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Instruction: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. Write your answer on the
space provided. 1 point each
_________________1. It is composed of personal characteristics, social roles, and
responsibilities as well as affiliations that define who a person is.
_________________2. The philosopher who believed that one could never achieve inner
peace without finding God’s love.
_________________3. In the west, this is understood primarily as an autonomous ego
whose existence is distinct from that of others.
_________________4. According to him, self is basically a collection of different
perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a
perpetual flux and movement.
_________________5. He proposed that self is not just a collection of various
perceptions, but also a seat of knowledge acquisition for human beings.
_________________6. It is a characteristic of the self which entails that the self is always
unique and has its own identity.
_________________7. This refers to the basic identity of a person; a sense of who a
person is.
_________________8. This is what basically comes to mind when you are asked about
who you are.
_________________9. This aspect of the self, according to W. James, pertains to the
physical characteristics as well as the psychological capability that makes you who you
_________________10. A self-schema that defines self as who you think you should be.
_________________11. This theory provides that we can learn about ourselves, the
appropriateness of our behaviors, as well as our social status by comparing aspects of
ourselves with other people.
_________________12. It is what some scholars call the cultivated self in Confucianism
wherein personal needs are repressed for the good of many.
_________________13. The period of life between the ages of 10-15 when the
reproductive organs grow to their adult size and become functional under the influence
of rising levels of gonadal hormones.
_________________14. One of the leading STDs worldwide which is caused by Human
Immunodeficiency Virus that attacks the immune system making the individual more
prone to infections and other diseases.
_________________15. A natural method of contraception that involves refraining from
sexual intercourse and is most effective natural birth control method with ideally 0% fail

Instruction: Choose the BEST answer for the following questions. Write your answer on the
space provided.
_________1. Among the philosophers, who said that the living body, thoughts,
emotions, and experiences are all one?
a. Kant c. Merleau-Ponty
b. Plato d. Ryle
_________2. This effect gives the impression that a certain information is true, such as
assessment of character through horoscopes, and palm reading, even if the information
is vague and lacks reliability.
a. Halo Effect c. Mere-Exposure Effect
b. Barnum Effect d. Pygmalion Effect
_________3. The self is outward; it is something which always exists outside
somewhere out of you.
a. Western Concept of Self c. Eastern Concept of Self
b. Northern Concept of Self d. The Self as a Separate
_________4. A religious philosophy that can be seen as a code of ethical conduct, of
how one should properly act according to their relationship with other people; thus, it is
also focused on having a harmonious social life.
a. Taoism c. Hinduism
b. Confucianism d. Buddhism
_________5. A religious philosophy that argues that self is not just an extension of the
family or community, but also a part of the universe.
a. Taoism c. Hinduism
b. Confucianism d. Buddhism
_________6. This philosophy advocates that the self is seen as an illusion, born out of
ignorance, of trying to hold control of things, or human-centered needs, thus the self is
also a source of all suffering.
a. Taoism c. Hinduism
b. Confucianism d. Buddhism
_________7. This perspective argues that the self should not be seen as a static entity
that stays constant through and through. Rather, the self has to be seen as something
that is in unceasing flux, in a constant struggle with external reality.
a. Social Constructivist c. Social Constructionist
b. Social Dynamic d. Self-Development
_________8. Which among the statements are true according to Mead and Vigotsky?
Choose the best answer.
a. Human persons develop through interaction with others.
b. Human persons develop through the use of language acquisition.
c. Only A is true
d. Both A and B are true
_________9. Artificial method of contraception known as the pill that contain synthetic
estrogen and progesterone.
a. Transdermal Patch c. Oral Contraceptives
b. Hormonal Injections d. Intrauterine Device
_________10. A characteristic of the self that defines the self as a center of all
experiences and thoughts that run through a certain person.
a. Separate c. Unitary
b. Centered d. Consistent
_________11. Which among the following are the two aspects of self according to
William James.
a. Me and Myself c. I and Myself
b. I and Me d. None of the above
_________12. Which is not a province of the mind according to Sigmund Freud.
a. Superego c. Ego
b. Ibid d. Id
_________13. This theory on self-argued that the self is created and developed through
human interaction.
a. Psychoanalytic Theory b. Holistic-Dynamic Theory
c. Symbolic Interactionism Theory d. Psychoanalytic Social Theory
_________14. All, but one of the following is not a reason why self and identity is a
social product.
a. We need others to affirm and reinforce who we think we are.
b. Society contributed in creating the foundations of who we are.
c. Society totally dictates who we are through imposition of norms and morals and that
there is no will on the part of the individual to choose who he or she is.
d. What we think is important may have been influenced by what is important in our
social and historical context.
_________15. These are parts of the brain believed to be responsible for regulating
sexual response.
a. Frontal Cortex and Amygdala c. Left Insula and Precuneus
b. Hypothalamus and Limbic d. Thalamus and Insular cortex
_________16. Which among the following are is not a self-schema?
a. True Self c. Ideal Self
b. Actual Self d. Ought Self
_________17. Gender has to be personally discovered and asserted and not dictated by
a. Friends c. Society
b. Family d. Culture
_________18. A self-schema that pertains to who you are at the moment
a. True Self c. Ideal Self
b. Actual Self d. Ought Self
_________19. Organize in ascending order the following needs according to Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs.
I. Safety Needs
II. Esteem Needs
III. Love and Belonging Needs
IV. Physiological Needs

a. III, I, IV, II c. IV, I, II, III

b. IV, I, III, II d. I, IV, III, II
_________20. Which of the following methods will be used if you totally do not want to
bear a child.
a. Abstinence c. Surgical Method
b. Tubal Litigation d. Condoms

Instruction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 1 point
_____1. Only factors like the society, family, and culture influence the self.
_____2. The self is ever-changing and dynamic, allowing external influences to take part
in its shaping.
_____3. From childhood, we are controlled by our genetic makeup, it influences the way
we treat ourselves and others.
_____4. According to Mauss, every self has three faces: personne, anima, and moi.
_____5. The anima is composed of the social concepts of what it means to be who a
person is.
_____6. An individual is not just a passive actor in shaping the self, he is not merely
dictated by particularities or dispositions acquired at birth. Rather, he is an active
participant in the process of shaping the self.
_____7. In trying to achieve the goal of becoming a fully actualized human, a child enters
a system of relationships, most important of which is the society.
_____8. Gender is an important part of what forms the self, and it must be dictated by
culture and society.
_____9. We have several social identities we use to interact with various groups and each
identity cannot overlap with the other.
_____10. Western Society strive to find and prove the truth, while Eastern society accepts
the truth as given and is more interested in finding balance.
_____11. The ideal self is selflessness, but this is not about forgetting the self, it is living a
balanced life with society and nature, being open and accepting to change.
_____12. The autonomic system is involved in controlling the involuntary response in the
presence of stimulus capable enough of initiating sexual response.
_____13. Physiological problems are form of sexual problems that are caused by socially
induced inhibitions, maladaptive attitudes, and sexual myths held by society.
_____14. Social interactions and group affiliations are not vital factors in creating our self-
_____15. The ought self is a self-schema that pertains to who a person wants to be.

DIFFERENTIATE: 10 points each

1. Eastern Concept vs. Western Concept of Self
2. Kant’s Concept of Self vs. Hume’s Concept of Self
3. Natural vs. Artificial Methods of Contraception

1. Give at least 5 natural methods of contraception
2. Give at least 5 artificial methods of contraception
3. Give 3 religious philosophies that greatly influenced the mindset of each nation or
4. Give the 2 theories in earlier development

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