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Cylinder Relief Valve ①

(a) What is the purpose of fitting cylinder relief valve on each unit of the
diesel engine? (2)
(b) Sketch M/E cylinder relief valve (5)
(c) Describe its function and setting of opening pressure (5)
(d) State why it read immediate action when it is found leaking (4)
(a) Sketch and describe M/E cylinder relief valve
(b) How to operate and leakage test

(a) Purpose
Cylinder relief valve is fitted in each cylinder to protect the cylinder
against the excessive internal pressure that is higher than the maximum fire
pressure in the cylinder.
In the case of excessive pressure in the cylinder it can relief to be
direct in such a way as to be harmless to personnel.

(c) Operation
The sketch shown is a cylinder relief valve used in B & W L60 MC/MCE

Compiled by Min Zar Tar 17/03/2023 15:52:51

Cylinder Relief Valve ②

engine. Relief valve generally open when and engine is at first start because
of excessive fuel injection or pre ignition.
And also when slow running or manoeuvring of the engine due to
leakage of fuel in the cylinder during priming or leaking of fuel valve.
It is essential that valve must be opened immediately at predetermined
pressure and valve should be reseated properly and be perfectly gas tight at
normal pressure.

Pressure Setting
The blow off pressure can be adjusted by turning the cap nut or
adjustable nut after slacken the lock nut. It is between the valve housing and
the guide.
The blow off pressure should be adjusted 20 to 30 % above the normal
working pressure.

(d) It is found leak immediate action is required because flame or spark may
be expelled from combustion chamber to the machinery space, leading to fire
hazard or personal injury.
After opening the valve, sometimes a pieces of grit jammed between
valve and seat so it cannot reseat properly at normal working pressure.
When the valve should be rotate until leakage stopped. If this cannot
stop leakage the unit concerned to be fuel cutting off, otherwise valve face
may be burnt. At the first convenient opportunity the engine to be stopped for
replacing it with spare valve.

They should be removed and overhauled periodically, the parts
cleaned and lubricated, and the valve and seat ground-in. The spring

Compiled by Min Zar Tar 17/03/2023 15:52:51

Cylinder Relief Valve ③

checked for warping and its free length measured and pressure tested by
fuel injector test pump.

Leakage test
Increases the pressure to opening pressure and that do not sink
below within one minute. If the pressure cannot be maintained within one
minute, the valve to be lapped its cone and seat.

Test of opening pressure

Increase the pressure to the opening pressure by adjusting the cap
nut to the correct pressure.

The valve is made of special heat resisting steel and is loaded by
Helical compression spring and its compression is adjusted by turning the
cap nut. Effective sealing of valve body and cylinder head has been
ensured by placing copper gasket between them.

Compiled by Min Zar Tar 17/03/2023 15:52:51

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