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TERM3 AY2022-2023
Name (Surname, First name, Middle Initial)

Student Number Course and Section Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

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Instructions: Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best

1. __________________ elaborated that soul has its three components. One of it is

Appetitive Soul.
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. Freud

2. It involves sex, gender identities, gender roles, sexual orientation, eroticism,

pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction as a core component of being human.
a. Gender
b. Sexuality
c. Orientation
d. Identity

3. “I think, Therefore I Am”. This is according to _______________________.

a. Descartes
b. Kant
c. Ponty
d. Socrates

4. In Sexual Self, these are the characteristics that distinguish the male
a. Prostate Gland
b. Testicles
c. Scrotum
d. Uterus
5. __________________ introduced the concept of TABULA RASA.
a. Kant
b. Ponty
c. Descartes
d. Locke
6. ______________ is the first PHILOSPHER to believe that MAN is composed of BODY
and SOUL.
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. Hippocrates

7. Joshua is a college student at National University, taking up Psychology. He grew

up with strict and disciplinarian parents. His Dad always wanted him to be a
doctor, making burnout from school. Since childhood, he felt his dad never really
supported him emotionally. He has a feeling of inferiority that he will never finish hi
school alive. This situation portrays which philosopher’s philosophy.
a. Decartes
b. Kant
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Socrates

8. According to the lens of _______________, without SOCIETY there will be NO SELF.

a. Philosophy
b. Sociology
c. Psychology
d. Classical

9. Lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies,

providing an individual with skills and habits necessary for participating within his
or her society
a. Socialization
b. Communication
c. Coordination
d. Ceremonial

10. In Sexual Self, these are the characteristics that distinguish the female
a. Ovaries
b. Uterus
c. Scrotum
d. Vagina

11. ____________ explains how the self emerges as a product of social experiences.
a. Philosophy
b. Anthropology
c. Sociology
d. Psychology
12. Sociologists are concerned in answering ALL THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS EXCEPT;
a. How does society influence you?
b. Who are you as a person in the society?
c. How will you convince people in the society to act like you?
d. How do you affect the society?

13. These are beliefs that cannot be proven to be true and sometimes can be
proven false but are necessary to sustain life.
a. Delocalized Self
b. Necessary Fiction
c. Persona
d. Pluralized self

14. The beginning of ________________is marked by rapid physical changes including

the development of difference sex characteristics.
a. Adolescence
b. Middle Adulthood
c. Early Adulthood
d. Old Age


a. Peers
b. Family
c. Religion
d. Gadgets

16. The Proponent of the LOOKING GLASS SELF CONCEPT

a. Cooley
b. Mead
c. Goffman
d. Bronfenbrenner

17. In America, at the young age, they already moved out in the house of their
parents. What kind of culture their country has?
a. Individualistic
b. Collectivistic
c. Ethnocentric
d. Xenocentric

18. It is concerned about how culture and biological process interacts to shape
human experience.
a. Anthropology
b. Psychology
c. Sociology
d. Philosophical
19. It is a concept of self that the person’s identity is different from the group.
a. Sociocentric
b. Egocentric
c. Ethnocentric
d. Xenocentric

20. SEXUAL ORIENTATION that Man can only be sexually attracted to Woman and
Woman can only be attracted to Man.
a. Homosexuality
b. Heterosexuality
c. Pansexuality
d. Bisexuality

21. In this Theory, the proponent includes the concept of I self and Me self.
a. The Social Self
b. Impression management
c. Looking Glass Self
d. Bioecological Model

22. According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love , it is in which involves feelings

that lead a person to remain with someone and move toward shared goals; a
decision to love and maintain that love
a. Intimacy
b. Love
c. Commitment
d. Passion

23. It is a kind of culture that they rely more on themselves when it comes of decision
a. Sociocentric
b. Egocentric
c. Ethnic Self
d. Ethnocentric

24. The Proponent of the THEORY OF SOCIAL SELF

a. Cooley
b. Mead
c. Goffman
d. Bronfenbrenner
25. The concept wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe
others view them.
a. The Social Self
b. Impression management
c. Looking Glass Self
d. Bioecological Model

26. _______________ is based on the perspective that self emerge from social
a. The Social Self
b. Impression management
c. Looking Glass Self
d. Bioecological Model

