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Author Manuscript
Arch Gen Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 March 14.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012 December 1; 69(12): 1295–1303. doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2012.271.

Clinical and Functional Outcome of Childhood ADHD 33 Years

Rachel G. Klein, Ph.D.1, Salvatore Mannuzza, Ph.D.2, María A. Ramos Olazagasti, Ph.D.3,
Erica Roizen Belsky, Ph.D.4, Jesse A. Hutchison, M.A.5, Erin Lashua-Shriftman, M.A.6, and
F. Xavier Castellanos, M.D.3,7
1Anita Saltz Institute for Anxiety and Mood Disorders, NYU Child Study Center, New York, NY,

3PhyllisGreen and Randolph Cowen Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience, NYU Child Study
Center, New York, NY, USA
4Departmentof Counseling and Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University,
New York, NY, USA
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

5Department of Psychology, American University, Washington, DC, USA

6Institute for Prevention Science, NYU Child Study Center, New York, NY, USA
7Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, NY, USA

Context—Prospective studies of childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have
not extended beyond early adulthood.
Objective—To test whether children diagnosed with ADHD at mean age 8 (probands) have
worse educational, occupational, economic, social, marital outcomes; higher rates of ongoing
ADHD, antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), substance disorders (SD); adult onset psychiatric
disorders, psychiatric hospitalizations and incarcerations, than non-ADHD comparisons, at mean
age 41. To test for: positive associations between probands’ ongoing ADHD and ASPD, and SD’s;
and for worse social and occupational functioning in probands without ongoing psychiatric
disorders, than comparisons.
Design—Prospective, 33 year follow-up study, with blind clinical assessments.
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Setting—Research clinic.
Participants—135 Caucasian males with ADHD in childhood, free of conduct disorder, and 136
male comparisons without childhood ADHD (65% and 76% of original cohort, respectively).
Main Outcome Measures—Occupational, economic, and educational attainment; marital
history; occupational and social functioning; ongoing and lifetime psychiatric disorders;
psychiatric hospitalizations, and incarcerations.

Corresponding author: Rachel G. Klein, NYU Child Study Center, One Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016. Tel:
646-754-4931; Fax: 646-754-5209;
2No current affiliation
Additional Contributions: Donald F. Klein, M.D. provided valuable comments. We thank the following, who contributed to the
study’s conduct: Peter L. Berzins, Nicole L. Brown, Erika L. Dixon, Paige Fisher, Amy Humenik, Kathryn Howell, Maria LaPadula,
Allison Lebowitz, John L. Moulton III, Nhan L. Truong.
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Results—Probands had significantly worse educational, occupational, economic, social

outcomes, and more divorces than comparisons; higher rates of ongoing ADHD (22% vs 5%, p<.
001), ASPD (16% vs 0%, p<.001)and SD (14% vs 5%, p<.01), but not more mood or anxiety
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disorders (p’s=.36 and .33). Ongoing ADHD was weakly related to ongoing SD (phi=.19, p=.04),
and ASPD+SD (phi=.20, p=.04). Lifetime, probands had significantly more ASPD and SD’s, but
not mood or anxiety disorders, and more psychiatric hospitalizations and incarcerations than
comparisons. Relative to comparisons, psychiatric disorders with onsets at age 21 or beyond were
not significantly elevated in probands. Probands without ongoing psychiatric disorders had worse
social, but not occupational, functioning.
Conclusions—The multiple disadvantages predicted by childhood ADHD well into adulthood
began in adolescence, without increased onsets of new disorders after age 20. Findings highlight
the importance of extended monitoring and treatment of children with ADHD.

Virtually all areas of adjustment have been shown deficient in children with Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), whose worldwide prevalence is estimated at 5%.1
Consequently, the long-term outcome of childhood ADHD is a major concern. Conventional
wisdom held that ADHD symptoms dissipated by adolescence. However, controlled
longitudinal studies documented elevated rates of ADHD and conduct disorder in
adolescence, as well as multiple other dysfunctions.2–6

Five prospective investigations followed preadolescents with ADHD into early adulthood
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(ages 21 to 27).6–12 All found higher rates of ADHD symptoms and antisocial personality
disorders (ASPD) than in comparisons. In early adulthood (at mean age, 25), we found a
relative increase of non-alcohol-related substance disorders (SD) in probands, but only in
subjects who had developed conduct disorder during adolescence.9, 12

