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Second-Year Students

The Importance of Libraries (Homework)

Read the text and answer the question below.

Bookshops are not normal businesses.

Likewise, librarians are not typical shop keepers
that sell goods and get money in return. The two
have always been necessary for the flourishing of
civilisations. Indeed, the golden age of the
Muslim people (from the 8th to the 14th century)
was full of literary and intellectual creations as
well as scientific inventions. This was the age that
has influenced the Arab culture and enlightened
many generations of thinkers, both Eastern and

Today, we are able to read the works of great Arab thinkers like al-Jāḥiẓ and al-
Ghazālī thanks to the efforts of
librarians throughout the ages, their
efforts to preserve the works of
these geniuses and hand them over
to the younger generations. We have
to learn how to appreciate libraries
and librarians. How come we don’t
pay tribute to these secret heroes,
the lifeblood of our history and

Match each definition with the appropriate word or phrase in bold from the
• ............................................. : the stage of human social and cultural development
and organization that is considered most advanced.
• .............................................. : the most important thing to continue to exist or
develop successfully.
• .............................................. : the ideas, beliefs, and customs that are shared and
accepted by people in a society.
• .............................................. : praise and thank someone publicly.
• .............................................. : showing the characteristics expected of or
popularly associated with a particular person or thing.
• .............................................. : give (someone) greater knowledge and
understanding about a subject or situation.
• .............................................. : recognize the full worth of.
• .............................................. : keep safe from harm or injury / maintain or keep
alive (a memory or quality).

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