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Baiummayah B.

Mustapha GE 9
Assignment 3 February 14, 2023
The most influential people in my life are my parents and Taylor Swift. My parents have
inspired me to reach my goals in life, especially my dad. When he died I realized how much my
dad influenced me and that all things that I want to achieve are the ones that he wanted me to
become and he wanted me to do. In terms of academics, he was the one who pushed me to study
hard and aim for high grades which made me pressured and frustrated at times since it seems that
all my efforts are invalid with just one mistake. But I realized now that he was gone that my
motivation to do better at school was him and that my drive to achieve my goals was because of
him. On the other hand, my mother influences me in a way that reminds me how to be strong
even if life is full of challenges and difficulties. My mom has been through a lot of tough times
here on Earth but I haven’t seen her give up and stand still as a strong woman. I also learned
from her that making mistakes is normal and what’s important is what you’ve learned from that
mistake and how you correct it the next time you experience the same situation or feelings.

Furthermore, Taylor Swift influences me through her music. It feels like her music tells a
story about me, and it gives me a lot of emotions (happy, sad, anger, inspired, proud and etc.)
whenever I listen to her. I also learn her principles in both relationship and life, and how the
world see her grow in both aspects of her life. Influence comes through living. We exert
influence over people whenever and wherever our lives come into interaction with them whether
at home, at work, through online, or in our community. Lives are altered by us and every day, the
words we use, the way we look, the things we do, and the choices we make have an impact on
other people. The connections we have with people in this world provide both a good
opportunity and a difficult challenge. They may be either beneficial or harmful. They have the
power to improve or devalue other people's lives. Our ability to affect events has the potential to
significantly impact change or further solidify the current situation It has the power to either
make our planet a better or tougher place to live in. But at the end of the day, it’s our choice to
whether we practice those influences or just leave it as a lesson in our life.

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