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Name: Score:

Year and Section: Prepared by: Tr. Angelyn Lingatong

UNIT 5: Enculturation and Socialization

LESSON 1: Identity Formation
Check Your Understanding

A. Identify if the statement is true or false.

__________1. Erik Erikson is a psychodynamic theorist who formulated his own theory as an
extension of Freud’s.
__________2. According to supporters of the nature principle, human personality and identity is
inborn and inherited.
___________3. Socialization is the lifelong social process where people develop their individual
potentials and learn or adapt culture.
___________4. Contemporary social scientists argue that there is no correct option between nature
and nurture as both instances are salient in ensuring a person’s development.
___________5. Lawrence Kohlberg postulated that human beings also develop moral identities as
influenced by their environmental and interpersonal experiences.

B. Which do you think is more valid in explaining identity development: nature or nurture? Explain
your answer.

C. Research further on the theories highlighted in this lesson. In your own words, create a brief
explanation of each theorist’s main tenet or hypothesis about human identity and personality.
Distinguish if the tenet is supportive of the nature or nurture principle. In addition, provide
relevant examples that showcase the applicability of the theory in explaining personality and
identity development.

Main Tenet Nature or

Theorist Nurture? Examples





LESSON 2: Norms and Values

Check Your Understanding

A. Identify whether the following go against mores or folkways.

___________1.Basty purposely punched his Math tutor after she explained to him that his answers
to the exercise were all incorrect.
___________2.Regina does not go to mass every single day, even if she belongs to a devout
Catholic family.
___________3.Mariel habitually comes to the office late, turns in her assignments beyond the
deadline, and avoids communication with her workmates.
___________4.Kristine got into a fight with a police officer because she refused to accept a ticket
for over speeding.
____________5. Mario committed burglary after he declared bankruptcy.
B. Compare and contrast norms and values.


C. List five cultural norms that are observable in Philippine society.


Putting Value

Choose one ASEAN country apart from the Philippines. Research on the cultural and societal
characteristics of your chosen country. Familiarize yourself with the country’s local norms and
values. Once done, fill out the table below.
Country: _________________________

Characteristics Examples


LESSON 3: Statuses and Roles

Check Your Understanding

A. Write the correct answer on the blank provided below.

1. This is defined as a conflict among roles connected to two or m re
2. This is the process by which people disengage from certain r les.
3.This phenomenon occurs when there is tension involved among v ous roles
within just one status.
4.It is term for the various statuses that a person holds at once. _________________
5.She is a sociologist well-known for her work on social statuses a d roles.

B.What other sociological concepts influence changes in statuses and roles? Cite relevant examples
to support your claim. List down your different statuses and roles as an individual.
Society and I: Self-Check

Check I can…

elaborate on how identities develop in society.

explain the different between norms and values.

discuss the relationship between statuses and roles.

differentiate the types of statuses.

explain the significance of socialization in identity development.

apply what I learned to my personal experiences.


I find __________________________ the most interesting because

I got ____ checks because
I need to improve on _______________________because
I need to practice _________________________ because
I plan to
_____________________________________________________________________ .

UNIT 6: Conformity and Deviance

Lesson 1: Social Control
Check Your Understanding

A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The social values, sanctions, rewards and punishments utilized by informal means of social
control are learned through _____________________.
2. Norms are standards in a society that tells its members what is
3. The various methods utilized by a society to ensure conformity to norms is referred to as
4. The use of force against social deviance is called ________________________.
5. The extension of socialization that inculcates moral, intellectual, and social values in
individuals is called ________________________.

B. Directions: Look back in the Starting Out section of this lesson. In which neighborhood are
formal and informal means of control more effective? Explain your answer below.

Putting Value
Edward Ross believed that internal social controls were more effective in ensuring
conformity among members of a society. When is this most real in the context of Philippine
society? Look back in your life, was there ever a time when you have been shamed, criticized or
ridiculed? What social norm or value did you violate? Why is this norm or value important to your

Lesson 2: Forms of Deviance

Starting Out
This activity has been developed by the American Sociological Association, and has been
adopted here for the Filipino audience. Do the task individually first.

You will be a social worker assigned to choose the best home placement for a child. Your
task is simple: you will examine ten homes and rank the homes from 1 to 10, where 1 your best
choice. Everything in the homes are the same except for the following characteristics:

