p r o f e s s o r s , suggests to the new regiua p r o f e s -
sor o f mathematics, a S i c i l i a n named Dampestre
Cosel, how he should conduct h i s l e c t u r e s — t h a t is,
not i n the old fashion by explaining the Sphere o f
Ioannis a Sacrobosco ( o r Holywood), b u t , by taking
advantage of new mathematical i n t e r e s t s , particularly
by explaining E u c l i d , übe new r e g i u s p r o f e s s o r did
not follow Ramus' suggestion, and Ramus secured a
decree from the P a r i s Parlement to the e f f e c t t h a t
the new p r o f e s s o r of mathematics undergo a public
examination i n mathematics. Ramus wrote a t the same
time to the King, the Queen Mother, and members o f

the P r i v y Council f o r b a c k i n g . Soon Dampestre Cosel

not o n l y r e s i g n e d , but r e s i g n e d h i s c h a i r i n t o the

hands of a s u c c e s s o r , d e s i g n a t e d by h i m s e l f , Jacques


C h a r p e n t i e r was a popular l e c t u r e r i n a r t s , but

had no p a r t i c u l a r knowledge of mathematics e x c e p t

t h a t which could be deduced from the g e n e r a l p r i n -

c i p l e t h a t , mathematics being p a r t of "philosophy,"

which was i n turn p a r t of the a r t s c o u r s e , all

masters of a r t s knew mathematics. Hence, Ramus

t r a n s f e r r e d h i s a t t a c k to C h a r p e n t i e r . The sequence

of the c e n t r a l p r i n t e d documents which r e s u l t e d is

as f o l l o w s :

1566. C h a r p e n t i e r , Orationea t r e s pro i u r e

p r o f e s s i o n ! 3 suae i n Senatu e x tempore h a b l t a e , contra

lmportunas Rami a c t i o n e s . Copies i n Cu, Dt, NH, Pbn.

The o r a t i o n s are dated r e s p e c t i v e l y 7 i d · m a r t . , 5 i d -

m a r t . , and $ i d . m a r t .

1566. Ramus, A c t i o n e s duae mathematicae. See

the Ramus s e c t i o n of the I n v e n t o r y . These are dated

r e s p e c t i v e l y March 11 and March 1 3 .

1566. C h a r p e n t i e r , I a c o b l C a r p e n t a r i l Contra

lmportunas Rami a c t i o n e s , Senatus d e c r e t o nuper c o n f l r m a t l

o r a t i o , h a b l t a i n i t i o p r o f e s s i o n i s In a u d l t o r i o r e g i o

anno 1566, calend. April. Copies In Cu, Dt, NN, Pbn.
Under a t i t l e In which he gloats over the decision In his
favor by the Paris Parlement, Charpentier cries that
reglus professors should never be attacked, even were
they completely i l l i t e r a t e , and even by other regius
professors, for the reason that they are what they are—
appointees of the king.

1567. Ramus, Prooemlum mathematician. See Ramus

section of the Inventory. Not expressly controversial
i t s e l f , this work i s included in this sequence because i t
Is singled out for attack in the Phlllpplca secunda below.

1567. Charpentier, Admonitlo ad Thesaalum

Academiae Parisil3 methodicum de aliquot capltlbus
Pyooemll mathematicl, quae contlnet eiusdem Carpentarll
praelectlones in sphaeram. Copies In Dt and Pbn.
Charpentier's lectures on mathematics after becoming
regius professor in 1566, to which i s prefixed an attack
on Ramus and his mathematical views.

1567· [Jean Picard? or another of Charpen-

t i e r ' s friends.] In Petri Rami lnsolentlsslmum decan-
atum; graviaaim! culusdam oratorls phlllpplca prima e
quatuordeclm. Copy in Pbn. At this stage, a l l serious
question of method i s submerged in pure s c u r r i l i t y .

1567. [Ramus? Or, much more probably one of his
friends·] Pour un liart d'antidote contre le frippelipique
du Bavart l'estourdy, See in the Ramus section of the In-

1567. [Jean Picard? or another of Charpentier's

friends.] In Petri Rami insolent!salmum deoanatum
gravlssimi ciuisdam oratoris phillpplca secunda. Copy in
Pbn. This second philippic is fortunately the last which
appeared of the fourteen threatened in the title above·

1567 (1568). Ramus, La Remonstrance de Pierre de la

Ramrfe falte au Consell prlve . . . le 18 de Ianvler 1567
[i.e., 1568]. See in the Ramus and Talon section of the


the elder (l539?-l6o6) was a famous Paris physi-
cian, whose still more famous son, also named Jean
(1580-1657), was William Harvey's most distinguished
adversary. Riolan's attack on Ramus consists of
one work only, and it elicited apparently no direct
reply, but the attack itself grows out of a series
of works by Riolan, apparently done while he was
teaching as Master of Arts and studying medicine.
The series i s worth studying, as it shows a con-
temporary critique of Ramism arising directly out
of a positive and quite sensitively presented view

of philosophical development« Riolan's Opera omnia
(Paris, l 6 l 0 ) f a i l s to include a l l the works c i t e d
Some of Riolan's medical works feature the
term bene in a way which suggests that the Ramist
tradition d i r e c t l y or i n d i r e c t l y overtook him a f t e r
a l l — f o r example h i s Ars bene medendl ( P a r i s , l 6 0 1 ) .

1562. Riolan. Brevls e t f a c l l i s lsagoge in

unlversam phllosophlam. Copy In Pbn. This work discus-
ses P l a t o ' s confusion of d i a l e c t i c and metaphysics,
Cicero's confusion of l o g i c and d i a l e c t i c , etc.

1565« Riolan. Dlsputatlones duae, una de

orlglne, a l t e r a de incremento e t decremento phlloaophlae
. . . ; qulbus a c c e s s i t Comparatlo d l a l e c t l c a e e t logicae
ex Stolcorum, Platonlcorum, e t Perlpatetlcorum p l a c a t l a .
Copy in Pbn. Both parts are also printed in Riolan's
Propaedeumata phllosophica ( P a r i s , 1631)—copy in Pbn.
The f i r s t of these works I s part of the massive l i t e r a t u r e
concerned with time and h i s t o r i c a l epochs with which the
l a t e r work of Giovanni B a t t l s t e Vlco connects but which i s
now largely unknown because in Latin (and often by doctors
of medicine rather than by full-time philosophers).

1568. Riolan. Ad Dlalecticam P [ e t r i j Rami una

ex praelectlonlbus Io[annls] Rlolanl eo docente raptlm

excrlpta. Copy in Pbn. Printed also in Riolan's Pro-

paedeumata phllosophlca (Paris, l631)--copy in Pbn. A

telling critique, based on an historical approach to

early philosophers.


1569. See the Ramus section of the Inventory,

Petri Rami et Iacobi Schecii eplstolae. This is

an important dispute, and the one directly re-

sponsible for Ramus' 1572 revision of his

Dialectic, with its shifts in his treatment of

"axioms" and method.


VERSY ON METHOD, 1579-83.--This first large-scale

controversy after Ramus' death is coincident with

the rooting of Ramiem in the English and Rhineland

milieux* There are frequent reprintings particu-

larly of Temple's and Piscator's contributions to

the dispute—often in conjunction with an edition

of Ramus' Dialectic (see the listings under this

work in the Inventory).

The controversy is wordy, rhetorical, and,

between Digby and Temple, scurrilous—Digby is a

Latin Tom Hashe, Temple a Latin Gabriel Harvey.

157 9. London. Everard Digby, Thaoria a n a l y t l c a

vlam ad monarchiam sclentlarum demonstrana . . . in t r e s

l l b r o 3 dlgeata. Copies in Cu, Lbm, MoSUm, Ob. This i s

an attempt to c l a s s i f y the s c i e n c e s which i s in s p i r i t

a t polar opposites to the Ramist m e n t a l i t y , s i n c e i t r e -

l i e s l a r g e l y on iconography, or exegesis o f p i c t o r i a l
symbols, r a t h e r than on t a b l e s o f dichotomies. It is
noteworthy t t e t in t h i s p r e - G a l i l e a n , non-mechanized
world, i t i s quite impossible to think o f s c i e n t i f i c or
philosophical "systems"; the more archaic "way" ( v i a ) is
the favored concept.

1580, London. Digby, De d u p l i c l methodo l l b r i

duo, unlearn P [ e t r i ] Rami methodum r e f u t a n t e s . . . .
Copies in Lbm, Ob, MoSU1". Reprinted: Francofurdi, Ioannea
Wechelus, lf>09—copy in MBw.

