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In a bank cafeteria there are two employees taking a break. Suddenly a customer approached the

Mila: "Excuse me, may I sit here? The other seats are already full."

Novi: "Yes, you can, please".

Mila : “Sorry in advance, at that time I wanted to deposit money and the unique thing is that the teller
does not count manually but uses a tool. What tool is that?"

Maya : "it's a money counting machine".

Mila : "Oh yes?, the world of technology is very sophisticated now".

Novi : "Yes, the money counting machine itself is a tool that functions to calculate how much money
(metal or paper) you want to count".

Mila : "Is the machine never miscalculated?".

Maya: "Of course I have, but the advantage of this machine is that it does not only play a role in
counting money, but is also able to detect the authenticity of money".

Mila : “Wow cool, then how do I use this machine?”.

Maya: "1. Connect the money count machine with the electricity.

2. Make sure the calculating machine is alive or alive.

3. In the vacuum money count machine, money can be directly fed into the hooks, making sure it is in
the right position.

Novi : “4. If a high-value friction machine can be included into the space provided (by calculating the
speed of money) then the machine will process, while a money vacuum is placed where it is available
(without releasing money), after calculations, a nominal amount will appear on the screen.

5. Check screen views to see how much money is made, when the desired amount is completed.

Mila: "ohh like that, thank you for the knowledge."

Nova: "How? Are you interested in buying this tool for your business?”.

Mila : "I guess later, thank you. Ah my friend has called, nice to meet you"

Maya: "Yes, it's the same, nice to meet you too".

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