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Олимпиада школьников «Покори Воробьевы Горы!

Очный тур 2020-2021 гг.
10-11 классы
Вариант 4

TASK 1. READING (10 points: 1 answer = 1 point)

For questions 1-10 put the following parts of the text in the correct order to
recreate the text.

Speaking vs. Communicating

By Merryweather

A. I might be feeling much better or much worse than I’m telling you, and
highly likely what I’m telling you is only a fraction of what’s really going on
for me in that moment. When it comes to writing, especially, dramatic,
flawless communication is virtually impossible to avoid, despite the fact that
it’s what we are constantly aiming at. If our communication were always
without imperfections, then films and TV shows would be incredibly dull.
And boring.

B. When you see animals hunt, play and mate, it’s hard to believe that their
interaction includes contempt, jealousy, and resentment. Although
documentarians try to personify their subjects to make their struggles more
identifiable for humans, the only real drama between tigers, sharks and
insects seems to be which one of them will finally get the shelter, the food or
the mate.

C. Again, this is the larger part of the iceberg that is hidden beneath the surface.
The original line is what you will be speaking out loud, but this new line is
what you will really be communicating with your body. Say the new line out
loud until you know how it feels in your body. Say it, mean it, communicate
it actively and fully. Now say what’s written on the page out loud at the
same time as thinking the new line in your head alone. Do you see now that
the this line is really only a thin mask over what you would actually say if
society wasn’t persistently telling you to be pоlite, wait your turn, and not to
make a fuss? You might be thinking, “yes, but you’re just talking about
subtext,” and you’re dead right.

D. For most of the humans though, not so much. When it comes to an actor’s
speech, the words themselves are not that important compared to the
message that the character communicates. It would be a mistake to take most
people and characters, for that matter, entirely at their word. This is not
cynicism, like you might think. It’s pragmatism. When you ask me how I am
and I say, “fine, thanks,” it’s a far cry from the whole story of my life, even
if it actually is a more or less pleasant one.
Олимпиада школьников «Покори Воробьевы Горы!»
Очный тур 2020-2021 гг.
10-11 классы
Вариант 4

E. It’s a common knowledge that we speak to communicate but, unfortunately,

all we do is just confuse things. I sometimes wonder if eagles and lions hear
one another “talk” and think, “What the heck is her problem?” or if it’s only
us, humans, that unintentionally pepper their dialogue with hidden
meaning. Drama prospers on miscommunication but in real life it is a major
problem for humans. Do the animals have subtext?

F. There may be many numerous icеbergs peaks in each scene, and using
spеcific lines stops you from washing a whole scene with something you’ve
invented that has very little rеlevance to each line.

G. And short. Remember how Alfred Hitchcock called drama “life, but with the
dull bits cut out”? If you are acting or reading a drama, take a look at any
single line in a scene. Actually, find the most challenging line in the script,
the one which is the most difficult to understand or deliver. Now imagine
that this line is just the tip of an iceberg and that what you are actually trying
to communicate is what lies beneath the surface of the water. The actual
message is so much deeper, complex and meaningful than the line itself.
Now create a new line that you think means precisely what you’re trying to
communicate to the other person.

H. They both want the one and the same thing—to survive—and they do their
best to get it. In the animal kingdom, it’s the strongest, cruelest or most
cunning who wins out in the end when the other follows the first, suffers a
defeat and an exile, or even death. It’s pretty simple, actually.

I. So, from now on in аcting and life, listen to whаt people are аctually
communicаting and not just their words. When you master the practice you
will not only become a more natural performer, but you may just find the
challenges and desires of others have been clear all along. It wasn’t as much
in their words, as it was underneath them.

J. However, the problem with subtext is that it often makes us create

something we either want to say to the person in the scene, or a particular
mood or state to feel, and then highlight everything with it. This isn’t
actually as realistic as finding the peaks of these icebergs and exploring what
may hide beneath each one.

Олимпиада школьников «Покори Воробьевы Горы!»
Очный тур 2020-2021 гг.
10-11 классы
Вариант 4

TASK 2. ESSAY (30 points)

(30 minutes, 150-180 words)

In your essay develop the idea of the text above and give your personal reasons.
What is the difference between speaking and communicating in real life and on
stage? Does it exist? Please, do not quote the text above (3 or more words from
the text used together are quotes).

TASK 3. WRITING (60 points)

(40 minutes, 250-300 words)

Imagine that your school magazine has a weekly column called “Education
Today”. As part of their investigation into modern trends, they have asked you to
write a news report based on the results of your own survey demonstrated in the
table below.

In your report say:

1. who participated in the survey;
2. what changes or trends can be seen comparing the data in the table below;
3. what are the possible reasons for such trends;
4. how the situation might develop in the future.

Remember the rules of news report writing. Make sure your report has:
- a headline
- a byline and a placeline
- a lead paragraph
- body paragraphs
- a conclusion

TOP 5 reasons motivating studying abroad

among different segments of population

Bachelor Master
Degree Degree
students students
language learning
prospects 25% 18%
future career prospects 34% 47%

Олимпиада школьников «Покори Воробьевы Горы!»
Очный тур 2020-2021 гг.
10-11 классы
Вариант 4

increased maturity and

self-confidence 21% 5%
better undersdanding of
cultural values and
biases 16% 16%
travelling opportunities 4% 14%

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