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Justice and Ethics in Tourism

Tazim Jamal

One of the good things about this book is that it has “Questions for further
reflections” after each chapter. Use them.

1. Explain figure 1.2. Discuss why tourism has such “impacts” and what it
means to have a relational perspective on tourism and its environment
What is the good in tourism? Discuss the definition provided on page 20

2. Define Ethics, Morality and Justice. There are different aspects of justice,
and the way it is used from Sen’s perspective is social justice. Discuss the
four points that Jamal brings forward. Redistributive justice, or fairness. In
what way are these perspectives important to tourism?

3. Diversity and recognition. How are these two concepts related in tourism?
Explain what the capabilities approach does in this regard.

4. Responsibility and care. Describe how tourism is a force for responsibility

and care (hospitality), and how tourism is a force for the opposite. Is this a
dichotomy that can not be resolved? Is it the responsibility of tourism to
take responsibility? Discuss political responsibility and the social
connection model. Describe how tourism can be an instrument for local –
global justice.

5. Sustainability and conservation. What is the responsibility for tourism

regarding its relation to nature? Ethics and justice for nature? What is
pluriverse in this context? Explain the importance of resilience for
sustainable tourism.

6. Democracy and governance. Given the complexities of the tourism system

and tourism as a major global force, with clear ties between the local –
global, how can ethics and justice be framed? Address the question from
what initiatives can be taken at the local level to the global level.

7. Towards a just and good tourism? Answer the questions at the end of the

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