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Concreteness Fading in Mathematics and Science Instruction: a Systematic Review

Author(s): Emily R. Fyfe, Nicole M. McNeil, Ji Y. Son and Robert L. Goldstone

Source: Educational Psychology Review , March 2014, Vol. 26, No. 1, Special Issue:
Theoretical Perspectives and Empircal Relevant to Classroom Instruction with
Manipulatives (March 2014), pp. 9-25
Published by: Springer

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Psychology Review

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Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25
DOI 1 0. 1 007/s 1 0648-0 1 4-9249-3


Concreteness Fading in Mathematics and Science

Instruction: a Systematic Review

Emily R. Fyfe • Nicole M. McNeil • Ji Y. Son •

Robert L. Goldstone

Published online: 14 January 2014

€) Springer Scicncc+Busincss Media New York 2014

Abstract A longstanding debate concerns the use of concrete versus abstract instructio
materials, particularly in domains such as mathematics and science. Although decade
research have focused on the advantages and disadvantages of concrete and abstract mat
considered independently, we argue for an approach that moves beyond this dichotomy
combines their advantages. Specifically, we recommend beginning with concrete material
then explicitly and gradually fading to the more abstract. Theoretical benefits of this "
creteness fading" technique for mathematics and science instruction include (1) hel
learners interpret ambiguous or opaque abstract symbols in terms of well-understood concr
objects, (2) providing embodied perceptual and physical experiences that can ground abst
thinking, (3) enabling learners to build up a store of memorable images that can be used
abstract symbols lose meaning, and (4) guiding learners to strip away extraneous con
properties and distill the generic, generalizable properties. In these ways, concreteness f
provides advantages that go beyond the sum of the benefits of concrete and abstract mater

Keywords Concrete manipulatives • Abstract symbols • Learning and instruction

A longstanding controversy concerns the use of concrete versus abstract materials dur
mathematics and science instruction. Concrete materials connect with learners' prior kn
edge, are grounded in perceptual and/or motor experiences, and have identifiable corres
dences between their form and referents. In contrast, abstract materials eliminate extra
perceptual properties, represent structure efficiently, and are more arbitrarily linked to t

E. R. Fyfc (SI)
Department of Psychology and Human Development, Vandcrbilt University, 230 Applcton Place,
Pcabody #552, Nashville, TN 37203, USA
e-mail: cmily.r.fyfc@vandcrbilt.cdu

N. M. McNeil
Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA

J. Y. Son

Psychology Department, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA

R. L. Goldstonc
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA


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10 Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25

referents. Although the concreteness of m

only to the extremes, pitting concrete and
Here, we argue that concreteness fading
beyond the concrete versus abstract deb
disadvantages of both. Concreteness fadin
which the concrete, physical instantiatio
time. This fading technique offers a set
concrete or abstract materials considered i
benefits of this concreteness fading techn
science instruction, and lay out unanswer

Concrete Versus Abstract Materials

Concrete materials, which include physical, virtual, and pictorial objects, are widely used in
Western classrooms (Bryan et al. 2007), and this practice has support in both psychology and
education (e.g., Bruner 1966; Piaget 1970). There are at least four potential benefits to using
concrete materials. First, they provide a practical context that can activate real-world knowl-
edge during learning (Schliemann and Carraher 2002). Second, they can induce physical or
imagined action, which has been shown to enhance memory and understanding (Glenberg
et al. 2004). Third, they enable learners to construct their own knowledge of abstract concepts
(Brown et al. 2009). Fourth, they recruit brain regions associated with perceptual processing,
and it is estimated that 25-40 % of the human cortex is dedicated to visual information
processing (Evans-Martin 2005). Despite these benefits, there are several reasons to caution
against the use of concrete materials during learning. Specifically, they often contain extrane-
ous perceptual details, which can distract the learner from relevant information (e.g., Belenky
and Schalk 2014; Kaminski et al. 2008), draw attention to themselves rather than their
referents (e.g., Uttal et al. 1997), and constrain transfer of knowledge to novel problems
(e.g., Goldstone and Sakamoto 2003; Sloutsky et al. 2005).
A number of researchers recommend avoiding concrete materials in favor of abstract
materials, which eliminate extraneous perceptual details. Abstract materials offer increased
portability and generalizability to multiple contexts (Kaminski et al. 2009; Son et al. 2008).
They also focus learners' attention on structure and representational aspects, rather than on
surface features (Kaminski et al. 2009; Uttal et al. 2009). However, abstract materials are not
without shortcomings. For example, solving problems in abstract form often leads to ineffi-
cient solution strategies (Koedinger and Nathan 2004), inflexible application of learned
procedures (McNeil and Alibali 2005), and illogical errors (Carraher and Schliemann 1985;
Stigler et al. 2010). In general, abstract materials run the risk of leading learners to manipulate
meaningless symbols without conceptual understanding (Nathan 2012).

