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Unit 1: Self-Assessments

Samantha Luckett

Arizona State University

OGL: 482

Dr. Brent Scholar

March 19, 2023


Self- Assessment Reflection

Self-assessments are a tool that have utilized throughout my personal, academic, and

professional career. The assessments that were completed for this assignment relate to my

personal career interests, skills confidence, and work values. These tests were supplied by Kuder

Navigator, an online education career planning system (Kuder, 2023). A Career Anchors

Assesssment was completed to see what is most important within a career. The additional

assessments taken were the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, Arizona State University me3:

Major and Career Quiz, and the Truity Career Personality Profiler. The purpose of taking these

assessments coincide with determining student’s future careers in congruence with their

passions, skills, and personalities. Students can then reflect among results and determine a path

to further education, skills, or career changes.

Kuder Career Assessments

The Kuder Assessments that was completed were the Kuder Career Interests Assessment,

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment, and the Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised. The

Career Interests Assessment analyzed my preference in a top five list of career paths. This

information was interesting to me because I am looking to potentially change careers and

separate from a company that I have identified myself with for almost 10 years. In my top five

career paths were professional support services, therapeutic services, teaching and training,

health informatics, and early childhood development and services (Figure 1). These were

interesting insights to me as I feel my current career already includes professional support

services, teaching and training, and early childhood development and services. Something that

surprised me was the addition of therapeutic services and health informatics. I have never had

experience working in the medical field however my partner does and through discussions of

their work it has sparked an interest in my own future career. Out of curiosity I retook the

assessment after completing if a few others; the results changed significantly (Figure 2). After

the second assessment, my top five career pathways were professional supportive services, health

informatics, administrative and administrative support, human resource management, and

customer service. These results more closely related to my current professional field. Throughout

the Kuder assessments and previous assessments I go between careers of business management

or education. According to the Holland Occupations Code system or RIASEC, I scored in the

social, enterprising, conventional categories. I find that these results are accurate to how I

currently work and how I prefer to work. I prefer to work in social settings to have access to

receive and administer help. I enjoy having the flexibility of either working alone or working

with others rather than working on a physical item. In general, I am an organized person that

enjoy seeing success on paper in order to see where physical changes are needed from an

analytical perspective. These results coincide with my Kuder assessments and previous

assessments I have taken throughout my Organizational Leadership degree. I have used previous

interspaced assessments to determine my future career and my studies in higher education. I

cannot recall the assessment that I took in high school but it was similar to the Kuder assessment.

The assessment categorized what our interests were and the next steps to accomplish a degree

and career within those interests. Throughout this unit I have also reflected on previous

organizational leadership courses and found personality tests, values, and work ethic assessments

that further support my assessment results.

Figure 1

Graph of Kuder Career Assessment Results (1)


Note. Copyrighted image (Kuder, 2023).

Figure 2

Graph of Kuder Career Assessment Results (2)

Note. Copyrighted image (Kuder, 2023).

Kuder Skills & Values Assessments

In my Skills Confidence Assessment, my top five career paths were family and

community services, consumer services, human resources management, administration and

administrative support, and early childhood development and services (Figure 3). These skills

more closely aligned with the second careers assessment I completed. These results were

unsurprising to me as they again more closely relate to my current profession and career. I also

completed the Kuder interest in skills composite report. The interests I have where my skills

exceed the interest are Administration and administrative support, human resource management,

and customer service. In these categories I scored high in both interests and skills. On the

contrary, my interest exceeded my skill in health informatics and professional support services.

To my experience and the line of education this was not a surprise, but I found it interesting that

these two were the highest interest and top careers I held in the assessment. I found my results of

the Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised most interesting as it relates to my current

profession. In this assessment, I had a high value in supervision, coworkers, independence,

prestige, and achievement (Figure 3). I find that there is a very fine line between supervision and

independence within work. I find most success in my work when I have the freedom to complete

tasks when I feel it is most appropriate but have supervision to fall back on for assistance or

recognition. At my workplace, there are different cultures among various managers and

locations. Depending on the location I was at, I've had experience where my values and skills

competed with the position I held. The results of my top skills and values also coincide with my

Holland Occupation Codes being categorized as SEC.