The few prospective controlled studies have not gone beyond the third decade of life.
Knowledge beyond this developmental period has been inferred from clinically referred
adults diagnosed with ADHD, whose reports of early ADHD symptoms relied on recall,
which problematically, has limited accuracy.13, 14 Nevertheless, cross-sectional studies of
individuals first diagnosed in adulthood indicate that ADHD occurs in adults, and also
suggest associated disabilities and co-morbidities. However, such studies do not inform the
frequency and range of outcomes into adulthood, since dysfunctions may attenuate over
time, or new disorders may emerge. Functional impairment caused by childhood ADHD
may vary through life since adults, unlike adolescents, are not as confined by standardized
demands, such as those in school. Adults may modify their environment through
occupational choices, and selection of significant others. Therefore, the negative
consequences of ADHD may be minimized in later life. Alternatively, new or more complex
adult demands may aggravate the impact of persistent ADHD.
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This report presents the adult outcome, at mean age 41, of boys who, at average age 8, were
diagnosed with ADHD (probands). Two previous follow-ups have been reported on this
cohort. The first, a 10 year follow-up, compared the probands to non-ADHD males
(comparisons) at mean age 18 (referred to as FU18),4, 5 the second, at mean age 25 (referred
to as FU25).9, 12

We hypothesized that adults, diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, have significantly worse
outcome than non-ADHD comparisons with regard to: 1) educational attainment; 2)
occupational level and functioning; 3) social functioning; 4) marital status (more divorced);
5) ongoing DSM-IV ADHD, antisocial personality disorder and substance disorders (SDs)
(no directional hypotheses were proposed for other mental disorders, which we report); 6)
psychiatric hospitalizations; 7) incarcerations; and 8) new onsets of psychiatric disorders
from age 21 on. We also posited 8) positive significant associations among ongoing DSM-

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IV ADHD, ASPD and SD in probands. Since childhood ADHD is believed to carry long-
term disadvantages, even among individuals who no longer meet criteria for the disorder,15
we hypothesized, 9) that even probands without any ongoing mental disorder at follow-up
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would have relatively worse occupational and social functioning than comparisons.

The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the NYU Langone Medical
Center. Participants were informed fully of study procedures and provided signed consent.

Two groups were studied. Probands were referred by teachers because of behavior
problems. Another group, identified at FU18, was judged free of ADHD in childhood
(comparisons). Sample characteristics, described elsewhere,4, 5, 9 are summarized.

Probands were 6 to 12 year old boys (mean, 8.3±1.6 years), all referred by teachers between
1970 and 1978. They had to be rated as hyperactive by teachers, as well as by parent or
clinician, have a history of behavior problems, IQ ≥85, no history of psychosis or
neurological disorder. At the time, the diagnosis and treatment of hyperactive children were
poorly understood. To study a relatively homogeneous syndrome, we excluded children
when teachers’ referrals involved aggressive or other antisocial behaviors, or if the
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psychiatric assessment with parent and child indicated a pattern of antisocial activities. This
approach was guided by the belief that hyperactive/impulsive disorder differed in kind from
conduct disorder.

A total of 207 Caucasian boys were enrolled. Children’s clinical status was consistent with
DSM-IV ADHD, combined type, since symptoms were impairing and cross-situational;
teachers’ inattentive and hyperactivity/impulsivity ratings were high [rated 0–3] 16 : (means,
inattentive/distractible, 2.52±0.7; restless/overactive, 2.71±0.6; excitable/impulsive,
2.34±0.9. In contrast, ratings of conduct problems were low (M=0.7±0.4),17 documenting
exclusion of conduct disorder.

Comparisons—At FU18, we identified Caucasian males matched for age with probands.
They had sought medical attention in the same medical center, between ages 6 and 12, for
routine physical examination or acute conditions. Charts regularly noted the child’s school
adjustment. Children whose chart indicated unremarkable school behavior, and whose
parents’ occupation appeared to match the probands’, were selected. Parents were called,
informed of the study, and asked whether any elementary school teacher had ever
complained about their child’s behavior. If not, the child was recruited. Refusal rate was
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low, ~5%.

