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Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope

Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: Math

Name:_________________________________________ Date:__________
Teoric type
1. What is a multiplication?
2. What is a división?
3. What are the exponents?.
4. What is the Common Factor?

Practic Type

Write the next numbers in words.

1. 287,546,649:______________________________________________
2. 235,649,894:______________________________________________
3. 698,756,234:______________________________________________
4. 235,564,896:______________________________________________
5. 256.789,654:______________________________________________

Do the next addiction and subtraction.

145,265 457,689 974,524
+ 25,368 + 456,567 + 567,892

30,170 104,156 459,857

- 9,788 −235,644 235,568
Multiplications and Division
1259 406 5689 4578
× 12 × 96 ÷ 47 ÷ 34


Parts of angle cobic root exercises
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: science
Name:_____________________________________ Date:__________

Match the correct answer

Cells a cell’s main purpose is to survivel if they

don’t do anything productive.
celular function cells are the smallest parts of all living
Microorganisms parasities are organims that live off their
Parasites are all living Things too small to be seen
with the naked eye.

Complete the next question

What are the levels of organitation of Cells?

a( _______________________

What are the microorganisms classified?

a( _______________________
What are the levels of organitation of Cells?
a( _______________________

Write True or False

1. The microbial functions are operate the basic drug cycles that are
necessary for the plants' supply. (_____)

2. Microorganims causing diseases are animals that do not have


3. What are the vertebrates are animal that have a backbone or spinal
cplumn. (______)

4. What are vascular plants also known as bryophytes, have very few
parts because of the lack of root, stems and leaves.(______)

5. What are non- vascular plants also known as tracheophytes, have

many parts as roots, stems, leaves or needles.(_______)
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: sociales

Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Tipo completacion
_________________es la facultad que permite decidir entre realizar una
acción determinada.
_________________es la capacidad que tienen las personas de ser justas.
_________________se refiere al papel tradicional que desarrollan hombres
y las mujeres en una sociedad o cultura.
_________________son acuerdos, con la aprobación de la mayoría de
quienes forman parte de la comunidad.
_________________ son facultades y libertades que poseen todas las
personas desde que nacen.
1. norma social
Unir las siguientes preguntas 2. norma jurídica
3. norma moral
tipos de decisiones
4. normas religiosas

Cuáles son los tipos de normas

1. ejecutivo
organismos de Honduras 2. legislativo
3. judicial
Tipo Verdadero y Falso

1. Los medios de comunicación masivos son fundamentales para el

desarrollo económico de un país ya que conectan las zonas
productivas. (________)
2. Las vías de transporte son las que permiten que las personas se
relacionen entre si por medio de ellos. (________)
3. Los símbolos patrios menores son la flor nacional, árbol nacional,
venado cola blanca, ave nacional, mapa de honduras. (_______)
4. Los símbolos patrios mayores son el himno nacional, escudo nacional,
bandera nacional. (______)

Tipo completacion

¿Cuáles son las características de los derechos humanos?

1( _______________________

¿Cuáles son los tipos de comunicación?

1( _______________________

¿Cuáles son las ciencias sociales auxiliares de la geografía?

1( _______________________
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: español
Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Encierra la respuesta correcta.

¿Qué es la leyenda?
A. es una narración generalmente oral.
B. se trata de relatos muy antiguos.
C. la fábula es un relato ficticio.

¿Qué es el mito?
A. es una narración generalmente oral.
B. se trata de relatos muy antiguos.
C. la fábula es un relato ficticio.

¿Qué es la fábula?
A. es una narración generalmente oral.
B. se trata de relatos muy antiguos.
C. la fábula es un relato ficticio.

Responder las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué es el cuento?

¿Qué es el debate?

¿Qué son los sinónimos?


¿Qué son los antónimos?


Tipo completacion

¿Cuál es la estructura de la novela?

1( _______________________

¿Cuáles son los juegos del lenguaje?

1( _______________________

¿Cuáles son las partes de una argumentación son?

1( _______________________

1. ¿Cuáles son los juegos del lenguaje?

1( _______________________
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: Grammar
Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Unscramble the reported commands.

She/ to / told / do / the easy question first / them.

Them/ their study time/ told/ she/ plan/ to.

Circle the correct option

You will get a better grade if you Participate/ participation a lot in class.

Always read the instruct/ instruction carefully before doing a activite.

Good students always listen to teacher’s suggest/ suggestion.

Math the words with the definitions.

1 analyze a) look over again carefully

2 brainstor b) remember something word for word
3 discuss c) have a conversation about a topic
4 memorize d) examine in detail
5 research e) produce as manų ideas as possible
6 review f) investigate and gather information
Write the strong adjectives that mean the same.

Very hungry: very scared:

Very ugly; very pretty:
Very funny: very bad;
Very tired: very interesting:

Read and circle the best adjetive.

Anna wishes she did’t live a… city.

a terrified b filthy c hilarious

her partment is….

a exhausted b starving c tiny

she wishes she had a….. hause

a hilarious b furious chuge

Find the words

Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: Phonic ans Spelling
Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Underline the short vowels before the double consonant

Class funny
Stuff swimming
Effort better

Match the words.

