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The LinkedIn Executive Advantage™ Mentorship Program

Value Proposition Worksheet

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If you want to take your business to the next level it’s mandatory that you have a clear and
compelling competitive advantage -- something that differentiates you from the rest of the
market and the competition. Complete this worksheet to gain insight into what makes you and
your offer different so that we can gather these essential resources to later use in moulding your
offer, advertising and overall business strategy.

1. What is the niche?

2. What is the current situation?

3. What is the desired situation?

4. How do you get them from their current situation to their desired situation?

5. Create a simple abbreviation or “proprietary method” of how you’re helping your niche
achieve this transformation:

Example (1): Mitch’s Financial Advisor Clients -- The “A.U.M” Acquisition Formula.

“A.U.M” Stands for Assets Under Management (what the niche wants)

My Proprietary Method: [A] Attract [U] Understand [M] Message

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The LinkedIn Executive Advantage™ Mentorship Program

Example (2): LinkedIn Executive Advantage

Creates yours now (this will evolve and change over time) but you must have way to
stand out in the noisy marketplace (DO NOT make it sound cheesy or farfetched):

© Gonsalves Consulting Inc. - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Gonsalves
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