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Lesson Plan in Science-9

Unit 1-Module 2

Grade & Section: _____________ ______________ ______________
_____________ ______________

I. Objective
Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian inheritance\
How genetic information is organized in genes on chromosomes
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Sex-linked trait
B. References: LM Unit 1 Module 2 pp. 39-40
TG Unit 1 Module 2 pp. 27-28
CG p 30 of 42 S9LT-Id-29
C. Other Reference: Discover Science; Diwa Textbook Unit 1 Chapter 2-Lesson 4 pp. 49-50
D. Instructional Materials: Visual aid, activity sheet
III. Procedure
A.Introductory Activities
● Drill
Identify what kind of non-Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance shown of the following

● Review
What sex chromosome determines the sex of an individual?
● Checking of assignment
What are the three kinds of sex-related inheritance traits.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Pre Activity
● Motivation
What sex that is usually color blind?
● Unlocking of Terms
 Sex-linked trait- traits that are controlled by genes located on the same sex
 Sex chromosome- determines the sex of an organisms.
● Lesson Presentation
Our lesson for today is on Sex-Linked traits
2. Activity Proper
Activity 5: When Gender Matters
 Solve problems related to sex-linked traits
Refer to LM Unit 1 Module 2 Activity 5 pp. 39-40
3. Post Activity
 Check the answer of the guide questions
Answers to the guide questions:
Q18. What is the genotype of the male?
Answer: XCY
Q19. What is the genotype of the female?
Answer: XXC
Q20. What is the chance that the child will be color-blind?
Answer: 50%

Q21. What is the chance that the daughter will be color-blind?

Answer: 50%
Q22. What is the chance that the son will be color-blind?
Answer: 50%
Discussion of the results
 Teacher discuss further the content

● Sex-linked traits are inherited through the X chromosomes
● Males have only one X chromosome. Thus, if they inherit the affected X, they will have the
● Females have two X chromosomes. Therefore, they can inherit/carry the trait without being
affected if it acts in a recessive manner
4. Abstraction
Therefore, what is sex-linked trait?
5. Application
Give another example of sex-linked trait
IV. Evaluation
Multiple Choice: Read and understand the questions carefully and write the letter of your answer.
1. “Bleeders Disease” is more accurately known as_______.
a. sickle cell anemia c. down syndrome
b. hemophilia d. color blindness
2. What sex related inheritance that usually carried by the X chromosome?
a. Sex-limited trait c. Sex-linked trait
b. Sex-influenced trait d. Polygenic inheritance
For 3-5 Refer to the situation below
A couple has both normal vision, but their son is color blind
Legend: C- normal vision c- color-blind
3. What is the genotype of their son?
a. XCY c. XY
b. XcY d. XYc
4. What the genotype of the mother?
a. XCXC c. XcXc
b. X XC c d. XX
5. Based on the situation, what is the chance that their daughter will be color-blind?
a. 0% c. 50%
b. 25% d. 100%

MPS: ___________ ____________

___________ ____________ ____________
V. Assignment
Study on Sex-Influenced trait

No. of learners with mastery level: __________________________

No. of learners needing reinforcement: _______________________

Other Activities:
1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
Other Remarks:
Lesson plan not recited due to absence/ emergency meeting with
__________________________( Rewrite LP)
Lesson plan not finished, it ended in __________________________
(Copy objective on the next LP

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