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Theme №1. Modern methods of teaching

Aim of the task: To improve the knowledge of students related to modern
methods, to make the lessons more interesting and also effective.
The type of task: to make glossary

Duration: 6 hours

2 . To comprehend the aim of modern metho` ds to organize lesson

3. To understand and utilize the methods that help to create good atmosphere
among students
4. To practice theoretical knowledge about methods;
5. To consolidate the knowledge that they’ve learned

Information to write glossary: Methods of writing Glossary

How to Write a Glossary
A glossary is a list of terms that traditionally appears at the end of an
academic paper, a thesis, a book, or an article. The glossary should contain
definitions for terms in the main text that may be unfamiliar or unclear to the
average reader. To write a glossary, you will first need to identify the terms in your
main text that need to be in the glossary. Then, you can create definitions for these
terms and make sure the 
1Identifying Terms for the Glossary
2Creating Definitions for the Glossary Terms
3Formatting the Glossary
1.Fries Ch. C. Teaching and learning language.Ann Arbor,1947
2. Dzhumatayeva A.D. Using of interactive teaching methods for the
development of self-dependence of students.
3.Richard G.C. and Rodgers Th.S.Approaches and Methods in language

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