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See you later Te veo despues

2. To shake hands with Darle la mano a To shake hands with someone is related to have manners

3. Man (mean) Singular I´m a man

4. Men (meen) Plural women say that men have two heads and they think with their panis

5. To introduce (intrəˈd(y)o͞os) Presentar When i introduced my girlfriend we were in a restaurant

6. To meet (Mēt) Encontrarse a Yesterday i met with Mileth

7. I agre De acuerdo I agree that men can help with house cleaning

8. To burst (beorst)out of laughing Partirse risa When Francisco got mad at Michell i burst out of laughing
9. Aunt Tía My aunt divorced her husband

10. To bring up Criar I have been bring up my brother since he was 3 years old

11. Niece (nis) Sobrina If i had a niece I would love her very much

12. Twin Brother gemelos I met twin brothers while studying at Carlos Lozano school
13. Only son (san) Hijo único I was only son until 15 years old

15. Birth Nacimiento

16. Childhood I lived in a neighborhood called Macarena during my childhood

17. Funeral Funeral

When Daniel dies I won't go to his funeral
18. Handsome Apuesto
Diego is one of the most handsome men I have ever met.

19. Weak Debilucho

My school friends said I was weak

20. Slim (énfasis en la m) Delgada My girlfriend is slim

21. Thin Delgado I am thin, i will be thin and it is good

22. To have blond (bland) hair Tener cabello rubio I love women with blond hair

23. To be bald (bauld) Ser calvo One of my biggest fears is became bald

24. Curly hair Pelo rizado Koffy have curly hair

25. A fringe Flequillo When my mom was young she has a fringe

26. Plaitz Trenzas I don´t like plaits

27. Polite Educado Guillermo is not a polite person

28. Rude Maleducado I don't want Michael will be a rude person

29. Shy Tímida Anna Maria is a shy person

30. Freckles (frecols) Pecas My cousin Fabian has freckles

31. To have a beard Tener una barba I wouldn't like have a beard

32. To frown Fruncir el ceño Carla frown when she is angry

33. Cheek Mejilla I don´t like reed cheeks

34. Mouth (maof) Boca I like ejaculate in her mouth

35. Tooth Diente Maicol lost a tooth is his school

36. Chin Barbilla Camilo Has a great chin

37. Thumb Pulgar We have a secret greeting with our thumb

38. Wrist Muñeca

39. Toe Dedo del pie
40. Foot Dedo del pie
41. Heel Talón
42. To walk barefoot Andar descalzo
43. To stand up Levantarse
44. To be standing Estar de pie
45. To be kneeling Estar arrodillado
46. To kneel down Arrodillarse
47. To lie down Tumbarse
48. To be lying down Estar tumbado
49. To be sitting down Estar sentado
50. To be short Ser bajo
51. Flat Piso
52. Front door Puerta principal
53. Doorbell Timbre
54. To ring the bell Llamar al timbre
55. Doormat Tapete de entrada
56. To move in Mudarse
57. Tom ove out Dejar una casa
58. Tenant Inquilino
59. Basement Sotano
60. Smoke humo
61. Roof Tejado
62. Chimney Chimenea
63. To go upstairs Subir las escaleras
64. To go down upstairs Bajar escaleras
65. Cellar Bodega
66. Rug Alfombra
67. Cupboard Alacena
68. To do the washing Lavar la ropa
69. To iron Planchar
70. Bin Cubo de la basura
71. Plug Enchufe
72. To vacuum Pasar la aspiradora
73. To wipe / to dry Secar
74. To do the gardening Cuidar el jardín
75. Lawn Cesped
76. Path Camino
77. Vegetable patch Huerto
78. Grass Hierba
79. Nest Nido
80. Shade Sombra
81. Bush Arbusto
82. Clothes peg Pinza de ropa
83. Washing line Tendero
84. Green house Invernadero
85. Aside of that A parte de eso
86. Beneath Debajo de (posición social)
87. Culprit Culpable
88. Cut out Cortar
89. To Expect Esperar
90. Endeavor Esfuerzo
91. Enslave Esclavizar
92. Get away Esperar
93. Idly Stand Permanecer de brazos
94. Mind Holding Sostener
95. Mop up Limpiar
96. Retrieve Recuperar
97. First ran into Encontrarse con
98. Stunt Acrobacias
99. Show off Presumir
100 Threat Amenaza

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