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What have you learned from this course (ENV103)?

Is there anything you are going to do differently

from now on? (500 words) (5+5)
Answer: ENV103 is a simple course when compared to others but even as small as it is there was a lot of
information about the environment, the atmosphere of the world, different cycles that help sustain life,
formations of volcanos, and the crisis that come from climate change. Climate is an important factor
when it comes to the formation of any kind of biome and the life that will survive in it. Without a proper
understanding of the climate predicting certain changes in the weather would not be possible and the
disasters that would come could not be avoided. Water is the main source of all life and this comes purely
from the skies. The water cycle brings water from all over the world in a purified state and distributes it to
everyone through rivers, lakes, streams, and underground. But this cycle is heavily affected by humans
with their ways of polluting the water that evaporates and comes back as purified rainwater.
Overharvesting of groundwater makes the soil weaker and causes it to collapse. And as in some cases, the
water cycle ends up providing harmful acid rain. The land becomes dry and crops cannot be planted. The
tectonic movement of the earth helps in the formation of different lands and rocks that come from the
rock cycle. Minerals are necessary for all living things to survive. The minerals are necessary to make
things that help human life progress forward. The soil is the most important aspect of all life. Plants
absorb nutrients from the soil and humans and animals get their nutrients from it. Without the soil crop
growth would not be possible and survival would not be possible. It takes years for the soil to get back its
nutrients but months for it to erode. The food chain survives on the availability of nutrients in the soil.
Humans need it to survive and use fossil fuels to progress in society. The nitrogen cycle is necessary for
humans to build protein which is also absorbed from plants that take it in through water in the soil. The
carbon cycle is necessary for plants to survive and it regulates the Earth’s temperature. Without it, the
Earth would be a massive sphere of ice.
Understanding all these aspects of the world and its environment gives me a better understanding of my
actions. Yes, my actions are going to be different from now on. I will save water whenever I can by
closing all the running taps at home and telling others about the important action to save water. I will not
pollute it by throwing garbage in a clean water source or any. I will not take actions that will erode the
soil instead teach people how to avoid the soil from eroding. Soil is necessary for me to live on as it gives
the food its nutrients. Nitrogen is an important element of protein and my actions towards watering plants
are going to be smarter. The carbon I emit through different machines I use like a car is going to be
limited. The more carbon dioxide is in the air the more the Earth gets warmer.

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