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As a student, what is International Business to you? Are you interested in intellectual property,
foreign assets, and political favor?
What is international business for us a student? For me, as a student, International business refers
to any business that operates across International borders. It refers to the trade of goods, services,
technology, capital and/or knowledge across national border and at a global on transnational
scale. It exchanges of goods and services between two or more countries. From the term itself
International business it is about two or more nations not for one country alone. It is possible
option for us to start our career.
Yes, I’m interested in intellectual property, foreign assets, and political favor, as we all know
we students are already exchanging and buying goods and services across the country using
online applications like for example Shoppe, Lazada, and many more. We don't realize that we
are loving foreign assets and not even minding our own goods and services.
I realized that International business is good for opening new chapters, careers and a lot of
opportunities for those who has businesses and specially those newcomers. Because it has a lot
of benefits to nations such as opportunity to earn higher profits because they can sell their
products to a large customer base from multiple countries, obtaining foreign exchange it is to
import merchandise from the global market. Enhancing its development prospects and make
more opportunities for employees/employments and also comfortable for individuals to utilize
comorbidities and services and last improvements of their life standards.

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