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Task of Material 2 Basic English Sentence Elements and Patterns

Name : Erlin Dwi Meiningrum Friday, 26 Maret 2021

Class : A6-19
NPM : 19144600213

Exercise 1
Find subject and predicate from the following sentences.
Blok jawaban: Subject Predicate

1) Mental health plays important roles in learning.

2) A good teacher always gives much attention to his students.
3) Recession in our country caused some unemployment.
4) The graduate of IKIP should work in educational fields.
5) Last semester few students took minor courses.
6) Young generation must improve their skills and knowledge.
7) The headmaster will not let the children play in the street.
8) If you want to keep your body healthier, you should do some physical exercise at
least twice a week for two hours.
9) The other outstanding educational theories found in the book only focus on child and
adolescent development.
10) A great number of high school graduates continue the studies in one of the many
universities in this country.

Exercise 2
Identify subject, to be, and complement of the following sentences.
(Complement/ pelengkap bisa berupa kata sifat/ kata benda, dibendakan/ frase preposisi/
Keterangan blok: subject to be complement

1) Criminal tendencies are not hereditary.

2) The careless wasting of our natural resources is a great loss.
3) The injured driver is in better condition.
4) The falling leaves are melancholic.

Exercise 3
Identify subject, to be, and adverb of the following sentences.
Keterangan blok: subject to be adverb
1) There are several language families in the world
2) There is a kind of mental disturbance in the child.
3) There have been many scholarships given to the best student.
4) There will be a test next week.
5) There are not many women working in this factory.
6) There are some psychological processed involved in learning.
7) Chemically, there is no difference between the gas, the liquid, and the solid, all of
which are made up of molecules with the formula H2O.

Exercise 4
Identify it, subject, to be, and complement (noun or adjective) of the following
Keterangan blok: subject to be complement

1) It was impossible to see him yesterday.  To see him yesterday was impossible
2) It is a good fortune for you to have an opportunity to study aboard.
3) It is not necessary for us consult him about the problem.
4) It is true that parents have to take part in the education of their children.
5) It is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage.

Exercise 5
Summarize the text entitled Unity in the Life of a Nation in the following table.

Text Your Summary

National unity and integrity is the unity Unity is a process in a state of forming a
of entire society consisting of various ethnic society to unite, while integrity is a form of
groups, cultures and religions as one Indonesia united society that has already been formed.
nation. Indonesian territory stretches from The territory of Indonesia stretches from
Sabang to Merauke. The unity and integrity of Sabang to Merauke, so it consists of various
the Indonesian nation is based on the slogan ethnic groups, cultures and various religions.
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means that However, this actually makes Indonesia unite
although they are different, they are still one. like the slogan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which
This is a reflection of the Indonesia nation means that even though they are different, they
which has diversity in various things such as are still one.
culture, ethnicity, race and religion.

The examples of unity that exist in the The implementation of unity and integrity can
area around us include unity and integrity in be done in our environment. One example is
the family, unity and integrity in schools, unity being open. By being open and honest, the
and integrity in the community, as well as people around us will believe in us. The feeling
unity and integrity in the community, as well that arises can increase harmony and of course
as unity and integrity in the life of the state. An develop unity and integrity both in the family,
open attitude between family members can at school, in the community, as well as in the
foster a sense of unity and integrity so that the life of the nation and state.
family becomes more harmonious. An attitude
of respect and mutual respect for the
differences that exist with playmates will
increase a sense of unity and oneness
regardless of background differences.

The legal basis for the unity and integrity The legal basis for the unity and integrity of
of Indonesia is divided into 3 bases, namely the Indonesia is divided into 3, namely the
ideological foundation, the constitutional basis, ideological basis, the constitutional basis, and
and the operational basis. Pancasila’s moral the operational basis. The ideological
value, the unity of Indonesia, is the foundation foundation of the Indonesian Unity is
of national unity and integrity ideology or contained in the moral values of Pancasila,
philosophy. The foundation of Pancasila namely the third precept which is symbolized
consists of seven points that reflect Pancasila by the banyan tree. From the Pancasila
practice, namely as follows (1) able to place foundation, there are 7 important points that
unity and integrity as well as the interests of can be used as a reflection of society in
the nation and the State above personal and carrying out their daily life. It is also hoped
group interests, (2) able and willing to sacrifice that this can foster the spirit of the Indonesian
for the benefit of the nation and the State if people to always and continue to love the
necessary, (3) developing a sense of devotion Indonesian homeland.
for the homeland and nation, (4) developing a
sense of pride in the nation and land of
Indonesia, (5) maintaining world order based
on independence, (6) developing Indonesia
unity based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika slogan,
and (7) promoting association for the sake of
national unity and integrity.

Underlying the constitution of the unity Then what underlies the constitution of unity
and integrity of the Indonesia can be seen in and integrity, namely, the first is the opening
the opening of the fourth paragraph of 1945 of the fourth paragraph of the 1945
Constitution, Article 1 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution. The second is article 1 paragraph
Constitution and Article 30 paragraph 1 of the 1 of the 1945 Constitution which reads "The
1945 Constitution. The operational basis for State of Indonesia is a unitary state, which is in
implementing national unity and integrity is the form of a Republic". The third is Article 30
the MPR Decree No. IV / MPR / 1999 paragraph 1 of Law no. The 1945 Constitution,
concerning outlines of the State Policy which reads "every citizen has the right and
(GBHN). The GBHN contains the importance obligation to participate in the defense and
of national unity and integrity to prevent security of the country"
national division. The national objective of the The last legal basis for unity and integrity is
Indonesian nation as stipulated in the 1945 the operational basis, namely the MPR Decree
Constitution is the implementation of the state No. IV / MPR / 1999 regarding the outline of
administration with people's sovereignty and State Policy (GBHN). The GBHN contains the
democracy by prioritizing national unity and importance of the meaning of unity and
integrity in accordance with Pancasila. integrity to prevent national divisions.
Unity in the life of the nation and state is If we foster a sense of unity and integrity in the
important to be realized in order to develop people around us, then the sense of integrity of
mutual respect and tolerance. The the Indonesian nation can be realized and
implementation of unity and integrity in the carried out properly and correctly. In addition,
life of the nation and state can be carried out in the implementation of unity and integrity will
the home environment, school environment, also give us many benefits, both for ourselves
community environment, and the environment and for others. By developing this feeling from
of the nation and state. The implementation of an early age, we will be accustomed and
unity and integrity in the home environment trained as well so that there will be a sense of
makes the atmosphere of the house peaceful, peace, calm, comfort and harmony between
calm, and comfortable, and creates harmony nations and countries.
between family members. The implementation
of unity and integrity in the school
environment has several benefits, including the
following: (1) as an effort to prevent disputes
and enmity,(2) as an effort to foster a tolerant
attitude between friends, (3) as an effort to
create a comfortable learning atmosphere, (4)
in statutory regulations, all Indonesian people
are required to maintain national unity and
security as stated in the 1945 Constitution
article 27 paragraph 3 concerning State
Defense, and (5) an attitude of tolerance and
mutual respect are important things in building
a foundation for the unity and integrity of the
Indonesian nation so that it is not disturbed by
the State nor other ideologies that can interfere
the life of a nation.

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