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Result: The given drawing is completed using the above procedure. Drawing is printed
using suitable plot command.

Ex. No. 2 Modifying Commands

Aim: To learn to use modifying commands in geometry creation and complete the given

Software Used: AutoCAD 2015.

Commands used: drawing limits, Snap, Grid, Limits, Osnap, divide, line, rectangle, zoom
all, erase, offset, copy, mirror, fillet, chamfer, trim, lengthen, break, explode, pedit and plot.

Procedure: Set the limits as 0,0 and 300,210 using drawing limits from format menu. Set snap on , grid
on and ‘zoom all’ option to get the grids to the specified limits. Draw outermost rectangle using
rectangle command. Set snap off. Set offset distance 10 by selecting offset command and draw the
inner rectangle by selecting the outer rectangle as object and selecting inside the rectangle to specify
side. Use offset value 20 to draw the third rectangle. Draw lines ,using mid point option from osnap
settings, on opposite sides of the third rectangle. Offset the lines by 10 on either side of the lines. Draw
a circle of radius 40 at the intersection point of the two lines drawn from mid points and radius 15 at the

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