Concreteness Fading

Given that both concrete and abstract materials have advantages and disadvantages, we
propose a solution that combines their advantages and mitigates their disadvantages.
Specifically, we argue for an approach that begins with concrete materials and gradually and
explicitly fades toward more abstract ones. This concreteness fading technique exploits the
continuum from concreteness to abstractness and allows learners to initially benefit from the
grounded, concrete context while still encouraging them to generalize beyond it.

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Educ Psychol Rev (20 1 4) 26:9-25 1 1

Concreteness fading was originally recomm

concepts and procedures should be presented
which is a physical, concrete model of the c
pictorial model; and finally (3) a symbolic form
example, in mathematics, the quantity "two" c
next by a picture of two dots representing t
The idea is to start with a concrete, recogni
details to end with the most economic, abstrac
refer to the three-step progression by which
increasingly abstract over time. Since Brune
approaches to the concrete versus abstract deb
are eventually decontextualized or faded to m
Gravemeijer 2002; Lehrer and Schäuble 20
Concreteness fading offers a unique solution
that distinguishes it from alternative appro
example, it is widely assumed that providin
learners relative to providing a single repres
and Holyoak 1983). Although some studies h
others have found limited benefits (see A
representations are presented simultaneous
due to the burden on limited cognitive reso
learners may struggle to understand how the
to extract key concepts (e.g., Ainsworth et al.
integrating the different representations
2009). Concreteness fading involves the pr
the limitations of simply presenting them
specific progression. That is, the examples a
ness, and there is a specified directionality in
the iconic and abstract examples.
A related approach to presenting multiple
compare them (e.g., Kotovsky and Gentne
presentation of two examples and the map
similarities or differences. For example, in on
to detect patterns (i.e., ABA) by asking them
square, small square) with one of two other
circle, diamond, diamond; Son et al. 201 1).
the elements in each set were better able to d
did not make this direct comparison. Althou
comparison, the focus is not on mapping s
examples as mutual referents. Further, conc
sentations be held in mind simultaneously; it
time. Concreteness fading is a unique solutio
provides advantages over a general presentat

Theoretical Benefits of Concreteness Fadi

On the surface, the benefits of concrete an

appears we have to choose grounded, con

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12 Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25

knowledge. However, we aigue that both

we suggest that concreteness fading allow
concrete contexts and also generalized i
concreteness fading offers the advanta
separately, the advantages of presenting co
the advantages of presenting them toget
abstract. Here, we explicate the unique the
for both learning and transfer. See Fig.
fading and its potential benefits.
Benefits of concreteness fading emerge
later explicitly links to the more difficu
geous initially because they allow the conce
(Baranes et al. 1989; Carraher et al. 1985).
riseto at least three specific advantages.
First, it helps learners interpret ambi
understood concrete objects (Goldstone
are devoid of context and often difficul
meaningless symbols without understand
terms of unambiguous familiar object
ambiguous man-rat drawing is preceded by
as a man. But when it is preceded by a dra
Thus, if the concrete materials precede t
interpret the ambiguous abstract materials
This process may underlie children's imp

Theoretical Model of Concreteness Fading


Physical, concrete ^ Graphic, pictorial ■' 1 " ^ Arbitrary, abstract
model model

Helps learners interpret ; Strips away extraneous or • Facilitates domain-general,

ambiguous representations in j i perceptual features that are i general izable properties that
terms of easily-understood, i unrelated to the concept ! are portable across contexts
grounded scenarios : •
< Introduces formal symbols in i ¡ Highlights releva
Provides embodied perceptual < ¡ the context of the prior | patter
and physical experiences ! concrete scenario/model ! features

Fosters "back-up" store of I Links the concrete and ; ¡ Develops alternative

concrete images for weak or ¡ abstract instantiations as ; representations that allow for
forgotten abstractions ¡ mutual referents ; efficient cognitive operations


1. Should include at least three distinct stages (presenting any one-stage or two-stag
sequence will be less effective than the full three-stage sequence)
2. Stages must be linked (unlinked stages will be less effective than linked stages)
3. Order matters (presenting the stages in any order other than enactive-iconic-symbo
be less effective than the order specified)

