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unive r s ida d TECMILENIO

Nombre: Alba Minerva Urbano Baltazar Matrícula: AL02999773

Nombre del curso: Ingles lll Nombre del profesor: Maria Teresa del
Barco Gamarra

Módulo: 2. Challenge Actividad: Challenge 7 Superstitions

Fecha: 11/ March / 2023


1. 1. Listen to the Ted-Ed talk "Where do superstitions come from?- Stuart


2. Read the following statements about the video and write T if the statement
is true or F if it is false..

o __F__ Superstitions are based on science.

o __T__ Many superstitions are based on religion.
o __T__ Knocking on wood comes from the belief that touching a tree would bring
the blessing from the spirit that lives within.
o __F__ All superstitions are religious.
o __F__ For many people superstitions are based on culture rather than on
unconscious beliefs.

3. Research about ancient cultures that you find interesting and analyze their customs
or superstitions. You may search online from reliable sources using the
keywords: culture, superstitions, traditions.
The number 13
Although there are different theories, the belief that the number 13 brings bad luck is so
widespread that it is no longer known what its origin really is. Some possible stories come from
the Christian tradition (again related to the Last Supper, since it is believed that Judas sat in the
thirteenth place, in addition, they were twelve apostles and Jesus); of the Viking (the scammer
god, Loki, was the thirteenth Norse god); and the Persian zodiac (in which there are twelve signs
and the number thirteen represents chaos).
At present, several cultures, such as Spanish, Latin and Italian, believe that Tuesday the 13th is a
day of bad luck and recommend that this day "do not get married or embark." For their part, the
Saxon cultures fear Friday the 13th. So much so that many buildings do not have the 13th floor
(they go directly from 12 to 14). This fear is recognized as a phobia, triscaidecaphobia is the
irrational fear of the number 13.

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