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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga delNorte
Manaol, Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte JRMSU-SC-CED-027



Midterm Examination
1 Semester Academic Year 2021-2022

Name _______________________________________ Score: ____________

Course/Year __________________________________ Date: ____________


TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer from among the choices given for each item. Write only
the letter on the space provided.
____ 1.He is famous for this phrase, “I Act, Therefore I am”.
A. Socrates B. Plato C. Ryle D. Churchland
____ 2. He proposed that human mind at birth is a “tabula rasa”.
A. St. Augustine B. Locke C. Descartes D. Kant
____ 3.One of his most-quoted phrases is, “The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living”.
A. Plato B. Ryle C. Socrates D. Locke
____ 4.He was known for this phrase, “I Know That I Don’t Know”.
A. Socrates B. Plato C. Ryle D. Churchland
____ 5. He claimed that the soul hold the Truth, which is capable of scientific thinking.
A. Plato B. Ryle C. Socrates D. St. Augustine
____ 6. He is known for his “Theory of Forms”.
A. Plato B. Locke C. Descartes D. Kant
____ 7.He insisted that the idea of a mind or soul is not in consonance with the physical changes that have
occurred in the hereditary characteristics of the human species over successive generations.
A. Churcland B. Locke C. Ponty D. Kant
____ 8. This characteristic refers to social relations with the use of machinery in production.
A. Capitalism B. Industrialism C. Dynamism D. Institutionalism
____ 9.The individual at this stage internalizes some other people’s perspectives by taking into account societal
rules and adheres to these.
A. Language stage B. Game Stage C. Play Stage D. All of these

____ 10. It is a group described as having two or more people interacting with one another and sharing similar
characteristics as part of the group.
A. Organic group B. Rational group C. Social Network D. Social Group
____ 11. It is characterized as having vigorous activity and progress which is evident of a modern society.
A. Capitalism B. Industrialism C. Dynamism D. Institutionalism
____ 12. It is the study of people, past and present.
A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Philosophy D. Psychology
____ 13.It is an interpretation of the meaning of something.
A. individualistic culture B. collectivist C. culture D. construal
____ 14.She believes that culture can influence how you view relationships, personality traits, achievement, and
expressing emotions.
A. Catherine Raeff B. Joseph LeDoux C. Katherine Ewing D. Liza Quinn
____ 15.The aspect of the self that you are consciously aware of.
A. implicit self B. explicit self C. the “I” D. the “ME”
____ 16.This self flourishes in infancy if the mother is positively responsive to the child’s expressions.
A. False Self B. True Self C. Implicit Self D. Explicit Self
____ 17. It is the application of previous concepts to new concepts.
A. Accommodation B. Adaptation C. Schemas D. Assimilation
____ 18. It is an essential characteristic that never ever changes and shapes who you are.
A. Self B. Ego C. Persona D. Traits
____ 19.It is the image you project to the public.
A. Persona B. Experiential Self C. Ego D. Private Self Consious
____ 20.“People think I am honest” is an example of
A. Private self-concept B. Public Self-concept C. Collective D. none of these
____ 21. These are the earliest religious writings in the East.
A. Vedas B. Dharma C. Brahman C. all of these
____ 22.It refers to the view of self in a collective concept.
A. Private B. Public C. Sole D. none of these
____ 23.“My family expects me to be respectful” is an example of
A. Private self-concept B. Public Self-concept C. Collective D. none of these
____ 24.It is how you view your physical body, whether you feel you are attractive, and how you feel some other
people like your looks.
A. body image B. value C. consciousness D. beautiful
____ 25.It is how you value yourself and how you feel others value you.
A. body image B. value C. self-esteem D. physical beauty
____ 26.This stage is marked by physical attraction. You want to seduce and be seduced by your object of affection.
A. attraction B. lust C. attachment D. all of these
____ 27. It is typically viewed as an interest in sexual objects or activities or the subjective feeling of wanting to
engage in sex.
A. erotic environment B. sex drive C. sexual desire D. lust
____ 28.STI stands for ____________.
A. sexually transmitted infertility C. sexually transmitted disease
B. sexually transmitted infection D. none of these
____ 29.Which of the following statements about the use of family planning is TRUE?
A. Family planning will enable fathers to provide to their children their basic needs.
B. When mothers are suffering from illness, it will give them enough time for treatment and recovery
C. Children will get all the attention, security, love and care they deserve
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
____ 30. The following are some of the benefits of using family planning, except
A. Healthy mothers produce healthy children
B. Lightens the burden and responsibility of the father in supporting his family
C. Enables mother to regain her health after delivery
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
____ 31.The tendency of people to rate attractive individuals more favourably for their personality traits or
characteristics as compared to those who are less attractive.
A. cognitive bias B. halo effect C. prejudice D. all of these
____ 32.It is an error in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or any other mental process that is often a result of
holding on to one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information.
A. cognitive bias B. halo effect C. prejudice D. all of these
____ 33.Noriel has loss his eating appetite as well as his desire to sleep. Which chemical trigger his feeling?
A. Dopamine B. Norepinephrine C. Serotonin D. all of these
____ 34.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The brain releases the hormones considered as the physiological origin of sexual desire.
B. Sexual thoughts and fantasies are theorized to lie in the cerebral cortex, the same area used for thinking
and reasoning.
C. Emotions and feelings are believed to originate in the limbic system.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
____ 35. The following are quality objectives of JRMSU, except one:
A. guarantee that faculty and staff are skilled professionals
B. direct an effective implementation of professional and technical training programs anchored on the
standards set by ISO, CHED, and TESDA.
C. employ capable and competent students within all year levels
D. none of the above
____ 36. Which of the following is NOT a goal of JRMSU?
A. Engage in short-term learning
B. Nurture a harmonious environment
C. Xenial delivery of services
D. None of the above