1580, London. William Temple ( 1 5 5 5 - 1 6 2 7 ) , w r i t -

ing under the paeudonym Pranciscus Mildapettus Nevarrenus
(Ramus' e a r l y studies a t Paris had been a t the College o f
Navarre), Ad Everardum Dlgbelum Anglmn admonltlo de unlca
P [ e t r l ] Rani methodo r e l e c t l s c e t e r i s r e t l n e n d l a . Copy
in Lbm; o f t e n reprinted (copy in MoSlP). Dedicated to
P h i l i p Howard, Earl of Arundel.

I58O, London. Digby, Admonitlonl F r a n c l s c i

Mildapetti responslo. Copies in Ob, MoSU111.

1580, Frankfort-on-the-!*a i n . Iohannes
P i s c a t o r , In P [ e t r i ] Rami Dialecticam anlmadverslones » .
. . Often r e p r i n t e d . See in the Ramus and Talon sec-
t i o n of the Inventory under e d i t i o n s of D i a l e c t i c s .

1581, London. Temple, Pro Mlldapettl de unica

methodo defenslone contra Diplodophllum [ i . e . , Dlgby]
comnentatlo; hue a c c e s s i t nonullarum e t p h y s l c l s e t
e t h l c l s e x p l l c a t l o una cum e p i s t o l a de Rami d l a l e c t i c a ad
Ioannem Plscatorem Argentlnensem. Here Temple continues
h i s f i g h t against Dlgby with one hand and engages P i s c a t o r
with the o t h e r . He acknowledges that he i s Mildapettus,
and dedicates t h i s work, too, to the Earl of Arundel.
Copies in Cu, MH, Pm; often reprinted (copy inMoSU m ).

1582, Frankfort. Temple, E p i s t o l a de D i a l e c t i c s

P [ e t r l ] Rami ad Ioan[nem] Plscatorem una cum I o a n [ n l s ]
P l s c a t o r i s ad 111am eplst[olam] responsione. Copies in
Pbn, MoSIf. So f a r as I can f i n d , t h i s i e the f i r s t
printing of Temple's E p i s t o l a . Often r e p r i n t e d .

1582, Prankfort. P i s c a t o r , Responslo ad

Gullelml Tempelll eplstolam, published with Temple's
Epl s t o l a in the immediately foregoing work. Copies in
Pbn, Mo SU01· P i s c a t o r ' s Responslo i s dated Moersae
(Mors), 6 o c t . 1581. Often r e p r i n t e d .

1583, London. Richard Harvey, Ephemeron, alve

paean In gratiam perpurgatae reformataeque dialecticae,

ad noblllaalmum Robertum Eaaexlae comltem, llluatrlsaimae
apel Dominum. Copiea in Ob and Pbn. Thia work conaista
of fifteen dialoguea treating of the reform of dialectic,
followed by an epilogue and a further "Elegia phlloaophlca"
both in praiae of Ramua' dialectic.

1583, Frankfort. Piacator, Petri Rami Dlalac-

tlcae llbrl duo, Audomarl Talaei praelectlonibus lllus-
tratl . . . emendati per Iohannem Piacatorem ....
See in the Ramua and Talon aection of the Inventory under

1^8ij., Cambridge. Temple, Eplatolae de P[etrlJ

Rami Dlalectica contra Iohannis Piacatorla Reaponalonem
defenaio, appearing in P[etrl] Rami Dlalectlcae librl duo,
achollla Gulllelmi Tempelll Cantabrlgienaia llluatrati;
qulbua acceaalt eodem auctore De Porphyrlanla Praedlca-
blllbua dlaputatlo, item Eplatolae de P[etrl] Rami Dlalec-
tica contra Iohannia Piacatorla Reaponalonem defenaio . .
. . Apparently the flrat book printed by a bona fide
Cambridge Unlveraity printer. Often reprinted (copy In
M0SU111). See In the Ramua and Talon aection of the Inven-
tory under Dlalectlca.

1595, Hanau (near- P ' r a n k f o r t ) . p i s c a t o r , In
P e t r i Rami D i a l e c t i c a e l i b r o s duos • . • s c h o l i a . See i n
the Ramus s e c t i o n of the Inventory under D i a l e c t i c ^ .


The p r e c i s e r e l a t i o n s h i p of most of t h e s e a u t h o r s t o
Ramus and Ramism can g e n e r a l l y be a s c e r t a i n e d through
the other works i n the p r e s e n t I n v e n t o r y , or through
Qng, Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, and the
b i b l i o g r a p h y t h e r e , or through t h e l a r g e r b i o g r a p h i c a l
d i c t i o n a r i e s — m o s t v a l u a b l e here i s C h r i s t i a n G o t t l i e b
J ö c h e r , Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon (4 v o l s . ; 1750-51)
with i t s supplements (7 V o l s . ; 1784-1897)—and t h e c a t a -
logues of t h e o l d e r European l i b r a r i e s . I n t h e case of
English Ramists, t h e p r i n c i p a l work t o c o n s u l t i s Wilbur
Samuel Howell, Logic and R h e t o r i c i n England, 1500-1700
( P r i n c e t o n , New J e r s e y , 1956).
This l i s t has been made a s complete a s p o s s i b l e , b u t
more names could be adoed i n d e f i n i t e l y i f one wished t o
extend the l i m i t s of what one means by a " s y n c r e t i s t " —
everyone who today uses t h e n o t i o n of " l o g i c a l a n a l y s i s , "
once a d i s t i n c t i v e Raraist s p e c i a l t y , has a l i t t l e of t h e
Ramist in him. I n g e n e r a l , t h i s l i s t includes only those
whoae w r i t i n g s involve them more or l e s s e x p l i c i t l y with
Ramism when t h i s was a d i s t i n c t i v e l i v i n g f o r c e and i s s u e .

Those who simply differ with Hamus without entering
more or less explicitly into controversy with Ramism,
and major philosophical figures such as Leibnitz and
Kant, who very likely felt the omnipresent influence
of German Ramism but in an as yet undetermined way, are
mostly not listed. Similarly, printers and non-literary
figures such as James Stewart, Earl of Mar and Moray, or
the Earl of Essex, and others like these trained in
Ramism but with no Ramist or Ramist-colored works to
their credit, are ordinarily not listed. Waddington's
fantastic principle (in his Ramus, p. 392) that all anti-
Aristotelians ipso facto qualify as Ramists is, of course,
not honored here.

Since the concept of "being" a Ramist or a non-Ramist

is often a fugitive one, the following designations are
to be understood as approximate only;
R Ramist, at least in general tendency
A, at least in general tendency
S Semi-Ramist or syncretist of seme sort, that is,
one professing to hold a combination of Aristotle's
and Ramus' philosophy (dialectic or logic), or of
Melanchthon·s and Ramus* (Hiilippo-Ramists) or
otherwise showing Ramist affinities (as Professor
Howell's "Uixts" and "Systematics")

(3) Individual whose works show some Haraist
a f f i n i t i e s , but rather l e s s than in the
case of S
Dates in parentheses indicate a date (generally
the e a r l i e s t I have) of publication o f a work con-
cerned with Ramism by the individual in question or
of a work or document indicating his connection
with Raraisra. Such dates are supplied only for some
of those whose connection with hamlsm or whose e n t i r e
careers are r a t h e r obscure.
Acontius see Contio

Aelhuysen (Aalhuysen, Alhuysen) Jan van

f l . I66I4 (16614.) R
Aguin (Aguinus), Antoine b. c a . 1536?
(15W) ~ R
Aldrich, Henry lt47~1710 (S)
Alexander (Alexandre), Bartholomaeus (15W*) R
Alhuysen see Aelhuysen
A l s i n o i s , l e Comte d· see Denisot
Aisted (Aletedt, A l s t e d l u s ) , Johann Heinrich
1588-1658 R
Althusius (Althaus, Althusen), Johann 1557?-1638 R
Ames (Amesius), William 1576-1633 R
Aretius (Marti), Benedictus 1505-7I4. (1571) S?
Armlnius (Hermanns), Jacob 1560-1609 s
Arnauld, Antoine 1612-94 A (S)

Arthus (Arthusius), Gothardus 1570-ca. 1630

(1601;) S

Aschara, Roger 1515-60 (S)

Asseline, Eustache
a Saneto Paulo) (in religion, iSustachius
fl. 1611-34 (164Ö) (S)

Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam and Viscount

St. Albans 1561-1621 A

Balf, Antoine de 1532-U9 (S)?

Ballerius, Ambrosius b. ca. 1535? U54Ö) R

Ballerius, Franciscus b. ca. 1536? U5M*) R

(1576)(de Banos), Theophilus (Th6ophile) R

Barnsus (Barnes?), Ioannes (15^4) R?