Fig. 1 Theoretical model of concreteness fading

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Educ Psychol Rev (20 1 4) 26:9-25 13

(Sherman and Bisanz 2009). Children can in

in terms of familiar ideas, such as balancin
fading sequence, learners can link the concre
mitigating the disadvantage of ambiguity in
Second, the initial concrete stage takes adv
experience with perceptual and physical pr
inferences. According to an embodied theory
language, mathematics) stem from action
2000). Thus, comprehension of abstract sym
experiences or representations of those ex
sentence with toys helps them connect wor
actions and enhances comprehension of th
enactive, stage engages learners in physica
necessary bodily experience. Further, thes
symbols, thus facilitating the mapping bet
Third, the concrete stage enables learners t
abstract symbols are forgotten or disconn
Bruner (1966), once an understanding of t
not give up their imagery, but rather rely on
new problems to those already mastered. T
sible, back-up representation that can be u
their referent. For example, elementary sc
sign in the context of balancing a seesaw
sentences later in the school year (e.g., 5+6=

solutions were encouraged to rely on their knowledge of a sees

made sense (Mann 2004). Concreteness fading not only encoura
concrete and abstract understanding but also provides learners
linked to a stock of images. Each of these images can act
connecting an otherwise reclusive abstraction.
The concrete, enactive stage provides numerous benefits for
Equally important, however, are the two subsequent stages: the
Bruner 's (1966) sequence. If given only concrete materials (or c
in isolation), it is likely that the learner's knowledge would re
context and would not transfer to dissimilar situations. Indeed
that students who learned a math concept only through an ab
those who learned through a concrete example followed by an a
examples in this study were presented one after another in isol
progression. It is through the gradual and explicit fading that
concept of extraneous, concrete properties and grasp the mor
(Bruner 1966).
Stripping away extraneous features facilitates transfer by highlighting structural information
and reducing the salience of concrete information. Indeed, the problem of transferring knowl-
edge to novel contexts has often been attributed to learners' inability to detect the underlying
structure of the problem at hand (e.g., Ross 1987). Further, drawing attention to structure is one
of the central tenets of several theories of learning, including the preparation for future learning
account (e.g., Schwartz et al. 2011) and schema theory (e.g., Chi et al. 1981). By slowly
decontextualizing the concrete materials, concreteness fading hones in on the pertinent,
structural features and results in a faded representation that can be a useful stand-in for a
variety of specific contexts. This mitigates the disadvantageous context specificity of concrete

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14 Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25

materials and allows learners to more eas

dissimilar spheres of application.
In sum, concreteness fading can benefit
recognizable format then gradually and
generate a more abstract representatio
meaningful but also abstract and port
explicitly link the concrete materials and
the result is a rich, grounded understand
conventional, abstract symbols.

Support for Concreteness Fading

Although empirical support for concrete

this method is admittedly indirect and r
Various features of concreteness fading ha
example, concreteness fading involves pr
tiations and linking their common structu
multiple instantiations of a concept, as it
(e.g., Gick and Holyoak 1983). In addit
support as domain knowledge increases
instructional support more generally (e.g
with low domain knowledge tend to bene
whereas higher-knowledge learners benefit
(see Kalyuga 2007). Further, concreteness
to abstract as opposed to abrupt shifts. R
learner's knowledge level are particularl
More relevant indirect evidence comes fr
concrete-to-abstract sequence. For exa
learning gains from a cognitive tutor th
followed by an intermediate step, foll
research, worked examples accompanied
were better at facilitating transfer perf
accompanied by any animations (Scheite
the benefits were due to the fading or to
simulation environments that contained
images promoted better transfer than
(Jaakkola et al. 2009). Further, transiti
concrete models to a simulation environm
physical experimentation alone (Zachar
simulation-only condition, it is difficult
been included at all.
There has been some direct, experimental evidence in favor of concreteness fading, but
more is needed. Goldstone and Son (2005) had undergraduates learn a scientific principle (i.e.,
competitive specialization) via computer simulations that varied in perceptual richness. The
concrete elements appeared as colorful ants foraging for fruit, whereas the abstract elements
appeared as black dots and green shapes. Students exhibited higher transfer when the elements
in the display switched from concrete to abstract than when the elements remained concrete,
remained abstract, or switched from abstract to concrete. However, the simulations only used