Begin swimming
Big preferred
Fun bigger
Prefer running
Run funny
Swim beginner

Add –s or es
Complete the words


Rewrite the misspelled words.

1 Darren always brings an extra pencle to class.______________

2 Tara won a medle in the competition.____________________
3 The teacher wrote an exampel on the board._______________
4 They canciled the game because of the weathe._____________
5 Beth is sitting in the middal of the room.___________________
6 Ryan visited a castel on the trip.__________________________
7 We used a stencle to paint the T-shirts.____________________
8 The homework problems are very simpel.__________________
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: language

Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Change to the plural form.

Rewrite verbs for the study Nouns.
3___________________ distraction
4___________________ education
5___________________ imagination
9___________________ motivation
10__________________ participation
Find the expression in the tex.

I don`t get it. I’m in trouble. Well done. What’s up?

Somebady gets a good grade on a test._________________

Somebody looks worried.____________________________
You don’t understand something.______________________
Your teaher catches you doing something wrong._____________________

Complate the comments with study verbs.

Brainstorm. Researh. Study. Practice. Check

I___________ my spelling in an online dictionary.

I___________ practice my English with native speakers whenever i can.
I start____________ at least two weeks before an exam.
I________________ research information for assignments in online
I love to_______________ in a group. We get so many great ideas.
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: reading

Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

My Wonderful Family

I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one
sister, and I was born last. My father teaches mathematics, and my
mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are very smart and
work hard in school. My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. My
grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when I was two
years old. She has grown old, but she is still very strong. She cooks
the best food!
My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My
brothers and I like to go on long walks in the mountains. My sister likes
to cook with my grandmother. On the weekends we all play board
games together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my
family very much.

Question 1
My mother is a...
a Waitress b Nurse
c Writer d Doctor

Question 2:
My house is near the...
a Mountains b Monastery
c City d Italy
Question 3:
How old was I when my grandmother came?
a Three years old b Two years old
c Just born d Ten years old

Question 4:
On the weekends, we...
a Clean the house b Go to a movie
c Cook pasta d Play board games together

Question 5:
My sister is kind, but also...
a Quiet b Nervous
c Strong d Mean
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: Writing
Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Investigators estimate that one in ten people have a very common learning
disability called dyslexia.' According to the International Dyslexia Association,
dyslexia is a learning disability that is "characterized by difficulties with
accurate word recognition and poor spelling." This means people with
dyslexia do not see information in a book the way others do. They may
confuse the order or direction of the letters and numbers when reading and
writing, and this makes it more difficult when learning new information.
2 Last week, a friend told me he has dyslexia. He says he is embarrassed to
write on the board in class because he makes a lot of spelling mistakes. He
also says he needs more time than the rest of our classmates to read a book.
3 His parents are helping him, and I want to help, too. For example, I think we
can work together when we are assigned a book to read. I can read aloud
while he follows along in the book. At school, we can all help. We can talk
about the main ideas of stories. We can also help each other correct spelling
4 In summary, I think we all can do something to help our classmates facing
any learning challenges. The important point is to understand the challenges
and learn how to help each other.
1 Read the text. Circle the correct

1 The writer of the text is a...

a doctor. b teacher. c student.
2 The text is written for...
a dyslexic students. ball students. c only teachers.
3 The text is in a...
a school newspaper. b personal diary. c science magazine.
4 The text is about...
a reading aloud. b correcting spelling. c helping a classmate with dyslexia.

2 Look at the text. Number the paragraph descriptions in the correct order

_____the problems a student with a learning disability faces

_____a list of references
_____a learning disability and its definition
_____a conclusion
_____how to help a person with a learning disability

3 Developing a Topic Look at the text again. Circle the correct answer

1 What does the author use to show how common dyslexia is?
a statistic b a definition c an anecdote

2 What does the author use to explain what dyslexia is?

a a statistic b a definition can anecdote

1 Find a sentence in the text with quotation marks. Write it here.


2 Find a sentence in the text that uses a comma to separate an introduc

phrase. Write it here.___________________________________________
Garden-School and Private Institute Faith and Hope
Miss: Hanni Vigil I Partial Grade: Fith Exam: art
Name:_____________________________________ Fecha:__________

Responder las siguientes preguntas.

¿Qué es el dibujo?

¿Cuáles son los instrumentos básicos para dibujar?


¿Qué significa asertivo?


¿Qué es la composición?

¿Qué son los instrumentos de viento?


Tipo Completacion

¿Cuál es la clasificación de la linea?

1( _______________________
¿Cuáles son los elementos de la perspectiva?
1( _______________________

¿Cómo pueden ser los polígonos?

1( _______________________

Tipo Verdadero o Falso.

1) Trivial es el objeto que no tiene mayor importancia. (________)

2) La composición es el sonido que emiten los instrumentos de cuerda se
produce al frotar, raspar o pulsar las cuerdas. (_________)
3) Los instrumentos de cuerdas son la distribución armoniosa y creativa
elementos en un espacio. (________)
4) Los instrumentos son objetos compuestos por la combinación de uno o
más sistemas resonantes. (_______)
5) Los instrumentos de percusión producen su sonido por la vibración de
la columna de aire en su interior. (_______)

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