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Digital Self

The totality of a person's appearance, expression, behavior, and interaction within the digital platform,
particularly the Internet.
- Online Identity.

the personal view, or mental picture, that we have of ourselves.


How do people create a positive self-image online?

- people carefully select personal information which they disclose online.

It enables the individual to control other people's perception to oneself, thereby reinforcing the creation
of online identities.
- Self-presentation

The concept of one's self appears to _______ into the digital world based on the information people
divulge online, including, but not limited to, photos, places they check in, narratives, preferences, and
- Extend

Provide people with tools which they can use to present themselves more creatively to a public
- Social media platforms

Any behavior or action made with the intention to influence or change how other people see you.
- Self presentation

A process of communication by which one person reveals information about themselves to another.
- Self-disclosure

Listed Factors of self- presentation and self- disclosure of Valkenburg and Peter in 2011.
• anonymity of one's identity
• audiovisual anonymity,
• asynchronicity,
• accessibility in online communication that fosters more extensive self-disclosure
• a managed self-presentation of online identities.

What Internet and virtual communities foster that people are more likely to disclose even intimate
information about themselves online?
- a feeling of connectedness and well-being,

This refers to this extensive online sharing where people feel so much freedom to express their "true
selves" without the fear of being seen or judged.
- Disinhibition effect
The expression of one's feelings, thoughts, or ideas, especially in writing, art, music, or dance.
- Self-expression

A systematic attempt by an individual to understand his or her own personality without the aid of
another person.
- Self- analysis

He theorized that a person's concept of self can be influenced by certain digital technologies allowing for
the creation of an extended self which most often comes into play in the digital world.
- Belk

Five original formulations of the digital self.

- Dematerialization
- Re-embodiment
- Sharing
- Co-construction of the Self
- Distributed Memory.

What can be closely related to self- revelation.

- Sharing

this facilitates__________ in the digital world because the fear of being judged becomes less likely, and
the act of posting both successes and failures online is a widely accepted.
- Self- revelation

The disclosure of one's character or motives, especially inadvertently.


Once a status is updated or a photo is posted, it becomes readily accessible to the viewing public and
the owner of such information somehow loses control over this information.
- Loss of Control

No single owner of such media or information. This seemingly joint possession (if not ownership) of
media and other information may create a feeling of group identity and a sense of community among
individuals even if they do not know each other personally.
- Shared Digital Possessions and Aggregate Self.

This shared sense of space in the digital world allows members to create and recreate the virtual spaces
according to their needs.
- Shared Sense of (Cyber) Space

Effects of the Internet in the sexual development of adolescent's often revolve around concepts of.
- sexual exploration and online sexual solicitation
Managing the Digital Self: Responsible Online Self Presentation;
• Is this post or story necessary?
• Is there a real benefit to this post or am just making noise online without purpose?
• Have we (as a family or parent/child) resolved this issue? An issue still being worked out in the home,
or one that is either vulnerable or highly emotional, should not be made public.
• Is it appropriate? Does it stay within the boundaries of our family values?.
• Will this seem as funny in five, 10, or 15 years? Or is this post better suited for sharing with a small
group of family members? Or maybe not at all?

Less Stress, More Care

"Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men."
- Martha Graham

What is Stress?
• is a person's response to different changes, a threatening condition, or a situation that puts pressure
on a person.
• is not something that just comes up during adulthood. We actually encounter stress every day, but its
effects vary per circumstance and person.

What is stressor?
- the stimulus

These have a higher probability of causing both mental and physiological health problems.
-prolonged stress or frequent exposure to stressors

In the Philippines, What do we associate stress with?

- Physiological Condition

Why do filipino try to hide their emotions?

- because of the social Conventions.

What are 2 filipino social Conventions in which filipinos try to hide their emotions?
- "you must not cry if you are a true man"
- "just endure it and it will pass''

4 major sources of stressors

- the physical or natural environment
-social stressors
-physical accidents

the physical or natural environment

- such as pollution or weather;

social stressors
-such as deadlines, financial problems, and relationships;

-which includes the changing body of an adolescent, aging,

physical accidents
- thoughts, which includes memories or imagined scenarios.