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Educ Psychol Rev (20 1 4) 26:9-25 1 5

two steps in the fading progression as opp

(1966). Additionally, the concrete and abstrac
represented ants and food - the abstract el
Also, the abstract elements were not arbit
symbols are.
Braithwaite and Goldstone (2013) also examined a two-step fading progression, but in the
mathematical domain of combinatorics. The researchers used outcome listing (i.e., listing all
the possible outcomes) and numerical calculation (i.e., using a formula to calculate the possible
outcomes) as examples of concrete and abstract materials, respectively. Students were assigned
to one of four conditions: concrete (outcome listing only), abstract (numerical calculation
only), concrete first (listing followed by calculation), or abstract first (calculation followed by
listing). Concrete first led to higher transfer than concrete or abstract first and to similar transfer
as abstract. These results suggest that when both concrete and abstract materials are employed,
concrete materials should precede the abstract. However, the combination was not necessarily
more effective than using abstract materials alone. Again, only two-step fading was used as
opposed to the three-step fading. Also, in this study, the concrete and abstract materials were
both fairly abstract (i.e., graphic notation written on paper). Perhaps including the initial,
enactive stage would have enhanced the effectiveness of this form of concreteness fading.
There is some direct empirical support for the full three-step concreteness fading progres-
sion. For example, McNeil and Fyfe (2012) had undergraduates learn modular arithmetic in
one of three conditions: concrete , in which the concept was presented using meaningful
images; abstract , in which the concept was presented using arbitrary, abstract symbols; or
concreteness fading , in which the concept was presented using meaningful images that were
faded into abstract symbols. The concreteness fading progression included an intermediate,
"faded" stage that retained the identifiable correspondence between the form and referent, but
was stripped of all extraneous perceptual detail. This allowed the concrete and abstract
elements to be explicitly linked as mutual referents. Students completed a transfer test
immediately, 1 week later, and 3 weeks later. Importantly, students in the concreteness fading
condition exhibited the best transfer performance at all three time points.
Two additional studies provide direct support for concreteness fading but are currently
unpublished. In the first experiment, children with low knowledge of math equivalence
received instruction on math equivalence problems (e.g., 3+4=3+

tions (Fyfe and McNeil 2009). In the concrete condition, p

physical, concrete objects (e.g., toy bears on a balance scal
problems were presented as symbolic equations on paper. In the
problems were presented in three progressive formats: first wit
fading worksheets that used pictures to represent the obje
equations (see Fig. 2). In the concreteness intmduction condit
in the reverse progression such that it began with abstract mat
were gradually introduced. Following instruction, children so
Children in the concreteness fading condition solved more tr
children in the other conditions.
A follow-up experiment tested the generalizability of the r
population to children who had high prior knowledge in the d
In this study, high-knowledge children were taught an ad
equivalence problems that none of the children had u
Specifically, they were taught to "cancel" equivalent addends
sign (e.g., canceling the 3s in 3+4=3+

described above. Following instruction, children solved trans

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16 Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25

Fig. 2 Progression of materials used during instru


"challenge" problem (258+29+173=29+

Children in all conditions had similar overall transfer perfo

revealed meaningful differences. Children in the concre
likely than children in the other conditions to use the canc
problem correctly.
Importantly, in both of these experiments, children in th
tion did not perform as well as children in the concrete
number of alternative explanations for why concretenes
children in both the concreteness fading and concreten
problems in three formats (i.e., concrete, worksheet, abs
and were encouraged to map concrete and abstract example
the specific progression from concrete to abstract that
Although evidence in favor of concreteness fading c
acknowledging situations in which a concrete-to-abstract
outcomes. As mentioned previously, both Kaminski
Goldstone (2013) found that the concrete-abstract combi
using abstract materials alone. In another study (Tapóla
faired better than the combination: A simulation on electri
concrete promoted higher learning than one in which the e
abstract. Finally, a recent experiment found benefits fo
quence. Middle school students who studied electrical cir
transitioned to concrete illustrations exhibited higher tran
illustrations that transported to abstract diagrams (Joh
reasons why concreteness fading may not have optimized
concreteness fading was not ideally implemented. In all of
employed as opposed to the three stages recommended by
span the full concreteness continuum, and the stages were
Second, learner characteristics may have played a role.
learners can easily comprehend the concrete materials
materials, and have a certain level of "readiness" to lea


