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Mitosis and Meiosis

asexual reproduction a type of reproduction in which offspring receive all their genetic material from one parent

sexual reproduction a type of reproduction in which the offspring inherits half of its genetic information from each
genetic variation the number of different alleles available in a population of organisms of the same species

gene an area of DNA that codes for a protein or certain nucleic acids

sperm a male reproductive cell; a gamete

egg a female reproductive cell; a gamete

mitosis a type of cell division that yields two diploid daughter cells

meiosis a type of cell division that yields four haploid daughter cells

chromosome a strand of DNA that contains genes and is located in the nucleus of a cell

cell cycle a series of events that involves the growth and division of a cell

use a model to illustrate the role of mitosis and meiosis in producing and maintaining complex organisms.
In this lesson, you will _______________________________________________________________________


Types of Reproduction
The ability to create __________________ is a characteristic of all living things. Organisms use a variety of
methods for reproduction. Some species can use more than one method, depending on environmental

Asexual Reproduction
• Asexual reproduction requires one parent two parents.
• The offspring is genetically identical to distinct from the parent(s).
• find
One advantage is that the parent organism doesn’t need to ________ a ________.
___ mate
• One disadvantage is higher lower genetic variation in the population.

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Types of Asexual Reproduction

Type Outcome Notes

______ genetically used by single-celled eukaryotes
identical daughter for reproduction
cells used by multicellular organisms for
growth and repair

______ genetically used by prokaryotes for
identical daughter reproduction

one genetically detach

may gradually _____________ to
identical outgrowth, become an independent cell or
or “bud” attached
remain _________________ to the
parent cell

vegetative one genetically certain specialized parts of the

identical plant leaf
plant, such as the ________, tuber,
or ________, can be grafted or
planted and grown into a new

regeneration a replacement body generally not a mechanism for

part or a new producing offspring

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Sexual Reproduction
• Sexual reproduction requires one parent two parents.
• The offspring is genetically identical to distinct from the parent(s).
• time
One disadvantage is the ________ energy
and ____________ it takes to find a mate.
• One advantage is higher lower genetic variation in the population.

Greater genetic variation in a population means that population is better able to __________ to changes in
environmental conditions. Some species can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Bees, for example, can
reproduce sexually or through __________________________________, in which a zygote is created without
fertilization of the ovum by a sperm.

Cell Division
Cell division is crucial for the reproduction, growth, and development of organisms.

Mitosis and the Cell Cycle

Mitosis is a type of cell __________________ identical
that produces two genetically __________________ daughter
cells. Humans have specialized cells that perform mitosis to ______________ repair
and ____________ organs and
tissues and to build new ____________________ grows
as the body ____________.
Mitosis is part of the cell cycle for diploid cells. The
daughter cells are also diploid; therefore, they have the
same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Interphase is the part of the cell cycle when the cell
grows and prepares for cell division. It has three

▪ G1 phase: The cell grows and makes proteins for

DNA ______________________.
▪ S phase: The cell grows and duplicates its DNA.
▪ G2 phase: The cell grows and makes proteins for

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Mitosis and Cytokinesis

• Chromatin is a relaxed form of ______.


duplicate by the end

• Chromatin and organelles ____________
interphase g2
of this phase.

• DNA condenses into _____________

tightly coiled
______________________ made up of two sister
prophase chromatids
• Mitotic ______________ form, creating microtubules.

• Microtubules attach to the ____________________

centromere of
each chromosome from each pole of the cell.
• Chromosomes align in the ____________ of the cell.

• Microtubules shorten and pull the ______________

____________________ to opposite poles of the cell.
anaphase • The cell elongates.

• A nuclear ________________
envelope forms at each pole.
• __________________ chromatin
uncoil into ________________.
telophase • The microtubules disappear.

• Animal cells: The cell membrane pinches in, forming a

furrow where the cell divides.
cytokinesis cell
• Plant cells: Cytoplasm is divided by a _______
_________, cell
which later forms the new ________

Regulation of the Cell Cycle

Cyclins are ________________ that regulate the cell cycle. During the cell cycle, three checkpoints ensure the
cell is growing and preparing for mitosis correctly:

▪ size
G1 checkpoint: The cell checks for cell ________, DNA ____________, and growth factors.
▪ doubled
G2 checkpoint: The cell checks whether DNA has ________________ undamaged
and is ____________________.
▪ microtubules
M checkpoint: The cell checks whether the ________________________ have attached to the
____________________. metaphase
This check occurs at the ____________________ mitosis
stage of ______________.

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Stem Cells
Stem cells are ________________________ specialized cells
cells that can later form ________________________ upon
_______________________________. They can divide mitotically to produce similar unspecified cells.

• occurs in cells that produce ____________
gametes in sexually reproducing organisms
• begins with a diploid (2n) haploid (n) parent cell
• produces four diploid (2n) haploid (n) daughter cells

Meiosis I: 1 diploid cell → 2 haploid cells

interphase I • DNA replicates.
• Organelles duplicate.

• DNA condenses into _______

tightly coiled
prophase I chromosomes
• ____________________
homologous chromosomes align
and cross over.
• Microtubules from each poleform
mitotic ________________ connect to one
metaphase I
chromosome of the homologous pair.
• Homologous pairs align at the
• Homologous pairs __________________
separate from
anaphase I
each other.
• Chromosomes move toward ______________

• Nuclear ________________
envelopes enclose the
telophase I chromosomes
________________________ at
________________ ends.

cytokinesis I • Cytoplasm ____________,

divides creating two
____________ cells.
• Sister ____________________
chromatids remain
attached to each other.

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Meiosis II: 2 haploid cells → 4 haploid cells
prophase II • DNA condenses into _____________________

made of two nonidentical sister chromatids.

• Mitotic spindles form.

• Microtubules from each pole attach to the

metaphase II
____________________ of the chromosomes.

• Centromeres split.
anaphase II chromatids
• Sister ____________________ move toward
________________ poles.

• The nuclear ________________

envelope encloses the
telophase II chromatid

cytokinesis II • Cytoplasm ____________,

divides creating a total of
________ haploid cells.
• Each cell has ____________ genetic material.

Alternation of Generations
Unlike humans, plants have a multicellular stage
that is ________________ and a multicellular
stage that is ________________. The transition
between the two stages is called
__________________ generations
of ___________________.
The ____________________ is a mature diploid
plant that produces ____________ spores. The
spores are the ____________________, which
produce ________________.

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The Life Cycle of a Fern
▪ gametes fuse together to form a ____________
Fertilization: The haploid fern ____________ diploid zygote. The
zygote divides ____________________ sporophyte
to form a new ____________________.
▪ Formation of sporangium: Beneath the leaves of the mature sporophyte are special structures called
________________. haploid
Each of these produces ____________ meiosis
spores through ________________.
▪ Formation of the gametes: The spores form a haploid multicellular structure called the
____________________. This hermaphroditic structure contains both the sperm and the egg.

How is mitosis like binary fission? How is it like meiosis?
Mitosis, meiosis and binary fission are both methods of asexual reproduction where a parent cell
divides into more cells.

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