Current Study - Assessment at Mean Age 41

At FU41, 135/207 (65%) probands and 136/178 (76%) controls participated. Trained and
closely supervised doctoral level clinical psychology candidates, blind to all antecedent data,
obtained detailed information about education, employment history, occupational
adjustment, marital history, family composition, living circumstances, social functioning,
medical history, and psychiatric status. Informant interviews were conducted for 9/135
probands, and 7/136 comparisons who could not, or refused to, be interviewed, but
consented to an informant interview.

Since FU41 included a brain scan,18 transportation was provided for subjects to come to
NYU. Subjects who did not travel to New York were interviewed by telephone [24/135

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probands (18%), 25/136 comparisons (18%)]. Rates of mental disorders did not differ
significantly between telephone and direct interviews.
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Educational and Occupational Attainment, and Function—Years of education and

highest degree define educational attainment. Occupational attainment was classified
following Hollingshead and Redlich19 (scaled 1–8). “Currently employed” reflects
employment at follow-up. Queries included work history, i.e., jobs held, job satisfaction,
work relationships, latenesses, job changes, firings. Incorporating all information, clinicians
rated occupational function over the previous six months, regardless of type of employment,
on an anchored scale (1, superior; 2, very good; 3, good; 4, average; 5, fair; 6, poor).

Social Functioning—We inquired about friendships, social and leisure activities. Social
functioning was rated on a 6 point scale (superior to poor), as noted above.

Incarcerations—Incarceration was broadly defined as having been in a reform school or

jail for one day or more (not restricted to jail sentences for convicted offenses).

Psychiatric Diagnoses—DSM-IV disorders, as well as multiple aspects of function,

were assessed for the interval between FU25 and FU41 (Mean, 16 years) with the SCID-I/
NP.20 We designed an interview to evaluate adult ADHD symptoms, and directly related
impairment.21 Since childhood ADHD had been established in probands, and ruled out in
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comparisons, ongoing ADHD was diagnosed when all clinical criteria were met, without
recalled onset age, i.e., the person “often” experienced the stipulated criteria, had significant
related impairment/distress, and cross-situationality.

Clinicians inquired whether each symptom cluster (inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity)

had interfered with work, home or social life. If so, probes followed for examples of
interference. Impairment was rated 1 to 5. Scores of 3–5 were considered to indicate
significant impairment (3=Definitely a problem at times, or somewhat of a problem on
numerous occasions, with some interference in functioning, or clinically significant distress;
5=Symptom characterizes functioning and is a major problem).

Clinicians formulated definite and probable DSM-IV diagnoses. They wrote narratives
summarizing overall function, clinical picture, and justified diagnoses. Definite diagnoses
indicate that DSM-IV criteria were fulfilled. Probable diagnoses indicate that the person
reported fewer symptoms than required, but reported impairment or distress specifically
related to the symptoms (sub-threshold disorders). Ongoing ADHD, ASPD and SD were
defined as occurring in the previous six months. A window of two months defined other
disorders as ongoing. For ongoing disorders, we rely on definite diagnoses, so that our
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results may be compared to others’ who do not report “probable” diagnoses. For rates of
lifetime disorders, we combined probable and definite diagnoses. This was done since
retrospective self-reports may underestimate past symptoms, but there is support for their
clinical significance if they caused impairment. Lifetime disorders are based on findings
from all follow-ups (FU18, FU25, and FU41), and necessarily span different DSM’s.
However, this applied to both probands and comparisons. Disorders with an onset during
adulthood are exclusively those that were reported to have emerged de novo from age 21 on.
These were generated by combining diagnoses made at the previous and current follow-ups,
which regularly inquired about first onset.

Missing Subjects
Probands—Of 207 probands, 72 (35%) were lost to follow-up: 21 were not located; 13
refused; information was not obtained for 11/15 deceased; interviews were denied in 4/6

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incarcerated probands; and grant support ended before 23 were evaluated. Childhood
characteristics of assessed and lost probands did not differ significantly. Of the 135
probands evaluated at FU41, 97% had been assessed at FU18, and 96% at FU25 (noted in
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Figure 1). At FU25, probands assessed and lost to FU41 did not differ significantly on rates
of ADHD, ASPD and SD.

