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2019‐ シ

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を あ
破 る
い ま
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実用英語技能検定 ま
主催:公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会 せ
後援:文部科学省 ん
2020 年 1 月 26 日(日)実施

試験時間 筆
筆記試験(90分) 記

0分) 具
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A1­ 1 5­ 1 0 5 9 A
Grade Pre-1
Start from the next page.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !2! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

To complete each item, choose the best word or phrase from among
1 the four choices. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.

(1) The coastal town was exposed to the full ( ) of the hurricane, and
many buildings were destroyed.
1 fury 2 shrinkage 3 galaxy 4 era

(2) A: Kaylee is so ( ). She told me that she thinks she’s the most
beautiful girl in the school.
B: I know. She also thinks she’s the smartest.
1 outraged 2 conceited 3 offended 4 defined

(3) The job candidate claimed she was ( ) in Chinese, but when the
interviewer asked her a question in Chinese, she did not understand it.
1 proficient 2 vigorous 3 extensive 4 insistent

(4) Ed apologized to Kim for breaking her vase, but Kim was not convinced it was
an accident. She accused him of breaking it ( ).
1 expansively 2 abstractly 3 deliberately 4 bashfully

(5) A week after the election, the city council apologized to the public. An entire
box of ( ) had been lost, meaning that many citizens’ votes went
1 theses 2 ballots 3 clauses 4 rallies

(6) The company president asked a lawyer to find out if the contract was
( ). The contract was not profitable, so he was hoping his company could
cancel it early.
1 striking 2 preceding 3 binding 4 dripping

(7) Although the students were given ( ) time to complete their

assignment, several were late in handing it in and received a lower grade as a
1 ample 2 premature 3 stale 4 resolute

(8) Treating customers with ( ) is very important. If salespeople are rude

or have bad manners, shoppers are unlikely to return to the store.
1 struggle 2 ransom 3 apparel 4 courtesy

(9) In the morning, the café was quiet, but at lunchtime it became much more
( ). The waitstaff had to rush back and forth taking and delivering orders.
1 subtle 2 touchy 3 vulgar 4 hectic
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !3! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 10 ) The scientist ( ) himself among his peers through his outstanding

achievements. He had received many awards and published a number of books.
1 committed 2 enacted
3 distinguished 4 provoked

( 11 ) The rebels created ( ) when they defeated the government. The country
remained out of control until democratic leadership returned several years later.
1 inaction 2 botany 3 anarchy 4 texture

( 12 ) The doctor told her patient he would need a ( ) painkiller after his
surgery. “I don’t usually recommend such strong medication,” she said, “but
you’ll be in a lot of pain.”
1 vain 2 witty 3 mutual 4 potent

( 13 ) The police ( ) the warehouse because they thought it was being used
by criminals to store illegal drugs.
1 remodeled 2 raided 3 doomed 4 knitted

( 14 ) Janelle was able to ( ) long­distance running three months after

injuring her knee. She was happy that she was able to train again.
1 clutch 2 violate 3 wield 4 resume

( 15 ) The conference hall ( ) with excitement as the famous biologist rose to

speak. Everyone knew she would announce a major discovery, but no one knew
what it was.
1 buzzed 2 endorsed 3 tapped 4 slammed

( 16 ) In the divorce case, the judge awarded ( ) of the children to the mother
but ruled that the father could visit them twice a month.
1 custody 2 procedure 3 finale 4 bait

( 17 ) Some people are very ( ). They are much more interested in owning
things than they are in their spiritual well­being.
1 endearing 2 materialistic 3 invisible 4 boundless

( 18 ) Some of the ( ) English used in fourteenth­century texts would not be

understandable to native English speakers today.
1 archaic 2 scenic 3 sinister 4 muddy
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !4! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 19 ) Shortly after the king died, his eldest daughter was ( ) queen, and a
crowning ceremony was held for her.
1 restrained 2 crouched 3 proclaimed 4 enveloped

( 20 ) A: Did Greg apologize to the teacher for cheating on the test?