27. It is a kind of culture that they always inquire of the other people before making
a decision especially to their family.
a. Sociocentric
b. Egocentric
c. Ethnic Identity
d. Ethnocentric

28. These characteristics are those caused by hormones released during puberty.
a. Secondary Sex Characteristics
b. Primary Sex Characteristics
c. Puberty
d. Birth

29. According to Mead, these are all activities through which the self is developed,
a. Language
b. Play
c. Singing
d. Game

30. _______________ may be defined as how much you appreciate and like yourself
regardless of the circumstances.
a. Self-concept
b. Body Image
c. Self-perception
d. Self-esteem
31. ________________ is the customary beliefs , social forms and material traits of a
racial, religious or social group.
a. Norms
b. Culture
c. Society
d. Traditions

32. One of the Cultural Challenges that is the tendency to value other cultures highly
that one’s own.
a. Xenophobia
b. Xenocentrism
c. Cultural Lag
d. Cultural Borrowing

33. Components of Culture that pertains to prescription or standards of behavior

that govern the relationship of individuals in the society.
a. Normative
b. Materials
c. Cognitive
d. Affirmative

34. When we recognize that we are a part of this world, we begin to categorize
ourselves into categories such as gender and age.
a. Categorical Self
b. Existential Self
c. Self-concept
d. Self-perception

35. These characteristics are those present at birth that help us distinguish Female to
Male / Male to Female.
a. Secondary Sex Characteristics
b. Primary Sex Characteristics
c. Puberty
d. Birth

36. ____________ refers to the physical extremities as well as the internal organs of the
a. The Sexual Self
b. The Material Self
c. The Physical Self
d. The Political Self
37. ___________is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body
weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight.
a. Anorexia Nervosa
b. Binge Eating Disorder
c. Bulimia Nervosa
d. Purging Nervosa

38. A broad term that describes how someone views, judges, or perceives
a. Categorical Self
b. Existential Self
c. Self-Concept
d. Self-Perception

39. SEXUAL ORIENTATION that Man can be sexually attracted to BOTH Man and
a. Homosexuality
b. Heterosexuality
c. Pansexuality
d. Bisexuality

40. When we know we are separate from others, we experience the ______________.
a. Categorical Self
b. Existential Self
c. Self-concept
d. Self-perception

41. Nick’s motto in life is “Ask and you shall seek an answer”. Which of the following
philosophers reflect the philosophy portrayed in the situation.
a. Aristotle
b. Socrates
c. Plato
d. St. Augustine

42. ______________relates to a person's perception of their own body and how

attractive they believe they are.
a. Self-concept
b. Body Image
c. Self-perception
d. Self-esteem
43. People with _____________ may secretly binge — eating large amounts of food
with a loss of control over the eating — and then purge, trying to get rid of the
extra calories in an unhealthy way.
a. Anorexia Nervosa
b. Binge Eating Disorder
c. Bulimia Nervosa
d. Purging Nervosa

44. The most SEVERE PHASE of HIV infection. Without proper treatment, people with
this typically survive about three years.
a. Acute HIV
b. Chronic HIV
d. HPV

45. It's when you criticize yourself or others for certain parts of their physical
a. Self- Concept
b. Body Image
c. Body Shaming
d. Self-esteem

46. ____________ is a dangerous eating disorder in which you consume unusually

large amounts of food on a regular basis and find it difficult to quit eating.
a. Anorexia Nervosa
b. Binge Eating Disorder
c. Bulimia Nervosa
d. Purging Nervosa

47. According to this point of view, SELF is AUTONOMOUS, UNITARY and STABLE.
a. Asian
b. Western
c. Eastern
d. Canadian


perfected by continuously taking every opportunity to improve oneself in
thought and action.
a. Confucianism
b. Taoism
c. Buddhism
d. Hinduism
49. This kind of LOVER sees LOVE a MEANS to ECONOMIC SECURITY.
a. Pragmatic
b. Ludic
c. Erotic
d. Manic

50. Many people believed that doing good will always come back to you, same
principle applies to evil. This Philosophy is believed by which philosopher?
a. Immanuel Kant
b. St. Augustine
c. Aristotle
d. Freud

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