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Task 7. Rewrite the sentences using the negative forms.

5 points
1. We are playing a game.
2. I'm drawing a picture.
3. He is making pizza right now.
4. Susan and her brother are taking photos.
5. Dad is working in the kitchen.
1. We aren't playing a game.
2. I'm not drawing a picture.
3. He isn't making pizza right now.
4. Susan and her brother aren't taking photos.
5. Dad isn't working in the kitchen.

Task 8. Write five sentences about What are you going to do after class, tomorrow?
Remember to use Future Tense. 3 points
1. Tomorrow, after class, I will go to the gym and work out for an hour.
2. I am going to meet up with some friends for lunch after class tomorrow.
3. After class tomorrow, I will go home and finish my homework for the week.
4. Tomorrow, I am planning to attend a job fair after class to look for potential
career opportunities.
5. I will be visiting my grandparents after class tomorrow to spend some time with

Task 9. Fill the sentences with There is or There are. 5 points

1. There is a hair salon next to my house.
2. There are people swimming all day long.
3. There is a huge porch on his home.
4. There is a baker in the mall in my town.
5. There are signs on the highway.

Task10. Read the descriptions and write down the corresponding place. 5 points
1. you can see whiles a sea animal here -> Aquarium
2. kids learn English here -> Language School
3. you can buy medicines here -> Pharmacy
4. you can buy snacks here -> Convenience Store
5. you can clean your teeth here -> Dentist Office
Task11. Complete the questions with How much or How many. 5 POINTS
1. How many eggs did you buy?
2. How much coffee did you drink last night?
3. How many girls are there in your group?
4. How many cans of beer do you want?
5. How many oranges are there?
6. How much time have you got to play?
7. How many stars can you see in the sky?
8. How much sugar would you like in your tea?
9. How much money did you pay for your bike?
10. How many hours do you sleep every night?

Task13. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superative)
1. My house is (big) bigger than yours. (Comparative)
2. This flower is (beautiful) more beautiful than that one. (Comparative)
3. This is the (interesting) most interesting book I have ever read. (Superlative)
4. Non-smokers usually live (long) longer than smokers. (Comparative)
5. Which is the (dangerous) most dangerous animal in the world? (Superlative)
6. A holiday by the sea is (good ) better than a holiday in the mountains.
Task 14. Use your imagination. you are talking with someone from China online. He
wants to know:
a. you are from Nicaragua. Including natural attractions, food, soccer, and the kind of
music that people want to sing or dance, to now.
b. About yourself, you are 17, your name is Fabiola and your nickname is Fabi, your
close person, your pet is a dog and a act, best singer for you, which places around the
world do you like to visit, prefer sleep or do you prefer to do exercise.
Person from China: Hi there! Nice to meet you. Where are you from?
You: Hi! I'm from Nicaragua, a beautiful country in Central America with a rich culture
and history. Have you ever been there?
Person from China: No, I haven't. What are some of the natural attractions in
You: There are so many beautiful natural attractions in Nicaragua! One of my favorites
is the Masaya Volcano National Park, where you can see an active volcano up close.
Another must-see is the Corn Islands, which are two small islands located off the
Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. They have stunning beaches and crystal-clear water.
Person from China: Wow, that sounds amazing! What kind of food is popular in
You: Nicaraguan cuisine is very diverse and flavorful. One of the most popular dishes is
called gallo pinto, which is a mixture of rice and beans that is usually eaten for
breakfast. We also have delicious street food like tacos, tamales, and empanadas.
Person from China: Interesting! What kind of music is popular in Nicaragua?
You: Music is a big part of our culture in Nicaragua. We have many different styles of
music, but some of the most popular are salsa and reggaeton. People love to dance to
these styles of music at parties and clubs.
Person from China: That's really cool. So, tell me a little bit about yourself. How old are
you, and do you have any hobbies?
You: I'm 17 years old, and I love to read, write, and play sports like soccer and
volleyball. But my favorite thing to do is to talk with my sister. She's my best friend,
and we always have the best conversations about everything under the sun.
Person from China: Aww, that's so sweet! Do you have any pets?
You: Yes, I have two pets – a dog and a cat. They're both rescues, and they bring so
much joy to my life. My dog loves to go for long walks, and my cat loves to cuddle up
on my lap while I read or watch TV.
Person from China: That's awesome! Do you have a favorite singer or band?
You: Hmm, that's a tough question. I really enjoy listening to a lot of different types of
music, but I think my favorite singer is probably Shakira. I love her energy and her
unique voice.
Person from China: Cool! What are some places around the world that you would like
to visit someday?
You: There are so many places that I would love to visit! I think my top three would be
Japan, France, and Brazil. Each of these countries has such a rich culture and history,
and I would love to experience them firsthand.
Person from China: Do you prefer to sleep or exercise?
You: Honestly, I think it's important to do both! I love getting a good night's sleep, but I
also feel energized and refreshed after a good workout. So, I try to find a balance
between the two.

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