B: Yes, but he doesn’t seem very ( ). I heard him laughing about it
later with his friends.
1 tragic 2 plentiful 3 remorseful 4 revolting

( 21 ) In recent years, the university has seen a large decrease in ( ). To

make up for having fewer students, tuition had to be raised.
1 splendor 2 infrastructure 3 adoration 4 enrollment

( 22 ) William had so many e­mails to respond to in the morning that it was

lunchtime before he could ( ) preparing for the presentation he had to
give that evening.
1 get down to 2 send out for 3 walk off with 4 grow out of

( 23 ) A: Do you think the economy will recover next year, Professor Grey?
B: Well, I’m a little worried. Fewer people are buying houses, and that usually
( ) a worse economy in the future.
1 points to 2 acts out 3 heads off 4 misses out

( 24 ) The organizers had been planning the cultural event for months, so they were
very glad when it ( ) perfectly. There were no problems at all.
1 backed up 2 ran down 3 came off 4 hung on

( 25 ) Paulo used to spend a lot of time trying to ( ) others’ expectations of

him, but now he simply focuses on the things that make him happy.
1 die out 2 kick off 3 get in on 4 live up to

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !5! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Read each passage and choose the best word or phrase from
2 among the four choices for each blank. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.

Tiger Shark Meals

Tiger sharks, the fourth­largest type of shark on the planet, are known to
consume not only fish, turtles, and mammals such as seals but also an extremely
wide variety of other sea creatures. Even man­made objects that end up in the sea,
such as rubber tires and car license plates, are routinely on the menu for these
large predators. ( 26 ), they seem to deserve their nickname, the “garbage
cans of the sea.”
Ecologist Marcus Drymon of Mississippi State University recently discovered
that the diet of tiger sharks ( 27 ). The animals are known to make meals of
seabirds, such as gulls or pelicans, so when a tiger shark that Drymon caught
during a routine tracking program happened to vomit some feathers onto his boat,
he was not particularly shocked. However, analysis revealed the feathers belonged
to a so­called backyard bird. These are birds that live on land and are often seen
in people’s gardens, such as sparrows and wrens. Analysis of the stomach contents
of more tiger sharks confirmed that backyard birds were in fact regularly meeting
this fate.
The cause of this phenomenon likely lies in the backyard birds’ habit of
migrating. Migrating birds are often knocked into the sea by storms.
Unaccustomed to the water, they are usually unable to return to the air once their
feathers become soaked. This explains how the sharks ( 28 ). Drymon
suspects tiger sharks purposely give birth in areas that migrating birds fly over.
The fallen animals provide an easy meal for the baby sharks, who are not yet able
to hunt prey that is more difficult to catch.

( 26 ) 1 In short 2 In spite of this

3 Alternatively 4 Furthermore

( 27 ) 1 could mean trouble for humans

2 contains an unexpected addition
3 is less varied than previously thought
4 leads them to swim in dangerous areas

( 28 ) 1 were able to travel so far

2 select individual birds
3 gained access to these animals
4 could survive in such rough conditions
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !6! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Home Advantage
Home advantage is a well­documented phenomenon in certain sports, such as
baseball and soccer, where teams are statistically more likely to win when playing
at home than when playing away games. One proposed explanation for this is the
( 29 ). However, author David Runciman notes that if this were true, there
would have been a much bigger reduction in home advantage over the past
century than there has been, since luxuries such as first­class flights, fancy hotels,
and accompaniment by therapists for athletes playing away from home have
become standard.
Another potential factor is players’ familiarity with their home field.
Although sports fields do not differ significantly from one place to another,
Runciman points out that being familiar with even minor aspects of one’s
surroundings can “enhance confidence in the performance of repetitive physical
tasks.” ( 30 ) when a team moves to a new home field. The team’s home
advantage initially goes away, only to return once the athletes get used to their
new surroundings.
The way sports venues are constructed also seems to affect home advantage.
In an analysis of over 35,000 Major League baseball games, researchers Richard
Zeller and Tim Jurkovac reported that teams playing in a domed stadium at home
won 10.5 percent more games than when they were on the road. On the other
hand, teams playing in an open­air stadium won 7.2 percent more games at home.
The researchers noted that domed stadiums trap noise within the stadium and that
the enthusiasm from fans in the crowd helps teams play better and win more
games. ( 31 ), teams whose home stadiums are domed perform especially
well at home.

( 29 ) 1 home stadium’s atmosphere 2 strategies used in road games

3 stress of traveling 4 confidence level of players

( 30 ) 1 This is clearly demonstrated 2 There are long­lasting effects

3 This increases even more 4 There is a different type of benefit

( 31 ) 1 Otherwise 2 In contrast 3 Surprisingly 4 Because of this

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !7! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

Read each passage and choose the best answer from among the
3 four choices for each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and mark your answer.

