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Differentiate the following types of conjunction

● Coordinating conjunction
● Subordinating conjunction
● Correlative conjunction

Coordinating conjunctions connect two independent clauses of equal importance, while

subordinating conjunctions introduce a dependent clause that cannot stand alone as a
sentence, and correlative conjunctions work in pairs to connect words or phrases of equal
importance within a sentence. It is important to understand the differences between these types
of conjunctions in order to effectively use them in writing and avoid grammatical errors. Also,
mastering the use of conjunctions can help improve the flow and coherence of a piece of

B. Give two example sentences for each type and underline the conjunction in
each sentence.

Coordinating conjunctions
● Shelby wanted to eat another piece of cake, but she was on a diet.
● Mylene does not like to swim, nor does she enjoy cycling.
Subordinate conjunctions
● Kim begins to sneeze whenever she opens the window to get a breath of fresh
● Kaye kept working even though she was tired.
Correlative conjunction
● Ranzel is neither rich nor famous.
● Harris is good at both singing and playing piano.

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