Comparisons—Of 178 comparisons, 42 (23.5%) were lost to follow-up: Twenty were not
located; 15 refused. Informant interviews were not obtained for 2/5 deceased comparisons;
one was incarcerated; grant funds ended before four were scheduled. The evaluated
comparisons tended to have higher SES (p=.07), had significantly higher IQ’s than lost
comparisons at FU18 (p=.001), and tended to have lower alcohol/substance disorders (p=.
10) at FU25. All comparisons (100%) who participated at FU41 had been evaluated at

Data Analyses
Group contrasts for continuous measures relied on unpaired t tests, uncorrected χ2 for
dichotomous variables, and Fisher’s Exact Tests when expected cell frequencies were <5.
Phi coefficients provide effect sizes of χ2 values. Since IQ has not previously been found to
be significantly related to mental disorders, analyses were not adjusted for IQ (no
relationship was noted either at FU41). Alpha was set at p≤.05, two-tailed.
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Seventy five audiotapes representing multiple disorders were rated independently by SM.
Kappas22 (ADHD=.95, any SD=.97, any mood=.90, any anxiety=.92) indicated high
chance-corrected inter-rater reliability.

Educational and Occupational Attainment—On average, probands had 2.5 fewer
years of schooling than comparisons. Their relative disadvantage is well illustrated in Table
1: over 30% did not complete High School, versus 4% of comparisons, and hardly any (4%)
had higher degrees, whereas 29% of comparisons did.

Similarly, probands had significantly lower occupational attainment levels. On average, the
comparison group had mid to high-level occupational attainment (mean, 3.0±1.8), whereas
the index cases were at the low end (mean, 4.7±2.0). Given the probands’ worse educational
and occupational attainment, their relatively poorer SES at FU41 is to be expected (p<.001).
Although significantly fewer probands than comparisons were employed (p<.01), the great
majority were holding jobs (84%). However, the disparity of $40,000 between the median
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annual salary of employed probands and comparisons is striking.

Occupational and Social Functioning—Employed probands, as a whole, had average

to good work performance (mean, 3.2±1.1). However, comparisons were significantly
superior (P<.001), with good to very good functioning (mean, 2.5±.9) (Table 1).

Similarly, probands’ mean overall social functioning was relatively worse, but not clinically
impaired. Probands had average to good social functioning (3.8±1.3), whereas comparisons
had good to very good social adjustment (2.9±1.0) (p<.001).

Marital Status—Although the majority in both groups were cohabiting with a spouse
(70% and 79%) (Table 1), significantly more probands were currently divorced (10% vs.
3%, p<.05), and had ever been divorced (31% vs. 12%, p<.001).

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Ongoing Psychiatric Disorders at FU41

ADHD—As hypothesized, at mean age 41, ADHD was significantly more prevalent in
probands than comparisons (22% vs. 5%, p<.001) (Table 2). The three types of ADHD,
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Combined, Inattentive, and Hyperactive/Impulsive, were equally frequent in probands (7%,

7%, and 8%, respectively).

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)—As hypothesized, ongoing ASPD was

elevated in probands; 22/135 probands (16%), but no comparison case, had ASPD at FU41
(p<.001) (Table 2).

Alcohol and Substance Disorders—Prevalence of alcohol-related disorders did not

differentiate the groups (p=.20). In contrast, probands had a threefold greater rate of ongoing
SD and nicotine dependence than comparisons (p’s = .01 and <.001) (Table 2).

Mood and Anxiety Disorders—Groups did not differ in frequency of ongoing mood
(9% and 6%) or anxiety disorders (13% and 9%) for probands and comparisons (p’s=.36
and .33, respectively) (Table 2).

Comorbidity in Probands between Persistent ADHD, ASPD, and SD—Contrary

to hypothesis, ongoing ADHD was not related to ASPD (p=.24), but it was to ongoing SD
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(p=.04) at FU41 (Table 3). Probands with ongoing ADHD were three times more likely to
have a drug use disorder than probands without ADHD. The association between ADHD
and concurrent diagnoses of both ASPD and SD was also significant, with a fourfold
increase in ASPD+SD in probands with ongoing ADHD (p=.04). There was no significant
elevation of alcohol-related disorders or nicotine dependence as a function of ongoing
ADHD (Table 3).

Lifetime Functioning
Incarcerations and Deaths—Relative to comparison cases, a significantly larger
proportion of probands had been incarcerated (36% versus 12%; p≤.0001), and were
deceased (7% versus 3%; p=.05)(Table 4).

