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In your own understanding, why do business students need to study international business?

International business allows countries to be interconnected than ever. It becomes an imperative

aspect to the economies of most countries.  Everything has shifted now to a global
mindset, so the best chances to thrive in this world, especially in the business
side of things, is to think with an international mindset in mind. According to
smith 2022 students need to develop a global perspective to be successful in business.
Studying international business allows you to see how globalisation has brought about an
increasing 'connectedness' of businesses, markets, people and information across countries.

Studying international business will allow them to see how globalization has brought about
an increasing “connectedness” of business,
markets, people and information across countries.

will have developed an

First, it gives business students an understanding of global issues
understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to
international trade and will have had the opportunity to apply these to a wide
range of strategic and operational issues and problems arising in business.

Second to develop a global perpective of business

 from the logistics of international trade and cross-border investments to the

cultural and ethical issues that are imbued in the practice of business around the world. 
you will learn about world cultures and societies, and be challenged to approach issues
from different perspectives. 

This approach to problem solving will broaden your world view and help you understand different
perspectives. analyse global and local business challenges and find strategic solutions. 

 Enhanced cultural awareness and understanding

understand the diversity of business practices

Although it is said that the world is becoming ever smaller in the 21st century, there are
still many differences in business practices across different countries (and even within
the same companies) that you will need to be aware of and prepared for. If you end up
working for an international corporation, processes may be standardised worldwide,
whereas smaller businesses that operate in, or trade with different countries may have
different procedures. Your degree in international business will help you to understand
and think critically about the nuances and challenges that operating internationally may
present, allowing you to get a head start on finding solutions.

3. Offers Well-Rounded Business Knowledge 

Working in the international business field helps you in understanding a whole lot
about how a business operates and comes to life, something missing from a variety of
other specializations. 

Third know the economic climate around the world.

Expose to the different socio pollical conditions of countries
Reason # 4. Different Socio-Political Conditions:
Finally, socio-political environment varies from country to country, although such environment is
uniform within a country. 
Market for commodity transactions between different nations is largely governed by its own
geographical boundaries, social institutions and customs, habits, choice, etc. Within a country,
one observes same social institutions and business customs. Throughout the world, a uniform
set of socio-political environment can never exist. 
However, all these are not sufficient reasons for the emergence of trade. For instance, if a unique
currency system prevails between different nations, trade may also emerge.
Reason # 1. Different Monetary Systems:
First is the independent monetary system. Each country has its own currency and own banking
system. Within a region the same currency unit prevails. But for making international
transactions domestic currency is of 110 use. 
Further, a foreign exchange rate (i.e., the rate at which one currency, say rupee, is exchanged for
another currency, say dollar) has an important bearing on exports and imports. As a result, one
country may gain while others may loose. However, different regions while carrying on their
business/trade activities remain insulated from such change.

How to recognize, respect, and strategize with major

areas of difference
Understand the challenges

In conclusion, studying international business is unavoidablefor business student as we become

emeThe future is global, and an understanding of different countries and cultures will help you in your
personal and professional life. It is important and enriching to have an international outlook and if you
understand other cultures, you will know their market, making you a valuable asset in any business . It
provides new oppurtunities
International business allows countries to be more interconnected than ever. It
becomes an imperative aspect of the economies of most countries. Businesses have now
shifted to a global mindset; hence, it is also important for business students to have an
international mindset about business. Smith (2022) suggests that students need to study
international business because it allows them to recognize how globalization has brought about
an increasing interconnectedness of people, and information, especially in business and
market. This paper will discuss why business students need to study international business.

First, it develops the understanding of business students about international business

such as its concepts, important facts, principles, and theories. International business accounts
for a sizable share of trade growth, global gross domestic product and employment in both
developed and developing countries (University of York, n.d.).  As these reasons continue to
motivate countries and businesses to increasingly go across borders, business students must
have an understanding of what constitutes them, and what the developments brought about
by international business. For instance, they will learn about the economic impact of
international business on countries as well as how cultural, political and legal factors play an
important role in facilitating international business. For these reasons, business students not
only will they develop an understanding, but will have the opportunity to apply these to a wide
range of issues arising in business, which will be further discussed below.

Second, studying international business provide a global perspective on business.

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