Barton, John fl. 1634 (1634) R

Baxter, Nathaniel fl. 1606 (15^5) R

Bedwell, William d. 1632 (I636) R

Bellarmine, Robert Cardinal 1542-1621 A?

Belleau, Remi 1520-77 (1555) (S)?

Belloni (Bellonius), Jean d. 1623 R? S?

Berckringer, Daniel d. I667 A

Bergeron (Bergeronius, Bergeronus), Nicolas

fl. 1577-00 (1577) R

Berstorpius, Chunradus (1620) R

Beuraler (Beumlerus,
Marcus Beumlerus
15Ö0-1611 Tigurinus),
(159Ö) R
Beurhaus (Beurhusius), Friedrich 1536-1609
(15Ö1) Ρ

Beza, Theodor 1519-1605 (1569) A

Bilaten (Bilstenlus), Johann fl. 1596
(1596) S
Bisterfeld (Biesterfeld, Blsterfeldlus),
Johann Heinrich d. 1655 Β
Blount, Thomas 1618-79 (S)
Blundevllle, Thomas fl. 1561-99 A
Bodln, Jean 1520-96 (3)
Bomont, Jean de fl. 1544 (151+4) R
Botvldus (Bothvldus), Iohannes d. 16-35
(1613) R
Boucher, Nicolas 1528-93 (1562) A
fl. ca.(Brederodius),
1590 Pleter Cornells van R
Breithaupt (Breithauptlue), Christianus
1689-1749 (1712) S
Brendel (Brendellus), Zacharlas 1553-1626
(1580) A
Brerewood (Bryervood), Edward 15657-1613 A
Bressleu (Bresslue), Maurice fl. 1576-88
(1576) R
Briggs, Henry 1561-1630 R
Brocense see Sanchez
Broscius, I. fl. 1638 (1652) A
Brown, Robert 15507-1633 R
Bru&s, Guy de fl. 1555-57 (1555) (S)? A
Bruno, Giordano 1548-1600 A
Bryerwood see Brerewood
Buchanan, George 1506-82 (1569?) R?

Bullinger ( B u l l i n g e r u s ) , Heinrich 1501^-75
(157D S?
Buraann (Bumannus), Karl fl. 1598-1610
(1605) R
Burgersdijk ( B u r g e r s d i c i u s ) , Eranco (Franconus)
1590-1636 (S)
Burkius (Burk? Burke?), Leonardus
(1616, 1631) R?

Burnath, G i l b e r t (16I4.9) R?
Buecher (Büschems), Heizo f l . 1590 R
B u t l e r , Charles (Charls) d. I6I4.7 R
Calovius (Kalau), Abraham 1612-86 A
Calvin, Jean (1509-6^) (S)?
Carpentarius see Charpentier
Carpenter, Nathaniel 1589-1628? 3
Case, John d. 1600 (1598) S?
Casmann (Casmannus), Otto d. 1607 S
Cassandre (Cassander), Francois d. 1693 A?
Castelnau, Michel de 1520-92 (1581) R
Cayet, Pierre-Victor-Palma 1525-1610 3?
Chaderton ( C h a t t e r t o n ) , Laurence 15367-1614.0 R
Chamberhouse see Docwra
Chappell, William 1582-I6I4.9 S
Charpentier (Carpentarius), Jacques 152I4.-7i|. A
Choirus (Schneeberger), Petrus 1535-1619 R
Chytraeus (Kochhaff, Kochhafe), David
1531-1600 Η

Clarke, John fl. 1628 A
Clarke, John fl. I636 (1636) R
Combach (Corabachius), Johann 1585-1651 S?
Coraenius see Komensky
Congregation of the Oratory, French see
Contlo (Acontlus), Giacomo d. ca. 1565 3?
Cosel see Dampestre Cosel
Cossart (Cossartlus), Gabriel 1615-74
(1651) A
Cragius see Krag
Cramer, Andreas 1582-1640 (1618) S
Cramer, Christopher fl. 1600 (1600) S
Cramer, Johann 1530-1602 R
Crug (Crugius), Nicolaus 1575-1648 (1606) S?
Dambraneus, Claudius b. ca. 1535? (1548) R
Dampestre Cosel, Jean fl. 1566 (1566) A
Denis, Pierre 1497-1577 (1567) A
Dannhauer (Dannhauerus), Johann Konrad
1603-66 (1740) 3
Day, Angell fl. 1586 A
Deckher (Deckherus), Conrad d. 1620 (1620) S?
Degen see Schegk
Denisot, Nicolas 1515-59 (1555) (3)?
Descartes, Ren6 1596-1650 (3)
(1555) (des Mazures), Louis 1510-60 (S)?

Diest, Heinrich 1595-1673 S
Dietrich (Dieterich, Dietericus, Theodoricus)
Conrad 1575-1639 S
Digby (Digbeius—called "Diplodophilus," i.e.,
"Double-Method-Lover" by William Temple),
Everard fl. 1590 (1580) A
Diplodophilus see Digby
Docura de Chatnberhouse see Docwra
Docwra (Dowkra, Dockwra, Dockquerye, Docura)
of Chamberhouse, Edmund (Edmundus)
(1571»·) R*
Dorat, Jean 1508-88 A
Down ham (Downame, Dounamus), George d. 163^4- R
Du Beilay, Joachim 1522-60 (1555) (S)?
Dubreuil (Dubrelliua), Claude b. ca. 1536?
(151+8) — R
Duchesne (& Quercu), L6ger (Ludovicus or
Leodegarius) d. 1588 A
Dudicius, Andreas (1580) R
Dugard (Du-Gard, Dugardus), William 1606-82 R
Du Mesnil (Menilius), Baptiste d. 1569 S?
Du Monstier
1617-90 (Du(1651)
Moustier), Francois
* R
Du Moustier see Du Monstier
Dyer, Edward d. 1607 (ca. 1580) 3?
Ebel (Ebelius), Kaspar 1595-1661+ (161+0) 3
Elizabeth I of England 1533-1603 (1585) (a)?
Enyedi, Caspar R. (1658) R

Krythropel (Krythropilus, Rothuet), Rupert
1556-1626 (1588) R
Episcopius, Eusebius (1569) R
Eustachius & Saneto Paulo see Asseline
Pabricius see also LefSvre
F a b r i c l u s , Oeorgius Andreas 1589-161+5 (1621;) S
Parnaby, Thomas 1575?-161|·7 A (S)
Page, Robert (1632) R
Ffinelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe
1651-1715 A?
Fenner, Dudley l558?-87 R
F e r n e l , Jean 11*97-1558 R?
Peugueray, Francois (1575) S
Flaciua ( F l a c i u s I l l y r i c u s ) , Matthias
(1520-75) S?
Poclin(us) see Fouquelin
(1600)(Portmannue), Johann 1576-1651+ (S)
Fouquelin (Paquelin, P o c l i n , Fbquelinus),
Antoine c a . 15 31+'-after 1559 (1555) R
Fox (Poxius) see Morzillo
Fraunce, Abraham f l . 1587-1633 (1568) R
Freige ( F r e i g , Frey, F r e i g i u s ) , Johann Thomas
151+3-83 R
Friese ( F r i s i u s ) , Johann 1505-65 (1561) S?
Priese ( F r i s i u s ) , Paul f l . 1590 (1590) R
P r i s c(1590)
h l i n ( F r i s c h l i n u s ) , Nicodemus 151+7-90 A
rt»ialU3 see Frieae see Gemma

Pulke, William 1538-89 (1572) R?

Galland (Gallandiua), Pierre 1510-59 A
Gaaaendi, Pierre 1592-1665 (S)

Gemma (Gemma Friaiua), Ranier 1508-55 S?

G6n6brard, Gilbert 1537-97 (1577) A

Gerardua "Paator Antonianua" (1577) R

Gerhard, Johann 1582-1637 R?

Gil, Alexander, the elder 1564-1635 R?

Glanvill, Joseph 1636-80 A (3)

Gocleniua see Gockel

Gäckel (Gocleniua), Rudolphua, the elder
1547-1628 R
Gockel (Gocleniua), Rudolph, the younger
1579-1621 (S)?
Gorria (Goraeua), Jean dea 1505-77 R?
Gothofredua aee Gottfried
Gottfried (Gothofredua), Haloinua d. 1609

(1602) 3

Gouge, William 1578-1653 (1596) r

Gouveia (Goveanua), Antonio de ca. 1505-66 A

Granger, Thomaa b. 1578 r

Greaves, Paul fl. 1588-1616 R7

Greene, Robert 15607-92 A

Greenwood, P. (15914.) h?

