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STUDENT ID : 001202100011

Assignment: Summary of Pancasila

Pancasila is the basic ideology of the State and the Indonesian nation of
the archipelago is separated by thousands of islands.The basic formulation of
the Indonesian nation was first submitted by the first president of the Republic
of Indonesia namely Ir. Soekarno on June 1, 1945. Pancasila comes from two
words namely Panca and Sila taken from Sanskrit, Panca which means five and
Silaberarti principle.

In the course of the preparation of Pancasila is not easy starting from the
defeat of Japan to allies in the Pacific war is clearly written in the book
Citizenship Education (Pkn). This urged General Koaiki Koisi who was then
serving as Prime Minister of Japan to take a policy to announce a declaration on
September 7, 1944. It turned out that what Koisi wanted to announce was a plan
to free the Equator when Japan won the War in East Asia .The announcement is
expected that the allied forces are grasping the power of their independence,
cunning, that is the word we might be able to say.

Starting from that event then became the forerunner of the birth of
Pancasila as the ideology and the basis of the state of Indonesia. On March 1,
Kumakichi Harada formed Dokuritsu Junbi Cosaika BPUPKI, a body in charge
of investigating the preparation for independence. When BPUPKI was formally
established on 29 April 1945, where Radjiman Wedyodininggrat was appointed
as chairman accompanied by Raden Pandji Soeroso and one Japanese as vice
chairman. When established BPUPKI had 67 members with 7 of whom were
Japanese who had no voting rights.Tepat On May 28, 1945, BPUPKI held their
first meeting held in the Volksraad, Pejambon 6, Central Jakarta. On the first
day's siding it was just an inauguration ceremony of BPUPKI, and the siding
actually started on the next day for four consecutive days. In the trial
Muhammad Yamin delivered his speech and formulated it to be the beginning
of history for the birth of Pancasila as the ideology and foundation of the State
of Indonesia, namely the ideology of nationalism, the ideology of humanity, the
ideology of divinity, the popular ideology, and the ideology of prosperity.

Finally on June 1 stipulated Pancasila day, today 1 June exactly 72 years

is the day of the birth of Pancasila. The decision of June 1 as the day of
Pancasila because on that date the first President of the Republic of Indonesia,
Bung Karno first pronounced the word Pancasila at the Preparation of
Indonesian Independence Agency (BPUPKI) which at that time he has not been
appointed president. The following is an excerpt of Bung Karno's speech on
June 1, 1945: "The basis of the State, namely the foundation upon which the
Free Indonesia was founded, must be firmly established so as not to be easily
shaken. That the basis of the State is the hendknya soul, the deepest thoughts,
the deepest desires to be built on it is the building of Indonesia Merdeka eternal
and eternal. Indonesia Country of Indonesia should reflect the personality of
Indonesia with the absolute nature of its Indonesianness and all that can be Also
unites the entire nation of Indonesia consisting of various tribes, streams, and
population groups ".

Bung Karno's proposal was then taken seriously, and then formed the Nine
committee consisting of Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Marami Abikoesno,
Abdul Kahar, Agus Salim, Achmad Soebardjo, Muhammad Yamin, and Wahid
Hasjim. This committee then served to reformulate the Pancasila that has been
triggered by Sukarno in his speech. But Pancasila proposed by Sukarno at that
time is very different from the Pancasila we are today. The difference is mainly
in terms of redaction, cathartic, or sequence sila-silanya. Notice the Pancasila
proposed by Sukarno at that time:
1. Kebangsaan Indonesia

2. Internasinalisme atau peri kemanusiaan

3. Mufakat atau demokrasi

4. Kesejahteraan social

5. Ketuhanan yang berkebudayaan

Of course quite different from the official manuscripts of Pancasila that we

know today, namely:
1. Ketuhanan yang maha Esa

2. Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab

3. Persatuan Indonesia

4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmah kebijaksanaan dalam

permusyawaratan perwakilan

5. Keadilan bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia

The official text of the Pancasila was officially adopted on 18 August 1945,
one day after Indonesia's independence through the meeting of the Committee
for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence (PPKI), together with the
passing of the 1945 Constitution as the constitution of the State. To be able to
implement Pancasila as the basic ideology of the State as well as the way of life
of the people of Indonesia, Pancasila is translated into Pancasila points:

