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Final Exam Instructions (Offline)

The exam will be held in oral form.

The students pass the exam one after another.
Due to the limited number of questions there will be no time for preparation.
Each student will draw 1 exam card with a theoretical question and 1 exam card with
a practical question.
The student can be asked additional questions.

a. Theoretical part:
1) Brief history of the British Empire. Victorian literature.
2) Postcolonial literature. Main peculiarities and representatives.
3) Scottish literature. R. Burns. W. Scott.
4) Irish literature. F. O’Connor. S. Heany.
5) Canadian literature. E. Pauline Johnson. M. Atwood.
6) Nigerian literature. C. Achebe. W. Soyinka.
7) Australian literature. H. Lawson. T. Keneally
b. Practical part (narratological analysis):
1) Rob Roy by W. Scott.
2) Guests of the Nation, First Confession, Majesty of the Law by
F. O’Connor.
3) Civil Peace, Marriage is a Private Affair, Chike's School Days
by C. Achebe.
4) Schindler’s Ark by T. Keneally.

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