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The story on sexy talks is about relationship issues. On one side, Miranda is having an

affair with Dev, who had a wife. Miranda's friend Laxmi was narrating about her cousin's

husband, who had cheated on his cousin (Lahiri, n.d.). Laxmi was saying all this to Miranda,

who was sleeping with another woman's husband.

The passage tries to show us how wicked the world is. A person is sleeping with a man to

whom she knows he is married. That is lowering one's dignity. People are supposed to do deeds

that, if they are reciprocated to them, they will not be hurt. If you were in Miranda's shoes, what

could you have done? If I was in Miranda's shoes the moment I knew that Dev was married, I

could not have bothered much knowing him (Lahiri, n.d.). The good thing is that Dev told

Miranda that he had a wife during their first meeting. Miranda is the one here at fault. She could

have cut the communication with Dev but she did not do that. "They are for my wife," Dev told

Miranda when she asked him about the stuff he had bought at Filene's.

The passage also showed love. Although Dev was cheating on his wife, he did not want

his wife to find out. That showed he cared about his wife and he only went to see Miranda once a

week (Lahiri, n.d.). In what ways does Dev show love to his wife? Dev was buying his wife stuff

that she would use while she was in India for four weeks. Also, Dev showed love to his wife by

picking her up at the airport. Through this, he showed care.

What is interesting about the text is that Rohim was the one who made Miranda quit

seeing Dev (Lahiri, n.d.). Rohin's dad was cheating on his mother and it hurt Rohin. Rohin drew

pictures as a way of his communication.


Lahiri, J. (n.d.). sexy.

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