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Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25 1 7

knowledge to understand the concrete

premature. On the other hand, if learner
abstract material, then they may ben
Although these examples suggest that th
concreteness fading, the number of stud
shown here, there is a variety of support in
existing literatures to direct, experiment
ness fading can be an effective instructi
instantiate the complete three-step transi
confirm the effectiveness of concreteness

Applications of Concreteness Fading

Despite the need for more direct support

into several mathematics curriculaand pr
resource for teachers with struggling m
core recommended strategies is to teach
sequence. With CRA, each math concept i
pictures that represent the concrete mater
The website provides f example materials
use them effectively. The CRA sequence
education researchers (e.g., Butler et al. 2
may be a beneficial approach for all learn
At least four widely used curricula also u
Singapore Math is a teaching method and
Singapore (Thomas and Thomas 201 1). Th
basic concept before introducing new mat
in greater depth and by employing a thr
pictorial to abstract (Wang-Iverson et al.
starts with physical, hands-on activity; m
transitions to conventional abstract symb
and is used by an increasing number of sc
math achievement in Singapore, there is l
Math curricula as it is used in the USA
Mathematics in Context is a comprehe
Shafer 2004) that supports mathem
(Freudenthal 1991). The goal is to use st
the development of more formal mathema
is first instantiated in a context-specific
situations as a more abstract model. T
Gravemeijer's (2002) "bottom-up" progres
ational mathematics and progressing to
suggests that Mathematics in Context
however, its overall effectiveness remain
evidence standards (WWC 2008).
Similarly, Everyday Mathematics is a re
curriculum that emphasizes the use of co

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18 Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25

concepts (Carroll and Issacs 2003). In

presented in isolation, but are linked
learners think carefully about mathem
referents that are familiar to young st
multiple representations, especially the a
a component of concreteness fading. Ev
positive effects on math achievement f
Finally, Building Blocks is a supplem
preschool children's early math knowle
print material (Clements and Sarama 2007
goal of relating children's informal ma
The general goal is to build upon childr
help them develop a strong foundation f
Although the use of explicit and gradua
Building Blocks curricula, it is naturally
experience and eventually connected to
bers. Importantly, Building Blocks has
was found to have a positive effect on
Although most of these approaches ar
fading is also an important design compo
Tablet-based or web-based interventi
progress from concrete to abstract. Initi
these interactive programs, Spatiotemp
tablets, shows signs of early promise (Ru
interact with simple, dynamic represen
in difficulty and can only be solved w
after students understand the concept vi
representations and procedures. Exampl
can be viewed at the MIND Research we
A final example of interactive instructio
the DragonBox system for teaching alg
game with "monsters" that follow ce
monsters annihilate each other in a v
converted into a special monster that c

Fig. 3 The enactive, iconic, and symbolic stage

tutoring system for teaching algebra

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Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25 19

monster, and (e) a monster can be added to

other side. The goal of the game is to iso
Passing through an iconic stage, in whic
learners finally reach a stage in which alg
"rules" they had learned before correspo
inverse property). Learners implicitly inte
during the concrete, enactive stage, and th
and formalized.

Questions for Future Research

In general, concreteness fading has been in

all of which have shown potential for succ
concreteness fading in real-world learning
is needed. Once the efficacy of concreten
directions for future research. These i
underlying mechanisms, (2) optimizing
Here,we briefly outline and discuss seve
What underlying mechanisms explain
number of possibilities, not all of which
which concreteness fading causes bette
interpretation of the materials. The fading
understood, concrete representation of a
Abstract symbols are arbitrarily linked
However, people spontaneously interpret
they are familiar (e.g., Leeper 1935). Wit
precedes the abstract scenario. One possibi
tation of the abstract symbols, even aft
1966). That is, the abstract symbols carry
concrete context.

Another potential mechanism is by encouraging structural recognition and alignment (e.g

Kaminski et al. 2009). The fading method strips away extraneous, superficial details thereb
reducing opportunities for these details to compete with, or be confused for, the deeper relation
structure. Previous research has shown that when situations are presented only in a perceptua
rich manner, the structure is not likely to be noticed (e.g., Gentner and Medina 1998; Markma
and Gentner 1993). For example, when perceptually rich objects are used in a relational task
children often notice the concreteness of the objects (e.g., both sets contain a toy car), rather th
the structural relation (e.g., both sets have objects that increase in size). Concreteness fading c
overcome these limitations by narrowing in on the relational structure, rather than surfac
elements. Also, by highlighting the structure in multiple examples that vary in concretenes
the fading progression likely increases the learner's ability to recognize that structure in diver
contexts. Indeed, several studies have shown that providing at least two examples of a concept,
rather than only one, greatly improves learners' ability to identify a novel instance of the conce
(e.g., Christie and Gentner 2010; Graham et al. 2010; Kurtz et al. 2013).
Concreteness fading may also improve learning by grounding a concept in an intuiti
manner (e.g., Baranes et al. 1989). This allows learners to gain confidence in easily graspab
ideas before that grounding is systematically removed. This mechanism may also explain th
success of a related instructional technique, which we refer to as prototype fading. A common

