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Delion, Asida M.

BSEd Science 2A

Activity 2



Cells are basic unit of structure and function of all living things.All living things, what make them
as a whole are actually the cell because living thing are reproducing so that it can be formed
and function as a living ogranism.Thus , the life of an organism might lie in the cells from cells
to tissues and tissues to organs and organs to organ systems and organ systems to organism
but how this cells act as the beginning of an organism or the organization of an organism? .
Well all nutrients that the individual take foods will convert into energy which provides for its
growth and development. From the beginning of life until what you are now is it undergoes
different series of cells and this is the cycle of stages that cells pass through so that it can divide
and produce new cells known as Cell Cycle this will result of how cells becomes more number of
cells and orrganism is formed.

One part of Cell cycle is a process of cell division where as soon as it divides it produces new
cells such as the Mitosis and Meiosis.They are both involve in making new cells . In Mitosis it is
a sequence processes by which a cell divides to form two daughter cells which have a normal
number of chromosome. On the other hand, Meiosis is a sequence of a process where cell
divides into four offspring cells each with half number of chromosomes of the parent cell.
However ,they have specific task to do in cell division.


1.To explain cell division in relevance to cell cycle.

2.To compare the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis.

3.To identify the stages of Mitosis and Meiosis.

4.To understand its function and its importance in life.


The information being gathered in this activity were from combination of existing knowledge
and by searching on different media and/or Google which was interpreted by the owner of this
paper aiming to suport the understanding about the cell division - the Mitosis and Meiosis
process which started of how this happen in cell divison and/or in the body of an organism. The
information that was being conducted in this activity is just the basic concept of Mitosis and


Mitosis and Meiosis are both involve in making new cells by undergoing cell cycle which first
prepared for cell divison- interphase and finally the process of making new cells in an
organism- cell division. As we know , both Mitosis and Meiosis undergoes a stage of cell
division.However , they have difference in dividing new cells. Mitosis is a simple process where
the parent cell will divide and its part into two offspring cells - Diploid with two sets of
chromosomes (46 each offspring cell)while Meiosis parent cell will divide into four offspring
cells-haploid with one set of chromosomes(23 each of offspring cell ).

Each of the cell divison has different process of making new cells.In Mitosis , it has stages
PMAT.First process is the Prophase where the chromosomes in the parent cell is coil up and
splindle fibers form. In Metaphase the the chromosomes line up in the middle of a cell. Thus,
Spindle fibers are connect to the chromosomes. In Anaphase, Chromosomes copies divide to
opposite poles. In Telophase , two new nuclei form after this ,this is the time where the division
of the rest of a cell its cytoplasm and organelle divides. In Meiosis it has Meiosis 1 and Meiosis II
where it also undergo PMAT the same in rpocess but this time it has 2 sets of chromosomes-
Homologous pair of chromosomes ,one is from mother and the other is from father. Therefore
in every stage of Meiosis (PMAT)is involve here is the pair of chromosomes and that is from
Meiosis 1 that is why it has now 2 new cells. In Meiosis II its process is like in the Mitosis
stages.This is the reason why it has now new 2 cells forming a four offspring cells.

In terms of function of Mitosis it divides for the body to grow ,all cells in the body (somatic
cells ) except those develops in gamets are reproduce by Mitosis. On the other hand Meiosis, it
divides to halve the number of chromosomes going into sex cells or sexual reproduction.


Now , we can conclude that the reason of formation of an organism is because of Cell division-
Mitosis and Meiosis. Also, we can come to the idea why Mitosis formed only two cells (Diploid)?
because in first place it has one chromosomes and Meiosis formed four new cells? because in
first place it has pair of homologous chromosomes that's why it has Meiosis I and Meiosis II
(Haploid). During both process, we can internalize that this is the reason why people looks like
that or works like that or even the passing of traits from parents to offspring .
Mitosis is a type of cell division makes up all body while Meiosis is a type of cell divisiom that
creates gametes(egg and sperm cells).Therefore, if there's malformation between our body , it
might have defect or something malfunction during the process of Mitosis such as having
nodes or cyst in the body. That's why sometimes we see people has 6 fingers or there's
something wrong in their physical appearance. Similarly, if there's malformation between our
reproductive organs or its function , it might have defect during the process of Meiosis. It might
be the reason why few people has two parts of gonads even in one person I could also include
here the reason of Mitosis' process. Furthermore , maybe both are the reason why some
people didn't get pregnant behind it is maybe because there is defection in an organ of a
person which the foundation of it is the division of cells or the gametes of a person is
malfunctioning .We can also come to the idea why if there's wound in our body it heals
immediately.But to summary it's very important for us to eat healthy foods because this will be
the beginning of dividing the cells for the development of the body.


1.Discuss their differences

-The difference between Mitosis and Meiosis is that they are both involve in making new cells
but in terms of process and function, they are not.In Mitosis, th cell divides to form 2 new
offspring and has normal number of chromosomes (46)like in the parent cell .During dividing
the cell into two (Diploid) it goes only one way of process(PMAT) while In Meiosis it goes two
way of processing the division of cells -Meiosis 1(PMAT ) and Meiosis II(PMAT II) .Also, In
Mitosis is a type of cell division where eventually going to be the growth and development of
the body while in Meiosis will eventually the production of gametes(Egg and Sperm
cells).During the process , the cell will divides into 4 new offspring cells (haploid)this time each
new offspring cell caries 23 chromosomes.

2.Discuss briefly the Cell Cycle.

The Cell Cycle is cycle process of the cell ,it goes through a series of events that takes place in a
cell leading to its division(interphase). The interphase serves as the checkpoint where it corrects
the division of cells duplication(replication) and mkst of the cell cycle is spent in
Interphase.Following the Interphase , the mitotic stage of a cell divison occurs. The life where
the process of making new cells undergoe in Cell Cycle.

3.Why do cells divide?.

First of all, cells divide for the body to grow and for its development to fully developed as an
organism. The division of cells is continuing to divide and divide that's why if the people get
injured or wound , we see slowly healing and this is because of the cell division , continue to its
process. Our body grows and we can release reproductive cells because of cell division.In short ,
the cell is dividing because this is why we live as an organism , we do such activities or we
function because the cells is dividing which this what makes us an organism.

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