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Task 5.

Recently, There are some cases of motorcycles that have been stolen, also one day a man was
found murdered due to the thief, and the men hours before, was knoking my door, can you believe
it? My neighbor looked to the cameras and saw the situation, it was terrific. I think that this has to
stop at all. One way to figth the crime is to create new neighborhood segurity, for example per
month all the neighbors pay to a group of segurity that everynight take care of as.
The best way is to tell the situation to the pólice and tell them that we want to be safe, we cannot
still feeling fear when we are getting home.

Task 6.

I like speak English and always I understand the foreing people when they speak me, so my
family and mi Friends are facinated about it, To speak English fluenlt, you need to be patient and
regular, you have to practice a lot your pronuntiation and your listening skills, and this everyday ore
whenever you can, you could improve your pronuntiation by listening to music, I’d rather listen to
music tan watch movies because yo can learn more quickly and you can enjoy your learninig, and I
learn to speak by spéaking with people who knows about English, if not, you can speak with
yourself or with foreing people online.

Task 7

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a writer and journalist that was famuos for writting one of the best
books of the world Hundread years of solitude, The book was written by Gabo in 1967, He was the
person who improved the magical realism, whit his magic and happy world of letters.

He won the nobel prize in 1982 and in 1994 founded in Cartagena (Colombia) New Ibero-
American Journalism Foundation, he is our Colombian Nobel and today is the reason why tuorists
visit each year cities like Cartagena, Barranquilla for enjoying and trying to recrate the amazing
histories that Gabo wrote in his Universal Macondo.
Task 8

Mr Carlos

I’m sorry for cheating in your quiz, I know that is so bad the thing that I’ve done but in my naive
thought I didn’t consider that cheat gonna be the begin of my problems in your subjet, I souldn’t
have gave the paper to my classmate, I know I was the best student of tyour class and you trusted on
my, I really enjoy your class I should have studied so hard for the Quiz. If I had studied days before
de quiz, I wouldn’t have gave him mi paper, but I felt distressed by the grade, I needed to pass.

I hope you can forgive me someday.

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