Rates of Lifetime Mental Disorders—Over their lifetime, probands had significantly

elevated rates of ASPD, SD and nicotine dependence (p=.003-.000) (Table 4). Lifetime rates
of SDs and nicotine dependence were not low among comparisons (38% and 31%,
respectively), yet, probands significantly exceeded these frequencies (56% and 60%).
Probands did not differ in lifetime alcohol-related disorders (p=.51), or lifetime mood and
anxiety disorders (p’s=.30 and .67).
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We note lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder because of interest in its relationship to

childhood ADHD.23 Two probands (1.5%) had bipolar disorder; another was frankly

Psychiatric Hospitalizations—33/135 probands (24.4%) had been hospitalized in a

psychiatric facility, compared to 9/136 comparisons (6.6%; p<.001). Moreover, hospitalized
probands had significantly more hospitalizations (mean, 3.36±4.26, range 1–24) than
hospitalized comparisons (mean, 1.56±0.88, range 1–3; p=.03). In both groups, most
hospitalizations were related to substance abuse (79% and 78%).

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Onset of Mental Disorders in Adulthood (age 21 and beyond)

We posited that childhood ADHD would increase risk for psychiatric disorders throughout
life (other than ADHD and ASPD, which require childhood onsets). This common
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expectation was not supported. Probands were not significantly more likely to incur new
mental disorders in adulthood, but a trend was found for elevated mood disorders in
probands (31% vs. 22%, χ2=2.85, p=.09).

Social and Occupational Functioning in Probands without an Ongoing Mental Disorder

At FU41, 44/135 probands (33%) did not meet criteria for any mental disorder. As
predicted, these probands had significantly worse social functioning than comparisons
(means, 3.55±1.25 and 2.89±0.97; t=3.19, p=.002). However, only a trend for worse
occupational functioning was found (means, 2.98±1.2 and 2.62±1.1; t=1.84, p =.07).

This prospective follow-up of children diagnosed with ADHD at mean age 8 years, selected
to be free of conduct disorder, reaches into the fourth and fifth decades. Previous
longitudinal studies have been limited to the second and third decades of life.

Compared to peers without ADHD, probands displayed dysfunction in multiple domains as

adults. Educational and occupational attainment was significantly compromised, leading to
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relative economic disadvantage. Although the great majority of probands were employed
(84%), and their median income was above that for white males in NY State (in 2007:
$52,370)24 they fared much more poorly economically than their non-ADHD peers. It is
only relative to children without evidence of childhood ADHD that decrements in adult
economic attainment become evident. The same pattern occurred with regard to
occupational and social functioning. On average, probands had adequate adjustment, but it
was inferior to comparisons’. Similarly, rates of currently and ever divorced of the index
group were not especially high (10% and 31%, respectively), but they were threefold higher
than comparisons’ (3% and 12%).

As anticipated, ongoing ADHD was relatively more prevalent in the group with childhood
ADHD, but the rate in comparison cases was not nil (5%), similar to the 4% prevalence
reported in a population whose childhood ADHD was retrospectively established.25 We
suspected that comparisons’ ADHD symptoms might have emerged during adulthood.
However, all seven comparison cases with ongoing ADHD reported impairing ADHD
symptoms before age 12, and all but one indicated an onset before age 7. Yet, only 1/7
comparisons with ADHD at FU41 had ADHD at FU18, based on parent- and self- report.
Similarly, probands’ self-reports of ADHD at FU25 were much lower than at FU41 (4% vs.
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22%). Increases in self-reported ADHD, over time, have also been reported by Barkley et
al.8 Inconsistencies in adults’ retrospective reports of childhood ADHD raise questions
about our ability to generate meaningful estimates of the disorder from adult recall.

Why is there an increase in self-reported ADHD in adults with childhood ADHD over time?
We relied on DSM-IIIR criteria at FU25, and DSM-IV at FU41, whose standards for
diagnosing ADHD differed. Higher rates of ADHD have been reported utilizing DSM-IV
than DSM-III-R,26 however, this feature does not seem explanatory, since ADHD at FU25
was only 7.4% in probands, if criteria include any significant inattention, hyperactivity or
impulsivity symptom.9, 12 A possible factor may be greater awareness of ADHD due to wide
media coverage, which has even promoted ADHD as reflecting special, positive,
attributes.27 Alas, advantages associated with ADHD have yet to be documented. It may be
that the popularity of ADHD in the media has fostered erroneous self-identification leading
to secular changes in self-identified ADHD, rather than true changes in prevalence. It is also

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possible that impairing inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity develop in later life, when
mental alacrity and resources decline, or accruing demands may exceed capacity (i.e., the
Peter Principle). In such instances, adults may reinterpret their early history as a function of
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current difficulties. On the other hand, media promotion of ADHD may attune people to it,
and foster accurate recognition and recall of dysfunction in childhood.

