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A blessing in Disguise

Have you ever dealt with a day in which everything went wrong but, in the end, everything turned out
to have happened for the best? Well, that is exactly what took place during a Saturday morning. It was 7
o’clock in the morning and I was making some sandwiches for the theatre trip which was organized by
the school. Everything went fine, I dressed up, packed all the stuff, left the house, and got in my mom’s
car. But then on our way to the specific location where the bus would be waiting, the car suddenly broke
down in the middle of the traffic jam.
My mom tried to restart it repeatedly, but it would not budge. We tried to find a taxi but there were
not any in that area so we had to wait for at least one hour until the car mechanic my mom called was
available, plus another 1 hour until it was finally fixed. After that we drove home because it was
obvious, we were too late and so we missed the bus and as soon as we reached inside, I angrily stormed
off and slammed my bedroom’s door. I was so furious and miserable that I started crying because I've
been looking forward to that theatre show for so long and I was so excited to meet with my friends
But later that day one of my friends called me and told me that their bus was hit by some kind of truck
so they couldn’t arrive to the theatre. There were not really serious injuries except for a few kids who
were sitting in the back of the bus. I was so shocked and relieved that I missed the bus because there
was a slight chance I could have been among the seriously injured children, who knows. It turned out to
be a blessing in disguise.

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