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The island of San Andres is the most beautiful island of Colombia, has an area of 27 square
kilometers, the island of Providencia with 17 square kilometers and numerous islets such as Santa
Catalina, Albuquerque, Serrana, Roncador, Quitasueño, and its temperature reaches 30 degrees
Celsius and more. It is located west of the Caribbean Sea with a depth of 2700 meters. Its waters are
called "El mar de los siete colores". In San Andres, you can do many activities (shopping, diving,
snorkeling, partying...), San Andres is more interesting than Cartagena.


Melissa: Hello, how are you?

Laura: Hi Melissa, I worked a double shift today, I'm really tired.

I won't be able to go out with July, please tell July that I'm very tired?

Melissa:Ok Laura, I'm in a stuck in traffic, please tell Sergio that I'm in a stuck in traffic.

Laura: Ok melissa, would you like to go for a coffee tomorrow?

Melissa: Yes, sounds great!

Laura: We are going to Juan Valdez in the evening, okey?

Please tell July that we are going to Juan Valdez at night.

Melissa: Okay, I'll see ya!

Laura: Bye, Take care!


Our group has decided to go on a hike through Monserrate, where we will speak and learn
vocabulary in English. We are going to go next weekend, we plan to hike, take lots of pictures. We
hope to learn and have fun. We are going up to the church and hope to enjoy the view. On the way
back we are going to use the cable car. We plan to leave very early to have a nice day.

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