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One problem that I see in my neighborhood is about the pets.

Because a lot of people take out her pets but without picking up their excrement. And it causes
annoying in the community.

Second problem that we have is about intolerance in the community because of people are very
disrespectful and they always want to fight with others.

Third problem is that people throw garbage for all street, one way to stop it is we must have
empathy with the others and talk more and fight less and all people help the community


I enjoy software design and a lot of people say that I am talented at it, but you should know that you
need important things like being passionate about systems, you must be organized, and you should
know the difference between software and hardware. The most fun is that you can design different
web sites how you want. People learn to design by taking class, following the best engineers, and
watching tutorials. I learned it studying in university and doing a lot of exercises


In my country, a person who was the major influence on his name is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He was
the best writer in colombia. He became famous for his books , they are awesome and attracted all
the attention of readers. In his career Gabriel got many awards like Nobel of literature, Nobel of
literature internationality. He was also a reporter and also wrote different novels and stories like 100
years of Solitude. He had 3 sons, he was born in Aracataca and he died in mexico in 2014, All his life
he wanted to change the literature in colombia, and leave a good reflection in all world and in young


Hey my friend, I’m really sorry, I forgot your birthday, but I was working and I had a hard day in the
office, and I didn’t want to go, because I don’t have enough money to pay for a present for you.

But, I earned a little money. Also, I’m going to go to your house and we are going to eat.

I should have called you or sent a message, but I was busy all day. If I hadn’t paid the bills, I would
have money for you.

But that’s not an impediment for us to enjoy your birthday.

See you in your home, thanks for your comprehension

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