For the following items, evaluate if the statements are true or false. Choose the letter that represents the
correct combination of answers.
____ 37. Statement I – “A dynamic and diverse internationally recognized university” is the vision statement of
Statement II – JRMSU pledges to deliver effective and efficient products and services to its stakeholders.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false

____ 38. Statement I–Hume did not believe on the existence of the self. He stressed that your perceptions are only
active for as long as you are conscious.
Statement II - Kant believe that the self is not in the body, for him the self is outside the body.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 39.Statement I - Plato believe that the soul has three parts which are sensual, reasoning, feeling.
Statement II–St. Augustine thinks that all knowledge leads to God.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 40. Statement I–Descartes claimed that the self is constant; it is not prone to change; is not affected by time.
Statement II - For Locke, a person’s memories provide a continuity of experience that allows him/her to

to identify himself/herself as the same person over time.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 41. Statement I – Organic group are formed as a matter of shared self-interests; moreover, people join these
groups out of their own free will.
Statement II - When we watch others do something, we learn to do things, but we don’t learn about
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 42.Statement I–The three stages in self-development are language, action and game.
Statement II- In the game stage of self-development, individuals role-play or assume the perspective of
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 43. Statement I–According to Ewing, people from all cultures have been observed to be able to rapidly
project different self-representations, depending on the context of situations.
Statement II – The two ways how self is constructed are interdependent and independent constructs.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 44. Statement I - Culture influences what will affect you emotionally, as well as how you express yourself.
Statement II - Culture defines how you define success and whether you value certain types of individual
and group achievements.