Grothein (Grotheinua), Andreaa „

Grouchy (Gruchius), Nioolaus ca. 1520-72

(1567) A
Gruchiua see Grouchy

Gualperlus (Gualtperlus), Otto 1546-1624

(1600) S
Gualter(us) see Walther

Gualtperlus see Gualperlus

Guferin (Guerinus), Jean
(15W) b. ~
ca. 3536? R
Guise, Charles, Cardinal of Guise (earlier
Cardinal of Lorraine) 1524-74 R
Gutberleth, Heinrich 1572-1635 (1614) R
Guymara de Ferrara, A. fl. 1564 (1564) A

Hachting, Johann fl. 162^-30 R

Hall, Thomas 1610-65 S?
Hal1ervord (Hallervordius Westphallus), Hermann
fl. 1608 A? 3?
Hallier, Ρτβηξοίβ 1595-1659 (1630) 3
Hamilton, Patrick 1504?-2Ö R? S?
Hamlin (Hamlinus), Guy (Aegidius) (1574) R?

Harrison, Robert 1545?-85 S

Hart, John, D. D. fl. 1663 (1663) (3)?

Hartmann, Ioannes (1599) R

Harvey (Harvelus), Gabriel 1545?-1630 R

Harvey (Harveius), Richard d. 1623 R

(1615) (Hasenmullerue), Sophonias S? R?
Heereboord, Adrian 1614-59 S

Heminginus, Nicolaus (1567)
Hendricxz, Dirck (1622) R
Herbst see Oporln
Hesselbein ( H e a s e l b e i n i u s ) , Johann
f l . 1606-13 (1606) 3
Hobbea, Thomas 1568-1679 (3)
Hofmann (Hoftnannua), Denial 1536-1621 S?
Hood, Thomas f l . 1502-98 (1590) R
Hooker, Richard 1554?-1600 A
Home (Horn), Thomas 1610-54 R
Hoakyns, John 1566-1638 (3)
Hotmanη (Hotnanus, Hotomannus), Franqola
152^-90 R?
Hubmeier (Hubmeierua), Hippolytua d . 1637
(1607) 3
Hunnaeua, Augustinus 1521-77 3
I a c o t l u s , Desideriua f l . c a . 1579 (1579) S?
Illyrlcus see Flacius
I o v l l l a e u s , Carolus (15Ö0) R?
James I of England 1566-1625 3
Jesuits (Society of J e s u s ) A or (3)?
Jodelle, ttienne 1532-73 Η
Jonaon, Benjamin 1573?-1637 (S)y
Kalau see Calovius
Keckermann (Keckermannus), Bartholomew
1571-1608 3
Kempe, William f l . 1590 (1568) r

Kennedy, Herbert fl. 1694 (1694) (3)
Kirkson see Kirkton
Kirkton (Kirkson), Thomas fl. 1643-1+4 R

Kochhafe see Chytraeus

Kochhaff see Chytraeus

Komensky (Coraenius), Jan Amos 1592-1670 (S)

Krag (Cragius), Anders 1556-1600 (1583) R
LambIn (Lambinus), Denis (Dionysius)
1516-72 3?
Lampe, Bernard (I636) R
Lamy, Bernard 1640-1715 (3)

Languet, Hubert 1518-81 R?

taslckl (Laslcius), Johannes fl. 1567-99
(ca. 1568) R?
Launcelot, Dom Claude 1615-95 (S)

Lauredano see Loredano

Le Breton, Joachim 1716-1819 (1788) (S)?
Lefivre (Fabricius), Francois 1524-73 (3)
Lenz, Christian Friedrich 1692-1757 (1713) (3)?
Le Pecheur, Jean Waddington 's name for
Johann Plscator, q.v.
Lever, Ralph d. 1585 A
Libau (Libavius) Andreas ca. 1550-1616 S
Llebler (Lieblerus), George I52k-l600
(1594) A
Lipsius (Lips), Iustus (Joest) 1547-1606 A
Locke, John 1632-1704 (S)
Loisel ( O i s e l , Oiselua) Antoine 1536-1617
Loredano (Lauredano), Bernardo fl.
Lorraine see Guise
Lucius (Lus), Ludwig 1577-161+2 (1606)
Machilmane see M'Kilwein
Macllmaine see M'Kilwein
Makilmain see M'Kilwein
Makilmenaeus see M'Kilwein
Makylmenaeus see M'Kilwein
Marlowe, Christopher 1561+-93
Marti see A r e t i u s
Martin (Martinus, Martinus of Dunkeld), James
f l . 1577. d· *>y 15614.
Martini (Martinus, Martinus of Antwerp),
Cornelius 1568-1621
Martini (Martini Navarrus), P e t r u s d . 159k
Martinus, Iosephus (1612)
M a r t o n f a l v i , Georgius T. f l . 1658-81 (1658)
Masparaut (Masparautius), P i e r r e b . e a . 1535?
(1548) ~
Mather, Cotton
Mather, I n c r e a s e
Matthiae ( M a t t h i a s ) , C h r i s t i a n u a 15ÖL.-1656
(1611+) ^
MayAns y SiscAr, Gregorio 1699-1781 (177k)
Meissonerius (Meissonerius Lausanensis,
Meissonerius Oeneyensis, M e i s s o n i e r ) ,
FV&nciacus (1580)

Melanchthon (Schwärtzerd), Philip 1497-1560

Melville (Melvinus, etc.), Andrew 1554-16^?

Menilius aee Du Mesnil

Mersenne, Marin 15ÖÖ-164Ö (161+4)

Meuderlin (Meuderllnus), Petrus 1582-1651

Meusel see Musculus

Meusslin see Musculus

Mignault (Minos), Claude ca. 1536-1606

Mildapettus see Temple

Milton, John 1608-74

Minos see Mignault

Mirandola (Mirandulanus), Bernardus della

M ^ i l w e i n (Machilmane, Macllmaine, Makilraain,
Makilmenaeus, Makylmenaeus), Roland (Rollo,
Rolandus) i'l. 1569-74 (1574)
Moezel see Musculus
Montaureus (Montaureonus, de Mondorfe),
Petrus d. 1571 (1567)

Montagu, Richard 1577-1641

Montrisius (de Montrif? Montresor? Montrose?),

Gilbert (1580)

Morzillo (Foxius Morzilli), Sebastianus Ftox

ca. 1523-60 (1567)

Munday (Mundy), Anthony 1553-1633

Müssiin see Musculus

Musculus (Meusel, Meusslin, Moezel, Müsslin),

Wolfgang 1497-1563

Nadanyi, Iohannes fl. 1656-1666 (1658)
Nancel (Nancellus), Nicolas de 1539-1610
Nashe, Thomas 1567-1601
Navarrenus see Temple
Neander (Neander Bergensis), Conradua
fl. 156U-95 (1591)
Neubecker, Conrad (1590)
Nevlll, Edward (1584)
Newall, Ifartln fl. 1674 (1674)
Newton, John 1622-7«
Nicephorus, Hermannus ca. 1555-1625
Nicole, Pierre 1625 or 1628-95
Nolllus, Heinrich fl. 1601+
Nothold (Notholdus), Anton 1569-1650
Nunez (Nunnez, Nunneelua—in Uaddington,
pp. 215, 393* Nunlus), Petrus Ioannes
d. 1600 (1774)
Nunlus see Nunes
Nunneelua see Nunez
Obsopaeus see Opsopaeus
Olsel(us) see Loieel
Oltingerus, Ioannes Martlnus (1583)
Oporin (Oporinus, Herbst), Iohannes
1507-68 (1553)
Opslmathes, Iohannes (1602)
Opsopaeus (Obsopaeus) Ioannes 1556-96

Oratoriana (French Congregation of the Oratory) S

Onsat (Ossatus), Arnaud d' (later Cardinal)

1536-1604 R
Parnaaaua plays' author (1597) A
Pasquier, Estienne 1529-1615 (1555) (S)?
Pelletler (Pelletier du Mana, Pelletarius),
Jacques 1517-02 (1555) 3?

Pemble, William 1592?-1623 A (S)

Pfena, Jean 1531-57 R
Perion (Perionius, Perionus), Joachim de
1^99-1559 (1514-3) A
Perkins, William 1558-1602 (1615) S
Pfaffrad (Pfaffradius), Caspar
(1597) 1562-1622 R
Phillips, Edward 1630-96? (1656) R
Picard, Jean d. 1617 (1567) A
Plot, Lazarus fl. 1596 A
Piscator (Piscator Argentinensis, Piscator
Herbornensis, Piscator "Wittenbergensis"),
Johann 1546-1625 S
PlSiade (S)
Poetevin see Poitevin
Poisson, Pierre, Sieur de la Bodiniere
fl. 1583 (1583) R
Poitevin (Poetevin, Potevinus), I. (1589) R?
Polanus (Polanus von Polansdorf), Amandus
1561-1610 S
Pontanus (Sparunüller), Jacob 1542-1626
(1600) A?

