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EBF is a significant public health method that improves the health and well-being of infants and

curbs high mortality rates. Exclusively breastfed newborns have better nutrition and witness
better growth and educational interactions (Nieuwoudt et al., 2019, p.765). Different articles
have documented the advantages of EBF to infants that new mothers need to be familiar with
during this practice. EBF is encouraged because of its ability to reduce cases of asthma, obesity,
type II diabetes, and allergic diseases later in the lives of young ones. Several studies have also
shown that EBF improves the infant's cognitive development. Besides the children enjoying the
benefits of EBF, the new mothers also enjoy maternal benefits such as a decrease in developing
chronic conditions, breast cancer, and obesity. New mothers also experience reduced cases of
bleeding because EBF provides more benefits to the mothers (Heintzelman et al., 2023, p.101).
EBF is vital to infants and mothers for their general well-being.

Furthermore, EBF has several social benefits, as firmly pointed out by different articles.
Newborns who are exclusively breastfed are not prone to illnesses. The mothers, therefore, have
fewer care visits. Different scholars have also explained that with EBF, there would be decreased
use of plastic bottles used when the newborns are being given formula.

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