Figure 3

Graph of Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment Results


Note. Copyrighted image (Kuder, 2023).

Figure 4

Graph of Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised Results

Note. Copyrighted image (Kuder, 2023).


Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment

In the motivation and career anchors assessment, my primary career anchor was having a

sense of service/dedication to a cause, this was my highest score by eight points. My secondary

career anchor was security, stability, organizational identity. My secondary career anchor was

close in scoring with managerial competence. These anchors were not a surprise because I find

value in what I currently do and have been with the company for again almost a decade the

company has brought a sense of security stability and identity into my life that I had previously

lacked I value having consistency within my schedule and routine even if the daily tasks and

responsibilities change. My lowest scoring career anchor was entrepreneurial creativity. This was

not remarkable to me. I do not have a desire to create a new business to gain personally or

through recognition. My second lowest scoring career anchor was lifestyle integration. I learned

early on in my career that I needed to be able to separate my personal life from my work life to

manage the stress and pressure from constant emails, tasks, and assignments. I hope to continue

this separation with my future careers. According to Harrington and Hall, individuals have

personal identity, social identity, subidentities. It is said that in western cultures a person's

identity is closely related to an individual's career (Harrington & Hall, 2007, pp. 21). This

phenomenon is something that I have accepted and utilized to identify myself in the past period

in the future I hope that I can identify myself outside of my career.

Figure 5

Graph Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment Results


Additional Assessments

For my additional assessments, I took the Humanmetrics Jung Typology test, me3: Major

and Career Quiz, and the Truity Career Personality Profiler. In the typology test, I have received

similar results from previous courses based on my personality. I have consistently been close to

being either introverted or extroverted; This happens because of my personal feelings that day. I

have also been more intuitive, feeling, and judging within my personality over an extended

period of time (Figure 6). I believe this relates to my current career because My experiences and

how I have learned from them change my perception and how I think and react within this world.

In the me3: Major and Career Quiz, I received results of community health workers,

occupational therapists, special education teachers or secondary school. I find that these results

coincide with my previous assessments but was surprised with the addition of an occupational

therapist. This has not been a career that I have investigated but would be interested in doing so

now. Finally, the Truity assessment of my career personality found that I am driven to try to

make the world a better place by being creative, imaginative, and coming up with insightful

solutions (Figure 8). This result was contradictory to the motivations and career anchors or

assessment because I scored lowest in the creativity section. I find that I am more inclined to

careers that have a lasting effect on the world and individuals, but I am unsure of my success in

finding insightful solutions to meaningful problems.

Figure 6

Diagram of Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test Results

Note. Copyrighted image (Humanmetrics, 1998-2023).

Figure 7

Figure of me3: Major and Career Quiz Results


Note. Copyrighted image (Arizona State University, 2023).

Figure 8

Diagram of Truity Work Style Results

Note. Copyrighted image (Truity, 2021).



Overall, I find the use of self-assessment tools to be insightful and can steer

individual towards a specific path future or career. Due to my years of taking these self-

assessments, I would stand behind the accuracy of general results however, I believe that an

individual's results can change based off life experiences, personal feelings, and mindset of a

given day. Self-assessments for leadership growth canned identify where an individual needs

improvement in specific skills but should be reflected upon through multiple avenues. According

to Harrington and Hall, “Awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses is critical in personal

development and is elusive” (Harrington and Hall, 2007, pp. 37). Not only should an individual

reflect and take self-assessments but there should be additional assessments through an

organization hierarchy, significant others, or peers. This will assist the leader in developing a full

picture of where their strengths and weaknesses are.



Career personality profiler. Truity. (2021). Retrieved from

Harrington, B., & Hall, D. T. (2008). The Self- Assessment Process. In Career Management &

Work-Life Integration: Using Self-assessment to navigate contemporary careers (pp. 15–

47). essay, SAGE Publications.

Harrington, B., & Hall, D. T. (2008). Understanding the New Career. In Career Management &

Work-Life Integration: Using Self-assessment to navigate contemporary careers (pp. 1–

15). essay, SAGE Publications.

Humanmetrics. (2023). Infj. INFJ: Leverage Your Personality Type. Retrieved from



Me3®: Major and career quiz. me3®: Major and Career Quiz | Arizona State University. (2023).

Retrieved from

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