Pontus de Thiard (Tyard) see Thiard

Port-Royalists A (S)

Portus de Candia, Franciscus 1511-01 S?

Potevlnus see Poitevin

Prideaux, John 1578-1650 S

Prosch (Proscius), Ioannes fl. 1652 (1652) A

Puttenham, George d. 1590 A (S)

Quentin(us) see Quillt in

Quercu see Duchesne

Quintin fluentId, Quintinus, Quintinus

Heduus), Jean 1500-61 R

Rabelais, Francois betw. 11^.93 and 1500-1553 A

Rainolde (Reynolds), Richard d. 1606 (S)?

Rainolds (Rainoldus), John 15^9-1607

(1575) S?

Ram (Ramus, Tack), Johann 1535-70 (3)?

Recorde, Robert ca. 1510-58 (S)?

Regius, Thomas
Iohannes (1561)
1567-1605 (1583) R?

Reiskius (Reiske), Iohannes 161*1-1701

(ca. 1690) S

Rennemann (Rennemannus), Henning 1567-1646 R

Reynolds see Rainolde

Richardson, Alexander fl. 1629 (1629) R

Richer (Richerius), Edmond

(1605) 1559-1631

Rieaner see Risner

Rigerua (Rigerus Northusanus), Ioannea
(1588) S
Riolan (Rlolanus), Jean, the elder
1539-1606 A
Rianer (Relaner, Risnerus), Fridericus
d. 1580 (1606) R
Rodlng (Rodlngus), Gullhelmua 1549-1603 R
Rögner, Christian Gottlieb fl. 1715 (1715) (3)?

Ronaard, Pierre de 1524-85 (1555) (3)

Rosa (Roa), Alexander 1591-1651; R

Rothuet see Erythropel

Rutlmeier (Rutlmeirus), Marcua fl. 1617

(1617) R

Ryff, Peter 1552-1629 R

Sabellus, Ioannes (1547) R?

Sabetitius, Samuel (1617) R

Salignac (Salignacue), Bernard de
(1580) fl. 1580 R
Salignac (Sallgnacua), Jean de fl. 1543-64
(1543) A

Salzhueberus, Oeorgiua (1590) A

Sanchez de laa Brozaa (Sanctlus Brocensis,
"El Brocenae"), Francisco 1533-1601 R
Sanctlus aee Sanchez

Sanderson, John d. 1602 S

Sanderson, Robert 1587-1663 (S)
Scaliger, Joseph 1540-1609 A
Scaliger, Juliua Caesar 1484-1558 (1567) A
Scallaius, Arturus b. ca. 1536? (1548) R
Scharff, Johann 1595-1660 A
Schegk (Schecius, Schegklus; original name
Jacob Degen), Jacob A
Scheibler, Christoph 1589-1653 (1631) (S)?
Schenkel (Schenkelius), Lambert Thomas
(1619) (S)
Scherbius, Philippus d. 1605 (1595) A
Schneeberger see Chiorus
Schöner (Schonerus), Lazarus (1586, 1599) R
Schoock, Martin 1614-69 3
Schor (Sohorus), Heinrich (1572) R
Schräm (Schramus), David 1559-1615 (1589) R
Schryver see Scrlbonius
Schütze, Heinrich Karl 1700-81 (1742) (S)
Schwallenberg, Otto fl. 1584 R
Schwärtzerd see Melanchthon
Scrlbonius (Scrlbonius
Guilielmus AdolphusHarpurgensis,
fl. 1566 Schryver), R
Sepulveda, Juan Gines de (Goneslus)
1490-1573 (1567) A
Serres (Serranus), Jean de 1540-98 R?
Seton, John 14987-1567 (S)?
Severinus, Petrus 1542-1602 (S)?
(Sevlnus), Pranjols b. ca. 1535? R
Shakespeare, William 1564-1616 (S)

Sharp, James 1613-79 R

Sidney, Sir Philip 1554-86 (S)

Simler (Simlerus), Ioaias 1530-76 R?

Simoni (Simonius), Simon fl. 1565-70 (1571) R?

Sluter (Sluterus), Severinus 1571-1648 R

Smith, John, of Montagu Close, Southwark

fl. 3656 (1656) S

Smith, Samuel 1587-1620 S

Snel 15^6-1613
van Roijen (Snellius), Rudolphus R
Snel van Roijen (Snellius), Willebrord
1581-1626 R

Society of Jesus see Jesuits

Michael (Sonleuter,
(1584) Sonleutnerus), S
Sophocardius (Wishart? Wisehart?), Ioannes
fl. 1674 R

Spanmüller see Pontanus

Spencer, Thomas fl. 1628 (1628) S

Spenser, Edmund 1552-99 (S)

Spieghel, Hendrik Laurenszoon 15U9-1612
(1585) R
Spondi (Spondanus), Henri de 1568-I6I4.3
(1651) A
Stadius, Ioannes d. 1579 (1581) R
Stegerus, Tobias (1591) R
Stellingwerf (Stellingwervius), Petrus Talpa
fl. 1563-1608 R
Sturm (Sturmius), Johann 1507-09 s

Sulcer (Sulcerus), Simon 1508-Ö5 (1569) A
Sylbergius, Eriderlcus (1600) R
Tack see Ram
Talaeus see Talon
Talon (Talaeus), Omer (Audomarus)
e a . 1510-62 R
Temple (Tempellus, "Franclacus Mildapettua
Navarrenus*), William ( l a t e r S i r William),
the elder 1555-1627 R
T e t s i , Nicolaus I . (1656) R
Theodoricus see Dietrich
Thevininus, Pantaleon f l . 1578 R
Thlard (Tyard), Pontus de 1521-1605 (3)ϊ
Thou (Thuanuo), Christophe de 1508-82 S?
Thou (Thuanus), Jacques Auguste 1553-1617 S?
Thuanus see Hiou
Tidicaus, Franz 151+4-1617 (1581) R
Tirapler (Timplerus), Clemens f l . 1604 (S)
Tovey, Nathaniel f l . 1626 R?
Tremellius, Immanuelus 1510-80 (1570) R?
T r e u t l e r ( T r e u t l e r u s ) , Jerome (Hieronymus)
1565-1607 R
Turnebe (Turnebus), Adrien 1512-65 A
Turretin (Turretinus), Pranciscus I623-87 s?
Ursin (Ursinus), Ouilielmus f l . 1615
(1615) R
Ursin (Ursinus), Zacharias 1534-83 a

Urstisius (Wurstisius, Wursteisen),
Christopherus 15U4-0& (1596) Η

Valerius (Valerius Ultraiectinus, Wouters,

Waltheri, Gualtheri), Cornelius

Veno, Hendrick de fl. 1602-13 Κ

Verulam see Bacon

Vessodus fl. oa. 1575 (1575 in Freige,
P. Rami vita, and 15Ö3 in R. Harvey,
Ephemeron...•) R
Vicars, Thomas fl. 1607-1|1 A (S)

Vicomercato, Francesco 1567 A

Vigel (Vigelius), Nicolaus 1529-1600 R?

Villemandy, Pierre de (1675) (S)?

Voetius, Johann 1647-17H+ S

Waldegrave, Robert 155^7-160^ R

Walker, Obadiah 1616-99 A (S)

irfalther (Gualter, Gualterus), Rodolphus

1519-66 (1572) S?

Ward, Seth 1617-09 (S)?

Wasserleider (Waaserleider Kulhemius,

Wasserleiter), Goswin fl. 1507 (1507) R

Webster, John 1610-82 R

Wichel (Wechelus), AndrS ca. 1510-61 R

Wichel (Wechelus), Chretien d. 155X4. R?

Weisiger, J. D. (1713) (S)?

Wendelin (Wendelinus), Marcus Friedrich

1584-1652 S

Wörenberg, Jacob fl. 1613-1+2 (l6l3) R?

Wesenbeck, Matthäus 1531-86 R

Wesley, John 1703-91 (S)

Willlas, Iohannes fl. l6l9-30 (l6l9,l625) R

Wilson, Thomas 1525?-8l A

Wisehart see Sophocardius

Wishart see Sophocardius

Wotton, Anthony I56I-I626 S

Wotton, Samuel fl. 1626 (1626) S

Wursteisen see Urstisius

V/urstisius see Urstisius

Zabarella, Iacopo 1553-89 (S)?