With its rich, dark color, caffeinated kick, and roasted aroma, cassina, a beverage
made from the leaves of a type of holly tree, could easily be mistaken for black tea.
Cassina, however, does not come from China, where tea originated, but from the southern
coastal areas of North America. Native Americans began drying and roasting cassina
leaves over a thousand years ago, and trade in the “black drink,” as cassina was known,
stretched across the continent before the arrival of European colonizers. The colonizers,
too, adopted the beverage, drinking cassina daily in Florida and other southern colonies.
The potential for competition worried European importers of black tea, however,
and they set out to use any means necessary to prevent this. Early European observers
had reported seeing Native Americans drinking cassina during rituals that involved
“purging” the consumption of substances that cause vomiting. Historians think the
substance consumed in the rituals was likely cassina mixed with other herbs, or perhaps
not cassina at all, as cassina on its own does not make people throw up when consumed
in typical quantities. Still, when first classifying the plant, scientists gave it the Latin
name Ilex vomitoria, or “holly that causes vomiting.” Some historians suspect tea
companies encouraged scientists perhaps by means of a bribe to make the beverage
sound particularly unappealing.
As a result, in the 1700s, when cassina was marketed in Europe as an alternative to
expensive black tea, tea importers quickly spread word of how the plant supposedly
caused vomiting. The campaign was successful, as cassina failed to gain popularity and
was largely forgotten. In recent years, however, chefs and consumers in the southern
United States have rediscovered it as part of the growing movement to consume
sustainable items obtained from local sources. An added attraction is that the plant is
strong and resistant to drought. Advocates are hoping cassina can overcome its
unfortunate scientific name and history to emerge as a popular alternative to tea and

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !8! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

( 32 ) According to the author of the passage, the drinking of cassina was

1 begun by native populations who lived along the coasts of the southern part
of North America.
2 popular in parts of Europe even before North America was colonized by
3 surprisingly widespread among Native Americans in spite of the plant’s
Chinese origins.
4 introduced to Native Americans by Europeans who sought to profit from
trade in the beverage.

( 33 ) What do we learn about the Latin name for cassina?

1 The people responsible for classifying cassina may have benefited from
making it sound unpleasant to drink.
2 Scientists who observed Native American ceremonies chose the name after
confirming that cassina made people sick.
3 Cassina was initially classified as being related to black tea and then
renamed because of opposition from tea importers.
4 The fact that Native Americans used cassina to treat stomach illnesses led
scientists to classify it as a medicine.

( 34 ) According to the author of the passage, what is one reason that modern­day
consumers have a new interest in cassina?
1 Drinking cassina offers greater health benefits than consuming other kinds
of caffeinated beverages.
2 Chefs often claim that it goes better with their dishes than beverages such
as tea and coffee do.
3 Increasing numbers of people want to consume products that are grown in
their local area.
4 As droughts have caused tea and coffee production to decline, cassina
should offer an affordable alternative.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) !9! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会

Grade Pre-1

The Hebridean Ark Tree Project

On the Outer Hebrides, a group of islands near the Scottish mainland, an ambitious
tree-planting project has started. Called the Hebridean Ark Tree Project, it aims to return
the islands to their ancient state of thick forest cover. Getting trees to grow on the islands
is a challenge, however. The climate is harsh, with low average temperatures and strong
winds that spray the land with saltwater, which harms trees if it is absorbed through their
roots. In addition, much of the ground consists of peat, a nutrient-poor mixture of organic
materials. Peat forms when low temperatures, water, and a lack of oxygen result in
organic matter, such as dead plants, failing to decay completely. Furthermore, animals,
such as deer and sheep, will almost certainly feed on young trees. To deal with the peat
problem, instead of growing trees on top of the peat, the project will grow them on the
edges. Keeping animals away is less straightforward, however, as fencing may be
impractical, and reducing their numbers would cause controversy.
Despite the various challenges, those involved in the project believe it can succeed.
Evidence shows that forests on the islands grew well thousands of years ago. Although
the climate has cooled since then, it was primarily human activity that led to the current
situation. Firstly, Viking invaders who arrived from nearby Scandinavia around AD 800
cut down trees to make sure the native people could not use wood for boat building.
After settling on the islands, the invaders cleared even more trees for raising animals and
growing crops. After a battle on the island of Lewis in 1098, the Vikings introduced a
slash-and-burn policy that severely damaged local tree populations. Once the forests on
the Outer Hebrides were gone, peat growth began to take over.
A major issue facing the project is selecting which trees to plant. The focus is on
native trees, such as aspen and birch, but the origin of the seeds is critical. Project
supporter David Mackay recalls a previous reforestation plan on the Shetland Islands,
where environmental conditions resemble those on the Outer Hebrides. That plan initially
used young trees brought over from the Scottish mainland, but eventually, seeds and trees
from the nearby Faroe Islands had to be introduced. Mackay notes that the genetic
makeup of trees from the mainland does not enable them to deal with harsh island
conditions. For the Hebridean Ark Tree Project, seeds are being taken from trees that
currently remain on the Outer Hebrides and grown into some 100,000 young tree saplings
before being transferred back to the islands.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 10 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 35 ) What is true of environmental conditions on the Outer Hebrides?