6 major causes or categories of stressors.

a. Lot of pressure, mostly from other people in a social context;

b. Facing major life changes, like moving from one place to another or deciding on your career;
c. Worrying about a person, event, or a thing;
d. Actual or perceived lack of control over the outcome of a situation;
e. Overwhelming responsibilities, especially when they come all at once all of a sudden; and
f. Leading a monotonous life that does not offer any development of oneself.

Several signs that you are experiencing stress are;

•Relational/ Social


- Changes in appetite, cold feet and sweating hands, pounding heart, fatigue, back pains, memory loss,
difficulty in sleeping, constipation or diarrhea, blurred vision, difficulty in breathing, word loss,
headaches, nausea


- Depression, mood swings, quick to anger, anxiety, nervousness, grief, forgetfulness, defensiveness

Relational/ Social

- Isolation, sexual problems, distrust, lack of intimacy

- Difficulty in solving problems, difficulty in making decisions, difficulty in concentrating, denial, negative


- (note that this does not necessarily mean religiosity or adherence to any major religious belief system):
Loss of meaning or purpose, doubt, being unforgiving

1. Identify observable causes (triggers) and effects of your stress.
-Stick first to behavioral causes, what you feel when you experience such, and how you could address it.
2. Study relaxation techniques.
- Most of these are breathing and visualization techniques. However, you can try pausing first and
breathing deeply, one to three times, before you act or speak whenever you encounter something
3. Positive vs negative self-talk.
- Be aware of your thoughts. Sometimes we tend to think too much of a situation that we create
negative outcomes before they even occur. Pause, then switch to positive self-talk.
4. Learn to pace yourself.
- We learn, adjust, react, and succeed at different paces. Do not be hard on yourself and learn to focus
your strengths and interests. Work on them and use them to achieve your goals without comparing your
pace with other people.
5. Set goals and priorities.
- you must always set your personal and work goals as well as priorities.
6. Stay healthy.
- Your "self" is your best asset, and health is your greatest wealth.
7. Do not rely on substances.
- Addiction to substance only causes more problems in the long and does not really solve a problem. It
does not relax a person, only lowers their inhibitions or gives them a short distraction that does not
even improve their well- being.
8. Develop your interests and hobbies.
- developing your interests and hobbies taps into your inner being, your sense of self, and helps you
discover more helpful abilities to address your current as well as future concerns. Hobbies create variety
in your schedule.
9. Draw up from skills and achievements from the past for a positive boost.
- When you feel like you are not worthy of something or is incapable of doing anything, think about the
achievements you made in the past.
10. Have a break and reward yourself for every achievement you make.
- No matter how small, an achievement is still a win. Learn to take a break and acknowledge success.
Take a road trip or a hike just for a change in scenery.
11. Less Social Media, More Family and Friends.
- Sometimes we need social media to be updated on things that are happening around us. However,
when it becomes a source of envy, comparison, anger, and other negative emotions, we must lessen our
screen time. Instead, we must use our time to connect more with our friends and family.
12. Identify instances that you can control, and learn to forgive yourself if you still cannot.
- There are problems that we can control, such as our attitudes, behaviors, manners of speaking, work
ethics, and so on. There are also problems that we cannot control, like the reaction of other people,
their biases and preferences, natural phenomena, and social issues among others.

The almost outright denial of negativity and overgeneralization of optimism in most, This approach also
extends to interpersonal relationships, such as in a form of invalidation of the other person's
experiences and feelings.
- Toxic Positivity

Other characteristics of toxic positivity include;

1. denial/hiding/masking your true feelings;
2. dismissing emotions or minimizing the effects of a person's experience;
3. feeling guilty or guilt-tripping a person for what they feel;
4. shaming or chastising others for expressing something negative; and
5. simply brushing off your own feelings or the feelings of others instead of validating and understanding


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

"Dreams do not work unless you do."

- John C. Maxwell

the reasons for our existence.

- Our dreams

Where do our dreams inspired?

1. These dreams might be inspired by our parents.
2. Some people are inspired to dream because of the need that they sense from the community or the
3. Some people dream in relation to the available resources that they have.