__________ A. This family has replaced their normal toilets with composting toilets. Their toilets
are filled with sawdust, and after use, they remove the feces and place it in a
compost bin in the back yard. Later, they use that compost on their plants.
__________ B. This family shares a bed with all of their children, infants through teenagers.
__________ C. This family is a Muslim and would like the child to study in a Madrasah when the
ready for school.
__________ D. This family are Igorots. When they conversed with you, the father was wearing
his bahag and the mother, her alampay.
__________ E. This family involves married parents who are in an open relationship. Both
mother and father have relationship with other people. They both believe that they
are in a stable marriage and that dating other people strengthens their
__________ F. This family includes a transsexual adult. This parent was born as a woman and
now lives as a man and will be the child's father.
__________ G. Family believes in opening their home to all. At any given time, they have
various friends sleeping over, renting spaces, or otherwise living in their home.
They also have about 15 animals (cats and dogs).
__________ H. This family adheres to extremely traditional gender roles. The wife does not
speak unless spoken to, does not have access to family money, and prepares a
separate meal for her husband which he eats without her.
__________ I. This family adheres to a holistic lifestyle. As part of their way of living, they do not
believe in using any medicine, even for emergencies.
__________ J. This family has a business but are openly racist. They do not employ people who
are part of an indigenous group.
Explain the arrangement of your answer.
Check Your Understanding

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Violation of cultural norms is called ____________________________.
2. Forms of deviance based on the social control needed to correct the deviant act are
categorized into _______________________________ and
3. Deviant acts which are illegal but are not necessarily harmful to the whole society are
considered as _______________________________.
4. The two theorists who discovered that genetics may have a strong influence on juvenile
delinquency are _______________________________ and
5. The sociologist who first postulated that deviance is a normal function of a healthy
society is _______________________________.
B. List down some examples of deviant behaviors. Which ones are considered as formal
deviance and which ones are informal deviance? What deviant acts fall in between these
two categories? Use the diagram below to categorize your list.

C. Reflect on your own culture. What social norms and values do you want to uphold and
preserve? Why are these important for you? What norms and values to do want to replace
and why?
Lesson 3: Human Dignity, Rights and the Common Good
Check Your Understanding

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The legal framework that mandates for countries to abolish all forms of social stratification
and to develop programs that will eradicate poverty and promote peace is the
2. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “freedom, justice and peace in
the world” is founded on ________________________________.
3. The channel through which human value, and our bond of unity are transmitted from
generation to generation is called ________________________________ .
4. The situation wherein families are unable to meet their basic needs is called
________________________________ .
5. Human dignity can be violated in four ways: ________________________________ ,
________________________________ , ________________________________ ,
and ________________________________ .
B. How is culture useful in promoting human dignity, rights and the common good? Write a
short essay explaining your answer.

C. Why is poverty the greatest challenge to human dignity? Use situations in the Philippines in
explaining your answer.

Society and I: Self-Check

Che I can…
Explain the meaning of
social control
Identify the various forms
of social control
Define deviance

Identify the various forms

of deviance
Understand the
importance of human
Determine the
connection between
human dignity, right, and
common good to culture

I find __________________________ the most interesting

because ______________________.
I got ____ checks because
I need to improve on _______________________because
I need to practice _________________________ because
I plan to
____________________ .

UNIT 7: Organization in Society

Lesson 1: Social Organizations: Groups Within Society(Primary and


A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. A collection of two or more people who participate in enduring social interaction and
relationship is called ___________________.
2. A quasi-group related by common traits and interests is termed as ___________________.
3. Social groups like family, friends, and playgroups are considered as examples of
4. Social groups like co-workers within a company may be considered as an example of a
5. Quasi-groups which possess physical proximity, but lack enduring social interaction, are
called ______________________.

B. Compare and contrast the concepts of primary and secondary groups. What are their similarities
and differences?
C. Evaluate how your social groups affect your life as a member of society.

Lesson 2: Social Organizations: In-Groups and Out-Groups

Check your Understanding
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1.A social group to which an individual feels he belongs is called an
2.The person who introduced the concept of out-groups and in-
groups is __________________.
3. A concept which refers to one’s preference of the in-group with which he identifies is
4.__________________ occurs when actions produced are intended to harm those that are outside
one’s in-group. This usually happens when the in-group is challenged or threatened.
5.Hostile or negative attitude toward members of an out-group is called __________________.
B. Apply the concept of in-groups and out-groups to explain bullying against people from the LGBT

C. Suggest some ways to avoid or minimize intergroup aggression.


Putting Value
Can you think of examples of intergroup aggression here in the Philippines? Who are affected in this
conflict -- the poor, children, and women? How would you feel knowing that such conflict results to
aggression towards certain groups in the Philippine society?


Lesson 3: Social Organizations: Reference Groups

Check Your Understanding

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The group whose norms are used by an individual to evaluate himself and others is a
2. A type of socialization which refers to the adoption of another group’s attitudes and values is
called _____________________.
3. Groups in which people do not want to identify are examples of _____________________.
4. The theory that states that humans have an innate drive to produce accurate evaluations of
oneself is called _____________________.
5. A group of which one wants to be part is called a _____________________.
B. How is social comparison theory relevant to the formation of an individual’s social identity?
C. What is the importance of having reference groups in society?

Putting Value
Evaluate yourself using your own reference groups. What are your strengths and weaknesses
considering this evaluation? Form a group with your classmates and share your answers and
reflections with them.

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