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20 Educ Psychol Rev (20 1 4) 26:9-25

approach is to present a simple, prototypic

distant examples. For instance, a math tea
describing repeated addition, a prototypica
integers. Eventually, students' concept of m
falls by the wayside as the basis for under
physics teacher might begin a unit on w
waves, and finally light waves (Hofstadter
aspects of learning materials, prototype fa
manner and then systematically removing
standing that is transportable to previou
prototype fading are powered by the develo
general patterns. One of the best ways
appearances is to translate situations into
constraints of enactive or iconic represent
the development of such formal understan
the periodic table all attest.
Although the cognitive sciences offer sev
also provide potential mechanisms underly
learning was originally investigated in an
discriminations by first presenting them w
difficult stimuli (Terrace 1963). Although
discriminable stimuli, gradually those wou
remained. Learning the more difficult inf
learning may also explain why native Japa
"L" sounds most effectively when they are f
that accentuates the differences between th
typical /r/- /1/ discrimination (McClelland
the relevant discriminating aspects, and th
learners experience with naturalistic speec
manner. Learners with no prior intention of
this information simply by responding to e
occur with relevant abstract characteristics.
eventually disappear, allowing learners to le
In addition to explicating the mechanism
research should also work to optimize the
test whether all types of concreteness are
been positing a single concrete-to-abstrac
distinguish several such continua. For ex
describing a car ride from Chicago to New
(e.g., colorful car model versus line drawin
contextualized story versus provide only th
story involving the student versus story i
creteness (e.g., sketch of the trip versus lin
of concreteness are unlikely to be cogniti
may interact to impact learning outcomes. F
when they used perceptually rich, but unfa
perceptually rich and familiar, or perceptu
should continue investigating different ty
bined to facilitate learning and transfer.

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Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25 21

A related issue for optimizing concret

sequence. This would allow researchers t
the enactive stage. As currently conceptua
physical objects, which provide percep
suggests that the enactive stage is ne
sequence to an RA sequence for teachin
The CRA group used concrete manipulat
used representational drawings. Students
ment than students in the RA group. How
feasible or even necessary. For example,
stepfading progression, all three repres
physical manipulation. Indeed, perceptu
phenomena are often as effective, if not
phenomena (de Jong et al. 2013). One key
level of the participants. Indeed, Bruner
necessary for learners with high prior kn
This point highlights that individual di
often determining whether an instructio
Snow 1 977). Thus, it will be important t
ators of concreteness fading. A large bo
knowledge may be particularly importan
and Sakamoto (2003) suggests that learne
by distracting concrete materials relat
experiment by Homer and Plass (2009) of
visualizations in a science tutorial were m
for students with high knowledge. These
ness and individual differences may be c
distinctions between these studies and to c
and knowledge levels.
Another potential moderator to consi
Although many influential learning theo
Piaget 1973), recent evidence suggests tha
be more beneficial than pure discovery a
the optimal amount and type of instruct
the task, learner, and instructional techn
instruction influences learning from con
ined kindergarteners' ability to recognize
When explicit training and examples were
or abstract materials successfully transf
instruction was provided, only children w
Thus, one possibility is that concreteness f
direct instructional guidance. Another po
direct instruction and may circumvent th


In sum, concreteness fading represents a promising instructional technique that moves beyond
the concrete versus abstract debate and exploits advantages of multiple examples across the

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22 Educ Psychol Rev (2014) 26:9-25

concreteness continuum. It refers specif

physical instantiation of a concept beco
technique offers unique advantages that s
considered in isolation. Additionally, it
widely used in existing mathematics cur
Given the widespread use and endorse
teachers alike, it is pertinent that we find
learning and transfer. This will require con
to use them, and most importantly how
Indeed, as Brown et al. (2009) note, "link
abstract, symbolic representations may be
today" (p. 1 62). We propose concreteness f
best of both concrete and abstract instruct


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