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Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

PART 1 Molecular Biology

Electron LECTURE
micrograph of a segment
of DNA undergoing


Gene Expression:
Lecture Contents
6.1 Overview of Gene Expression
directional flow of information called
the “central dogma”
6.2 Transcription: From DNA to
RNA-like strand and Template strand
6.3 Promoters
Pribnow Box and -35 Box
6.4 RNA Polymerase directs RNA
6.5 Transcription Factors
6.6 Steps of Transcription
6.7 Summary
6.8 Study Questions

Lecture 6 Gene Expression: Transcription 35

Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

6.1 Overview of Gene Expression

S hortly after Watson and Crick published their structure of

DNA in 1953, they described the relationship between
nucleic acids and proteins as a directional flow of
information called the “central dogma” (Figure 6.1). Producing
a protein from information in a
DNA gene is a two-step process.
The first step is synthesis of an
RNA that is complementary to
one of the strands of DNA. This
is called transcription. In the
second step, called translation,
the information in the RNA is Figure 6.1 Outline of gene expression. In the
used to make a polypeptide. first step, transcription, the template strand
(black) is transcribed into mRNA. In the
Such an informational RNA is second step, the mRNA is translated into
called a messenger RNA protein (green).
(mRNA) to denote the fact that it carries information —like a
message —from a gene to the cell ’s protein factories. The
overall processes called gene expression.
6.2 Transcription: From DNA to RNA
As you might expect, transcription follows the same basepairing
rules as DNA replication: T, G, C, and A in the DNA pair with A, C,
G, and U, respectively, in the RNA product. This base-pairing
pattern ensures that an RNA transcript is a faithful copy of the
gene. The gene consists of two antiparallel strands of DNA

36 Part 1 Moleculer Biology

Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

• first one is the RNA-like strand (or coding strand)—has the

same polarity and sequence (except for T instead of U) as
the emerging RNA transcript.
• The second—the template strand —has the opposite
polarity and a complementary sequence that enables it to
serve as the template for making the RNA transcript.
Important note: when geneticists refer to the sequence of a
gene, they usually mean the sequence of the RNA-like strand.
The result of transcription is a single strand of RNA known as a
primary transcript (Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2 Name of DNA strands in transcription and the product of transcription. RNA-like strand
and the template strand. Single-Stranded primary transcript

6.3 Promoters
A specialized DNA sequences near the beginning of a gene at the
5′ region upstream from the point of initial transcription of a
gene and it’s the attachment site for RNA polymerase. Two
sequences are found
• short sequence “TATAAT” 10 bp upstream of the start of
transcription called “Pribnow box”.
• another short sequence “TTGACAT” centered
approximately 35 bp upstream of the transcription start
site; it is known as the -35 box (Figure 6.3).
Lecture 6 Gene Expression: Transcription 37
Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

Figure 6.3 The promoters of bacterial gene. -10 Box and -35 Box

6.4 RNA Polymerase directs RNA Synthesis

RNA polymerase, the key enzyme of transcription, recognizes
the promoter at the beginning of a gene and then uses
complementary base pairing with the DNA template strand to
add RNA nucleotides to the 3’ end of the growing transcript.
When RNA polymerase detects a terminator, it dissociates from
both the DNA and the transcript.
RNA polymerase consists from two parts
1. the σ (sigma) subunit
involved only in initiation. The σ subunit reduces RNA
polymerase’s general affinity for DNA but simultaneously
increases RNA polymerase’s affinity for the promoter.
2. the core polymerase.
6.5 Transcription Factors
Different cell types express different subsets of genes. To
manage this, proteins called transcription factors come together
and interact, forming an apparatus that binds DNA at certain
sequences and initiates transcription at specific sites on

38 Part 1 Moleculer Biology

Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

The transcription factors respond to signals from outside

the cell, such as hormones and growth factors, and form a pocket
for RNA polymerase to bind and begin building an RNA chain.
Overall, transcription factors link the genome to the
environment. For example, lack of oxygen, such as from choking
or smoking, sends signals that activate transcription factors to
turn on dozens of genes
6.6 Steps of Transcription
Transcription is described in three steps: initiation, elongation,
and termination. The process is called transcription because it
copies the information, but stays in the genetic language of
nucleotide bases.
(a) The Initiation of Transcription
Transcription factors and RNA polymerase binds to double-
stranded DNA at the beginning of the gene to be copied. RNA
polymerase recognizes and binds to promoters, specialized DNA
sequences near the beginning of a gene where transcription will
(b) Elongation: Constructing an RNA Copy of the Gene
In the next stage, transcription elongation, enzymes unwind the
DNA double helix locally, and free RNA nucleotides bond with
exposed complementary bases on the DNA template strand
(Figure 6.4). RNA polymerase synthesizing the RNA molecule in
a 5 ' to 3 ' direction.

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Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

(c) Termination: The End of Transcription

RNA sequences that signal the end of transcription are known as
terminators. There are two types of terminators: intrinsic
terminators, which cause the RNA polymerase core enzyme to
terminate transcription on its own, and extrinsic terminators,
which require proteins known as rho—to bring about

40 Part 1 Moleculer Biology

Molecular Biology Lecture 6: Gene Expression: Transcription Haider Alnaji

6.7 Summary
1. The enzyme RNA polymerase catalyzes transcription.
2. DNA sequences near the beginning of genes, called
promoters, signal RNA polymerase where to begin
3. RNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing RNA
polymer in the 59-to-39 direction.
4. Sequences in the RNA products, known as terminators, tell
RNA polymerase where to stop transcription.

6.8 Study Questions

1. Draw the structure of promoter
2. Discuss directional flow of information
3. Briefly write on Steps of Transcription

Lecture 6 Gene Expression: Transcription 41

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