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Artificial Intelligence

An overview
• The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
• The artificial intelligence is designing computer to learn and think as a human being.

How graphs are used in AI

• Graph is a collection of nodes or vertices between which there can be edges.
• Each node has a name.
• An edge can have an associated label which is a numeric value.

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• Graphs can represent many scenarios.

• Edges represents the direct connections between two nodes.
• One common presentation is nodes representing destinations and edged representing
the distance between the destinations.
• These graphs can be used to find the shortest route between two nodes that are not
adjacent to each other.
• But when the graph has 100 nodes this could take a lot of time but there are many AI
algorithms that can make this process easier.

Dijkstra”s algorithm
This method is used to identify the shortest path to each node starting from the one of the
The following shows the steps to be followed.

• Creates an empty set called empty nodes.

• Creates another set called remaining nodes and pull all of the nodes into this including
the source Node(S).
• Create a record that stores:
o Node names.
o Calculated values for the distance to the node from the source node.
o The sequence of node in the route to the node.
• Set the distance to the source node S as 0.
• Set the distance to all the other nodes to be INFINITY where this is to be set as a large
• Check all the possible nodes to move from the current node, write their distances.
• Select the node with the shortest distance and move to that node.
Eg: 1

Content of Content Of the record
the shortest
path set

Eg 2:

Eg 3:

Content of Content Of the record
the shortest
path set

Content of Content Of the record
the shortest
path set

A* Method
Eg 1: Eg 2:


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