1 Rising temperatures have made it difficult for plant and animal populations
to grow significantly.
2 The high salt content in the soil has destroyed large areas of peat deposits,
preventing the growth of plants.
3 The failure of organic matter to decay fully has resulted in the ground
lacking nutrients.
4 Strong winds blow trees down too quickly for them to develop in numbers
large enough for a forest to form.

( 36 ) One of the main causes of tree loss on the Outer Hebrides in the past was that
1 native people allowed their animals to eat young trees in an attempt to
make living conditions difficult for the Vikings.
2 the Vikings destroyed forested areas because they wanted to utilize the land
for agricultural purposes.
3 native people attempted to escape the Vikings by cutting down large areas
of forest to build boats for themselves.
4 the Vikings’ heavy use of peat in certain activities led forested areas to
eventually be taken over by peat growth.

( 37 ) According to David Mackay, what should the Hebridean Ark Tree Project learn
from previous efforts?
1 Only a few types of seeds should be planted on the Outer Hebrides, as
many species can damage the local environment.
2 Locals should lead the project, as experts from the mainland are not
familiar with growing patterns on the Outer Hebrides.
3 Older trees should be used instead of young ones since they can better
withstand the environmental threats on the Outer Hebrides.
4 The seeds of trees taken from the Outer Hebrides or from similarly harsh
environments are the most likely to grow successfully.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 11 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

A Closer Look at Vitamin Supplements

In 1970, American chemist Linus Pauling published the book Vitamin C and the
Common Cold , which promoted the idea of taking vitamin supplements to prevent and
treat disease. Pauling believed high doses of vitamin C could cure the common cold.
Though scientific evidence to support his claim was entirely lacking, people believed it
owing to the fact that he was widely respected as a scientist. Pauling had published over
a thousand scientific papers and books about chemical bonds, molecular biology, and the
structure of proteins, and in 1954 he had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Not
surprisingly, then, when he claimed that vitamin C could prevent and treat colds, people
listened, and vitamin C sales soared. Over time, his claim grew to include other vitamins
and supplements, and he even stated that large doses could cure everything from the flu
to cancer and HIV.
Research had already found evidence linking diets high in fruits and vegetables with
greater longevity and lower rates of cancer, heart failure, and other age-related diseases. It
was also known that fruits and vegetables are high in substances such as beta carotene,
folic acid, and vitamins A, C, and E, which are called antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent
and repair cell damage caused by free radicals, which are formed naturally by the body as
part of its normal function but also come from external sources, such as environmental
pollution. When there are more free radicals than antioxidants in the body, an imbalance
called oxidative stress occurs, which can lead to cancer and other diseases. Pauling had
the idea that, since antioxidants can lessen the damage caused by free radicals, increasing
antioxidant levels with supplements could prevent illness.
However, in the years since Pauling’s claim about vitamin C was published,
numerous studies have shown that vitamin C cannot cure the common cold. In fact, most
studies evaluating similar supplements have not supported their use. Notably, studies
showed that long-term smokers who took beta carotene and vitamin A or E supplements
actually had an increased likelihood of developing lung cancer or heart disease compared
with those who did not. Vitamin E was found to increase the risk of heart failure, and
men who took multivitamins were more likely to develop prostate cancer. This
contradiction has been called the “antioxidant paradox.”
What could the reason for this paradox be? Although taking high doses of vitamins
can increase antioxidant levels, it must also be remembered that a low or moderate level
of free radicals serves a beneficial purpose in defending the body from illness. When the
body releases free radicals as part of its immune response, they target and destroy
bacteria, viruses, and damaged cells including cancerous and precancerous ones. Taking
large doses of antioxidants may interrupt this natural defensive action and allow disease
to grow stronger. This does not mean, however, that supplements are entirely without
value. Vitamin supplements, for example, are effective in treating diseases associated with
malnutrition, such as scurvy, which results from people not getting enough vitamin C.
However, our usage of supplements to address illnesses caused by bacteria and viruses
clearly needs a closer look.
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 12 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

