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Marxism by Karl Marx

Marxism sees that society is based on class conflict rather than social unity. They split
this disunity into 2 divided class:

Bourgeoisie: Minority ruling class

Proletariat: Majority working class

The bourgeoisie are the rich, who own production / factories / land and have influence over society.
The proletariat are the poor, who are slaves to their work as they need the money to survive.
Since the bourgeoisie exploit the poor, this leads to conflict, which Karl Marx believed would eventually
lead to a revolt or revolution of the poor to overthrow capitalism and create a communist society.
How would capitalism and society continue to function if conflict happens?

- Marxists argue this is where the “super structure” comes, the ruling class would use it to
ensure the continuation of society.
- There are 2 ways, “Repression apparatus” and “Ideology apparatus”:
Repression: Institutions which use force (i.e., police, army…)

Ideology: Institutions that use manipulation (i.e., religion, media, school…)

- The working class would never know the extent of their exploitation due to the power & influence
of the ruling class as their constant reinforcement through other societal institutions.

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