In childhood, all probands had combined ADHD. At follow-up, each type of ADHD was
equally prevalent. However, assuming absence of inattention in probands with
Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD conveys an erroneous clinical message, since
all reported impairing inattention (median, 3 symptoms), but failed to meet the diagnostic
threshold of 6/9 inattention symptoms. This finding concords with Barkley et al.’s view that,
in adu ADHD types are not clinically meaningful in adults.8

It has been argued that standards for diagnosing ADHD should be lower in adults than
children, requiring 4/9, instead of 6/9 clinical criteria.8 In this study, applying the 4/9
standard increases ADHD in probands by nearly half, from 22% to 32%, and more than
doubles the rate in comparisons (from 5 to 12%), possibly leading to false positive

Although findings do not suggest a grim outcome for most children with ADHD, a
substantial minority had very negative outcomes. Death and incarceration, arguably the
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worst possible lifetime events, were both significantly elevated in those with childhood
ADHD. Almost a fifth had antisocial personality, a disorder that carries multiple serious
consequences. Of probands who had probable or definite conduct disorder, at some point
during adolescence (n=84/135), a quarter (n=22/84) had ASPD at FU41. In contrast, of
comparison cases with an adolescent history of conduct disorder (36/136), none had ASPD
at FU41 (Tables 2 and 4).

Only a proportion of children with conduct disorder have been shown to go on to ASPD in
adulthood.28 In this study also, most children with ADHD who developed conduct disorder
during adolescence did not have ASPD at FU41. Thus, some dysfunctions of children with
ADHD do attenuate during adulthood.

Childhood ADHD, without conduct disorder, elevated the risk for development and,
importantly, maintenance, of antisocial disorders. As we previously reported, these, in turn,
were associated with drug abuse and dependence, which had a profoundly negative impact
through their associated criminality.29 Elevated rates of substance use disorders cannot be
attributed to differential rates of exposure to drugs of abuse during adolescence by probands
and comparisons; the great majority in both groups (90 and 83%, respectively) had tried
drugs, defined as using at least five times.30
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Consistent with other prospective studies,14, 31 findings do not support that ADHD per se
places children at increased risk for mood and anxiety disorders, as suggested elsewhere.32
Lifetime rates of these disorders were not low in probands, but no higher than in
comparisons. A study by Barkley is unique in reporting significantly more major depression
in probands than comparisons at age 21,2 but this difference disappeared at the next follow-
up, 6 years later.8 No follow-up of children has found differential rates of bipolar and
anxiety disorders in adulthood. In this study, two probands had definite bipolar disorder, and
one late onset psychosis. Frequencies do not exceed population prevalences, and are too low
for meaningful contrasts, but might suggest distinct psychopathogical processes in a minor
subset of children with ADHD.

Our findings in a relatively severe clinical sample of ADHD children, free of conduct
disorders, are consistent with several population studies33–37 reporting that ADHD or

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ADHD symptoms do not predict SD when controlling for conduct disorder or problems.
Rather, conduct problems mediate the predictive relationship between childhood ADHD and
subsequent SD. At mean age 18, we found high comorbidity among persistent ADHD,
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ASPD, and SD.4 At mean age 25, ASPD and SD were no longer significantly associated
with ongoing ADHD.9, 12 Thus, both ASPD and SD developed while ADHD persisted, but
they continued even after ADHD remitted.9, 12 In contrast, at mean age 41, ongoing ADHD
and SD were significantly, but not strongly, related (phi=.20 (Table 3). Interpretation of this
association is not straightforward, since some drugs of abuse may have behavioral effects
that mimic ADHD symptoms.