( 38 ) What do we learn about Linus Pauling in the first paragraph?

1 Although he was mistaken about the effect of vitamin C on colds, his
research led to treatments for other diseases.
2 His discovery about vitamins was only possible because he was familiar
with various branches of science.
3 His claim about vitamin C contradicted past conclusions he had made about
chemical bonds and the structure of proteins.
4 The fame he had achieved as a scientist led people to accept his idea in
spite of a lack of evidence to support it.

( 39 ) What did Pauling believe about antioxidants?

1 They could limit the harm done by free radicals made by the body, but they
had little effect on free radicals that came from external sources.
2 Other researchers’ claims that they were made naturally by the body in
quantities sufficient to improve health could not be proved.
3 Large amounts of them were needed to avoid the cell damage and disease
that result from the presence of too many free radicals in the body.
4 Obtaining them from food sources such as fruits and vegetables could
actually have a negative effect on a person’s health.

( 40 ) Research into antioxidants that has been done since Pauling’s time has shown
1 consuming them as supplements does not offer the illness-fighting benefits
claimed by Pauling, and can even be harmful to one’s health.
2 consuming higher doses of them as supplements is more effective for
preventing disease than taking small doses.
3 the problem Pauling was attempting to solve with his research was not
actually a real one.
4 smokers should consume beta carotene supplements along with vitamin A
and E supplements to reduce the risk of certain diseases.

( 41 ) According to the author of the passage, how do free radicals function within the
1 They can increase antioxidants’ effectiveness in improving the health of
people who are not receiving enough nutrition.
2 They are released after a person consumes certain vitamins to ensure that
those vitamins go where they are needed in the body.
3 They play an important role in the immune system because they seek out
and eliminate threats to healthy cells.
4 They are similar to viruses and bacteria in that they can actually be made
stronger by the presence of antioxidants.
2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 13 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

4 English Composition

● Write an essay on the given TOPIC.

● Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer.
● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
● Suggested length: 120 150 words
● Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet.
Any writing outside the space will not be graded.

Do companies need to improve the way they treat their workers?

● Health
● Male-female equality
● Salaries
● Work-life balance

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 14 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 15 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

There are three parts to this listening test.

Part 1 Dialogues: 1 question each Multiple-choice

Part 2 Passages: 2 questions each Multiple-choice
Part 3 Real-Life: 1 question each Multiple-choice

※ Listen carefully to the instructions.

Part 1

No. 1 1 Visit her family in the summer.

2 Change her vacation time.
3 Take an extra week off.
4 Reschedule her parents’ visit.

No. 2 1 The team’s results were unsatisfactory.

2 He refused to listen to the owners’ advice.
3 The players did not like him.
4 He demanded too much money.

No. 3 1 His daughter has decided to quit college.

2 His daughter cannot find a job in finance.
3 His daughter wants to change her career path.
4 His daughter cannot afford to attend college.

No. 4 1 It had an environmental message.

2 The pictures were very beautiful.
3 It was not well attended.
4 She was unable to meet the photographer.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 16 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

No. 5 1 Have the house painted.

2 Get a new roof.
3 Wait until they save more money.
4 Replace the living room carpets.

No. 6 1 She will be away on vacation.

2 She has arranged to meet other people.
3 He will be on a business trip.
4 He has not returned her calls.

No. 7 1 She does not pay attention to clients.

2 She does not speak up in staff meetings.
3 She is failing to meet her sales targets.
4 She is missing too many meetings.

No. 8 1 That they do more research before deciding.

2 That he move to Leicester on his own.
3 That the woman find a new position locally.
4 That they move closer to his family.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 17 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

No. 9 1 The number of people who attended was low.

2 She felt uncomfortable talking to people.
3 It should have been held on another date.
4 She wishes the man had gone with her.