Practical ways that can help us in achieving our dreams:

1. D-Determine to fulfill your dream.

2. R- Recognize your role and the people who can help you fulfill your dreams.
3. E-Eliminate unhealthy habits and attitudes.
4. A-Accept possibilities, criticisms, disappointments, and failures.
5. M- Make your dream happen.
We have to be determined in fulfilling our dreams. When we believe in our dreams, even if they are big,
we have faith that we can make them into reality.
- D-Determine to fulfill your dream.

let us also remember that we are not alone; we have our loved ones, friends, and colleagues who are
with us and for us. These people inspire us, help us, and walk with us while we fulfill our dreams.
- R- Recognize your role and the people who can help you fulfill your dreams.

We have to remove unhealthy habits and negative attitudes that hinder us from fulfilling our dreams.
These often cause delay or worse, total failure.
- E-Eliminate unhealthy habits and attitudes

Our disappointments, failures, and even criticisms are meant to teach us important lessons that develop
our character, hone our potentials, and strengthen our relationship with others.
- A-Accept possibilities, criticisms, disappointments, and failures.

Let us act upon our dreams. Without action, a dream remains an idea, an illusion.
- M- Make your dream happen.

Barriers to Success

•Fear of failure
•Thinking you are not good enough
•Thinking that you need to be perfect
•Worrying about what others may think of you
• Lack of Discipline

Measuring Success

•Hitting your goals

•A well-balanced life
•Sharing your success with others
• Good health
• Healthy family
• Dignity and honor

We can say that we have achieved victory if the goal that we have set has been achieved, and we are
ready to pursue another challenge again.
- Hitting your goals

A famous saying says, "all work without play makes a person dull." We can better celebrate our success
if other areas of our lives are also going well.
- A well-balanced life
Success is sweeter if we share it with other people, especially those close to us and those who helped us
- Sharing your success with others

Our health is actually our greatest wealth. We can attain our goals easily if we are healthy physically,
emotionally, mentally, socially, and even spiritually
- Good health

Our family is our immediate support system as we pursue our dreams.

- Healthy family

Dignity revolves around self-respect, and honor means acting with honesty, fairness, and integrity.
- Dignity and honor

Political Self

Filipino Values and Traits

• Hospitality
• Respect for Elders
• Close family Ties
• Self- sacrifices
• Bayanihan
• Bahala na attitude
• colonial mentality
• crab mentality

It connotes a lack of patriotism and the attitude where Filipinos favor foreign
products more than their own.
- Colonial Mentality

The phrase means leaving everything into God’s hands. This implies that Filipinos
tend to leave some worries and problems to divine intervention.
- Bahala na Attitude

Helping each other and giving without expecting something in return.

- Bayanihan
Filipinos always go out of their way to extend help to their friends, families, and
loved ones.
- Self- Sacrifice

Filipinos are keen on keeping intact familial relationships, even if their children
are already emancipated.
- Close Family Ties

Filipinos give high regard to elders, whether they are related or not. As children,
Filipinos are taught to greet their elders by politely taking the latter’s hand to
their foreheads, uttering “Mano po.” In conversing with the elderly, it is
imperative to use “po” and “opo,” for they connote respect. Filipinos look up to
the elderly because of the belief that with age comes an array of wisdom and
experience, and we can learn a lot of them.
- Respect for Elders

Filipinos welcome their guests as if they are part of the family by always opening
their doors to guests and making them feel at home.
- Hospitality

This trait talks about being insecure or jealous of another’s achievement. Just like
crabs in a container, Filipinos pull each other down and ruin each other’s
reputation, rather than lifting them up, resulting to no progress.
- Crab Mentality

Both material and nonmaterial, shape the formation of our identity and
comprises of set of values, beliefs, thinking patterns, and behavior practiced by a
society and transmitted from one generation to another through time
- Culture

Factors according to kaufman that resulted to fragmented national identity of the

- Diversity of Language
- the absence of a consistently powerful historical narrative
It also tends to blur a common national history due to conflicting accounts of
revolution and independence of our country from its colonizers.
- The absence of a consistently powerful historical narrative

According to Kaufman this create a divide among filipinos, making it more difficult
for them to create a unified identity.
- The Diversity of language

