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Name : Arjay M. De la Vega

Yr./Section : BPED -1A


In 3-4 paragraphs answer this question. Be explicit with your discussion. Has the development of the
internet , social media, and new technology effected a change in the way Asians communicate ?Justify
your answer.

Yes, the development of the internet, social media, and new technology has had a significant impact on
the way Asians communicate. The reason why because it Increased connectivity, the advent of the
internet and social media. Asians now have the ability to connect with people from all over the world in
real-time. This has led to an increase in the exchange of ideas and information.

Change in communication patterns, the way Asians communicate has changed significantly due to the
use of technology. For example, people now use emojis and acronyms to convey emotions and shorten
messages. Additionally, voice and video calling have become more popular than the traditional phone
calls and face-to-face meetings.

Influence on language, social media and the internet have also had an impact on the way Asians use
language. The use of English has become more widespread due to the popularity of American and British
media. In addition, new words and slang have emerged as a result of social media and the internet.

In conclusion, the development of the internet, social media, and new technology has had a significant
impact on the way Asians communicate, leading to increased connectivity, changes in communication
patterns, and influence on language.

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