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The LinkedIn Executive Advantage™ Mentorship Program

Crafting Your Value Statement Worksheet

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Your Message:

1. What is the niche?

2. What is the current situation?

3. What is the desired situation?

4. Define your value-statement in a simple sentence or two using the Value Statement
Structure: I help [niche] to [solve problem] X [get result] by [your proprietary method]

5. What is their problem?

6. What is it costing this person to have this problem?

7. Define it financially.

8. Define it emotionally.

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The LinkedIn Executive Advantage™ Mentorship Program

9. What could this problem lead to if they don’t anything to solve it? What’s the worst case

10. What does this person gain financially if they solve their problem?

11. What do they stand to gain emotionally?

12. How good can things get in their finances, business, or personal life if they did solve this

13. Paint a vivid, clear picture of how life could be. Write it below.

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Consulting. All infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Gonsalves Consulting End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for
any other purpose.

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