What are the three known nationalism theories to the Philippine context?
1) The modernist approach of Gellner (1983)

2) The ethno-symbolist approach of Anthony Smith (1998, 2009)

3) The sociological approach of Charles Tilly (2005)

Suggests that the existence of a shared language as a unifying part of a culture

strengthens a national identity;
- 1) the modernist approach of Gellner (1983)

Which views nation as “a named and self-defined human community whose

members cultivate shared myths, memories, symbols, values, and traditions,
reside in and identify with a historic homeland, create and disseminate a
distinctive public culture, and observe shared customs and common laws” (Smith
as cited in Kaufman 2013), and, thus, the creation of certain historical stories
through these myths and symbols which people can attribute meaning to, can
give rise to a national identity; and lastly,
- 2) the ethno-symbolist approach of Anthony Smith (1998, 2009)

Who posit that national identity emerges from social interactions between
governing elites and citizens, where the former affords protection and security to
the latter in exchange for government benefits.
- 3) the sociological approach of Charles Tilly (2005)

A fragmented national identity of filipinos according to Kaufman resulted from,

- Weak sense of nationalism

What is the purpose of Citizenship?

- The existence of a common citizenship is a mere piece in the puzzle
depicting the picture of the Filipino identity.

This citizenship remains a privilege granted upon the individual and, thus, may still
be lost or reacquired
- Section 3, Article I The V of the 1987 Constitution.

Pertains to a “judicial act of adopting a foreigner and clothing him with the
privileges of a native-born citizen.
- Naturalization

These citizens need not perform any act to acquire such citizenship. If their
parents are both Filipinos, then from the moment of their birth, they will
automatically acquire Filipino citizenship.
- Natural- born citizens

What are the principle that governed the citizenship acquired by birth?
- Jus sanguinis and jus soli

What principle do the Philippines adhere, in accordance to Section 1 (2)z Article IV

of the l 1987 Philippine Constitution?
- Jus Sanguinis

The place of birth shall determine one’s nationality and the citizenship of his or
her parents are immaterial. Here in the Philippines,
- Jus soli

The person shall acquire the citizenship of the place wherever he or she was born.
- Jus soli

Children should follow the citizenship of their parents by virtue of their blood
- Jus sanguinis

What method a Citizenship acquired through Naturalization?

- Voluntary Method

What method is a Citizenship acquired by birth?

- Involuntary method

Filipinos are either, what?

- Filipinos are either natural- born or naturalized citizens of the Philippines

What is a Filipino according to Section 1, Article Iv of the 1987 Philippine


[1] Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this

[2] Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;

[3] Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and

[4] Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

In political terms, what is a Filipino?

- A Filipino is regarded as a citizen or an inhabitant of a given territory, such
as the Republic of the Philippines, who by virtue of this citizenship exercises
civil and political rights within the said territory.

What are lot of ways to characterize and define a Filipino or the factors affect a
person’s political self-concept in varying degrees, depending on how much one
identifies with the “Filipino identity.”?
- From his physical attributes, behaviors, values, traits, customs, to his beliefs
and practices,
Ways on how you foster a sense of nationalism

• Be an active Filipino citizen

• Study the Philippine history
• Support local products
• Speak the Filipino language
• Do not spread fake news and be democratic in engaging with dissent.

It is a part of being a good Filipino to sort out everything that one reads before
actually buying it and spreading it like wildfire. It is also the responsibility of every
Filipino to recognize disagreement in political views, be tolerant, and argue
intelligently without having to resort into name-calling people.
- Do not spread fake news and be democratic in engaging with dissent.

Jose Rizal highlights the importance of speaking the national language as a way of
displaying the love for one’s country. Speaking Filipino also serves as a unique
identifier of being a Filipino.
- Speak the Filipino language.

By learning and fully understanding the events of the Philippine history, one will
learn so much why it is so important to love one’s country with your life,
- Study the Philippine history.

A good Filipino citizen should be aware of the current events and participate in
government programs that aim for the country’s progression and development.
By simply exercising your right to vote, you also become an active citizen.
- Be an active Filipino citizen.

When you buy local products, you do not only support local manufacturers and
business executives, but you also help strengthen the local economy.
- Support local products.

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