Zwinger (Zwingerus), Theodor 1533-88 R


A Short-Title Check List of Some Printed Editions

and of Some Printed Compendia of Rudolph Agricola's

Dialectical Invention (De Inventlone Dlalectica)

This check list is presented for elementary

documentary purposes as fuller than any other simi-

lar study in print, but it does not at all represent

the same exhaustive study as the Ramus and Talon

Inventory, and can doubtless be much enlarged.

Agricola died in lij.85, and the Dialectical

Invention (De inventione dlalectica), more or less
finished by 1^79» apparently circulated in manu-
script for decades before the first printed editions
appeared. There are divergencies in the printed
texts deriving apparently from different manuscripts—
perhaps from Agricola's own autographs, for the
manuscripts have never been studied or even located.
My examination of copies has made it clear that
there are two chief textual traditions in the printed
editions of the Dialectical Invention, that perpetuated
in the edition with Phrissemius' lectures or commen-
tary, with Liber II in 22 chapters, and that perpetu-
ated in the edition prepared by Alard of Amsterdam
purportedly from Agricola's own autograph manuscript,
with Liber II in 30 chapters. There is considerable

variation between the texts, although the differ-
ence in chapter numbering itself is due not to the
dropping of chapters but to the gathering of two or
m o r e chapters into one (iv is equivalent to iv and
ν; ν to vl and vii; χ to xii and xili; xii to xv and
xvi; xiv to xvii, xviii, xix, and xx; xvi to xxii and
xxiii). One is tempted to divide all the editions
here into a Text A and a Text Β descended respec-
tively from PhriBsemius, and Alard*s texts» but
without a more complete collation of the editions
than I have been able to make« it would appear

rather rash to do this· I have therefore refrained

from positively identifying the contents of any edi-
tion with that of another and have simply reported
the number of chapters in the various editions which
I have examined more closely·
Ήιβ oonmentarles of Alard of Amsterdam« of
Phrlssemius, and of others are filled with bracketed
outlines» and it is apparently the authors of these
commentaries who divide Agricola's text into chap-
ters with titles and numbers. Thus bracketed tables*
the use of titles as labels» and heavy reliance on
numeration to impose a kind of order are associated
with one another in the pre-Ramist tradition here and
bear evident relationship to the skills in control-

ling and organizing words spatially which were being
developed in connection with the new art of printing.
Agricola's work thus not only appears and gains cur-
rency in the milieu which had given rise to printing,
but comes into Ramus' hands further conditioned by
Agricola's editors along the viaualist lines favored
by printing.

Editors both enlarge on and contract Agri-

cola's Dialectical Invention. Phrissemlus' commen-
tary is roughly the length of Agricola's text it-
self. The epitome prepared by Bartholomew Latomus
(Le Masson or Steinmetz), as Latomus explains in his
letter to the rector of the College of Sainte Barbe,
cal. oct. 1533 (ed. Gryphius, lS3k)» is useful because
Agricola is too full (uberlus) to be got through in a

It will be observed here that over forty

editions of Agricola's Dialectical Invention precede
Ramus' work of 15U-3-55» which comes into existence
when the Dialectical Invention ceases to be a Rhine-
land specialty and moves into the scholastic milieu
at Paris. Once Ramus lays hold of Agricola, he puts
an end to the Dutchman's popularity and supercedes
him. In a somewhat similar way, Ramus was later to
be relegated to oblivion by Descartes.

E d i t i o n s of Agricola seem to be a l l Conti-
nental. Agricolan d i a l e c t i c made i t s way to the
B r i t i s h I s l e s as a s s i m i l a t e d by the post-Agricolan
generation of humanists.
Bie same symbols are used as i n the Ramus
and Talon Inventory» with t h i s a d d i t i o n :
t Entry from the sketchy bibliography in T. P.
T e s s l i n g , V i t a e t merita Rudolphl Agrlcolae
(Groningen, 1 8 3 0 ) , u n v e r i f i e d elsewhere,
and r a t h e r u n l i k e l y . I t la particularly
unlikely t h a t the f i r s t two l i s t i n g s h e r ·
date before 1515» although I have not been
able to rule out the p o s s i b i l i t y a b s o l u t e l y .
They do not occur in Wouter N i j h o f f and M·
E . Kronenberg, Neederlandsche Bibliographie
van 1500 t o t 15^0 ( 1 s-Gravenhage: Martinus
N i j h o f f , 1919 f f . ; vols.) The D i a l e c t i c a l
Invention does not occur i n A g r i c o l a ' s
Nonnulla opuscula ( 1 5 1 1 ) , nor in any o t h e r
c o l l e c t i o n of h i s individual works ( t h e r e i s
no complete c o l l e c t i o n ) .
Although A g r i c o l a ' s anonymous influence i s f e l t on
a l l s i d e s , I know of no anonymous e d i t i o n of the
D i a l e c t i c a l Invention, so t h a t a l l the e d i t i o n s
l i s t e d can be understood to have h i s name on the

De Inventions d i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i tres.
Daventriae: Iacobus Le Febre, [date?] t


De inventione d i a l e c t i c a l l b r i t r e s , cum s c h o l i i e

Ioannia Matthaei Phrissemii. Lovaniae: Hieron[ymus]

Alopeclu3, [date?] t

Rodolphi Agricolae Phrysii D i a l e c t i c a [title re-

peated at beginning of Liber I aa De inventione

dialectica l i b r i t r e s ] . L o v a n i i : Theodoricus

Martinua Alustensis, 1515» p r i d . i d . i a n . fol.

Λ-C 6 , l A , D-P 6 , G 8 . a-b 6 , c 3 , d^.

Hotea: The booka are not divided into chapters,

but the paragrapha (unnumbered) in Liber I total
28; in I I , 15 (beginning with i n i t i a l s » plua 3 more
beginning with the aign a ) ; in I I I , l6 (beginning
with i n i t i a l s , plua 3 more beginning with the aign


A f t e r Liber I , a table (repeated in aubae-

quent e d i t i o n s ) i s given comparing the l i s t s of l o c i

proposed variously by A g r i c o l a , Cicero, and Theraistius.

Copies: Lbm Ob Psc


De inventione d i a l e c t i c a l l b r i trea» cura Alardi

Amstelredami. Coloniae: I 5 l 6 t

De inventione d i a l e c t i c a l i b r l onmes l n t e g r i e t
recognlti iuxta autographi nuper Dfomlnl] Alardi
AEmstelredami opera in lucera educti fidem, atque
doctisalmi 3 a c h o l l i s i l l u s t r a t l Iohannls Phrissemii,
Alardi AEmstelredaml» Reinardi Hadamaril, quorum
scholia . . . contulit . . . Ioannes Noviomagus.
Coloniae: Hero Alopecius, [1518]. 8vo.
[30]+511 pp. (some misnumbered).

Kotes: Liber I has 29 chapters; Liber I I , 30; Liber

III, l6. Phrissemius' Introductory l e t t e r to the
Cologne teacher, Matthias Wagener i s dated Cologne,
1513, nonis augustl.

Copies: MH MoStf" Pa Pta£


De inventione dialectlcae l i b r l t r e s . Coloniae:

Henricus Noveslensis, 1520. ifto.

Copies: CRv


De i n v e n t i o n s d i a l e c t i c a l i b r i t r e s . [Pref.,

unsigned, d a t e d : ] Colon[iae:] [ 1 5 ] 2 0 , mense

octob. sm. f o l . pp. unnumbered.

S i g s . Λ-Κ&, L 2 , A - 0 6 . ( L i b . I and I I only).

Notes; L i b . I has 28 c h a p t e r s ; L i b . I I , 22.

Copies: (Ob)

De inventlone d i a l e c t i c a l i b r i t r e s . Argentinae:

Ioannls Knoblouchus, 1 5 2 1 . l*.to i n 8 ' s . 139 H ·

Notes: L i b . I , 28 numbered c h a p t e r s p l u s e p i l o g u s ,

with t a b l e ; I I , 2 2 ; I I I , 16 plue p e r o r a t l o .

Copies: Cu Lbm Ob Pa


De inventlone d i a l e c t i c a l i b r i t r e s , cum s c h o l i i s
I o a n n l s Matthaei P h r i s s e m l i . C o l o n i a e : Hero
A l o p i c i u s , 1 5 2 3 , mense augusto.
[8]+237+[7 3 1 1 .