1. Belief in the One and Only God:

• The Indonesian nation expresses its trust and devotion to the Almighty God.
• Indonesian people believe and piety towards God Almighty, in accordance
with their respective religions and beliefs.
• Develop a respectful attitude of respect and collaboration between believers
with different believers to the Almighty God.
• Fostering the harmony of life among fellow believers and belief in the
omniscient god.
• Develop mutual respect for freedom of worship.

1. Just and Equal Humanity:

• Recognize and treat human beings according to dignity and dignity as God's
omnipresent beings.
• Dealing with equality of equality, equality of rights and basic obligations
setioap human, without distinction of tribe, religion, belief, sex, social position,
skin color and so on.
• Develop mutual loving attitude of humans.
• Develop an attitude of mutual tolerance and remain [selira.
• Develop a non-arbitrary attitude toward others.
• Uphold the value of humanity.
• Dare to defend truth and justice.
• The Indonesian nation feels itself as a part of all humanity.
• Develop respectful deeds and work with other nations.

1. Unity of Indonesia.

• Able to place unity, unity, and the interests and safety of the nation and state
as personal and group interests.
• Be willing and willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the State and the nation if
• Develop a sense of national pride and land in Indonesia.
• Maintaining a world order based on lasting peace and social justice.
• Developing Indonesian unity on the basis of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
• Promote social relationships for the sake of national unity and unity.
1. Citizenship Lead by Wisdom of Wisdom In Consultation /

• As citizens and communities of every human being Indonesia has the same
status, rights and duties.
• No bolek forcing the will to others.
• Prioritize musyawrah in making decisions for the common good.
• Deliberation for consensus is overwhelmed by the spirit of kinship.
• Respect and uphold any decisions achieved as hasiol deliberations
• In good faith and responsibility to carry out the decision result.
• Giving trust to trusted representatives to carry out deliberations.
• Deliberation is done with common sense and in accordance with a noble

1. Social Justice for All Indonesians:

• Develop noble deeds, reflecting the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and
mutual cooperation.
• Develop a fair attitude toward others.
• Maintain a balance between rights and obligations.
• Respect the rights of others.
• Likes to give help to others to stand on their own.
• No use of proprietary rights for extortion attempts, waste and harm to the
public interest.
• Likes to work hard.
• Like to respect the work of others who are beneficial to the progress and
general welfare.
• Likes to do activities in order to realize the progress of equitable and social

Indonesia is a State based on Pancasila, which means neither an Islamic

State nor a Secular State.Pancasila is a summary of compromises and
agreements that were previously very difficult to achieve among the founders of
this State. Prophet Muhammad SAW has taught and modeled Muslims about
how to coexist with different racial, ethnic, national, and religious differences.
As this has been written in the Medina Charter. Regarding worldly affairs,
Muslims are given the impression to regulate it, but still must be based on
taa'bbud.Tanpa this ta'abbud goal, undoubtedly the life we live to be empty with
no meaningful purpose.

Pancasila as the basic ideology of the State formed in 1945. Pancasila as

the basis of the State of Indonesia can be defined as a ideology berketuhanan,
humanity, unity, democracy and justice. Pancasila as ideology and the basis of
the State, actually has a harmony with ajaean Islam as the majority religion of
the people of Indonesia, it is also seen that the Pancasila formulated by figures
who are Muslim majority. With the momentum of this Pancasila Day, actually
let us re-instill in the heart , our souls and minds that Indonesia as a nation that
berideologi Pancasila.Semangat Pancasila is the spirit of persatya and unity that
is applied in life berkeuhanan the Almighty, Realizing a just and civilized
humanity in all forms of life action, and social justice for all people
Indonesia.Mari love Pancasila by applying behaviors that uphold the value of
Godhead, serenity, deliberation, equality of degrees, mutual help and mutual

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