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Cell is a basic unit of structure and function of all
living systems. The process of reproduction or formation of
new cells from the pre-existing cells is referred to as cell
division. The cell which undergoes division is known as
mother cell and the new cells which are formed by the process
of cell division are termed as daughter cells. In bacteria, cell
division takes place by fission (cleavage) of pre-existing cell.
But in case of higher organisms, the cell division occurs in a
specialized manner. In eukaryotes, there are two types of cell
division, viz., Mitosis and Meiosis.
The term Mitosis was coined by Walther Flemming in
1882.Mitosis is asexual reproduction. Mitosis refers to the
division of somatic cells (non-reproductive cells) in eukaryotic
organisms. A single cell divides into two identical daughter cells.
Daughter cells have same no of chromosomes as that of mother
cell. Since the chromosome number is the same in the daughter
cells as compared to that of mother cell, mitosis is also known as
homotypic or equational division. Mitosis occurs only in
eukaryotes. Prokaryotes (i.e., archaea and bacteria) divide via
binary fission. Mitosis is the process by which the somatic cells of
all multicellular organisms multiply. Somatic cells (liver cell,
brain cell, blood cell etc.) are the non reproductive cells of
which an organism is composed. Since mitosis occurs in
somatic cells, it is also known as somatic cell division.
Important features of mitosis are-
1. Mitosis leads to production of two daughter cells from a mother
cell in each cycle of cell division. In other words, nucleus divides
once in each cell cycle.
2. The daughter cells are identical to the mother cell in shape, size
and chromosome complement.
3. In plants, mitosis takes place in somatic organs like root tip,
stem tip and leaf base. It leads to growth of vegetative parts.
4. The complete process of mitosis consists of only one homotypic
or equational division.
5. Segregation and recombination do not take place during mitosis.
Cell Division vs. Nuclear Division

Cytokinesis: The actual division of the cell into two new

cells/process of division of cytoplasm.

Karyokinesis: The division of the nucleus of the cell into two

new nuclei.
The period in which one cycle of cell division is
completed is called cell cycle. A cell cycle consists of two
phases, 1. Interphase and 2. Mitotic phase. Interphase is
generally known as DNA synthesis phase and Mitotic phase
refers to the period of nuclear division. The time required for
completion of cell cycle differs from species to species.
It is a phase in which a cell prepare itself for cell division. It is
further divided into following phases:
G1 phase is also known as First Gap Phase. It is a pre- replication
phase. Protein and RNA syntheses take place. Cell synthesizes
more proteins, increase the number of mitochondria and
S phase is the phase where DNA & chromosome are replicated. At
the end of DNA replication, each chromosome is with two sister
chromatids. Thus, the amount of DNA gets doubled during this
phase, but the ploidy remains same.
G2 phase is the phase where the cell prepare itself for mitosis. It
is the post DNA replication phase. Protein and RNA syntheses
occur during this stage.

G1 phase

M phase
S phase

G2 phase
Mitotic Phase:
The M Phase lead to separation of replicated DNA into
two daughter nuclei without recombination. Thus, daughter
nuclei have the same chromosome combination as that of
parent nucleus. The M Phase consists of four stages, (i)
Prophase (ii) Metaphase (iii) Anaphase (iv) Telophase
4 sub-phases:

1st – Prophase

2nd – Metaphase

3rd – Anaphase

4th – Telophase

followed by

• (1)Prophase
• (2)Metaphase
• (3)Anaphase
• (4)Telophase Interphase 1 2


1. Longest phase.
2. Chromosomes visible (sister chromatids) as Chromatin material
condenses into chromosomes, consisting of two sister chromatids.
3. Centrioles move apart (in animal only, not found in plants).
4. Nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear at the end of
prophase. .
5. Spindle fibers (microtubules) form and attach from centrioles to
centromeres by kinetochores.
6. Nuclear envelope fragments and disappears.
Prophase starts immediately after G2 stage of interphase.

Early Prophase-Chromosomes look like thin thread and uncoiled.

Mid Prophase- Become shortened, coiled and more distinct.
Late Prophase- Chromosomes appear more conspicuous, short and
thick and longitudinally double.
The two chromatids of each chromosome held at
centromere are visible under light microscope. The nucleolus
become smaller in size.
The nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear at the end
of prophase.
1.Chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell i.e. chromosomes
move to the metaphase plate (equatorial plate - center of cell).
2.Spindles attach to centromeres.
3. Shortest phase.
4. Centrioles are at opposite ends of the cell and attached with aster
4. Chromosomes are clearly visible at metaphase.
5. Sister chromatids of each chromosome are joined together at the
point of centromere, but their arms are free.
1. This stage begins with splitting of centromere into two, which
allow the sister chromatids to separate and move to opposite
2. After separation, separated sister chromatids are now
considered as chromosomes.
3. During this phase, the cell contains twice the normal number of
4. At the end, there are equal numbers of chromosomes at the
5. Cell begins to elongate.
1. Chromosomes again become thinner and longer by uncoiling and
unfolding and look like a single thread under light microscope.
2. Nuclear membranes reform i.e. reappear.
3. A new nuclear membrane is formed at each pole covering the
4. The nucleoli also reappear at each pole.
5. Spindle tubes disintegrate.
6. In the end, two genetically identical nuclei (karyokinesis
completed) are present.
-Occurs at end of Mitosis
--division of the cytoplasm to form 2 new daughter
--organelles are divided
-Daughter cells are genetically identical

Cells return to interphase

Cell Plate
The division of nucleus is known as karyokinesis. It is
followed by division of cytoplasm, which is known as
cytokinesis. The division of cytoplasm into two daughter cells
may take place in two ways. In plants, the division of cytoplasm
takes place due to formation of cell plate. The formation of
such cell plate begins in the centre of cell, which moves
towards periphery in both sides dividing the cytoplasm into two
daughter cells. In animals, the separation of cytoplasm starts
by furrowing
of plasma lemma in equatorial region. This results in
division of cytoplasm into two daughter cells.
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase

•Centrosomes migrate •microtubules •Links break

•Spindle fibers form attach to chromosomes •Daughter chr.
•Chromatin condenses •Chromosomes move to move to poles
midline/metaphase plate

•Chr. reach poles and

•Nuclear envelope reforms
•Spindle fibers disappear
Significance of Mitosis

1. Genetic stability: Mitosis produces two daughter cells which

have the same number of chromosomes as that of parent cell.
These daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell
and no genetic variation can be introduced during mitosis.
2. Growth: The number of cells within the organism is
increased by mitosis and this is the basis for growth of
organisms. Mitosis is essential for normal growth and
development of living organisms. It gives a definite shape to a
specific organism.
3. Cell replacement: Replacement of old cells and dead cells in an
organism is achieved by mitosis. In animals, it helps in continuous
replacement of old tissues with new ones, such as gut epithelium
and blood cells.
4. Asexual reproduction: Production of new individuals through
asexual reproduction is achieved by mitosis. In case of vegetatively
propagated crops like sugarcane, sweet potato, potato etc., mitosis
helps in asexual propagation. Mitosis leads to production of
identical progeny in such crops.
5. Mitosis is useful in maintaining the purity of types because it
leads to production of
identical progeny in such crops.
6. In Plants, mitosis leads to formation of new parts – roots,
leaves, stems and branches. It also helps in repairing of damaged

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