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Schedule A


1. Personal particulars of the Employee

Surname: .................................................................................................................................…....
First names: ..........................................................................................................................….......
IC. no.: ....................................................................................................................................
Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Home address: .............................................................................................................…...............

Tel. no.: ............................................ Emergency. no: .................................................
Office address: ..........................................................................................................................….......
.......................................................... Office. no.: ..................................................

2. Commencement date: ..................................................................................................................


(If you were promoted, then you are you are either SENIOR or PRINCIPAL)

4. General description of work:


Proofreading by a UK PhD Company No: NS0163592-K

Schedule B

Terms and Conditions

1. Hired Consultant(s) (Consultant(s) include Editors, Qualitative/Quantitative
Experts, Formatting Experts, and Writers, whom will be referred as Consultants
throughout the document) will need to obey to the timeline agreed with the
Chief Editor. However, Consultant(s) will only be permitted up to a maximum
of 2 day(s) of timeline extension to submit the allocated document from the
fixed timeline with a valid and justified reason. Any further delay would result
in payment being deducted by 15% for each subsequent day(s), unless a clear
justification is provided.

2. Upon receiving the document from the Chief Editor, Consultant(s) should
confirm whether they agree to the assignment within 2 Hours.

3. Any feedbacks given by a client on a particular edited assignment should be

rectified by the Consultant in-charge appropriately until the agreed quality is
met, unless Chief Editor agree to accept the state of work.

4. There would be 3 months of probation period for newly hired Consultants. If

the performance is not up to the satisfaction of Chief Editor, Consultant(s)
would be terminated immediately.

5. High performing Consultant(s) would be eligible for Increment, Bonus and


6. Existing Consultant(s) would gain a referral bonus when they introduce a new
Consultant. The referral bonus will be paid upon the new Consultant
completing the 3 months of probation period.

7. Consultant(s) would also gain a referral fee when a new client is introduced
and a contract is successfully locked.

8. Consultant(s) should conduct the given assignment in accordance to the

standards fixed by the Chief Editor.

9. During the paper review process, if the thesis paper is rejected or commented
of poor English or if the criticism is related to the service that we provided, the
Consultant should take full responsibility to rectify the relevant issue till it
meets the satisfaction of the reviewer/client. Payment will only be released
once all the fair requirements are met.

10. Consultant(s) that plans to quit from ProofreadingByPhD (Formally known as

Thava Proofreading and Editing Services) needs to provide 2 months of advance
notice to the Chief Editor.

Proofreading by a UK PhD Company No: NS0163592-K

11. Consultant(s) that are busy should inform the Chief Editor one week in advance
to allow proper schedule planning.

12. All completed projects would be paid by either 15th (14th to 16th) or 30th (28th to
31st) of the following calendar month.

13. Receipts for payments received from ProofreadingByPhD should be provided

at the end of every calendar month by Consultant(s). Failure to comply will
delay the next round of payment.

Signature of Editor Signature of Chief Editor

…………………………. ……………………………….

Name: Dr.Thavamaran Kanesan

Date: B.Eng (Hons), PhD (U.K)


Proofreading by a UK PhD Company No: NS0163592-K

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