A. only statement I is true

B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 45. Statement I - The dimensions of the me-self includes material, social, and spiritual.
Statement II - When the real self and the ideal self are similar, a person experiences incongruence.
A. only statement I is true

B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 46. Statement I–Every person has three parts called “ego states” in his or her personality.
Statement II- The parent ego state is the voice of authority.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 47. Statement I–Individualism is a quality of western thinking where self-expression and self-actualization are
important ways of establishing who one is, as well as finding satisfaction in the world.
Statement II - Buddhism is composed of the teachings of Buddha.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 48. Statement I–Annata is a concept that the sense of being a permanent, autonomous “self” is an illusion.
Statement II–Confusion philosophy presented the idea that every person is born with four beginnings
the Jen, Yi, Li, Chih.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 49. Statement I – IUD is a small T-shaped plastic device wrapped in copper orcontains hormones.
Statement II –Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for female sterilization involving severing and tying of
thefallopian tubes.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 50. Statement I – A person who is not interested in or does not desire sexual activity is considered asexual.
Statement II- Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone”.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false

____ 51.Statement I - The largest sex organ controlling the biological urges, mental processes, as well as the
emotional and physical responses to sex, is the heart.
Statement II- Hypothalamus is the most important part of the brain for sexual functioning.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 52. Statement I - Attachment involves the desire to have lasting commitment with your significant other.
Statement II- Lust is the stage that is marked by physical attraction.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 53.Statement I - Puberty is the stage of development at which females become sexually mature.
Statement II- Perianal skin refers to the area of the body surrounding the anus, and in particular, the skin.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false
____ 54. Statement I–Female condoms is a silicon cup inserted in the vagina to cover the cervix ad keep sperm out
of the uterus.
Statement II–Subdermal implants are contraceptive injection given once every three months.
A. only statement I is true
B. only statement II is true
C. both statements are true
D. both statements are false

TEST II. For the following items, read and understand the statements given. Then create a conclusion
(ending) to each situation based on the principles, conceptsor theories provided.

55. Simo was suffering from dengue and he needed a blood transfusion. His bestfriendKongkong volunteered
to donate his blood to his sick besfriend. A year before, Kongkong was diagnosed with STD.
(STIs or STDs is a disease or infection acquired through sexual contact where the organisms are passed on
from person to person in blood, semen, and vaginal or any bodily fluids).


56. Ariel is from Baliguian, Zamboanga delNorte. Alfredo is from Sta. Maria, Siocon, Zamboanga delNorte.
Alex is from Davao del Norte. The three of them enrolled at JRMSU, Siocon Campus and all of them
took BSED Major in English. The three students are classmates.
(A social group is described as having two or more people interacting with one another, sharing similar
characteristics, and whose members identify themselves as part of a group).


57. Santos is a Filipino family from Luzon. Dumingsi, the father, was a medical doctor. His wife, Clarissa was
alawyer. The four children were all professionals who graduated from the University of the Philippines.
Chansai, the youngest and the only daughter, who is about to enroll in college, was a consistent honor
student from elementaryto High School.
(Culture defines how you define success and whether you value certain types of individual and group achievements.)


58.Inday was an orphan who lives under the bridge since she was six years old. She grew up alone because
nobody adopted her.
(A child whose mother is positively responsive and supports the child’s natural process of individuation
will grow up as an adult with a stable self-image.)


59.Suraida was the only daughter of Abdul Rajak and Sulaiman among seven children. Both her parents are
Muslim. Tristan, who was a Christian was attracted to Suraida.
(An individual thinks, feels, and behaves similarly as that of the members of his/her community)

60. Moana is a teenager, who is very kind, loving and cheerful. (I Act, therefore I am)


1 C 21 A 41 D
2 B 22 D 42 D
3 C 23 C 43 C
4 A 24 A 44 C
5 D 25 C 45 A
6 A 26 B 46 C
7 A 27 C 47 C
8 B 28 B 48 C
9 B 29 D 49 A
10 D 30 E 50 C
11 C 31 B 51 B
12 A 32 A 52 C
13 D 33 B 53 B
14 A 34 D 54 D
15 B 35 C 55
16 B 36 A 56
17 D 37 A 57
18 D 38 C 58
19 A 39 C 59
20 B 40 C 60

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