Notes: Lib I, 28 numbered chapters, plus epllogus,

with table; II, 22; III, l6 plus peroratio.

Copies: Psc

De inventione dialectica libri tres, cum scholiie

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii. Coloniae: Hero

Alopecius, 1527. 8vo. [l6]+ij.22+[ll ] pp.

Copies: Ce Psc PVu Vbv


De inventione dialectica libri tres, cum scholiie

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii. [s.l., ] 1528. [16]+!|.05+[11] pp.

Notes: Lib. I, 28 chapters and epllogus; II, 22;

III, l6 and peroratio.

Copies: Csc Cu


De inventione dialectica libri tres, cum scholiie

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii. Lutetiae: Christianus

We che 1, 1529. 8vo. [llj. 1+345+[12] 11.

Copies: PVu Rba

C 5 U 1 ]
De inventlone d i a l e c t i e a l i b r l t r e s , cum s c h o l i i s
Ioannis Matthaei P h r i s s e m i i . P a r i a i i s : 3. C o l i -
naeus. 1529· lj-to in 8 ' s . [l8]+ij.33+[13] pp.

Notes: Liber I , 23 numbered chapters and epilogus,

with t a b l e ; I I , 2 ? ; I l l , 16 and p e r o r a t l o .
Pbn copy X. 3253 i s inscribed on the f l y -
l e a f and t i t l e - p a g e as the personal copy of Ramus'
quondam defender Jean de Bomont. See the Illustration.
Liber I , cap. i v , includes a bracketed
table o f l o c i , more or l e s s dichotomized, the wortc
of the commentator r a t h e r than of Agricola ( p . 2 2 ) .

Copies: Pa Pbn Pbn


Epitome inventariorum D i a l e c t i c a e i n v e n t i o n i s
Rodolphi Agricolae per Bartholomaeura Latomum . . . .
Coloniae: Ioannes Gymnicus, 1530. 8vo.
pp. unnumbered, A-H®.
Copies: Cu GOu


Phrifi), demucntionc

«tmi Μ *•''•»/.« J*** 'f<

PARIS lift
kfni SmMicm Cofatm,
i f a 9

£ γ kLatrframi tiki

Epitome comnentarlorimi Dlalecticae inventionis

Rodolphl Agricolae per B[artholomaeura] Latomum

olim collecta. Colonlae Agrlppinae: [1532?].


Copies; CRv

XV i

De inventions d i a l e c t i c i l i b r i tree, can achollle

Iohannis Mattbaei Phrlesemii. Parislia: Vasco-

aanus, 1533· 8vo. 176 pp.

Copiea: CRv

x v i l

Epitome conmentariorum Dlalecticae lnventlonla

Rodolphl Agricolae, per Bartholomaeum Latomum . .

. · Colonlae: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1531;·

8 1L

a-g , h^ (unnumbered).

Copies: Ob

x v i l i

Compendloaa librorum Rodolphl Agricolae De inven-

tione dlalectica epitome, per Iohannem Vlsorium

Coenomanum. P a r i s i i s : Simon Colinaeus, 1534·
8vo. 46+[1] 11.

Notes: Liber I , 27 chapters; I I , 21; I I I , lij.

Copies: Lbm Pa Pm

De inventione d i a l e c t i c a l i b r i t r e s , cum s c h o l l i s
Ioannis Matthaei Phrisaemli; loca item a l i q u o t
restitute. P a r i s i i s : Simon Colinaeus, 1534» 1 2

c a l . mar. 4to in 8 ' s . [22]+505+[13} pp.

Notes: L i b . I , 28 chapters and epilogus; I I , 22;

I I I , 16 and p e r o r a t l o .

Copies: CPv Cu Pa Pm Ps

Epitome commentariorum D i a l e c t i c a e inventionis
Rudolphi Agricolae per Bartholomaeum Latomum . . . .
[ P a r i s i i s : ] [Franciscus] Gryphius, 1534· 8*0·
80 1 1 .

Notes: No chapters, but centered headings, unnum-

bered. Liber I , "De l o c i s ; " Liber I I , "De usu

locorum, et paranda ex eis lnveniendi facultate;"

Liber III, "De movendi et deleotandi ratione."

Copies: Mo SO*" Pbn


Ingeniosa cum primis ac elegans dialecticae

methodus; item, Compendiosa librorum Rodolphi

Agricolae De inventione dialectioa epitome, Ioanne

Visorio . . . autore; ad haec, Dialectica progym-

nasmata . . . . Basileae: [probably ca. 1 5 3 5 —

from format and appearance]. 8vo. [2lj.]+205+[3]


Copies: Vbv


Epitome commentariorum Dialecticae inventionis

Rodolphi Agricolae per Bartholomaeum Latomum . . . .

[Parisiis:] Pranclscus Gryphiue, 1535·

Copies: VDv


De inventione d i a l e c t i c a l i b e r primus . . .

secundus . . . t e r t i u s [no common t i t l e - p a g e , but

separate ones f o r each book]. Parisiis: Chris-

tianus Wechelua, 1535· 8vo. 132+[l4.]+l65+[3]+93


Copies; MH Pbn

XX iv

De invention« d i a l e c t i c a l i b r i t r e s , cum s c h o l i i s

Iohannis Matthaei Phrissemii . . . . Coloniae:

Eucharius Cervicornus, 1538. 8vo. [l6]+768+[31]


Notes: L i b e r I , 28 chapters and e p i l o g u s ; I I , 22;

III, l 6 and p e r o r a t l o .

Copies: Lbm


In Rhodolphi Agricolae De inventione dialectica

l i b r o s tres, scholia adpositiss[ima ] Magistri

Chaspari Rhodolphi, dialectices in Academia Marpur-

giana p r o f e s s o r i s . Prancofurti: Christianus

Egenolphus, 1538. 8vo. 70 11.

Kotes: Agricola's text Is given in summaries and

commented on. Several bracketed outlines occur,

more or less dichotomized.

Lib. I, 28 chapters; II, 22; III, 16 and


Copies: Cu

xxv i

De inventione dialectica libri tres, cum acholiis

Iohannis Matthaei Phrissemii; loca item aliquot

reatltuta. Parisiis: vidua Claudii Chevalonil,

1538. l^to in 8<s. [ll]+228+[$] 11.

Notes: Liber I, 28 chapters plus epllo^us; II, 22;

III, l6 plus peroratlo.

Copies: Pm Pa Psc Tv

XXV ii

De inventione dialectica libri tres, cum scholiis

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii. Parisiis: Simon

Colinaeus, 1538, cal. aug. in 8's.

[10]+Mi5+[13] PP.

Notes: Liber I, 28 chapters plua; II, 22;

III, 16 plus peroratio.

Copies: Cq. CTv LPv MH Ob Psc

De Inventions dialectica libri tres, cum scholiis
Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii; loca item aliquot
restitute. Parisiis: Fran[ciscus] Gryphius, 1538.
l^to in 8»s. [12]+228+[6] 11.

Notes: Liber I, 20 chapters plus epilogus; II, 22;

III, 16 plus peroratlo.

Copies: Pbn (R0s. X. 112^—erroneously catalogued

with imprint of S. Calvarinus instead of Gryphius).

De invention® dialectica libri omnes et integri et
recogniti qui iam οlim quldem in publicum prodierunt,
sod trunci ac mutili nec minus item depravati, nunc
demum ad autographi exemplaris fidem, per Alardum
AEmstelredamum accuratius emendati, et additia notia
illustrati; cum aliis . . . pertinentibus ....
Coloniae: Ioannes Gymnicu3, 1539· i).to.
[l6]+1^71 pp.

Notes: Liber I, 29 chapters; II, 30; III, 16.

Copies: Pa Pm PVs Vbv


De inventione dialectics libri trea, cum scholiis

Iohannis Matthaei Phrisaemii. Lugduni: heredea

Simonis Vincenti, 1539·

Copies: AVc(r) Rba


Epitome primi libri De inventione dialectica Rodolphi

Agricolae . . . adiectis . . . exemplis, per Alardum

AEmstelredamum; absolutissima oratoriae facultatis

praecepta, Beasarione . . . interprete. Parisiis:

C. Wechelus, 1539· 8vo. 62 pp.

Notes: The name of the epitomizer, Bartholomew

Latomus, is not given in this edition. There are

no chapters, but 2J4. numbered sections corresponding

to Agricola1 s 21). loci. This Liber I, on the loci»

and the arguments they contain, roughly correspond

to Liber I of Ramus' Dialectic. Like the 1529 edi-

tion above, this contains a bracketed table of the

loci, forerunner of the Ramist dichotomies.

