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Course Code: GE 10

Course Title: Gender and Society

No. of Units 3 units
No. of Hours/Week 3 hours

Midterm Examination AY-2021-2022

Name: Gazzingan Michael Year & Section: BEED 1G Instructor: Mrs. Benita C. Perez

I. Identification
Directions: Identify the correct answer being asked for in every statement. Write the answer
on the blank before the numbers.

Philosophy 1. Every individual deserves quality education.

Vision 2. Colegio de Montalban continously aims for excellence in transforming individuals

into responsible, productive and globally competitive student.

Mission 3. Nurture students to become value oriented and competitive professionals who can
contribute their expertise to the community.

Goal __4. Achieve a high level of productivity, global competitiveness, industry relevance and
social responsiveness among professionals with a strong sense of nationalism.

Sex 5. Primarily refers to physical attributes body characteristics notably sex organ which are
distinct in majority of individuals. It is also relatively fixed/constant through time
and culture.

Gender 6. It is the composite of attitude and behavior of men and women (masculinity and
feminity). It is also learned and perpetuated primarily through the family,
education religion (where dominant) and is an acquired identity.

Femine and feminity 7-8. The proper terms in reference to Female sex are ____feminine_____
and _____feminity______.

Women and girls 9-10. The corresponding terms for gender Feminine are __women_____ and

II Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer on the following statements. Write
your answer on the space provided before the number.

_______F_____ 1. In human biological sexis determined at birth, typically by doctors,

through the observance of five factors.
a) Chromosome
b) The type of gonads
c) The sex hormones
d) The internal reproductive anatomy
e) The external genitalia
f) All of the above

_____A_______ 2. Gender is much bigger and more complicated than assigned sex. It
a) Gender roles
b) Expectations society and people have
c) About behaviors, thoughts and characteristics that go along with a
persons assigned sex.
d) All of the above

______A______ 3. Gender labelling, gender stability are parts of this theory.

a) Kholberg theory
b) Segmund Freud Theory
c) None of the above

______A______ 5. This is a theory in feminism and sociology about the manifestation of

cultural origins, mechanisms and corollaries of gender perception and
expression in the context of interpersonal and group interaction.
a) Social construction theory
b) Kholberg theory
c) Sigmund Freud theory

_______D_____ 6. Sex refers to:

a) Born with
b) Natural
c) Cannot be changed except with medical treatment
d) All of the above

_______D_____ 7. Gender refers to:

a) Not born with
b) Learned-although deeply rooted
c) Gender roles
d) Changed overtime, since social values and norms are not static

______D______ 8. Sex reassignment surgery refers to procedures that help people transition
to their self-identified gender. Today many people prefer to use the terms
gender affirmation or confirmation surgery.
a) Motoidioplasly
b) A method of constructing a new penis or neo penis
c) The surgeon removes the vagina, in a vaginectomy
d) All of the above

_______E_____ 9. In surgery for female transitioning to male is more complicated and

expensive. The following are removed:
a) Breast
b) Ovary
c) Uterus
d) Vagina is closed
e) All of the above

______B______ 10. This is a categorization of human based on their physical or social

qualities into group generally viewed as distinct within a given society.
a) Class
b) Race
c) Gender

III True or False: Write true if the statement is true, false if the statement is false.

_____True_______ 1. A transgender woman had male genitals at birth but identifies as


____True _______ 2. A transgender man had female genitals at birth but identifies as

_____True_______ 3. Lesbian : usually refers to a woman who has a romantic and / or

sexual orentation toward women.

_______True_____ 4. Gay : used in some cultural settings to represent men who are
attracted to men in a romantic, erotic and / or emotional sense.

_______True_____ 5. Gendered violence – refers to harmful acts directed at an

individual based on gender.
_______True_____ 6. Rape is a non consensual penetration of the vagina, anus or
mouth with a penis or other body parts. It is also against a person’s

______False______ 7. Forced marriage – is voluntary or according to the will of a person.

______False______ 8. Sexual assault is when someone consented or freely gave or

enthusiastic to do romantic acts.

_____True_______ 9. Depression is a mood or disorder that causes a persistent feeling

of sadness and loss of interest.

______True______ 10. To be anxious or to have an anxiety is rewarding.

_____True_______ 11. Language is a system of communication consisting of sounds,

words and grammar on the system.

_____True_______ 12. Media is the form of medium, which ( broadly speaking) describes
any channel of communication. This include anything from printed paper
to digital data, news, educational content and numerous other forms of

_____True_______ 13. Linguistics sexism according to Tamara Valentine is the use of

words that arbitrarily assigns voles or characteristics to people on the
basis of sex gender.

____True________ 14. In gendered media “ Lagi mga babae ang nakikita sa commercial |
advertisement | patalastas babae ang naglalaba, lalaki ang

______True______ 15. Gender equality is the unequal treatment or perceptions of

individuals based on their gender.

IV. Arrange these group of letters to make words which are commonly used in our course
BEED Gender and Society.


1. XES ______Sex_________
2. NEGEDR ________Gender _______
3. KORW ______Work_________
4. TIONISDCRINAMI ____Descrimination___________
5. ROCLSSAOM _____classroom __________
6. RLOSE ____roles___________
7. ERAC ____Race___________
8. SREHTOM __Mothers_____________
9. LYIMAF ______Family _________
10. SMROF _______Forms________

V. Enumeration. Give atleast one characteristics of a:

1. Good mother answer: patience 3. Good father

answers : he is protective

2. As a wife answer : caring and compassionate

4-5. Write atleast two family forms.

Answer. 4.single parents families

5.grand parents families

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