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ROADMAP™Assignment Unit 5

Grammar 6 Never __buy✓ at full price. Wait for the sales. (buy)
1 Join each pair of sentences using that, who or 7 You _should see_✓_ Ben’s new flat. It’s lovely! (see)
1 She’s a professor. She teaches history.
 She’s a professor who teaches history . Vocabulary
4 Complete each sentence with words related to
2 My dad’s an author. He writes funny books.
work. The first letter of each word is given.
  He’s an author who writes funny books . ✓
1 My job is w e l l p a i d, so I save a lot each month.
3 It’s a long journey. It takes four hours.
2 Do you work p a r t - t i m e or full-time? ✓
  It’s a long journey that takes four hours . ✓
3 I’m always tired because I work such l o n g
4 Use the new computer. It’s in Bob’s office.
  Use the new computer that it’s in Bob’s office . X
4 He works in a team, not on h i s o w n . ✓
5 I work at a clothes shop. It’s very popular.
  I work at a clothes shop which it’s very popular .X 5 She’s an a r c h i t e c t who has designed some
famous buildings. ✓
6 Joe is the manager. He works on the fifth floor.
  Joe is the manager who works on the fifth floor . ✓ 6 Ali is a s h o p a s s i s t a n t. She sells clothes. ✓
7 I have a part-time job. I do it on Sundays. 7 Our t o u r g u i d e on holiday was interesting. ✓
  I have a part-time job that I do it on Sundays . X
8 She’s an artist. She paints beautiful pictures.
5 Choose the correct alternatives.
  She’s an artist who paints beautiful pictures✓.
1 Both of my sisters have slim / dark eyes.
2 I want to be casual / slim, so I need to do more
2 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the exercise. ✓
box. There is one extra phrase.
3 Bill had lots of hair when he was a baby. Now he’s
doesn’t look like he like looks about 40 blonde / bald. ✓
look around 35 look happy look like
look tired looks friendly they like 4 Liz always looks smart / curly when she’s at work.

1 How old is Ed? He looks about 40 to me.
5 Joanna has got long, slim / straight hair. ✓
2 You __look tired_✓_. Shall we stop for a coffee?
6 I cut off my beard / tattoo, but not my moustache. ✓
3 What is __he like_✓ ? I’ve heard he’s nice.
7 I’m surprised Ian’s long / tall. His parents aren’t. ✓
4 The kids ___look happy_✓ when they play
8 He wears casual / smart clothes like jeans and T-
shirts at the weekend. ✓
5 Peg __doesn’t look like✓ her sister Meg.
9 My hair is blonde / curly, but it looks dark in this
6 What does he _look like_✓? Has he got a beard? photo. ✓
7 Is this a photo of your sister? She _looks 8/8
friendly__.✓ 6 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the
8 Are __they like__✓_ Luisa or more like Daniela? box. There is one extra phrase.

7/7 ask for a discount compare prices in a sale

keep the receipt pay by credit card
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
brackets and should or shouldn’t if necessary. read reviews return something try on
1 Return it to the shop if it’s broken! (return) 1 She didn’t buy it because it wasn’t
2 He’s ill, so he _shouldn’t go✓_ to school today. in a sale .
(go) 2 I usually _pay by credit card✓_ because I don’t
3 I’m having a party. You _should come_✓_ .(come) carry cash.

4 It’s too far to walk. You _should take✓_ a taxi. (take) 3 He can’t return it because he didn’t _keep the
receipt__ . ✓
5 _You should eat X EAT_ less sugar. It’s very bad for
you. (eat) 4 Always ___try on_✓_ shoes before you buy them.

© Pearson Education Limited 2019

ROADMAP™Assignment Unit 5
5 If something is too expensive I often _ask for a
discount_ . ✓

6 You should _read reviews_✓ before you buy

something expensive to see what other people

7 It’s a good idea to __compare prices_✓__ before

you buy – some shops and websites are more
expensive than others.
7 Tick () the correct responses, a or b.
1 What about making a nice cake?
a That’s a good idea. b That’s a real idea.

2 You could get her some flowers. ✓

a I’d prefer to get some chocolates. 
b Let’s go shopping.

3 Let’s go to a football game on Saturday. ✓

a Maybe. I’ll text you.  b What a good day.

4 Why don’t you go to bed early tonight? ✓

a It’s too late. b I’m not tired. 

5 You could look for a better job online. ✓

a It’s really good work.b That’s a fantastic idea. 

6 How about Italian food? We could go out. ✓

a. Maybe b I think so.


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