Copies: Lbm

Do invention® dialectica libri tres, cum acholiis
Iohannis Matthaei Phrissemii. Parisiis: Gryphius,

1539· ^to.

Copies: Ps


Epitome conmentariorum dialecticae inventionia

Rodolphi Agricolae, per Bartholomeβum Latomum ...

olim . . . collects; quam nuper . . . magna cura

recognitam, in gratiam studiosorum Parisiis edendam

curavit . . . . Coloniae Agrippinae: [I. Gymnicus,

Τ154°3· 8vo· 125 pp. interleaved.

Notes: No chapters, but centered headings, unnum-

bered, even in Liber I. Liber I, "De locis,"

Liber II, "De facultate inveniendi;" Liber III, "De

movendi et delectandi ration«."

Copies: Lbm


De inventions dialectica libri tres, cum scholiis

Iohannis Matthaei Phrissemii. Parisiis: Robertus
Stephanus, 154°· 8vo.

Copies: Tv


Epitome conmentariorum D l a l e c t i c a e inventionis

Rodolphi Agricolae per Bartholomaeum Latomum . . · ·
P a r l s i i s : P r a n l c i s c u a ] Gryphius, 15J4I. 8vo.
88 11.

Notes: No chapters, bat centered headings, unnum-

bered. Liber I , "De l o c i s j " Liber I I , "De usu
locorum e t paranda ex e l s inveniendi facilitate;"
L i b e r I I I , "De movendi e t delectandl ratione."

Copies: Pbn


Epitome conmentariorum D l a l e c t i c a e inventionis

Rodolphi Agricolae per Bartholomaeum Latomum . .
• . P a r i s l i s : Iohannes Lodovlcus T l l e t a n u s ,
151*1· 8vo.

Copies: S a i n t - M i h i e l , France, Bibliotheque de l a

vllle (r).

Epitome commentarlorum D i a l e c t i c a e inventionis
Rodolphi Agricolae, per Bartholomaeum Latomum . .
. . P a r i s i i s : Nicolaus B u f f e t , 154 2 · 8vo.
a-1®, aft (unnumbered).

Notes: 3 numbered books; no numbered chapters, but

centered headings, unnumbered.

Copies: Pm

Epitome commentarlorum D i a l e c t i c a e inventionis
Rodolphi Agricolae, per Bartholomaeum Latomum . .
. . Pari a i l s : P r i g . Calvarinus, 154-2 · 8vo.

Copies: Chaumont, France, Bibllotheque de l a v i l l e


De inventione d i a l e c t i c a l i b r i t r e s , cum s c h o l i i a
Iohannis Matthaei Phrissemli. P a r i s i i s : Simon
Colinaeus, 1542· 1^°· [l6]+445+[13] pp.

Notes: Liber I , 26 chapters and epilogas; I I , 22;

I I I , 16 and p e r o r a t i o .

Copies: Ctc Pa Pm


Epitome commentariorum Dialeoticae inventionis

Rudolphi Agricolae, per Bartholomaeum Latomum . .

. . Parisiis: Simon Colinaeus e £ Pranciscua

Stephanus, 15^2. 8vo. 79 H ·

Copies: Pm Pm Pa Vba


De inventione dialectica lib[ri] tres, cVua scholiis

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii; loca item aliquot

restituta. Parisiis: Pranoiscus Gryphius, 1

4to in 8's. [7 ]+190+[ij.] 11.

Notes: Liber I, 20 chapters plus epllogus; II, 22;

III, 16 plus peroratlo.

Copies: Pbn Pm


De inventione dialectica llb[ri] tres, cum. 3choliis

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemii, loca item aliquot res-

tituta. Parisiis: Ioannes LodolcuB Tiletanua,

lj-to in 8's. [12]+190+[lj.] 11.

Notes: Liber I , 20 chapters plus epllogus; I I , 22;
I I I » l 6 plus peroratlo»

Copies: Pa


De inventions d i a l e c t l c a l i b e r primus . . . secundus

. . . t e r t i u s [no common t i t l e - p a g e ] » cum s c h o l i i s
Iohannis Matthael Phrissemii; l o c a item a l i q u o t
restituta. P a r i s i i s : Petrus Vidovaeus V e r n o l i -
e n s i s , 1543. Ifto i n 8 ' s . [2i)J+l82+[l 11.
(Liber I I I » leaves separately numbered).
Notes: L i b . I , 28 chapters plus epllogus; I I , 22;
I I I , l 6 plus p e r o r a t l o .

Copies: CBv Pa


Epitome comraentarlorum d i a l e c t i c a e inventlonis

Rodolphi Agricolae per Bartholomaeum Latomum . .
. . P a r i s i l s : Thomas Richardus, 15^8.
i).to in 8 ' s . 4-9+ [1 j 1 1 .
Copies: Ob


De invention© d i a l e c t i c a e l i b r i omnes i n t e g r i e_t

r e c o g n i t i iuxta autograph! nuper D[omini] Alardi

Aemsteiredami opera in iucem educti fidem atque

doctissimis s c h o l i i s i l l u s t r a t i Ioannis Phrissemii,

Alardi Aemsteiredami, Reinardi Hadamarii; quorum

scholia · . . conge ssit? Ioannes Noviomagus.

Coloniae: 1552. 8vo. [32]+if6? pp.

Notes: Lib. I , 29 chapters (ch. 29 i s the epllogus

of the other edition); I I , 30; I I I , l 6 (Agricola's

text at the end of Cap. XVI dated [ 11μ]80, 3 non.


Copies: Ob


De inventione dialectica l i b r i tres, cum scholiis

Iohannis Matthaei Phrissemii. Omnia accuratius

quam antehac suo loco r e s t i t u t e . P a r i s i i s : vidua

Mauritii a Porta, 1554· 4to in 8 ' s .

[6]+190+[l4_] 11. Table.

Notes: Lib. I , 20 chapters and epllogus; I I , 22;

I I I , 16 and peroratio.

Copies: Cu Lbm Pm Rba Vbv


De inventione dialectica libri omnes integri et

recognlti iuxta autograph! nuper DlominiJ Alardi

AEmstelredami opera in lucem educti fidem, at que

doctlssimis scholiis illustrati Ioannia Phrissemii,

Alardi AEmstelredami, Reinardi Hadamarii, quorum

scholia . · . congesalt Ioannes Noviomagus.

Coloniae: [G. Pabritius, ] 1557· 8vo.

[i).0]+567 PP.

Notes: Lib. I, 29 chapters; II, 30; III, l6

(peroratio included in chap. 16).

Copies: Css Lbm


De inventione dialectica libri tres, cum scholiis

Ioannis Matthaei Phrissemil. Omnia accuratius

quam antehac suo loco restitute. Parisiis:

Simon Calvarinus, 1558. Ifto. [6]+ΐ90+[ί^] 11.

Notes: Lib. I, 20 chapters and epllogus; II, 22;
III, 16 and peroratio.

Copies: Csj Cu Pbn


De inventione dialectica libri omnes et integri et

recogniti iuxta autographl nuper D[ominl] Alardi

Aematelredami opera in lucem educti fidem, atque

doctissimia scholiis illustrati Ioannis Phrissemil,

Alardi Aemstelredami, Reinardi Hadamarii; quorum

scholia . . . congesait Ioannes Novlomagus.

Venetiia: Bernardinus Phaaianua, 1559· 8vo.

[3]+290+[l] pp.

Notes: Liber I, 29 chapters; II, 30; III, l6

(Agricola's text at end of cap. xvi dated [lij.]80

III non. fe[b]).

Copies: Pm Rba

De inventione dialectica . . . . Coloniae

Agrippinae: Gualtherus Fabricius, 1563. 8vo.

567 pp.

Copies: Cq


Delia invenzione dialettica, tradotto da Oratio

Toacanella con alcune annotatione. Venitia: G.

Barlletto, 1567. 112 ]+290+[l] pp.

Wo t e 3; Liber I, 2y chapters; II, 30; III, 16 and

peroratlone. Pull of bracketed outline tables,

largely In dichotomies.

Copies: Lbm NNC Pm PVs FVu Rba Vbv


De inventlone dlalectlca . . . cum notls Alardi

Amstelredaml . . . . Coloniae Agrlpplnae:

Gualtherus Fabriclus e£ Ioannes Gymnlcus, 1570.

8vo. 5i>7 pp.

Copies: Co


De Inventlone dlalectlca libri tres, cum scholiia

Iohannls Matthael Phrlssemll. Lugdunl: heredes

Simonis Vlncentli, 1589·

Copies: MXv


Cocus, Ioannes fl. 160^. (IbOk) R


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