The study excluded children who have both ADHD and conduct disorder between ages 6
and 12. Therefore, results may not apply to such children. However, this diagnostic
restriction was planned, and results inform on a well defined clinical group of ADHD
children, independent of the confounding effect of co-occurring conduct disorder in
childhood. Estimates of prevalence of conduct disorder in children with ADHD vary.38 In
the MTA study of children with ADHD, of both sexes and all racial groups, the rate of
conduct disorder was 14.3%.39 Therefore, study findings appear relevant to most children
with ADHD. Nevertheless, the exclusion of conduct disorder may suggest that children in
the present study had relatively mild forms of ADHD. Although this possibility cannot be
ruled out, it does not seem probable since the mean teacher rated Hyperactivity Factor Score
of this cohort was 2.11+0.46 (rated 0–3), somewhat higher than the MTA sample mean of
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1.82±0.49 (no other longitudinal study reports teacher ratings).

We note several limitations. The design precludes generalizing to females, and all ethnic and
social groups, since probands were Caucasian males, of average intelligence, referred to a
clinic, with Combined Type ADHD. They do not inform on predominantly inattentive
ADHD, especially if there is no history of impairing hyperactivity/impulsivity.

Comparisons lost to follow-up had lower IQ’s than those assessed; they also tended to have
lower SES and more previous drug-related disorders, and information could not be obtained
for the two with ASPD at FU25 (one was deceased). Therefore, contrasts between probands
and comparisons may exaggerate somewhat the relative dysfunctions of adults who had
ADHD in childhood. Also, study diagnoses reflect self-reports, and different results might
emerge with input from significant others. Another limitation concerns missing subjects. Of
192 living probands 61 (31.8%) were lost to follow-up, Additionally, some contrasts had
limited power, which may have precluded the detection of significant associations.

Comparisons had far superior median incomes than probands. However, comparisons do not
appear to represent a super normal group. A sizable proportion had conduct disorder in
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adolescence (26%), and their incarceration rate (one day or more in jail) is not very low
(12%). Further, a large proportion of comparisons qualified for a lifetime psychiatric
diagnosis (combining subthreshold and full diagnoses) (Table 4), sometimes exceeding
population rates.40 It seems more compelling that differences at mean age 41 between
probands and comparisons reflect differential development, especially since findings are
highly consistent with other, briefer, follow-up studies.

In conclusion, the course of childhood ADHD shows a consistent clinical pattern from late
adolescence well into adulthood. The longitudinal findings support the diagnostic validity of
ADHD, as defined in this sample, since ADHD did not predict a medley of disorders in
adulthood. At the same time, longitudinal findings point to clinical heterogeneity in
childhood ADHD, since course was negative in only a subset.

Although the pattern of psychopathology from early to later adulthood in probands did not
show striking changes, rates of dysfunction diminished. The trajectory of antisocial

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disorders in probands was consistent with reports of the disorders’ gradual remission over
time.41 However, through life, those who had developed conduct disorder fared relatively
badly, with a substantial minority having very negative life circumstances. The period of
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increased relative risk for new psychopathology was limited to adolescence. This should not
be construed as meaning that probands were not worse off in adulthood than comparisons.
They were; but relative disadvantages in adulthood reflect persistent malfunction with
earlier origin. As such, findings stress the importance of continued monitoring and treatment
of children with ADHD, even when conduct disorder is not evident.

This research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health grants MH-18579 (R. Klein) and T32
MH067763 (F.X. Castellanos), and by the National Institute on Drug Abuse grant DA-16979 (F.X. Castellanos).

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Figure 1.
Flow of Assessed and Not Assessed Probands and Comparison Cases

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Table 1
Demographics and Social and Occupational Functioning at Follow-up 41

Probands (n = 135) Comparisons (n = 136)

Variable p≤
Klein et al.

t (df) or χ2
Mean (SD) or n (%) Range Mean (SD) or n (%) Range
Age (years) 41.4 (2.9) 30–47 41.5 (3.2) 33–48 0.29 (269) .78
Education (years) 13.3 (2.1) 8–20 15.8 (2.3) 11–20 9.52 (269) .001
Highest Grade Completed
Less than High School 17 (13) 1 (1) FET .001
GED 25 (19) 5 (4) 15.16 .001
High School 32 (24) 14 (10) 8.64 .004
Some College 35 (26) 29 (21) 0.79 .39
Bachelor’s 21 (16) 47 (35) 13.02 .001
Higher Degree 5 (4) 40 (29) 32.33 .001

Hollingshead Occupational Levela 4.7 (2.0) 1–8 3.0 (1.8) 1–8 7.12 (269) .001

SESb 3.4 (1.0) 1–5 2.4 (1.1) 1–5 8.39 (269) .001

Employed 113 (84) 129 (95) 8.81 .01

Annual Salaryc 93,317 (158,414) 4,000–1,500,000 175,058 (224,957) 15,000–1,500,000 3.20 (217)d .01