No. 10 1 Reserve a hotel room today.

2 Check some sightseeing websites.
3 Request some time off.
4 Postpone the trip for now.

No. 11 1 The living room is too small for them.

2 The man’s mother will not like them.
3 They would not look good in the bedroom.
4 They will be too heavy to hang on the wall.

No. 12 1 Keep his things in the same place.

2 Stop leaving valuables in the kitchen.
3 Help her look for the things she lost.
4 Hang his suits in the closet.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 18 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Part 2

(A) No. 13 1 Smoke caused the paper bags to rise.

2 Paper was better than cloth for making aircraft.
3 Their balloon could never carry people.
4 Their balloon might catch fire.

No. 14 1 The pilots showed that ballooning was cheap.

2 It was quicker than previous English Channel flights.
3 It helped improve English-French relations.
4 It had never been done before.

(B) No. 15 1 Boats and planes are causing pollution.

2 Garbage sites are becoming full.
3 Local wildlife is attracted to garbage.
4 There is a shortage of natural resources.

No. 16 1 They are receiving complaints from citizens.

2 Recycling laws are too strict.
3 Shipping prices for supplies have risen.
4 They will lose a source of funding.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 19 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

(C) No. 17 1 It increased their vocabulary.

2 It improved their reading speed.
3 It increased their ability to spell new words.
4 It improved their school attendance.

No. 18 1 Encouraging students to read science fiction in class.

2 Asking students to take notes when reading.
3 Focusing more on spelling than reading.
4 Reading aloud to teach subjects other than English.

(D) No. 19 1 He was more familiar with the territory.

2 He was able to trick the US government.
3 He learned about the US soldiers’ attack plans.
4 He got other tribes to help him fight.

No. 20 1 The US government returned land to the Sioux.

2 The US government broke the peace treaty.
3 Red Cloud’s tribe began mining for gold.
4 Red Cloud defeated the US soldiers again.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 20 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

(E) No. 21 1 To find a way to make horses run faster.

2 To answer a question about how horses run.
3 To advertise a horse show.
4 To provide public entertainment.

No. 22 1 He hired people to take photos.

2 He increased the shutter speed of his cameras.
3 He used wires to make cameras take photos.
4 He drew images based on photos.

(F) No. 23 1 They traded with other cultures.

2 They attacked enemies in the deep jungle.
3 They could not feed their population.
4 They used advanced farming methods.

No. 24 1 They were protected by the jungle.

2 They have been badly damaged in wars.
3 They were copied from another civilization.
4 They are still used by modern farmers.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 21 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

Listening Test

Part 3

(G) No. 25 Situation: You are beginning your first year studying at a
university abroad. You have a Y2 visa. You are interested
in working part-time and attend an orientation.
Question: Who should you speak to?
1 Gunther Heinz in room 205.
2 Maria Rivera in room 201.
3 Anita Kern in room 301.
4 Jill Chen in room 207.

(H) No. 26 Situation: You have checked in to take Freedom Airlines Flight
214 to Singapore. You will then take a Europa Airlines
flight. You hear the following announcement.
Question: Where should you go after collecting your baggage?
1 Counter C.
2 Counter G.
3 Counter E.
4 Counter A.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 22 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
Grade Pre-1

(I) No. 27 Situation: Your boss asked you to order 100 individual
cupcakes or cookies, each showing your company’s logo,
for a conference that begins in two days. A bakery leaves
you the following voice mail.
Question: What should you do?
1 Order from the other local bakery.
2 Order the regular cupcakes.
3 Order the large-sized cakes.
4 Order the fancy cookies.

(J) No. 28 Situation: You start a new job in three days and have to wear a
gray suit with no patterns. Your budget is $200. A store
clerk tells you the following.
Question: Which suit should you choose?
1 The Romano.
2 The Franklin.
3 The Gladstone.
4 The Vostel.

(K) No. 29 Situation: You are on vacation with your elderly parents, who
have trouble walking. They want to take a boat trip to see
some nature. You call a tour company.
Question: Which cruise should you take?
1 The daytime downriver cruise.
2 The nighttime downriver cruise.
3 The shorter upriver cruise.
4 The extended upriver cruise.

2019年度第3回検定一次試験(準1級) ! 23 ! copyright2020 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
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1)試験日 A日程:2月23日
(日) B日程:3月1日(日)

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