Mediane 60,000 100,000 .001

Occupational Functioningc,f 3.2 (1.1) 1–6 2.5 (0.9) 1–5 5.82 (240) .001

Median 3 2

Social Functioningf 3.8 (1.3) 2–6 2.9 (1.0) 1–6 6.61 (269) .001

Median 4 3

Arch Gen Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 March 14.
Marital Status
Single (Never Married) 13 (10) 13 (10) 0.01 .95
Married/Cohabiting 94 (70) 107 (79) 2.89 .10
Separated 15 (11) 12 (9) 0.4 .90
Divorced 13 (10) 4 (3) 5.15 .02
Ever Divorced 42 (31) 16 (12) 15.07 .001

Currently Incarceratedg 6/161 (4) 1/149 (<1) FET .12

FET = Fisher’s Exact Test.

Page 14
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1=Higher executives, 8=Unemployed.
1 is highest social class, 5 is lowest.
Among employed subjects.
t-test for unequal variances.
Klein et al.

Median test.
Range 1–6: 1=Superior, 2,=Very Good, 3=Good, 4=Average, 5=Fair, 6=Poor.
Of those located at FU41 (161/207 probands, 149/178 controls).

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Table 2

Rates of Ongoing DSM-IV Disorders at Follow-Up 41a

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DSM-IV Diagnosis Probands (n = 135) n (%) Comparisons (n = 136) n (%) χ2 p≤

ADHD 30 (22) 7 (5) 16.76 .001

Combined 9 (7) 1 (1) FET .01
Predominantly Inattentive 10 (7) 2 (1) 5.64 .02
Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive 11 (8) 4 (3) 3.51 .06
Antisocial Personality Disorder 22 (16) 0 (0) FET .001
Alcohol-Related Disorder 13 (10) 21 (15) 2.09 .20

Substance Disorderb 19 (14) 7 (5) 6.23 .01

Nicotine Dependence 41 (30) 12 (9) 19.99 .001

Any Mood Disorder 12 (9) 8 (6) 0.90 .36
Any Anxiety Disorder 17 (13) 12 (9) 1.01 .33

Definite DSM-IV diagnoses
Other than alcohol-related disorder and nicotine dependence.
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FET = Fisher’s Exact Test.

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Table 3
Relationship between Ongoing ADHD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Substance Disorders among Probands at Follow-Up 41

DSM-IV Diagnosis phi p
Klein et al.

YES (n = 30) n (%) NO (n = 105) n (%)
Antisocial Personality Disorder 7 (23) 15 (14) 1.4 .10 .24
Alcohol-Related Disorder 4 (13) 9 (9) FET .07 .49

Substance Disordera 8 (27) 11 (10) FET .19 .04

Nicotine Dependence 13 (43) 28 (27) 3.07 .15 .08

Antisocial Personality Disorder AND Substance Disorder 4 (13) 3 (3) FET .20 .04

FET = Fisher’s Exact Test.

Other than alcohol-related disorder and nicotine dependence.

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Table 4

Lifetime Rates of Incarcerationsa, Deaths, and Mental Disordersb

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Outcome Probands n = 135 n (%) Comparisons n = 136 n (%) χ2 p≤

Incarcerated 49 (36) 16 (12) 22.36 .0001

Deceased 15/207 (7) 5/178 (3) 3.83 .05

Conduct Disorderc 84 (62) 36 (26) 35.1 .0001

Antisocial Personality Disorderd 44 (33) 5 (4) 38.24 .0001

Alcohol- Related Disorder 61 (45) 56 (41) 0.44 .51

Substance Disordere 76 (56) 52 (38) 8.87 .003

Nicotine Dependence 81 (60) 42 (31) 23.17 .0001

Any Mood Disorderf 66 (49) 58 (43) 1.06 .30

Any Anxiety Disorder 25 (19) 28 (21) 0.18 .67

For one day or more (not restricted to jail sentences).
Probable and Definite diagnoses
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Prior to age 18.
Diagnosis requires previous history of conduct disorder.
Other than alcohol-related disorder and nicotine dependence.
Mostly Major Depressive Disorder: 51/66 Probands (77%); 54/58 Comparisons (93%).
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Arch Gen Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 March 14.

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